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        인지시학 관점의 시 은유 분류 방식 연구

        이원영(Lee, Won Young),김규훈(Kim, Kyoo Hoon),윤재웅(Yun, Jae Woong) 동악어문학회 2018 동악어문학 Vol.75 No.-

        이 연구는 인지시학 관점에서 재개념화한 시 은유의 분류 방식을 제안하고, 이를 서정주의 「국화 옆에서」의 은유를 통해 구체적으로 보여 주는 것이 목적이다. 인지시학 관점의 도입은 시 은유 학습을 문학적 수사법의 학습이 아닌 학습자의 일상 경험과 연계 속에서 은유의 의미를 탐구하는 학습으로 바라보게 한다. 이러한 학습의 실현을 위해서는 시 은유를 비유법의 일종으로 분류하는 기존의 방식을 벗어나 인지시학 관점에서 시 은유를 재구성하는 것이 필요하다. 이 연구는 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해 다음 순서로 진행되었다. 먼저 인지시학 관점의 전제가 되는 기본 개념들의 의미와 그 의미역을 살피고, 인지시학 관점의 도입이 시 은유 학습에 줄 수 있는 변화의 가능성을 확인했다. 이는 시 은유의 의미 탐구가 일상 경험 세계의 의미 탐구와 연계 속에서 이루어질 수 있다는 것이다. 다음으로는 인지시학의 개념적 은유를 중심으로 시 은유를 재개념화하였다. 이 과정에서 서정주의 「국화 옆에서」의 은유가 수사법 차원에서만 작동하지 않음을 살펴봄으로써, 시 은유가 사고 차원에서 작동할 수 있으며, 관습적 은유의 재구성을 통해 시 은유가 이루어진다는 사실을 확인했다. 마지막으로는 지금까지의 내용을 종합하여 인지시학 관점의 시 은유 분류 방식을 제안했다. 제안한 시 은유분류 방식은 시 은유가 텍스트에서 실현되는 수준 차원의 ‘종적 수준’과 시 은유가 관습적 은유와 관계 속에서 실현되는 양태 차원의 ‘횡적 수준’에 따라 시 은유를 사고와 표현, 일상 세계와 시 세계 사이에서 다차원적으로 분류하는 것이다. 그리고 이를 「국화 옆에서」 은유의 사례를 통해 구체화했다. 이러한 시 은유의 분류 방식은 인지시학 관점의 시 은유 학습 설계를 위한 기초가 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study aims at suggesting the classification way of metaphors in poetry which is re-conceptualized by the cognitive poetics, and concretely verifying it to the metaphors of Seo Jeong-ju"s “Beside Chrysanthemum. The cognitive poetics could make the learning of metaphors in poetry not to a learning of the literary rhetoric but to a learning of inquiring meanings of metaphors related to daily experiences and connections of learners. To practice these learning, we need to reconstruct the metaphor in poetry from on a perspective of the cognitive poetics beyond the existing method of classifying metaphor as a kind of rhetoric metaphors. To accomplish this aim, this study makes discussions following below. First, we look for the meanings and registers of the concept which is a premise of the cognitive poetics" perspective, and confirm a possibility of changes which could be on the learning of metaphors in poetry. It is the fact that the inquiring meanings of metaphors in poetry could be done in a daily experience world and those of connections. Second, we re-conceptualize the metaphors in poetry focusing on the conceptual metaphor of the cognitive poetics. The metaphors of Seo Jeong-ju"s “Beside Chrysanthemum” don’t work as a rhetoric level, so the metaphors could work as a thought level, which are made through reconstructing of conventional metaphors. Third, we suggest the classification of metaphors in poetry on a perspective of the cognitive poetics based on these discussions. The classification way of metaphors in poetry we suggest is the multidimensional classification of thought and expression and life world and poetry world by two levels, “the vertical level”, in which the metaphors in poetry are realized in texts, and “the horizontal level”, in which the metaphors in poetry are realized on relations of the conventional metaphors. And we materialize it giving an example of the metaphors in “Beside Chrysanthemum” The categorization way of metaphors in poetry is expected to be a basic for designing a learning of metaphors in poetry on a perspective of the cognitive poetics.

      • Time-moving Metaphors and Ego-moving Metaphors: Which Is Better Comprehended by Taiwanese?

        ( Hsin Mei Huang May ),( Ching Yu Hsieh Shelley ) 한국언어정보학회 2007 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        This is a semantic pilot study which concentrates on how people in Taiwan process the temporal metaphors, ego-moving metaphor and time-moving metaphor. Motivated by the research of Gentner, Imai, and Boroditsky (2002) in which the English native speakers comprehend ego-moving metaphors faster than time-moving metaphors, the present study attempts to reexamine whether the faster reaction to ego-moving metaphors is shared by both the Chinese native speakers and EFL learners. To achieve the goals, 25 Chinese/English bilinguals are invited to be examined via the16 Chinese and 16 English test sentences. The recordings of their accuracy on each item are served as the databases used to compare with the study of Gentner, Imai, and Boroditsky (2002). The two finding presented here are: (1) when the subjects tested in their native language, Chinese, they process ego-moving metaphors better. (2) when tested in the foreign language, English, they conceptualize time-moving metaphors much better.

      • KCI등재

        Conceptual Metaphor: From Single to Multiple and from Monomodal to Multimodal

        이주익 언어과학회 2013 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.67

        Since the birth of the conceptual metaphor theory in cognitive linguistics, there have been massive advancements in the study of metaphors. However, studies of conceptual metaphors have mostly covered verbal expressions, focusing mainly on the level of a single metaphor. Thus, little information currently exists on nonverbal metaphors and the possibility of multiple metaphors within a given context. In this paper, two aspects of conceptual metaphors in comic strips that use a combination of verbal and visual languages are analyzed. The first is the modality of individual metaphors; the second is the hierarchy within groups of multiple metaphors in a single comic strip. As a result, this study provides a structure of monomodal and multimodal metaphorical manifestations in terms of domains and modes, as well as the interplay between monomodal and multimodal metaphors. In addition, the relationships between multiple metaphors, which are deeply essential to the construal and interpretation of themes in comic strips, are investigated closely.

      • KCI등재

        포르투갈어와 한국어의 개념적 은유 대조 연구 - ‘인기’와 ‘인터넷’을 중심으로

        성효정 한국 포르투갈-브라질 학회 2023 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This study aims to identify how the abstract concepts of ‘fame’ and ‘internet’ is structured in Portuguese in the scope of cognitive linguistics and contrast them to Korean ones. To that aim, the study presents Conceptual Metaphor Theory which explains how metaphor is present in the way we think about the world and how it this way of thinking can vary according to a culture of language. A parallel corpus was constructed with metaphors from the dialogue in two Brazilian movies and with its legends in Korean and complemented with existing metaphoric expressions in case the translation had not been effectuated into a metaphor. The analysis shows that the notion of ‘fame’ is structured in the following metaphors for both Portuguese and Korean: FAME IS RESULT OF VITORY IN A WAR, FAME IS PUMP, FAME IS POWER. Meanwhile, for Korean, CHARM CAUSES DEATH, FAME CAUSES DEATH and FAME IS HOT metaphors. Metaphors about ‘internet’ for both Portuguese and Korean were INTERNET IS SPACE, INTERNET IS A ENTITY, INTERNET IS A BOARD, INTERNET IS TOOL and A SPACE IN THE INTERNET (BLOG) IS POSSESSION. INTERNET IS A POSTAL PACKAGE metaphors is coherent only in Portuguese and INTERNET IS GOSSIP, INTERNET IS UP and INTERNET IS A COMPANY are valid only in Korean. Despite the contribution this study may have in the field of Portuguese-Korean studies, it was held with a small corpus extracted from two Brazilian movies and limited to conceptual metaphors, without discerning metonymies or metaphoric expressions. 본 연구의 목적은 인지언어학적 시각에서 ‘인기’와 ‘인터넷’ 개념이 포르투갈어에서 어떠한 개념적 은유 체계를 갖는지 살펴보고, 한국어의 체계와 대조하는 데에 있다. 이를 위해 은유가 일상적 개념체계의 근본이 된다고 설명하는 개념적 은유이론을 소개하여 인간이 어떻게 사고하는지, 어떠한 방식으로 세상을 바라보는지, 그리고 사회 문화적 맥락의 차이점 등으로 인해 생각하고 행동하는 방법이 문화마다 다를 수 있음을 이론적 배경으로 제시한다. 연구 방법으로는 포르투갈어와 한국어 병렬코퍼스를 대상으로 양 언어를 대조 분석한다. 브라질 영화 <오늘부터 로그아웃>과 <러브닷컴>에서 ‘인기’와 ‘인터넷’과 관련된 은유를 추출하여 소규모 포르투갈어-한국어 병렬코퍼스를 구축하여 ‘인기’와 ‘인터넷’에 대한 포르투갈어 개념적 은유를 한국어와 대조하여 살펴보는데, 본 연구를 위한 병렬코퍼스는 포르투갈어 대사와 해당 대사의 한국어 자막으로 구성된다. 분석 결과, 포르투갈어에서 ‘인기’는 [인기는 전쟁 승리의 결과물], [인기는 펌프], [인기는 권력] 은유로 이해하여 개념화하는 것을 보았다. 이와 달리, 한국어에서는 [매력은 죽음], [인기 많음은 죽음], [인기는 뜨거움] 은유가 사용되는 것을 보았다. ‘인터넷’에 대한 [인터넷은 공간], [인터넷은 개체] [인터넷은 게시판], [인터넷은 도구] 은유는 포르투갈어와 한국어에서 모두 사용되고 있음을 찾아냈다. [인터넷 공간(블로그)은 소유물]은유는 포르투갈어에서 발견되었고, [인터넷 게시물은 우편물] 은유는 한국어와 정합하지 않아 포르투갈어에서만 사용되는 것으로 나타났다. 그 반대로 한국어에서만 정합하여 포르투갈어 개념체계에서 발견되지 않는 은유는 [인터넷은 소문], [인터넷은 위에 위치함], [블로그는 기업]이다. 본 연구를 통해 포르투갈어-한국어 언어쌍의 개념적 차이를 부분적으로 조명할 수 있을 것이라는 기대를 하지만, 분석 대상이 영화 두 편이라는 소규모에 그쳤다는 점과 개념적 은유만을 살피는 연구로써 환유, 은유적 표현 등으로 세부적으로 다루지 못한 점 등을 본 연구의 한계점으로 밝힌다.

      • 60韩语政治隐喻的认知类型学解读

        单清丛(Qingcong Shan) 아시아문화콘텐츠연구소 2023 문화·경영·기술 Vol.3 No.1

        政治文本是国家领导人发表政治主张、树立国家形象的重要语篇, 而政治文本信息的传递需要多种语言表达手段进行, 最为常见的语言修辞形式即政治隐喻。本文以《中国关键词》韩译本为例, 结合政治隐喻的特点以及认知类型学的相关理论探讨政治隐喻的翻译问题。通过对比分析, 初步可以发现, (1) 汉韩语的相关隐喻既有共性, 又有个性。共性方面, 汉韩语皆有战争、旅程等带有共性特征的隐喻类型, 也有气候、有机体等带有个性特征的隐喻类型。换言之, 尽管人们拥有大体相似的感知经验, 从中直接产生大致相似的图式结构, 但由于认知、语言类型、社会文化因素等, 隐喻映射在普遍性上存在差异, 部分隐喻只属于特定文化。 (2) 在隐喻的翻译过程中, 译者主要使用了“在语言维度保留对等的隐喻意象”、“在文化维度呈现隐喻的文化内涵”、“在交际维度转换源语的隐喻意象”等不同的翻译策略。换言之, 为了更好地实现具有严谨性、主体性、立场性的政治隐喻翻译, 译者需适应生态翻译的整体环境, 在语言维度、文化维度、交际维度上进行“三维转换”, 并结合具体语境, 以及目的语读者的接受程度等因素, 灵活运用翻译策略。本文以期通过汉韩政治文本的对译, 在初步了解汉韩政治隐喻异同的基础上, 对相关翻译策略进行初步的分析解释, 为解释不同文化背景下人类认知的思维及行为模式提供些许参考。 Political texts are important discourses for national leaders to express their political opinions and establish a national image, and the transmission of information in political texts requires a variety of linguistic means of expression. The most common rhetorical form of language is a political metaphor. This paper takes the Korean translation of Keywords to Understand China as an example and discusses the translation of political metaphors in combination with the characteristics of political metaphors and related theories of cognitive typology. Through comparative analysis, it can be initially found that (1) Chinese and Korean-related metaphors have both commonality and individuality. In terms of commonality, both Chinese and Korean have common metaphor types such as war and journey, as well as individual metaphor types such as climate and organism. In other words, although people have roughly similar perceptual experiences, which directly generate roughly similar schema structures, due to cognition, language type, sociocultural factors, etc., there are differences in the universality of metaphor mapping, and some metaphors only belong to specific cultures. (2) In the process of translating metaphors, the translators mainly used ‘reserving the equivalent metaphorical images in the language dimension’, ‘presenting the cultural connotation of metaphors in the cultural dimension’, ‘converting the metaphorical images in the source language in the communicative dimension’, etc. different translation strategies. In other words, to better realize the translation of political metaphors with rigor, subjectivity, and standpoint, translators need to adapt to the overall environment of ecological translation, carry out ‘three-dimensional transformations’ in the dimensions of language, culture, and communication, and combine specific Context, and the acceptance of target language readers and other factors, flexible use of translation strategies. This article aims to conduct a preliminary analysis and interpretation of relevant translation strategies based on a preliminary understanding of the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean political metaphors through the translation of Chinese and Korean political texts and provide some reference for explaining the thinking and behavior patterns of human cognition under different cultural backgrounds.

      • KCI등재

        Conceptual Metaphor: From Single to Multiple and from Monomodal to Multimodal

        Ju Ick Lee 언어과학회 2013 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.67

        Since the birth of the conceptual metaphor theory in cognitive linguistics, there have been massive advancements in the study of metaphors. However, studies of conceptual metaphors have mostly covered verbal expressions, focusing mainly on the level of a single metaphor. Thus, little information currently exists on nonverbal metaphors and the possibility of multiple metaphors within a given context. In this paper, two aspects of conceptual metaphors in comic strips that use a combination of verbal and visual languages are analyzed. The first is the modality of individual metaphors; the second is the hierarchy within groups of multiple metaphors in a single comic strip. As a result, this study provides a structure of monomodal and multimodal metaphorical manifestations in terms of domains and modes, as well as the interplay between monomodal and multimodal metaphors. In addition, the relationships between multiple metaphors, which are deeply essential to the construal and interpretation of themes in comic strips, are investigated closely.

      • KCI등재

        영미시 은유 수업모형 개발

        김경한(Kyong Hahn Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2009 영미문학교육 Vol.13 No.2

        Some negative attitudes toward poetic metaphors are based on the ideas that they are not used frequently in everyday life and that they are rhetorical figures only for style's sake. But the idea turns out to be merely a misconception. In fact, poetic metaphors are grounded on the basic conceptual metaphors that are used in our daily life. The great poets themselves basically use the same way of thinking with us. Thus, to understand the nature and essence of poetic metaphors is to understand our daily way of thinking, and by using the daily conceptual metaphorical patterns, we can have easier access to the appreciation of English poetry. This paper proposes that students can understand English and American poetry better by learning the conceptual metaphors. In order to prove the validity of the theory, the paper provides a teaching and learning model and develops materials for metaphor instruction that teachers can use practically in poetry class. And based on the teaching model and materials developed, the study applies them to an example of Emily Dickinson's poem, "Because I could not stop for Death." The poetic metaphors used in Dickinson's poem are analyzed in detail according to the basic conceptual metaphorical patterns and a variety of activities are used for this analysis in Dickinson's poem. the teaching model and materials are targeted for college students who take the course of the "Introduction to English Poetry" as an English major class. The experiment, assigned for the teaching of the element of metaphor, is scheduled to be done for six hours in two weeks. For the experiment, worksheets and activity sheets are developed and analyzed for the results of the experiment. The teaching model and materials for metaphor instruction provided by this study give students a great help with the understanding of rhetorical figures that hinder the proper appreciation of English poetry. The teaching model and materials also contribute to the improvement of students' general English competence by introducing everyday metaphors to the English classroom. Teaching metaphors must be an essential part of English language education as well as English poetry class.

      • KCI등재

        How and Why to Teach English Metaphors to Japanese Learners Through Visual Media: With Practical Examples From Steven Universe

        Spring, Ryan,Suarez, Gerard 영상영어교육학회 2018 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.19 No.4

        Teaching conceptual metaphors to EFL learners has been shown to help with their learning of vocabulary and expressions, but this can be difficult for L1 Japanese EFL learners because of cultural and linguistic differences in the two languages. In teaching metaphors, the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and understanding of the theory of mental spaces can be used to argue that using visual media is particularly helpful for English learners. This paper presents a case that teaching conceptual metaphors is important for L1 Japanese learners of English, but difficult because of the large number of differences in the metaphorical expressions of the two languages, though these problems can be overcome through visual media, particularly animations. It suggests that they can be especially helpful when attempting to teach new conceptual metaphors to EFL learners because of their multi-modal nature and the ease with which they can construe reality. The paper further argues that animations aimed at children, such as Steven Universe, are particularly helpful because the metaphors are often made especially easy to understand, are often shown in an appropriate cultural context. Furthermore, Steven Universe has recurring themes built upon conceptual metaphors, allowing instructors to find many examples of the same metaphors.

      • KCI등재

        A Corpus Approach to Dog Metaphors in American English

        Ekaterina Chon,Yoon-kyoung Joh 한국영어학학회 2018 영어학연구 Vol.24 No.3

        This paper looks at animal metaphors on the example of DOG metaphors in the Corpus of Contemporary American English. It examines the nominal, adjectival and verbal uses of DOG metaphors and their evaluative meanings. This paper attempts to explain how evaluation of metaphors depends on the word class and features of the source domains it elaborates on. Based on many interesting observations made in this paper, we arrive at two conclusions. First, we find the generalization that the less animate DOG metaphors are, the less positive they become since verbal DOG metaphors do not reveal positive connotations while nominal and adjectival uses do. Second, we confirm Deignan s claim that grammatical rigidness can be one of the factors that generate higher level of metaphoricity since we found that the rigid form dogged is mostly used metaphorically.

      • KCI등재

        운동경기 기사문에 나타난 은유의인지의미론적 연구 : 일제 강점기 시대를 대상으로

        심지연 고려대학교 한국언어문화학술확산연구소 2017 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.37 No.-

        This study investigated cognitive semantics aspects of metaphorical expressions found in sports newspapers published during the Japanese Ruling Era of Korea and aimed to analyze what types and meanings of metaphors were used. The results indicate that a various kinds of sports articles used conceptual metaphors to describe their stories. Particularly, it was found that most of conceptual metaphoric expression used WAR schema metaphors. Moreover, the findings from this analysis show that other subordinates of conceptual metaphorical expressions, such as orientational metaphors and container metaphors, were used although not so frequently as WAR schema metaphors. This study provides another evidence for experientialism in that conceptual metaphorical expressions had been used a long time even before researchers began investigating them in earnest and further concludes that conceptual metaphoric expressions were prevalent in everyday language of Koreans despite the Japanese occupation during which Korean was forbidden. 이 연구는 일제 강점기에 발간된 운동경기 기사문을 대상으로 인지의미론적인 측면에서 여기에 나타난 은유 표현들을 조사한 뒤, 분석하여 어떤 은유가 사용되었는지 그 종류 및 은유의 의미를 분석하는 데 주된 목적을 두었다. 분석 결과, 다양한 종목의 운동 경기 기사문에서 개념 은유적 표현을 사용하여 기사를 서술하고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 특히, 개념 은유를 사용한 표현들이 많았으며, 대부분 전쟁 도식 은유를 사용하고 있다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 하지만, 방향 도식, 그릇 도식 등의 개념 은유 표현도 나타나는 사실도 소수이지만 확인할 수 있었다. 이와 같이 개념 은유 표현이 본격적인 연구가 시작되기 한참 전부터 발견된다는 사실은 체험주의 이론을 뒷받침하는 또 하나의 근거가 된다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 우리말을 제대로 쓸 수 없었던 일제 강점기에도 개념 은유 표현이 우리의 삶에 녹아있다는 점도 알 수 있었다.

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