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      • KCI등재

        통일대비 남북한 환경법제 통합방안

        김종삼(Kim, Jong-Sam) 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2015 法學論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        통일의 완성이란 구체적으로는 각 분야에서 법적 통합을 이룸으로써 성취될 수 있다. 이는 남한과 북한의 서로 다른 환경법 질서와 환경현황에 대한 상호 이해를 기초로 한다. 일반적으로 북한의 법령은 각 법전의 수가 비교적 적은 편이고 규정의 내용이 포괄적이고 모호하여 우리 법률에 비해 입법수준이 낮으며, 환경법제에 있어서도 내용과 체제에 있어 환경입법에 대한 인식이 남한보다는 전 단계에 머물고 있다는 평가가 있다. 따라서 단기적으로는 남한의 환경보호법제를 중심으로 통합하되 장기적으로는 남한과 북한의 상황을 절충한 제3의 법질서를 이루어지는 것이 바람직하다. 본 연구에서는 단계적·점진적 환경법제 통합 및 적용방안 마련을 위해 우선은 남북한 환경법제 통합에 앞서 남한의 환경법제 선진화 방안으로 우리나라 환경헌법의 논의 과제 및 환경행정법 정비방안을 제시하였고, 둘째 동서독 통일 과정에서의 환경법제 통합사례를 검토한 후 남북한 환경법제 통합을 위한 시사점을 도출하였고, 셋째 남북한 교류협력에 의한 남북한 환경법제 통합방안 및 적용방안을 제시하였다. 또한 법제통합 논의 시 사전 준비된 로드맵에 의해 이행되어야 하겠다. 북한의 급변사태시 헌법 제3조의 해석상 우리 법을 북한에 적용하는 것은 법리적으로 문제되지 않을 것이나 북한지역에 일부 법령을 한시적으로 적용하기 위해서는 그에 관한 명시적 법적 근거가 필요하다. 북한의 급변사태가 안정화단계에 진입하는 경우에는 북한과 통일합의서를 체결하여 남북통일이 합의에 의한 현행 우리 헌법이 북한지역에 확장 적용된다는 점을 통일합의서에 명시해야 한다. 독일 통일에 있어 법적 통합은 통일조약에서 동서독이 합의한 ‘법의 동화’ 과정 즉, ‘법령의 조정’을 통해 이루었다. 최종적으로는 단일법 마련을 목표로 하였으나 서독법과 동독법의 장기간 병행적용을 허용하였고, 나아가 동독법에 기초한 단일법의 창설 가능성도 배제하지 않았다. 환경 법제 통합 및 지원 협력은 동독통일과정에서 보았듯이 우선은 정부와 민간자원의 양면교류를 확대해 나감으로써 신뢰를 쌓아 나가는 것이 중요하고, 두 번째는 통일조약 체결 시 환경협력 분야를 포함하여 환경법제 통합 및 지원방안을 함께 모색하는 것이 바람직할 것이다. 이와 같이 우리도 통일 시 북한지역에 한시적으로 적용시킬 필요가 있는 환경법령은 원칙적인 내용을 통일합의서에 규정하고 구체적인 북한 법령 목록은 부속합의서에 첨부하여야 한다. 북한과 통일합의서를 체결한 이후 또는 그 이전이라도 일부 북한 법령을 북한지역에 적용하는 것을 허용하거나 남한법 적용의 유예기간을 규정하는 가칭「북한 환경법령 잠정적용 및 남한환경법령 유예기간 설정에 관한 특별조치법」의 제정도 검토가 요구된다. Reunification can be achieved by integrating different legal fields. It is based on mutual understanding of the South and the North in terms of different environmental laws and environmental status. In general, there are relatively few numbers of legal codes and broad and vague contents of provisions in the North"s legislation, which makes it low in quality of legislation compared to the South"s legislation. Indeed, in environmental legislation, an assessment shows that awareness of environmental legislation remains one step back compared to that of the South. Therefore, in the short term, legislations of the two countries should be integrated on the basis of the South"s legislation, and in the long term, it is right to achieve a third legal order by compromising situations of South and North Korea. In this study, in order to establish the gradual integration of environment legislation and the application plan, first, discussion subjects of South Korea"s environmental legislation and plans for revising environmental administrative law are proposed as a plan to improve South Korea"s environmental legislation prior to integration of environmental legislation of the South and the North. Second, after reviewing the case in Germany, suggestions for the integration of South Korea and North Korea"s environmental legislation are proposed. Third, plans for integrating and applying legislations of the South and the North by cooperation between the South and the North are proposed. In addition, before discussing the integration of legal system, road map should be prepared in advance. In the case of North Korea"s sudden change, applying our law to the case of North Korea would not have legal problem according to the Constitution Article 3. But, clear legal evidence is needed in order to apply some laws to North Korea temporarily. If the sudden change in North Korea becomes stable, we should sign a unity agreement that the South"s Constitution applies in extension to North Korea by mutual agreement with North Korea. Legal integration on Germany"s reunification was achieved with the "adjustment of laws and regulations" and the process of "Assimilation of law" that East and West Germany agreed in the unification treaty. After all, it had targeted to raise the single law, but, it later allowed to apply West German law and East German law in the long term. It did not exclude further possibility of creation of a single method based on the East German law. First, it is important to build trust through expanding mutual exchange between the government and private sectors. Second, it also would be desirable to seek supportive measures and integration of environmental legislation including environmental cooperation. We should define environmental laws that need to be temporarily applied to North Korea region in a unified agreement and attach specific North Korean laws to the agreement. When one has or has not entered into a unity agreement with North Korea, one is required to review「Special Acts of provisional application for the North Korean environmental laws and setting grace period of South Korean environmental laws」(tentative) that allows to apply some of the North Korean laws and regulations in North Korea and regulates grace period of applying South Korea"s law.

      • KCI등재

        북한 법학: 이론의 현실정합성, 남북 법학비교, 특성

        김동한 ( Dong Han Kim ) 북한연구학회 2007 북한연구학회보 Vol.11 No.2

        This thesis reviews first the theory of North Korea`s law and its verification in reality. Viewed in the assertion of North Korea`s scholars, the level of the verification of North Korea` law in reality can be considered very high. It may be due to the fact that there can`t be other theories different from instructions or sayings of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il. Even in the details of law field, it is also difficult to find out a unique or individual theory of major scholars. They just explain or interpret the mono theory in their own aspects and diverse points. Thus, though arguments over ``the existence of law theory`` or ``the sincerity of study`` can be made, the logicality of North Korea` law or its explanatory processes themselves made by North Korea`s scholars can hardly be denied. Viewed in socialistic viewpoint, the essence of socialism law of placing collective group before individual is still maintained up to every detail field. Human right in North Korea is meaningful only in group. Thus, North Korea has asserted its own stance and theory in response to the argument over North Korea`s human right made by West European countries. It is difficult to define how much the civic and criminal law theory of North Korea is verified in the real lives of North Korean people. North Korea` scholars argue that the degree of verification of law theory in reality is really high. However, in the critical viewpoints in which it is importantly dealt with to whom civic or criminal law serves, either to people or to government, the level of the verification of North Korea`s law in reality, with its priority on maintaining its structure, can be considered low. North Korea` scholars show diversity in the concerned subjects in proper response to the changing currency. Their concerned subjects in law field are such as ``law control`` in law theory, ``People Government Construction Theory`` in constitutional law, ``International Treaty``, ``National Citizenship Issue`` ``Japan`s International Crime Issue``, ``Nuclear Issue`` in international law, ``Foreign Economy Law`` in economy law. There are both sides in another analysis on South and North Korea`s law. One is both of South and North Korea` law system have something in common with the continental law system, which can be ultimately utilized to draw up a scheme for the unification law system. Another is that a comparison between South and North Korea` law may be useless because of the basic difference immanent between capitalism and socialism law. Apart from the duality of comparison, both laws of South and North Korea are similar in that both contrive to adapt properly to the changing times to survive as a ``living law``. From these points of view, the characteristic of North Korea`s law can be summarized as ``criticism of South Korea law and Bourgeois law``, ``increased concern of international law, medicine law, law control``, ``service on politics rather than studies``.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한 민법상 권리변동의 원인

        김영규 법무부 2018 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.34

        This paper, as causes of rights changes in North Korean Civil Law, examines the causes of the changes of the Juristic Acts, a Real Right, and a Claim, which are stated as express terms in the North Korean Civil Law, as well as legal requirements, legal facts and the North Korean Civil Law. Based on this examination, this study ultimately suggests 'The Unification Plan on the Civil Law in South and North Korea', by comparing and examining Civil Law of South and North Korea in regard to the causes of changes in rights. There are similarities between Civil Law of South Korea and North Korea as below. Both Civil Law of South and North Korea accept the legal facts and legal requirements as cause of the changes in rights. The point that both consider the Juristic Acts as main cause. The point that the reasons for the change of rights in the real estate can be sorted into Juristic Acts and others for both South and North Korea. The point that both acknowledge Bona Fide Acquisition in private ownership. The point that both deals with the contract, the unjust gain, the illegal activity(TORTS), as cause for occurrence of a claim. The point that both acknowledge Performance and Deposit, Set-off, Novation, Release, Merger as cause for lapse of a claim. However, the North Korean Civil Law is different from that of South Korea as below. The Civil Law in North Korea emphasizes the political nature in the cause of all the rights, including Juristic Acts. The Civil Law of North Korea applies Extinctive Prescription to private ownership. The point that all Articles without Owners are dealt with the National Treasury, the point that administrative document is treated as the cause of a Claim, the point that the Civil Law of North Korea acknowledge the planned contract, and has general contracts such as savings contracts, which are different from that of the Civil Law of South Korea, and the point that Performance for Illegal Cause is dealt as the National Treasury and et cetera are showing differences from our Civil Law of South Korea. In conclusion, this paper suggests that the cause of changes in rights for The Unification Plan on the Civil Law in South and North Korea should be based on the basic orders of liberal democracy. Those regulations in The North Korean Civil Law that are considered to be violated upon the above and which are politically motivated, should be excluded from being applied. In addition, elements that are similar to each other should be extensively applied to North Korea after reunification, but transitional provisions should be made for elements that differ from each other. The transitional provisions are needed in regard to changes of Rights in Civil Law of South and North Korea, including Extinct Prescription, Possessory Right, Bona Fide Acquisition, and Vesting of Articles without Owners, Management of Affairs, Illegal Activity(TORTS), Self-Defense, Act of Necessity and et cetera. 이 논문은 북한 민법에 있어서 권리변동의 원인으로서 법률요건과 법률사실 및 북한 민법이 명문으로 규정하는 법률행위․물권변동과 채권변동의 원인을 살펴보고, 이를 토대로 남북한 민법상 권리변동의 원인을 비교․검토한 후 권리변동의 원인에 관한 남북한 민법의 통합방향을 제시하고 있다. 남북한 민법은 권리변동의 원인으로서 법률사실과 법률요건을 인정하는 점, 가장 주된 원인으로 법률행위를 다루는 점, 물권변동의 원인으로 법률행위와 그 밖의 것으로 나누어 규율할 수 있는 점, 개인소유권에 선의취득을 인정하는 점, 채권발생원인으로서 계약과 부당이득․불법행위를 다루는 점, 채권소멸원인으로서 변제와 상계․경계․면제․혼동을 인정하는 점 등에서 유사점을 보이고 있다. 그러나 북한 민법은 법률행위를 비롯한 모든 권리변동의 원인에 정치성을 강조하는 점, 개인소유권에 소멸시효를 적용하는 점, 모든 무주물을 국가귀속으로 하는 점, 행정문건을 채권의 발생원인으로 다루는 점, 계획적 계약을 인정하고 우리 민법과 다른 저금계약 등의 일반계약을 두고 있는 점, 불법원인급여를 국가귀속으로 하는 점 등에서 우리 민법과 차이를 보이고 있다. 권리변동의 원인에 대하여 남북한 민법의 통합방향을 논하자면, 자유민주적 기본질서를 토대로 해야 하는 만치 그에 위배되며 정치색을 띠는 북한 민법의 관련 규정들은 적용을 배제해야 할 것이다. 또한 서로 유사한 요소들은 통일 후 북한 지역에도 확장 적용하되, 서로 차이를 보이는 요소들에 대해서는 경과규정을 두어 법률적 혼란을 피해야 할 것이다. 여기서 경과규정이 필요한 것들로는 권리변동의 원인과 관련해서 소멸시효, 점유권, 선의취득, 무주물선점, 사무관리, 불법원인급여 불법행위, 정당방위와 긴급피난 규정 등을 들 수 있다

      • KCI등재

        북한의 컴퓨터범죄에 관한 연구 - 국내 정보통신망 관련 법제와 북한의 정보보안법 비교를 중심으로 -

        최진호 법무부 2024 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.57

        Unification of North and South Korea and peace on the Korean Peninsula are the mission of the times and the wish of the people, and are considered national goals, but achieving them is truly difficult. The standstill in inter-Korean relations should never be a factor that reduces research on the Unification laws and North Korean laws. Of course, there may be changes in goal setting and approach for North Korea and unification policies depending on the political and international situation, but the principles and basic goals for unification must be promoted consistently. In this sense, research on North Korea’s substantive criminal law and criminal procedural law must be conducted continuously. For this reason, this article discusses North Korea’s computer crimes, focusing on a comparison of domestic information and communications network-related laws and North Korea’s Information Security Act. Laws governing computer crimes in North Korea are largely specified in North Korea’s Criminal Law and North Korea’s Information Security Law. Recently, North Korea has been conducting a lot of research on computer crimes and violations of information-related laws. This is similar to the fact that many studies are being conducted on computer crimes and information and communication network infringements in South Korea as well. This is also proof that North Korea cannot ignore this as information and communication technology develops rapidly around the world and is making a lot of effort to maintain its own system. Therefore, in this article, we first look at North Korea’s computer crime-related laws and analyze the similarities and differences between South and North Korea’s computer-related laws by comparing North Korea’s computer crime discipline with South Korea’s laws. In addition, it will be significant in laying the legal foundation to prepare for unification by deriving implications through comparing computer crimes in South and North Korea and discussing the integration of special criminal laws related to computer crimes in preparation for future unification. 남북통일과 한반도평화는 시대적 사명인 동시에 민족의 소망이고, 국가적 국민적 목표로 삼고있지만 이를 달성하는 것은 정말로 어려운 일이다. 남북관계의 답보상황은 결코 통일법과 북한법의 연구를 축소하는 요인이 되면 안 된다. 물론 대북·통일정책은 정치적·국제적 국면에 따라 목표 설정과 접근방법에 대한 변화는 있을 수 있지만 통일을 향한 원칙과 기본목표는 꾸준하게 추진될 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. 이러한 의미에서 북한의 형사실체법과 형사절차법에 대한 연구는 지속적으로 이루어져야 한다. 이러한 이유로 본 글에서는 북한의 컴퓨터범죄에 대한 내용을 국내 정보통신망 관련 법제와 북한의 정보보안법에 대한 내용들에 대한 비교를 중심으로 논하였다. 북한의 컴퓨터범죄를 규율하는 법률은 크게 북한 형법과 북한 정보보안법상에 명시되어 있다. 최근 북한은 컴퓨터범죄 및 정보 관련법 위반행위에 대해 많은 연구를 진행하고 있다. 이는 남한에서도 컴퓨터범죄 및 정보통신망 침해행위 등에 대해 많은 연구들이 진행되고 있다는 것과 유사하다. 이는 전 세계적으로 정보통신기술이 급격히 발전함에 따라 북한도 이를 무시할 수 없으며 그들만의 체제 유지를 위해나름 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다는 반증이기도 하다. 따라서 본 글에서는 북한의 컴퓨터범죄 관련 법제를 우선 살펴보고 북한의 컴퓨터범죄의 규율형태와 남한 법제 비교를 통해 남한과 북한의 컴퓨터 관련 법제의 유사성 및 차이점을 분석하였다. 또한 남·북한의 컴퓨터범죄 비교를 통해 시사점을 도출하여 향후 통일에 대비한 컴퓨터범죄관련 형사특별법에 대한 통합의 논의를 함으로써 통일을 준비하기 위한 법제적 기반을 마련하는데 큰 의의가 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 시장화의 상거래법적 분석

        이준섭 아주대학교 법학연구소 2019 아주법학 Vol.13 No.2

        북한에서 김정일이 2003년 기존 시장의 존재를 인정하고 이를 통합하여 합법화한 것이 오늘날의 원시적 시장경제의 초기단계인 ‘종합시장’이다. 종합시장은 다양한 생산재시장, 노동시장, 금융시장 등으로 확산되고 있고 이를 뒷받침하는 다양한 법률들이 제정되고 있고, 시장의 현실을 수정하거나 혹은 근거지우기 위해 개정되고 있다. 북한정권이 정치체제로서의 사회주의 계획경제를 확고하게 고수하고 있기 때문에 이 기본적 틀이 얼마나 시장화에 영향을 미치는지 그리고 시장화를 근거지우기 위해 제정된 법률들에게 어떤 영향을 미치는 것인지 관찰할 필요가 있다. 여기서는 이들 시장화 관련 법제화의 내용을 검토하고 그 추이와 향방을 분석해보고자 한다. 특히 법제화의 추이와 진전을 예측하는 것은 향후 남북한의 경제통합시 신속하고 용이한 통합을 담보하는 것이어서 매우 중요하다. 또한 통일후 경제통합과정에서 상당한 시행착오를 겪은 독일의 경험을 비교분석함으로써 북한의 현행법제의 발전방향을 예측하고 향후 경제통합법제를 준비하는 기초를 제공할 수 있다. 북한시장화 관련 상거래법적 검토결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째로 북한시장화는 원시적 형태의 시장경제의 도입을 의미한다. 원래 북한당국이 의도했던 종합시장의 기능, 즉 기존의 배급체제를 대체하는 소비재 생활용품의 공급시장 기능을 뛰어 넘어 시장화가 여러 방향으로 확산되고 있기 때문이다. 북한에서는 현재 생산재시장, 노동시장, 금융시장에 이르기까지 시장화의 확산을 경험 하고 있다. 그동안 체제붕괴의 우려 때문에 화폐개혁 등을 동원하여 시장화를 억제하고 통제하고자 했지만 모두 실패하고 이제 과거로 돌아가기 어려운 단계에 와있다. 특히 북한지역에서의 자본이 축적되고 유통되기 시작한 것은 주목할만한 변화이다. 둘째, 북한이 공식적으로 합법화함에 따라 경제질서를 법제도에 의해 규율하려는 관념이 태동하고 있다. 헌법, 형법, 행정법, 민법, 상업법, 가족법, 금융관련법, 외국인투자관련법, 회계법제 등을 통해 시장화를 뒷받침하거나 시장화의 확산을 근거지우는 다양한 법률들이 입법되고 있다. 이것은 기존의 북한당국의 일방적 계획 및 지시에 의존하는 경제운용방식에서 벗어나 경제질서에 관한 법치주의가 태동하고 있음을 뜻한다. 셋째, 북한에는 여전히 시장과 계획이 공존하고 있다.‘시장’은 현재 당면하고 있는 현실이지만 계획은 북한당국의 마음속에 있는 꿈은 이라고 할 수 있다. 현실로서의 시장은 모든 제도와 억압을 넘어 앞서 달려가고 있지만 계획은 낡은 종이문서의 헌법안에만 존재하는 실현되기 어려운 꿈일 뿐이다. 결국 시장의 맛에 젖어든 북한주민들은 다시는 과거의 계획으로 회귀하지 않을 것이라는 것이 지금까지의 체제전환국들의 경험이다. 넷째, 현재 북한에서 입법된 시장관련 법제들이 아직은 미진하고 만족스럽지 못하더라도 현실의 시장이 이끄는 대로 시장화를 뒷받침하는 법제로 거듭 발전될 것으로 전망된다. 이는 지금까지 북한당국이 시장화를 억제하고 통제하고자 했던 시도들이 무산되고 실패했던 것과 같은 것이다. Since Kim Jong Il recognized the existence of the comprehensive markets in 2003 in North Korea and legalized them, the comprehensive markets are now symbol of the first step in a primitive market economy that no one can deny. The comprehensive market is now spreading to various markets of production goods, labor markets, and financial markets, and various laws supporting it are being enacted and amended to correct on the reality of the market. On the one hand, North Korea adheres firmly to the socialist planned economy as a political system, so it is necessary to observe how this basic framework affects marketization and how it affects the laws enacted to establish the beginning of marketization or market economy. Therefore, this study reviews the contents of these marketization laws and analyzes their trends and directions. In particular, it is very important to predict the progress and progress of legislation to ensure quick and easy integration in the future economic integration of the two Koreas. In addition, by comparing and analyzing Germany's experience of considerable trial and error in the process of economic integration after unification, it can predict the development direction of the current legislation of North Korea and provide the motivation to prepare and review the economic integration legislation after unification. After reviewing the commerce laws related to marketization in North Korean, we came to the following conclusions. First, marketization implies the introduction of a primitive form of market economy. This is because the market is spreading in various directions beyond the function of the comprehensive market originally intended by the North Korean authorities, that is, the supply market of consumer goods and household goods, which replaces the existing socialist distribution system. North Korea is currently experiencing the spread of marketization to production goods, labor and financial markets. In the meantime, due to fears of the collapse of the system, the government tried to suppress and control the marketization by monetary reform, but all failed and are now in a difficult stage. In particular, we note that capital began to accumulate and flow in North Korea, which is the most important condition in the process of economic integration in future. Second, although North Korea has a strong will to adhere to the socialist system politically, the idea of ​​rule of economy by legal system is emerging as the market is formalized and legalized. Various laws that support marketization or underlie the spread of marketization through legislation, criminal law, administrative law, civil law, commercial law, family law, financial law, foreign investment law, accounting law, etc. are enacted. This means that the rule of law on economic order is emerging from the economic operation method which relies on the existing unilateral plan and direction of the North Korean authorities. Third, there is still a market and a plan coexisting in North Korea. The 'market' is a reality in the present, but the plan is a dream in the heart of the North Korean authorities. The market as a reality is running ahead of all institutions and oppression, but planning is only an unrealized and unrealizable dream that exists only in the constitution of old paper documents. In the end, the experience of transition countries convince us that North Koreans who are soaked in the taste of the market will never return to their previous plans. Fourth, even though market-related legislation currently legislated in North Korea is still inadequate and unsatisfactory, it is expected to evolve into a legislation that supports marketization as the market leads.

      • KCI등재

        분단과 남·북한 친족법의 변화

        문흥안 한국가족법학회 2015 가족법연구 Vol.29 No.3

        This paper examines how the family law has been settled and developed since the emancipation from Japanese colonial era throughout the time where South and North Korea maintain as divided. The study flows from introduction of the topic in Part I to actions taken by South and North Korea against division of Korea peninsula in Part II. Then it further investigates main issues and changes in background through the history in Part III until it reaches to a conclusion in Part IV. Family law in South Korea that played a main role to stabilize patriarchal family system in the capitalistic society since the emancipation of Japanese colonial era is currently operated to support the realization of gender equality that is centered on husband and wife by abolishing the patriarchal family system. On the other hand, North Korean law concerning the family issues, where this paper lays special emphasis, has been managed as a special law for the past 70 years since the liberation as it severed from the capitalism while embracing the socialist system. As a result, most of its legal structure and contents from the past have been succeeded as is into North Korea’s modern family law in 1990’s. Socialist political·economic systems that North Korea accepted support nationalization of production methods which in turn requires abolition of private property system. This turned out to lead the collapse of feudal patriarchal family system by directly impacting the family system that stands on the basis of land. Although it is undeniable that of feudal patriarchal family system positive impact on strengthening female rights, each individual including female is just an expendable for socialist revolution led by the political party and leader in North Korea despite of all the efforts to cut off the vicious circle of customs from the feudal age through the legal enforcement such as “Act on Equality in Gender”. Even the regulation of family law for child benefit promotion is also in fact a way of training foster for communist revolution. One of the purposes of the communist revolution is to dissolve the individual’s family. This ironically has accomplished consolidation of family in North Korea as the measures of revolution resulted in gathering of smaller groups for the revolution. The paper explores in depth to study the reasons and seek solution for ongoing issues caused by the remarriage of North Korean refugees as well. If the integration of family law in North Korea is discussed henceforth under the circumstance where it can’t avoid accepting capitalism, the removal of socialistic views and vestiges of self-reliance ideology should be preceded, focusing on the practical functions of the newly integrated family system. There will be a limit for North Korean people to adapt to South Korean system by merely enforcing the letter of the law while leaving what they have been accustomed over the past 70 years behind. This needless to say puts significant importance to broaden the ability to understand theoretical background of North Korean family law and legal terms to increase efficiency toward the actual integration of South and North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 전자지급결제법제 변화와 시사점

        장원규 법무부 2024 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.57

        최근 북한에서 전자카드 또는 휴대전화 등의 선전과 활용 소식들이 전해지고, 「전자결제법」의제정과 내용이 공개됨에 따라 북한의 전자상업과 전자지급결제 상황에 대한 법제상 접근이 요구된다. 「전자결제법」은 기본적으로 영업규제법에 해당한다. 「전자결제법」은 북한의 여러 법제, 특히 「중앙은행법」, 「상업은행법」, 「화페류통법」, 「전자인증법」 등과 유기적으로 연계되어 있다. 일반적으로 지급결제에 관한 법률관계는 「민법」의 규율에 따른다. 「전자결제법」을 통하여 무현금거래의 안정화 및 촉진을 도모하면서도 현금거래의 원활한 보장도 강조되고 있다. 하지만 「전자결제법」과 그의 관계법제는 이용자 보호에 관한 사항, 개인정보 보호, 분쟁해결등 주요 법적 문제에 대응하기 미흡한 부분이 있다. 더욱이 북한의 사회주의체제 특성상 탈중앙화된 금융은 기대하기 어렵다. 전자지급결제와 같이 북한경제 부문의 현황과 함께 그와 관련된 법제화를 형성하는 여러 제도적 요소들을 잘 포착하여 파악하는 것은 지속적인 북한법제 기초연구의 중요한 한 축을 이루는것이다. As news of the propaganda and utilization of electronic cards or mobile phones in North Korea has recently spread, and the enactment and contents of the Electronic Payment Law have been made public, a legal approach to the status of electronic commerce and electronic payment settlement in North Korea is required. The Electronic Payment Law basically corresponds to a business regulation law. The Electronic Payment Law is organically linked to various legal systems in North Korea, especially the Central Bank Law, Commercial Banking Law, Monetary Circulation Law, and Electronic Authentication Law. In general, legal relations concerning payment and settlement shall be governed by the Civil Law. Through the Electronic Payment Law, the stabilization and promotion of cash-free transactions are promoted, while the smooth guarantee of cash transactions is also emphasized. However, the Electronic Payment Law and its related laws are insufficient to deal with major legal issues such as user protection, personal information protection, and dispute resolution. Moreover, it is difficult to expect decentralized finance due to the nature of North Korea’s socialist system. It constitutes an important axis of continuous basic research on the North Korean legal system, such as electronic payment and settlement, to capture and understand the current status of North Korea’s economic sector and various institutional factors that form related legislation.

      • KCI등재

        북한 지적재산권법에 대한 연구 - 북한에도 특허청이 있을까? -

        이주환 ( Lee Joo Hwan ) 연세법학회 2019 연세법학 Vol.33 No.-

        There are intellectual property laws such as South Korea's patent law, trademark law, design protection Law and copyright Law in North Korea. Also, there are intellectual property-related applications and registration agencies such as South Korea's Patent Office in North Korea. But, there are considerable differences between South and North Korea's intellectual property laws in that North Korea's intellectual property laws reflects the its socialist political system. In other words, North Korea's intellectual property laws is characterized by its emphasis on the country's role as a socialist country's law. In addition, North Korea's intellectual property laws have different characteristics from South Korea's laws in that North Korea's laws places importance on the management of the country in terms of the use and profits of intellectual properties. Especially North Korea's intellectual property laws would not approve that companies can freely trade the transfer and use of their intellectual properties on the basis of the principle of private autonomy. At present, the atmosphere of economic cooperation between South and North Korea is ripe. Therefore, they should work together on intellectual property laws and systems to take advantage of them as an opportunity for economic development. A gradual approach is needed to do this, with reference to the plans for the unification of intellectual property laws adopted by West and East Germany as well as the recent introduction of a single European patent system and the establishment of an integrated patent court in the European Union.

      • KCI우수등재

        북한 가족법제의 동향과 남북 가족법제 통합의 방향

        문흥안 ( Heung Ahn Moon ) 법조협회 2015 法曹 Vol.64 No.11

        There are varying opinions on the possibility of North and South Korea’s unification, but it can be considered in two ways. First is through negotiation. In this case, an establishment of a new legal system, which will be enforced in the Unified Korea, can be expected through both countries’ agreement on the unification of law system. Therefore, a preparation of unified civil law will be strategically established to extract core values of South Korean society, thus to carry them through the negotiation. Second is a unification that will be achieved by the demolition of the truce line, resulting from North Korea’s current urgent situations. In this case, in which the two countries are first physically unified, a stable guarantee of living for the citizens will become the top priority for both countries. Therefore, in the preparation for the unified civil law, it is necessary to discuss how South Korea’s civil law could accept North Korea’s disparate family law system. Along with measures to sustain North Korean’s stable family living system, a more detailed direction for the unified civil law in the future is required. This paper studies the recent trend of North Korea’s family law system and suggests various solutions for the unification of the systems of both countries, in the perspective of the second hypothesis. The “North Korea Family Law”, which was established and has been enforced from December 1, 1990 with 54 provisions, contains practically 46 family-related provisions, since 8 provisions among them are related to inheritance. Compared to “South Korea Family Law” with 204 provisions, “North Korea Family Law” is considered to hold quite theoretical provisions. By still having the inheritance-related provisions in “North Korea Family Law”, even after the establishment of “North Korea’s Inheritance Law” in 2002, it seems to maintain an unstructured legal system. Therefore, in this paper, studies were conducted limited to “South Korea Family Law” and “North Korea Family Law”. Part II studies on the trend of recent amendment of North Korea family law system. North Korea has put effort to establish a legitimate legal system by amending unfair provisions. Part III sets “South Korea Family Law” as a standard and compare corresponding provisions of “North Korea Family Law” to study the characteristics of both law system. Based on this, possible issues that could arise in the process of combining the two law system are extracted, to suggest a direction of unified family law and measures to mediate interests of the two parties, in case “South Korea Family Law” is to be applied in the unification process. Nonetheless, regarding the ‘inheritance’ in “North Korea Family Law”, the discussion was held in accordance to its relationships with “North Korea Inheritance Law”. Part IV is the conclusion. “North Korea Family Law” generally highlights North Korea’s uniqueness and tradition as well as emphasizes the family relations for socialistic rule of state, thus characterizes itself as a public law under the state control. Nonetheless, despite its uniqueness and tradition, if it fails to cover the conventional values, it is no more than a linguistic vanity. The basic premises for unification of family law should include guarantee of dignity, freedom, gender equality and principle of private autonomy, based on liberal democratic order. Therefore, provisions in “North Korea Family Law” and “North Korea Inheritance Law” that fail to hold the conventional values should not be embraced in “South Korea Family Law”. Under these premises, to apply “South Korea Family Law” in the process of unifying both countries family law, it is vital to support the North Korean citizens, who have been living under North Korea Family Law and Inheritance Law, to guarantee their continuity of living. Moreover, if necessary in order to create new values for unified South and North Korea, it is also suggested to accept North Korea Family Law. A proposal to accept stepson as a blood related, which is not the case in South Korea, as well as a proposal to acknowledge and unify both adopted and blood sons as “blood-foster son relationship” should be considered in the establishing unified family law. In addition, the paper emphasizes the necessity of discussion on the double marriage, which can arise as a serious issue even before the actual unification. The two countries hold varying opinions in double marriages, with South Korea asserting that it can be annulled, whereas North Korea not acknowledging its legitimacy. Considering the long term separation and rare opportunities to hear from each other, the paper suggests protection measures on current double marriages. On the other hand, considering North Korean citizens’ lack of understanding of constitutional legislations, easy-to-understand legal terms and simple procedures in applying North and South related provisions are needed. Unification cannot be realized just with an idea. It takes a significant amount of cost. With South Korea’s economic scale, too much risk is at stake in paying this cost at once. The alternative is then to pursue a progressive unification. A desirable factor for this progressive unification will be allowing North Koreans a certain period of time to get accustomed to capitalistic society, and this is why civil exchanges between South Korea and North Korea should become more active. At the same time, South Korea’s system and mindset should also lean more toward to those of unification-friendly. Through the study of “North Korea Law System”, there will be a better understanding of North Korean society and people’s mind set, which in turn, will reduce the cost of unification and social conflicts afterward.

      • KCI등재

        분단과 남.북한 친족법의 변화

        문홍안(Moon, Heung-Ahn) 한국가족법학회 2015 가족법연구 Vol.29 No.3

        This paper examines how the family law has been settled and developed since the emancipation from Japanese colonial era throughout the time where South and North Korea maintain as divided. The study flows from introduction of the topic in Part I to actions taken by South and North Korea against division of Korea peninsula in Part II. Then it further investigates main issues and changes in background through the history in Part III until it reaches to a conclusion in Part IV. Family law in South Korea that played a main role to stabilize patriarchal family system in the capitalistic society since the emancipation of Japanese colonial era is currently operated to support the realization of gender equality that is centered on husband and wife by abolishing the patriarchal family system. On the other hand, North Korean law concerning the family issues, where this paper lays special emphasis, has been managed as a special law for the past 70 years since the liberation as it severed from the capitalism while embracing the socialist system. As a result, most of its legal structure and contents from the past have been succeeded as is into North Korea’s modern family law in 1990’s. Socialist political·economic systems that North Korea accepted support nationalization of production methods which in turn requires abolition of private property system. This turned out to lead the collapse of feudal patriarchal family system by directly impacting the family system that stands on the basis of land. Although it is undeniable that of feudal patriarchal family system positive impact on strengthening female rights, each individual including female is just an expendable for socialist revolution led by the political party and leader in North Korea despite of all the efforts to cut off the vicious circle of customs from the feudal age through the legal enforcement such as “Act on Equality in Gender”. Even the regulation of family law for child benefit promotion is also in fact a way of training foster for communist revolution. One of the purposes of the communist revolution is to dissolve the individual’s family. This ironically has accomplished consolidation of family in North Korea as the measures of revolution resulted in gathering of smaller groups for the revolution. The paper explores in depth to study the reasons and seek solution for ongoing issues caused by the remarriage of North Korean refugees as well. If the integration of family law in North Korea is discussed henceforth under the circumstance where it can’t avoid accepting capitalism, the removal of socialistic views and vestiges of self-reliance ideology should be preceded, focusing on the practical functions of the newly integrated family system. There will be a limit for North Korean people to adapt to South Korean system by merely enforcing the letter of the law while leaving what they have been accustomed over the past 70 years behind. This needless to say puts significant importance to broaden the ability to understand theoretical background of North Korean family law and legal terms to increase efficiency toward the actual integration of South and North Korea.

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