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      • KCI등재후보

        김정은 정권의 순환경제·재자원화 법제화 실태와 함의

        임을출 법무부 2021 統一과 法律 Vol.0 No.47

        This paper examined legalisation status and implications of circulation economy and recycling under Kim Jong Eun regime. The government of DPRK set forth self-reliance as a revolutionary spirit in economic development. In order to ensure sustainable production and consumption, the government is pushing ahead with the plan of circulation economy and recycling. The government of DPRK endeavors to realize sustainable management and effective use of various wastes in order to strengthen independence of the national economy. Reuse and recycle of the industrial and household wastes are vigorously pushed ahead across the country especially due to the international sanctions and the Covid-19 pandemic. The “Law on Recycling in the DPRK” (adopted on April 12, 2020) is now under implementation and as part of it, reusable items are being collected from families through procurement system. However particular attention is not paid to this issue, especially in terms of legalization, there are not much previous studies compared to its importance. So this paper deserves to be evaluated for its creativity and academic value. Since it is an important topic that requires in-depth analysis, required is continuous and careful observation. 이 글은 최근 북한 내부의 최대 화두인 순환경제·재자원화에 대한 법제화 실태를 고찰하고, 이에 내포된 함의를 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 현재 김정은 정권이 가장 앞세우고 있는 핵심 정신이 자력갱생이고, 이를 실천하는 핵심 수단이 원료, 자재의 국산화와 함께 폐기물의 재자원화이다. 국제사회의 대북제재와 코로나19의 장기화 상황에서 재자원화사업을 공장, 기업소의 생산정상화와 경제적 실리, 환경보호를 동시에 보장하기 위한 중요한 방안으로 간주하고 있는 것이다. 북한의 이런 인식은 다양한 법률에서 다루고 있는 순환경제와 재자원화와 관련한 조항들을 통해서 구체화되고 있다. 재자원화법의 채택은 이제 북한에서 재자원화는 계몽 차원 이상으로 발전시켜 법적 강제를 하는 단계에 이르렀음을 시사한다. 김정은 집권 이후 재자원화 정책이 체계화, 제도화되어 물리적·화학적 공정을 활용한 재활용(Recycling) 등 재자원화를 통한 순환적 생산시스템을 구축하고 있는 점이 주목할 만한 현상으로 간주될 수 있다. 이 글이 향후 남북 간 순환경제와 재자원화를 촉진하기 위한 기술협력 등 새로운 교류협력사업 모색을 위한 기초연구자료로도 활용될 수 있기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        호주 의료용 대마의 비범죄화

        정도희 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2024 홍익법학 Vol.25 No.1

        Currently, 56 countries have legalised the use of "medicinal cannabis". This includes Canada, the United States, Germany, Uruguay and South Africa. In Australia, hemp was illegal prior to 2016, but an amendment to the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 in February 2016 allowed hemp-based medicines to be sold to certain patients at the federal level. Also in 2019, the Australian Capital Territory(ACT) became the first local government to deregulate the personal cultivation and smoking of hemp. Adults can now grow up to two plants per person and four plants per household, and possess up to 50 grams of cannabis. Cultivation of cannabis is allowed, but with the proviso that it must be strictly controlled from children and outsiders. The sale of cultivated cannabis is still a criminal offence. More recently, a bill to legalise cannabis has been introduced simultaneously in the NSW, Victorian and Western Australian Senates by the Legalise Cannabis Party. This article discusses the decriminalisation of medicinal cannabis, highlighting the problems with the current legal approach to cannabis and exploring the issue of decriminalisation of medicinal cannabis in Australia. After a review of the current status and legislation in Australia, this article outlines the implications for our own cannabis policy and legislation.

      • KCI등재

        외국 공문서의 진정성립 — 대법원 2016. 12. 15. 선고 2016다205373 판결에 대한 비판적 검토 —

        정선주 한국민사소송법학회 2019 민사소송 Vol.23 No.3

        Um die Urkunden im Prozess Beweiskraft zu entfalten, müssen sie zuerst echt sein. Unter der Echtheit ist zu verstehen, dass die Urkunde von dem in ihr angegebenen Aussteller stammt, nicht gefälscht ist. In bezug auf die Echtheit der Urkunden unterscheidet die Zivilprozessordnung in Korea zwischen öffentlichen und privaten Urkunden. Während die privaten Urkunden die Echtheit zunächst zu beweisen ist, gilt für die öffentlichen Urkunden die gesetzliche Echtheitsvermutung. Eine Urkunde, die dem äußeren Anschein nach von einer Behörde oder von einer mit öffentlichem Glauben versehenen Person stammt, bedarf keiner Feststellung der Echtheit. Nach § 356 I ZPO in Korea tragen die Urkunden, die sich nach Form und Inhalt als öffentliche Urkunden darstellen, die Vermutung der Echtheit in sich. Das gilt auch für die ausländischen öffentlichen Urkunden. Diese Regelung ist aber m.E. reformbedüftig. Weil die Form der Urkunden ausländischer Behörden dem inländischen Richter nicht immer bekannt ist, kann die Echtheitsvermutung für die ausländischen öffentlichen Urkunden per se nicht gelten. Ob eine ausländische öffentliche Urkunde ohne näheren Nachweis als echt anzusehen ist, hat das Gericht grundsätzlich nach den Umständen des Falles aufgrund freier Beweiswürdigung zu entscheiden. Dabei wird die ausländische öffentliche Urkunde durch die Apostille oder Legalisation durch einen zuständigen Konsul die Echtheit bewiesen. Anders als die Rechtsprechung und Meinungen in der Literatur ist die Apostille oder Legalisation kein Mittel für die Echtheitsvermutung.

      • KCI등재

        법과 문학 사이에서 -키케로 <수사학> 국역본에 대한 촌평: 법정연설(法廷演說) 부분을 예증 삼아-

        최병조 ( Byoung Jo Choe ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2008 서울대학교 法學 Vol.49 No.4

        This article is a short review of the newly published Korean translation by Jae-Won An of Cicero`s Partitiones oratoriae (September 2007). Its aim is very limited, for it surveys only that part of the book which concerns legal controversies (status legales). The translator tries, in principle, to express in common Korean, but this attitude leads him very frequently to a translation that is technically not precise enough and thus incorrect. His understanding of the Roman legal terms as well as rhetorical termini technici seems to be surprisingly poor and sometimes even defective. To make the matter worse, his translation of the latin sentences which include nothing special in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure is, generally speaking, very often perverting the meaning and thus estranging readers from Cicero`s original intent. The additional explanations given in the translator`s notes, too, are now and then incorrect. His Korean counterparts for latin rhetorical terms, often not uniform and inaccurate, did not always satisfy the common postulates in the word-formation as well as the general standards for the technical terminology. As a matter of fact, this judgement does not touch the whole of the book, but it apparently suggests that these traits might also hold true for the rest of the book. It must be, therefore, energetically stressed for him to renew the translation as soon as possible.

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