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        크로스 미디어 사례 연구- 소설 <never let me go>를 중심으로-

        김려 인문콘텐츠학회 2019 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.52

        소설<never let me go>는 영국 작가 가즈오 이시구로가 2005년에 집필한 소설이다. 해당 소설은 제한된 인생에서 교육을 받는 것이 행운인지 비운인지에 대한 딜레마적인 질문을 던졌고 언어학과 철학 등 영역에서 철학적 답안을 제시한바 있지만 문화콘텐츠로서의 가치 연구는 미비하다. 사실주의적 공상과학소설이란 대립되는 두 항의 연합은 영화와 드라마에서소재로 활용되었고 2010년과 2016년에 각각 영화와 드라마로 전환되었다. 본 연구에서는 소설을 원전으로 두 차례 진행된 전환 및 그 양상을 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 본 연구는 하나의 소설이 두 개의 다른 매체로 전환되는 과정에서 드러나는 스토리텔링의 차이를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 캐릭터, 시간, 공간, 플롯의 변화가 서사에 어떤 영향을 미치는 지에 집중했으며 해당 존재물(existents)와 사건(events)이 어떻게 변화되었고 변화된 양상이 해당 콘텐츠에 어떤 변화를 일으켰는지를 비교·분석했다. 2010년 개봉된 영국, 미국 합작영화 <never let me go>는 소설과 같은 시간 단계, 공간, 캐릭터와 플롯을 활용했고 배우들의 연기로 캐릭터의 스팩터클을 강조했다. 2016년에 상영한 일본드라마 <나를 보내지마>는 소설과 달리 ‘현재’적 시점을 시간의 중간단계에 두고 ‘현재’와 ‘과거’를 전도하면서 서사를 전개시켰다. 이어 캐릭터를 추가하는 방식으로 플롯 및 서사를 풍성하게 하면서 원작의 아우라를 증폭시켰다. <Never let me go> is the novel written by English writer, Kazuo Ishiguro in 2005. The novel in dilemma asked if the clones taught in the limited circumstances are happy or not, the academic world such as linguistics and philosophy proposed the answer. However the value as the cultural contents has been not studied yet enough. As the realism and SF novel in oppositional relationship were unified, the novel was used to make film and soap opera, and adapted to the film in 2010 and the soap opera in 2016. This study aims at researching the difference between two adaptations in different media. I focused on how the change of plot, character, time, and place influence the narrative, how the creatures and events are changed, and finally how they changed the contents. In the <Never let me go>, English-and-American-made film, the same time setting, place, character and plot were used as they were in the original novel, and the character’s spectacle was reinforced with the actor’s realistic acting. And in the soap opera <わたしを離さないで> played in Japan the present time is set in the middle and presence and past time were exchanged. And it maximized the original content’s aura with adding extra characters.

      • KCI등재

        크로스 미디어를 통한 서사의 확장 연구

        김려(JIN LI) 인문콘텐츠학회 2019 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.52

        문화콘텐츠 시장의 성장과 함께 검증을 거친 콘텐츠를 원천콘텐츠로 선정하여 다양한 장르로 전환하는 사례가 많아지고 있다. 특히 소설처럼 서사를 구조적으로 분석하여 거점화하는 현상이 주목받고 있는데 본 연구에서는 선형적인 전환 과정을 가지고 있는 소설 〈never let me go〉를 연구 대상으로 선정했다. 소설<Never let me go>는 영국 작가 가즈오 이시구로가 2005년에 집필한 소설로 2010년에 영화로 2016년에는 드라마로 두 차례 전환된 바 있다. 사실주의와 공상과학이라는 대립되는 두 항을 전면에 내세운 해당 소설은 제한된 인생에서 교육을 받는 것이 행운인지 비운인지에 대한 딜레마적인 질문을 던졌고 언어학과 철학 등의 영역에서 철학적 답안을 제시한바 있지만 문화콘텐츠로서의 가치 연구는 미비하다. 본 연구에서는 소설을 원전으로 두 차례 진행된 전환 및 그 양상을 구체적으로 분석하면서 하나의 소설이 두 개의 다른 매체로 전환되는 과정에서 드러나는 서사확장의 차이를 살펴보았다. 특히 캐릭터, 시간, 공간, 플롯의 변화가 전환된 서사에 어떤 영향을 미치는 지에 집중했으며 해당 존재물(existents)과 사건(events)이 어떻게 변화되었고 그 양상이 다시 해당 콘텐츠에 어떤 변화를 일으켰는지를 비교 · 분석했다. With the growth of culture contents market, use the content already proven successful contents as the original contents has been increasingly used for adaptation. Use the 〈never let me go〉 as the study material to illustrate narrative structure in novel as original contents. 〈Never let me go〉 is the novel written by English writer, Kazuo Ishiguro in 2005. The novel in dilemma asked if the clones taught in the limited circumstances are happy or not, the academic world such as linguistics and philosophy proposed the answer. However the value as the cultural contents has been not studied yet enough. This study aims at researching the difference between two adaptations in different media. I focused on how the change of plot, character, time, and place influence the narrative, how the creatures and events are changed, and finally how they changed the contents.

      • KCI등재

        카즈오 이시구로의 『나를 보내지 마』읽기 : 돌봄 개념을 중심으로

        육은정(Eun-Jung Yook) 한국영미문학교육학회 2021 영미문학교육 Vol.25 No.2

        This paper focuses on the notion of care and its psychosocial implications in and out of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go. The narrator-protagonist Kathy defines herself as a carer, and it is in the capacity of a carer that she reconnects with her childhood friends Ruth and Tommy and sorts out their tangled relationship. Beginning with an analysis of Kathy’s caring as “affective labor” delineated by Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt, the novel’s theme is revealed: the nature of her care labor and the way in which she eventually “lets go” of her prolonged career as a career. In this sense, Never Let Me Go is less the story of Kathy’s life as carer per se than that of how she cuts it short in order to embrace death—or “suicide”— by voluntarily choosing to become a donor. The readers can further examine what, or more precisely who, clone carers including Kathy stand for in the novel—namely, the question of who actually performs the hands-on care work both in Korean and global context.

      • KCI등재

        기억의 확언 과정을 통한 포스트휴먼 생명윤리 비전: 가즈오 이시구로의 『나를 보내지 마』

        이정희 ( Chung-hee Lee ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2023 현대영미소설 Vol.30 No.3

        This paper aims to suggest the posthuman bioethics for the futuristic sustainable world by analyzing clones’ biodystopian lives under the anthropocentric biopolitical system, when humans harvest the clones’ organs in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go. The clone narrator Kathy resurrects the collective identity, affirming their innocent memories of childhood in Hailsham, though humans treat the life rights of clones unjustly and reproduce the neo-humanist subjectivities homogeneously. Kathy represents the process of attaining the posthuman subjectivity, as she celebrates the surviving spirit by enduring the life, recovers the vitality, and proposes the communal solidarity. Her vital awakening could be the positive offer, removing from their infrastructural consciousness that clones have to surrender to their fate passively. In this novel lifewriting is based on the relationality of human/clone and mind/body. As a fable for the humans, this novel suggests the vitalist posthuman bioethics, emphasizing on the coexistence with others, the communal solidarity, and the co-evolution in the zoe-geo-techno continuum. This novel suggests the vitalist posthuman ethics, emphasizing to embrace the non-human others and a life-oriented sense of community. Furthermore, Ishiguro shows that the rightless clones tries to do good, to choose the right way and to live in the surviving spirits within their predicaments. Clones choose to live as a decent human being and take on their mission voluntarily, even after finding out they are organ donors. Despite of their brief lives, they show the impressive ways of vibrant life. In conclusion, this novel would contribute to remind the readers of having the posthuman subjectivity that they should pursue the communal awareness, the zoe-centered sustainability and the human/nonhuman interconnectedness in the post-anthropocenntric vision.

      • KCI등재

        <네버렛미고>를 통해본 복제 인간 윤리

        김미혜(Mihye Kim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2017 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.17 No.8

        생명공학의 발달로 인해 복제 인간을 만들기 위해 인간의 유전자를 복제한다는 가상의 시나리오는 더 이상 낯설지 않다. <네버렛미고>의 등장인물들은 100세 수명기획에 의해 실험실에서 만들어진 복제 인간들이다. 이들은 해일샴이라는 학교에서 공동생활을 하면서 은밀하게 사육되는데, 이 프로젝트의 목적은 불치병에 걸린 진짜 인간 환자들에게 건강한 장기를 제공하기 위한 것이다. 주인공 캐시, 토미, 그리고 루스는 사춘기 시절 이곳에서 육체와 의식의 성장을 경험하며 자신들이 복제 인간이라는 정체성의 비밀도 알게 된다. 성인이 되어 이들은 두 번째 거주지 코티지로 이동하여 장기기증을 시작할 준비를 한다. 두 번째 단계 또한 좀 더 진짜 성인 인간의 장기와 유사한 장기를 만들어 제공하기 위한 프로그램의 일환이다. 인간들이 꾸민 모든 계획을 다 알고 있지만, 이들은 그것에 대해 저항하지 않고 자신들이 처한 상황을 숙명적으로 수용한다. 그러나 이들의 무저항은 삶에 대한 포기 선언이 아니라 자신들의 장기 기증을 통해 생명의 연장이라는 또 다른 미래를 위한 자기희생적 생명 연장이다. 영화는 복제된 인간들의 우애와 희생적 태도를 강조해서 보여줌으로써 난치병의 치료를 위한 생명공학과 생명윤리라는 상이한 견해에 대해 철학적 사유가 뒷받침된 생명윤리적 관점에서 복제 인간에 대한 논의를 이어갈 필요가 있음을 보여준다. The evolution of biotechnology is no longer strange to the hypothetical scenario of cloning human genes to make cloned human beings. The characters of <Never Let Me Go> are cloned humans made in the laboratory by the 100-year-old life planning. They are cohabited in a school called Hailsham, where they are secretly reared. The purpose of this project is to provide healthy organs to real human patients with incurable diseases. The main characters Cathy, Tommy, and Ruth experience the growth of body and consciousness here during adolescence, and they also know the secret of identity as a clone. As adults, they move to a second residence, Cottage and are ready to begin organ donation. The second stage is also part of a program to provide more genuine-like organs to real patients. Even though they know all the plans that humans have built, they do not resist them and fatefully accept their situation. However, their non-responsiveness is not a declaration of renunciation of life, but a self-sacrificing life extension for another future that is the extension of life through their organ donation. The film emphasizes the fraternity and sacrificial attitudes of the cloned human beings and shows that it is necessary to continue the discussions on cloned human beings from a bio-ethical point of view supported by philosophical reasons.

      • KCI등재

        주체를 욕망한 낯선 결측치들 - <네버 렛 미 고>와 <공기인형>을 중심으로 -

        박성희 ( Seonghee Park ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2021 翰林日本學 Vol.- No.39

        본 논문은 마크 로마넥의 <네버 렛 미 고>(2010)와 고레에다 히로카즈의 <공기인형>(2009)을 대상으로 하여, 선행연구에서 간과하고 있는 ‘클론’과 ‘인형’이 주체를 욕망해가는 과정을 통해서 미디어가 SF라는 장르를 빌어서 전하고자 한 메시지가 무엇인지 고찰한다. 두 영화는 인간의 감정을 가지게 된 존재인 클론의 정체성에 대한 질문과 마음을 가져버린 인형이 바라보는 인간사의 외로움에 집중한다는 점에서 접근 방식의 차이는 있다. 그러나 원작이 있다는 점, 인간의 마음이나 영혼과 연결되어 인간 존재방식에 대한 궁극의 천착과 관련이 있다는 점, 포스트휴먼을 다루지만 미래사회나 기계화된 문명을 제시하지 않는다는 점, 포스트휴먼류이지만 지극히 인간적이라는 점, 디스토피아 문제를 반추해볼 소재라는 점, SF영화로 분류되기도 하고 성장영화의 얼개를 가지고는 있지만 흥미진진한 속도감도 영웅도 없다는 점 등을 공통분모로 들 수 있다. 이들이 묘사하는 ‘아류인간’의 당면한 문제가 인종차별, 성차별, 문화적 정체성, 소수자 문화 등에 대한 메타포임을 확인하고 그 분석과 비판을 종의 해체, 연의 해체, 낯선 결측치로 고찰한다. 주체를 가지게 된 포스트휴먼으로 인해 우리는 진정한 인간의 모습에 대한 회의와, 예술과 휴머니티에 대한 궁극의 천착과 타인(異種)을 이해하기위한 수용범위에 대하여 고민해 볼 수 있다. This thesis examines what message media is trying to convey through the genre of science fiction through the process of ‘clones' and 'dolls' lust for the subject which is overlooked in previous studies focusing on Kazuo Ishiguro's "Don't Let Me Go" (2005) and Koreida Hirokazu's "Air Doll" (2009). The two films have common characteristics although they differ in their approaches; one raises a question about the identity of the clone and the other focuses on the loneliness of human affairs seen by a doll with a heart. They also have common things: that they are based on original works and are related to Japan, that they deal with posthumans but do not present a future society or a mechanized civilization, that they are extremely humane although they belong to posthuman type, that they deal with the subject to reflect on the problem of dystopia, and that they are classified as sci-fi movies and have frameworks of growth novels without exciting sense of speed and heroes. We confirmed that the immediate problems of the “pseudo-human” they describe are a metaphor for racism, gender discrimination, cultural identity, and minority culture and examined the analysis and criticism through the dissolution of relationship, dissolution of species and unfamiliar missing values. Because of the posthuman who came to have subject, we were able to contemplate the skepticism of the true human form, the ultimate indulgence in art and humanity, and the scope of acceptance to understand others.

      • KCI등재

        The Limits of Empathy and Human Rights in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go

        ( Jung-hwa Lee ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2018 현대영미소설 Vol.25 No.3

        This essay examines the ways in which Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go destabilizes the interrelated notions of empathy and human rights by analyzing ruptures in emotional identification. Charged with intense feelings such as love, fear, distress, sadness, joy, and anger, Never Let Me Go is a very affective text that invites readers to participate in the feelings only to foreground the limits of empathy. In Never Let Me Go, feelings are misread rather than shared, and what has been believed to be empathy turns out to be a fantasy. Claiming human rights presupposes not only autonomous but empathetic individuals who are capable of making independent moral judgments and empathizing with others. If empathy, as Lynn Hunt posits, is a basis for human rights, then Ishiguro’s novel forces us to think about the rights of those who bear witness to the failure of empathy. Never Let Me Go does not offer any alternative to empathy in a straightforward way after exposing its limits. Instead, it makes readers uncomfortable, perplexed, and uneasy by revealing how incompetent and self-contradictory our idea of human rights is. In this way, Never Let Me Go makes us feel bad and asks us to take a long hard look at our negative feelings rather than converting them to humanizing emotions, drawing attention to the value of bad feelings.

      • KCI등재

        The Limits of Empathy and Human Rights in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go

        이정화 한국현대영미소설학회 2018 현대영미소설 Vol.25 No.3

        This essay examines the ways in which Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go destabilizes the interrelated notions of empathy and human rights by analyzing ruptures in emotional identification. Charged with intense feelings such as love, fear, distress, sadness, joy, and anger, Never Let Me Go is a very affective text that invites readers to participate in the feelings only to foreground the limits of empathy. In Never Let Me Go, feelings are misread rather than shared, and what has been believed to be empathy turns out to be a fantasy. Claiming human rights presupposes not only autonomous but empathetic individuals who are capable of making independent moral judgments and empathizing with others. If empathy, as Lynn Hunt posits, is a basis for human rights, then Ishiguro’s novel forces us to think about the rights of those who bear witness to the failure of empathy. Never Let Me Go does not offer any alternative to empathy in a straightforward way after exposing its limits. Instead, it makes readers uncomfortable, perplexed, and uneasy by revealing how incompetent and self-contradictory our idea of human rights is. In this way, Never Let Me Go makes us feel bad and asks us to take a long hard look at our negative feelings rather than converting them to humanizing emotions, drawing attention to the value of bad feelings.

      • KCI등재

        들뢰즈의 소수자 문학론으로 본 포스트휴먼 담론: 가즈오 이시구로의 『나를 보내지 마』 서사를 중심으로

        최금희(Keumhee Choi) 한국영미어문학회 2020 영미어문학 Vol.- No.139

        The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the clones in Never Let Me Go (2005) as a metaphor for minorities using Deleuze’s theory of minority literature as an analysis framework. The environment of the 21st century gave birth to minorities whose character was difficult to explain within these frameworks, thus producing their own literature. It is necessary to seek a new paradigm such as majority and minority, machine and human, beyond the limitations of existing frameworks such as race, class, and gender. In Never Let Me Go, clones are tools used to facilitate the human desire of living long and healthy lives. The clones are minorities in the post-human era and excluded from the political power granted to others. Never Let Me Go reveals that modern humanism instills education and cultural ideology from the point of view of the other to posthumans. Following Kathy’s gaze, who is more human than humans, the author reveals the arrogance and inhumanity of human desire that science can contribute a posthuman society. The clones exist, but they coexist with humans only as social minorities whose existence lacks dignified recognition. Never Let Me Go reveals the abyss hidden in anthropocentrism illusions, and can be evaluated as a literary attempt to actively respond to the posthuman conditions brought about by the advancement of technology and plight of human bias.

      • KCI등재

        동감과 교육에 관한 소설로 나를 보내지 마 가르치기

        한광택(Kwangtaek Han) 한국영미문학교육학회 2016 영미문학교육 Vol.20 No.3

        This essay introduces practical pedagogical ways in which Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go can be read and taught as a novel on empathy and education, rather than a scientific novel on clones. In my previous teaching experiences in English literature courses, I provided students with a new way of understanding Never Let Me Go by helping them close read the implicit purposes and effects of the narrative strategy of its narrator who is a clone, as well as the striking homology between the educational system that justifies the sacrifice of cloned bodies and the current educational system in Korea in terms of their ideological functions. By focusing on the profound significance of the narration of the novel and the affinity between its fictional setting and the present reality, students also came to learn the author’s intent to disclose the prevalent oblivion to the complicated role and operation of empathy and education. Teaching Never Let Me Go as a novel on these issues, I conclude, can lead students to gain critical insights into their ideological and subversive possibilities.

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