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        건설업 산업안전보건관리비 계상 방법 실태 조사 연구

        김승한,김종효,김병석,박종근 대한안전경영과학회 2016 대한안전경영과학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Occupational Safety and Health Expenses Law in construction industry was enacted in 1988 by the notification of Ministry of Employment and Labor and 22 revisions have been made since. The fact that revisions have been made almost every year since the first enactment shows that Occupational Safety and Health Expenses can effectively prevent construction accidents and the need for revisions to fit the reality has been raised continuously. Despite the construction industry has undergone various internal and external environmental changes, (such as the changes in the safety and health management techniques and the increase in the construction employees’ desire for safety) the appropriation standard of Occupational Safety and Health Expenses has been calculated based on the contract price. The construction industry has constantly suggested that the Occupational Safety and Health Expenses be calculated based on the estimated construction expenses since applying the current method doesn’t provide enough money to secure the safety. Also because it has become mandatory to hire a health manager since 2015, the lack of Occupational Safety and Health Expenses is expected to get worse. In this study, we will analyze the usage of Occupational Safety and Health Expenses and propose a more practical and realistic change in setting the appropriation standard of Occupational Safety and Health Expenses.

      • KCI등재

        공사기간 연장에 따른 산업안전보건관리비 관련 문제점 및 개선방안에 관한 연구

        박인천,신만중 한국부동산법학회 2023 不動産法學 Vol.27 No.1

        Occupational safety and health management expenses are expenses used for the purpose of protecting workers from accidents and can only be adjusted for changes in direct material costs and direct labor costs. This paper presents a model of occupational safety and health management expenses by type of construction period extension and analyzes the problems of the adjustment method of occupational safety and health management expenses. Accordingly, the results of this study may suggest the needs for a revision of Occupational Safety and Health Act and how to adjust occupational safety and health management expenses. 산업안전보건관리비는 산업현장에서 발생하는 안전사고로부터 근로자를 보호하기 위한 목적으로 사용되는 비용으로서 대상액의 변동 시에만 산업안전보건관리비를 조정할 수 있다. 본 연구는 공사기간연장 유형에 따른 산업안전보건관리비 지출의 모형사례 를 통하여 산업안전보건관리비 조정방식의 문제점을 분석하였다. 이를 토대로 산업안전보건법 개선의 필요성과 산업안전보건관리비 조정방법을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        중대재해처벌법 적용상의 문제점과 개선방안 - 소규모 건설현장을 중심으로 -

        허정(Huh, Jeong),신만중(Shin, Man Joong) 한국공공사회학회 2023 공공사회연구 Vol.13 No.2

        현재 건설현장의 추세는 산업안전과 보호에서 중대재해의 예방과 처벌의 강화로 변화해가고 있고, 중대재해는 최근 마련된 중대재해처벌법이 있어 더 각별한 주의가 요망된다. 특히, 건설업의 중대산업재해는 대부분이 영세업체가 시행하는 소규모 건설현장에서 많이 발생하고 있는데, ’21년 산업재해 현황을 보면 건설업의 중대산업재해는 전체 산업재해의 50.4%, 그 중 50인미만 소규모 사업장은 42.5%, 5인미만 초소규모 사업장은 38.4%이며, 공사금액별로는 50억원 미만의 소규모 건설현장은 71.5%로 중대산업재해의 대부분을 차지하는 것을 알 수 있다. ‘24년부터는 소규모 건설현장들도 중대재해처벌법을 전면적용하게 되는데, 소규모 건설현장은 중·대규모 건설현장들과는 달리, 안전관리자 배치기준의 미적용 등 안전관리체계가 미흡하고 건설업에 미등록된 업체의 시공 참여, 고령 및 외국인 근로자의 미흡한 근로체계, 산업안전보건관리비의 부족 등 다양한 제한적인 특성이 있다. 이렇듯 건설산업재해 대부분을 차지하고, 법 및 제도, 예산적 제한 등 다양한 문제를 갖고 있는 소규모 건설현장에 중대재해처벌법을 전면 적용하기에는 많은 전제조건을 해결해야 한다고 본다. 여기서는 ’21년까지의 중대산업재해 현황과 유사 연구자료를 바탕으로 소규모 건설현장에 중대재해 처벌법을 적용하기 위해서 소규모 건설현장이 갖는 구성의 취약점과 법·제도, 예산, 근로체계의 미흡함 등의 특성과 ①보호·적용대상 범위의 확정, ②산업안전보건법과의 관계, 사업주·법인의 중대재해 발생시 안전경영책임자 선정여부, ③경영책임자의 역할과 책임, ④실질적인 지배의 의미해석 등 중대재해처벌법의 적용체계의 문제점에 맞는 개선방안을 제시하였다. 중대산업재해 발생시 예방보다는 처벌에 중점을 둔 중대재해처벌법이 영세한 건설업체들이 대부분 종사하고 있는 소규모 건설현장에 전면 적용되기 전에 예상되는 문제점별로 사전 해소할 수 있는 방안을 제시함으로써 소규모 건설현장에 적합한 중대산업재해 저감방안을 제시하였다. Currently, the trend of construction sites is changing from industrial safety and protection to prevention and strengthening of punishment for serious accidents, and serious accidents require more special attention due to the recently established Serious Accident Punishment Act. In particular, most of the major industrial accidents in the construction industry occur in small-scale construction sites implemented by small businesses. Looking at the current status of industrial accidents in 2021, major industrial accidents in the construction industry account for 50.4% of all industrial accidents, of which less than 50 people Small-scale businesses accounted for 42.5%, micro-scale businesses with less than 5 employees accounted for 38.4%, and by construction amount, small-scale construction sites with less than 5 billion won accounted for 71.5%, accounting for most of the major industrial accidents. Starting in 2024, the Severe Accident Punishment Act will be fully applied to small-scale construction sites. Unlike medium- and large-scale construction sites, small-scale construction sites have insufficient safety management systems, such as non-application of safety manager placement standards, and construction by companies not registered in the construction industry. There are various limiting characteristics such as participation, insufficient labor system of elderly and foreign workers, and lack of occupational safety and health management expenses. As such, it seems that many prerequisites must be resolved to fully apply the Severe Accident Punishment Act to small-scale construction sites that account for most of the construction industrial accidents and have various problems such as laws, institutions, and budget limitations. Here, in order to apply the Severe Accident Punishment Act to small-scale construction sites based on the current status of major industrial accidents by 2021 and similar research data, the characteristics of the composition of small-scale construction sites and the lack of laws, systems, budgets, and labor systems and ① Confirmation of the scope of protection and application, ② Relationship with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, whether or not a person in charge of safety management is selected in case of a serious accident of the business owner or corporation, ③Role and responsibility of the person in charge of management, ④Interpretation of the meaning of practical control, etc. Suggested improvement measures suitable for the problems of the application system. In the event of a major industrial accident, the Severe Accident Punishment Act, which focuses on punishment rather than prevention, is fully applied to small-scale construction sites where most of the small-scale construction companies are engaged. Suggested measures to reduce major industrial accidents.

      • KCI등재

        발주기관 및 공사규모별 산업안전보건관리비법정 기준의 준수비율 분석

        이규진 한국건축시공학회 2015 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        산업안전보건관리비 계상기준은 1988년에 제정된 이래건설 현장의 안전성 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 주고 있다. 기존 연구에서는 안전보건관리비의 요율이 건설 현장의 안전과 건강을 보장하기에 충분하지 않다 주장되고 있는데,최근 조사에 의하면 다수의 건설현장에서 그나마도 준수하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 안전보건관리비 기준의 준수 실태를 알아보기 위해 완성공사원가통계에서 집계된 원가비율을 공사규모와 발주자 유형별로 분석하였다. 그 결과 준수율이 발주자 유형별로 볼 때 대부분의 유형에서 실질적으로 매우 낮은 결과가 나왔다. 이는 최소한의법적 기준마저 준수되지 않고 있음을 의미하며, 향후 산업안전보건관리비 등을 비롯한 관련 법규정의 준수를 위한강력한 법집행이 요구된다. Legislated in 1988, the Occupational Safety and Health Expenses Criteria, has been giving a positive impact onimproving the safety of construction sites. Previous researchers have been insisting that the rate is not enough toensure the safety and health of the construction site. However, according to Korea Gallup's survey of more than 1000construction sites in 2012, the respondents replied that large number of them did not comply with the criteria of theOccupational Safety and Health Expenses. This study analyses the completed works cost statistics of constructionprojects to figure out the compliance rate of the criteria. This study confirmed that the compliance rates aresubstantially low in most types of clients and the result is expected to be used in future research on appropriate safetyand health expenses rate and on improving compliance rate of the criteria.

      • KCI등재

        건설업 산업안전보건관리비와 안전관리비의 항목별 중요도 및 영향도 분석

        이재현 ( Lee¸ Jae-hyun ),정재욱 ( Jeong¸ Jae-wook ) 한국건축시공학회 2023 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        In this research endeavor, we engaged with 70 construction safety specialists from established construction firms through surveys and interviews. The primary aim was to dissect and understand the weight and ramifications of specific cost items within the Occupational Safety and Health Management Funds(OSHMF) and Safety Management Expenses(SME). From our analysis, salient insights emerged. Within the realm of OSHMF, the cost items associated with safety facilities and the remunerations of safety managers were identified as paramount. It was observed that there are marked variations in the perceived significance and repercussions associated with diverse cost items of OSHMF. In stark contrast, when assessing the SME, the nuances in perceived weight and consequences of individual cost items were relatively muted, suggesting a more uniform viewpoint among the experts. Furthermore, our research probed the interrelationship between the significance and repercussions within OSHMF and SME domains. Notably, OSHMF manifested a positive linear relationship, suggesting that cost items of higher importance invariably had a more pronounced effect. On the other hand, the SME showcased a more subtle association, hinting at intricate underlying dynamics. The outcomes of this investigation are poised to offer instrumental guidance for enhancing safety protocols and diminishing accident occurrences in domestic construction undertakings.

      • KCI등재

        건설공사 유형별 공기진척에 따른 건설업 산업안전보건관리비 집행요율 개발

        최승호(Choi, Seung-Ho),오세욱(Oh, Se-Wook),김영석(Kim, Young-Suk) 대한건축학회 2014 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.30 No.7

        ‘The Standard of Occupational Safety and Health Management Expense(Safety Management Expense)’ statute of the Ministry of Employment and Labor has been stated in order to prevent industrial accidents in construction sites. Based on what the owner must estimate Safety Management Expense considering the type of project. Safety Management Expense is defined as the money used during the construction project to prevent industrial accidents in advance. Numerous revisions are made by the Ministry of Employment and Labor for the more effective usage. However, it has been analyzed that numerous over budgeting and early burnout cases occur due to the existence of limited standards to minimum usage only. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the previous studies on the Safety Management Expense allocation, deducting the problems of Safety Management Expenseallocation and suggesting the allocated indicators of Safety Management Expense by rate of process and Construction type. It is expected that this research contributes to the effective use of Safety Management Expense in construction sites, which is necessary to reflect the actual conditions of the current construction industry environment.

      • KCI우수등재

        다중회귀분석과 DNN 알고리즘 기반 산업안전보건관리비 예측 모델 제안

        이경태(Lee, Kyung-Tae),김민석(Kim, Min-Seok),김희정(Kim, Hee-Jeong),김주형(Kim, Ju-Hyung) 대한건축학회 2021 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.37 No.9

        To reduce safety accidents leading to serious casualties and compensation, the Ministry of Employment and Labor prescribes Occupational Safety and Health Management Expenses (OSHME). Though there is an expense calculated by fixed rate, it is more urgent to spend the set amount according to the situation rather than standards due to the ambiguous criteria. Consequently, OSHME used nominally to make contract rather than to educate and protect the safety of workers. Therefore, in this research, OSHME was predicted by applying Deep Neural Network (DNN) with various optimizer, epoch, nodes based on 135 general construction cases under 500 million won to compare from multivariate regression analysis and origin contract cost multiplied existing rate by applying error indicators, mean squared error (MSE) and mean absoloute error (MAE). As a result, by comparing the values from three different analysis, DNN model with bayesian regularization optimizer in 0.01 learning rate was outstanding method to predict OSHME. Rather than simply executing as the current law, multiplying direct labor and material costs by a certain percentage, proposed model would support to calculate construction costs efficiently. Especially, as the contract material costs show high impact on consumed OSHME, when the sum of labor and material costs is the same, if material costs are high, it is required that OSHME be set higher. Furthermore, it is necessary to specify clear criteria and detailed usage plans to ensure not to execute incorrectly.

      • KCI우수등재

        건설안전 투자비용과 사망사고 손실비용에 대한 정량적 분석

        이재현(Lee, Jaehyun),정재욱(Jeong, Jaewook),소재호(Soh, Jayho),정재민(Jeong, Jaemin) 대한건축학회 2021 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.37 No.7

        In order to promote the voluntary accident prevention efforts of construction project participants, it is necessary to accurately recognize the cost of loss in case of the serious accidents. Therefore, in this study, the quantification method for safety investment cost and fatal accident cost considering the properties of the construction industry was reviewed, and the following three procedures were followed. (i) Data collection and criteria establishment; (ii) Conducting surveys of domestic construction companies; (iii) Quantification analysis of survey results. As the results of this study, the average construction safety investment at 38 sites was calculated as 1,517,967 1,000KRW/site. Also, the average fatal accident of 22 fatal accidents was calculated as 1,984,306 1,000KRW/person. It is expected that construction companies will be able to use this results of this study as a basis for planning the safety investment cost.

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