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      • KCI등재

        아랍 스프링 이후 이집트의 정치권력구조 변화

        황병하 ( Byung Ha Hwang ) 한국이슬람학회 2013 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.23 No.3

        This paper is intended to research the change of political power structure in Egypt after the Arab Spring. The political power structure of Egypt has changed two times after the Arab Spring. After the Arab Spring, Islamist Mursy was elected as President of Egypt through a democratic election. During his first year in office, Mursy was regarded as doing little to tackle economic and social problems. He was ousted by the military in July 2013. It was a coup. After coup, Egypt was in turmoil, and polarized politically,religiously, and socially. In chapter Ⅱ, this paper analyzed the current situation of Egypt. A democratically elected president has been removed by the military. In chapter Ⅲ, the relationship between Mursy and the military in the first year of Mursy and MB``s response after coup were described. In chapter Ⅳ, the change of political power structure in Egypt after the Arab Spring was presented. The power structure after military coup is expected as same as the power structure of Mubarak. In chapter Ⅴ, the pivotal factors(America, the military, MB) influencing the political power structure of Egypt and their roles were presented. The most urgently needed thing in Egypt are reconciliation and democracy.

      • KCI등재

        2012년 이집트 헌법의 주요 내용 분석 및 평가 : 이슬람과 군부관련 내용을 중심으로

        황병하(Hwang Byung Ha) 한국이슬람학회 2014 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.24 No.3

        This paper is intended to research the analysis of the main articles of Egyptian Constitution 2012 and its evaluation focused on the articles on Islam and military. The Egyptian Constitution 2012 was very familiar with other countries' constitutions in terms of the language, structure, and institutions. It was regarded as products of domestic political debates, particularly between MB and the military. But the opposition had raised questions and protests against some articles related with Islam, especially Article 4 and Article 219. In order to understand the meaning of Article 219, we have to start with the principles of the Islamic Sharia, which Article 2 of the Constitution 1971(amended in 1980, reproduced in th 2012 draft) proclaimed as the main source of legislation. In chapter Ⅱ, the history and changing process of Egyptian Constitutions were presented. In Chapter Ⅲ, the main topics of the Constitution 2012 were researched. In Chapter Ⅳ, the analysis of the Constitution 2012 and its evaluation focused on the Islam and the military were given. In Egypt, the interpretation of Article 219 fell into the Supreme Constitutional Court(SCC). The Islamic Sharia has provoked a lot of intellectual inquiries and questions from Constitution 1971. In Egypt, the Islamic Sharia has regarded as a authoritative tradition and principles. So in Constitution 2012, SCC had no choice except accepting Sharia as a tradition and treating it a little bit roughly and unimportant. Most of Article 219's terms came from the traditional Sunni methodology based on the Quran, Sunna, Qiyas, and Ijma. In Constitution 2012, Mursi and MB had tried to include an article to reduce the Military's political and economic power through the revision of the Constitution. But the Military had acknowledged MB's attention, and checked that article not being included in the Constitution. Since then, the relationship between MB and the Military had become worsen, and finally Mursi government was collapsed by the Military coup in 3rd July, 2013. So we can say that the reason of Mursi's downfall was not because of the Article 219, but because of the conflicts with the Military.

      • KCI등재

        무르시 이집트 대통령에 대한 정치적 풍자 -바셈 유세프의 엘 베르나메그를 중심으로-

        사희만 ( Hee Man Sah ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해지역원 2013 지중해지역연구 Vol.15 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship of satire and the socio-political reality with reference to some episodes concerning Egyptian President Mursi that appeared in popular satirical show El-Bernameg(The Program) hosted by Egyptian TV comedian Bassem Youssef. Charged with insulting President Mursi and Islam, he has captured in a refreshing way the frustrations and aspirations of many Egyptians by resorting to political satire, a genre that was absent from Egyptian television before the revolution in 2011 El-Bernameg has extended the boundaries of public discourse by mocking public figures such as Egyptian President Mursi and the power holders in the Islamist government. For instance, Youssef portrayed Mursi as a superman with superpowers and he mocked Islamists` use of religion for political purpose. It also represented a shift of political parody from the private level to the public sphere. It is noteworthy that though to deal with the religion as a material for political satire along with politics is regarded as a taboo to satirise in the Arab world, Islam was subject to being as part of satire because Mursi is originally from Muslim Brethren. This study also showed that the political satire can provide public knowledge about politics to the people, at the same time when they are to be entertained by it. Bassem Youssef`s political parody format is unprecedented in the Arab world as it is supposed to be a watchdog on the news media. It is said that political jokes represent a revolt against authority and a liberation from its pressure and the laughter has the corrective effect. Then, it remains to be seen later whether Mursi will begin to correct his undemocratic course of action. But it is clear that Bassem Youssef will continue to be the epicenter of debate about the freedom of expression in Egyptian politics by showing his satirical rhetoric and ‘laughter`.

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