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      • KCI등재

        The Challenge of Arbitral Awards in Pakistan

        Mukhtar, Sohaib,Mastoi, Shafqat Mahmood Khan The Korean Association of Arbitration Studies 2017 중재연구 Vol.27 No.1

        An arbitrator in Pakistan is required to file an arbitral award in a civil court of competent jurisdiction for its recognition and enforcement if an arbitral award is domestic or before the concerned High Court if the arbitral award is international. The court of law is required to issue a decree upon submitted arbitral award if an interested party do not apply for modification or remission of an arbitral award and do not challenge it for setting it aside or for revocation of its recognition and enforcement within a prescribed time limit. The challenging process of an arbitral award can be started by the aggrieved party of an arbitration agreement at the seat of arbitration or at the place where recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award is sought. The aggrieved party to an arbitration agreement is required to challenge an arbitral award within a prescribed time limit if contracting parties have not excluded the right to challenge an arbitral award. Limitation for challenging an arbitral award in Pakistan is 30 days under article 158 of the Limitation Act 1908, starting from the date of service of notice of filling of an arbitral award before the court of law. Generally, 90 days are given for an appeal against decision of the civil court of law under section 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, it is therefore highly recommended that challenging time of an arbitral award should be increased from 30 to 90 days.

      • KCI등재

        The Challenge of Arbitral Awards in Pakistan

        Sohaib Mukhtar 한국중재학회 2017 중재연구 Vol.27 No.1

        An arbitrator in Pakistan is required to file an arbitral award in a civil court of competent jurisdiction for its recognition and enforcement if an arbitral award is domestic or before the concerned High Court if the arbitral award is international. The court of law is required to issue a decree upon submitted arbitral award if an interested party do not apply for modification or remission of an arbitral award and do not challenge it for setting it aside or for revocation of its recognition and enforcement within a prescribed time limit. The challenging process of an arbitral award can be started by the aggrieved party of an arbitration agreement at the seat of arbitration or at the place where recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award is sought. The aggrieved party to an arbitration agreement is required to challenge an arbitral award within a prescribed time limit if contracting parties have not excluded the right to challenge an arbitral award. Limitation for challenging an arbitral award in Pakistan is 30 days under article 158 of the Limitation Act 1908, starting from the date of service of notice of filling of an arbitral award before the court of law. Generally, 90 days are given for an appeal against decision of the civil court of law under section 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, it is therefore highly recommended that challenging time of an arbitral award should be increased from 30 to 90 days.

      • KCI등재

        사회적경제조직의 정체성과 정당성, 그리고 지속가능성

        김태영(Kim, Tae Young) 충북대학교 국제개발연구소 2021 사회적경제와 정책연구 Vol.11 No.3

        본 연구는 조직자원 확보의 관점에서 사회적경제조직의 지속가능성은 조직의 내부생산성과 조직외부 평가의 함수라는 이론적 틀을 제시한다. 이론적 틀의 핵심을 조직정체성과 그의 이면인 조직정당성에 두고, 조직의 내부자원은 조직정체성이 다른 비교조직과 차별적일수록 구성원들의 조직동일시를 통해 늘어나며, 외부자원은 조직정체성에 대한 정당성 확보를 통해 확보될 수 있음을 설명하였다. 사회적경제조직 내·외부 자원의 총량은 조직정체성이 차별적일수록, 그리고 조직정체성에 대한 도덕적, 실용적, 인지적 정당성을 확보할수록 증가할 수 있으나, 조직의 급격한 차별적 정체성은 역설적으로 기존의 사회규범 등에 대한 정당성 도전으로 받아들여 질수 있다. 이에 따라 사회적경제조직의 지속가능성을 가져올 수 있는 내·외부 자원의 극대화는 사회적경제조직이 정당성 도전 허용한계 내에서 차별적 조직정체성을 선택할 때 가능함을 밝힌다. 이러한 이론적 논의를 바탕으로 우리나라의 경우 사회적경제조직의 지속가능성과 사회혁신의 추동주체로서의 역할을 강화하기 위해 정부주도의 정당성 도전 허용한계 범위의 확장 등의 정책적 함의를 제시한다. The paper provides a theoretical framework suggesting that a Social Economy Organization"s (SEO’s) sustainability in the perspective of resource acquisition is a function of its internal productivity and outside evaluation. The framework is built upon the ideas of organizational identity and its twin, organizational legitimacy. The internal resources of an SEO increase through its members’ organizational identification as its identity becomes more distinctive than competing organizations, and its outside resources also increase as an SEO acquires moral, practical and cognitive legitimacies from outside. And yet, paradoxically, when an SEO’s identity becomes too much radically distinctive, it could be regarded as a challenge to the existing legitimacies. Therefore, an SEO’s resource maximization is achieved when an SEO chooses a differential identity strategy within the acceptable limits of legitimacy challenge. The paper concludes with some policy implications based on the discussions of the acceptable limits of legitimacy challenge and the theoretical framework.

      • KCI등재

        탈추격 혁신을 위한 출연(연)의 구조적 한계와 과제: ETRI를 중심으로

        성지은 ( Ji Eun Seong ) 기술경영경제학회 2012 Journal of Technology Innovation Vol.20 No.2

        그동안 출연연은 과학기술 발전을 선도하는 핵심 역할을 담당해 왔으나 최근에는 조직의 경쟁력 문제를 포함하여 그 미션과 역할까지 새롭게 정립해야 하는 시점에 있다. 본 연구는 ETRI를 결정적인 사례로 하여 현재 출연연이 직면하고 있는 구조적 한계와 어려움을 살펴보았다. 분석 결과 출연연의 자체 변화 노력도 문제이지만 출연연이 예산, 인력, 평가 등 통제가 어려운 구조적인 문제에 봉착되어 있음을 알 수 있다. ETRI의 경우 연구개발이나 특정기술 수준에서는 추격에서 탈추격으로 넘어서고 있으나 우리나라 출연(연) 연구 환경과 실제 일하는 방식은 추격형 체제에 머물러 있는 상황이다. 추격의 대상과 수단이 어느 정도 확실했던 추격기를 넘어 어디로 가야하며 무엇을 해야 할 것인가가 불확실한 탈추격 혁신 상황에서는 출연연의 미션 및 역할, 예산·인력·평가 체계, 사업기획 체계 및 프로세스 방식 등이 새롭게 변화될 필요가 있다. The government-supported research institutes` system seems to face a turning point as the country`s innovation system, shaped in the industrialization process, now reveals its own limitations. This makes the transformation of the innovation system unavoidable. Korea began to emerge as a leader in several technological areas including semiconductor, TFT-LCD, and handset, in a few cases even outpacing advanced countries. This has changed the very nature of the problems and questions to be resolved, This study analysed the structural limitations and challenges of government-supported research institutes focused ETRI, In a nutshell, The innovation system of government-supported research institutes seems to face a situation where the new innovation environment is conflicting and competing with the legacy of the past: governance, planning, budget, personnel, evaluation system. There are needs for change and thus tries to achieve a innovation system transition and build a new vision and management system including a new mode of working for post-catchup innovation.

      • KCI등재

        선주책임제한절차의 제한채권 조사·확정에 관한 실무상 문제점

        성원제 대한변호사협회 2014 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.441

        Limitation proceedings of liability of ship owners mainly regulate proper distributionof dividends to limited creditors. Investigation and confirmation of limited claims is a prerequisiteof distribution, so it is one of the most important parts in the proceedings which should considerfactors as swift process, substantial rights and interests, equity amongst limited creditors etc. There are some practical issues in the limitation proceedings. Provisions of the Act on theprocedure for limiting liability of ship owners do not give enough answers to the issues. Thisarticle deals with the practical issues regarding investigation and confirmation of limited claims inorder. An administer who plays a very important role in investigation needs to discuss with thelimitation court for proper investigation and equity. The limitation court is required to checkduplicated claims, succeeded claims carefully. Especially claims’ assessment reports authorized byIOPC Fund can be useful materials in the case of oil pollution damage. The limitation court needsto ascertain whether claims submitted to IOPC Fund are same as limited claims in court. Assessment decision in the limitation proceedings is a prerequisite for lawsuit challenging assessment decision. However, lawsuit challenging assessment decision is a different procedurefrom limitation proceedings and it is just a kind of civil actions. For trial, civil court and bothparties are required to exercise right of elucidation and bring documents and evidences fromlimitation proceedings. Alteration in claims can not be allowed if it trespasses rights of otherlimited creditors. 선주책임제한절차는 선박소유자 등이 공탁한 기금을 제한채권자에게 적절하게 배당하는 것을주된 내용으로 한다. 배당의 전제가 되는 제한채권 조사·확정은 절차의 가장 중요한 부분이라고 할 수있다. 제한채권 조사·확정은 선박소유자의 이익을 위한 집단적 채무처리절차인 선주책임제한절차의 신속성, 실체적 권리관계에 대한 적정한 판단, 채권자 사이의 형평 등을 고려하여 이루어져야 한다. 그런데 선주책임제한절차를 다루는 선박소유자 등의 책임제한절차에 관한 법률 규정이 간단한 편이어서 실무상 제기되는 각종 문제에 대한 명확한 답을 주지 못하는 형편이다. 이 글에서는 제한채권 조사·확정과 관련하여 실무상 제기되는 각종 문제점에 대하여 조사기일, 사정재판, 이의소송 단계별로 살펴보았다. 조사기일에서는 채권자 사이에 통일적 처리기준을 적용하고 형평을 도모하기 위하여 법원의 보조기관인 관리인의 역할이 매우 중요하며, 관리인은 채권의 조사 과정에서 법원과 긴밀하게 협의할 필요가 있다. 실무적으로 채권신고의 중복 여부, 지위승계 여부와 그 범위를 주의 깊게 파악하는 것도 요구된다. 한편 유류오염손해와 관련된 책임제한사건의 경우 국제기금 측이 자체 조사한 보고서를 유용한자료로 활용할 수 있고, 국제기금 클레임 청구와 법원 채권 신고의 동일성을 확인하는 것이 필요하다. 이의소송은 사정재판을 전제로 하는 것이지만 일반적인 민사소송으로 진행되는 별개 절차이므로 실무상 법원의 적극적인 석명권 행사나 당사자의 적극적인 증거신청 등이 요구된다. 다른 채권자의 이익을해하는 청구의 변경은 원칙적으로 허용되지 않는다고 보아야 할 것이다

      • KCI등재

        Time Limits in Challenging a Tribunal’s Jurisdiction

        Leng-Sun Chan,Ye-Won Han 한국중재학회 2013 중재연구 Vol.23 No.3

        One of the most defining characteristics of arbitration is that an arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction is established by parties’ mutual agreement. If a party to the arbitral proceedings believes that a tribunal constituted lacks jurisdiction to conduct the arbitral proceedings, it may challenge the jurisdiction of the tribunal in different ways. Although the concept of kompetenz‐kompetenz and the grounds to challenge the Tribunal’s jurisdiction are readily accepted in the arbitration community, what parties often fail to observe is the time limit imposed by the relevant laws in bringing such objections. This article aims to examine several main ways of challenging the tribunal’s jurisdiction and the applicable time limits in each scenario. The article will then focus on the consequences of a party’s failure to adhere to the strict time limits and its effect at the post‐award stage. These issues will be considered in the light of case law from different Model law jurisdictions with particular illustrations from the arbitration law of Singapore.

      • KCI등재

        Time Limits in Challenging a Tribunal s Jurisdiction

        Chan Leng Sun,한예원 한국중재학회 2013 중재연구 Vol.23 No.3

        One of the most defining characteristics of arbitration is that an arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction is established by parties’ mutual agreement. If a party to the arbitral proceedings believes that a tribunal constituted lacks jurisdiction to conduct the arbitral proceedings, it may challenge the jurisdiction of the tribunal in different ways. Although the concept of kompetenz‐kompetenz and the grounds to challenge the Tribunal’s jurisdiction are readily accepted in the arbitration community, what parties often fail to observe is the time limit imposed by the relevant laws in bringing such objections. This article aims to examine several main ways of challenging the tribunal’s jurisdiction and the applicable time limits in each scenario. The article will then focus on the consequences of a party’s failure to adhere to the strict time limits and its effect at the post‐award stage. These issues will be considered in the light of case law from different Model law jurisdictions with particular illustrations from the arbitration law of Singapore.

      • KCI등재

        Velocity-Dependent Hyperexcitability of the Stretch Reflex: A Descriptive Review of Spasticity among Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome

        김창호 국제물리치료연구학회 2024 Journal of International Academy of Physical Ther Vol.15 No.2

        Spasticity, a frequently encountered symptom in patients with upper motor neuron (UMN) syndrome, poses a significant challenge, negatively affecting function, activity, and social engagement. Despite the acknowledged benefits of exercise in the rehabilitation of UMN syndrome, therapy sessions often trigger an unwelcome increase in muscle stretch reflex activity, resulting in considerable muscle tension despite improvements in function and activity levels. Despite the recognized benefits of exercise in UMN syndrome rehabilitation, there's often an undesirable rise in muscle stretch reflex activity during therapy, leading to considerable muscle tension despite improvements in function and activity levels. The challenge lies in identifying effective strategies that enhance function, activity, and participation while curbing excessive muscle tension caused by heightened stretch reflex activity. Spasticity significantly disrupts the daily lives of affected individuals and presents substantial challenges for caregivers. However, existing methods for measuring and evaluating spasticity have their limitations and are susceptible to errors. This article describes both established and innovative methods utilized for quantitative spasticity assessment and management of spasticity, with the overarching goal of improving the definition of spasticity and identifying assessment techniques suitable for clinical application.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Survey on Popular Human Factors in Agile Environment

        Faten Alia Zainal Abidin,Imran Ghani 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2016 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting an Vol.8 No.3

        Various studies have proven that human is the biggest challenge in the process of transitioning to agile. Culture and mindset are two critical elements of human factors causing issues in agile environment. This study involved thirty-two (32) agile practitioners from nineteen (19) country to validate the issues from human factors. The purpose of the study is to discover human factors that required more attention and factors that give a low impact on the agile environment. Furthermore, this paper presents research analysis on some of popular human factors such as collaboration, hierarchy, communication and other critical factors which company may face. The results of this analysis can be used as a guide for IT organization to consider the critical challenges they may encounter.

      • KCI등재

        A Survey on Popular Human Factors in Agile Environment

        Abidin, Faten Alia Zainal,Ghani, Imran The Institute of Internet 2016 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting an Vol.8 No.3

        Various studies have proven that human is the biggest challenge in the process of transitioning to agile. Culture and mindset are two critical elements of human factors causing issues in agile environment. This study involved thirty-two (32) agile practitioners from nineteen (19) country to validate the issues from human factors. The purpose of the study is to discover human factors that required more attention and factors that give a low impact on the agile environment. Furthermore, this paper presents research analysis on some of popular human factors such as collaboration, hierarchy, communication and other critical factors which company may face. The results of this analysis can be used as a guide for IT organization to consider the critical challenges they may encounter.

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