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        Eco-Feminist Theology and Christian Education: “A New Perspective of Creation” Focusing on Mary Elizabeth Moore’s Eco-Feminist Educational Theology

        채혁수 한국기독교교육학회 2018 기독교교육논총 Vol.53 No.-

        We Christians who live in multi-cultural and rapidly developing society face two problems. The first problem we encounter is how to transmit Christianity to others in a multi-cultural world and pluralistic society. In the postmodern society in which we live, Christianity is surrounded by diverse religious pluralism. In this situation, what is the identity of Christianity? How can we teach the Gospel in this world? I think that this is the ultimate purpose of today’s Christian religious education. The second problem that we face is an ecological problem. It is not the problem of any one nation but an urgent challenge to all human beings. Therefore, within modern society, an ecological crisis is a serious issue throughout the world. Eco-systems, though they are creations of God, are being destroyed by human beings, and such a crisis is rooted partly in flawed convictions about the rights and powers of humankind in relation to the rest of creation. Nature is not private property to be handled with as one wishes. In spite of this, the destruction of nature by human beings still continues to this day. In light of these two issues, I think creation is a very important alternative theme of today’s theology. This study pursues theological perspectives that move toward harmony, solidarity, and integrity based upon creation. In particular, I want to deal with the problem of division between male and female, east and west, and humankind and the rest of creation; moreover, a trial to recover lost integration will also be presented in this study. The structure of the study is as follows: I will first introduce a diversity of theological views in relation to creation. One view that will be presented examines the difference between eco-theology and eco-feminist theology, and another view deals with the difference between Eastern and Western theologies. Finally, the different valuations of creation and humankind will be discussed. Unfortunately, the issue of valuation begins from the common premise that human beings have a different status from the rest of creation. Humans tend to think that they are the rulers of all other members of creation. This, however, is a biased and flawed view. Secondly, I will develop the idea of ‘unity with diversity.’ I will delve into the doctrine of creation as a common feature of diversity because I believe that the solidarity of creation is a clue to the connection between these different poles. Through ‘creation,’ I will try to describe the encounter between two different poles. I will therefore make a special effort to find common contact points between the two. Lastly, in my proposal for the future, I suggest that solidarity in crea tion is a holistic alternative to the crisis of the natural world and the ecological balance. This study consists of four sections: introduction, diversity, unity, and conclusion. In this paper, I will pursue the idea of unity within diversity, based on the solidarity of God’s creation focusing on Mary Elizabeth Moore’s eco-feminist educational theology.

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