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      • 국민건강 보호와 생활환경 변화 대응을 위한 소음진동 법체계 선진화 방안

        박영민,이병권,김경민 한국환경연구원 2021 기본연구보고서 Vol.2021 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구의 배경 및 목적 1. 정책 현안 및 연구의 필요성 □ 국가정책의제 등 정책적 요구 ㅇ 『제4차 소음·진동관리종합계획(2021-2025)』 수립 - 제4차 종합계획이 향후 5년 동안 지속적으로 시행되기 위해서는 「소음·진동관리법」 등 관련 법률의 체계적인 뒷받침이 요구되며, 이에 따른 정책적 연구 지원 필요 □ 소음·진동 노출 피해 증가 등 사회적 요구 ㅇ 전국적으로 환경 민원의 절반 이상을 소음·진동 민원이 차지 ㅇ 지역적으로 서울특별시 환경 민원의 약 85%가 소음·진동 민원 ㅇ 전국적으로 환경분쟁신청사건의 약 80%가 소음·진동으로 인한 피해 호소 - 소음공해는 거주지로서 적합한 주거환경 조성을 위해서 가장 우선적으로 해결해야 하는 현안과제로, 이와 같은 사회적 요구에 선제적으로 대응하고 부합할 수 있는 정책연구 필요 □ 소음·진동 관련 법률체계의 개선 필요 ㅇ 항공기 소음과 철도소음의 환경기준 부재 ㅇ 항공기 소음 및 철도소음 관련 정책적 개선 시급 - 민원 대응과 현 수준의 유지관리에 그치고 있어, 정부가 최종적으로 달성하고자 하는 정량적 목표 부재 2. 연구 목적 및 수행 방법 □ 연구의 목적 ㅇ 국민건강 보호를 위한 소음·진동 법체계 선진화 방안 마련 ㅇ (실증분석) 국내 현황 및 사례 분석 - 국내 소음·진동 생활환경 전망 및 피해 현황 - 관련 법률 및 제도 조사를 통한 법적 개선 방향 분석 ㅇ (사례조사) 국외 현황 및 시사점 분석 - 미국, 유럽, 아시아 등 주요 선진국을 대상으로 소음·진동 관리 현황 조사 - 이들 사례로부터 법제도적 측면에서의 시사점 도출 ㅇ (정책방안) 국민건강 보호를 위한 소음·진동 법체계 선진화 방안 제시 - 국내외 현황 분석을 통해 도출된 결과를 종합하여 국민건강 보호를 위한 소음·진동 법체계 선진화 방안 제시 Ⅱ. 국내 현황 및 사례 분석 1. 소음·진동 생활환경 변화 여건 전망 및 분석 □ 소음 노출로 인한 건강영향 관리체계로의 전환 □ ‘예방관리’ 목적의 실시간 모니터링 관리체계로 전환 □ 수용체 중심의 국민체감형 관리체계 효율성 강화 □ 능동소음제어 등 국가 기반 신기술 경쟁력 확보 2. 정부 주요 정책 추진에 따른 신규 소음원 예측 및 선제적 대응 방향 □ 드론 국가정책: 한국형 도심항공교통(K-UAM) 도입 ㅇ (2019) 드론 분야 선제적 규제 혁파 로드맵 - 드론 비행의 소음 발생 관리 ㅇ (2020) 한국형 도심항공교통(K-UAM) 로드맵 - 소음의 사회적 수용성 · 지자체 소음 기준: 소음·환경 등 운용 규제는 지역주민 의견 수렴을 거쳐 지자체 기준, 즉 지역별 운항 기준으로 마련 계획 · 전기 동력을 활용한 저소음 UAM 도입 목표 계획 ㅇ (2021) 한국형 도심항공교통(K-UAM) 기술 로드맵 - 저소음 추진 장치 기술 확보 ㅇ (2021) 한국형-도심항공교통(K-UAM) 운용개념서 1.0 - UAM 회랑 운영방식에 따른 소음영향 모니터링 · UAM 비행경로에 따라 지역별 소음 기준 등이 달라질 수 있으므로 엄격하게 비행경로 관리 · UAM 회랑 운영방식에 따라 운항 높이 및 주변 정온시설과의 이격거리를 고려한 소음영향을 모니터링하여, 관련 운항 지원 정보를 실시간 제공하고 소음 노출 수준에 따라 적합한 운항 절차를 운용할 필요가 있음 □ 관계 법령 ㅇ (드론 활성화) 「드론 활용의 촉진 및 기반조성에 관한 법률」 ㅇ (항공기 소음의 한도 관리) 「소음·진동관리법」 ㅇ (항공교통 활성화) 「공항소음 방지 및 소음대책지역 지원에 관한 법률」 □ 신규 드론소음으로 인한 사회적 갈등 및 선제적 대응 방향 ㅇ 인구밀집지역 드론소음 피해 및 관련 소음 관리방안 미비 ㅇ 드론소음의 선제적 대응 방향 - 저소음 드론 인증 - 드론소음 관리기준 - 드론소음 발생 특성(성가신 윙윙거리는 음)을 반영한 적정 보정치 검토 - 인구밀집지역 대상 드론소음 모델링 및 저감대책 마련 전략 수립 3. 국내 소음·진동 민원 현황 및 관리제도의 문제점 소음·진동 발생원별 민원 현황을 조사하고, 「소음·진동관리법」 등 관련 제도의 문제점을 진단 및 개선 방향을 제시하였다. □ 소음·진동 관리제도의 문제점 진단 및 개선 방향 ㅇ 법령 측면: 관계부처별로 개별법에 근거한 소음·진동 관리를 수행하고 있음 - 각 부처에 분산되어 있는 소음·진동 관련 법규를 종합적으로 정리 필요 - 관리 목적에 따라 관계부처별 이원화 또는 일원화 관리에 대한 타당성 검토 필요 ㅇ 예방 측면: 민원 발생 시 소극적인 사후 조치로, 피해예방 효과를 기대하기 어려움 - 국가 정책적 목표인 소음 환경기준(철도, 항공기)의 설정 및 도입 제안 - 소음 환경기준의 환경영향평가 활용 등 잠재적 소음민원 예방 및 건강 증진 효과 제고 ㅇ 관리 측면: 발생원별 소음·진동 규제 등 부정적 인식의 소음·진동 저감관리에 한계 - [1단계] 민원 분포 빈도를 고려하여, 발생원별 집중관리(공사장, 사업장, 확성기 등) - [2단계] 쾌적한 소리환경 조성 관리로 대국민 긍정적 인식 전환 4. 현 도로교통소음 관련 기준 현황 및 문제점 진단 □ 현황: 관계부처 간 공동주택 도로교통소음 적용 기준이 상이함 □ 문제점 진단 ㅇ 준공 이후 도로 운영 시 야간 시간대 소음 기준을 초과할 가능성이 높음 ㅇ 이로 인한 소음 민원을 사전에 방지하고 적극적으로 대응하기 어려움 5. 소음 환경기준의 설정 현황 및 개선 검토 방향 □ 공항소음의 환경기준 설정 및 도입 방향 ㅇ 선행연구사례 조사 및 분석(한국소음진동공학회, 2001) - 항공기 소음 관련 규제기준보다 5dB 강화 수준, 주거지역 기준 70WECPNL □ 철도소음의 환경기준 설정 및 도입 방향 ㅇ 해외 사례 조사 및 분석 - 일본: 최고소음도 기준 · 신선[신간선(新幹線)] 주거지역을 기준으로, 최고소음도 70dB(A) 적용 - 스웨덴: 24시간 등가소음도 60dB(A) 및 최고소음도 70dB(A) 기준 - 독일: 주야간 등가소음도 주간 70dB(A), 야간 60dB(A) 기준 적용 - 호주: 주야간 등가소음도 및 최고소음도 기준 · 등가소음도 주간 60~65dB(A), 야간 55~60dB(A) 및 최고소음도 기준 적용 Ⅲ. 국외 현황 및 시사점 1. 미국 □ 소음규제법(Noise Control Act of 1972) ㅇ 관리 기관: 미국 환경보호청(EPA: Environmental Protection Agency) ㅇ 의미: 생활환경상의 소음 규제 관련 기본적 규율 ㅇ 목적: 건강과 복지를 위협하는 소음으로부터 모든 국민이 안전한 환경을 조성하기 위한 국가정책 수립 □ 정온한 공동체법(Quiet Communication Act of 1978) ㅇ 지방정부 대상 소음 규제 프로그램의 개발 촉진 ㅇ 소음 관련 연구 수행 ㅇ 소음 관련 교육 자료의 개발 및 보급 2. 유럽 □ 환경소음 관련 지침 ㅇ 환경소음의 평가 및 관리 지침(2002) - Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC ㅇ 환경소음의 건강영향평가 지침(2020) - European Commission Directive (EU) 2020/367 □ 환경소음 관리 현황 및 향후 전망 ㅇ 소음저감 및 관리 현황 - 교통소음 저감조치 - 듣기 좋은 소리환경 조성 ㅇ 향후 전망 - 소리나 소음 없이는 살 수 없는 것이 분명하며 소음공해를 ‘제로’로 줄이는 것은 비현실적이다. 그러나 EU는 소음 수준을 줄여 환경과 건강에 해를 끼치지 않도록 노력하고 있으며, 이것은 큰 과제이다. - 소음공해 감소 및 소음 노출에 대한 WHO 권고 수준으로의 이동이라는 EU의 7차 환경 행동 프로그램에서 정의한 소음공해 감소에 대한 EU의 2020년 목표가 달성되지 않을 것이라는 점은 이미 분명하다. 많은 EU 회원국은 특히 EU의 환경소음 지침을 시행할 때 소음공해를 해결하는 데 필요한 조치를 취하기 위해 더 노력해야 한다. 3. 아시아 □ 홍콩 ㅇ 소음관리조례(Noise Control Ordinance, 400) - (사람) 주요 장소에서의 소음 발생 행위 통제 · 주거용 건물 및 공공장소 · 공사장 · 이외, 산업 또는 상업건물 - (제품) 소음 발생 제품의 관리 · 제조 규제: 소음 기준에 적합하지 않은 제품의 제조 · 사용 규제: 소음 기준에 적합하지 않은 제품의 사용 □ 말레이시아 ㅇ 환경소음 제한 및 관리 가이드라인(Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and Control, 2019) - Noise Limits (소음 제한) - Noise Measurements (소음 측정) - Monitoring Locations (모니터링 지점) - Noise Sources to be Measured (측정 대상 소음원) - Noise Severity and Impact Assessment (소음 심각도 및 영향 평가) - Record Keeping (기록의 보관) - Noise and Planning (소음저감 계획) - Noise Mapping (소음지도 작성) - Noise Work Scope in Environmental Impact Assessment (환경영향평가 시, 소음 업무의 범위) - Noise Mitigation (소음저감) □ 대만 ㅇ 소음관리통제법(2020.12.30 개정) - 목적: 국민의 건강과 환경의 평온 유지 및 국민의 삶의 질 향상 - ‘소음’이란 규제 표준을 초과하는 소리로 정의함 - 중앙정부 및 지자체 권한 구분 제시 Ⅳ. 소음·진동 법체계 선진화 방안 1. 소음·진동 관련 법체계의 문제점 진단 및 관리체계 개선 방향 □ 문제점 진단 ㅇ 중앙정부 중심의 획일적인 법체계 적용으로, 지역적 특성 반영에 한계가 있음 ㅇ 「소음·진동관리법」상 적용기준이 복잡하여, 관리 목적에 적합하도록 기준 체계 개선 ㅇ 소음·진동측정망 - 소음원별로 모니터링 지점 선정 기준이 상이하게 적용되고 있음 · 도로교통소음: 도로 인접 지점 · 철도 및 항공기 소음: 피해가 예상되는 수음점 - 중앙정부와 지방자치단체 간 모니터링의 중복성 문제 제기 ㅇ 드론소음 등 신규 발생 소음원에 대한 법제도적 지원 체계 미비 □ 개선 방향 ㅇ 비전: 국민 중심의 소음·진동 관리체계 개선 - (중앙부처) 통일성 있는 국가 관리지침 제공을 통한 쾌적한 정온 환경 조성 지원 - (지방자치단체) 지역별 특성에 적합한 관리기준 설정 및 소음·진동 발생원 저감관리에 집중 2. 환경정책기본법상의 소음 환경기준 개선 □ 소음 환경기준의 설정 개선 방향 ㅇ 비전: 공공 공간 목적에 적합한 쾌적한 소리환경 조성 및 보전 ㅇ 설정 방안 - (1안) 교통소음원별 환경기준 확대 설정 · 현 도로교통소음과 함께 철도 및 공항소음으로 확대 - (2안) 소음원 구분 없이, 국민 중심의 일원화된 소음 환경기준 설정 ㅇ 적용 방향 - WHO 등 소음 노출로 인한 국내외 건강영향 모니터링 결과를 활용하여, 미래 생활 환경 변화에 선도적으로 대응할 수 있는 국가 소음 환경기준으로 개선 - 환경영향평가의 경우, 지역별·사업별 특성에 적합한 별도의 협의 기준 마련 □ 공항소음의 환경기준 신규 설정 검토(안) ㅇ 현 환경영향평가 협의기준 적용 - 현황: 환경영향평가 협의 시, 환경기준이 없어 주거지역 기준 70WECPNL로 협의 - 검토: 현 공항소음 평가 단위인 WECPNL을 Lden으로 변경 적용 - 공항소음 환경기준(안): 주거지역 기준 70WECPNL - 13(구간별 환산치) = 57dB · 제3종 구역 대비 4dB 강화 수준 □ 철도소음의 환경기준 신규 설정 검토(안) ㅇ 1안: 현 도로소음 환경기준 대비, 주야간 구분 등가소음도 기준 ㅇ 2안: 일평균 등가소음도 기준 검토(Lden 등) - 항공기 소음 한도 개정 반영을 위한 환경기준 평가 단위 검토 ※ 최고소음도 추가 검토 - 철도차량 통과 시 간헐적으로 발생하는 최고소음도 영향 추가 검토 필요 3. 「소음·진동관리법」 상의 관리체계 선진화 □ 신규 소음원에 대응할 수 있는 관리체계 구축 ㅇ 현황: 행정 편의상, 소음 발생 장소에 따라 관리체계 구축 ㅇ 문제: 드론소음 등 신규 소음원 발생 시 법제도적 대응이 어려워 관리에 한계가 있음 ㅇ 개선: 음향(주파수) 특성에 따라 소음원을 구분 관리할 수 있는 지침 마련 □ 규제관리기준 체계 개선 ㅇ 소음원 측면: 소음 발생원 저감을 위한 통일된 ‘규제기준’과 ‘권고기준’으로 구성 ㅇ 수음점 측면: 정온한 지역 조성 및 보전을 위한 ‘관리기준’으로 일원화 □ 규제관리기준 적용 시간대 개선 ㅇ 현황: 소음원 중심으로 관리하고 있어, 적용 시간대가 상이함에 따라 혼란 우려 ㅇ 개선 - 국민 중심으로 통계청의 생활시간 조사 결과를 활용하여, 우리나라 취침 및 기상 시간 등 현실을 반영한 개선 · 개선 내용: 2019년 기준 평균 취침 시간이 23:00 이후로, 야간 시간대 적용 시간을 현 22:00에서 23:00로 변경 검토 · 기대효과: 야간 시간대 적용 시간을 아침 7시까지 적용할 수 있어, 평일 및 금요일 평균 기상 시각까지 주간 대비 10dB(A) 강화된 소음 기준을 유지하여 수면 보장 4. 소음·진동 관련 고시 등 환경부 외 타 부처 관계법규 현황 및 개선 방향 □ 도로변 주택에서의 교통소음 적용기준 개선 ㅇ 1안: 주택건설 시, 소음 환경기준 또는 도로교통소음 기준으로 강화 및 일원화 - (평가 단위 개선 검토) 국제적인 추세에 부합하고, 2023년 항공기 소음 등 소음원 간 비교가 용이한 Lden 평가단위 및 관련 기준 적용 검토 ㅇ 2안: 적용 목적(주택건설, 소음관리)에 따라 이원화 유지 및 주택건설기준 개선 - 사업 특성에 따라 관계부처가 절충할 수 있는 협의기준 마련 - 실외소음도 확대 적용 · 현 5층 이하 실외소음도 기준을 모든 층으로 확대 적용 · 6층 이상 고층부에서도 창문을 열고 생활할 수 있는 환경권 보장에 기여 ※ 단, 6층 이상 실내소음 기준 적용은 창문을 닫고 생활이 영위될 수 있다고 인정되는 경우로 한정(예를 들어 구조적으로 문을 열 수 없는 Fix창 시공 등) · 서울시 등 지자체 소규모 환경영향평가 시, 실외소음 영향평가 근거 마련 - 야간 시간대 소음 기준 신설 · 현 「소음·진동관리법」상 도로교통소음 관리기준에 부합하는 수준으로 적용 · 야간 시간대 민원 발생 시, 소음 기준 적용의 혼란 최소화 □ 타 부처 소음·진동 관계 법규 현황 및 개선 방향 ㅇ 우리나라 소음·진동은 관계부처의 개별법에 따라 관리하고 있음 - 환경부 중심의 통합연계관리 지향 · 국토교통부: 국민의 살기 좋은 주거환경 · 국방부: 주민의 쾌적한 생활환경 · 고용노동부: 근로자의 안전한 작업환경 · 교육부: 학생의 건강하고 쾌적한 교육환경 Ⅴ. 결론 및 정책 제언 본 연구는 국민건강 보호와 생활환경 변화 대응을 위한 소음·진동 법체계 선진화 방안을 마련하기 위한 연구로, 국내 소음·진동 생활환경 변화 여건 전망 및 분석, 정부 주요 정책 추진에 따른 드론 등 신규 소음원 예측 및 선제적 대응 방향 검토, 소음·진동 민원 현황 및 관리제도의 분석을 통해 문제점을 진단하고, 소음·진동에 관한 국외 관리사례 분석과 시사점 도출을 통해 국내 소음·진동 법체계 선진화 방안을 도출하였다. □ 소음·진동 법체계 개선 □ 「환경정책기본법」상의 소음 환경기준 개선 □ 「소음·진동관리법」상의 관리체계 선진화 ㅇ 신규 소음원에 대응할 수 있는 관리체계 구축 ㅇ 규제관리기준 체계 개선 ㅇ 규제관리기준 적용 시간대 개선 Ⅰ. Background and purpose of research 1. Policy issue and the need for research □ Policy demands for a national policy proposal ㅇ The Fourth Comprehensive Management Plan for Noise and Vibration(2021-2025) - In order to the fourth comprehensive plan to be implemented over the next five years, systematic support of relevant laws such as the Noise and Vibration Control Act is required, along with the policy research □ Social demands for increased noise and vibration exposure damage ㅇ National wide, more than half of the environmental complaint is noise and vibration related ㅇ In case of Seoul Metropolitan Government, approximately 85% of environmental complaints are related to noise and vibration ㅇ Nationwide, nearly 80% of the environmental complaint petition report was due to the damage caused by noise and vibration - Noise pollution is a prior issue which must be addressed to create a suitable residential environment, and policy research is required to proactively respond to and meet the social demands □ Legislation capacity building for environmental noise related legislative system ㅇ Lack of environmental standards for aircraft and rail noise ㅇ Exigent policy instrument related to aircraft noise and rail noise - Lack of an overarching policy goal with quantitative objectives for result, as it has been shortsighted to responding to the complaints and largely maintaining the current level 2. Research Purposes and Conducting Methods □ Purpose of Study ㅇ To develop a noise and vibration legislative system to proactively protect public health □ Scope of Research and Methods ㅇ Empirical Analysis - Domestic environmental noise and the living environment outlook and damage status - Analysis of the direction of legislative improvement through relevant legal and institutional investigations ㅇ Case Study - Survey of noise management cases with best practices from major developed countries such as the U.S., Europe, and Asia. - Derive implications from these cases in the context of the legislative system ㅇ Policy Plan - Presenting a method for advancement of the legislative system to protect the public health by synthesizing the results derived from domestic and international study Ⅱ. Domestic Status and Case Study 1. Environmental Noise and Living Environment Trend Analysis and Outlook □ Transition to a health impact management system due to noise exposure □ Shift to a real-time monitoring management system for the purpose of ‘proactive management’ □ Receptor-driven management system tangible to the public □ Securing competitiveness of national technology innovation such as active noise control 2. Driven by key national policies, responding proactively to the new noise sources □ Drone National Policy: Introduction of Korean Urban Air Traffic (K-UAM) ㅇ (2019) Preemptive Regulatory Reform Roadmap for Drones - Manage noise from drone flights ㅇ (2020) Korea Urban Air Traffic (K-UAM) Roadmap - Social acceptance of noise · Local noise standards: Noise · Environmental and other operational regulations are planned by local government standards, i.e. regional operations, through local residents’ opinions. · Plan for the introduction of low-noise UAM using electrical power ㅇ (2021) Korea Urban Air Traffic (K-UAM) Technology Roadmap - Securing low-noise propulsion motors and inverters technology ㅇ (2021) Korea-Urban Air Traffic (K-UAM) Operating Concept 1.0 - Noise impact monitoring according to the UAM corridor operation · Strict flight path management as noise standards by region may vary depending on UAM flight path · Depending on the UAM corridor operation, it is necessary to monitor the noise impact considering the flight height and the distance away from the surrounding quiet facilities, providing relevant flight information in real time and operating appropriate operating procedures according to the noise exposure level. □ Relevant Laws ㅇ (Drone) “Act on Promotion of Utilization of Drones and Creation of Infrastructure Therefor” ㅇ (Aircraft noise limit management) “Noise and Vibration Control Act” ㅇ (Air Traffic) “Airport Noise Prevention and Areas Assistance Act” □ National Drone Policy: Introduction of Korean Urban Air Traffic (K-UAM) ㅇ Densely populated area: lack of drone noise damage and related noise management measures, and ㅇ Preemptive response policy direction towards drone noise - Low-noise drone certification - Drone noise management standards - Review of titration corrections reflecting drone noise distinctive characteristics (incessant buzzing noise creating annoyance). - Drone noise modeling and abatement measures for densely populated areas 3. Examining Noise Complaints and Management System This study investigates the status of noise complaints by the noise source. It examines “Noise and Vibration Control Act” and related institutional and legislative system to suggest a policy direction for improvement. □ Examining institutional noise management system complexity ㅇ Legislative aspects: noise management is pervasive based on the individual laws and carried out by each ministry. - Comprehensive organization of noise legislation of each ministry - Feasibility study of binary or unitary management by relevant ministries is required for management purposes ㅇ Prevention aspect: Due to the lack of active response to the event of complaint, it is difficult to expect the noise prevention effect. - Proposed setting and introducing noise environmental standards (railways, aircraft) that are national policy objectives - Improve the effectiveness of preventing potential noise sources and promoting health, such as utilizing environmental impact assessment of noise environmental standards ㅇ Management aspects: prevent potential noise complaint and enhance health promotion effects such as the use of environmental impact assessment based on noise environment standards. - [Step 1] Management by intensive noise source (construction site, commercial site, etc.) considering the frequency of the distribution of the noise complaint petition - [Step 2] Positively change the public’s awareness by managing the creation of a pleasant soundscape 4. Examining Current Road Traffic Noise Related Standard Status and Issues □ Status: Standards for applying co-housing road traffic noise between relevant ministries vary □ Problem Diagnosis ㅇ After completion, road operations are likely to exceed nighttime noise standards ㅇ Difficulty preventing and actively responding to noise complaints due to this 5. Establishing Noise Environment Standards and Policy Direction for Improvement □ Setting environmental standards for airport noise and introducing direction ㅇ Research and Analysis of Prior Research Cases (Korea Society of Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2001) - 5dB reinforcement above aircraft noise-related regulatory standards, 70 WECPNL in residential areas □ Setting the standards for rail noise and introducing direction ㅇ International Case Study and Analysis - Japan: highest noise standard · Based on “Shin” (new line) residential area, maximum noise is applied to 70dB(A) - Sweden: Based on 24-hour equivalent noise(60 dBA) and highest noise (70 dBA) - Germany: Day and night equivalent noise(70 dB(A) per day and night, and 60 dB(A) at night. · 70dB(A) maximum noise based on new line residential area - Australia: Day and night equivalents and highest noise standards · Equivalent noise(60-65 dB(A) during the day, 55-60 dB (A) at night, and maximum noise standards were applied Ⅲ. International Cases and Implications 1. United States □ “Noise Control Act of 1972” ㅇ Governing Body: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, Environmental Protection Agency) ㅇ Definition: Basic rules for noise regulation in the living environment ㅇ Purpose: Establish national policies to create a safe environment for all citizens from noise with adverse health impact. □ “Quiet Communication Act of 1978” ㅇ Promote the development of local government noise regulation programs ㅇ Conduct a noise-related research ㅇ Development and dissemination of noise-related training materials 2. Europe □ Environmental noise guidelines ㅇ Environmental Noise Assessment and Management Guidelines (2002) - Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC ㅇ Health Impact Assessment Guidelines for Environmental Noise (2020) - European Commission Directive (EU) 2020/367 □ Environmental noise management status and future outlook ㅇ Noise reduction and management status - Traffic noise reduction measures - Create a congenial soundscape ㅇ Future outlook - It is inevitable fact that the noise is prevailed. Thus, reducing noise pollution to ‘zero’ is unrealistic. However, the EU is striving to abate noise levels for the environment and health, and this is a critical challenge. - It is evident that the Seventh Environment Action Programme (7th EAP) objective of significantly reducing noise pollution in the EU, thus moving closer to WHO recommended levels by 2020 will not be realized Many EU member states must execute the necessary steps to address noise pollution, especially when implementing the EU’s Environmental Noise Directive. 3. Asia □ Hong Kong ㅇ “Noise Control Ordinance” (Noise Control, 400) - (person) control noise generation behavior in major places · Residential buildings and public spaces · Construction site · Other than industrial or commercial buildings - Management of noise-generating products · Manufacturing regulations: Manufacture of products that do not meet noise standards · Usage regulations: Use of products that do not meet noise standards □ Taiwan ㅇ “Noise Management Control Act” (2020.12.30. Revised) - Purpose: To maintain the health of the people and the calmness of the environment and to improve the quality of life of the people. - “Noise”is defined as a sound that exceeds regulatory standards. - Central government and local government rights division Ⅳ. Advancement of Noise Legislative System 1. Examine noise legislative system for management improvement □ Legislative Diagnosis ㅇ The uniform application of a central government-centered legal system circumscribes the reflection of regional characteristics. ㅇ “Noise·and Vibration Control Act” application standards are complex, so the standard system is improved to suit the management purpose ㅇ Noise and vibration monitoring network - Monitoring point selection criteria are applied differently by noise source. · Road traffic noise: road adjacent points · Railway and aircraft noise: the receiving sound point where damage is expected. - Raising the issue of redundancy of monitoring between central government and local governments ㅇ Lack of legislative system for new sources of noise such as drone noise □ Direction for improvement ㅇ Vision: Improving the citizen-centric noise and vibration management system - (Central Ministry) Supports the creation of a pleasant quiet soundscape by providing a coherent national management guideline - (Local governments) focus on setting management standards suitable for local characteristics and reducing noise disturbance sources 2. Improving noise environment standards under the “Basic Environmental Policy Act” □ Direction of improving the setting of noise environment standards ㅇ Vision: Creating and preserving a pleasant sound environment suitable for public space purposes - (first scenario) Establishing environmental standards by traffic noise source * Expanded to railway and airport noise with current road traffic noise - (second scenario) Establishing a nationally oriented, coherent noise environment standards without distinguishing noise sources ㅇ Implementation Direction - By utilizing the results of monitoring domestic and international health effects from noise exposure such as WHO, it is improved to the national noise environment standard that can proactively respond to changes in the imminent environment - In the case of environmental impact assessment, a separate consultation standard suitable for the features of each region and project should be drafted. □ Review new settings based on environment of airport noise (tentative) ㅇ Implement current environmental impact assessment consultation criteria - Status: When discussing environmental impact assessment, there are no environmental standards, so consultation is 70WECPNL based on residential areas. - Review: Change WECPNL, the current airport noise assessment unit, to Lden - Airport noise environmental standards (plan): 70WECPNL - 13 (conversion value by sector) = 57dB · 4dB reinforcement level compared to type 3 □ Review settings new environmental standards for railway noise (tentative) ㅇ First Scenario: compared to the current road noise environment standards, applying equivalent noise standard weekly and night separately ㅇ Second Scenario: Review of daily average noise standards (Lden,etc.) - Review of environmental standards evaluation unit to reflect aircraft noise limit revisions ※ Review of maximum sound level - Requires further review of the highest noise impacts that occur intermittently when passing through railway cars. 3. Advancement of the “Noise and Vibration Control Act” □ Establish a management system responding to new noise sources ㅇ Status: For administrative convenience, a management system is established based on the location of noise ㅇ In the event of new noise sources such as drone noise, there is a limit to management due to difficulties in legal and institutional capacity. ㅇ Improvements: Guidelines for noise sources based on acoustic (frequency) characteristics □ Improving Regulatory Standards ㅇ Noise source aspect: Consists of coherent ‘control standard’ for reducing noise sources and a ‘recommendation standard’ with other ministries ㅇ Receiving sound point aspect: Unitary ‘management standard’ for the preservation of a quiet area □ Improving time zone for regulatory control ㅇ Status: It is managed mainly by noise sources, there is concern about inconsistency as the application time zone varies. ㅇ Improvements - Utilizing the results of the “Time Use Survey” by Statistics Korea reflecting tangible daily routines such as bedtime and wake-up time · Improvements: Review the average bedtime of 2019 from 23:00 to 23:00. Reorganizing the night-time zone from 22:00 to 23:00 · Expected effect: Applying night-time until 7:00 a.m from weekdays and Friday, ensuring sleep by enhancing 10 dB(A) noise standards than its current standard 4. Current Status and Direction of Advancement of Noise and Vibration Related Legislation and Decree by Ministries □ Improving traffic noise application standards in roadside housing ㅇ First Scenario: In the event of building a house, apply coherent noise environmental standards and road traffic noise standards. - (Review on the improvement of the evaluation unit) Reviewing the application of Lden and related standards that meet international trends, and compatible with noise sources such as aircraft noise, in 2023. ㅇ Second Scenario: According to the policy target (housing construction, noise management) maintain a binary management system and improve housing construction standards - Establish consultation standards that can be compromised by relevant ministries based on project feature - Expand a policy application to outdoor noise · Expand outdoor noise standards from the current (below 5<sup>th</sup> floor) to all floors · Contributing to the guarantee of environmental rights to live with windows open even on high-rise floors above 6<sup>th</sup> floor ※ However, the application of indoor noise standards above 6th floor is limited to cases where the adequate standard of living is exercised even with the window is closed (e.g., fix window construction that cannot be structurally opened) · In the case of small-scale environmental impact assessment of local government such as Seoul Metropolitan Government, the evidence for outdoor noise impact assessment should be drafted. - Establishing new nighttime noise standards · the road traffic noise management standards under the “Noise Vibration Control Act” should meet the level which meets road traffic noise management standards · Minimize ambiguity in applying noise standards in the event of nighttime complaints □ Status and Direction of Improvement of other Ministries’ Noise Related Laws ㅇ Noise vibration management in Korea is in accordance with the individual laws of the relevant ministries - Integrated connection management oriented by Ministry of Environment · Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: Residential Environment · Ministry of Defense: Pleasant living environment of residents · Ministry of Employment and Labor: Safe working environment for workers · Ministry of Education: Healthy and pleasant educational environment for students Ⅴ. Conclusion and Suggestions (Achievements) This study is conducted to develop a method to advance a noise legislative system which proactively responds to the changes in the living environment trends, thereby protecting public health from dynamic noise sources. With the key national policy and agenda involving innovations, the noise management requires a preemptive policy instrument towards new noise sources including drones. This study analyzes such living environment trends and outlook at the national level. By doing so, it examines national noise and vibration complaint status for institutional advancement in the noise management. Also, it surveys the international case of best practice and implication of noise policy. Given this discussion, the method to advancement for the noise legislative system has been derived. □ Advancement of ‘Noise and Vibration Control Act’ Noise Legislative System □ Manifest ‘Noise and Vibration Control Act’ standard under the ‘Framework Act on Environmental Policy’ □ Improve noise management system ㅇ Establish a management system to proactively respond to new noise sources ㅇ Refine regulatory standards ㅇ Refine time zone for regulatory standards


        Prediction of Environmental Costs of Construction Noise and Vibration at the Preconstruction Phase

        Hong, Taehoon,Ji, ChangYoon,Park, Joowan,Leigh, Seung-Bok,Seo, Dong-yeon American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineering M 2015 Journal of management in engineering Vol.31 No.5

        <P> Construction noise and vibration in urban areas are environmental impacts that cause damage to humans. A model for predicting the environmental costs of construction noise and vibration was developed in this study. The model uses noise- and vibration-level data of construction equipment to predict the construction noise and vibration levels and estimates the environmental costs based on the predicted noise and vibration levels. Monte Carlo simulation was used to develop the model, considering the uncertainty of the noise- and vibration-level data of construction equipment. As it is difficult to collect actual compensation cost data for noise and vibration, the validity of the model was verified by comparing the actual noise and vibration levels measured at six receiving nodes with the predicted noise and vibration levels. The results showed that the predicted noise and vibration levels differed by 2.76 dBA (4.28%) and -3.76 dBV (-5.35%) from the actual noise and vibration levels, respectively. The correlation coefficients of the predicted and measured results were 0.991 and 0.982, respectively, which show that the model was reasonably accurate. The case study showed that the environmental cost of noise and vibration was US$237,679.25 when the noise barrier was not installed. It is expected that the developed model can be used to establish a mitigation strategy for contractors to reduce damage due to construction noise and vibration in the preconstruction phase. </P>

      • KCI등재후보

        바닥진동에 기인한 도시철도 실내소음 측정 및 방진설계에 관한 연구

        김병삼 ( Byoung-sam Kim ) 한국환경기술학회 2013 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        최근 철도의 소음과 진동이 육체적, 정신적으로 건강에 큰 영향이 있으며, 매우 심각한 사회적 문제로 대두되고 있다. 따라서 철도 차량의 소음과 진동의 예측은 매우 중요한 일이 되었다. 철도차량에 의한 소음원은 크게 3가지로 구분된다. 첫 번째는 공력소음이다. 철도 주행시 철도 차량 주변에서의 공기역학적인 소음을 말한다. 두 번째는 휠/레일 소음이다. 일반적으로 전동소음이라고도 한다. 휠과 레일 사이의 접촉에 의한 소음을 말한다. 공기역학적인 소음과 전동소음은 차량의 속도에 비례하고 있으며 철도 차량 주변의 공기 변화에 의해 소음이 발생하는 공기전파음이다. 세 번째는 구조진동음이다. 구조진동음은 주로 저주파수대역에서 소음을 발생하는 것이 특징이다. 즉 철도차량의 진동에 의해 소음이 발생한다. 본 연구에서는 도시철도 차량의 바닥 진동이 도시철도 차량의 실내소음에 미치는 영향에 대하여 조사하였다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 도시철도 차량의 바닥진동이 차량의 실내소음에 미치는 영향에 관한 기초 자료를 확보할 수 있고, 도시철도 차량의 바닥진동을 저감할 수 있는 방진재의 물리적 특정치를 제시하였다. In recently, rail traffic noise and vibration have an serious effect for physical and spiritual health and has become a very serious environmental pollution. So the prediction of noise and vibration for train is very important thing. There are three sources of wayside noise by the train. The first is the aerodynamic noise. The second is wheel/rail noise. And the last is structure-borne noise. The major source of railway noise is the wheel/rail noise caused by the interaction between the wheels and rails. The structureborne noise is mainly a low frequency problem. This study attempts to surveys the characteristics of indoor noise of subway due to floor vibration. This study intends to get a basic data in establishing a indoor noise of subway due to floor vibration and proposed physical property for the anti-vibration material.

      • KCI등재

        Reduction in High-Frequency Wheel Noise/Vibration of Railway Vehicles Using Piezoelectric Shunt

        Yang Soo Yun,Jae-Chul Kim,Hee-Min Noh,Min-Soo Kim 한국정밀공학회 2021 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.8 No.3

        We propose the application of a resonant shunt to wheels to reduce the high-frequency wheel noise generated by railway vehicles. High-frequency wheel noise is caused by the resonance of wheels owing to contact between rails and wheels. A resonant shunt is applied at specific frequencies to reduce wheel resonance. In this work, the high-frequency noise generated by a wheel moving on a curved railway track was analyzed and compared with the dynamic characteristics of the wheel. Further, to reproduce the high-frequency noise of the wheel, an external electric signal was input to a piezoelectric patch connected to the wheel to generate noise and vibration at the natural frequency of the wheel. The optimum mounting position of the piezoelectric patch was determined by numerically analyzing the strain energy of the wheel. Piezoelectric patches were connected to their respective resonant shunts to form a vibration reduction array. A synthetic inductor was tuned to effectively reduce the high-frequency vibration and noise of the wheel generated at its natural frequency. In the wheel excited at its natural frequency, vibration and noise were reduced by approximately 4–10 dB and 8–12 dB(A), respectively. In the wheels that were simultaneously excited at two natural frequencies, vibration and noise were reduced by 5 dB and 5 dB(A), respectively. The results showed that the resonant shunt could effectively reduce the noise and vibration generated by the wheel. Therefore, the resonant shunt is an effective circuit system for reducing noise and vibration even in large structures.

      • KCI등재

        대형 고속프레스의 유한요소해석을 통한 진동 및 소음에 대한 연구

        김승수,정철재,이춘규 한국금형공학회 2023 한국금형공학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        The electric vehicle market is developing rapidly around the world. Also, parts of electric vehicles require precision.In order to produce high-precision motor cores,Press equipment must also have good precision. Drive motor cores are an important technology for electric vehicles. It uses a large high-speed press to mass-produce drive motor cores. Because it's a large high-speed press, there are many reasons why the precision is not good. One of the causes is vibration and noise. Recently, as environmental demands have become stricter, regulations on noise and vibration have been strengthened. It is important for press machines to reduce vibration first for sound insulation and dust proofing. This is because the "breakthrough" phenomenon occurs in the press. Dynamic precision is the precision under the load of the press, Design considering strain and stiffness shall be made. Vibration and noise may occur due to SPM of high-speed press,And vibration and noise can cause structural deformation of the press. Structural deformation of the press can affect the precision of the product.Noise and vibration also cause problems for workers and work environments. Problems with vibration and noise occur during press processing, and vibration and noise lead to damage to the mold or defects in the product. Reliability in high-quality technology must be secured with low noise and low vibration during press processing. Modular shape and deformation energy effects were analyzed through finite element analysis. In this study, a study on vibration and noise countermeasures was conducted through finite element analysis of a large high-speed press.

      • KCI등재

        거주자의 거동으로 발생하는 바닥진동의 층간 전달 및 바닥충격음의 음압레벨 특성 평가

        이민정(Min Jung Lee),최현기(Hyun Ki Choi) 한국소음진동공학회 2017 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        Noise complaints among neighbors in apartment building are mainly caused by floor impact noise that is structure born noise due to occupant induced floor vibration. To control this noise problems many researchers have investigated floor systems and finishing materials. Light-weight impact noise affects by finishing materials, but heavy-weight impact noise induced by heel impacts during normal walking or jumping of children is concerned with structural system and floor vibration. To figure out the characteristics of floor impact noise and transmission of floor vibration due to human activities, vibration tests were conducted in apartment buildings. Impact hammer, heel drop and walking activities were loaded at center of upstairs living room, and accelerations of slabs for both upstairs and downstairs and sound pressure levels for downstairs were measured. The acceleration ratio of transmitted floor vibration to downstairs and human induced vibration in upstairs was between 0.5 and 1.0 according to slab size, wall, and load type. And floor impact noise occurred in the range of natural frequency of slab.

      • KCI등재

        Noise and vibration on the bogie of a mass rapid train

        Hsiu-Ying Hwang,Jia-Shiun Chen 대한기계학회 2011 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.25 No.10

        This paper investigated a noise and vibration concern on a metro train while the train made turns. The study was conducted to identify the root causes of the vibration and noise through hardware experimental testing as well as dynamic computer simulation. The initial investigation indicated the noise came from the bogie of the train. It was between the slewing ring bearing and the friction sets. A lab test was established to duplicate the reported problem and to root out the causes. One-factor-at-a-time method was used to screen the main key factors. Under certain contact conditions, unsmooth turning would occur and cause the noise and vibration. Dynamic simulation was proposed in the study to predict the potential issue. A multibody dynamic model was built with train body, underbody, slewing ring bearing and friction set to simulate the train turning motion. The results showed unsmooth/discontinuous dynamic motions and torque oscillation behaviors. The stop-and-go and stick-and-slip motion led to the vibration. The analysis confirmed the unsmooth friction forces and adhesion could cause the noise and vibration. The computer simulation showed good correlation with the hardware testing. It demonstrated the computer dynamic simulation could be used to predict the potential friction induced vibration issues. In the study, a different substitute material was also investigated through the computer simulation. The results showed the vibration could be effectively reduced if ceramic compound friction material was used.

      • KCI등재

        무소음 무진동을 위한 스크류콘크리트말뚝의 시공법설정에 관한 연구

        최용규(Choi Yongkyu),김동철(Kim Dongchul),김성수(Kim Sungsu),남문석(Nam Moonseok) 한국지반환경공학회 2010 한국지반환경공학회논문집 Vol.11 No.7

        말뚝 항타로 인한 소음ㆍ진동공해는 건설현장 주변에 피해를 주고 민원을 발생하게 하여 심한 경우에는 공사가 중단되는 사태까지 발생하게 된다. 이를 해결하기 위해 건설 기술자들은 저소음ㆍ저진동말뚝공법의 개발을 위해 부단한 노력을 해왔다. 이러한 노력 중의 하나인 무소음무진동을 위한 스크류콘크리트말뚝공법은 말뚝 본체를 회전ㆍ압입시켜 지중에 말뚝을 관입시키는 방법으로 소음과 진동의 발생이 거의 없고 지지력을 극대화 할 수 있는 장점을 가지고 있다. 무소음ㆍ무진동을 위한 기성스크류말뚝공법은 국내ㆍ외에서 개발되어 있지 않으며 본 연구진에 의해 시제품 제작을 완료하였고 두차례 시험시공을 통하여 시공법을 설정하였다. 본 논문에서는 무소음무진동을 위한 스크류콘크리트말뚝공법의 특징에 대해 설명하였고 두차례 시험시공 및 이를 통한 시공법 설정에 대하여 설명하였다. 그리고 이러한 시험시공 결과를 토대로 근입깊이와 지반조건에 따라 스크류콘크리트말뚝을 지중에 관입시키는 시공방법에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. Noise and vibration due to pile driving cause residents nearby construction sites to file civil complaints and to the extent of bringing construction to a halt. To deal with this issue, construction engineers have worked strenuously to develop several types of low noise & low vibration pile methods. In this study, a new noise and vibration-free precast screw pile method proposed as a low noise & low vibration pile. It penetrates into the ground by rotating and pressing to avert noise and vibration while maximizing bearing capacity. A prototype of noise and vibration-free precast screw pile method was manufactured, which is not seen anywhere in Korea and elsewhere, and have undergone pilot tests twice to determine construction method. Based on this study, features of the noise & vibration-free screw pile method, production of screw concrete pile prototype, two pilot tests and subsequent construction method were determined.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 공사장 소음진동 규제기준 개선방안에 관한 연구

        박영민 ( Young Min Park ),김경민 ( Kyoung Min Kim ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2013 환경영향평가 Vol.22 No.4

        Noise and vibration problems at the construction site, expansion of construction scale and frequency of urban construction is increased, has given the damage to local residents. Also, the result of civil complaint about noise and vibration that occurred in 2011 was 56,244; it is showing an increasing trend of more than 4% annually. In particular, the construction noise and vibration, the civil complaints of around construction site accounts for 64.6% (36,353), are harmful to the tranquility of living environment. As a result, the government has managed to strengthen the regulatory standard of construction noise (65dB (A), Day-time) from 2011. However, the regulatory standard of construction noise and vibration does not meet and also complaints related the construction noise and vibration not decreased. Because the management system can be applied to the construction site is insufficient and a shortage of manpower. In this study, investigated the status and problems of the regulatory standards related to construction noise and vibration, we propose an efficient management plan of construction noise and vibration.

      • 발파공법에 따른 진동 및 소음 분석

        김민혁 ( Kim Min-hyouck ) 한국건축시공학회 2022 한국건축시공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.22 No.1

        Blasting is a method that uses explosives to crush the ground. This method is a highly efficient ground cleaning method that can secure high efficiency in a short time. However, explosions can damage local properties and produce high noise and vibration. Therefore, it is important to be careful because there are disadvantages such as the occurrence of many complaints from the surrounding area. In this paper measured and analyzed the noise and vibration generated during blasting at the blasting site in Korea. The noise and vibration generated during blasting were measured by ES03303.2b and ES03402.2a at a distance of 6 m, 12 m from the blasting point. As a result of the measurement, there was little difference between small and medium scale except for precision vibration blasting at a distance of 6m, but noise difference according to blasting scale was evident at a distance of 12m. As a result of the measurement, the maximum noise level was reduced to 5.5 dB(A) and the vibration level was reduced to 7.7 dB(V). In the future, the reliability of the test results can be further improved through additional tests, and it is judged that noise and vibration prediction models based on blasting methods, amount of charge, measuring distance, etc. can be developed.

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