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      • 뉴노멀 환경현안에 대한 중장기 환경정책 발굴 연구: 물·국토 부문

        안종호,김익재,박창석,명수정,김호정,정아영,이영경,김준성,강정은,오충현,조동길,최정석,최준영 한국환경연구원 2022 기본연구보고서 Vol.2022 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구 목적 ㅇ 물·국토 정책의 추진 현황(국토환경, 자연환경, 통합물관리)을 진단하고, 관련 현안을 점검하여 그간의 정책 성과·한계를 분석하며, 뉴노멀을 위한 물·국토 정책의 안정적인 추진을 견인 및 지원할 수 있는 정책 로드맵을 제시 Ⅱ. 여건 진단 및 성과와 한계 1. 여건 진단 □ 국토환경 ㅇ 환경적, 생태적으로 건강한 국토환경을 유지 관리하는 것은 국가의 필수과제 중 하나 ㅇ 국토환경 중장기 여건 변화를 기후환경, 사회경제, 정치행정 측면에서 진단 필요 □ 자연환경 ㅇ 생물다양성과 생태계서비스 및 생태계 보호·복원에 대한 관심도 증가 ㅇ 도시화의 확대에 따른 자연생태계의 감소 및 코로나19 팬데믹 등의 영향으로 자연에 대한 인식 및 자연공간에 대한 요구가 증가하였으며, 생태복원과 자연기반 흡수원 등 관련 정책수요 증가로 자연환경 부문 정책 추진 여건은 양호 □ 통합물관리 ㅇ 2018년 「물관리기본법」이 제정되고, 2021년 『제1차 국가물관리기본계획』이 수립되는 등 통합적인 관점에서 물관리를 추진할 수 있는 토대 마련 ㅇ 수질과 먹는 물에 관한 관심이 사회적으로 가장 높으며, 다음으로 물과 관련된 재해와 하천 생태계에 관한 관심이 높음 ㅇ 코로나19로 인한 사회적 거리두기의 여파로 물수요 변화, 요금 수입 감소 등의 영향이 국외에서 보고되었으며, 국내에서도 지역에 따라 물수요 패턴의 변화가 관찰됨 2. 성과와 한계 □ 국토환경 ㅇ 탄소중립 및 기후위기 대응, 통합관리 등의 제도적 기반과 이행체계 마련 ㅇ 지자체 탄소중립 이행역량 미흡, 그린인프라 및 녹색복원 정책 기반 부족, 자연보호와 지역발전의 선순환체계 마련, 공간환경 사업기반 강화 등 문제점 제시 □ 자연환경 ㅇ 우리나라는 국가생물다양성 전략과 계획을 수립하고 생태계 보존 및 생물다양성과 생태계서비스 증진을 위해 생물다양성 모니터링과 자연환경 DB 구축 ㅇ 도시 등 훼손지 복원과 개발사업으로 인한 자연생태 기반 흡수원 손실 방지를 위해 「자연환경보전법 시행령」 개정과 국립공원과 같은 보호지역 면적 확대 등 자연환경을 보존 ㅇ 도시민들의 자연환경에 대한 접근성은 점차 감소하고 있을뿐더러 국민들의 생물다양성의 중요성에 대한 인식 저하 - 우리나라의 보호지역 지정은 IUCN의 권고 수준보다 떨어져 생태계에 대한 지속가능발전목표인 SDGs 15의 이행도 저조 □ 통합물관리 ㅇ 국가·유역물관리위원회 출범(2019년 6월), 『국가물관리기본계획』 수립(2021년) 등의 성과가 있었지만, 통합물관리 효과가 나타나기에는 경험과 시간이 더 필요함 ㅇ 4대강 자연성 회복으로 하천의 물흐름이 회복되고 생태계 복원의 잠재력을 확인했지만, 개방 과정에서 이해당사자와 갈등이 발생하는 한계를 보임 ㅇ 노후 상수도 정비사업의 속도가 상향되었지만, 정수장 운영인력 부족, 전문성 미흡, 영세한 수도사업 구조 등 구조적인 문제점이 지속됨 ㅇ 물관리 일원화로 한층 체계적인 치수 사업 추진이 가능해졌지만, 구조적인 대책 및 정부 재정 지원에 대한 의존도가 높음 ㅇ 노후 상하수도시설의 개선을 위한 선도적인 투자가 진행되었지만, 환경정책 본연의 기능인 오염물질 저감이나 생태계 회복에 대한 관심은 부족 Ⅲ. 정책방향 및 추진과제 도출 1. 정책방향 □ 국토환경 ㅇ 뉴노멀 시대에 도시 및 경제개발 중심에서 벗어나 탄소중립과 기후위기에 대응하여 국토환경의 사전대응을 목표로 적극적인 정책동원과 재정투자가 요구됨 ㅇ ‘국토-도시-환경의 균형 있는 발전을 통한 탄소중립 달성’의 국토환경 중장기 비전 구현 □ 자연환경 ㅇ 자연환경은 건강한 자연환경을 통한 복지 증진과 인간과 자연이 조화를 이루는 지속가능한 사회 조성 ㅇ 정책목표는 자연환경 중요성에 대한 인식 제고로 생물다양성의 주류화, 생태계 건강성 회복을 통한 국민 복지 증진, 자연기반의 기후변화 대응을 통한 생물다양성 증진 □ 통합물관리 ㅇ 『국가물관리기본계획』의 비전과 목표가 여전히 유효하며, 이를 유지·계승하여 물관리 정책의 일관성 확보 필요 ㅇ 적응형 관리, 홍수-가뭄의 균형 잡힌 대응, 물 인프라 자산관리, 기후변화 적응, 정책 유연성 확보 등의 정책 추진전략 필요 2. 추진과제 □ 국토환경 ㅇ 기후위기에 강한 지속가능한 탄소중립 국토환경 - 3050 탄소중립도시 추진 - 지역맞춤형 기후탄력 스마트 그린도시 확대 - 그린 SOC 도입과 확대 ㅇ 국토-환경자원의 통합관리를 위한 균형발전 - 백두대간 국토생태경제벨트 구축 - 녹색복원도시로 생태용량 확대 - 실천하는 국토-환경 통합관리 □ 자연환경 ㅇ 생물다양성 주류화를 위한 저변 확대 - 생물다양성과 생태계서비스 중요성에 대한 인식 제고 - 생물다양성 분야 전문인력 양성 - 생물다양성 분야 일자리 확대 ㅇ 생물자원의 관리 강화 및 이익 공유를 통한 지속가능발전 추구 - 생물 및 생태자원의 관리 강화 - 생태계 건강성 증진을 통한 생물다양성과 생태복지 제고 - 생물산업 활성화를 통한 생태 및 생물자원 이용 증진 - 국내외 생물다양성 보호 및 활용을 위한 국제 네트워크 강화 - 국외 생물자원 확보와 이익 공유를 위한 생물 분야 ODA 확대 ㅇ 자연생태 기반의 흡수원을 통한 탄소중립 기여 - 생태계 복원을 통한 자연생태 기반 흡수원 증진 - 보호지역 확대를 통한 자연생태 기반 흡수원 조성 - 개발사업으로 인한 자연생태 기반 흡수원 손실 방지 □ 통합물관리 ㅇ 하천 생태계의 보전 및 훼손 구간 복원 확대 - 과학과 주민참여에 바탕을 둔 하천 생태계 관리 - 물순환과 토지이용의 포괄적 관리를 통한 유역 수질 개선 - 생태계를 고려하는 방향으로 물관리 시설 운영 방식을 전환 - 물관리 거버넌스 우수사례 발굴 및 전파 ㅇ 기후위기에 대비한 수재해 대응 능력 향상 - 스마트 기술과 생태계 기능을 조합하여 수재해에 효과적으로 대응 - 유해남조류 등 신규 오염물질에 대한 다단계 안전망 구축 - 물 인프라 자산관리 제도 도입 및 재투자 재원 조달 방안 마련 - 물 부문의 탈탄소화 전환을 위한 대안 발굴 Ⅰ. Aims of Research ㅇ This study aims to 1) examine the current implementation status of the land and water policies in Korea (land environment, natural environment, and integrated water management), 2) analyze the their achievements and limitations by looking into the latest issues in each sector, and 3) present a policy roadmap to promote and support stable water and land policies for the ‘new normal.’ Ⅱ. Diagnosis of Conditions, Achievements, and Limitations 1. Diagnosis of conditions □ Land environment ㅇ Maintaining and managing an environmentally and ecologically healthy land environment is an essential goal of the nation. ㅇ It is necessary to diagnose the medium- to long-term changes in the conditions of the national land environment with respect to the climate environment, social economy, and political administration. □ Natural environment ㅇ People’s interest in biodiversity, ecosystem services, and protection and restoration of the ecosystem has increased. ㅇ People’s awareness and need for natural space has also increased owing to the ecosystem decline resulting from increased urbanization and the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the conditions to promote natural environment policies are favorable due to an increased demand for related policies, such as those involving ecological restoration and nature-based carbon sinks. □ Integrated water resources management ㅇ The foundation for the integrated water resources management was established through the enactment of the Framework Act on Water Management in 2018, the establishment of the First Master Plan for National Water Management, and so on. ㅇ People’s interest in water quality and drinking water is the highest, followed by water-related disasters and river ecosystems. ㅇ Changes in water demand and a reduction of revenue from fares due to social distancing during the pandemic were reported overseas, and in Korea, changes in the pattern of water demand were observed by region. 2. Achievements and limitations □ Land environment ㅇ Some of the achievements so far include the establishment of institutional frameworks and implementation systems for carbon neutrality, climate crisis response, and comprehensive management. ㅇ However, there are limitations including limited capabilities of local governments to implement carbon-neutral policies, insufficient green infrastructure and green restoration policies, need for establishing a virtuous cycle of natural protection and regional development, and the enhancement of the basis for spatial environment projects. □ Natural environment ㅇ Korea set plans and strategies to promote biodiversity in order to preserve the ecosystem and promote ecosystem services by establishing a database for the natural environment to monitor biodiversity. ㅇ The country preserved the natural environment making efforts to restore damaged areas and cities, revise the Enforcement Decree of the Natural Environment Conservation Act, and expand protected areas including national parks, in order to prevent the loss of natural carbon sinks due to development projects. ㅇ However, people have reduced access to the natural environment, and their awareness of the importance of biodiversity has decreased. ㅇ Korea’s designated protected area does not meet the level recommended by the IUCN, resulting in the SDG 15 which states sustainable development in consideration of ecosystems. □ Integrated water resources management ㅇ Despite achievements such as the establishment of the Basin Water Management Committee (June, 2019) and the National Water Management Plan (NWMP, 2021), more time and experience are required to make people feel the impact of the integrated water resources management. ㅇ Despite the recovery of the water flow of some rivers and possible benefits of restored ecosystems owing to the restoration of four rivers, there still exist some problems such as conflicts with stakeholders in the process. ㅇ Although the time needed for the maintenance of the aging water supply systems has been reduced, structural problems such as insufficient human resources in filtration plants, lack of expertise, and that the businesses are still carried out on a small scale, persist. ㅇ Although water conservation projects have become more systematic because of the unified water management, there is still high reliance on the government’s financial assistance and a need for structural measures. ㅇ Although there have been leading investments to improve the old water supply and sewage system, there is still a lack of interest in the original functions of environmental policies, such as the reduction of pollutants and restoration of the ecosystem. Ⅲ. Policy Directions and Target Projects 1. Policy directions □ Land environment ㅇ The new normal era requires active policy involvement and financial investments to respond to the environmental crisis in advance. ㅇ It is important to envision mid- to long-term land use goals involving “carbon neutrality achieved through the balanced development of national land, cities, and the environment.” □ Natural environment ㅇ The policy should aim at creating a sustainable environment ensuring harmony between humans and nature and enhancing welfare through a healthy natural environment ㅇ Policy goals should incorporate mainstreaming biodiversity as to increase the awareness of the importance of the natural environment, improved citizen welfare through the restoration of healthy ecosystems, and enhancing biodiversity through nature-based solution. □ Integrated water resources management ㅇ The visions and goals of the National Water Management Plan are still applicable, and a consistent water management policy should be established in accordance with the plan. ㅇ Policy strategies for adaptive management, balanced response to floods and droughts, asset management of water infrastructure, climate change adaptation, and securing policy flexibility are required. 2. Target projects □ Land environment ㅇ Sustainable, carbon-neutral land environment that can fight the climate crisis - Promote carbon-neutral cities by 2050 - Expand locally customized climate-resilient smart green cities - Introduce and expand SOC ㅇ Balanced development for the integrated management of land and environmental resources - Establish land-eco-economic-belt in the Baekdu-daegan mountain range - Expand the biocapacity through green restoration cities - Integrate the management of land and environment in everyday practice □ Natural environment ㅇ Expand the groundwork for mainstreaming biodiversity - Increase the awareness of the importance of biodiversity and the ecosystem - Train biodiversity experts - Increase jobs in the field of biodiversity ㅇ Pursue sustainable development through the enhancement of biological resources management and profit sharing - Enhance the management of biological and ecological resources - Increase biodiversity and eco-welfare by improving the health of the ecosystem - Increase the use of biological and ecological resources through the revitalization of the bio-industry - Reinforce international networks for the protection and utilization of domestic and overseas biodiversity - Increase official development assistance in the field of biological resources to secure overseas biological resources and share profits ㅇ Contribute to achieving carbon neutrality through securing natural carbon sinks - Increase natural carbon sinks through the restoration of the ecosystem - Create natural carbon sinks through the expansion of protected areas - Prevent the loss of natural carbon sinks caused by development projects □ Integrated water resources management ㅇ Preserve river ecosystems and recover more damaged areas - Establish river ecosystem management systems based on science and citizen participation - Improve basin quality through water circulation and the comprehensive management of land use - Modify the water management facility operation system in consideration of ecosystems - Discover and disseminate exemplary cases of water management governance ㅇ Improve the response to water-related disasters caused by the climate crisis - Effectively respond to water-related disasters by incorporating smart technology and ecosystem functions - Establish multi-step safety nets against new pollutants, such as harmful blue-green algae - Introduce water infrastructure management systems and prepare measures to finance re-investment - Discover options for the decarbonization of water

      • KCI등재

        The Application of an Ecotourism Program Using Ecological Culture Landscape Resources in Waterfront Spaces - Focusing on the Gyeongbuk Andong Lakefront -

        Byungchul An 전북대학교 휴양및경관계획연구소 2016 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.10 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to institute ecotourism programs through the discovery of excellent ecological, cultural, and landscape resources around Andong lakefront. The applicability of an ecotourism certification system was confirmed based on data construction and valuation. Through analysis of geographical, ecological, and political factors, four types of resources (including natural ecology resources, natural landscape resources, historical culture resources, and living culture resources) and 46 resources ecological and cultural resources were constructed into the mapped database. In particular, this study identified four areas of inland wetlands lakeside as main sites around Andong lakefront. Results of valuation were high for natural ecology resources and historical culture resources, and comparatively low for others, such as living culture resources. Seven factors for standard evaluation were proposed, including ability, landscape, convenience, accessibility, connection, diversity, and value; four ecotourism program courses were proposed regarding field survey, acceptance of local residents’ opinions, travel range, and time required. Finally, this study confirmed the applicability of a natural tourism certification within the certification grades of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

      • KCI등재후보

        자연재해의 불확실성과 위험회피정책 - 자연자원의 은닉가치 보전에 초점을 두고 : 자연재해의 불확실성과 위험회피정책

        박용길(Park Yong Gil) 한국부동산학회 2006 不動産學報 Vol.28 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To practice a policy on risk avoidance for Natural calamities, it, the national institutions, constitutions, rules, urban planning and technology should be used. Furthermore, it is essential to analyze the regional environments and reflect the their characteristics. This is because they are the mechanism for causing the natural calamities as well as a means of conveying the damage and they affect on the regional topography, precipitation, temperature and gradient. (2) RESEARCH METHOD book research, second date analysis (3) RESEARCH RESULTS For flood, the heavy rain is the main cause but it do not damage us by itself. Instead, rainwater causes the damage to us by changing waterway or overflowing in the process of pushing it out into the sea via rivers. Therefore, we can minimize the damage of flood through analyzing the cause of overflow or the change of waterway and providing the proper prescription. We have a tendency to consider the current values of natural resources as valuable and to overlook their concealed ones. However, the latter can mediate the uncertainty and support the potential energy. The damage of natural calamities, such as flood, can be minimized when the potential resources are preserved. 2. RESULTS Natural calamities can recover the role of natural resource and can restore their concealed values. When we use their positive effects. This is called a policy on risk avoidance through preserving the concealed value of natural resources. It is a strategy for minimizing the damage in human being through solving the problems of natural phenomena. In this policy, two preconditions are required for natural calamities; 1) their current values that provide the direct benefits to us should be regarded as precious, 2) their concealed values should not be removed with preservation as the natural state.

      • KCI등재

        천연생물자원을 활용한 국제적정기술 사업화 모델개발

        이양호(Yang Ho Lee) 안전문화포럼 2023 안전문화연구 Vol.- No.25

        본 연구는 개발도상국 천연생물자원을 활용한 국제적정기술 사업화 모델개발을 통한 바이오 분야 국제개발협력모델 개발을 위한 연구이다. 이를 위하여 천연생물자원을 활용한 국제적정기술 이론적 배경에 대하여 ‘Ser-M’모델을 활용하여 분석하고 천연생물자원을 활용하여 개발한 국제적정기술 사업화에 관한 사례연구를 수행하였다. 이를 통하여 천연생물자원 활용 적정기술의 부가가치 제고를 위한 사업화 모델을 개발하여 제시하였다. 사례연구는 2014년부터 2016년까지 한국국제협력단(KOICA) 주관, 특허청 산하 한국발명진흥회가 수행한 “필리핀 적정기술 보급 및 역량강화사업”을 대상으로 하였다. 이론적 배경 및 사례연구 결과를 바탕으로 주체, 환경, 자원, 메커니즘에 걸쳐 천연생물자원을 활용한 국제적정기술 사업화 모델개발을 위한 시사점을 도출하고 방향을 설정하였다. 사업화 모델개발 방향은 천연생물자원 사업화 과정을 반영한 가치사슬 기반 사업화 모델, 가치사슬 단계별 분업체계를 통한 국제협력 모델, 글로벌시장을 겨냥한 사업화 모델을 개발 등으로 설정하였다. 이러한 방향을 기반으로 천연생물자원을 활용한 국제적정기술 사업화 과정을 가치사슬에 따라 설정하고 이에 따른 분업체계를 도출하였으며, 사업화에 포함되어야 하는 9개의 주요사업 요소를 통해 비즈니스모델 캔버스(BMC)를 도출하였다. 이상의 연구를 종합하여 최종적으로 천연생물자원을 활용한 국제적정기술의 사업화 모델과 이에 따른 개도국과 선진국 간의 분업체계를 제시하였다. 제시된 사업화 모델은 국제적정기술을 매개로 개도국과 선진국 모두에게 윈윈(Win-Win)하는 기회를 제공할 것이다. 개도국은 자국의 천연생물자원 개발을 통해 신산업 및 수출상품 개발기회가 되고 생물자원 활용을 위한 역량개발과 일자리 창출의 기회가 될 것이다. 아울러 선진국은 해외에서 다양한 생물자원을 개발하고 개도국에 역량개발 지원 및 기술·지식 이전을 통한 글로벌 책임 국가 역할을 이행하는 기회가 될 것이다. 천연생물자원을 활용한 국제적정기술 사업화 모델은 생물 다양성의 보전, 지속 이용과 발생한 이익의 공유를 실현하는 바이오 분야 국제개발협력의 새로운 모델이 될 것으로 기대된다. 본 연구는 사회적 가치와 경제적 가치가 통합된 지속가능전환혁신의 적정기술 모델을 모색하고 바이오 분야 적정기술 개발과 확산을 위한 국제개발협력(IDC)의 새로운 모델을 제시하는데 연구의 의의가 있다. This study aims to develop a model for international development cooperation in the bio sector through the development of commercialization model using natural biological resources in developing countries. To this end, this study analyzed the theoretical background of international appropriate technology using natural biological resources through the 'Ser-M' model, as well as conducted a case study. Through the analysis, this paper developed and presented a commercialization model for the appropriate technology of added value provision utilizing natural biological resources. The case study is based upon the “Appropriate Technology Dissemination and Capability Building Project of the Philippines”, which was carried out by the KOICA and KIPA from 2014 to 2016. Based on the theoretical background and case study results, implications and directions were drawn for the development of commercialization model for international appropriate technology utilizing natural biological resources covering relevant subject, environments, resources, and mechanism. The direction of commercialization model development was established through the commercialized process reflecting natural biological resources based on the value chain, the IDC model through the division of the value chain, and the commercialization model targeting global markets. Based on the directions above, the commercializing process was established according to the value chain, the division system was derived accordingly, and the business model canvas(BMC) was derived through the 9 major business elements that should be included whitin the commercialization. By synthesizing the above studies, the commercialization model and the division of labor between developing and developed countries were presented finally. The suggested commercialization model will furnish a win-win opportunity for both developing and developed countries through the international appropriate technology as a mediator. Developing countries are likely to have the opportunity to develop new industries and export products through developing their natural biological resources, as well as building-up capabilities and creating job opportunities for utilizing biological resources. In addition, developed countries may develop various sorts of biological resources overseas and implement the global responsibility through supporting capability enforcement, technology and knowledge transfer to developing countries. The commercialization model of international appropriate technology utilizing natural biological resources is expected to become a new IDC model in the bio sector realizing the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as well as the sharing of benefits. The importance of this study is to suggest an appropriate technology model for Sustainability Transition Innovation integrating social and economic values and to present a new IDC model for the development and diffusion of appropriate technology in the bio sector.

      • KCI등재후보

        숲해설 프로그램 개발을 위한 백운산휴양림에서의 방문객 특성에 관한 연구

        조계중(Kye-joong Cho) 한국산림휴양학회 2012 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        백운산에 적합한 숲해설 프로그램을 개발하기 위한 본 연구는 해설 프로그램의 내용과 수준을 설정하기 위하여 2011년 7월에 백운산 방문객들을 대상으로 233매의 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 설문분석을 통하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 백운산의 자연자원 및 문화와 역사유적에 대한 방문객의 지식정도에 대하여 분석한 결과 방문객의 지식수준은 높았으며, 백운산의 자연자원 및 문화와 역사유적에 대한 학습의 필요성과 지적호기심은 높게 나타나 이용경험의 질을 높일 수 있는 다양한 해설프로그램의 도입이 필요하리라 사료된다. 2. 방문객들의 백운산에 대한 지적호기심을 5단계 리커드 척도로 분석한 결과 초본류 및 야생화(3.51), 수목(3.48)에 대하여 가장 알고 싶어 했으며, 문화와 역사와 유적(3.42), 야생동물(3.27), 암석(3.20), 곤충(2.98), 지리(2.94)는 비슷한 수준으로 나타났다. 3. 방문객들의 자연자원 및 문화와 역사유적 등의 구체적 항목에 대한 지식수준을 10점 만점으로 평가한 결과 수목(6.65), 야생화(6.50), 곤충(6.08), 야생동물(5.90), 문화와 역사자원(5.84) 그리고 조류(5.34) 순으로 나타났다. 사회계층적 분석에 의하면, 남자가 여자 보다 높았으며, 고 연령층 그리고 저학력에서 높게 나타났다. 학생집단이 직업별로는 지식수준이 제일 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 4. 백운산 해설 프로그램에의 참가의사에 영향을 미치는 인자를 분석한 결과 공무원과 교사, 이전에 유사한 해설 프로그램의 경험이 있는 방문객, 학력이 높은 방문객, 공원 이용만족도가 높은 방문객의 참가의사가 높게 나타났다. 반면에 방문객의 성별, 연령, 동반자수, 지식수준 등은 참가의사에 크게 영향을 끼치지는 않는 것으로 분석되었다. 이상의 연구 결과 백운산 방문객들은 백운산의 자연자원 및 역사 유적의 학습에 대하여 강한 호기심을 나타내고 있으며, 해설 프로그램의 실시 및 참여에 대하여 매우 긍정적인 것으로 나타났다. 또한 방문객들의 지식수준과 특성은 사회 계층적으로 다양하게 나타났다. 따라서 다양한 이용자의 특성을 고려하여 적절하게 해설프로그램을 실시하여야 하며, 프로그램 참가 후 방문객들로부터 프로그램 운영에 대한 만족도 등 결과를 평가하는 등 연구가 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다. 전체적으로, 백운산 방문객들이 해설 프로그램에 대하여 높은 호응도와 관심을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to establish the contents and the level of interpretative program for the Baekunsan Recreation Forest. To achieve this goal, it is analyzed that 233 questionnaires were obtained through the Baekunsan Recreation Forest, visitors in July of 2011. The results as follows: 1. Baekunsan Recreation Forest's natural resources and historical resources that they have more than average knowledge about the Recreation Forest's resources. The level of desire and curiosity for learning about natural resources and historical resources was high. So, it is necessary for the environmental interpretation program to be introduced. 2. The intellectual curiosity figure for Baekunsan Recreation Forest scaled shows that visitors have highest interest to know herbs and wild flowers (3.51), trees (3.48), historical and cultural resources (3.42), wildlife (3.27), Geology (3.20), and insect (3.01) are at similar level. 3. The result of appraising the knowledge level of natural resources and historical and cultural resources by 10items(trees 6.65, wildflower 6.50, insects 6.08, wildlife 5.90, historical and cultural resources 5.84, and birds 5.34) shows that levels are average overall ; As a results of the analysis, social strata shows that the points gained by male was higher than those of female. The elderly, the lower educated visitors score higher points, and that students groups got shows the lowest points. 4. The result of the analysis indicated that affect and willingness to participate in this interpretative program shows that teachers and public-sector workers, experienced visitors of interpretive programsand well-educated visitors or similar materials and the specialists are high. On the other hand, the factors such as gender, age, group size of visitors, and knowledge level did not affect the willingness to participate in the interpretative program. This research shows that visitors have strong willingness to learn the Baekunsan Recreation Forest resources and are positive to the performance and participation of interpretive program. The knowledge level and characteristics of visitors are various on their social strata. Interpretive program must be performed after due consideration of visitor characteristics including their feedback and further research. Overall, it reveals that Baekunsan Recreation Forest's users have interested and positive response to the interpretative program.

      • KCI등재

        자연자원의 효율적인 보전을 위한 해외정책 사례 연구

        윤호정,염성진 한국환경과학회 2020 한국환경과학회지 Vol.29 No.11

        Repeated use of land is depleting future resources and causing many ecological problems, prompting the need for a natural resource policy focusing on effective conservation. This study aims to identify methods based on international cases useful for introducing sustainable conservation of domestic natural resources. Currently, South Korea has developed and enforced many management and evaluation strategies for natural resources. However, due to limitations on policies and management, they show signs of strain. Therefore, this study compares and analyzes international conservation policies for nature and scenery, such as Germany’s impact mitigation regulation, the USA’s HEA (habitat equivalency analysis) and REA (resource equivalency analysis) policies, and Japan’s three laws for landscape and greenery, to achieve the following three goals: first, find natural resources suitable for South Korea and define them. Second, plan goals for mitigation of total natural resources and build a basis for them. Third, establish effective complete plans for evaluating the total amount of natural resources.

      • 森林資源開發의 槪念定立에 關한 硏究

        尹和榮,李相植 동국대학교 생명자원과학대학 연습림 1993 연습림논문집 Vol.- No.3

        This study was carried out to get the basic data for the role of forest resources which has been urbanized and industrialized in modern society and to present the developing model of forest resources n the future. The results are as follows : 1. As the natural resources, forest resources belong to renewable resources as biological resources. However, forest resources can be non­reversibility when they developed above the critical point. 2. Forest resources are divided into two parts. Those are basic character and attribute character. Land and wood resources belong to basic character, and vegetation, animal, water and tree incidental resources belong to attribute character. 3. Forest resources have the marketability which has exchangeable forest accumulation at the market structure and the public goods peculiarity which has the non­exclusion and non­competitution at the consumptional point of view, and those come from the effect of forest environment. 4. The development patterns of forest resources can be classified as forestry and agricultural development, and convert development by the object and purpose of development.

      • KCI등재후보

        NGO CDRNB Basankusu Social Commitment for Community Forestry: Feasibility Study for Natural Resources Governance toward Local Development

        Bosakaibo Bomino Georges 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2021 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.- No.50

        Basankusu is one of the seven territories in the current province of Equateur, whose capital is Mbandaka in DR Congo. The entire territory is made up of a dense tropical rain forest which is the main natural resource for its inhabitants. However, the local communities do not benefit from these natural resources. For this reason, the NGO CDRNB Basankusu has been created to help the communities to get involved in the natural resource management through the implementation of the community forestry. Therefore, this study objective investigates on: What role can NGO CDRNB Basankusu and community forestry play in the governance of forest natural resources for local development? This study is based on data gathered in Basankusu territory in Equateur province in DR Congo from August 2019. In addition, the secondary data are from books, journals, reports, internet sources and official government as well as diocese documents. The feasibility analysis of the forest project is a framework chosen and used as a lens through which the findings are analyzed in the discussion. This study argues that the NGO CDRNB can play a pivotal role in supporting the local communities through the community forestry implementation to manage the forest resources for local development. However, there are some challenges that can hinder this community forestry implementation in the course of the local development process. Unless those factors are identified and taken into consideration, the community forestry cannot be effective.

      • 농촌마을의 향토자원 보존형태와 분석 : 강원지역을 중심으로

        윤영활,남연화 강원대학교 조형예술연구소 2002 조형예술논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the native resources that have preserved in the farm villages and to present the ways to make use of the native resources when they set the plans for the rural development. The subject of this study is the native resources of a certain farm village in Gangwon Province and the result of this investigation is as follows. This investigation shows that the village which is rich in natural resources are Jegong village in Gangreung City and Pomae-ri in Yangyang County and also the village which abounds in cultural resources are Jegong village in Gangreung City and Dongchang village in Hongcheon County and also the regions which have abundant recreational resources are Witseongnam in Weonju City and Godunchi village in Hoingseong County. As a result, Jegong village in Gangreung City and Dongchang village in Hongcheon County are superior to other villages in the native resources. Investigation shows that cultural resources and recreational resources are preserved better than natural resources. Especially, village shrines, origin of a village, cooperative events, forests in a village, temples etc. are preserved well comparatively while it needs to keep resources such as valley, a path up a mountain, reservoir. When we develop the local resources in the farm village in Gangwon Province, it is necessary to keep the balance between development and preservation through ways such as park for learning nature, ecology park, forest park, investigation field for traditional culture, culture park, development of recreation program and development of special products using the native resources.

      • KCI등재

        자연환경의 개념과 그 한계에 대한 환경법적 고찰

        이준서 ( Jun Seo Lee ) 한국환경법학회 2009 環境法 硏究 Vol.31 No.3

        「환경정책기본법」은 그 보호대상으로서의 자연을 "자연환경"이라고 개념 짓고, 이를 "지하·지표(해양을 포함한다) 및 지상의 모든 생물과 이들을 둘러싸고 있는 비생물적인 것을 포함한 자연의 상태(생태계 및 자연경관을 포함한다)"라고 정의하고 있다(제3조 제2호). 그러나 인간의 생활환경이라는 것이 근본적으로는 자연환경을 기반으로 한 것임을 이해한다면, 쾌적한 생활환경의 조성은 결국 자연환경을 보전함으로써 가능한 것이며, 따라서 자연환경과 생활환경은 서로 불가분의 관계임을 알 수 있다. 이처럼 자연환경과 생활환경이라는 두 개의 구성요소를 통해 환경의 개념을 정의하는 것이 비록 서로 명확하지 않은 기준에 따라 자연환경과 생활환경을 구분하고 있으며, 상대적으로 법의 대상이 생활환경에 편중될 수 있다는 문제가 있으나, 기본적으로 환경법상 자연환경은 생활환경에 대응되는 개념으로서만 의미를 갖는다는 점을 부인하기는 어렵다. 그렇지만 이러한 개념의 정의가 단순한 용어의 설명이 아닌 법이 보호하고자 하는 대상이나 이익을 반영하는 것이라고 한다면, 환경법에 있어서 자연환경은 생활환경과 상반되는 의미로서 구분되는 것이 아닌 좁은 의미의 환경 자체로 이해해야 할 것이다. 이러한 이해를 바탕으로 자연환경 그 자체에 대한 피해까지도 환경법의 범위에 포함시킬 수 있도록 하는 법적·제도적 설정이 필요하다. 그러나 자연환경 자체에 대한 피해범위의 문제, 자연환경피해에 대한 주체의 문제와 피해에 따른 책임의 문제, 그리고 피해산정과 그 범위의 문제를 어떠한 방법으로 적절하게 해결할 수 있는지에 대한 법적·정책적 고려에 앞서 선행되어야 할 것은 환경이라는 용어가 갖는 포괄성과 추상성에도 불구하고 자연환경의 법적 개념을 보다 명확히 정립하여야 한다는 것이다. 그간의 많은 노력에도 불구하고 자연환경피해의 범위를 어디까지로 설정하여야 하는지에 대한 논의는 아직도 분분한데, 이러한 논의는 자연환경피해의 구제를 위해서는 가장 우선적으로 해결되어야 할 문제이다. 자연환경과 생활환경을 구분하고 있는 우리 환경법에서는 더욱 그러하다. 따라서 자연을 타자로 여기는 기존의 인간 중심의 관점에서 탈피하여 자연환경이 바로 인간과 상호관계를 유지하고 있는 환경 자체임을 법적으로 재정립할 필요가 있다. On man-donated point of view, we have regarded a "Nature" as a "Natural Environment" in the Framework Act on Environmental Policy. The term "Natural Environment" means the natural conditions (including ecosystem and natural society) which include all animate things in the underground, the earth`s surface (including the seas) and the ground, and the non-animate things surrounding them. However this dichotomy doesn`t emphasize that the natural environment is closely connected with the living environment. So we need to reshape the concept of the natural environment. Defining terms such as `environment`, `environmental damage` and `damage to natural resources` or `natural resource damage` is important because it is one of the methods used by legislators and those involved in drafting treaties and protocols to determine the scope of the compensable damage. The "environment" should be defined to include "natural resources both abiotic and biotic, such as air, water, soil, fauna and flora and the interaction between the same factors, property which forms part of the culture heritage, and the characteristics aspects of the landscape." A number of key issues prevent a polluter being held fully accountable for damage caused to these natural resources (i. e., the issue of standing, the scope and coverage of tort law and relevant international conventions, the measure of damages and the difficulty of determining the appropriate quantum of damages.) First, `someone` should be granted standing to sue for damages and should be designated the responsibility to act as a sort of trustee. A second requirement for a more effective regime is that it covers all natural resources that are of public value. A third component that is essential for a more effective regime is the measure of damages. Finally, I note that the movement in the U. S.from litigation to cooperation is most promising. A cooperative damage assessment process, whereby the responsible party and the trustee through cooperation develop and select various primary and compensatory restoration alternatives, saves on the transaction costs and makes it more likely that restoration is started sooner.

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