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        姜根兄 ( Jiang Genxiong ) 한국알타이학회 2018 알타이학보 Vol.0 No.28

        Language contact always causes the language evolution. Because Monguor people have a long period of language contact with Chinese, the Minhe dialect of Monguor language has been strongly affected by Chinese, resulting in a host of unique phonetic, vocabulary and grammatical evolution phenomena. But this situation cannot change the essential characteristics of language, Monguor language is still used as an effective communication tool for the nation. Minhe dialect is a dialect strongly affected by Chinese, and has entered a quite similar stage with Chinese. The contact between Min dialect and Chinese is a special type of various language contact. Its basic contact mode is the mode of coexistence, competition, weakening, convergence of inherent components and borrowing elements. From the perspective of language contact, the formation of these characteristics have a direct relation with the situation that the native people are closely related to Han nationality and strongly affected by Chinese. This paper mainly studies the language evolution of Minhe dialect caused by the influence of Chinese through the synchronic analysis of the Minhe dialect and the comparison with the Huzhu dialect. The analysis of the characteristics of Minhe dialect, especially the language variation caused by the influence of Chinese, is of theoretical value to the study of language contact.

      • KCI등재

        생물언어학적 관점에서 인간언어의 진화

        최숙희 ( Sook Hee Choe ) 한국현대언어학회 2013 언어연구 Vol.29 No.3

        This paper is to investigate the evolution of human language from the biolinguistic perspectives. Biolinguistics examines the language faculty regarded as the internalized biological result of distinctive evolution within human brains. Accordingly, the study of evolution of human language deals with questions of design, development and evolution of language in the Minimalist Program. Language faculty in the narrow sense is an optimal solution to the minimal design specifications of the interfacing systems in the Strong Minimalist Thesis. Hence, the recursive, unbounded application of Merge is the most fundamental computational operation of the language faculty. The externalization is regarded as an ancillary process relating to two systems: conceptual-intentional system and sensorimotor system. To conclude, the study of language is concerned with the Nature, human language, and the language faculty results from an interaction of three factors: genetic factors, experience, and general principles in biolinguistics. Therefore, the origin and evolution of Merge remains at the center of the evolution of human language. (KAIST)

      • KCI등재

        우리뿐만 아니라 초거대 언어 모델도? - 버윅과 촘스키의 “왜 우리만인가: 언어와 진화”에 대한 내성적 리뷰 -

        비립 ( Fei Li ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원 2023 언어사실과 관점 Vol.59 No.-

        이 논문은 생물언어학에 대한 버윅과 촘스키의 기본 주장에 비추어 생성 AI 시대에 대한 근본적인 의문을 묻는다: 인간이 대규모 언어 모델과 언어 능력을 공유할 수 있는가? 인간의 언어 능력에 대한 언어학적 이론과 대규모언어 모델의 창발적 능력에 대한 실증적 분석에 따르면, 대규모 언어 모델의 양면적인 영향은 두 가지 측면에서 비롯된다: 첫째, 대규모 언어 모델은 의사소통 능력(NLU중심 태스크)에서 사고력(NLG 중심 태스크)까지 포괄적인 진화 특징을 보여준다. 둘째, AI 진화와 인간의 언어 진화 사이에는 고도로 유사한 작동원리가 발견된다. 따라서 이 논문은 미래에 연구자들이 생물언어학과 전산언어학의 결합을 강화하여 'AI 정지'에 대한 논쟁을 중재하고 안전하고 효율적인 AI의 새로운 시대를 받아들일 것을 제안한다. This paper raises a fundamental question in the era of generative AI in light of Berwick & Chomsky's fundamental assertions about biolinguistics: Can humans share linguistic capacities with large language models? From the current linguistic assertions about human language faculties and the emergent abilities of large language models, the two-fold impacts of large language models come from two aspects: First, large language models exhibit a comprehensive evolutionary profile from communication (NLU-centered tasks) to thoughts (NLG-centered tasks). Secondly, there are significant parallels between AI evolution and human language evolution. Consequently, this paper proposes that future researchers strengthen the combination of biolinguistics and computer linguistics to mediate the debate on AI Pause and embrace the new era of safe and efficient AI.

      • KCI등재

        웹의 진화, 언어의 진화

        고창수 ( Chang Soo Ko ) 민족어문학회 2014 어문논집 Vol.- No.72

        정보 환경의 변화가 언어의 변이, 즉 언어 다양성이라는 진화적 행태를 결정한다. 언어의 변화는 언어의 탄생 이래로 인류가 지속적으로 경험한 것이다. 언어는 시간에 흐름에 따라 점진적으로 변화하기도 하지만, 때로는 새로운 정보 환경의 출현으로 급격한 언어 변화가 연출되기도 한다. 문자의 발명이나 인쇄술의 발달이 그 중심에 있었다. 대중매체의 출현에 이어 웹 2.0으로 대표되는 현재의 디지털 문명도 그 주역이다. 이런 점에서 웹의 발전이 촉진한 것으로 알려진 일탈적 언어 변화의 핵심은 사실 웹 환경을 통한 ‘구어의 문어화’에 있다고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 언어 변이는 웹의 발전과 더불어 더욱 더 촉진될 것이다. 이러한 정보 환경에서 표준어라는 정책적 제한성이 가지는 의미는 더욱 희박해질 것이다. 그러나 표준어 정책이야말로 우리 사회를 결속하는 가장 큰 힘이다. 특히 언어 변이가 통제되기 힘든 현재의 웹 환경에서는 더욱 그러하다. 오히려 현재의 표준어정책의 근간이 문어 세계의 산물이라는 점을 생각해 보면, 앞으로의 표준어 정책은 웹 환경에서 교류되는 구어적 개인어들을 적절하게 관리하는 형태로 발전해야할 것이다. There has been big changes in Information Environment (IE) by digital and network technologies i.e. web 2.0. The changes has influenced the language variations or the evolution. Through the all history of Human, IE has made proper effects on the language variation always. The dramatic effects are the invention of writings, printing, and the computer or internet. Contemporary ICT closely unites the all humans by Social Network Service (SNS) like twitter or facebook which is the symbol of web 2.0. It makes the literal language to oral language in spite of the writing method communication. There could be little many variations from the standard language if the services were not in existence. The variation is not deviation from standard, but rather naturally selected forms from the evolutional pressure of IE. Though the language derivations are somewhat chaotic, they are of developing process for new evolution. We must put the standard language policy into force for the efficient handling the chaotic variations, because the policy itself is another pressure of the evolution.

      • KCI등재


        金正勋,金炫兑 중국인문학회 2023 中國人文科學 Vol.- No.85

        As an emerging language variant, researchers have made many efforts from different perspectives to address online violence language. Dawkins believes that human society is full of memes, and everything people learn is memes. Memetics, as a new theory, aims to explain the relationship between language and culture. Undoubtedly, memetics provides a new perspective for linguistics, and many scholars have been studying this theory for a long time. At the same time, we also noticed that previous research has left a lot of research space for this typical theory. Otherwise, language is constantly changing. Therefore, the variation and development of human language directly affect its evolution. Memetics provides a new perspective for analyzing online language. On the other hand, from the perspective of research on language memes, there is insufficient attention paid to the dynamic generation of language memes and a lack of a systematic and comprehensive conceptual framework for meme language. Network language is a product of the information age background and a typical language variant. Therefore, analyzing its complex generation and evolution process is of great significance for the development of language. This article is based on meme theory and focuses on language variants of online violence. Mainly studying the language variants of online violence used by young Chinese netizens. Based on the definition of online violence language, in order to better analyze the variants of online violence language, the author screened some typical online violence events from 2011 to 2021. Based on the fact that there are a large number of language variants of online violence and popular internet slang, the author has built a corpus to better analyze this language variant. All texts are collected from some influential websites, such as Weibo, QQ, WeChat, Tiktok, etc. In addition, some data is collected from real-world communication. The collected language variants of online violence are representative and widely disseminated. 인터넷 언어는 줄곧 언어학 연구자들에 의해 다양한 관점에서 연구되고 있으며, 다양한 유형의 소셜 네트워크 사용 등으로 인터넷 언어는 하루가 다르게 사용 범위가 급속히 발전하고 있다. 온라인에서 만들어진 새로운 유형의 언어가 온오프라인을 막론하고 대중들에 의해 광범위하게 사용되고 있는데, 인터넷 용어가 가지는 유머러스와 생동감 등의 순기능과 함께 사이버 언어폭력이라는 역기능 현상도 함께 동반되고 있다. 중국 온라인에서도 비속어를 사용한 다양한 종류의 인터넷 언어폭력이 존재하는데 본 논문은 밈 이론을 기반으로 중국 온라인에서 사용되고 있는 사이버 언어폭력의 유형과 생성 기제 및 변이 요소에 대해 전반적으로 연구하였다. 또한, 인터넷 언어폭력이 언어적 관점에서 가지는 화용적 특징에 대해서도 간략히 기술하였다.

      • Another Hypothesis on the Origin of Language

        김희숙 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 人文科學論集 Vol.47 No.-

        It is agreed upon that among all the living things that have existed and exist on the earth, only humans can speak. Asking us to guard against attaching specific meaning to this distinctiveness, Pinker (2000) claimed that language is as unique to human just as sound‐detecting or navigating capacity is respectively unique to bats or migratory birds. This reasoning allows us to deal with language as something of scientific origin. However, we are uncertain about when humans began to speak. Generally speaking, regarding the evolution of language, there are three contending theories―monogenesis, gestural and self‐domesticated ape theory. Among those theories, the last two are obliged little to present when human‐beings developed the linguistic ability, because they are concerned with adaptive and accumulative evolutionary processes. However, for the idea of monogenesis presuming that a long time ago, there was a Proto‐Human Language, defined as the most recent common ancestor of all the languages in the world, the puzzle is critical. Yet, the monogenesis theory fails to show any improvement beyond the original conjecture of dating back the emergence of Proto‐Human Language to the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age. We find that Nietzsche left distinctive ideas on the origin of language in several of his writings. Especially, his remarks made between 1869 and 1870 appear to prop up the idea of monogenesis. On top of it, reflecting on “eternal recurrence” and “overmen”, the concepts that Nietzsche made popular, we found out that he would agree on dating the origin of language from some 70,000 years ago when the human population shrank drastically to as low as 2,000 in the wake of the super‐volcanic eruption at Lake Toba. Therefore, we could hypothesize as follows: Nietzsche would answer that human‐beings acquired the linguistic capability just after the Toba catastrophe, because at that time the eternal recurrence that had shackled human ancestors for a long time suddenly disappeared and the small band of surviving members could not help becoming “overmen” or supermen of entire human species. We ascertained the conjecture with the latest developments in evolution theory, archaeology and anatomical analysis on human fossil. This proof apparently works to support the monogenesis theory. Nonetheless, we see that reflecting Nietzsche on the aftermath of the Toba volcanic eruption narrow the gap among the three hypotheses on the origin of language.

      • KCI등재

        The Case of Archaeopteryx and Chomsky’s Conflicts with Himself

        Shin, Sungkyun 한국중앙영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.55 No.2

        Chomsky started his linguistic research with an attack on empiricism (behaviorism) based on rationalism. Chomsky (2010; 2011) assumes UG consists of external and internal Merge. However, this UG, he assumes, developed suddenly through the process of mutation(s), which is empiricism in the sense that he comes to deny the boundary of species. The case of Archaeopteryx is a disaster to Chomsky’s assumption of the evolution across the species in that the case of Archaeopteryx is not the evidence of the species-crossing evolution. To explain language acquisition(growth), especially in feral children, he must have assumed two conflicting mutation(s) about UG, individual, and at the same time group mutation(s). Chomsky (2010: 19) assumed individual mutation, and Chomsky (2010: 20), contradictory to his former statement, assumed group mutation(s). I rather propose, to explain language, instead of Chomsky’s assumptions, Behe’s (1996:39) irreducible complexity and Dembski’s (1999:47) specified complexity based on intelligent design. Language is just a good example of irreducible complexity and specified complexity, showing the working together of speech anatomy and Chomsky’s internal system, which together consist of language faculty (the internal system, the sensory motor system, and externalization).

      • KCI등재

        문화교류와 한국어의 진화 -근대 이전의 한국어 교류를 중심으로-

        강남욱 한국언어문화교육학회 2018 언어와 문화 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study is rousing a recent attention to the changes of languages of Korea and near Korean peninsula, as well as reviewing the historical or traditional flow of Korean language teaching. Additionally, this study also discussed about the alternative methodological possibilities of analysing the origin of languages based on gene-culture coevolution theory adapting language phylogeny, not by internal reconstruction of traditional language research. Looking backward over past times before modern era, teaching and learning Korean language as a ‘foreign’ language were slowly changed from ‘oral(spoken)-focused/borderland-based/hereditary succession/natural acquisition’ circumstances into ‘document(written)-focused/government-based/professional training/organized learning’ system.

      • KCI등재

        특집 : 인문학의 한류를 위한 세계적 시야의 한국어문확 연구와 교육; 인문학의 한류를 위한 "한국어 학": 무엇을, 어떻게? -언어 연구 및 언어 교육을 위한 문화교육을 중심으로-

        김남길 ( Nam Kil Kim ) 겨레어문학회 2013 겨레어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        The Korean cultural wave is currently attempting to spread throughout the world after transforming from popular culture to ‘the K-culture’. The aim of this paper is to show that the nucleus of Korean culture (K-culture) comes from the humanities and that study of the Korean language can do ‘what’ and ‘how’ for the study of the Korean cultural wave of the humanities. In order to demonstrate the fulfillment of this aim, the core content of this paper consists of three sections. The first section investigates what the Korean cultural wave means and how it has evolved and will transform in the future; and at the same time, this section reveals that the Korean cultural wave of the humanities forms the foundation for K-culture. The second section concentrates on the treatment of differences between general linguistics and applied linguistics involving the teaching of language, which constitute the two central figures for the study of the Korean language. This section also presents the recent trends and claims that the 21stcentury is the age in which neo-empiricism leads applied linguistics based on practicality and application and that powerful descriptive linguistics such as corpus linguistics become resources for the formulation of important linguistic theories and provide support for the development of applied linguistics. The third section attempts to find the way that the study of culture is effectively linked to the teaching and the learning of language for people who are interested in learning Korean. For the purpose of achieving this goal, the general analysis of culture is presented on the basis of Moran (2001), and culture and its study are integrated through the cycle of cultural experience, cultural knowledge, and experiential learning. This section also emphasizes that in order for language learners to enhance their cultural experience, they must put their utmost effort not only to collecting cultural information, encouraging cultural activities, and finding good cultural interpretation but also to participating in experiential learning cycles that promote self-consciousness. Language-culture in which language and culture are mingled reflects two sides of a coin where two sides are in relation where one cannot separate itself from the other. Finally, by utilizing my Korean textbook in preparation, it is shown how Korean teaching through cultural experience is conducted in classrooms. Although various ways to teach and learn both language and culture may exist, Moran`s (2001) cultural experiential learning model is used to demonstrate the effective teaching of Korean culture in the Korean language classroom because his model contains rich contents and appears to be easy to understand, as well as effective in teaching.

      • KCI등재

        The Case of Archaeopteryx and Chomsky’s Conflicts with Himself

        신성균 한국중앙영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.55 No.2

        Chomsky started his linguistic research with an attack on empiricism (behaviorism) based on rationalism. Chomsky (2010; 2011) assumes UG consists of external and internal Merge. However, this UG, he assumes, developed suddenly through the process of mutation(s), which is empiricism in the sense that he comes to deny the boundary of species. The case of Archaeopteryx is a disaster to Chomsky’s assumption of the evolution across the species in that the case of Archaeopteryx is not the evidence of the species-crossing evolution. To explain language acquisition(growth), especially in feral children, he must have assumed two conflicting mutation(s) about UG, individual, and at the same time group mutation(s). Chomsky (2010: 19) assumed individual mutation, and Chomsky (2010: 20), contradictory to his former statement, assumed group mutation(s). I rather propose, to explain language, instead of Chomsky’s assumptions, Behe’s (1996:39) irreducible complexity and Dembski’s (1999:47) specified complexity based on intelligent design. Language is just a good example of irreducible complexity and specified complexity, showing the working together of speech anatomy and Chomsky’s internal system, which together consist of language faculty (the internal system, the sensory motor system, and externalization).

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