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        基于POA教学理论的专门用途韩语课程教学设计与实践 - 以“民航服务基础韩语”课程为例

        苏 畅,秦 亚 伟 국제인문사회연구학회 2024 Studies on Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSC) Vol.6 No.4

        基于POA教学理论的专门用途韩语课程教学设计与实践- 以“民航服务基础韩语”课程为例 苏 畅ㆍ秦 亚 伟 研究目的:随着“一带一路”建设的有序推进,培养精通外语和具有国际视野的航空复合型、应用型人才已成为中国高校航空服务类专业各门课程改革的紧迫课题。本文以POA教学理论为指导,探究专门用途韩语课程在提升学生“语言、学习、思辨、文化、创新、合作”6种能力以及落实立德树人这一教育根本任务的教学新路径,以期为专门用途外语课程的教学与实践带来一点启示或借鉴。研究方法:以POA教学理论为指导,遵循“学习中心说、学用一体说、全人教育说”等教学理念,以网络教学平台为辅助,从“驱动、促成、评价”三个教学循环链出发,运用情景式、探究式、协作式等教学模式,对《民航服务基础韩语》课程进行教学设计。通过教学展示、课后师、生访谈、任课教师自我评价等,分析POA理论指导下的专门用途韩语教学的教学成效、不足, 并提出改进建议。研究内容:首先,本文对非通用语、专门用途外语、专门用途非通用语等概念进行详细阐释。专门用途韩语隶属于专门用途非通用语下设的“业务非通用语”范畴。其次,论述了专门用途韩语课程存在的必要性与价值,并对其研究现状进行了分析。再次,以POA教学理论为指导,梳理专门用途韩语课程的教学设计思路。第四,基于课前驱动、课中促成、课后评价三个教学环节进行教学实践。最后,通过教学实践后的教师自我反思、师生访谈等,总结POA教学理论优缺点,并对课堂教学提出改进建议。结论与建议:通过教学实践与课后访谈,我们发现POA教学理论能够弥补韩语初级阶段教学中普遍存在的“输入与输出脱节”的问题,能够较好地完成与思政课协同育人的目标。但受教学时长限制、教与学的课前准备效果等的影响,加之输出任务的繁重等,此理论也为初级阶段的专门用途韩语教学带来了巨大挑战。期待更多专门用途外语教师将POA教学理论运用到多语种教学实践中,丰富教学成果,改善教学不足。 核心語: 产出导向法, 专门用途非通用语, 民航服务韩语, 教学设计, 教学实践 Teaching Design and Practice of Specialized Korean Language Course Based on POA Teaching Theory-Taking “Basic Korean for Civil Aviation Service”Course as an Example Su Chang* & Qin Yawei** Abstract: With the orderly promotion of the construction of Belt and Road, cultivating aviation composite and application-oriented talents who are proficient in foreign languages and have an international perspective has become an urgent issue for the reform of aviation service majors’ courses in Chinese colleges and universities. The POA teaching theory, which focuses on “output”, provides a new way of thinking for foreign language teaching and reform, and it has been proved that the POA teaching theory has achieved certain results in the teaching practice of different languages. Therefore, this paper takes the POA teaching theory as the guidance, follows the teaching concepts of “Learning Centered Principle, Learning-using Integrated Principle”, “Whole-Person Education Principle”, assisted by the network teaching platform, the course starts from the three teaching chains of “Motivating, Enabling, and Assessing”. By using the teaching modes of situational, inquiry, and collaborative teaching, we designed the teaching of the course “Basic Korean for Civil Aviation Service” to explore the new teaching paths of the specialized Korean language course in enhancing the students’ six competencies of “language, learning, discernment, culture, creativity, and cooperation” as well as the implementation of the fundamental task of education, which is to establish moral character. We hope to bring some inspiration or reference to the teaching and practice of specialized foreign language courses. Key Words: Production-oriented Approach, Specialized Non-generic Language, Korean for Civil Aviation Services, Instructional Design, Teaching Practice □ 接受日: 2024年 6月 28日, 修正日: 2024年 7月 25日, 揭載確定日: 2024年 8月 20日* 主著者, 玉溪师范学院 外国语学院 讲师(First Author, Professor, Yuxi Normal Univ., Email: songshusiling@163.com)** 共同著者, 草堂大学 国际系 助理教授(Co-author, Professor, Chodang Univ., Email: qinyawei0@naver.com)

      • KCI등재

        Practice Teaching Experience of Prospective Korean Language Teachers

        김상수 사단법인 미래융합기술연구학회 2022 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.8 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of prospective Korean language teachers in the course of educational practice through qualitative analysis. In this study, 50 reviews of Korean language education teachhers were collectd. The data used in this study are testimonials from prospective Korean language teachers who participated in the Korean language education practicum in the course of the academic credit bank system at the Lifelong Education Center of University. The NVivo 12 program was used for the analysis of data. As a result, the prospective Korean language teachers' thoughts on class observation, lesson plan writing practice, class demonstration, and Korean language education practice experience were examined. The Korean language education practice was conducted in the following four ways. These are theory lectures, class observation, practice writing lesson plans, and class demonstrations. Prospective Korean language teachers learn and apply the basics necessary for Korean language classes while participating in educational practice. Moreover in the process, prospective Korean language teachers learn what skills and qualities a Korean language teacher needs, and discover their shortcomings and problems. Therefore, it is necessary to train professional Korean language teachers to explore the experiences and thoughts of prospective Korean language teachers who participate in Korean language education practice.

      • KCI등재

        교사의 인식과 수업 - 초등영어 수업에서 언어 형식 지도를 중심으로

        김진영,이승민,손혜진,황인정 청주교육대학교 교육연구원 2024 학교와 수업 연구 Vol.9 No.1

        Teachers’ cognitions comprise knowledge and beliefs necessary for teaching academic subjects, significantly impacting the planning and execution of lessons. From the perspective, this research explores the dynamic interplay between teachers’ cognitions and their teaching practices. It aims to uncover how teachers’ cognitions influence their teaching practice and how their teaching experiences contribute to the development of their cognitions, particularly in teaching language forms in elementary English classes. The study involved 8 teachers, including pre-service teachers, with diverse academic and teaching backgrounds. This research examined their cognitions and analyzed their teaching practices, emphasizing teaching language forms at the elementary level. It also examined how their cognitions evolved through engaging in teaching practices. The primary findings revealed that, prior to commencing teaching practices, the teachers held more robust general cognitions compared to contextual ones. Concerning the impact of these cognitions on teaching practices, general cognitions were adapted into contextual ones for each lesson, generally aligning with teaching practice. However, in certain lessons, new contextual cognitions, conflicting with the general ones, were employed based on specific contextual factors such as learning contents and students’ proficiency levels. The development of cognitions through teaching practices underscored their central role in refining existing cognitions and developing new ones. This research contributes to a clear understanding of the correlation between teachers’ cogntions and their teaching practices, providing valuable insights into the development of their professional cognitions as teachers.

      • KCI등재


        甘瑞瑗(Kam, Seowon),袁喆(Yuan Jie) 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2014 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.15 No.2

        With China’s rapid economic growth, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language has also gained a great development. At the same time, the importance of teaching of culture has drawn more and more attention. It has always been controversial whether the teaching of culture should be taken as an independent course in the curriculum of teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Also, it is of great value to discuss the questions as: whether it is necessary for students majoring in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language to conduct the teaching of culture? How should the teaching be conducted? What should be included in the teaching? What teaching strategy should be adopted for? This paper went through a series of teaching practices on the teaching of Chinese culture to answer those questions.

      • KCI등재

        외국어로서의 러시아어 교생실습의 효율화 방안 연구

        이재혁 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.44

        This study tries to summarize the seminars which are held to give efficient methods for teaching practices to students who plans to have russian language as a foreign language classes in the korean middle schools. the author emphasizes the criterions of choosing learning texts and materials, teaching methods in accordance with the korean school conditions and environments and mentalities of korean middle school students who are interested with russian language as a foreign language. Here it is important to continue the principles of illustrative complex and different-coloured thematic pages in choosing the teaching and learning texts or supplementary materials, for example. In addition to this, another recommendation is agreed in the seminars, like the principle of continuousness of ‘vocabulary storage - grammar system - cultural linguistic knowledge’. In any case it is important to strictly observe the first rule in the fields of russian language as a foreign language - systemicity or systematical structure. One of the moments of important aspects is the communicative role of practicer-teacher as a organizer and participant in the communication processes. In this sense practicer-teacher also have to try to fulfill the function of communication organizer and at the same time participant. therefore the positive qualities of practicer-teacher like communication capability, systemicity and functionality and so on are naturally stressed here. And also practicer-teacher must try to form the images of learning students about language, especially to form the linguistic-cultural background knowledge as a reflection of social-cultural, national components. In this connection, at least one of the 3 strategies -so to speak, cognition strategy, strategy of memory, compensator strategy- is also recommended to do for practicer-teacher. Or practicer-teacher can devise all 3 above-mentioned strategies for their goals according to circumstances.

      • KCI등재

        Analyzing Pedagogic Strategies to Incorporate Global Englishes into the Teaching of Young EFL Learners

        최고운 글로벌영어교육학회 2023 Studies in English education Vol.28 No.1

        Global Englishes (GE) research has revealed the diverse and fluid use of English in global communication, and numerous calls have been made for changes in mainstream English language teaching to reflect the authentic use of English used in a global community. Although concrete proposals for such changes in language teaching have been suggested, teachers are still faced with practical difficulties and contextual constraints when incorporating the diversity and hybridity of English into their language teaching practice. In particular, teaching GE can be especially challenging for teachers of very young learners, who generally have limited language proficiency and cognitive maturity compared to adult learners. Problematizing the lack of pedagogic-oriented research which can provide practical insight to teachers, this study explores how a group of Korean elementary EFL teachers strategically overcame contextual constraints and raised very young students’ awareness of GE. The findings reveal teachers’ strategies to design appropriate instructional materials and classroom activities and provide language assistance tailored to raising very young students’ awareness of GE. This study concludes with practical insights for language teachers of very young students in similar contexts who are interested in the pedagogic implications of GE.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어 예비 교원 국외 파견‧실습 지원과 한국어교육의 전망

        김수현 계명대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 동서인문학 Vol.0 No.54

        이 논의는 국립국어원에서 올해 처음 실시한 한국어 예비 교원 국외 파견 실습지원 사업을 소개하고 이 사업과 한국어 교육 발전과의 관련성을 설명하는 데에목적을 두고 있다. 한국어 예비 교원들의 부족한 현장 실습 지원을 위해 두 달 동안 국외 한국어 교육 기관에서 진행한 이 사업은 다음 세 가지를 개선해야 할 것이다. 첫째, 파견 실습의 효과를 극대화하기 위한 사전 연수 및 실습 프로그램 구성이 필요하다. 둘째, 보다 많은 한국어 예비 교원들에게 파견 교육 실습의 혜택이돌아갈 수 있도록 지원 요건을 낮추어야 한다. 셋째, 국외 실습 교육 기관 확대를위한 한국어 교육 관계 기관들의 협력이 필요하다. The purposes of this article is to explain the relevance of assistance for practical training(teaching practice) programs to prospective teachers and development of Korean language education. For the development of Korean language education, there must be a good teacher, and this excellent teacher is created through variety experiences in the classroom. This assistance project, created by the National Institute of Korean Language, diversifies the field training of domestic Korean language prospective teachers. For teaching practice, prospective teachers are dispatched for two months at the overseas educational institutions. This assistance project must improve three current issues for development of Korean language education. Firstly, It is necessary to organize pre-training and teaching practice programs in order to maximize the effects of dispatching and training. Secondly, It is necessary to lower the dispatcher requirements so that the benefit of the support is available to many prospective teachers. Thirdly, coordination of institutions related to Korean language education must be done in order to expand educational institutions that can practices.

      • KCI등재

        В поисках эффективных способов преподавания русского языка как иностранного для студентов-практикантов в кореиской школой среде

        Ли Дже хиок 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.44

        This study tries to summarize the seminars which are held to give efficient methods for teaching practices to students who plans to have russian language as a foreign language classes in the korean middle schools. the author emphasizes the criterions of choosing learning texts and materials, teaching methods in accordance with the korean school conditions and environments and mentalities of korean middle school students who are interested with russian language as a foreign language. Here it is important to continue the principles of illustrative complex and different-coloured thematic pages in choosing the teaching and learning texts or supplementary materials, for example. In addition to this, another recommendation is agreed in the seminars, like the principle of continuousness of ‘vocabulary storage - grammar system - cultural linguistic knowledge’. In any case it is important to strictly observe the first rule in the fields of russian language as a foreign language - systemicity or systematical structure. One of the moments of important aspects is the communicative role of practicer-teacher as a organizer and participant in the communication processes. In this sense practicer-teacher also have to try to fulfill the function of communication organizer and at the same time participant. therefore the positive qualities of practicer-teacher like communication capability, systemicity and functionality and so on are naturally stressed here. And also practicer-teacher must try to form the images of learning students about language, especially to form the linguistic-cultural background knowledge as a reflection of social-cultural, national components. In this connection, at least one of the 3 strategies -so to speak, cognition strategy, strategy of memory, compensator strategy- is also recommended to do for practicer-teacher. Or practicer-teacher can devise all 3 above-mentioned strategies for their goals according to circumstances.

      • KCI등재

        특집 : 인문학의 한류를 위한 세계적 시야의 한국어문확 연구와 교육; 인문학의 한류를 위한 "한국어 학": 무엇을, 어떻게? -언어 연구 및 언어 교육을 위한 문화교육을 중심으로-

        김남길 ( Nam Kil Kim ) 겨레어문학회 2013 겨레어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        The Korean cultural wave is currently attempting to spread throughout the world after transforming from popular culture to ‘the K-culture’. The aim of this paper is to show that the nucleus of Korean culture (K-culture) comes from the humanities and that study of the Korean language can do ‘what’ and ‘how’ for the study of the Korean cultural wave of the humanities. In order to demonstrate the fulfillment of this aim, the core content of this paper consists of three sections. The first section investigates what the Korean cultural wave means and how it has evolved and will transform in the future; and at the same time, this section reveals that the Korean cultural wave of the humanities forms the foundation for K-culture. The second section concentrates on the treatment of differences between general linguistics and applied linguistics involving the teaching of language, which constitute the two central figures for the study of the Korean language. This section also presents the recent trends and claims that the 21stcentury is the age in which neo-empiricism leads applied linguistics based on practicality and application and that powerful descriptive linguistics such as corpus linguistics become resources for the formulation of important linguistic theories and provide support for the development of applied linguistics. The third section attempts to find the way that the study of culture is effectively linked to the teaching and the learning of language for people who are interested in learning Korean. For the purpose of achieving this goal, the general analysis of culture is presented on the basis of Moran (2001), and culture and its study are integrated through the cycle of cultural experience, cultural knowledge, and experiential learning. This section also emphasizes that in order for language learners to enhance their cultural experience, they must put their utmost effort not only to collecting cultural information, encouraging cultural activities, and finding good cultural interpretation but also to participating in experiential learning cycles that promote self-consciousness. Language-culture in which language and culture are mingled reflects two sides of a coin where two sides are in relation where one cannot separate itself from the other. Finally, by utilizing my Korean textbook in preparation, it is shown how Korean teaching through cultural experience is conducted in classrooms. Although various ways to teach and learn both language and culture may exist, Moran`s (2001) cultural experiential learning model is used to demonstrate the effective teaching of Korean culture in the Korean language classroom because his model contains rich contents and appears to be easy to understand, as well as effective in teaching.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어 쓰기 교수학습법의 현황과 과제

        안경화 서울대학교 국어교육연구소 2006 국어교육연구 Vol.18 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to present a historical overview of Korean as a second language writing methods, to sketch current practices of writing education, and to provide suggestions for future directions in Korean writing research and practice. The history of Korean writing since about 1959 - the beginning of the modern era of Korean language education - can be regarded as a succession of orientations. Product-focused approach and controlled writing had been a dominant writing method until early nineties. Since Around 2000, process-focused approach has been preferred to product-focused approach. Korean for academic purposes was introduced around 2000. Nowadays, writing is taught in a communicative way where teachers emphasize process of writing, discourse-level writing, task-based writing as well as collaborative writing. Novice and advanced teaching plans are presented here as examples of current practices of writing education. The past 40 years show remarkable development in writing education, but KSL writing education still needs to give detailed teaching items as well as to improve teaching methods which suit various types of Korean learners.

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