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        지역공동체로 나아가는 기독교교육

        김도일 한국기독교교육학회 2016 기독교교육논총 Vol.47 No.-

        현대는 사회학적으로 볼 때 불확실성, 위험, 소통부재와 고독의 시대이고, 인류문화학적으로 볼 때는 다음세대를 키워내는 마을이 사라진 시대이며, 교회사적으로 볼 때는 교회가 사회로부터 게토화 혹은 분리된 시대이다. 현대 교회는 조직신학적으로 볼 때 모이는 교회, 보이는 교회에 치중하다보니 흩어지는 교회, 보이지 않는 교회의 사명, 즉 하나님의 백성인 교회의 사명 수행은 잘 하지 못했다. 또한 현대 교회는 지역사회의 필요를 제대로 파악하지 못하여 신뢰를 잃었으며 결과적으로 교회의 수적, 질적 침체를 경험하게 되었다. 총체적인 어려움에 직면해 있는 현대 한국교회가 신앙공동체이면서 동시에 지역공동체로서 존재하는 것은 교회론적으로 볼 때 당위성을 지닌다. 교회는 하나님의 백성이며 하나님의 백성은 지역사회에서 지역공동체로 나아가는 신앙공동체, 생활공동체가 되어야 한다. 이는 기독교교육이 기존의 교회 건물 안 교육을 넘어서서 지역사회로 나아가 가정, 교회, 마을을 통합하는 학습생태계를 만들어야 한다는 말이다. 선교가 하나님의 선교(미시오 데이)인 것처럼, 교육도 역시 하나님의 교육(에듀카치오 데이)인 것이다. 하나님의 교육이 지역공동체 속에서 실현되려면 기독교교육은 신앙인들로 하여금 신앙공동체의 언어와 지역공동체의 언어를 통합적으로 구사할 수 있도록 이중언어교육을 수행하여야 한다. 무엇보다 지역사회에 존재하는 이들을 타자화하고 객체화하여 오직 전도나 섬김의 대상으로만 삼지 말고 그들과 함께 존재함을 인지하는 자세를 견지하여야 한다. 기독교교육이 지역공동체로 나아가려면 디아코니아를 책임으로 인지하는 차원에서 벗어나 공정하고 진정한 환대를 실천해야 하며 예수님이 지상에서 사역하실 때 그랬던 것처럼 마을사람들과 함께 하는 코이노니아 정신을 실천해야 할 것이다. 한국교회는 한때 개인을 구원하고 가정의 부모를 깨우며 마을을 살리고 나라를 일으키는 교회였다. 그때는 교회가 진정한 신앙공동체의 정체성을 갖고 있었고 지역사회의 자랑이었고 신뢰의 대상이었다. 어느덧 비난의 대상이 되어 잃어버린 신뢰를 되찾기 위해서는 교회의 진정한 본질을 회복해야 한다. 하나님의 백성으로 이루어진 교회는 거룩한 신앙공동체이며 동시에 지역 속에 존재하면서 지역사회로 향하는 지역공동체를 이루어나가는 생활공동체가 되어 존재하는 곳에서 하나님의 나라를 이루어 나아가야 할 것이다. 바로 이 하나님의 교육이 실현되는 것을 위하여 기독교교육은 교회로 하여금 지역사회에서 지역사회와 동떨어진 신앙공동체만을 이루는데 주력하는 데에서 벗어나 경계를 허물고 지역사회 속에서 학습, 돌봄, 문화의 지역공동체로 나아가는 교육선교적 사역을 감당하며 공존공생의 정신을 실천하게 하는 구체적인 연구를 계속 수행하여야 한다. "Educatio Dei" in and with Local Communities Doil Kim Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary This article is a culmination of research on the role/essence of church and Christian education in relation to local community. According to sociological perspectives our modern era is characterized by uncertainty, perennial danger, absence of communication, and absolute loneliness. It also fails to keep healthy communities (마을: maeul) in which future generations can grow as it incubates according to anthropological perspectives. In addition, our modern era is one in which churches have been isolated from communities and have become ghettos in recent Korean history. Modern churches which focused on the Ecclesia visibilisand Ecclesia of gathering too much  seemed to have failed to be the Ecclesia invisibilis and Ecclesia of scattering into the communities. How can we take part in healing this modern society? Can the church cure this sick society? With these kinds of quests in mind this research had begun. Church is the body of Christ and is not a building or the system itself although such are important elements. The church, being the people of God, did not figure out the needs of local communities in general and lost its trust in society. As a result the church is experiencing stagnation both in quantity and quality. Churches in Korea need to realize that they are a faith community not apart from communities but coexisting with local communities as well. The role of Christian education for the church is to let the church (people of God) realize its role and reason for being the church in the local community. The church needs to be not only the faith community but to go beyond the boundaries of faith community and become the life community in local areas. It means that Christian education must not be limited to the inside of a church builidng. Christian education needs to go beyond its building and create a learning ecosystem that embraces families, churches, and local communities. If the mission of the church is in essence the mission of God (Missio Dei), then the education of the church is also the education of God (Educatio Dei). This means that although it seems that humans perform all kinds of education for God’s creation, it is God in fact that carries out education. If this education of God is fulfilled in local areas, then Christian education needs to focus on educating the church to be equipped with the language of both the faith and local communities—this is called a bilingual education. The church must not regard people who exist outside of faith community as objects of evangelization. In fact the church exists in local communities and is part of them. Moreover, God so loved the “world” (cosmos) and gave His only begotten Son for all people, not just the people who are inside the faith community. For many years the church and Christian education felt their responsibility was to only spread the Gospel and serve the community (spirit of diakonia). But the church needs to overcome this attitude of “help” and be able to coexist with people in local areas (spirit of koinonia). There was a time when churches in Korea played the role of saving individuals, awakening parents, and reviving both communities and the nation with the spirit of the Gospel. In the early 20th century, the church had its healthy identity in balance and was the symbol of pride for the local people. However iteventually became a target of criticism as it lost its trust from society. The church needs its trust back from society which will only be possible when it restores its true essence and identity as the church of Christ. In order to regain society’s trust the church, as God’s people in local communities, must be the life community and be an example of true believers with its words and actions in local communities. ...

      • KCI등재

        지역교회사 서술 방법

        송현강(Song Hyeon-Kang) 한국기독교역사연구소 2004 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.21 No.-

        The study of history of local church is basically a work of disclosing the whole aspect of Christian activities that were conducted at a certain area. It can be so called ’the whole history of Christian communities that were active in the local area’. That is why the process of introduction, proliferation, expropriation and settlement of faith within the local community should be understood in an aspect of what is called ‘local church’. History of Church basically aims for arranging the theological meanings of what the historical incidents and facts hold. When the history of church is described based on comprehension of theology, the characters and meaning of incidents occurred inside churches could be recognized even more evidently. The major task that should be resolved by studying the history of local church through the approach of theology is to reveal what kind of gospel went in and what procedures did it go through to be understood in that region. That is, the character of the passed on gospel and aspect of acceptance of the faith should be grasped. This implies that the study of history of local church should measure the quality, content and profundity of the introduced gospel and on the other hand, the religious implication of the general influence of Christianity at present age should be revealed sufficiently. The historical approach contributes on picturing the procedure of how the universality of church infiltrated and expanded in the history of the local area in detail. A well ordered historical knowledge and comprehension of historic background are very helpful in explaining the Church of Christ through out the world. That is because existence of faith is not a religious part that is bound to the society but interacts with other components that constitute the society. Therefore the investigator of the history of local church is necessary to be more acute on the trends of studying in the Korea’s historical academic world. The contents of describing the history of local church should be included as the following: (ⅰ)the background of Korea about the time of formation of local church, (ⅱ) the introduction and spreading procedure of main protestant denomination that entered that local area, (ⅲ) the formation procedure of the believer group’s faith that was built by activities of missionaries at local missionary scenes, (ⅳ) the historical approach to the Protestant’s position that succeeded in that local area.

      • KCI등재

        광주광역시와 전라남도 지역의 이주노동자 현황과 지역교회 역할 연구

        박흥순(Heung-Soon Park) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2013 신학논단 Vol.72 No.-

        Although migrant workers are engaged in the so-called 3D jobs- dirty, dangerous and difficulty in Korean society, they have faced challenges to adapt themselves to new circumstances in Korea. Prejudice and discrimination result from ignorances which do not look at diversity in difference of culture, ethnic, language, tradition and religion. The initial step in resolving the cultural diversity problem in Korean society is to look at people from the perspective of difference and understanding. Investigating the role of the local church for migrant workers is important in the light of theological and biblical perspective. Korean churches and Christians need to have an alternative solution to mingle with migrant workers as new members of the local churches. In this paper, I would like to analyse into the current situation of migrant workers in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do as well as the roles of the local churches. It is important to note that the early Christians in the New Testament have double identities or multiple identities as ‘visitors, foreigners, aliens and strangers’(Acts 2:10; Eph 2:19; Heb 11:13; 2 Pet 1:1, 17; 2:11). If local churches and Christians in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do are highly self-conscious of themselves as ‘aliens and strangers’ in the world, they must treat migrant workers without prejudice and discrimination. Local churches and Christians in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do should deal with migrants as members of God’s Family. The early Christians called themselves “members of God’s household”(Eph 2:19) in the different cultural, ethnical and historical backgrounds. Becoming the members of God’s household, the early Christians have suggested an alternative family regardless of culture, ethnic, history and tradition. It is important to note that the early Christians have changed their identities from visitors, aliens and foreigners to members of God’s household. Local churches and Christians should look at migrants as their new family regardless of race, class and gender. If Korean Christians recognize all human beings as members of God’s family without discriminations and prejudices, they should accept migrants as new church members. Although migrant workers are engaged in the so-called 3D jobs- dirty, dangerous and difficulty in Korean society, they have faced challenges to adapt themselves to new circumstances in Korea. Prejudice and discrimination result from ignorances which do not look at diversity in difference of culture, ethnic, language, tradition and religion. The initial step in resolving the cultural diversity problem in Korean society is to look at people from the perspective of difference and understanding. Investigating the role of the local church for migrant workers is important in the light of theological and biblical perspective. Korean churches and Christians need to have an alternative solution to mingle with migrant workers as new members of the local churches. In this paper, I would like to analyse into the current situation of migrant workers in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do as well as the roles of the local churches. It is important to note that the early Christians in the New Testament have double identities or multiple identities as ‘visitors, foreigners, aliens and strangers’(Acts 2:10; Eph 2:19; Heb 11:13; 2 Pet 1:1, 17; 2:11). If local churches and Christians in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do are highly self-conscious of themselves as ‘aliens and strangers’ in the world, they must treat migrant workers without prejudice and discrimination. Local churches and Christians in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do should deal with migrants as members of God’s Family. The early Christians called themselves “members of God’s household”(Eph 2:19) in the different cultural, ethnical and historical backgrounds. Becoming the members of God’s household, the early Christians have suggested an alternative family regardless of culture, ethnic, history and tradition. It is important to note that the early Christians have changed their identities from visitors, aliens and foreigners to members of God’s household. Local churches and Christians should look at migrants as their new family regardless of race, class and gender. If Korean Christians recognize all human beings as members of God’s family without discriminations and prejudices, they should accept migrants as new church members.

      • KCI등재

        한국적 상황에서 본 선교적 교회

        한국일(Kook Il Han) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2012 선교와 신학 Vol.30 No.-

        현재 한국교회가 여러 가지 면에서 위기에 직면해있다는 보고서와 평가서들이 제시되고 있다. 특히 성장측면에서 지역교회들이 온갖 노력을 하고 있으나 교회성장이 얼마나 어려운 과제인가에 직면하게 된다. 한국교회는 서구교회와 달리 개교회중심으로 형성되어왔다. 이것은 개교회가 든든하게 서있어야 전체 한국교회가 든든해질 수 있다는 의미이다. 오랜 역사와 전통을 가진 서구교회는 탄탄한 전체교회 구조가 지역교회를 지탱해주고 있다면, 역사가 짧은 한국교회는 지역의 개교회들이 총회와 전체교회를 유지하고 있는 특징을 띤다. 그러므로 한국교회 상황은 지역교회가 중요하며 살아있어야 한다. 지역교회 문제를 선교적 관점에서 연구하고 해결책을 찾으려는 새로운 학문적 시도 중 하나가 “선교적 교회론”이다. 선교적 교회론은 여러 가지 관점에서 그 특징을 설명할 수 있겠으나 간단히 언급하여 “교회의 존재이유와 목적은 선교이며 선교는 어떤 활동이나 프로그램 이전에 교회의 본질적 이해로부터 출발한다”고 진술할 수 있다. 교회의 모든 활동이 교회자신을 위한 것이 아니라 세상을 구원하고 회복하는 하나님의 선교와 궁극적 목적인 하나님나라에 있다고 이해한다. 선교적 교회론에서는 선교를 더 이상 지리적 공간적 차원에서 설명하지 않고 이 세상전체가 선교현장이며 먼 해외지역만 아니라 자신이 속한 지역을 교회의 선교현장으로 인식하고 접근한다. 이런 관점에서 교회는 세계의 다른 지역에서도 지속적으로 선교활동을 해야 하지만 그것을 위해 자신이 속한 지역에서 선교적 교회로 존재하며 활동하는 것이 전제되어야 함을 강조한다. 지금까지 한국에서 연구된 선교적 교회론은 서구신학자들의 주장을 소개하는 것에 그쳐있다. 북미신학자들이 제시한 선교적 교회론은 북미교회가 처한 상황에 대한 반성으로부터 제기된 것인데도 한국학자들이 그대로 답습하고 있는 상태이다. 본 글은 서구교회와는 다른 선교를 경험하고 다른 교회특성과 구조를 가지고 있는 한국교회 상황에서의 그 특징과 문제점, 그리고 선교적 교회를 세우기 위한 선교학적 근거를 제시함으로 한국교회 선교적 교회론의 적합한 방향을 찾고자 한다. Reports and assessments that the Korean churches are now facing a crisis in some ways are being suggested. Especially local churches make every effort in terms of their growth but they know how difficult a task growing churches is. The Korean churches, unlike the Western churches, have been generated, developed and grew in the each-church centered forms. It means that in case each of the churches stand firm, the entire Korean churches can be secure. The Western churches which have their long history and tradition have supported and maintained the local churches in the solid structures of the whole churches. On the other hand, the Korean churches of their shorter history are characterized each local church to have maintained the General Assembly and the whole churches. Therefore, the local churches are importance itself and then should be alive and kicking in the situation of the Korean churches. “Missional church” is one of the new academic attempts to investigate the problems of the local churches and try to find the solutions of them from the missional perspectives. The Characteristics of “Missional church” can be explained from several perspectives. Simply speaking, we can state that "Reasons and purposes for the existence of the Church are the propagation of Christianity, which must start from an essential understanding of the Church prior to any activities or programs (within the local churches).” All activities of the Church are not for the Church itself, but for God’s mission to redeem and restore the world and the ultimate goal, the Kingdom of God. In “Missional church”, the Christian mission is no longer explained in the geographical and spatial level but the whole world is regarded as a mission field. So the local churches should recognize not only foreign areas which are far from them but the domestic areas which they belong to as their mission fields. There is a very emphatic precondition that, in such a perspective, the local churches should continue to be on a mission in the domestic areas which they belongs to as well as in other parts of the world, as beings of the missional churches. So far “Missional church” which has been studied in Korea is only to introduce the Western theologians’ claims. “Missional church” which has been presented by the North American theologians is to be presented from their reflection on the situations the North American Church is confronted with, which the Korean scholars follow as they are. In this article, I want to propose the followings. The Korean churches have experiences of the Christian mission which are different from the western churches’ experiences and form different characteristics and structures from the western churches’. In such Korean situations, the appropriate direction is needed toward the missional church of the Korean Church by showing the learning principles from their characteristics and problems, the missiological basis to build the missionary churches.

      • KCI등재

        선교적 교회로서 지역교회의 역할 연구

        한국일(Kook Il Han) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2018 선교와 신학 Vol.44 No.-

        오랫동안 선교는 해외 선교사역을 위한 학문이며 그렇기 때문에 선교사나 타문화권 선교에 참여하는 특정한 대상을 위한 학문이라고 생각해 왔다. 그러나 20세기 후반부터 선교는 더 이상 특수한 상황에만 적용하는 것이 아니라 모든 교회와 그리스도인에게 적용되어야 하는 선교의 보편화 요구에 대한 응답으로 실천한다. 이 관점에서 보면 선교는 타문화권에 파송되는 선교사에게만 해당되는 것이 아니라 모든 그리스도인에게 주어진 보편적 소명이다. 모든 그리스도인이 타문화권에 파송된 선교사가 될 수는 없지만 하나님의 선교 관점에서 볼 때 모든 교회와 그리스도인은 세상으로 파송된 선교적 공동체이다. 이러한 선교적 요구와 함께 선교학은 이제 지역교회 목회를 선교적 교회에 근거한 “선교적 목회”로 전환하며 또한 그리스도인을 교인으로부터 “선교적 그리스도인”으로 교육하도록 하는 새로운 역할을 갖는다. 선교적 교회론은 교회의 본질이 선교적이라는 사실을 지역교회 차원에서 새롭게 발견하여 연구하고 실천하는 운동이다. 선교적 교회로서 지역교회의 회복은 지역사회와 함께하는 지역교회의 회복을 지향하며 세계선교에 참여하는 선교운동으로 진행된다. 본 글에서는 선교를 선교적 교회로서 지역교회의 특성과 실제적인 역할에 대해 논의를 하고자 한다. 서구사회뿐만 아니라 한국사회 역시 교회가 약해지는 상황에 지역교회의 선교적 역할을 다루는 것은 매우 중요하다. 결국, 교회를 향한 선교적 사명은 일차적으로 지역교회에 주어진 것이기 때문이다. 이러한 관점에서 선교적 교회로서 지역교회의 존재와 역할에 대한 연구가 본 글의 중심과제이다. For so long, missiology has been regarded as an academic discipline for the mission for overseas ministry only. In that line of thought, missiology was thought to be the one for specific group of missionaries who partake in the other culture mission. Since the later era of the twentieth century, however, missiology not only responds to the needs of specific culture or people group, but it responds to the general needs of all churches and people of God as well. From this perspective, mission is a call to all Christians and to all mission workers who embrace other cultures. Mission is, afterall, an ordinary and catholic call to all believers. All Christians are not and do not need to be called to be missionaries for other cultures. If we consider the call of Christians from a missional church perspective, all churches and Christians are called into the missional community. With this kind of missional needs in mind, missiology as academic discipline has a new horizon of theology and task in the world and to transform the local church ministry to missional ministry and to educate all believers of Christ to be missional Christians. A theology of missional church is and fosters the movement that seeks to study and practice the essence of church in the dimension of local church. Therefore, restoration of the task of local churches is crucial and essential for they are the ones that will enhance the restoration of society and in return they will partake in the world mission. This study deals with the characteristics of local churches as missional church and how they can play a role as missional church in the local community in the practical sense. Hence, it is crucial to talk about the missional role of local churches as they lose trust and impact in society where they belong just as we have witnessed in the western-Christendem society. The missional task of churches are the primary mission of the local churches. From this perspective, this paper focuses on the role of local churches as missional agencies. Dealing with the authentic being and the role of local churches are core tasks of this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        지역사회 선교를 위한 에큐메니컬 운동과 지역교회의 과제

        김신구 ( Kim¸ Shingu ) 서울신학대학교 기독교신학연구소 2023 神學과 宣敎 Vol.65 No.-

        이 논문은 복음의 증언으로서 선포 중심의 구두 복음 전도보다 사회적 책임의 현존적 증언에 초점을 둔 연구다. 전통적인 복음주의적 시각에서 본다면 복음 선포, 곧 메시지에 좀 더 비중을 두겠지만, 자유주의적 에큐메니컬 신학은 창조 세계에 대한 문화위임적 책무에 좀 더 비중을 두는 경향이 있다. 특히 코로나19와 대선 이후 한국 교회에 대한 한국사회의 시선은 매우 날카로워졌고, 부정적이다. 이런 사회적 분위기에서 위드 코로나 시대를 살고 있는 한국 교회는 다시 내부적 공동체성 회복과 함께 한국 사회의 선교적 과제에 대한 문제의식을 절감하는 중이다. 이에 이 논문은 지난 한국 교회의 일방적이고 선포 중심적이었던 선포적 증언이나 단순히 지역사회에 존재하는 교회를 넘어 세상과 함께 살아가는 공생적 복음 증언이 어떤 모습과 방식을 통해 가능한지를 살핀 글이다. 언급한바 현존적 증언의 차원에서 선교적 공동체는 하나님께 보냄 받은 자신의 거점에 대한 선교적 이해로부터 어떻게 지역사회를 향해 선교적 영향력을 행사할 수 있는지에 대한 깊은 고민과 성찰이 필요하다. 이 뜻에서 이 논문은 먼저 지역교회와 지역 사회의 관계적 이해를 살피고, 다음 지역사회와 함께하는 에큐메니컬적 교회 운동의 여러 사례와 유형을 살펴보았다. 그런 다음 그것을 분석하여 지역사회 선교를 위한 지역교회의 신학적, 실천적 과제를 다섯 가지로 도출하였다. 정리하면, 이 연구를 통해 도출한 다섯 가지 과제를 오늘날의 기독 공동체가 잘 수행한다면, 추락한 교회의 이미지를 회복함은 물론 교회의 공동체성은 점점 회복할 것이다. 나아가 하나님의 선교에 동참하는 선교적 교회로서 이 땅에 하나님 통치의 창조 세계 문화를 선도하는 선교적 공동체로 존재할 수 있을 것이다. Modern missions are flowing in the direction of holistic missions that encompass evangelical and ecumenical movements. This view of mission is due to the fact that Jesus, who was incarnated, lived by words(evangelism) and actions(social responsibility). Because of this verbal and behavioral life of Jesus, all the universal churches on earth that are united with him must live as incarnated missional beings that embody holistic missions in various cultures and situations of the world. Based on this understanding, this study examined the ecumenical movement for community mission and the task of the local church based on the theological spirit of unity, service, mission, and integration of the ecumenical movement and the Christian theory that contains the biblical, missional, and ontological meaning of the church. First, holistic mission emphasizes evangelism and social responsibility in a balanced way, and evangelism and ecumenical mission theology have seen the unity of this. Therefore, this study does not talk about the difference between the two missional theologies, but about the ecumenical missional approach as the meaning of holisticity, which is the common point of the theological efforts of the two camps. With this understanding, Chapter II deals with the relational understanding of the local community and the local church in the theological, regional and ecological dimensions. Chapter III deals with the comprehensive analysis and practical difficulties of the significance, examples, and types of ecumenical movements in the local community. Chapter IV draws the missionary and practical tasks of the local church for community mission as the core conclusion of this study. Finally, the conclusions drawn from this study, 1) Theology of ecclesiology and hospitality as a missionary local church, 2) Lifelong solidarity and partnership as an incarnate local community, 3) Community service based on Koinonia theology, 4) Continuous development and cultural mission of ecumenical cultural contents, 5) Value realization of social enterprise and local consumption movement. Especially in the pluralistic society of the glocal era, the realization of missional tasks may face many practical difficulties, but the continuous practice of holistic of the incarnated local community will bring about the gradual publicization of the whole Shalom globally.

      • KCI등재

        Discussions on the Strategies for Vitalizing Educational Ministries in Local Church

        Chang, Hwa-Seon 한국실천신학회 2019 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.65

        This paper discussed how to vitalize churches through educational ministries. For this, this paper attempted to show the present situations of Korean church. The statistical resources of Korean Statistical Information Service was cited for comparing the situation of major religion in Korea: Protestant Christianity, Buddhists, and Roman Catholics. From this statistics, it is known the fact that Protestant Christianity became the largest religion among the major religions but the absolute number of Christianity decreased. From this fact, the necessity of vitalizing church and church ministries is suggested. Then the core concepts such as educational ministries and vitalizing were discussed in order to clarify what this paper aims. The necessity of educational ministries provides the warranty of this paper. That is, through this paper it will be emphasized that the educational ministries is the most important factor for vitalizing local churches. And the basis of educational ministries was suggested as the Bible, theology, the principles of education, and the view of man. In the final chapter, Howard Snyder's theory for vitalizing local churches and educational ministries are introduced and discussed. He points out five theological principles such as worship, Church life, healthy balance between worship, fellowship, and evangelism, and building up leadership. With the theological principles, he suggests four practical principles. He points out five theological principles such as worship, Church life, healthy balance between worship, fellowship, and evangelism, and building up leadership. With the theological principles, he suggests four practical principles. Many scholars' views were presented and discussed. And the in this paper, the strategies for vitalizing local churches are suggested in three points such as spiritual worship service, leadership building, and clear vision.

      • KCI등재

        마을목회를 위한 기독교윤리적인 근거와 과제의 모색

        정종훈 한국대학선교학회 2017 대학과 선교 Vol.35 No.-

        The modern Korean society confronts with the perils caused by in- dividualization and neo-liberalism. In the challenges of globalization, church-in-mission needs to focus on taking care of local issues and communities. This practical effort is undisputed to enliven local community ministry. The research seeks for Christian ethical foundations in the re- flection of Jesus’ teaching, discipleship, the essence of a church, the vocation of the members, and several theories of Christian ethics. I propose four precepts for promoting local community ministry; 1. Jesus serves in a local community in the direction of God. The Holy Spirit leads the people of God to serve a local community. 2. God prefers marginalized people in a local community and asks to pursue humanization of every member. 3. Three classical missions of church, Kerygma, Koinonia and Diakonia, are not limited in a church community, but extended to a local community. 4. We as the people of God, savor the proleptic anticipation of the kingdom of God in our local community. Lastly, the research presents three realms of church mission in building up local church ministry, such as localized, nationalized, and globalized mission. Marking 500th anniversary of the Reformation, I suggest that Korean churches repent of their isolation, indifference and negligence of a local community, and participate in proliferation of community well-being. 오늘 우리 사회는 매우 개별화되고 있다. 신자유주의의 양극화는 위험한 사회를 조장하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 교회가 서로 관심을 갖고 서로 돌보 는 마을공동체를 목회의 대상으로 삼는 것은 매우 절실하고 자연스럽다. 연구자는 마을목회의 기독교윤리적인 근거를 예수의 가르침과 제자의 사 명, 교회의 본질과 구성원의 사명, 기독교윤리학의 이론들에서 찾는다. 연구자는 마을목회를 적극적으로 실행하기 위해서 네 가지 윤리적 지침 을 제안한다. 첫째, 마을은 하나님의 방향이자 예수님의 섬김의 대상이며, 성령의 인도하심 가운데 교회와 기독교인들이 살아야 할 자리임을 직시해야 한다는 것이다. 둘째, 마을의 주변부에 있는 지극히 작은 자들에 대해서 우 선적인 관심을 갖고, 모두의 인간화를 회복하기 위해서 노력해야 한다는 것이다. 셋째, 교회의 케리그마와 코이노니아와 디아코니아가 교회 안으로 만 제한될 것이 아니라 마을공동체로 확장되어야 한다는 것이다. 넷째, 지금 여기 마을공동체에서 하나님의 나라를 선취하고 현재화해야 한다는 것이다. 끝으로 연구자는 마을목회의 과제를 지역마을 공동체를 향한 교회의 목 회, 국가마을 공동체를 향한 교회의 목회, 지구마을 공동체를 향한 교회의목회로 구분해서 제시한다. 올해는 교회개혁 500주년을 맞이하는 해이다. 한국교회는 그동안 마을공동체와 격리되었던 것, 마을공동체에 관심을 주지 못했던 것, 마을공동체의 일원으로서 풍성한 삶을 함께 살도록 더불어 노력하지 않았던 것을 회개하 고, 이제라도 우리가 거주하고 속해있는 마을에서 공동체를 함께 만들어가 는 일에 동참해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        소통의 매개체로서의 교회 음악사역의 선교적 역할

        박민선,박은경 개혁주의생명신학회 2019 생명과 말씀 Vol.23 No.1

        한국교회는 지역사회에 복음을 효과적으로 전달하고자 연주회 및 음악교육을 통해 교회 음악사역을 진행하고 있다. 그러나 교회 음악사역에 관해 연구된 사례가 부족하여 본 연구는 소통의 매개체로서의 교회 음악사역의 선교적 역할에 관해 사례연구를 실시하였다. 이를 위하여 연구자는 소통의 개념을 가진 문화선교 및 교회 음악사역에 관한 문헌연구와 교회 음악사역을 하는 9개 교회를 선정하여 각 교회 담당목사 및 음악담당자의 면담 내용을 중심으로 교회 음악사역을 통해 나타난 선교적 역할에 대해 고찰하였다. 교회 음악사역인 음악회 및 음악교육의 선교적 역할에 대한 사례연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째. 음악회를 통해 지역사회와 소통함으로 개인뿐만 아니라 지역사회와의 연계점을 가지고 신앙적인 삶을 문화를 통해 볼 수 있는 기회를 줌으로 선교의 결과가 나타났다. 이것은 각 지역의 필요에 의해 문화적 혜택을 줌으로 지역사회와 자연스럽게 소통을 함으로써 직간접적으로 복음을 받아들인 것이다. 둘째, 음악교육을 통한 지역사회와의 소통으로 관계전도로써 선교적인 결과를 보여주었다. 이는 치유와 회복 및 자아실현과 인재양성으로 연결되면서 자연스럽게 복음을 접할 수 있는 토대가 되고 있다. 그 밖에 교회음악 장르 사용 및 문화선교의 현장으로써 교회 음악사역을 통한 예배가 선교적인 역할을 하고 있다. 또한 교회내적으로는 교회 음악사역이 교인들의 신앙 성장에 도움을 줄 뿐만 아니라 교회 안에서 단합을 이루게 하였다. 이와 같이 소통의 매개체로서의 교회 음악사역은 교회 내 긍정적인 영향을 줄 뿐만 아니라 관계회복을 위한 지역사회와의 소통의 도구로써 기독교문화의 가치를 알리면서 자연스럽게 선교를 지향해 나가고 있다. 이것은 개혁주의생명신학 선언문의 7대 운동 중 ‘하나님나라운동’으로 교회 음악사역의 현장을 통해서 이루어 가고 있음을 말해 주고 있다. 교회가 재정 및 전문적인 기획력의 부족에도 불구하고 교회 음악사역을 진행할 수 있었던 것은 교회 음악사역에 대한 교회의 관심과 각 교회의 담당목사 및 음악담당자의 의지로 교회 음악사역의 원동력이 되었다. 그러나 교회 음악사역으로 인한 목회사역의 소홀함과 교회 음악프로그램이 문화사역으로만 인식될 수 있다는 점에서 교회 음악사역을 하는데 절충안이 필요하다. 마지막으로 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 신앙적인 경험이 융합된 음악프로그램 개발, 기독음악인들의 교회 음악사역에 대한 인식과 교육의 필요성, 본 연구를 기초로 한 교회 음악사역에 대한 자료수집, 교회 음악사역의 롤 모델을 통한 실제적인 방안 마련 등에 대해 제시하였다. Korean Church is conducting church music ministry through concerts and music education in order to effectively deliver the gospel to the local community. However, due to the lack of cases studied on the church music ministry, this study conducted case studies on the missionary role of church music ministry as a medium of communication. To this end, the researcher studied literature on church music ministry of cultural mission with a concept of communication and selected 9 churches that serve church music as cultural mission to interview their pastor and music director, examining the missionary role in church music ministry based on the interview. The results of a case study on the missionary role in the concert and music education as church music ministry are as follows. First, the result of missionary work was to communicate with the local community through concert, thereby providing opportunities for people to see religious life through culture. This is a direct and indirect acceptance of the gospel by communicating naturally with the community by providing cultural benefits for each region's needs. Second, by communication with the local community through music education, gospel preaching based on relationship is displayed as the result of missionary work. This is the basis for naturally experiencing the gospel as it is linked to healing, recovery, self-realization and nurturing of talented people. In addition, use of church music genre and worship through church music ministry as the site of cultural missionary work plays a missionary role. Also, church music history not only helped to grow the faith of the people in the church but also led to unity within the church. Thus, as a medium of communication, church music ministry not only has a positive impact on churches but also is a tool for communicating with the local community for the restoration of the relationship and naturally pursue missionary work by promoting the value of Christian culture. This suggests that the practice of the 'God's Nation Movement' among the seven major movements of the Declaration of Reformed Life Theology is being carried out through the field of the church music ministry. The fact that the church was able to proceed with the church music ministry despite the lack of financial and professional planning skills indicated that the church's interest in the church music ministry and the will of the pastors and music directors were the driving forces of the church music ministry. However, a compromise is needed to play the role of church music ministry, given the negligence of the pastoral ministry due to the church's music ministry and the fact that the church's music programs can only be recognized as cultural ministry. Lastly, based on the results, this study presented the development of music programs with religious experience mixed, the necessity of awareness and education on church music ministry for Christian musicians, the data collection on church music ministry based on this study, and the preparation of practical measures through role models in church music ministry.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회개발을 위한 교회의 참여와 협력

        장남혁(Jang, Nam-hyuck) 한국선교신학회 2008 선교신학 Vol.18 No.-

        Korean society has experienced a significant change during the last couple of decades. The importance of community life to the well-beings of the inhabitants has increased. A community is an area where inhabitants get together with other peoples. A community development is a process by which the inhabitants improve their leaderships to solve problems which are imminent to the people in the same area. The central government entrusts much of its job related to the social welfare to the local government. And the local government has to draw abundant resources from its community for the well-beings of the inhabitants. Korean churches are required to be involved in the process of community development. During last couple of decades, Korean churches have not been active in contributing to their communities. Nowadays people do not have positive opinions towards the Church. The younger generation especially has an anti-Christian attitude towards the Church. It tends to be very hard to evangelize the non-believers because of such bad reputation. To change this situation, Korean churches have to reconsider their responsibilities concerning their participation in their communities. Seoul Jangsin University is located in Kwang-ju, which is nearby Seoul. In comparison to neighboring cities around Seoul, Kwang-ju city is underdeveloped. That is because the government put many regulations to preserve drinking water for the people of Seoul area. When churches located in Kwang-ju city try to participate in the community development ministry, they have to understand the situations related to the welfare system. If they can cooperate with the local government, their services will be more effective and their influence more broad. CHE mission, a mission agency which has lots of experiences related to community development in an international scale, can help the local churches obtain much information and skill related to community development. The churches can cooperate with CHE Mission. In cooperation with CHE Mission, Seoul Jangsin University held a seminar for community development named “Salt and Light Training.” It is to prepare the leaders of the local churches with the necessary concepts and methods needed for community development. The purpose of the seminar is to facilitate the participation of the local churches in the process of community development in Kwang-ju. When the leaders of the local churches cooperate with the three sectors mentioned above, which are the local government, CHE Mission and Seoul Jangsin

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