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      • KCI등재

        엠티 컨테이너 트럭 Turn-time 비교에 관한 연구

        차상현,노창균 한국무역연구원 2019 무역연구 Vol.15 No.3

        Purpose - This research aims to improve the terminal service level by analyzing empty container truck Turn-time in order to survive the logistics competition between container terminals. Longer truck Turn-time or time delay at the gate affect terminal operation because the terminal is recognized as the subject of claim and avoided by carriers and shippers due to poor terminal service quality. Design/methodology/approach - This study examined and analyzed truck Turn-time process by type for actual domestic(G and P terminal) and foreign(K terminal) terminals. The way to get container data collection and analysis can be traced with ‘Truck Turn-time’ flows as following. The loaded container trucks are passing through the gate and stacked it in yard. And turn around to gate out. Findings - Results showed that, the effect of truck Turn-time delay was insignificant in the type of empty container of the foreign K container terminal gate-out process. A comparative analysis of the type of empty container gate-out at G and P domestic container terminals shows that the quality of terminal operation can be improved if the shipper designated carry out, shipper outsourced designated carry out, terminal designated carry out of G container terminal, and shipper booking unit carrier designated carry out, shipper carrier designated carry out of P container terminal will have influences in the terminal operation. Research imlications or Originality - The movement in yard, which is a factor impacting truck Turn-time, has no significant impact on the truck Turn-time delay in a foreign country while it influences to the truck Turn-time delay domestically depending on the type of movement in the yard. This study the advancement of terminal equipment and terminal automation systems, the method to improve service levels in relation to gate Turn-time was presented.

      • KCI등재

        자유주제 : 시대에 대응하는 전략적 방식으로써 되받아 쓰기(writing back) 고찰 -고정희 『초혼제』(1983) 장시를 중심으로-

        박송이 ( Song Yi Park ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2010 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.33

        오늘날까지 고정희에 대한 논의와 평가가 미흡한 실정이고 특히 세 번째『초혼제』(1983)에 대한 논의는 거의 찾아 볼 수 없다. 본고는 민중의 침통한 슬픔을 전통 장르 형식을 차용해 시대의 아픔과 허위를 나름의 사상적 담론 형식으로 노래한『초혼제』장시집에 집중하여 고정희의 시적 투쟁과 실험 정신의 면면을 추적하였다. 고정희에게 시는 서정과 민중과 여성이 가장 화해롭게 만날 수 있는 극점으로 작용했으며 그의 면모는 실천적인 시 쓰기 작업을 통해 민중들의 대변자로써 모습을 드러냈다. 고정희는 왜곡된 여성상을 허물어뜨리고자 현실 문제에 직접 참여하고 시 쓰기 작업을 하는 등 현실 투쟁과 시적인 실험 정신을 동시에 실천하는 행동 문학의 한 유형을 보여주었다. 1980년대 고정희는 자유롭게 현실 문제를 담론화하여 억압의 분출구를 찾을 수 없었을 때 침묵할 수밖에 없는 타자들을 되받아 쓰고자 시도했다. 이 논문은 고정희가『초혼제』(1983) 장시집을 통해 제의 형식과 죽음 의식 그리고 전통 장르의 차용이라는 시적 전략으로 시대에 대응했음을 고찰했다. 고정희에게 시 쓰기는 시대에 대응하는 전략적 방식이자 자의식을 대변하는 도구로써 작용했다. Gojeonghui the 1970-80`s practical behavior of the literature showed a type. Women in History, Awards and distorted Gojeonghui demolishes the real issue was directly involved. And through writing poetry when the spirit of struggle and experimentation to practice a type of literature showed behavior. Write these in a strategic way to respond to the served as a tool to represent the self. 1980 Gojeonghui real problems discourses freely writing could not find an outlet for oppression and forced to remain silent when you tried to write back, no hitters. These poetic back, writing as a strategy (writing back)『초혼제(Chohonje)』is the author to write poetry as in his book proposal format, writing poetry by the perception of death, as the traditional genres of writing poetry as borrowers were able to subdivide. When an offer in writing, by the type of people on behalf of women and revengeful spirit the real deal on the type of borrower commitment and overcoming the desire for reconciliation have been exposed. In ceremonies at the death of death write another life in the world the new life of reconciliation would-oriented. Meanwhile, by borrowing the traditional genres of writing poetry in modern poetry by borrowing our own rhythm, and it complements the image and voice of the people to overcome the time has put in the work. This is good for the yard can take advantage of a wide spectrum of contemporary figures of the people `yard` was shown by the massive appearance. Good fun and satire in the yard at the end, a sense of community, the people`s problems could be overcome by song you want. As we saw earlier, the proposed format and death Gojeonghui consciousness and traditional poetic genre as a strategy of borrowing was in the days to respond. long poetry proposal form and the yard is shown through good literature in the city`s cherished values. To date, discussion and evaluation of Gojeonghui was insufficient. Especially the third 『초혼제(Chohonje)』(1983) found almost no discussion. This paper heartbroken and grief of the people borrowing the type of traditional genres of the era of pain and its own ideological discourse in the form of fake singing『초혼제(Chohonje)』 has focused on the house. And Gojeonghui aspects of the poetic spirit of struggle and experimentation were followed. Gojeonghui lyrical poetry and folk and the women can meet the reconciliation ropge served as a pole. At the practical aspects of his writing as representatives of the people through out the picture revealed.

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