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      • KCI등재

        제7차 교육과정에 따른 중,고등학교 사회교과서(서양사부분)의 문제점과 개선과제

        김중락 ( Kim Jung Lag ) 역사교육학회 2003 역사교육논집 Vol.31 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to analyse the western history part of the Social Studies textbooks for the middle and high schools according to the 7th national curriculum. As the new national curriculum has been implemented from early 2001, all Korean middle and high schools are using new textbooks which were approved by the government. The are about 8-10 new textbooks for each grade between the 8th and the 10the. In comparison to the 6th national curriculum all textbooks are dramatically improved, particularly in their appearance. However, many problems remain to be solved. Firstly, the history part of the Social Studies textbooks were not integrated into Social Studies, an umbrella term which consists of history, geography, and social science(politics, laws, and economics). Integration of all three elements is one of the most important aim of the 7th national curriculum for Social Studies. Even though every textbooks contain all three elements, but history chapters deal with history exclusively except two chapters in high school textbooks for 10th grade. Vice versa. However, the integration shown in the two chapters for the 10th grade was made unevenly, as they were oriented in favour of social science, neglecting history and geography. The topics also deal too much with western institutions such as democracy and economic developments. Secondly, the new textbooks are not equipped to achieve the self-directed history learning which is another main aim of the new national curriculum. The biggest problem is that they deal with too many subjects in too small volume. The narratives on historical events and processes are in most case too simple to understand anything. They are entirely designed to memorize rather than to explore. The historical sources and activities required are often not relevant, too difficult and not useful. The activities designed for the able students are also quite limited, as they were fixed by the national curriculum. Thirdly, the new textbooks failed to update the new research trends and sticks to the old theories. They, for instance, still argue that the English Revolution is a bourgeois revolution. They also neglect social and cultural aspects of history, as political history is too much emphasized. And they have the western approach of western history, ignoring many other civilization which had huge impact on the western society. A western history in terms of relation with other parts of world is hardly found, even in the topics like Crusades and the western expansion to America, Asia and Africa. Lastly, the narrative style of text is hardly friendly to the students. It never employs friendly questions in the text to readers, which give students an impression that history is a boring subject. All these problems the new textbooks contain have something to do with the new national curriculum itself in most case. The new national curriculum preconditioned the writing of the new textbooks as an act. The writers never had a fair chance to use their abilities freely, as the contents, interpretations and value in the history part of the textbooks are legally fixed in the new national curriculum. However, the small number of the writers for each textbook was also a big hinderance in the making of the Social Studies textbooks. (Kyungpook National University)

      • KCI등재후보

        한국사상(韓國思想)(사학(史學)) : 고등학교 「한국사」 교과서의 고대(古代) "불교사(佛敎史)" 서술 검토

        박미선 ( Mi Sun Park ) 한국사상문화학회 2011 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.59 No.-

        2009년 교육과정 개정안과 2010년 부분 개정안에 따라 2011년부터 기존의 國定 「국사」교과서 대신 6종의 檢定 「한국사」교과서가 고등학교에서 사용되고 있다. 본래 2009년 개정안에서는 국사와 세계사를 결합한 「역사」과목과 교과서를 계획했으며, 이 「역사」는 근현대사를 중심으로 구성하였다. 그러나 2010년 「역사」를 「한국사」로 급히 변경하였고, 그로 인해 전근대사를 추가적으로 서술해야 했다. 결국 기존 「국사」교과서에 서술된 전근대사 내용을 요약·정리하여 「한국사」 교과서에 수록하게 되었고, 이로써 새 교과서는 근현대사와 전근대사의 불균형, 체제의 비통일성 등 많은 문제점을 내포하게 되었다. 이 글에서는 새 교과서에서 고대 불교에 대해 어떻게 서술하고 있는지, 기존 교과서와는 어떤 차별점이 있으며, 또 어떤 문제점이 있는지를 검토해 보고자 한다. 불교는 한국 역사와 문화를 이해하는 키워드로, 특히 불교를 수용하여 한국문화의 한 축으로 형성한 때가 바로 고대이므로 불교문화를 제외하고 고대사를 설명하기도 이해하기도 어렵기 때문이다. 먼저 6종의 검정 교과서를 비교·검토하고, 이를 기존의 국정 국사 교과사와 비교해 보았다. 기존 「국사」는 정치·경제·사회·문화분야로 나누어 서술된 데 비해, 검정 교과서들은 개설적인 서술 방식으로 정치사와 문화사 중심으로 서술하고 있다. 고대 불교에 대한 서술을 비교해 본 결과, 6종의 교과서는 서술 분량에서 차이가 있었고, 그 원인은 불교미술에 대한 서술 분량의 차이에 있었다. 공통적으로 삼국시대에 비해 남북국시대의 불교 서술이 매우 소략하며, 남북국시대 불교를 다루지 않은 교과서도 있었다. 최근에 신라 말 ``禪宗``에 대한 연구가 늘어나고 있는 경향과는 전혀 다른 모습이다. 그 결과 새 교과서 또한 삼국의 ``불교 수용``만 집중적으로 서술하는 태도를 답습하고 있다. 또한 「국사」교과서의 내용을 요약하여 새 교과서에 싣다보니, ``불교문화가 발전했다``와 같은 결론만 서술하거나 불교미술의 종류와 명칭을 ``나열``하는 형태를 보이고 있다. 이러한 서술 방식으로는 학습자들이 역사적 지식을 ``이해``하기란 어려우며, 이해할 수 없는 경우 ``암기``로 이어지게 되고, ``암기``는 곧 학습 부담이 된다. 따라서 내용의 많고 적음을 떠나 ``역사적 판단력 함양``을 역사교육의 목표로 한다면, 단순한 사실의 나열이나 불교미술의 나열이 아닌 시대적·사상적 배경과 因果관계 등 좀더 ``친절한`` 서술 방식이 필요하다. According to the 2009 National Curriculum Amendment and 2010 Partial Amendment, six authorized ``HANKUKSA: Korean History`` textbooks have been used in high school instead of the existing ``KUKSA: National History`` textbook. The original 2009 Amendment had a plan of making ``YUKSA: History`` subject and textbooks by combining the national and world history, centered on the modern and contemporary history. But in 2010, ``YUKSA`` was changed by ``HANKUKSA`` urgently, which made additional description of premodern history inevitable. As a result, the descriptions on premodern history in the existing ``KUKSA`` were summarized and organized to be included in the new ``HANKUKSA``; therefore, the new textbook showed many problems such as the imbalance between premodern and modern-contemporary history and lack of formation-unity. The present study was performed to investigate how the new textbooks describes the Ancient Buddhism, what kinds of difference they show and what kinds of problem they include. Buddhism is the keyword in understanding Korean history and culture, and it was the Ancient Era when the Buddhism was accepted and became the axis of Korean culture. So, we can neither explain nor understand the ancient history except the Buddhist culture, and that is the reason why Buddhism should be centered on. First, six kinds of authorized textbooks were compared one another and then with the existing national Korean history textbooks. Contents of the existing ``KUKSA`` were described by political, economical, social and cultural aspects, but, on the contrary, authorized textbooks were done by centering on the political and cultural history with the method of introductory description. Comparing the description of Ancient Buddhism, quantitative differences were found in six textbooks, especially, those of Buddhist arts. Commonly, the Buddhism descriptions of North and South States Period were rougher and more negligent than the Era of Three States, and even some textbook has no part of North and South States Period Buddhism. It did not match the recent trend that investigating the Zen of late Shilla is steadily increasing. As a result, the new textbooks followed the old trend again which were concentrated on the intensive descriptions of Buddhism embracement in the Era of Three States. Also, because the contents of ``KUKSA`` were summarized and included in the new textbooks, we could find only the conclusion like ``Buddhist arts were developed`` or the lists of categories and names of Buddhist arts. Such descriptions cannot make learners` understood the historical knowledge. If learners cannot understand the knowledge, they will try to ``memorize`` it, which will burden them. So, if the aim of history education is to ``foster the historical judgement`` regardless of the quantity, more ``kind`` method of description is needed by providing the background of the time and ideology and the causal relationship, instead of the lists of simple facts or Buddhist arts.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 「한국사」 교과서의 古代 ‘佛敎史’ 서술 검토

        박미선 한국사상문화학회 2011 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.59 No.-

        According to the 2009 National Curriculum Amendment and 2010 Partial Amendment, six authorized 'HANKUKSA: Korean History' textbooks have been used in high school instead of the existing 'KUKSA: National History' textbook. The original 2009 Amendment had a plan of making 'YUKSA: History' subject and textbooks by combining the national and world history, centered on the modern and contemporary history. But in 2010, 'YUKSA' was changed by 'HANKUKSA' urgently, which made additional description of premodern history inevitable. As a result, the descriptions on premodern history in the existing 'KUKSA' were summarized and organized to be included in the new 'HANKUKSA'; therefore, the new textbook showed many problems such as the imbalance between premodern and modern-contemporary history and lack of formation-unity. The present study was performed to investigate how the new textbooks describes the Ancient Buddhism, what kinds of difference they show and what kinds of problem they include. Buddhism is the keyword in understanding Korean history and culture, and it was the Ancient Era when the Buddhism was accepted and became the axis of Korean culture. So, we can neither explain nor understand the ancient history except the Buddhist culture, and that is the reason why Buddhism should be centered on. First, six kinds of authorized textbooks were compared one another and then with the existing national Korean history textbooks. Contents of the existing 'KUKSA' were described by political, economical, social and cultural aspects, but, on the contrary, authorized textbooks were done by centering on the political and cultural history with the method of introductory description. Comparing the description of Ancient Buddhism, quantitative differences were found in six textbooks, especially, those of Buddhist arts. Commonly, the Buddhism descriptions of North and South States Period were rougher and more negligent than the Era of Three States, and even some textbook has no part of North and South States Period Buddhism. It did not match the recent trend that investigating the Zen of late Shilla is steadily increasing. As a result, the new textbooks followed the old trend again which were concentrated on the intensive descriptions of Buddhism embracement in the Era of Three States. Also, because the contents of 'KUKSA' were summarized and included in the new textbooks, we could find only the conclusion like 'Buddhist arts were developed' or the lists of categories and names of Buddhist arts. Such descriptions cannot make learners' understood the historical knowledge. If learners cannot understand the knowledge, they will try to 'memorize' it, which will burden them. So, if the aim of history education is to 'foster the historical judgement' regardless of the quantity, more 'kind' method of description is needed by providing the background of the time and ideology and the causal relationship, instead of the lists of simple facts or Buddhist arts. 2009년 교육과정 개정안과 2010년 부분 개정안에 따라 2011년부터 기존의 國定 「국사」교과서 대신 6종의 檢定 「한국사」교과서가 고등학교에서 사용되고 있다. 본래 2009년 개정안에서는 국사와 세계사를 결합한 「역사」과목과 교과서를 계획했으며, 이 「역사」는 근현대사를 중심으로 구성하였다. 그러나 2010년 「역사」를 「한국사」로 급히 변경하였고, 그로 인해 전근대사를 추가적으로 서술해야 했다. 결국 기존 「국사」교과서에 서술된 전근대사 내용을 요약⋅정리하여 「한국사」 교과서에 수록하게 되었고, 이로써 새 교과서는 근현대사와 전근대사의 불균형, 체제의 비통일성 등 많은 문제점을 내포하게 되었다. 이 글에서는 새 교과서에서 고대 불교에 대해 어떻게 서술하고 있는지, 기존 교과서와는 어떤 차별점이 있으며, 또 어떤 문제점이 있는지를 검토해 보고자 한다. 불교는 한국 역사와 문화를 이해하는 키워드로, 특히 불교를 수용하여 한국문화의 한 축으로 형성한 때가 바로 고대이므로 불교문화를 제외하고 고대사를 설명하기도 이해하기도 어렵기 때문이다. 먼저 6종의 검정 교과서를 비교⋅검토하고, 이를 기존의 국정 국사 교과사와 비교해 보았다. 기존 「국사」는 정치⋅경제⋅사회⋅문화분야로 나누어 서술된 데 비해, 검정 교과서들은 개설적인 서술 방식으로 정치사와 문화사 중심으로 서술하고 있다. 고대 불교에 대한 서술을 비교해 본 결과, 6종의 교과서는 서술 분량에서 차이가 있었고, 그 원인은 불교미술에 대한 서술 분량의 차이에 있었다. 공통적으로 삼국시대에 비해 남북국시대의 불교 서술이 매우 소략하며, 남북국시대 불교를 다루지 않은 교과서도 있었다. 최근에 신라 말 ‘禪宗’에 대한 연구가 늘어나고 있는 경향과는 전혀 다른 모습이다. 그 결과 새 교과서 또한 삼국의 ‘불교 수용’만 집중적으로 서술하는 태도를 답습하고 있다. 또한 「국사」교과서의 내용을 요약하여 새 교과서에 싣다보니, ‘불교문화가 발전했다’와 같은 결론만 서술하거나 불교미술의 종류와 명칭을 ‘나열’하는 형태를 보이고 있다. 이러한 서술 방식으로는 학습자들이 역사적 지식을 ‘이해’하기란 어려우며, 이해할 수 없는 경우 ‘암기’로 이어지게 되고, ‘암기’는 곧 학습 부담이 된다. 따라서 내용의 많고 적음을 떠나 ‘역사적 판단력 함양’을 역사교육의 목표로 한다면, 단순한 사실의 나열이나 불교미술의 나열이 아닌 시대적⋅사상적 배경과 因果관계 등 좀더 ‘친절한’ 서술 방식이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        제4차 교육과정기 국사교과서 근현대사 서술의 특징

        조성운 역사와교육학회 2020 역사와 교육 Vol.30 No.-

        The 4th education curriculum was organized by the Fifth Republic regime, which trampled on the pro-democracy movement after the assassination of Park Jung-hee in October 1979. Given that state history textbooks in the 4th education curriculum were used from March 1982, the 初·中·高 國史敎科書 內容分析 및 體制硏究 (an analysis of the contents and system of elementary, middle and high school history textbooks), which was reported in may 1981, were not properly reflected. This means that writing the textbook was done before the curriculum was prepared properly, just like the 3rd education curriculum, and that the compilation of Korean history textbooks is highly likely to have been made at the request of the administration, not according to the curriculum. Therefore, the national history textbook in this period reflects the government's view of history or perception of history. Unlike the textbook written in the previous period, the narrative system of the 4th education curriculum history textbook was divided into ancient, middle, modern, and contemporary times, setting the latter half of Chosen as the beginning of the modern history society, creating a system of conception of the national history that leads to the early-middle, modern-day (after the opening of Chosen), modern-day (after the liberation of Korea. And the features of the 4th education curriculum modern history description were that: in the previous textbook, Daewon-gun's reform of the internal affairs was evaluated as strengthening the royal authority, but the textbook of 4th education curriculum described it from the perspective of establishing the absolute monarchy. Also, the Donghak Peasant Revolution Movement, which once had evaluated it as the "biggest peasant revolution in our history" and "characteristic of the peasant war," was written that Confucian traditional society should be unjustified and invaded by foreign peoples. And It was the first time that the textbooks included Ministry of People's Republic of Korea, Chosen Medical University, Chosen Revolutionary Army, Daeil Proposition High School, Burmese and Indian Front, sending Liberation Army troops into Korea, and other materials. Inaddition, national history textbooks for the curriculum included more diverse learning materials than those for the previous period. This was not limited to the problem of textbook descriptions, but to the change of the curriculum in away that allows students to teach through various learning materials. In the end, history textbooks for the 4th education curriculum were compiled with the aim of strengthening the legitimacy of the regime through strengthening nationalism at the request of the Fifth Republic regime, which has weak legitimacy. This was strengthened in the wake of Japan's 1982 distortion of history textbooks. Unfortunately, this paper failed to review it and to discuss the writing of the 4th education curriculum textbook about the Japanese history textbook distortion case, which could be determined through the comparison and analysis of the 1982 version and the 1983 version of the Korean history textbook. 제4차 교육과정은 1979년 10월 박정희시해사건 이후 민주화운동을 짓밟고 들어선 제5공화국 정권에 의해 마련되었다. 제4차 교육과정기 국사교과서가 1982년 3월부터 사용되었다는 점에서 1981년 5월 보고된 初·中·高 國史敎科書 內容分析 및 體制硏究 는 제대로 반영되지 않았다. 이는 제3차 교육과정기와 마찬가지로 교육과정이 마련되기 전에 교과서 집필이 이루어졌다는 것을 의미하며, 국사교과서 편찬은 교육과정에 따라 편찬된 것이 아니라 정권의 요구에 따라 이루어졌을 가능성이 매우 크다는 것을 의미한다고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 제4차 교육과정기 국사교과서는 정권의 역사관 혹은 역사인식이 반영되었다고 할 수 있다. 제4차 교육과정기 국사교과서의 서술체제는 이전 시기와는 달리 고대·중세·근대·현대로 시대구분을 하면서 조선후기를 근대사회의 태동기로 설정함으로써 고대-중세(고려)-근세(조선전기)-근대사회의 태동기(조선후기)-근대(개항 이후)-현대(해방 이후)로 이어지는 역사인식 체계를 마련함과 동시에 이후 국사교과서 시대구분의 전범을 마련하였다. 그리고 제4차 교육과정 근현대사 서술의 특징으로 대표적인 것은 대원군의 내정개혁을 왕권강화라 평가하였으나 제4차 교육과정기 국사교과서에서는 전제왕권의 확립이라는 관점에서 서술하였던 점, ‘우리나라 역사상 최대의 농민혁명’, ‘농민전쟁으로서의 성격’이라 평가하였던 ‘동학농민혁명운동’을 ‘안으로는 유교적 전통사회를 부정하고 밖으로는 외국의 침략을 몰아내야 한다는 민족운동’이라는 의미의 ‘동학운동’이라 평가절하한 점, 일제의 침략을 자세하게 서술함과 동시에 독립군의 항전’을 ‘독립전쟁’이라 높이 평가하고, 이전까지 서술하지 않던 국민부, 조선의용대, 조선혁명군, 대일선전포고, 버어마·인도전선에 광복군 파견, 국내진입작전 등을 처음으로 교과서에 수록한 등이다. 또한 제4차 교육과정기 국사교과서는 이전 시기의 국사교과서보다 다양한 학습자료를 수록하였다. 이는 교과서 서술의 문제에 국한되는 것이 아니라 교육과정에 다양한 학습자료를 통해 교수할 수 있도록 하는 방향으로 교육과정이 변화하게 되는 계기가 되었다고 할 수 있다. 결국 제4차 교육과정기 국사교과서는 정통성이 약한 제5공화국 정권의 요구에 따라 민족주의의 강화를 통해 정권의 정통성을 강화하려는 목적에서 편찬되었다. 이는 1982년 일본의 역사교과서왜곡사건을 계기로 보다 강화되었다. 아쉽게도 본고에서 검토하지 못하였으나 일본의 역사교과서왜곡사건에 대한 제4차 교육과정기 국사교과서의 서술 변환에 대해 상론하지 못하였으나 이는 1982년판 국사교과서와 1983년판 국사교과서의 비교, 분석을 통해 파악할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 한국사 관련 교과서에 나타난 천주교회사 서술

        김아네스(Kim Agnes) 한국교회사연구소 2011 敎會史硏究 Vol.0 No.36

        This paper aims at critically exploring the descriptions of Korean Catholic history in high school Korean history textbooks. The study examined textbooks currently used in high schools, which include National History(Guksa), Korean Modern and Contemporary History(Hanguk Geunhyeondaesa), and Korean History (Hanguksa). The study analyzes the formats and the contents of the textbooks, points out the problems in the description of the Korean Catholic history and presents suggestions for improvement. In terms of formats, Catholicism was rarely selected as a topic, and the description on Catholic was minimal. National History(Guksa) selected ‘propagation of Catholic’ in late Joseon era as a sub-topic. Korean Modern and Contemporary History(Hanguk Geunhyeondaesa) and Korean History(Hanguksa) described on the acceptance of Catholic and persecution under the sub-topic of social transformation in late Joseon era. In the modern history chapter, Korean history textbooks rarely dealt with religions including Catholic. Textbooks should provide more description on the achievements of Catholic churches. For example, in late Joseon Catholic churches criticized Confucius social order, and in modern history Catholic churches contributed to the democratization of the nation. Chronologically, Korean history textbooks described on the acceptance of and persecution on Catholic churches in late 18th century. In describing early catholic history, current textbooks did not give weight to the catholic catechism and the significance of establishing churches volunteered by parishioners in the absence of missionaries. The textbooks should supplement such contents as catechism that early catholic believers accepted and the significance of their worship. They should also present the ideological and socio-political perspectives by explaining the reason why Joseon government persecuted Catholic churches and examining the factors that affected the spread of Catholicism despite the persecution. In the modem history chapter, textbooks described that Catholic institutions took the lead in providing the social welfare services by running orphanages and convalescent homes. The books also mentioned that Catholic institutions established schools and published newspapers, therefore, contributed in enlightening the people. In the Japanese colonial times chapter, the textbooks described that Catholic churches continued to provide the welfare services and participated in national in dependence movements. They also give light to the Catholic parishioners in Manchuria who organized Uimindan and pioneered in anti-Japanese movement. In terms of contemporary history, a couple of textbooks described major Catholic commemorative events and social welfare services. Pro-Japanese activities or corruption by religious figures were rarely mentioned in the textbooks. In the future, the textbooks should present balanced point of view by describing both contributions and the problems of the Catholic churches in the Korean history.

      • KCI등재

        민주시민 형성을 위한 역사교과서의 형식적 요건 모색-‘『역사교과서 국정화 진상조사 백서』’를 중심으로-

        구경남 고려대학교 역사연구소 2023 사총 Vol.110 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 역사교과서 국정화 진상조사위원회가 박근혜 정부의 역사교과서 국정화의 진상을 조사하여 발간한 백서를 중심으로 역사교과서 국정화와 그 폐기가 시사하는 역사적 가치와 교육적 함의를 톺아보면서 민주시민 형성을 위한 역사교과서가 갖추어야 할 형식적 요건을 모색한 것이다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 우선 박근혜 정부의 역사교과서 국정화 추진과정에서 일어났던 위법성을 추적했으며, 역사교과서 국정화는 다름 아닌 ‘역사 쿠데타’ 임을 밝혔다. 다음으로 민주주의 국가에서의 위법성과 비민주성이 동전의 양면과 같다는 점을 염두에 두면서 박근혜 정부의 역사교과서 국정화 추진과정에서 일어났던 민주주의의 제도적 절차나 민주주의의 본질적 가치를 훼손한 역사를 추적했다. 역사교과서가 민주주의의 진전과 궤를 같이 할 수 있도록 역사와 교육의 정치화를 경계해야 할 것이다. 민주주의의 근간을 무너뜨렸던 역사교과서 국정화는 국정 농단의 주요 사건으로 기록되었고, 그 과정에서 저지른 위법과 비민주적 행위는 역설적으로 역사교과서가 갖추어야 할 요건으로 합법성과 민주성을 요구하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to examine the historical value and educational implications of the nationalization of history textbooks and their abolition, focusing on the white paper published by the Committee to Investigate the Nationalization of History Textbooks under the Park Geun-hye administration, and to explore the formal requirements of history textbooks for the formation of democratic citizenship. The research findings are as follows. First, we traced the illegality of the Park Geun-hye government's push to nationalize history textbooks and revealed that the nationalization of history textbooks was nothing less than a "historical coup". Next, keeping in mind that illegality and undemocratic in a democracy are two sides of the same coin, we traced the history of the Park Geun-hye administration's push to nationalize history textbooks, which undermines the institutional processes of democracy and the essential values of democracy. To ensure that history textbooks are in line with the progress of democracy, we need to be vigilant against the politicization of history and education. The nationalization of history textbooks, which undermined the foundations of democracy, was recorded as a major event of the state farm, and the illegal and undemocratic acts committed in the process paradoxically demand legitimacy and democracy as requirements for history textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        한국현대사 교육을 둘러싼 갈등의 역사화와 그 함의

        구경남 역사교육학회 2023 역사교육논집 Vol.83 No.-

        This article aims to shed light on the historical and pedagogical implications of history education as a political tool through the active intervention of political power in history textbooks. First, we identified the nature of the 2008 "Korean Modern History Textbook Attack" and the 2015 "Nationalization of History Textbooks" incidents. A series of textbook attacks during the Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun governments built the conservatives' case for regaining political power and eventually led to the Lee Myung-bak administration. The Park Geun-hye administration that followed went beyond the “textbook attack” and nationalized history textbooks, regressing to the past in order to dominate the future. Next, we reviewed the historical and educational implications of the textbook attacks and the nationalization of history textbooks. It is important to note that history education in schools has historically represented the interests of ethnic groups, nations, or political factions. It is time to shift from 'history education for whom' to 'history education for all'. History education should be 'history education for all' that embraces the citizens of a democratic republic and even the citizens of the world. It is time for history education to take on the responsibility of historicizing memory while pursuing the public nature of scholarship and education so that the conflict over the education of Korean modern history can become an opportunity to strengthen and solidify the soil of citizenship and democracy in our society.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 경성제국대학의 역사 교과서 비판과 조선총독부의 대응

        장신 동북아역사재단 2013 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.42

        History professors at Keijō Imperial University analyzed and criticizedthe history textbooks of elementary and secondary schools in 1934. Theyurged Keijō Imperial University to establish a commission to solve theproblems with the history textbooks. They demanded that thecommission handle the “system of national history” correctly. Inparticular, they expected that the history of Joseon and the history ofJapan would not be treated separately, but that a national historycovering the history of the continually expanding empire and thecolonies would be written. The Joseon Government-General immediately accepted therecommendation and established the Temporary Commission of Inquiryon History Textbooks. This commission recommended after two years ofwork that the system of school textbook writing and the contents of theschool textbooks should be improved. The Joseon Government-Generalaccepted part of the recommendation for the improvement, but did notaccept the writing according to the system of national history. Thatrecommendation did not follow the theory of the “unique situation ofKorea.” However, the Joseon Government-General did not stop writingschool textbooks which took into consideration the reality of the ruleover Joseon, even obstructing the understanding of the national historyand differing from historical facts. The system of national historythereafter was realized in the elementary school national historytextbooks that began to be published in 1940. The leading role wastaken by Nakamura Hidetaka, who was a member of the commission.

      • KCI등재

        한국사 교과서 서사의 비판적 검토와 전망

        임기환 역사교육학회 2022 역사교육논집 Vol.80 No.-

        History education is usually conducted through history textbooks, and the history narrative in history textbooks is the factor that has the greatest influence on students' understanding of history. In this study, by analyzing the achievement standards of the history curriculum, the types of historical narratives in Korean history textbooks were classified into 4 types: ①Narrative as a context of change, ②Nrrative as causality, ③Narrative a synthesis of individual facts [phenomena], ④Narrative as interpretation or mode of thought. Also, based on the hierarchy of historical narratives, they were classified into Macro Narratives, Meso Narratives, and Micro Narratives. Based on the latter three types, among the historical narratives of historical Korean history textbooks, as examples of macroscopic narratives, Nation narratives, Nationalist narratives, and Internal Development Narratives were selected. These Macro Narratives were mainly the ones that were criticized. In this study, apart from seeking alternatives such as reconstruction of macro narratives such as national and national narratives, macro narratives were deconstructed in a transitional situation and a history textbook composition was proposed focusing on micro narratives and intermediate narratives. It is to dismantle the form of history outlines taken by historical Korean history textbooks. It was also suggested that the sequence of history textbooks leading to elementary, middle, and high schools be secured in the form of reconstructing the four types of historical narratives that I have classified.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 사회(역사) 교과서의 대안적 구성 논리와 방안

        문재경 한국역사교육학회 2016 역사교육연구 Vol.- No.26

        Elementary school history textbooks are composed of national and ethnic histories as their main contents. The elementary history textbooks are composed of contents focused on political history while they contain poor contents of life history. Many studies so far have presented criticisms of and alternatives to such political history-focused contents of the elementary school history subject, but they were poor in making proposals for specific contents. This article thus attempts at a logic and plan for alternative composition of elementary school history textbooks. Analyzing the issues raised so far in the discussion of elementary school history textbooks, it outlines problems like emphasis on the absoluteness of historical knowledge, their contents with focus on national and ethnic histories, lack of the description of life history, reinforcement of unique historical recognition etc. The current article then examines an alternative logic for the composition of the history textbooks in which history should be approached from national stories (national history) to people’s stories (life history), from eminent figures’ stories to common peoples’, from adults’ perspective to children’s, and from overcoming crises to understanding mutual cultures. Lastly, as a specific way to compose alternative history textbooks for solving problems with elementary school history textbooks, it is suggested that they should be composed of people’s life stories and help students understand historical periods from their life. Also, it is proposed that focus be put on various methods to encourage children to be interested and on historizing in which the learners participated directly in history education. The proposals are expected to be a basis for solving repeated problems with periodically renewed elementary school history textbooks and better textbooks are developed. 초등학교 역사 교과서는 국가사와 민족사를 주요 내용으로 구성되었다. 초등학교와 중고등학교는 차별을 두기 위하여 초등학교는 생활사, 중학교는 정치사, 고등학교는 문화사를 중심으로 교과서 내용을 구성한다고 하였다. 그러나 초등학교 역사 교과서에서는 정치사 중심으로 내용 구성이 되었고 생활사 내용 구성은 잘 이루어지지 않았다. 그동안 이러한 정치사 중심의 초등학교 역사 내용 구성에 대해서 여러 연구들에서 비판과 대안들을 제시하였으나 구체적인 내용 구성에 대한 제안은 미흡하였다. 그래서 이글에서는 초등학교 역사 교과서의 대안적 구성 논리와 방안을 살펴보았다. 먼저 그동안 초등학교 역사 교과서 논의에서 제기되어 온 내용들을 분석하여 역사 지식의 절대성 강조, 국가사와 민족사 중심의 내용 구성, 생활사 서술의 부족, 획일적인 역사인식의 강요 등의 문제점을 개괄하였다. 다음은 이를 바탕으로 역사 교과서의 대안적 구성 논리를 국가 이야기(국사)에서 사람들의 이야기(생활사)로, 위인들의 이야기에서 보통 사람들의 이야기로, 어른의 눈높이에서 어린이의 눈높이로, 국난극복에서 상호문화이해로 접근해야 함을 검토하였다. 끝으로 초등학교 역사 교과서 문제점을 해결하기 위해 구체적인 대안 역사 교과서 구성 방안으로는 사람들의 생활이야기로 구성하고 생활 속에서 시대를 이해할 수 있도록 서술할 필요가 있다. 또 아동들이 흥미 있어 하는 다양한 방법으로 서술하고, 학습자가 직접 참여하여 역사를 배우는 역사하기를 강조할 것을 제안하였다. 이는 교육과정이 바뀌어 교과서가 새로 나오더라도 계속 반복되어 나타나는 초등학교 역사 교과서의 문제점을 극복하고, 보다 나은 교과서를 개발할 수 있는 토대가 될 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.

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