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        지능형제품디자인 방법에 기초한 지능형 종이접기의 개발과 평가

        곽소나 한국기초조형학회 2015 기초조형학연구 Vol.16 No.5

        이 연구의 목적은 정보통신기술 및 로봇기술을 기존 제품에 접목하여 지능화하는 지능형제품디자인 방법을 제안하고, 이를 활용하여 기존의 종이접기를 지능화한 지능형 종이접기를 개발하는 데에 있다. 지능형제품디자인에 관한 이론적 배경을 토대로 지능형제품디자인 방법을 모체제품 분석, 모체제품의 지능화, 지능형제품에 대한 평가의 세 단계로 제안하고, 제안한 지능형제품디자인 방법을 기초로 지능형 종이접기를 개발하였다. 지능형 종이접기는 지능형 종이접기 키트와 종이접기용 색종이로 구성된다. 지능형 종이접기 키트는 광센서, 소리센서, 자기센서 등의 입력 모듈과 LED, 스피커 등의출력 모듈, 그리고 메인보드 모듈로 구성되며, 사용자가 다양한 입력 모듈과 출력 모듈을 통해 본인이 원하는 상호작용을디자인할 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 자기센서 모듈과 스피커 모듈을 이용하여, 자석을 부착한 파리 종이접기 모형을 가까이접근시키면 “개굴 개굴” 소리를 재생하는 지능형 개구리 종이접기 모형을 제작하였다. 일반 종이접기와 지능형 종이접기에 대한 사용자 인식과 소비자 수용도를 알아보기 위한 실험을 실시하였다. 실험 결과, 피험자들은 지능형 종이접기를 일반 종이접기보다 흥미롭고 교육 도구로서 유용하다고 평가하였다. 또한 일반 종이접기보다 지능형 종이접기를 제품으로서 보다 긍정적으로 평가하였고, 일반 종이접기보다 지능형 종이접기에 대해 보다 높은 구매의사를 보이며, 구매의사 금액에 있어서도 2 배 이상 높은 금액을 나타냈다. The objectives of this study are to suggest the intelligent product design method which intelligentizes an existing common product by applying information & communication technologies and robotic technologies and to develop the intelligent origami by intelligentizing a common origami. In this study, the intelligent product design method was proposed as three steps including analysis of a mother product, intelligentization of the mother product, and evaluation of the intelligent product. Based on the proposed method, the intelligent origami was developed. The intelligent origami is composed of intelligent origami kit and colored papers for origami. The intelligent origami kit consists of input modules, such as light sensors, sound sensors, magnetic sensors, and output modules including LED, speakers, and a main board module. Users can design diverse interaction using various input and output modules. In this study, by using a magnetic sensor module and a speaker module, an intelligent frog origami was developed. The intelligent frog origami detects a fly origami which a magnet is embedded in and generates the croaking sound of a frog. An experiment was executed to investigate users’ perception and customers’ acceptance of the common origami and the intelligent origami. As a result, the participants evaluated the intelligent origami more enjoyable and useful as an educational tool than the common origami, and they evaluated the intelligent origami more positively than the common origami as a product. In addition, the participants in the intelligent origami condition showed higher purchase intention than those in the common origami condition, and their willingness to pay for the intelligent origami was more than double that for the common origami.

      • KCI등재

        오리가미 표현기법이 나타난 헤어조형작품연구

        조은아 ( Eun-a Cho ),김성남 ( Sung-nam Kim ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2017 미용예술경영연구 Vol.11 No.1

        종이접기란 종이를 오리거나 풀칠하기보다 접어서 각종 조형물을 만드는 놀이이자 조형예술이며 ‘오리가미(origami)’라는 용어로 널리 알려져 있으며 평면과 입체 등으로 조형적 재구성이 가능하여 표현할 수 없는 것이 없을 정도이다. 종이접기는 손에서 손으로 전승되어 왔기 때문에 기원에 대해서는 정확히 알 수가 없지만, 오리가미 기법은 여러 세대를 거치면서 일본 문화에 정착하게 되며 20세기에 들어와서 오늘날과 같은 종이접기가 되었다. 오리가미 표현기법 중하나인 유닛(Unit)오리가미라 불리는 표현방법으로는 하나의 오리가미기법을 이용하고 만들어진 같은 형태의 오리가미를 다시 꺾거나 끼워 조합하여 기하학적인 조형물로 완성시키는 작품이다. 국내외에서는 오리가미의 특성이 실린 참신하고 매력적인 아이디어의 디자인 개발이 지속적으로 이루어지고 있으나 헤어조형물로 표현한 연구는 전무한 설정이다. 본 연구에서는 오리가미표현기법 중 유닛오리가미 기법의 특징인 규칙적인 각각의 모듈을 연결하여 작품의 전체적인 형태는 일정한 패턴의 모양이 반복되어 안정된 구조가 형성될 수 있도록 창의적인 조형물을 제시하였다. 오리가미를 활용한 헤어조형물 제작으로 오리가미표현기법을 응용하여 헤어조형의 새로운 디자인 개발로 이어져 영역의 확장으로 새로운 형식의 헤어조형 디자인을 제시하고자 한다. 향후 연구에서는 이 연구를 통하여 다양한 기법의 오리가미형식과 다양한 컬러를 활용하여 헤어조형물의 범위가 연구가 지속된다면 창의적이고 예술적인 기법으로 확장될 것이라 기대한다. Origami is folding paper, cut or paste a column, rather than making fun of various sculptures and fine arts as ‘origami called’, such as the widely-known Origami plane allows a three-dimensional representation of the formative to the rebuild fails. Origami is from hand to hand victory because it is the origin of the number, but are unsure about the origami technique for generations settled in Japan through culture and came into the 20th century, today’s origami. In the 1990s the unit origami called geometric johyeongmuli sensational. Express way is one of the origami techniques are made using the same form of origami that dampen or put back the combination works. Currently, both at home and abroad, the novelty and attractive characteristics of loaded origami idea connected to steadily develop the design hair sculptures representing research is set to no. Unit origami techniques featuring works by connecting a regular each module’s overall form in the shape of a regular pattern, forming a stable repeat structure so that it can be presented creative sculptures. Origami for hair sculpture with making Origami Express, hair molding using a technique developed as an extension of the zone as a new design of a new type of hair molding design. Future research this research through a variety of techniques of origami format and take advantage of a variety of colored hair sculptures range studies have expanded into a creative and artistic techniques continues to be.

      • KCI등재

        오리가미의 가변적 특성을 적용한 3D 프린팅 텍스타일 디자인

        장해림 사단법인 한국조형디자인협회 2023 조형디자인연구 Vol.26 No.3

        본 연구는 조합한 오리가미 패턴을 메쉬 원단에 PLA 소재로 3D 프린팅함으로써 텍스타일 구조의 다양한 변형 가능성을 실험한 3D 프린팅 텍스타일 디자인 연구이다. 오리가미의 가변적 특성을 탐구하여 평면적으로는 가방, 입체적으로는 포장 및 오브제인 다용도로 활용 가능한 3D 프린팅 텍스타일 구조의 가능성을 제시하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 연구를 위해서 문헌 조사 및 인터넷 검색을 바탕으로 오리가미의 개념 및 특성을 이해하고 오리가미의 가변적 특성을 적용한 텍스타일 디자인 및 기존 섬유와 융합한 3D 프린팅 텍스타일 디자인 사례를 탐색한다. 그리고 도서에서 발췌한 오리가미의 기본적 도안들을 조합하여 메쉬 원단에 3D 프린팅함으로써 다용도를 위한 텍스타일의 가변적인 구조를 탐구한다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 오리가미를 적용한 텍스타일 디자인 사례를 분석한 결과 펼친 평평한 상태와 접은 입체적인 상태의 두 영역 모두에서 실용 가능한 사례를 찾기 어려웠으며, 대부분 하나의 상품에는 한 가지 방향으로 접는 방식이 전개됨을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 서로 다른 방향으로 접히는 네 가지 오리가미 패턴을 3D 모델링하고 메쉬 원단에 3D 프린팅한 후 원단의 상하나 좌우를 연결하여 접히는 구조를 실습하였다. 그리고 두 가지 이상의 오리가미 패턴들을 한 장의 원단에 3D 프린팅하여 서로 다른 패턴들을 조합하여 평면으로는 가방, 입체로는 포장의 기능이 기대되는 구조적 변형의 가능성을 제시하였다. 셋째, PLA 소재와 메쉬 원단과의 융합은 유연성과 견고함이라는 소재적 특성이 상호보완되어 오리가미가 적용된 포장 및 가방으로의 쓰임에 적합하였다. 오리가미의 가변성을 적용한 다용도의 텍스타일 구조의 가능성을 환경친화적인 용도로 발전시키고자 하는 착상에 연구의 의의가 있다. This study is a 3D printing textile design study that tested the possibility of various modifications of the textile structure by 3D printing combined origami patterns with PLA material on mesh fabric. The purpose of the study is to explore the variable characteristics of origami and present the possibility of a multi-purpose 3D printed textile structure that can be used as a bag in two dimensions and packaging and objects in three dimensions. For the study, we understand the concept and characteristics of origami based on literature research and Internet searches, and explore examples of textile design that applies the variable characteristics of origami and 3D printing textile design that combines existing fibers. And by combining basic origami designs extracted from books and 3D printing them on mesh fabric, we explore the variable structure of textiles for versatility. The results of the study are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing textile design cases using origami, it was difficult to find practical examples in both the unfolded flat state and the folded three-dimensional state, and it was found that most single products were folded in one direction. Second, we 3D modeled four origami patterns that fold in different directions, 3D printed them on mesh fabric, and practiced the folding structure by connecting the top or left and right sides of the fabric. And by combining different patterns by 3D printing two or more origami patterns on a single piece of fabric, the possibility of structural transformation was presented, which is expected to function as a bag in two dimensions and as a packaging in three dimensions. Third, the fusion of PLA material and mesh fabric complemented the material characteristics of flexibility and sturdiness, making it suitable for use as origami-applied packaging and bags. The significance of the research lies in the idea of developing the possibility of a versatile textile structure using the variability of origami for environmentally friendly use.

      • 생체모사 오리가미 기반 로봇 설계

        백상민(Sang-Min Baek),임소정(Sojung Yim),채수환(Soo-Hwan Chae),조규진(Kyu-Jin Cho) 대한기계학회 2021 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2021 No.11

        Various exploration robots have been developed to perform search and rescue in environments inaccessible to humans. These robots can increase the success rate and progress of missions by putting multiple robots at the exploration site. In this respect, origami-based robots that can be folded in tight spaces have the advantage. To utilize the origami-based structure, the joint stiffness is required. The origami-structured joint is thin, and difficult to attach additional elements such as a spring to increase joint stiffness. Therefore, the origami-based structure mainly utilizes the positional relationship between the rigid facets to ensure structural stiffness. This method requires multiple joints and facets, making the origami structure complex and large. In this paper, we propose a bioinspired origami structure. The origami structure has joint stiffness without additional elements, which doesn’t compromise advantages of origami structure. Using the proposed origami structure, we have developed a deployable glider and a jumping robot.

      • Hydrogel-laden substrates for origami-based tissue engineering

        황석연 한국공업화학회 2015 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2015 No.1

        In this study, we present a novel method to assemble biofunctionalized paper into 3-dimensionally (3D) structured complex scaffold system for reliable tissue regeneration through origami-based method. The surface of paper scaffold was conformally modified with poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) (PSMa) layer via initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) followed by immobilization of poly-L-lysine (PLL) and Ca<sup>2+</sup>. This procedure ensures the gelation of a thin cell laden-alginate hydrogel film strongly adhesive on the paper substrate due to the diffusion of Ca<sup>2+</sup> to form electrostatic interaction between the hydrogel film and PLL. The developed scaffold system was highly versatile, allowing area-selective cell seeding, which enabled the hydrogel-cell laden paper scaffold to achieve optimal biological cues for the regeneration of desired tissue. In addition, the paper-based scaffold can be folded freely into 3D tissue-like structures by simple origami-based method. Hydrogel-chondrocyte-laden cylindrical shaped paper origami was transplanted into three-ring defect trachea in rabbit for tracheal reconstruction. Transplanted engineered tissues replaced the native trachea without stenosis after 4 weeks. As for the custom-built scaffold system, the origami-based 3D scaffold system will provide a robust and versatile method to form complex tissues mimicking native tissue constructs. Keywords: Paper scaffolds, origami, tissue engineering, hydrogel, initiated chemical vapor deposition

      • KCI등재후보

        Origami구조와 Tensegrity구조를 결합한 Deformable Patrol Robot

        손현아,이수진,이연석,케빈 오렐,한민우 한국스마트치안학회 2023 스마트치안연구 Vol.4 No.2

        In mountainous and valley areas, where wandering off hiking trails, accidents around valleys, and related missing persons and crimes frequently occur, this paper proposes a new type of Patrol Robot that integrates Origami and Tensegrity structures. This robot features Origami wheels that offer height adjustment, enhancing its ability to navigate various terrains. The wheel structure is designed to be flexible, adapting to changing terrain conditions. The Tensegrity structure allows for the adjustment of the robot's width, enabling it to move through narrow spaces. This structural flexibility is crucial in effectively overcoming the diverse obstacles found in mountainous and valley areas. The system transmits live CCTV footage and allows for efficient control of the robot from a control center. Thus, this paper presents the results of a study on how the combination of Origami wheels and Tensegrity structures creates an effective Patrol Robot. It also includes test results on how this system can be practically used in the field.

      • KCI등재

        십이지(十二支) 동물의 종이접기 기법을 응용한 가방 디자인

        서명철,오유진,이연희 한국의상디자인학회 2022 한국의상디자인학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to attempt to diversify artistic expression through combinations of the twelve zodiac animals and origami techniques and to propose new directions for fashion design by applying these to fashion accessory bag designs. For the research method, this study researched the representative forms and characteristics of twelve zodiac animals based on the cultural background. Also, diverse cases of origami techniques were sought to apply them to the development of bags. The results are as follows. First, expressed forms of the Chinese zodiac were newly expanded by realizing the form of Chinese zodiac animals through various origami techniques. Origami work displays abstract visual effects rather than intuitive feelings or expressions of flat designs. With this, detailed realizations could be made through the characteristics and cultural implications of animals. Second, the work created in this study utilized zero-waste patterns that use origami techniques on one whole piece. During pattern production, folded parts were marked without waste and the outer fabric and lining were produced. Patterns were all symmetrical lines so most forms were expressed with squares and equilateral triangles. Third, through actual work produced using fabric instead of paper, effects that are brought about through folding are determined in diverse ways according to fabric textures or material types and thicknesses. When paper is folded, shapes are created as folded, but fabric requires the use of supportive material to create the effects of origami. Polyester and blended fabric were easy to use with high levels of function and practicality. Through such diverse production attempts, fixing methods, hand sewing, sewing machines, double-sided tape, and leather adhesive were used.

      • 運用折紙作輔助教材能夠提昇漢字學習的初探

        李潔芳 한국한자한문교육학회 2013 국제한국한자한문교육학회 학술대회 Vol.2013 No.1

        In teaching a Putonghua lesson of the Chinese as a Second Language programme in Australia, I used the activity of folding an "Origami boat" that initiated students’ interest in learning origami. Similarly, in teaching Chinese to ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, origami is also the most popular activity. It is definitely a learning catalyt and stimulant. There was a student who described writing Chinese characters is as difficult as "alien culture", but in marking students’ work, it was found that many students can write Chinese characters correctly and neatly. Thus is there any relevancy between origami and writing Chinese characters? Chinese characters are square and the majority of origami projects uses square papers. The origami steps follow the basic form, with basic folds and symbols, according to a certain logical sequence to fold and combine. It will use the quadrilateral, triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, polygon, and other forms. Are there any similarities in the radicals, components and strokes of Chinese characters? This is what we need scholars to explore in depth.

      • KCI등재

        A Review on Hierarchical Origami and Kirigami Structure for Engineering Applications

        박정재,Phillip Won,고승환 한국정밀공학회 2019 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.6 No.1

        Origami and kirigami originally serving as the ancient papercraft techniques also provide the way of developing functional hierarchical structures for various engineering applications, for example, stretchable energy devices, wearable sensors, and self-folding scaffolds with tissue engineering, etc. The techniques based on origami/kirigami concept involve folding and cutting of substrates to provide a wide range of applications in different length scale from meter to micro/nanometer size. This simple but unique technique realizes facile and easily accessible modulation of material for mechanical, electrical, and optical properties. Furthermore, development of various origami/kirigami fabrication processes in previous researches has a vast range of material choices, from familiar materials like paper, fabric and metal sheets to advanced materials such as 2D materials and nanocomposites, by introducing computer-aided cutting, lithography/etching and direct-printing process. The modulated characteristics, as exemplified by reconfigurability, ultra-stretchability, and electrical reliability, empower wide fields of researchers to construct functional structures for diverse engineering applications. In this paper, we will discuss on the background of origami/kirigami structures, then introduce fabrication techniques and characterization of the structures and review a wide field of engineering applications like energy harvesting/storage, bioengineering, and healthcare devices for unconventional applications.

      • KCI등재

        오리가미의 조형적 특성을 응용한 융합 가방디자인 연구

        허지호(Heu, Ji Ho),노윤선(Roh, Youn Sun) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2020 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.38 No.5

        현대 사회는 개개인의 개성을 살릴 수 있는 디자인을 선호하고 공예적인 요소와 트렌디한 감성을 담은 제품으로 소비자의 감성을 자극하여 판매까지 이어지는 전략을 추구하는 사회로 변화하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 오리가미의 조형적 특성을 응용한 가방 디자인을 개발하여 현대인의 다양한 개성과 취향을 반영한 작품을 개발해 보고자 하는데서 시작하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 오리가미 기법의 공예적인 미와 핸드 페인팅의 창의적인 감성이 더해진 융합 가방 디자인 방법으로 연구하여 다양한 적용 및 발전 가능성을 제시하는데 이행하였다. 연구결과 및 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 오리가미의 조형적 특성 중 하나는 반복적인 접힘이며 이러한 반복성에 의해 만들어지는 선은 리듬감과 율동성을 느끼게 한다. 둘째, 오리가미와 페인팅 기법을 융합하여 가방 디자인에 적용했을 시 공예적 요소와 핸드 페인팅의 작품성이 고부부가 가치 디자인으로 재탄생될 수 있었다. 셋째, 오리가미의 기법은 한 장의 원단을 가지고 작업하는 것이 기본이기 때문에 제로웨이스트에 접근하기에 용이한 기법임을 알 수 있었다. 연구 결과를 바탕으로 가방뿐만 아니라 의류, 예술작품 등의 융복합 디자인 개발에 다양하게 적용할 수 있음을 확인하였고 향후 현대 패션 디자인의 조형성을 연구하는 데 있어서 기초적인 연구 자료로 활용될 수 있기를 기대한다. Modern society is changing to a society that prefers designs that can save individual personality and pursues strategies that stimulate consumer sensibility and lead to sales with products that contain crafty elements and trendy sensibilities. Thus, this study was started by developing a bag design using the sculptural characteristics of origami to develop a work that reflects the diverse personalities and tastes of modern people. The purpose of this study is to study the artificial beauty of origami techniques and the fusion bag design method with the creative sensibility of hand painting to present various application and development possibilities. The results and contents of the study are as follows. First, one of the formative properties of origami is repetitive folding, and the lines created by this repeatability make it feel rhythmic and rhythmic. Second, the artificial elements and hand painting applied to the bag design by combining origami and painting techniques. The quality could be reborn as a high-value-added design. Third, we could see that origami"s technique is easy to access zero-waist because it is basic to work with a single fabric. Based on the research results, it has been confirmed that it can be applied in various ways to develop fusion designs such as clothes and artwork as well as bags, and it is expected to be used as basic research material for researching the plasticity of modern fashion designs in the future.

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