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        ‘수용(reception)’ 범주의 구성과 특징 -해외 현지 초·중등학교 한국어 교육과정을 중심으로-

        김선정 ( Kim¸ Seonjung ),김성수 ( Kim¸ Sungsu ),민경모 ( Min¸ Kyungmo ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2021 언어와 문화 Vol.17 No.3

        A Korean language curriculum for local primary, middle, and secondary schools abroad needs be developed with regard to its consistency with the local foreign languages curricula, and also the distinct characteristics of Korean education targeted at teenagers. The content structure and skills of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment) applied by the Korean Language Curriculum differs greatly with the ‘Standard Curriculum for Korean Language’. CEFR defines four large categories, i.e. communicative language activities and strategies, plurilingual and pluricultural competence, communicative language competences, and signing competences. This paper examines defining the concept of reception categories and their characteristics with concentration on ‘reception’ as one of the subcategories of the CEFR’s communicative language activities and strategies used by the Korean Language Curriculum. The CEFR’s definition of the concept of ‘reception’ is different from the concept of language skills of ‘listening’ and ‘reading’ used by the ‘Standard Curriculum for Korean Language’. The concept of ‘reception’ used in the CEFR has no dichotomy of ‘listening’ and ‘reading’, but it rather describes detailed activities, such as oral comprehension activities, reading comprehension activities, and audio-visual comprehension activities, all of which comprise reception activities. In the development of the Korean Language Curriculum, we used the CEFR’s concept of reception categories to prepare can-do statements. In addition, we also constructed can-do statements that consider teenagers being the agent of learning using content appropriate for their level. The prominent characteristics of these reception categories are not only understanding as a member of a live audience, understanding announcements and instructions, and understanding audio media and recording, but also understanding conversation between other people that is formed using oral comprehension activities. (Keimyung University)

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교육에서의 매개 활동 및 전략-CEFR의 매개(mediation)를 중심으로-

        김정숙 국제한국어교육학회 2022 한국어 교육 Vol.33 No.2

        This study aims to examine how mediation is implemented in the Standard Curriculum for Korean Language(2020) and propose improvements based on the review of the mediation activities, and strategies presented in CEFR(2018). To this end, previous studies on mediation are examined, and the definition, activity, and strategy types of mediation are specified through CEFR(2018) review. And based on this, I analyze how the mediation is reflected in the curriculum goals, components of the content framework, and overarching goals and achievement standards of the Standard Curriculum for Korean Language(2020) and propose improvements. The definition of Korean communication ability in the Standard Curriculum for Korean Language(2020) strongly shows the interactive nature and cooperative characteristics of communication. However, the curriculum goals, components of the content framework and level descriptors do not specifically include mediation activities or strategies. In this study, I consider mediation to play an indispensable role in facilitating communication and constructing meaning through collaborative activities. I further propose to include activities and strategies that can develop mediation competence in the Korean language curriculum. This study is meaningful as a study that systematically presents the definition of mediation, mediation activities, and mediation strategies as a communication mode, and suggests application methods to Korean language education.

      • KCI등재

        언어전략으로서의 중의성 연구

        한성일 한국어의미학회 2008 한국어 의미학 Vol.27 No.-

        The present study purposed to examine how ambiguity is utilized as a language strategy and to suggest the necessity of language strategy. Until now, ambiguity has been considered an obstacle to communication, and thus previous research has been focused on how to resolve ambiguity. However, ambiguity is rather a kind of active language strategy for suggestive and creative expression by intentionally breaking away from the maxims of daily conversation. Previous research has also used the term ‘language strategy’ often but its concept has not been defined and explained clearly. Thus, this study defined language strategy as ‘a method or scheme of language use for achieving the goal of communication’ and suggested the necessity for systematic research on the term. In addition, using riddles, humor texts and advertisement texts, this study showed that ambiguity is being utilized as an active language strategy rater than an obstacle to communication. Ambiguities observed in these texts can be classified into lexical ambiguity, metaphorical ambiguity, idiomatic ambiguity and pragmatic ambiguity. These ambiguities were found to obstruct hearers’ interpretation, to be utilized as sophisticated language strategies arousing fun and interest, and to play important roles in achieving the goals of texts. In order to understand effective communication strategies and to improve our abilities to use language, there should be continuous research on active language strategies reflecting creative expressions like ambiguity.

      • KCI등재

        언어하기 활동이 한국 고등학생의 영어학습 동기 및 초인지책략 사용에 미치는 영향

        이유정,김태영 한국중등영어교육학회 2019 중등영어교육 Vol.12 No.1

        This paper examined the effect of Motivational Languaging Activity (MLA) on Korean high school students’ English learning motivation, their metacognitive strategy use, and English proficiency. MLA is a classroom-friendly activity in which learners express the reason for studying English in words and writing. MLA helps learners to plan, evaluate, and monitor their English learning. This study conducted experiments on two types of languaging activities. The control group did not participate in the languaging activity. The experimental group was divided into two subgroups: one underwent individual writing (IW), and the other first participated in individual writing and then in group discussion (IWGD). The results of the research revealed that there was a significant difference between the two experimental groups. However, the control group did not show any changes. It showed that motivations for learning English have significant changes in the ideal L2 self, instrumentality (promotion), and motivated behavior. Especially the IWGD was more effective than IW regarding their motivational increase. In the case of metacognitive strategies, global learning strategies, learning plans and self-assessment, and self-monitoring showed significant changes. The IW was more effective than IWGD in metacognitive strategies. However, no statistically significant difference was identified in the participants’ English proficiency measured by pre- and post-tests. The results suggest that an intensive languaging activity in a short period can make a significant increase in their motivation and metacognitive strategies.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Collaborative Writing Activities on University Students’ Business Writing Performance and Learning Strategies

        ( Bong-gyu Kim ) 21세기영어영문학회 2018 영어영문학21 Vol.31 No.3

        This study explores the effect of web-based collaborative writing activities through interactive peer-to-peer corrective feedback conducted by students. 40 university students participated in a writing module and were encouraged to participate in both individual and group writing activities based on online interactions with other peers. 40 writing samples from individual writing tasks and 40 writing samples from the web-based writing were collected and scored by both a native teacher and a Korean teacher. Cohen’s analytic scoring rubric (1994) was used for the analysis of learners’ corrective behaviors. This study illustrates three main research questions on student writing behaviors through web-based collaborative Business writing activities. This study shows that experiencing online collaborative Business writing activities may have positive effects on both students’ writing and their writing strategies.

      • KCI등재

        리허설을 통한 초등 영어 드라마 활동이 학습자 요인과 성취도에 미치는 영향

        김현진(Kim Hyun Jin),이진아(Lee Jin Ah) 한국영어어문교육학회 2006 영어어문교육 Vol.12 No.1

        This study investigated the effects of rehearsed English drama activities on the learner variables and oral communication achievements of Korean elementary school students. Forty children in the treatment group participated in the drama activities while forty-two children in the contrast group participated in the regular classes. The results of the study are as follows: the treatment group showed significant differences between the pre-tests and the post-tests in language learning strategies, motivation, confidence, perceived competence, willingness to communicate, and listening and speaking achievements; the students in the treatment group progressed in their attitudes toward and participation in the classroom activities. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the rehearsed drama activities positively affect the learner variables and oral communication. The pedagogical implications are discussed in the conclusion.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of mobile-assisted pre-listening activities and listening strategy training on EFL students’ listening comprehension skill and strategy use

        김규미 한국중등영어교육학회 2017 중등영어교육 Vol.10 No.4

        With a tremendous advancement of mobile technologies and widespread access to the wireless internet connection, more sophisticated applications which allow learners to use interactive and portable activities are now available to teach and learn English listening in a higher education setting. The current study utilizes one commercial vocabulary tutoring application, Class Card, as a help of listening instruction and investigates the effects of mobile-assisted pre-listening activities and listening strategy (LS) training on Korean EFL students' listening comprehension (LC) skill and LS use. To do so, the study follows a repeated-measures ANOVA design and utilizes three LC tests and a listening strategy inventory questionnaire. Sixty-nine university students participated in this study and were divided into three groups: one group with no treatment, another group with MALL activities only, and the other group with MALL activities and LS training. The results found that compared to the no treatment group, two groups with MALL activities had statistically significant improvement on their LC tests over time. In addition, the students experiencing MALL activities more frequently used compensation and metacognitive strategies than those without MALL activities. From the findings of the study, pedagogical implications to adopt MALL activities in higher education are suggested, especially focusing on English listening instruction.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Collaborative Writing Activities on University Students’ Business Writing Performance and Learning Strategies

        김봉규 21세기영어영문학회 2018 영어영문학21 Vol.31 No.3

        This study explores the effect of web-based collaborative writing activities through interactive peer-to-peer corrective feedback conducted by students. 40 university students participated in a writing module and were encouraged to participate in both individual and group writing activities based on online interactions with other peers. 40 writing samples from individual writing tasks and 40 writing samples from the web-based writing were collected and scored by both a native teacher and a Korean teacher. Cohen’s analytic scoring rubric (1994) was used for the analysis of learners’ corrective behaviors. This study illustrates three main research questions on student writing behaviors through web-based collaborative Business writing activities. This study shows that experiencing online collaborative Business writing activities may have positive effects on both students’ writing and their writing strategies.

      • 융합적 표현활동 중심의 읽기전략을 통한 창의적 언어사용능력 신장

        김순중 한국미래교육학회 2014 미래교육연구 Vol.4 No.3

        다양한 기능이나 영역을 통합하여 학습하는 의미로 해석되고 교육계에 화두로 등장한 융합교육에 대하여 바르게 이해하고 수업에 적용하려는 생각으로 국어과 수업에서 융합적 활동으로 학습효과를 올리는 방법을 제시하고자 하였다. 국어과에서의 융합은 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 글쓰기가 단위 시간 안에 다양하게 시도하는 것을 의미한다. 이야기를 노래로 만들어 부르고, 미술과 융합하여 배경과 연극 소도구를 만들어 상황극이나 역할극, 무언극 등을 하는 등 많은 활동을 하는 과정에서 창의적 표현능력을 기를 수 있었다. 창의적인 대사를 만들고 감상문이나 다짐문, 일기, 편지글을 쓰는 과정에서 인성이나 진로지도도할 수 있었다. 이처럼 여러 교과와 융합을 이루며 다양한 활동과 통합을 시도한 것은 학생들의 흥미를 유발하였고, 적극적인 참여를 유도하게 되었으며 창의적인 언어사용능력을 신장시키게 되었다. STEAM(Fusion) Education is understood to integrate various functions or areas in teaching. These days STEAM Education is to be a topic of educational world. In order to understand STEAM Education correctly and apply to teaching, this study intended to present a method, which improves the benefits of learning of the Korean language teaching through STEAM activities. The meaning of Fusion Education in korean language teaching is an attempt to include listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a class time. Through the various activities such as composing a song with a story, making props for a situation drama, role play, and a pantomime integrated with arts, students could improve Creative Expressive Ability. Through writing creative dialogues, resolutions, diary, letters, describing their impressions could be possible to foster student's good personality and give them guidance counseling. This study tried to fuse various subjects, various activities. Due to STEAM(Fusion) Education applied to Korea language teaching, Students could be increased their interest, encouraged their positive participation, improved their creative language skills.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 회화 교재 구성 원리 연구

        박석준(Park, Seokjoon) 담화·인지언어학회 2020 담화와 인지 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to establish the principles of textbook composition to be considered when developing Korean conversation textbooks. Korean conversation textbooks are different from general-purpose textbooks, so they should be constructed according to the principle of construction that is distinct from that of general-purpose textbooks. In this paper, the following five principles are presented as principles for constructing Korean conversation textbooks: Constructing a dialogue that distinguishes the role of the listener and the speaker; Theme composition reflecting Korean learners’ activity cycle; Organization of textbooks focused on the conduct of speech acts; Improving learners’ ability to use communication strategies; Constructing textbooks that best reflect the characteristics of Korean spoken language.

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