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        열대 해역 지표종 Ornithocercus 속 와편모조의 출현 동향으로 본 한반도 온난화

        김형신,정민민,이준백,Kim, Hyeung-Sin,Jung, Min-Min,Lee, Joon-Baek 한국해양학회 2008 바다 Vol.13 No.4

        제주도 서부해역인 차귀도 연안 해역에서 2006년 10월부터 2007년 11월 사이 5회에 걸쳐 식물 플랑크톤의 일종인 와편모조의 종 조성 변화를 조사하였으며 총 32종의 와편모조가 관찰되었다. 이들 와편모조 중 19종 즉, Amphisolenia bidentata, Ceratium gravidum, C. hexacanthum, C. platycorne, C. praelongum, C. ranipes, C. reflexum, C. geniculatum, Dissodinium elegans, D. bicorne, Ornithocercus heteroporus, O. magnificus, O. quadratus, O. splendidus, O. steinii, Protoperidinium excentricum, Pseliodinium vaubanii, Ptychodiscus noctiluca, Pyrocystis hamulus 등의 종은 한국 연안 해역에서는 매우 드물게 출현이 보고된 종이거나 미기록 종이었다. 그리고 채집된 시료에서 열대 해역 지표종인 Ornithocercus 속의 월별 단위체적당 출현량을 분석한 결과 2006년 10월, 2007년 2, 4, 9 및 11월에 각각 28, 22, 0, 3 및 $502\;cells/m^3$이었다. 또한 월별 총 와편모조류 출현량에 대한 Ornithocercus 속의 점유율은 각각 8, 3.9, 0, 0.2 및 97.9%로 2007년 11월에 최고치를 나타내었다. 이상의 연구 결과는 심각하게 진행되고 있는 지구 온난화에 발맞추어 한반도 연안 해역 역시 온난화 되어지고 있음을 부분적으로 나타내고 있다고 판단된다. We investigated about change of dinoflagellate composition during October 2006 to November 2007 at the Chagwi-Do, west-part of Jeju Island. There were 32 dinoflagellate species in collected samples and 19 species Amphisolenia bidentata, Ceratium gravidum, C. hexacanthum, C. platycorne, C. praelongum, C. ranipes, C. reflexum, C. geniculatum, Dissodinium elegans, D. bicorne, Ornithocercus heteroporus, O. magnificus, O. quadratus, O. splendidus, O. steinii, Protoperidinium excentricum, Pseliodinium vaubanii, Ptychodiscus noctiluca, Pyrocystis hamulus of collected dinoflagellate species were rare and unrecorded species from around the Korean Peninsula. The quantities by month of these tropical oceanic species, Ornithocercus were 28, 22, 0, 3 and $502\;cells/m^3$ in October 2006, February, April, September and November 2007 respectively. The abundance of genus Ornithocercus for whole dinoflagellate species were 8, 3.9, 0, 0.2 and 97.9% respectively. These results suggest that the coast of Korean Peninsula is getting warm by global warming.

      • KCI등재

        Extremely Strong Western Pacific Subtropical High in May 2021 Following a La Niña Event: Role of the Persistent Convective Forcing over the Indian Ocean

        Minling Ke,Ziqian Wang,Weijuan Pan,Haolin Luo,Song Yang,Ruyue Guo 한국기상학회 2023 Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Vol.59 No.1

        The variation of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) significantly influences the weather and climate in East Asia. El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is considered as one of the most important factors for the abnormal activity of the WPSH. An El Niño event tends to result in an anticyclonic anomaly over the western Pacific in the following spring and summer, leading to a westward-shifted and stronger WPSH. Opposite features can be observed for a La Niña event. Following the typical La Niña event in the winter of 2020/2021, an abnormal cyclonic circulation routinely appeared over the western Pacific in the beginning of 2021, but it was suddenly replaced by an obviously abnormal anticyclone in May. This unanticipated change induced an extremely strong WPSH and posed a challenge for the regional climate prediction. A careful examination of the tropical Indian Ocean revealed a significant abnormal warming process from April to May in 2021, with a peak of positive sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in early May. Consequently, persistent atmospheric convective activity was stimulated by the positive SSTA, accompanied by remarkable and eastward-moving diabatic heating in the tropical Indian Ocean. The convective heating aroused significant easterly anomalies in the form of a Kelvin wave response of the Gill-type mode over the equatorial region from the western Pacific to the eastern Indian Ocean, which induced an abnormal anticyclone through a further positive circulation–convection feedback over the western Pacific. Additional experiments with the LBM model further verify that the persistent convective forcing over the tropical Indian Ocean is responsible for the extremely strong WPSH in May 2021, although during an antecedent La Niña event.

      • KCI등재

        HadGEM2-AO RCP8.5 모의에서 나타난 지구온난화 멈춤

        위지은,문병권,김기영,이조한 한국지구과학회 2014 한국지구과학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        Despite the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide have steadily increased in atmosphere, the overall trend of theglobal average surface air temperature has stalled during the last decade (2002-present). This phenomenon is often calledhiatus or warming pause, which is challenging the prevailing view that anthropogenic forcing causes warmingenvironment. Our study characterized the hiatus by analyzing the HadGEM2-AO (95 yrs) simulation data based onRCP8.5 scenario. The PC2 time series from the EOF of the zonal mean vertical ocean temperature has been defined asthe index that represents the warming pause. The relationship between the hiatus, ENSO and the changes in climatesystem are identified by utilizing the newly defined PC2. Since the La Niña index (defined as the negative of NINO3index) leads PC2 by about 11 months, it may be possible that the La Niña causes the warming to be interrupted. We alsoshow that the cooling of the climate system closed tied to the heat penetration into the deep ocean, indicating theweakening the warming rate is due to the oceanic heat uptake. Finally, the global warming hiatus is characterized by theanomalous warming in Arctic region as well as the intensification of the trade wind in the equatorial Pacific. 대기 중 이산화탄소 등의 농도가 지속적으로 증가하고 있음에도 최근 10여 년 동안(2002-현재) 전지구 지표 온도는 거의 답보상태에 머물러 있다. 이처럼 온실기체 강제력에도 불구하고, 지구 온난화 경향이 사라진 듯 보이는 현상을 지구 온난화 멈춤(hiatus)이라 한다. 이 연구는 HadGEM2-AO가 모의한 RCP8.5 시나리오 실험(95년간) 자료를 분석하여, 온난화 멈춤 시기의 특징을 분석하였다. 온난화 멈춤 기간을 나타내는 시계열은 동서 평균한 연직 해수 온도 분포를 EOF 분석하여 구한 두 번째 PC (PC2)로 정의하였다. PC2를 이용하여 온난화 멈춤과 엔소와의 관련성, 기후시스템의 변화 등을 분석하였다. 라니냐 지수(NINO3지수에 −1을 곱하여 정의)가 PC2를 약 11개월 앞서는 것으로 보아 라니냐 발생이 온난화 멈춤을 유도할 수 있음을 발견하였다. 또한 기후시스템의 냉각은 해수 표층의 열이 해양 내부로침강으로 나타남을 보였다. 이는 해양의 열흡수에 의해 전지구 온도 상승률이 약화되었음을 의미한다. 온난화 멈춤 시기에 북태평양과 북반구 극지는 양의 온도 편차가 나타났으며, 열대 해양에서는 무역풍이 강화되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Tintinnid Species as Biological Indicators for Monitoring Intrusion of the Warm Oceanic Waters into Korean Coastal Waters

        김영옥,신경순,장풍국,최현우,노재훈,양은진,김응,전동철 한국해양과학기술원 2012 Ocean science journal Vol.47 No.3

        This study examined seasonal and annual occurrences of warm oceanic tintinnid species in southern Korea coastal waters. The indicative species of tintinnids was monitored using three approaches: monitoring from cruises traveling from the warm pool in the western North Pacific to the Korea Strait;biweekly or monthly monitoring in the Korea Strait; and daily monitoring in the nearshore water. Annual pulses of warm oceanic indicator species were regularly observed in the Korea Strait. In September 2008 recorded a maximum species number of warm water indicators, a representative species for warm oceanic waters, Climacocylis scalaroides was simultaneously detected in the nearshore water as well as the Korea Strait. The result indicates that the greater warm water extension into Korean coastal areas was in September 2008. Sharp declines in species diversity were observed in the transitional area between neritic and Kuroshio zone in East China Sea (ECS). Epiplocyloides reticulata, reported previously as a Kuroshio indicator, was considered an ECS indicator species, as it was undetected in the western North Pacific central zone but was found abundantly in the ECS. Tintinnid species can be used as biological indicators to detect the inflow of warm oceanic waters into Korean coastal waters.

      • KCI등재

        해양수산분야 기후변화 영향, 전망과 평가 정보의 현황 및 제공

        한인성,이준수,김창신,양준용 한국기후변화학회 2023 한국기후변화학회지 Vol.14 No.6

        The ocean ecosystem and fisheries are highly vulnerable to climate change due to ocean warming, ocean acidification and extreme weather events in Korea. To overcome these vulnerabilities to climate change in ocean ecosystem and fisheries, effective adaptation strategies are needed based on scientific monitoring, accurate prediction/projection technologies and risk and vulnerability assessments based on these data. Data on ocean warming and its ecosystem impacts in Korean waters have been collected since 1968 by the National Institute of Fisheries Science. Information and data on ocean acidification in the Korea Waters are also shared with global observation network from 2020 . Real-time water temperature information is also collected and managed by the National Institute of Fisheries Science based on 180 coastal data collection stations along the Korean coast. To understand future fisheries conditions in Korean waters, projected monthly ocean data with water temperature, salinity and ocean currents until 2100 are also provided by the National Institute of Fisheries Science. These observed and projected data are used to assess the risk and vulnerability of fisheries in Korea. Fisheries in Korea are very complex and diverse. For future projection of fisheries in Korea, physical and biological ocean prediction data with high spatial resolution and short intervals are required. From such projections, it is possible to create effective adaptation strategies for sustainable fisheries to ensure food security.

      • Contribution of Southern Ocean Heat Uptake on Tropical Warming Response

        Yechul Shin,Sarah M. Kang,Hanjun Kim,Doyeon Kim,Doseok Lee 한국기상학회 2021 한국기상학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        Although the majority of climate models projects reduced zonal SST gradient at the tropical Pacific under global warming, well known as the “El Niño-like” warming pattern, there is a large uncertainty of the tropical Pacific SST pattern in particular with upcoming decades. The tropical SST pattern would exert a far-reaching influence on both local and remote atmospheric circulation. Hence, it is necessary to understand what contributes to the tropical SST pattern and its intermodel spread. In this study, we utilize a hierarchy of models to decompose the tropical response to global warming in relation to sea-ice loss, atmospheric CO₂, and regional ocean heat uptakes. We reveal a distinct impact of the Southern Ocean heat uptake enhancing the zonal contrast of the tropical Pacific under the global warming scenario. The Southern Ocean heat uptake leads to extratropical cooling, propagating into the eastern Pacific, enhancing the Walker circulation and zonal SST gradient. Furthermore, the strength of Southern Ocean heat uptakes partly explains the tropical SST response spreads in CMIP6, state-of-the-art climate models. Our results support that tropical climate predictions can be improved by reducing Southern Ocean bias.

      • KCI등재

        고해상도 해양예보모형 HYCOM에 재현된 쓰시마난류

        서성봉,박영규,박재훈,이호진,N. Hirose 한국해양과학기술원 2013 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.35 No.2

        This study investigates the characteristic of the Tsushima Warm Current from an assimilated high resolution global ocean prediction model, 1/12o Global HYbrid Coordiate Ocean Model (HYCOM). The model results were verified through a comparison with current measurements obtained by acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) mounted on the passenger ferryboat between Busan, Korea, and Hakata, Japan. The annual mean transport of the Tsushima Warm Current was 2.56 Sverdrup (Sv) (1 Sv = 106 m3s−1), which is similar to those from previous studies (Takikawa et al. 1999; Teague et al. 2002). The volume transport time series of the Tsushima Warm Current from HYCOM correlates to a high degree with that from the ADCP observation (the correlation coefficient between the two is 0.82). The spatiotemporal structures of the currents as well as temperature and salinity from HYCOM are comparable to the observed ones.

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