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      • 한국의 對 남미공동시장 수출경쟁력에 관한 고찰

        우진선 성균관대학교 무역연구소 2020 Asian Trade Risk Management(ATRM) Vol.4 No.2

        MERCOSUR는 시장규모, 풍부한 자원, 중남미 지역 및 국제사회에서의 위상 등을 고려할 때, 한국이 전략적 협력대상으로 삼아야 할 중요한 지역으로 평가되고 있다. 이에 따라, 본 연구는 MERCOSUR 시장에서 다양한 지수를 활용한 수출경쟁력을 분석하였다. 또한, 수출경쟁력 분석을 통해 나타난 지수를 활용해 MERCOSUR 회원국 간 어떠한 관련성을 지니고 있는지 알아보고자 상관관계 분석을 진행하였다. 한국의 對 MERCOSUR 수출경쟁력 분석결과는 MERCOSUR의 회원국 간 차이가 존재했다. 하나의 예로, 시장점유율 부분에서 브라질은 전자집적회로에서 높은 시장점유율을, 아르헨티나는 액정 디바이스, 파라과이와 우루과이에서는 자동차산업과 관련한 시장점유율이 높게 나타났다. 또한, 상관관계 분석결과에서는 회원국 간 4가지 유사성이 나타났다. 첫째, 일부 품목에 대해 수입이 편중된 구조를 지니고 있다는 점, 둘째, 중산층의 확대로 소비품목이 증가할 것이라는 예상, 셋째, 가격경쟁력이 가장 중대한 영향을 끼치며, 마지막으로 파라과이와 우루과이 같은 작은 국가들은 MERCOSUR 회원국 상호 간의 교역 의존도가 높게 나타난다. 이를 통해 한국이 MERCOSUR와의 교역에서 상호 보완적인 무역구조로 경제적 효과를 가지고 있다는 점을 알 수 있었으며, MERCOSUR와의 무역협정(TA) 체결은 한국이 안정적으로 새로운 수출선을 확보하고, 주요국에 편중된 수출 구조의 한계를 극복하는데 기여할 수 있을 것이다. Korea is currently facing a variety of changes in its external environment, such as the return of protectionism, the U.S.-China trade war and Japan s export regulations. In this situation, the government is responding to the problem by signing various economic cooperation and free trade agreements to secure new export engines and diversify the market. The MERCOSUR is considered an important area for South Korea to be a strategic partner, considering its market size, abundant resources and its status in the Latin American region and the international community. This study analyzed export competitiveness using various indexes in MERCOSUR market. Further, the correlation analysis was conducted to find out the relevance of MERCOSUR member countries by using the index that was shown through the analysis of export competitiveness. According to the analysis of export competitiveness of Korea and the South American common market, there was a difference between member countries of the MERCOSUR. For example, in terms of market share, Brazil has a high market share in electronic integrated circuits, Argentina has liquid crystal devices, and Paraguay and Uruguay have a high market share in the automobile industry. In addition, the correlation analysis revealed four similarities among member states. First, imports have a biased structure for some items; second, the expectation that consumer goods will increase due to the expansion of the middle class; third, price competitiveness has the most significant impact; and finally, small countries like Paraguay and Uruguay are highly dependent on trade among their MERCOSUR members. This study showed that Korea has economic effects as a complementary trade structure in trade with MERCOSUR. A signing of trade agreement with the MERCOSUR would help South Korea secure new export lines in a stable manner and overcome the limitations of export structures that are biased toward major economies.

      • KCI등재

        국내기업의 남미공동시장(MERCOSUR) 진출방안에 관한 연구

        박종석(Park Chong Suk) 한국무역상무학회 2006 貿易商務硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        MERCOSUR (Southern Cone Common Market, Latin American trade organization established in 1991, full members: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay; associate members: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela) is the world"s third largest economic union. It is a vital region that Korean corporations should enter to preoccupy the Latin American market. Since China and Japan are recently moving strongly to advance into MERCOSUR, Korea needs to work out measures to cope with the situation. In trading with MERCOSUR, it is very important to establish a strategic base in the market from a long-term perspective rather than to approach the market only as an exporting market. From this viewpoint, Korea should regard MERCOSUR as a market with which it should cooperate in terms of resources, beyond a market from which it imports raw materials. Helped by its advancement strategies varying according to regional markets and price competitiveness, China is bolstering its market share in these regions. In addition, China has built production bases focused on electric and electronics products. It is also increasing its investments in MERCOSUR as a stable raw material-providing base. To make inroads into MERCOSUR successfully, therefore, Korean enterprises should not regard it as a market where it disposes of stock goods, but should instead export technologically competitive goods to this region. Likewise, Korean companies should expand their investments in automotive parts and machinery in MERCOSUR. Furthermore, Korea should closely study international trading policies of MERCOSUR to clear away any possible obstacles of exports to this region and to prepare countermeasures so as to avoid possible damage from import regulations of MERCOSUR.

      • KCI등재

        남미공동시장(MERCOSUR)과 한국의 교역구조에 관한 연구

        박종석 강원대학교 경영경제연구소 2023 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Vol.14 No.4

        Purpose - The purpose of this study is to analyze Korea’s trade relations centered on the MERCOSUR, a major economic integration in Latin America, and identify its problems and suggest measures that can be taken by the government and corporations to reinforce economic cooperation. Design/methodology/approach - To improve the level of contribution of the study, an empirical analysis is necessary. However, due to limited data access, the study will approach the topic of trade relations between Korea and the MERCOSUR with various statistics and literature. Findings - First, there is an urgent need for changes in import-export goods between Korea and the MERCOSUR, as trade is focused on specific items. Second, although foreign direct investment from Korea to the MERCOSUR is centered in manufacturing and mining industries, there should be different investment strategies by countries and industries. Third, it is necessary to reinforce commercial cooperation. Korea currently has Free Trade Agreements with Chile, Peru, and Columbia, but not with MERCOSUR. Therefore, Korea must take active measures to sign an TA with MERCOSUR, which has been put on hold. Research implications or Originality - Latin America has the most thriving market when it comes to Free Trade Agreements worldwide. MERCOSUR is a South American Trade Bloc established by the Treaty of Asunción in 1991 and Protocol of Ouro Preto in 1994. Its full members are Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. However, there is still a lack of research on the MERCOSUR, and corporations that aim to enter the Latin American market face difficulties due to lack of information. By investigating MERCOSUR and its prospects and analyzing the trade relations with Korea, this study will provide strategic measures for corporations that wish to enter the Latin American market.

      • KCI등재

        비시장적 요소를 둘러싼 남미공동시장의 지역개발협력: 노동⋅이주 분야 협력과 환경협력의 비교를 중심으로

        현민 국제개발협력학회 2019 국제개발협력연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: This article deals with regional development cooperation(hereinafter RDC) for labor as a special commodityand environment as regional public goods, which are non-market factors of the MERCOSUR. Originality: Reconstructing the aspect of RDC through the category of non-market factors, this paper comparesand analyzes the development cooperation in two areas of labor and environment. Methodology: This paper used data from the MERCOSUR, International Organizations and related secondary literature to analyze RDC in the MERCOSUR. Result: MERCOSUR is both an economic development project and a social⋅political project. Evolution to 'social' MERCOSUR is revealed in the RDC in relation to labor and migration, whose subject, people is a component of production and a holder of rights. In the field of labor, MERCOSUR created regional norms and agendas through social-labor declarations. In particular the attempt to create the MERCOSUR citizenship has laid the foundation for a rights-based regional development cooperation. On the other hand, in relation to the environment, RDC is relatively marginalized. This is because the polices of the member countries focusing on social redistribution is mainly based on the production and utilization of the primary resource called 'Neo-extractivism'. Conclusion and Implication: MERCOSUR has institutionalized rights-based labor and migration cooperation and has undertaken various RDC in the relatively marginalized environment. Despite the numerous institutions, declarations and rights, however, the institutional enforcement and accountability of the MERCOSUR is not consistent.

      • KCI등재

        EU의 통상정책에 나타난 지역간주의에 대한 비교연구

        강유덕 ( Yoo-duk Kang ) 한국세계지역학회 2018 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.36 No.2

        이 연구는 지역간주의(interregionalism)를 연구함에 있어 EU가 통상정책을 위해 지역 대 지역 차원의 FTA를 추진한 사례를 살펴보았다. 비교연구를 아프리카·카리브·태평양(ACP) 지역의 하부단위 공동체와 ASEAN, MERCOSUR를 대상으로 EU가 추진한 FTA 협상의 동기와 결과를 분석하였다. EU는 ACP와 경제동반자협정(EPA)를 추진하는데 있어 ACP 지역을 지역 내의 공동체를 기준으로 7개 그룹으로 구분하여 협상을 진행하였다. 지역공동체를 통한 협상이 부진하자, EU는 기존의 EPA를 한 단계 낮춰, 상품무역에 한정된 기초협정을 추진하였다. 그래도 협상이 부진할 경우에는 지역 내 선도국가와 먼저 지역-개별 국가 형식의 EPA를 체결하였다. 대ASEAN 통상정책에 있어 EU는 ASEAN과 지역공동체 간 FTA를 추진하였다. 반면에 ASEAN 회원국 간 상이한 입장차이와 합의도출 기능의 부재를 확인한 이후에는 ASEAN 개별 회원국과 FTA를 추진하는 방향으로 선회하였다. EU는 MERCOSUR와 1999년부터 지역공동체간 FTA 협상을 추진했다. MERCOSUR가 관세동맹이라는 점에서 협상은 낙관론 속에서 출발하였으나, MERCOSUR 회원국의 경제위기, 역내통합의 정체 등으로 인해 양측은 2004년에 협상을 잠정 중단하였다. EU-MERCOSUR 간의 FTA 협상은 6년 후에야 재개되었다. EU는 대외협상에 있어 지역간주의를 선호하며 지역공동체 간의 협상 방식은 EU의 규범적, 실제적 이익에 부합한다. 반면에, 통상정책의 경우 지역간주의 방식이 작동하지 않고 다른 국가와의 경쟁압력이 있을 경우, EU는 지역간주의의 원칙을 포기하고, 개별 국가와 협상을 개시했다. 이러한 EU의 행보는 적어도 통상정책에 있어서 EU는 시장접근성 확보, EU 규범체제의 확산 등 실리획득에 우선순위를 두며, 지역간주의를 통한 협상방식은 이를 위한 도구임을 시사한다. This study reviews EU’s free trade agreements (FTA) with regional organizations in order to examine how the interregionalism functions in trade policy. With a view to comparative study, this paper examines EU’s FTA negotiations with African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) region, ASEAN and MERCOSUR. In regard to the trade relations with the ACP countries, the EU launched negotiations for establishing Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) with seven different regional organizations in the ACP region. However, facing the slow progress in negotiation, the EU lowered its initial ambition from comprehensive EPAs to a stepping stone agreement, that is an FTA limited in trade in goods. When the ‘region to region’ approach did not work during the negotiations, the EU turned to a bilateral format (EU-one ACP country) with most prepared countries in the ACP. For trade policy to the ASEAN, the EU tried to launch a trade negotiation to create a region-to-region FTA. However, the inter-regional negotiation with ASEAN did not progressed as planned due to the divergences in level of ambition and disparities in economic development within the ASEAN. The EU discarded the negotiations and engaged talks with those individual ASEAN countries sharing a similar level of ambition with the EU. As for the trade relation with the MERCOSUR, the EU entered into FTA negotiations with the MERCOSUR as a regional group from 1999 with optimistic perspective, because the both parties are customs unions. However, the internal situations in the MERCOSUR, such as the economic crisis in Argentina and Brazil and the loss of integration momentum in the MERCOSUR dragged down the negotiations, which were finally suspended in 2004. Both parties resumed the negotiations six years later in a different context. Without doubt, the EU preferred to external relations based on inter-regional approach, because this format of relations meet normative and real interests of the EU in international system. However, this argument is not supported by the evidences in trade issues. The EU used to explore actively bilateral approach (EU-one country in other regions), when the interregionalism does not seem to provide expected outcomes. Trade policy is typical example in this regard. These evidences suggest that the interregionalism is not absolute principle of the EU and it is rather flexible instrument to acquire EU’s objectives, such as market access and spreading EU-based regulatory framework over the world.

      • KCI등재

        남미공동시장(MERCOSUR) 자국통화무역결제시스템(SML) 운영 성과와 의미

        권기수 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2017 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to evaluate operation performance of the Local Currency Payment System(SML) in MERCOSUR over the last decade and find out its implications for development of MERCOSUR. The findings show that implementation results of SML have not been substantial in terms of expansion of intra-regional trade and increase in SMEs’ trade. This has been mainly attributable to difference in position of both countries’ companies resulted from macroeconomic imbalances in Argentina and Brazil. Albeit being a very limited experience between Argentina and Brazil, some positive effects of SML will contribute to increase in intra-regional trade and financial integration in MERCOSUR. 본 논문에서는 남미공동시장(MERCOSUR)의 자국통화무역결제시스템(SML) 도입의 운영성과를 평가하고 그 운영이 MERCOSUR 경제통합 발전에서 갖는 의미를 살펴보았다. SML을 도입한지 햇수로 10년이 지난 현재 SML의 성과는 당초 기대와는 달리 아직까지 크지 않은 것으로 평가된다. SML을 활용한 무역거래도 아직까지 미흡하며 중소기업의 활용도도 높지 않은 것으로 지적된다. 이 같이 SML의 도입 성과가 미진한 주요한 이유는 아르헨티나와 브라질간의 거시경제의 불균형에 따른 SML 활용에 대한 양국 기업들의 입장 차이에 기인한 것으로 풀이된다. 지금까지의 미진한 성과에도 불구하고 초기에 브라질과 아르헨티나간에만 운영되던 SML이 다른 회원국으로 확대되고 있는 이유는 SML 운영이 회원국간의 무역증대와 중소기업의 국제무역 참여에 기여하고 있다는 긍정적인 평가를 반영한 것이다. 현재 SML은 MERCOSUR 회원국인 우루과이, 파라과이로 확산되고 있으며 대상 분야도 단순 무역결제에서 투자나 송금분야로까지 확대되고 있다. 또한 SML 도입과 운영을 통한 회원국 중앙은행간 협력과 국가지급결제시스템간의 통합은 MERCOSUR의 금융통합 진전에도 기여할 것으로 평가된다.

      • KCI등재

        메르코수르의 무역협정 분석과 한-메르코수르무역협정 시사점

        조정란 한국관세학회 2018 관세학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The MERCOSUR is an economic bloc of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, and Korea agreed with the MERCOSUR in promoting a bilateral Trade Agreement(TA) between two parties in future. Although the bloc started to promote regional economic integration since 1991, economic integration is still shallow and common trade policy is not under operation even it is said to be a customs union and economic community. The MERCOSUR is Korea's major trading partner and a bilateral TA is likely to bring substantial gains to all member countries, but the prospect for the TA in near future is not optimistic. This paper tries to analyze the MERCOSUR's major TAs and free trade agreements, and to provide policy implications for the negotiation of a Korea-MERCOSUR TA including market access and the coverage of the TA. 메르코수르(MERCOSUR)는 브라질, 아르헨티나, 우루과이, 파라과이 4개 국가로 구성된 남미 지역 최대 경제공동체이며, 2017년 말 우리나라와 메르코수르는 양측간 무역협정(TA) 협상을 추진하기로 합의했다. 지금까지 우리나라가 발효시킨 대부분의 FTA는 포괄범위가 넓고 무역자유화 수준이 높은 편인 반면, 메르코수르가 체결한 무역협정은 상품 위주의 협소한 협정이다. 하지만, 우리나라 통상당국은 경제효과에 초점을 맞춘 ‘포괄적이고 높은 수준’ 의 무역협정 체결을 추진하고 있다. 무역협정 체결에 소극적인 메르코수르 내부 사정을 충분히 감안하지 않으면 협상이 장기화될 가능성이 매우 높다. 본 논문은 메르코수르와의 무역협정 협상 전략을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 일정기간 내 협상 타결을 위해서는 민감품목에 대한 예외를 인정하면서 중간 수준의 시장개방을 추구해야 하고, 메르코수르가 수용할 수 있는 협정 구조를 제시해야 할 것이다. 즉, 경제이익의 규모보다는 협상 타결 시점을 중심으로협상목표와 전략을 수립하는 것이 현실적일 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        대외관세의 차이가 무역전환효과에 미치는 영향 분석: 남미공동시장의 사례

        김종섭 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2004 국제지역연구 Vol.13 No.4

        By analyzing the trade diversion effect in each of the Mercosur’s member countries, this paper shows that trade diversion effect depends on the import tariffs on non-member countries. In 1990s, trade diversion effect was strong in Brazil, whose import tariffs on non-member countries were high, whereas it was weak in Chile, whose import tariff on non-member countries were relatively low. Argentina was an intermediate case. Even if Mercosur aimed at a common market, it was far from being one. There were many exceptions to common external tariff, and this was the cause of the different trade diversion effect across member countries. Before the formation of Mercosur, Argentina’s trade regime was relatively open whereas Brazil maintained some protection. This tendency remained even after Mercosur was established. Chile participated in Mercosur as an associate member and was able to maintain low tariff rates. Such different tariff levels among member countries resulted in different trade diversion effect, the strongest effect appearing in Brazil, whose tariffs on non-member countries were the highest. The implication of the analysis is that even in regional trade agreements with common external tariff, as common markets, the trade diversion effect may differ greatly across countries if there are many exceptions to the common external tariff. A policy implication is that, when establishing a regional trade agreement, each member country has to reduce the tariff rates to the non-member countries in order to minimize the trade diversion effect. 본 논문은 무역전환효과를 남미공동시장(Mercosur)의 회원국별로 분석한 결과 무역전환효과가 역외국으로부터의 수입에 부과하는 관세에 따라 결정된다는 것을 보여준다. 역내수출과 역외수출간의 수출유사성지수와 각국의 수입에서 회원국으로부터의 수입이 차지하는 비중을 분석하여, 역외국가에 대한 관세가 높은 브라질에서 무역전환효과가 가장 강하게 발생한 대신 역외국가에 대한 관세가 낮은 칠레에서는 무역전환효과가 발생하지 않았다는 것을 보여준다. 아르헨티나는 그 중간이었다고 할 수 있다. 아르헨티나에서는 지역통합으로 인한 무역전환효과가 발생하지 않았거나 발생하였더라도 브라질에서보다는 훨씬 적게 발생하였다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 지역통합을 추구할 때 대외관세가 낮을수록 무역전환효과가 적게 발생한다는 것을 남미공동시장의 아르헨티나와 브라질, 칠레의 사례에서 알 수 있다. 따라서 정책적인 시사점은 지역경제통합을 추구할 때 무역전환효과를 줄이기 위해서 대외공동관세를 가능한 한 낮게 책정해야 한다는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        세계화시대 자유무역과 이민

        최금좌(Keum-Joa Choi) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2005 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.18 No.1

        The object of this article is to verify if the international migration in the southern region of Latin America was influenced by the formation of Southern Common Market(MERCOSUR). As the same reason for the NAFTA's case, MERCOSUR also showed that it may not be directly to blame not only for the increased internal migration, but also for the increased external migration, specially to the United States. The characteristic of this region's intra-migration had and has been “frontier migration”. Even though it is a good example under the neoliberal economic politics, it is more to do with the region's historical background, such as the construction of the Itaip' u Hydro-electric Power Plant and the failure of the Brazilian Agrarian Reforms to correct the social inequality. However, after the formation of MERCOSUR, the Asian financial cirsis, Brazil's currency devaluation and later, economic uncertainty in Argentina took the role of “push factor” for the emigration from the region to the more advanced countries of the NAFTA. In the era of Globalization, the principal migration stream from South to North in the America would not change with ease, because of the system change of social structure, derived from the different economic power among the MERCOSUR and the NAFTA. Thus it will be strongly needed for establishing the legal migration program to fortify the function of the nations which are concerned.

      • KCI등재

        한·남미공동시장(MERCOSUR)간의 교역활성화 방안

        박종석(Chong-Suk Park) 한국무역연구원 2016 무역연구 Vol.12 No.2

        The trade volume between Korea and Latin America in 2015 showed that Korea exported US$ 28.7 billion worth of goods and imported US$ 14.6 billion worth of goods. Korea has been actively entering into FTAs in Latin America, starting with Chile and then with Peru in 2011. Now it has reached an agreement with Colombia, which is about to be effective. Thus, this study analyzed the current trade status between Korea and Latin America by focusing on the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), the largest economic integration block in Latin America, as well as identified obstacles in an effort to propose strategic directions which will improve cooperative relations with MERCOSUR. Findings revealed that MERCOSUR has attained significant achievements in terms of trade and investment. Based on the results, this study aims to contribute to revitalize trade between Korea and MERCOSUR by presenting improvement plans for the trade problems.

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