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      • A Study on the Formation and Improvement of Korea’s Migration Law from the Perspective of Constitutional History

        ( Choi Yoon-cheol ) 건국대학교 이주사회통합연구소 2024 Journal of Migration and Social Integration (JMSI) Vol.9 No.1

        The “myth” of a single nation based on pure blood was defined in various laws such as the Constitution, the Nationality Act, and the Civil Act, and based on this, social order was formed and living relations were formed. However, rapid and fundamental changes in the social structure, such as the demographic structure and industrial structure of Korea, have led to doubts and changes in these “myths.” In line with changes in the international community in the early 1990s, Korean society experienced many foreigners that had not been experienced before. In particular, changes in the demographic structure caused by industrial development and structural changes were difficult to respond to with only a single pure blooded citizen, resulting in a large influx of foreigners. In the changed industrial structure, changes in the labor market, labor shortage, low birth rate and aging population, rapid urbanization, and hollowing out rural areas have raised doubts about the competitiveness and sustainability of Korean society. It is important to look at legislation for the acceptance, integration, and coexistence of migrant foreigners as one of the sustainable alternatives for Korean society, which is combined with structural changes and the surge in migrant foreigners. Existing studies focused on finding problems and prospects from a microscopic perspective, focusing on individual laws and policies targeting foreigners and migrants. However, discussions on a macro perspective that looks at the entire legal system related to foreigners and migrants under the framework of the constitutional history are a more suitable way to reorganize the relevant legal system and establish consistent policies. Against the backdrop of the reality of migration in Korea, migration-related laws are reviewed in terms of constitutional history. It briefly examines the characteristics and contents of the constitutional amendment and major migration-related laws enacted or revised during that period, and makes suggestions on the direction of improving the current migration legislation.

      • KCI등재

        헌정사적 측면에서 본 이주법제 형성과 개선방안에 관한 연구

        최윤철 인하대학교 법학연구소 2023 法學硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        The “myth” of a single nation based on pure blood was defined in various laws such as the Constitution, the Nationality Act, and the Civil Act, and based on this, social order was formed and living relations were formed. However, rapid and fundamental changes in the social structure, such as the demographic structure and industrial structure of Korea, have led to doubts and changes in these “myths.” In line with changes in the international community in the early 1990s, Korean society experienced many foreigners that had not been experienced before. In particular, changes in the demographic structure caused by industrial development and structural changes were difficult to respond to with only a single pure blooded citizen, resulting in a large influx of foreigners. In the changed industrial structure, changes in the labor market, labor shortage, low birth rate and aging population, rapid urbanization, and hollowing out rural areas have raised doubts about the competitiveness and sustainability of Korean society. It is important to look at legislation for the acceptance, integration, and coexistence of migrant foreigners as one of the sustainable alternatives for Korean society, which is combined with structural changes and the surge in migrant foreigners. Existing studies focused on finding problems and prospects from a microscopic perspective, focusing on individual laws and policies targeting foreigners and migrants. However, discussions on a macro perspective that looks at the entire legal system related to foreigners and migrants under the framework of the constitutional history are a more suitable way to reorganize the relevant legal system and establish consistent policies. Against the backdrop of the reality of migration in Korea, migration-related laws are reviewed in terms of constitutional history. It briefly examines the characteristics and contents of the constitutional amendment and major migration-related laws enacted or revised during that period, and makes suggestions on the direction of improving the current migration legislation. 순혈에 기반한 단일민족이라는 ‘신화’는 헌법을 비롯한 국적법, 민법 등 여러 법률 속에 규정되었으며, 이에 기초하여 사회질서가 형성되고 생활 관계가 이루어졌다. 그러나한국의 인구구조, 산업구조 등 사회구조의 급격하고 근본적인 변화는 이러한 ‘신화’들에대한 의심과 변화를 가져왔다. 1990년대 초 국제사회의 변화와 맞물려 한국 사회는 이전까지 경험하지 못하였던 많은 외국인들을 경험하게 되었다. 특히, 산업발전과 구조변화가 불러온 인구구조 변화는 순혈 단일국민만으로는 대응하기 어려워서 많은 외국인의유입을 불러왔다. 구조적 변화와 이주외국인 급증이 맞물려 있는 현재 한국사회가 지속가능할 수 있는대안 중 하나로서 이주외국인 수용과 통합, 공존을 위한 법제를 살피는 것이 중요하다. 기존의 연구들이 미시적 관점에서 외국인과 이주자를 적용 대상으로 하는 개별 법률과정책들을 중심으로 문제점과 전망을 구하는 것에 중점이 있었다. 그러나 헌정사를 틀로하여 외국인과 이주자와 관련한 법체계 전체를 조망하는 거시적 입장의 논의는 관련 법체계를 정비하고 일관된 정책을 수립하기 위한 보다 적합한 방법이다. 외국인과 이주자는 나와 동등한 가치를 가지는 존엄한 인간이다. 이주자는 수단이 아니라 목적 그 자체이다. 이주자와 선주민의 통합을 통한 사회의 지속적 유지와 발전을위해서 유입국은 이주자들의 지위, 권리 보장과 보호를 위한 진지한 헌법적 고민을 하여야 한다. 한국의 이주 현실을 배경으로 이주 관련 법률들을 헌정사 측면에서 검토한다. 헌법 개정과 그 기간 중 제정되거나 개정된 주요 이주 관련 법률들의 특징과 내용을 간략히 살펴보고 현행 이주법제 개선 방향에 대한 제언을 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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