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      • KCI등재

        국내 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 활성화를 위한 요구사항 분석

        강영옥,권회윤 대한공간정보학회 2015 Spatial Information Research Vol.23 No.6

        Recently, the open source software market is becoming bigger and bigger as its demand keeps increasing worldwide. A variety of policies have been driven in Korea in order to vitalize the open source software. However, the performance for vitalizing the open source GIS software has not been initiated yet. The purpose of this research is to generate the support plan to vitalize the domestic open source GIS software which is appropriate for real field by analyzing the actual demand and user requirements. For this purpose we reviewed all the researches related to the vitalization of the open source software and conducted a survey based on the awareness of the open source GIS software, the current vitalization status, the adoption intent and necessary strategies for vitalization. According to the survey, the intent of adopting the open source GIS software is relatively high in both enterprises(97%) and universities(89%). On the other hand it is very low in public organizations(69%). As a result, the survey implies that more intense public relations are needed to escalate the awareness of the open source GIS software in the public organizations. In addition, the survey shows that both education and technology support are definitely needed as a strategies for the vitalization of the open source GIS software. We expect that this research can be utilized as a basic material for the policy making of the vitalization of the open source GIS software in Korea in the future. 최근 오픈소스 소프트웨어에 대한 수요가 높아지면서 오픈소스 소프트웨어 시장은 더 커지고 있으며, 국내에서도 오픈소스 소프트웨어를 활성화하기 위한 다양한 정책이 추진되고 있다. 하지만 아직까지 공간정보 분야의 오픈소스 소프트웨어 활성화를 위한 노력은 거의 이루어진 바 없다. 본 논문은 국내 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 사용자 요구사항을 분석하여 활용 현장에 적합한 활성화 지원방안을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 오픈소스 소프트웨어 분야에서 추진된 활성화 관련 연구를 검토하고, 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어의 인지도, 활용현황, 도입의향 및 활성화 지원방안 등에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어의 도입 의향은 기업에서 97%, 학교에서 89%로 높았으나 공공기관에서는 69%로 나타나 공공기관의 인지도 개선을 위한 홍보 활동이 필요함을 시사 하였다. 또한 대부분의 응답자가 활성화 지원방안으로 교육 기회와 기술 지원이 가장 필요하다고 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 본 논문은 향후 국내 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 활성화를 위한 정책 수립의 기초 자료로 활용될 것으로 기대된다.

      • The Impact of Community and Commercial Open Source Software on the Quality Strategies of Software Producers

        Mingqing Xing,Lu Shen 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Scienc Vol.9 No.6

        This study investigates how open source software can play influences on the quality choices of commercial open source and proprietary software providers. It considers two types of open source software: community open source and commercial open source, and assumes that the usability of commercial open source software is better than community open source substitute but inferior to proprietary substitute. It finds that: (i) the functional quality of proprietary software decreases as the functional quality of community open source software increases, but it may increase as the usability of community open source software increases; (ii) even if commercial open source producers must open the source codes of their quality contributions, they have incentive to enhance the functional quality of community open source software; (iii) the influence of community open source software’s quality (usability or functional quality) or commercial open source software’s usability on the functional quality of commercial open source and proprietary software may be not same; (iv) the appearance of commercial open source software may lead to proprietary software producers lowering their software functional quality.

      • KCI등재

        오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 도입 가이드라인 연구

        강영옥,손세린 한국지도학회 2017 한국지도학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Recently, with the growth of open source software based on openness and innovation, there is a growing interest in open source software in the field of GIS. The United States Department of Defense, the United Nations, the European Union and France have introduced open source GIS software, which has been recognized for its performance, reliability and security. In this way, the introduction of open source GIS software in the GIS software market, which was previously proprietary to commercial software, is increasing both domestically and abroad, but there are risks associated with the introduction of open source software. Therefore, for the introduction of successful open source software, introduction guidelines should be systematically analyzed to introduce the existing open source spatial information software adoption cases and to deal with step-by-step considerations. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the introduction of open source spatial GIS software in the public sector through case study of open source GIS software and research analysis of open source GIS software adoption guideline. 최근 개방성과 혁신성을 기반으로 하는 오픈소스 소프트웨어의 성장에 따라 공간정보 분야에서도 오픈소스 소프트웨어에대한 관심이 증가하며 미국 국방성, UN(United Nations), EU(European Union), 프랑스 등에서 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어가도입되어 그 성능과 신뢰성, 보안성 등을 인정받고 있다. 이처럼 기존에 상용 소프트웨어가 독점하던 공간정보 시장에서 오픈소스공간정보 소프트웨어의 도입 사례는 국내외적으로 증가하고 있으나 오픈소스 소프트웨어 도입에 따르는 위험도 발생하고 있으며도입 실패사례도 있다. 따라서 성공적인 오픈소스 소프트웨어의 도입을 위해 기존의 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 도입 사례에대한 체계적인 분석 및 도입 단계별 고려사항을 다루는 도입 가이드라인이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 오픈소스 소프트웨어 도입가이드라인을 사전단계, 도입단계, 사후단계로 나누어 분석하고 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 도입 가이드라인을 단계별로 제시하였다. 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 도입 사례 및 오픈소스 도입 가이드라인 연구 분석을 통해 공공부문의 오픈소스 공간정보소프트웨어 도입 활성화에 기여하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        국내 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 생태계 분석

        강영옥,강애띠,권회윤 대한공간정보학회 2014 Spatial Information Research Vol.22 No.6

        These days open source softwares are being introduced and applied in many countries in the world. Especially, both government and private companies tend to become an spearhead in vitalizing the open source software. In this paper we try to check the degree of vitalizations in open source GIS software and to draw implications in vitalizing ecosystem of open source GIS software. Key players of open source GIS software ecosystem are government, private companies, academic and research institutes, and nonprofit foundations. Government does not have very little policies related to the investment and the support of open source GIS software. Private companies related to the open source GIS software are very few in the number and do not have any clear business model to make a profit. Academic and research institutes are weak in using the open source GIS software, which can be an major obstacle to cultivate software developers. OSGeo Korean branch, established in 2009, is the only nonprofit foundation in Korea which makes an effort to vitalize the open source GIS software, but its results are not very strong up to now in view of both quality and invigoration. In order to vitalize the open source GIS software ecosystem, lots of efforts of key players are needed. Especially, government efforts are very important because it can provide a trigger in vitalizing the open source GIS software ecosystem. The tasks that government should propel are R&D investment, test bed projects in the area of public sector, professional manpower training, and international cooperation and marketing. 최근 전 세계적으로 많은 국가에서 오픈소스 소프트웨어의 도입 및 활용이 크게 늘고 있다. 특히 오픈소스 소프트웨어의 활성화를 위해 정부와 민간 기업이 적극적으로 나서고 있는 추세이다. 본 논문에서는 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 생태계 활성화정도를 확인하고, 생태계 활성화를 위한 시사점을 도출해 보고자 하였다. 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 생태계의 주요 역할자는 정부, 기업, 학계 및 연구계, 비영리재단 등이다. 정부는 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어에 대한 R&D 투자나 지원에 대한 정책을 갖고 있지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 관련기업은 그 숫적인 측면에서도 작을 뿐만 아니라 수익을 창출하는 명확한 비즈니스 모델을 갖고 있지 않았다. 학계 및 연구계는 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어의 활용이 매우 낮으며, 이는 생태계 내에 핵심인력을 제공하는데 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 판단되었다. 비영리재단은 2009년 설립된 OSGeo 한국어지부가 다양한 노력을 기울이고 있지만 질적인 측면에서나 활성화 측면에서는 아직 미약한 수준이다. 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어 생태계의 활성화를 위해서는 참여하는 각 주체별 노력이 필요하다. 그 가운데에서도 정부는 이 생태계의 활성화에 가장 큰 시발점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 정부에서 추진되어야 할 과제와 관련하여 첫째, 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어에 대한 R&D투자 둘째, 공공부문에 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어를 활용한 시범구축사업, 셋째, 관련 인력양성, 넷째, 오픈소스 공간정보 소프트웨어와 관련된 국제협력, 홍보마케팅과 관련된 노력 등이 지속적으로 필요한 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        소프트웨어계약과 라이센스약관의 유효성

        최광준 경희대학교 법학연구소 2009 경희법학 Vol.44 No.1

        The authorities of the United States are inclined to hold at leat shrink-wrap and click-wrap licenses enforceable. This has effect to the other part of the world. Most countries are likely to accept the terms provided by the form of shrink-wrap or click-wrap. This has also apparent influence on today's digital world. While ProCD and Gateway 2000 seem closely related and addressed contractual issues within the scope of software licenses and hardware warranties. Wallace addressed the GPL and antitrust concerns. Crucially, the progress of open source software would have been greatly hindered without the viable use of click-wrap agreements, a close derivative of the ProCD shrink-wrap license. In short, were it not for ProCD, and the re-affirmation, Wallace may not have required the attention of the court: open source's immovative licensing model would have been too difficult to administer without click-wrap licensing. If open source developers could not efficiently, through the use of a click-wrap license, require future improvements to be shared and integrated with the software, the open source model would not be effective. There likely would not exist the community contributions that have, in many cases, allowed open source software to evolve into a viable alternative to commercial software. Indeed, the themes of law and economics run through ProCD, Gateway 2000, and Wallace. Shrink-wrap and click-wrap licenses reduce transaction costs and make markets more efficient. The Gateway 2000 warranty also reduces transaction costs and leads to market efficiency. Finally, the GPL enables open source software to compete head on with commercial software, with the rivalry working to the benefit of consumers. The authorities of the United States are inclined to hold at leat shrink-wrap and click-wrap licenses enforceable. This has effect to the other part of the world. Most countries are likely to accept the terms provided by the form of shrink-wrap or click-wrap. This has also apparent influence on today's digital world. While ProCD and Gateway 2000 seem closely related and addressed contractual issues within the scope of software licenses and hardware warranties. Wallace addressed the GPL and antitrust concerns. Crucially, the progress of open source software would have been greatly hindered without the viable use of click-wrap agreements, a close derivative of the ProCD shrink-wrap license. In short, were it not for ProCD, and the re-affirmation, Wallace may not have required the attention of the court: open source's immovative licensing model would have been too difficult to administer without click-wrap licensing. If open source developers could not efficiently, through the use of a click-wrap license, require future improvements to be shared and integrated with the software, the open source model would not be effective. There likely would not exist the community contributions that have, in many cases, allowed open source software to evolve into a viable alternative to commercial software. Indeed, the themes of law and economics run through ProCD, Gateway 2000, and Wallace. Shrink-wrap and click-wrap licenses reduce transaction costs and make markets more efficient. The Gateway 2000 warranty also reduces transaction costs and leads to market efficiency. Finally, the GPL enables open source software to compete head on with commercial software, with the rivalry working to the benefit of consumers.

      • The Role of Open Source Software to Create Digital Libraries and Standards Assessment

        ALbeladi, Salmah Salem International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.7

        Open-source software developments are basically Internet-based communities that voluntarily collaborate in developing software on the Internet and such Internet communities have become an important cultural and economic phenomenon. As a result, the emergence of open-source software has presented a challenge to the traditional offerings by providing free alternatives. The objective of this article is to review the possibility of the adoption of open source software in the creation of digital libraries, highlights advantages and disadvantage preservations. Among our objective also explaining the request of such software at the present time and the criteria evaluated in the digital preservation through surveying the best open source software from the reality of intellectual production, and standards that are being built to evaluate and choose what software to create a digital library without other software available. To achieve the above objectives, we shed the light on the top 11 open-source software to manage Libraries in addition to standards that may represent the basic building block for the selection of the appropriate systems to the needs of the digital library. This article relied on the descriptive approach by reviewing a series of studies and scientific research works related to the subject of the current study. Accordingly, the most prominent of the findings of this work is its illustration of the close association between open source software and the library community, both of which represent free culture. Also it is shown that the selection process of open source software has some obstacles most notably as there are no clear and reliable criteria for selecting these systems. Current study has concluded a set of recommendations, notably awareness of the role and importance of open source software and the facilities it provides in managing digital content.

      • KCI등재

        바이너리 코드 수준에서 연산자 k-gram 기반의 오픈소스 소프트웨어 탐지

        최종천(Jong-Cheon Choi),조성제(Seong-Je Cho) 한국정보과학회 2014 정보과학회논문지 : 시스템 및 이론 Vol.41 No.1

        많은 소프트웨어 벤더들과 개발자들은 오픈소스 라이선스를 이해하지 않고 ‘오픈소스 소프트웨어’(open source software: OSS)를 사용한다. 오픈소스 라이선스의 위반은 저작권 침해이므로, 임의 소프트웨어 제품에 OSS가 불법으로 사용되고 있는 지를 파악하는 것이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 바이너리 및 실행파일 형태의 프로그램에 오픈소스 코드가 포함되어 있는지를 판단하는 새로운 기법을 제안한다. 제안기법에서, 오픈소스 코드와 의심 프로그램 코드 간의 유사성을 측정하는 특징정보로 연산자 수준 k-gram을 사용한다. 즉, 의심 프로그램에서 오픈소스 코드를 탐지하기 위해, 길이가 k인 연산자 순차들의 집합을 구하여 k-gram 기반으로 두 코드 간의 유사성을 측정한다. 제안 기법을 평가하기 위해, MS 윈도우와 리눅스 시스템에서 바이너리 코드들을 대상으로 여러 실험을 수행하였다. 실험 결과, 제안 기법이 의심 프로그램에서 오픈소스 코드를 탐지할 수 있음을 보였다. Many software vendors or developers use open source software(OSS) without understanding an open source license. Violating the terms of an open source license may result in liability for copyright infringement. Therefore, it is necessary to devise a way to find out if OSS was illegally used in any software product. In this paper, we propose a novel technique for determining whether binary or executable form of a program includes open source code. The proposed technique uses opcode-level k-grams as a feature to measure software similarity between open source code and suspicious program code. To detect open source code in suspicious program code, the technique computes the set of opcode sequences of length k for a set of codes and calculate similarity between two codes based on k-grams. To evaluate our proposed technique, we perform several experiments with binary codes under MS Windows and Linux systems. Experimental results show that our proposed technique can detect or locate open source software code in a suspicious executable program.

      • KCI등재후보

        벤치마크 테스트를 통한 공개소프트웨어 검증 절차에 관한 연구

        김두연(Doo Yeon Kim),류성열(Sung-Yul Rhew) 한국IT서비스학회 2006 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.5 No.3

          Public institutions are considering adoption of open-source software in the process of information projects. However, there doesn"t exist reliable information about an adoption process for open-source software. Performance and stability problems of this software also persist, as a result, current open-source software is not widely used. As a software market and industry grows, Benchmark test has been performed more often than before in order to help customers understand and select the most appropriate product among myriad similar ones. It is certain that more objective and trustful data evidence should be obtained by way of utilizing the procedures and methods of Benchmark Test in decision making process for selecting an open-source software.<BR>  For this research, Benchmark test was applied as a way of demonstrating performance verification of an open-source software in the public institutions. It is certain that more objective and trustful data evidence should be obtained by way of utilizing the procedures and methods of Benchmark Test in decision making process for selecting an open-source software. It also introduces a case study of a information system, which selected and implemented open-source software, in order to confirm the validity of this research. This research will serve as a guideline to adopt open-source software in governments as well as public institutions.

      • KCI등재

        오픈소스 소프트웨어의 평가 기법에 관한 연구

        김종배,박진호 한국IT정책경영학회 2018 한국IT정책경영학회 논문지 Vol.10 No.5

        Anyone can freely use and improve open source software. In other words, open source software ensures that developers or users have the right to copy and distribute the program, to access the source code of the software, and to improve the program. Open source software frees up bugs, enhances performance, and allows users to modify and use code for their own purposes by sharing source code with tens of thousands of programmers and users. That is why open source software has the advantage of bringing creativity and collaboration to the community. Open source software can be used as a way to improve the efficiency and quality of software development, especially for small and medium-sized businesses with low capital and organization costs. This can serve as a good opportunity to prevent the monopoly of some large and foreign companies and establish a balanced industrial structure through sound competition. However, it is very difficult to judge open source software products that meet the desired functionality, quality and constraints of hundreds of thousands of open source software. In this study, various models of researchers for open source software evaluation were analyzed. The results of this study are expected to be a basis for establishing evaluation procedures and standards for each situation by analyzing the features of each model in the future.

      • The Exploratory Research on the Evaluation model of Open-Source Software Company Service Level

        Seung Chang Lee,Eung Kyo Suh,Hoon-Sung Park 한국유통과학회 2017 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2017 No.-

        Open Source Software(OSS) has been used mainly in Server market, In recent years, various sectors in IT are discussing the importance of its usage. Despite its increasing advantage worldwide, domestic companies and public areas are inhibiting the usage of open source software due to a lack of reliable information for public domain. So, the purpose of this research is to propose evaluation framework for open source software service companies based on general corporate valuation model. The evaluation model is composed of three factors. First, enterprise service level of Open source software is divided by Service Area, Service domain and Service Activity. Second, technical reference model of Open source software is divided by Service Area, Open source software technical Domain, Technical Sub-Domain, Open Source Software Name. Third, index of evaluation level is divided by evaluation group, evaluation domain and evaluation item.

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