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      • KCI등재후보

        다문화 사회에서의 초등체육교육의 방향 및 과제

        권민혁 한국초등체육학회 2009 한국초등체육학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        This study aims at providing the derections and tasks of elementary physical education in a multicultural society. Our society has been transferring into multicultural society rapidly. The students of multicultural families are suffering at low learning performance and poor peer relation by language problem. The alienation of them can cause diverse problem. So education ministry are interested in the solution of inequality of them. Physical education take a role as a tool of integration of them and general student. Because physical activity are effective in solution of people's conflict. The derections of elementary physical education in a multicultural society as follow. First, elementary physical education in a multicultural society have to focus at the integration of students of multicultural families and general students. Second. elementary physical education in a multicultural society have to focus at prevention or solution of conflicts of multicultural families and general students. Third, elementary physical education in a multicultural society have to focus at prevention of discrimination and prejudice about students of multicultural families. Forth. elementary physical education in a multicultural society have to focus at understanding and respect of cultural diversity. The tasks of elementary physical education in a multicultural society as follow. First, the research on the actual condition of the students of multicultural families have to be carried. Second, the curriculum of elementary physical education must be reorganized. Third, multicultural education programs must be developed. Concretely, the prevention program of a victim of bullying and soluton program of conflict amon peers. Lastly, after-school activities including physical activity program have to be provided. This study aims at providing the derections and tasks of elementary physical education in a multicultural society. Our society has been transferring into multicultural society rapidly. The students of multicultural families are suffering at low learning performance and poor peer relation by language problem. The alienation of them can cause diverse problem. So education ministry are interested in the solution of inequality of them. Physical education take a role as a tool of integration of them and general student. Because physical activity are effective in solution of people's conflict. The derections of elementary physical education in a multicultural society as follow. First, elementary physical education in a multicultural society have to focus at the integration of students of multicultural families and general students. Second. elementary physical education in a multicultural society have to focus at prevention or solution of conflicts of multicultural families and general students. Third, elementary physical education in a multicultural society have to focus at prevention of discrimination and prejudice about students of multicultural families. Forth. elementary physical education in a multicultural society have to focus at understanding and respect of cultural diversity. The tasks of elementary physical education in a multicultural society as follow. First, the research on the actual condition of the students of multicultural families have to be carried. Second, the curriculum of elementary physical education must be reorganized. Third, multicultural education programs must be developed. Concretely, the prevention program of a victim of bullying and soluton program of conflict amon peers. Lastly, after-school activities including physical activity program have to be provided.

      • KCI등재후보

        다문화사회와 다문화가정에서의 종교적 갈등

        박승길 사단법인 한국민족연구원 2010 민족연구 Vol.0 No.42

        This study aims at reconsidering the significance of Korean's multicultural society declared by late president No Moohyun since 2006 and the anticipating religious conflicts in multicultural families in our society. A multicultural society means a society getting ready to receive the multiculturalism as the realities of our main culture. The Multiculturalism originated in the policy adopted for the management of cultural diversities in the multiethnic and multiracial society. And also multiculturalism, contrasting the policy of cultural assimilation between immigrants and large majorities, is the acceptance or promotion of multiple ethnic cultures, applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place, usually at the organizational level, e.g. schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities or nations. But these programs have caused disagreement both within immigrant communities and in the wider public. As ever public opinion in the advanced multicultural society seems divided on the issue of multiculturalism. Our country has 854,007 registered foreigners residing here for more than 90 days, or 17.2 per 1,000 people. In 1998, only 147,914 foreigners were registered as residents, or 3.1 per 1,000 people. Since the change has been rapid, our society urgently needs social preparation to ensure harmony and co-existence with foreigners. The country, however, lacks preparation in this regard. Deep-rooted beliefs in blood ties and nationalism of a homogeneous nation often result in prejudice and discrimination against foreigners Fortunately our society also began to receive the multiculturalism and government ready to set up diverse drafts to cope with the prevailing state of multicultural society. Above all progressive NGOs in our country have given their support to the government's multicutural policies. But as exposed in the conservative NGOs' counter movement to the introdused bill, °ПMulticulturallntegrated primary legislation°п, public opinion seems divided on the issue of multiculturalism. Actually different experiences lead to different interpretations and attitudes of multiculturalism. In spite of all, government must take preventive measures against anticipatable social conflicts in the multicutural society, especially religious conflicts in multicultural families. Religious belief and practice is the most firmly rooted in one's everyday life style and also conservative in his or her social action. And we can easily presuppose the religious conflicts among multicultural families. But our society deliberately assume an indifferent attitude to the religions of immigrant's. We have to fear that if our society fails to brace for multiracial families' diverse religious practices, it will suffer a huge social cost in the future. This study aims at reconsidering the significance of Korean's multicultural society declared by late president No Moohyun since 2006 and the anticipating religious conflicts in multicultural families in our society. A multicultural society means a society getting ready to receive the multiculturalism as the realities of our main culture. The Multiculturalism originated in the policy adopted for the management of cultural diversities in the multiethnic and multiracial society. And also multiculturalism, contrasting the policy of cultural assimilation between immigrants and large majorities, is the acceptance or promotion of multiple ethnic cultures, applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place, usually at the organizational level, e.g. schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities or nations. But these programs have caused disagreement both within immigrant communities and in the wider public. As ever public opinion in the advanced multicultural society seems divided on the issue of multiculturalism. Our country has 854,007 registered foreigners residing here for more than 90 days, or 17.2 per 1,000 people. In 1998, only 147,914 foreigners were registered as residents, or 3.1 per 1,000 people. Since the change has been rapid, our society urgently needs social preparation to ensure harmony and co-existence with foreigners. The country, however, lacks preparation in this regard. Deep-rooted beliefs in blood ties and nationalism of a homogeneous nation often result in prejudice and discrimination against foreigners Fortunately our society also began to receive the multiculturalism and government ready to set up diverse drafts to cope with the prevailing state of multicultural society. Above all progressive NGOs in our country have given their support to the government's multicutural policies. But as exposed in the conservative NGOs' counter movement to the introdused bill, °ПMulticulturallntegrated primary legislation°п, public opinion seems divided on the issue of multiculturalism. Actually different experiences lead to different interpretations and attitudes of multiculturalism. In spite of all, government must take preventive measures against anticipatable social conflicts in the multicutural society, especially religious conflicts in multicultural families. Religious belief and practice is the most firmly rooted in one's everyday life style and also conservative in his or her social action. And we can easily presuppose the religious conflicts among multicultural families. But our society deliberately assume an indifferent attitude to the religions of immigrant's. We have to fear that if our society fails to brace for multiracial families' diverse religious practices, it will suffer a huge social cost in the future.

      • KCI등재

        다문화사회의 공정과 정의에 관한 관견(管見)

        손영화 한국국제문화교류학회 2022 문화교류와 다문화교육 Vol.11 No.2

        Today, we live in what is called a multicultural society. The whole world is free to move and live as a global village society. This is the age of so-called immigration and migration. The main reasons for this are economic, but there are also many other factors such as war, conflict, and exhaustion of the natural environment, which are traditional immigration and migration factors. Women are at the center of immigration and migration. In the case of Korea, there has been immigration and migration by international marriage centered on marriage migrant women since the past. In addition, foreign workers filling jobs in small and medium-sized enterprises and farming and fishing villages, which are insufficient amid the phenomenon of 3D avoidance, are continuously expanding the multicultural society. Fairness and justice seem simple in a moment, but they can vary from time to time. In principle, fairness and justice recognize social status and economic remuneration suitable for each person's ability, effort, and performance. In particular, in a multicultural society, giving foreign migrants, such as married migrant women, who are socially disadvantaged, an opportunity to adapt to our society like Koreans is the basis for realizing fairness and justice. Four examples often suggest that we should pay attention to when implementing laws and social policies in a multicultural society. These implications set a milestone in building a fair and just multicultural society. First, it is the policy toward immigrants and foreigners. Our society has entered the early stages of a multicultural society. In implementing immigration and foreign policy, the government should choose whether to stick to the existing closed policy or adopt a new policy that allows foreign immigration and migration more widely. Whether it is an international ideology that respects human rights or an open immigration policy to make up for the labor shortage and revitalize the Korean economy, it is necessary. Second, careful attention should be paid to the establishment of laws and systems to eliminate discrimination against foreigners and build a desirable multicultural society. At least respecting human rights, considering Korean policies from the perspective of immigrants and migrants, and revising laws and systems will not only minimize conflicts but also provide a clue to building a model multicultural society in Korea. Third, it is necessary to understand and pay attention to the labor contracts and workplaces of foreign workers who come to Korea for economic purposes. Foreign workers who come to Korea with the dream of a Korean dream should not suffer human rights violations while working in poor conditions like modern slaves. Fourth, in order to create a desirable multicultural society, it is necessary to deal with it legally, politically, and economically, but it is also necessary to deal with it culturally. As can be seen from the controversy and disputes over the so-called Burkas Prohibition Act in France, we must be cautious about laws that unilaterally prohibit foreign cultures. Creating a social and cultural environment where we can understand other people's cultures and live together is a prerequisite for a desirable multicultural society. Such efforts will raise Korea's international standing in the multicultural era and provide another driving force for Korea to become an advanced country. 오늘날 우리는 이른바 다문화사회에 살고 있다. 전세계가 자유롭게 왕래하며 하나의지구촌사회로서 살아가고 있다. 이른바 이민과 이주의 시대가 된 것이다. 그 주된 이유는 경제적인 것이지만 그밖에도 전통적인 이민과 이주의 요인이었던 전쟁과 분쟁, 자연환경의 피폐 등 다양하다. 이민과 이주의 중심에는 여성이 있다. 우리나라의 경우에는 과거부터 결혼이주여성을 중심으로 한 국제결혼에 의한 이민과 이주 그리고 3D 기피현상 속에 부족한 중소기업 및 농어촌의 일자리를 메우는 외국인 노동자가 다문화사회를 지속적으로 확대해 오고 있다. 공정과 정의에 대해서는 일순 단순해 보이지만 시대적으로 달라질 수 있다. 공정과정의는 원칙적으로는 각자의 능력과 노력 그리고 성과에 걸맞는 사회적 지위와 경제적보수를 인정해 주는 것이라고 할 것이다. 특히 다문화사회에 있어서 사회적 약자에 해당하는 결혼이주여성 등 외국 이주민에 대해서는 우리 사회에 적응할 수 있는 기회를내국인처럼 부여하는 것이 공정과 정의를 실현하는 기반이라고 할 것이다. 4가지 사례는 우리에게 다문화사회에서 법과 사회정책을 실현함에 있어서 주의해야 할 시사점을잘 제시하고 있다. 이러한 시사점은 공정하고 정의로운 다문화사회를 건설해 감에 있어서 이정표를 제시해 주고 있다. 우선, 이민과 외국인에 대한 정책과 관련된 문제이다. 우리 사회는 이미 다문화사회의 진입 초기에 들어서 있다. 이민과 외국인정책을 펴는데 있어서 종래의 폐쇄적인 정책을 고수할 것인지 아니면 보다 널리 외국인의 이민과 이주를 받아들이는 정책을 펼것인지에 대하여 선택하지 않으면 안된다. 인권을 존중하는 국제적 사상에서건 부족한노동세대를 메우며 실질적인 우리 경제의 활력을 위해서건 보다 열린 이민정책이 필요할 것으로 보인다. 둘째, 외국인에 대한 차별을 없애고, 바람직한 다문화사회를 구축하기 위한 법과 제도의 마련에 있어서도 세심한 주의가 필요하다. 적어도 인권을 존중하고 타인의 시각에서 우리의 정책을 생각하며 법과 제도를 정비하는 경우에는 갈등을 최소화할 뿐 아니라 모범적인 다문화사회 한국을 건설하는 단초를 제공할 것으로 기대된다. 셋째, 경제적 목적으로 우리나라에 들어오는 외국인 노동자의 노동계약과 노동현장에 대한 이해와 관심이 필요하다, 코리안드림을 꿈꾸며 한국에 온 외국인 노동자들이 자칫 현대판 노예처럼 열악한 환경 속에서 일하며 인권을 침해당하고 반한 감정을갖는 외국인으로 남아서는 안될 것이다. 넷째, 바람직한 다문화사회를 만들어 나가기위해서는 법과 정치 그리고 경제적 측면에서의 대처도 이루어져야 하지만 문화적 측면에서의 대처 또한 필요하다. 프랑스의 이른바 부르카금지법을 둘러싼 논쟁과 다툼을통하여서도 알 수 있듯이 외국인의 문화에 대하여 일의적으로 금지하거나 하는 행위는불필요한 사회비용을 발생시키게 된다. 타인의 문화를 이해하고, 함께 더불어 살 수 있는 사회‧문화환경을 구축해 나가는 것은 바람직한 다문화사회를 위한 필수요건이다. 그와 같은 노력은 다문화시대에 우리나라의 국제적인 위상을 높이고 더욱 선진한국으로갈 수 있는 또 다른 원동력을 제공해 줄 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        출입국관리법령에 있어서 다문화사회전문가 양성과정에 대한 소고

        김종세(Kim, Jong-Se) 한양법학회 2013 漢陽法學 Vol.24 No.2

        We are now living in a multicultural society. With increasing international marriage, Korean society is rapidly moving towards becoming a multicultural society these days. South Korea still has a long way to go before becoming a full-fledged multicultural society. But to be honest, South Koreans are still not prepared to embrace a multicultural society. South Korea has rapidly been turning into a multicultural society with the number of foreign nationals residing here surpassing 1 million, accounting for about 2 percent of the total population. Professionals of multicultural society are very important workforce to improve intercultural communication so that immigrants have no difficulty in integrating themselves to the korean society. By serving migrants as multicultural professionals, new immigrants may easily settle in korea, and the multicultural professionals may contribute to the social integration by understanding their potential participation in the korean society as korean citizens. As the number of foreign residents in Korea is increasing every year, experts on multiculturalism believe that Koreans need to be educated on how to understand an increasingly multicultural society. I think building a multicultural society in which different cultures exist equally with the same respect and importance rather than acculturating them into Korean society is true multiculturalism. In today"s multicultural and globalized age, teenagers need to develop their social skills in order to become future leaders of society. The number of professionals and training programs for those professionals are rapidly increasing but the quality of the workforce and programs is not improving as much as it is necessary to fellow up with the increase of migrants. Therefore, this research analyzes the current status of these multicultural professional’s and program training to provide an effective mechanism to improve the quality of the workforce.

      • KCI등재

        다문화 사회 속에서 효율적인 다문화 교회 정착과 복음전도를 위한 연구

        하도균 한국실천신학회 2016 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.52

        한국 사회는 오랜 시간 동안 한 혈통 아래 고유의 문화를 자랑하며 살아왔다. 하지만 이제 한국적 상황은 외국 이주민 노동자들과 결혼 이주 여성 등 다인종, 다국적인 사람들과 한 땅에서 생활하게 되었으며 그 결과 점차 다문화 사회로 바뀌어 가고 있다. 이로써 한국사회와 교계에서 가장 많이 회자되는 담론의 주제 중에 하나가 ‘다문화’이다. 그러나 안타깝게도 다문화 사회에 대한 체계적이지 못하고 비효율적인 정부 정책이나, 다른 문화를 어색해 하고, 충돌을 일으키며, 차별하는 국민들, 그리고 마땅히 복음전파를 위해 타문화에 대해 포용적이어야 하지만 그렇지 못하는 교회 등을 보면 아직도 한국이 다문화 사회로 정착하기까지 가야 할 길이 멀게만 보인다. 이런 이유로 필자는 점차 다문화 사회로 발전해 가는 사회 속에서 어떻게 교회가 다문화 교회로 효율적으로 정착할 수 있는지를 연구하려한다. 앞으로 다문화 교회는 한국 교회의 가장 중요한 미래적 이슈가 될 것이기 때문이다. 또한 다문화 사회 속에서 어떻게 효율적인 전도가 가능한지를 연구하여 교회가 다문화 사회에서 효율적으로 정착하는데 도움을 주려한다. 이러한 연구는 변화는 사회 속에서 교회가 해야 할 당연한 과제이기도 하지만, 그 이전에 원래 교회는 처음부터 열방을 품고 열방 속에 존재하는 다문화적 교회이기에 그 본질적 사역에 충실하고자 하는 노력임을 밝힌다. 이를 위하여 이미 다문화교회로 성공적으로 정착한 호주 연합교회의 사례를 살펴보고 주요한 요소들을 한국적 상황에로 적용하여 성공적으로 접목하려고 노력하였다. 또한 본 연구는 한국 교회에 몇 가지 의미 있는 메시지를 전달해 줄 것이다. 첫째, 순례자나 여행자의 공동체로써 교회의 정체성은 교회가 다문화 사회와 불가분의 관계에 놓여있음을 의미한다. 둘째, 다문화상황 속에서 건강한 다문화교회로 뿌리를 내리는 일은 새로운 일이 아니라, 이미 성경에서 제시된 가치를 실천하도록 독려하고는 일이다. 셋째, 그러나 한국적 다문화사회는 한국 사회만이 가지고 있는 독특한 특성과 상황이 있기에 한국 교회는 이것을 분석하고 여기에 맞는 정책과 방안들을 찾아야 한다. 마지막으로 효율적인 다문화교회로 정착을 위해서는 교회의 건강함이 기초되어야 하고, 그 건강함의 외적인 상징은 효율적인 복음전도에 있음을 한국 교회는 알아야 한다. For a long time, Korean society was proud of being a unique culture with a single race, but now the context in Korea is changing toward a multicultural society since multi-ethnic and multi-national people have started to come to live in Korea for their own reasons such as foreign workers and marriage immigrants. Therefore, one of the most talked-about topics in Korean society and the Korean church is currently multiculturalism. However, it still seems to have a long way to establish a proper multicultural society in Korea because of several reasons such as disorganized and ineffective government policies for multicultural society, unprepared citizens who feel awkward and cause clash against different cultures, and the unreceptive churches about different cultures. Therefore, the researcher is trying to study how the current church can establish a multicultural church properly in a multicultural society. Because a multicultural church will shortly become the most serious issue among the Korean churches. Furthermore, the researcher studies how evangelism can be efficiently feasible in a multicultural society in order to support the Korean church to be changed toward a multicultural church effectually. This research is not only a reasonable task for the current church in a transforming society, but is also an endeavor to be faithful for the original identity of the church as a multicultural church among the nations. For this research, the researcher examines the Uniting Church in Australia which was established successfully in Australia as a multicultural church, and the writer finds the essential elements for a multicultural church through the analysis of the Uniting Church in Australia to help the Korean church to build Korean multicultural church properly. In addition, this study would convey some meaningful messages for the Korean church. Firstly, an identity of the church as community of pilgrims and travelers make a sense that the church has an inseparable relation with a multicultural society. Secondly, the ministry of the church to build a healthy multicultural church in a multicultural society is not a new one, but is encouraging to practice the values what the Bible already proposed. Thirdly, the Korean church needs to figure out unique features and circumstances of Korean society in order to have proper policies and measures for Korean multicultural society, because Korean society has own unique features and circumstances in comparison with other societies. Lastly, the Korean church needs to understand that efficient evangelism is an external sign of the church health, and the health should be the fundamental foundation in order to build a multicultral church effectually.

      • KCI등재

        한국 다문화 교육정책의 변화 방향 모색

        김태형(Tae-Hyung Kim) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.10

        본 논문은 21세기에 들어서면서 본격적인 다문화사회로 진입한 한국사회에 대해 살펴보고자 했다. 우리의 의문은 ‘우리 사회가 이렇게 변화되는 사회를 맞아들일 준비가 되어있는가?’에서 시작되었다. 기존 한국사회는 ‘단일민족’이라는 패러다임이 사회 전반을 지배하고 있었고 그것을 유지하는 것이 크나큰 미덕쯤으로 여겨왔던 것이 사실이다. 그렇지만 역사적으로 고립된 단일문화는 언제나 비참한 최후를 맞이해왔음에 주목할 필요가 있다. 또한, 반대로 다른 사회나 민족의 문화와 양식을 적극적으로 수용하고 변형시켜온 민족은 언제나 번영을 누려왔다. 한국사회도 이러한 변화의 흐름에 동참하느냐 배척하느냐의 갈림길에서 고민해왔고 결국 그들을 받아들이고 함께 생활하는 다문화사회로 나아가는 것을 선택했다. 하지만 정책적 선택과 함께 이루어져야 할 인식 변화에는 상대적으로 큰 관심을 기울이지 않았던 것으로 보인다. 인식 변화를 위한 가장 효율적인 방법이 다문화에 대한 올바른 교육정책을 수립하고 실행하는 것이었음에도 불구하고 그동안 한국사회에서 행해졌던 대부분의 교육은 유입되는 사람들에 대한 폐쇄적 형태의 교육에 집중되어 있었으며 정작 그들을 받아들이고 함께 생활해야할 대다수 한국인들에 대한 교육은 제대로 이루어지지 않았던 것이다. 따라서 그들을 이해하고 그들을 있는 그대로의 모습으로 받아들이지 못한 채 단순히 그들을 한국인화 시키는 동화주의적 관점에 매진해왔던 터다. 하지만 이러한 교육방식은 점차 확대되어가는 한국 다문화사회를 올바른 방향으로 인도할 수 없다. 우리는 이처럼 위기에 직면해있는 한국사회의 현실을 객관적으로 살펴보는 것을 시작으로 우리보다 앞서 비슷한 위기를 경험한 바 있는 프랑스의 경우를 통해 다문화교육의 변화 방향을 제시해보고자 한다. Korean society has begun to transition toward a multicultural society, and the rate of change is increasing. If so, is our society ready to meet this change of society? It is true that Korean society has been dominated by the paradigm of "monoethnicity", and traditionally has been regarded as a virtue to maintain this view. However, it is worth noting that isolated single cultures have historically met a disastrous end. On the contrary, people who haveadapted their culture and style have enjoyed prosperity. Korean society has hovered between embracing and rejecting the flow of change, and has finally accepted them to choose the way to go on a multicultural society living together. However, it seems that the changes in policy have not kept pace with recent changes in society. Despite the fact that the most efficient way to change perception is to establish and implement appropriate educational policies promoting multiculturalism, most education in Korean society has focused on the closed form of education.for the influx people, not having been made proper education for most of Korean people who should actually accept them and get along with them. Therefore, they have been striving for an assimilated viewpoint that simply get it transformed into Koreanized, not understanding and accepting them as they are. However, this type of education cannot lead a Korean multicultural society in the right direction. We objectively examined the reality of Korean society facing this crisis and presented policy changes regarding multicultural education through examining the case of France, which experienced a similar crisis prior.We are going to present the direction of change in multicultural education through the case of France which has experienced similar crisis before us by examining the reality of Korean society facing the crisis like this.

      • KCI등재

        현대 한국의 종교와 다문화사회, 그리고 다문화교육 –정의와 인간의 존엄성을 중심으로–

        고병철 가톨릭대학교 인간학연구소 2018 인간연구 Vol.0 No.36

        The purpose of this study is to find out how religions relate to immigration, multicultural society, and especially multicultural education. I hope that this study will contribute to determine the goal of religious education as a multicultural education. For this purpose, in Chapter 2 (Migration, Multicultural Society and Religion), I pointed out that religion contributes to the migration of workers or the formation of multicultural families through international marriage. At the same time, I pointed out that religion plays a role in solving the problems of foreign workers in modern Korean society. In Chapter 3 (Members of Multicultural Society and Religion), I pointed out that religion affects multicultural society members in many ways. Specifically, religion has become an important variable for the members of multicultural society to find some meaning in life or to form various relationships. In Chapter 4 (Multicultural Education, Religion, and Human Dignity), I point out that multicultural education should aim at the realization of justice and human dignity, and that the cultural differences is not a intrinsic differences, but created differences. I also pointed out that religious education can contribute to the realization of justice and human dignity when acknowledging that religious differences are created differences in historical and cultural contexts. As long as religious differences are regarded as essential differences, religious education is directed not toward justice, but assimilationism or social integration through tolerance of difference. As a result, religion is an important variable in migration, multicultural society, and multicultural education in modern Korean society. And religious education can be integrated with multicultural education in the direction of justice and realization of human dignity. 이 연구의 목적은 종교와 이주, 다문화사회, 그리고 특히 다문화교육과 어떤 연관성을 가지고 있는지를 밝히는 데에 있다. 이 연구가 다문화교육으로서 종교교육이 지향할 목표를 결정하는 데에 기여할 수 있기를 기대한다. 이 목표를 위해, 제2장(이주와 다문화사회, 그리고 종교)에서는 종교가 국제결혼을 통해 해외 노동자들이 이주하거나 다문화가족을 형성하는 역할을 한다는 점을 지적하였다. 그 외에 종교는 해외 노동자들이 한국 사회에서 봉착한 여러 문제를 해소하는 역할도 하고 있다. 제3장(다문화사회 구성원과 종교)에서는 종교가 여러 차원에서 다문화사회 구성원들에게 영향을 준다는 점을 지적하였다. 구체적으로 종교는 다문화사회 구성원들에게 삶의 의미를 주고, 여러 관계망의 요인이 되고 있다. 제4장(다문화교육과 종교, 그리고 인간의 존엄성)에서는 다문화교육이 문화적 차이를 본질적 차이가 아니라 ‘만들어진 차이’라고 여길 때 정의와 인간 존엄성의 실현에 적극적인 관심을 가질 수 있다는 점을 지적하였다. 그리고 종교교육도 종교적 차이를 역사적이고 문화적 맥락에서 ‘만들어진 차이’로 여길 때 정의와 인간 존엄성의 실현에 보다 더 기여할 수 있다는 점을 지적하였다. 그렇지 않고 종교적 차이를 본질적 차이로 설명하는 한, 종교교육은 정의와 인간 존엄성 실현보다 차이의 관용을 통한 동화나 사회 통합을 지향할 가능성을 갖게 된다. 결과적으로, 현대 한국 사회에서 종교는 이주, 다문화사회, 다문화교육에서 중요한 변수이므로 지속적으로 주목할 부분이다. 그리고 종교교육이 정의와 인간의 존엄성 실현을 지향할 때 앞으로 변화할 다문화교육과 연결될 소지가 높다고 할 수 있다.

      • 글로벌 지구촌 시대에 바람직한 다문화교육과 다문화 수업의 방안 모색

        박은종(Park, Eun-jong) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2014 교육연구 Vol.28 No.2

        gan map . Both temporally and spatially dynamic time is fast global changes will be taking place in various parts . We live together as a family in the modern global society is a knowledge-based society, globalization and the information society. Social change and development buzzword in modern society, human life in a variety of social issues (issue) , there are bound to occur , and in social situations . Is a multi-cultural society in the 21st century global society . People from around the world race, ethnicity, religion, language, philosophy , etc. , regardless of global one point, alternating with whatever you do and that goes with living in a new society . Human society and will open with no physical boundaries . This emphasis on multicultural education and multicultural society, which of course multiculturalism and multicultural class of units of the curriculum implemented in schools . Generally desirable to perform multicultural education as a social system school school teachers attitudes, understandings, beliefs, and behaviors, teaching styles and strategies, formal training courses and curriculum, instructional materials, assessment and examination procedures, reflection and reflux, counseling programs , community involvement and commitment, a dialect of the language of the school, the school s learning style, school culture, and potential courses, school policies and school curricula and educational policies should be reflected in the plan.Multicultural Culture curriculum, collaboration, anti-prejudice, identity formation, equality, diversity, etc. should be designed around the value. Multiculturalism is a global multi-cultural classroom teaching, the concept of multicultural teaching center, multicultural classroom level, such as anti-bias multicultural how to apply the lessons preferably, by default, should be oriented integrated multicultural classes Importance of the role of front-line teachers in schools is not emphasized too much. Teachers teaching the word of life, as a teacher training course organized and operated a multicultural, multi-cultural core of the educational process. Multicultural curriculum and how teachers are teaching in a multicultural classroom to develop a passion for the study and, depending on the development of multicultural education and multicultural classes will be the effect of the separator. That is why we are multi-cultural and multicultural curriculum development for the improvement of teaching more study and will try. 뉴밀레니엄(new millennium)이라는 새천년이 시작된 지도 어느덧 14년째이다. 시간적으로 세월이 빠름과 동시에 공간적인 역동적 변동이 지구촌 곳곳에서 일어나고 있는 것이다. 우리가 지구촌 가족으로서 함께 살고 있는 현대 사회는 지식 기반 사회, 세계화ㆍ정보화 사회이다. 사회 변동과 발전이 화두(話頭)인 현대 사회에서는 인간의 다양한 생활 속에서 사회적 이슈(issue)와 사회적 상황이 발생하기 마련이다. 21세기 글로벌 사회는 다문화사회이다. 세계 각국의 사람들이 민족, 인종, 종교, 언어, 이념 등에 상관없이 지구촌 어느 곳에서, 무엇을 하든지 함께 교호하며 어울려 사는 새로운 사회이다. 인적ㆍ물적 경계가 없는 열린사회인 것이다. 이러한 다문화 사회에서는 당연히 다문화교육이 중시되고 이는 다문화 교육과정과 다문화 수업으로 단위 학교 현장에서 구현된다. 일반적으로 바람직한 다문화교육을 수행하기 위한 사회 체제로서의 학교는 학교 교직원들의 태도, 이해, 신념, 행동, 교수양식과 전략, 공식적 교육과정과 교과목, 교수 자료, 평가와 시험 절차, 반성과 환류, 상담 프로그램, 사회참여와 투입, 학교의 언어와 방언, 학교의 학습 양식, 학교 문화와 잠재적 교육과정, 학교 방침과 정책 등이 학교교육과정과 교육 계획에 반영되어야 한다. 다문화 교육과정은 문화, 협력, 반편견, 정체성 형성, 평등성, 다양성 등의 가치를 중심으로 설계되어야 한다. 다문화 수업은 지구촌 다문화 수업, 개념 중심 다문화 수업, 수준별 다문화 수업, 반편견 다문화 수업 등의 방법을 적용하는 것이 바람직하며, 기본적으로 통합적 다문화 수업을 지향하여야 한다. 일선 학교 현장에서 교사의 역할 중요성은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않는다. 교사의 생명은 수업이라는 말이 있듯이 교사는 다문화 교육과정 편성ㆍ운영, 다문화 수업 진행의 핵심이다. 교사들이 얼마나 다문화 교육과정과 다문화 수업에 대해 연구하고 열정으로 수업을 전개하느냐에 따라 다문화교육의 발전과 다문화 수업의 효과가 가름될 것이다. 그렇기 때문에 우리는 다문화 교육과정 발전과 다문화 수업의 개선을 위해서 더욱 천착(穿鑿)하고 노력해야 할 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Discussion on Integrated Policies of Korean Multicultural Society : According to the Cases of Managerial Policies among Several Countries

        Jeung Eun Kim,Su Jung Jo,Eun Jeong Kim 한국유통과학회 2017 유통과학연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Purpose - The multicultural society is a society where a variety of ethnic groups and cultures co-exist. Regarding Korean multicultural society, the public interest in the multicultural society and its problems are on a growing trend due to the increasing number of the multicultural families by international marriage and the foreign immigrant workers. Research design, data, and methodology - Models of the multicultural society policies have been divided into those of assimilation and multiculturalism, while they have been materialized into the models of discriminative exclusivism, assimilation and multiculturalism. Most countries are aiming at the model of either the multiculturalism or the assimilation focused on national managerial situations. Results - In the case of Europe where the multicultural society had been formed earlier than Korea, Islamic immigrants have been politically accepted in order for Europe to overcome the problem of population decrease caused by its low birth-rate. Also, in the case of the United States. Conclusions - Korean multicultural society policies are characterized mostly by supporting the multicultural families of international marriage. In this study, it is intended to present the characteristics of diversified immigrants and the possible directions of the polices on immigrant youth in accordance with each country’s managerial policy.

      • KCI등재

        인(仁)원리에 근거한 다문화교육의 방향 -다문화사회 통합윤리로서 인(仁)을 중심으로-

        서은숙 ( Eun-sook Seo ) 한국윤리교육학회 2016 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.41

        본고는 현행 다문화교육 및 낮은 다문화수용성 등에서 발생하는 이민·다문화사회의 윤리적 문 제들 이를테면 문화 간 갈등, 편견, 차별 등의 문제들을 해결하고, 상호 배려와 관심, 사랑, 조화, 다문화수용성 제고, 상호이해, 인간존엄, 타인에 대한 사랑과 공경 등을 길러주기 위한 이민·다문 화사회의 통합윤리를 仁의 원리에 기초하여 탐색하였다. 이민·다문화사회의 윤리적 문제들은 다 문화사회 통합을 위한 걸림돌이 되며, 이를 해소하기 위한 통합윤리가 필요하다고 볼 수 있다. MIPEX에서 우리 사회의 이주자통합정책지수는 높은 편이 아니며, 특히 교육 및 차별금지 영역에 서 문제가 드러난다. 이에서 오늘날과 같은 한국의 다문화사회에서 이주민과 선주민간의 바람직한 다문화사회 통합윤리를 仁의 원리에서 찾았으며, 이러한 仁의 원리에 근거한 다문화사회 통합윤리를 인간중심과 인간존엄에 두고, 그 내용은 사랑과 공경의 배려와, 공존, 조화, 반편견, 반차별의 상생으로 다문화교육의 방향을 제시하였다. 仁의 실체는 효제와 충서, 극기복례, 예, 조화 등으로 볼 수 있고, 이는 사람과 사람사이의 관계에서 상대방을 사랑하고 공경하며, 이를 통해 서로의 상 생과 공존이 가능하게 되며, 이는 결국 모든 사람이 공평하고 평등하다는 인간중심, 인간존엄의 다 문화사회 통합윤리가 된다고 볼 수 있다. 즉 이러한 통합윤리는 인간중심과 인간존엄을 근간으로 모든 사람을 사랑과 공경으로 사랑한다는 배려의 통합윤리와, 공존, 조화, 반편견, 반차별의 상생의 통합윤리이다. This article investigates the direction of multicultural education based on the principle of Benevolence as a integration ethics of multicultural society. According to MIPEX, Korea ranked 18 among 38 nations. Our multicultural society has some ethical problems in social integration especially at discrimination and education of multucultural understanding. And we are in low multicultural sensitivity or acceptance, and our multicultural education is focused on immigrant based student not for all. And though our ministry of education, ministry of gender equality and family, and ministry of justice have various education and integration policy for immigrants, our society has some ethical problems. Hence, for the solving these problems, we need a integration ethics for multicultural integration. Herefrom, Confucian Benevolence can role in multicultural society integration as a integration ethics of multicultural society. Traditionally, Benevolence is based on two basic principle. One is human based theory by caring and love, the other is people-dignity based theory by harmony and anti-discrimination. Basically, Filial Piety and brotherly love is method realization of Benevolence. Also, loyalty and commiseration, rites, harmony are also the elements of benevolence. The integration ethics of multicultural society is based on human centered and human dignity theory. As integration ethics of multicultural society, Filial Piety, etc. has meaning in that it is the root of all action, a method of realization of benevolence and the principle of caring, harmony, equality, coexistence. Benevolence is composed by two principles. One is love for others. Here, love means benevolence, caring, respect to others whatever he or she has culture, gender, race, age etc. The other is coexistence. This means harmony, equality, anti-bias, anti-discrimination whoever is anyone. Here there is no discrimination, bias, inequality. These can be a direction of multicultural education for multicultural society integration as today.

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