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        현대사회와 헬레나 노르베리 호지의 행복이론__라다크 사례와 행복의 경제학을 중심으로__

        김진영 ( Chin Young Kim ) 인도철학회 2015 印度哲學 Vol.0 No.44

        행복경제학의 대가인 헬레나 노르베르 호지는 물질적 풍요로움이 인간에게 근본적인 행복을 가져다주지 못한다는 점을 강조하며, 진정한 행복을 실현하기 위해서는 세계화를 벗어나 지역화로 나아가야 한다고 주장한다. 인도 라다크(Ladakh)의 사례를 통해 세계화 폐해에 대항하는 지역성회복 운동을 펼치고 있는 호지는 『오래된 미래『라는 저술의 역설적인 제목처럼 오래된 라다크의 문화 속에 우리 인류가 지향해야 할 미래의 모습이 있다고 강조한다. 우리가 라다크의 전통 사회로부터 배워야 하는 것은 자립과 자존감, 검소함, 조화와 지속성, 내면적인 풍요로움 같은 것들로서, 이미 지나간 ‘오래된’ 것에 우리가 찾는 ‘미래’가 있으며,그것이 진정한 ‘행복’이라고 보았다. 지역화(Localization) 이론으로 무장한 호지는 세계화를 주도하는 대기업의 횡포와 정치적 함의를 공격하면서 경제적 지역화가 우리에게 선한 행복을 제공한다는 이론을 『행복의 경제학『을 통해 제공하고 있다. 본 논문은 『오래된 미래『를 통해 그녀의 『행복의 경제학『의 이론적 배경을 검토하고, 『행복의 경제학『을 통해 드러난 지역공동체의 현대적 의미와 상호부조의 가치를 재발견하는 계기를 마련하려 한다. 더불어 그 속에 진짜 행복과 복리가 있다는 ‘행복’에 대한 성찰과 그 의미를 조 명해 보고자 한다. Master of Economics, Helena Norberg-Hodge is a material abundance does not bring happiness to human beings the fundamental point, and true happiness in order to realize globalization argue that move off the localization. Addition, the importance of sustainable development in India``s Ladakh through an instance of the verification. This paper seeks to highlight the unconditional happiness through technological civilization declined and traditional society is not caused by a regression. Hodge``s Ancient Future as seen in the writings of the paradoxical title, old Ladakh``s culture should not be our humanity in the future. We need to learn from traditional communities of Ladakh is the independent spirit, frugality, social harmony, and environmental sustainability, as things like internal richness, there we find on the Ancient Future in the future. Since Dr. Hodge is the tyranny of the big corporations and the globalization of the political implications of economic localization, we are happy to offer a theory of that line. This paper is Ancient Future through her theoretical background, review The Economics of Happiness, and the economics of happiness modern high profile communitiesthrough meaningful and rediscovering the value of mutual aid. I find the value and meaning of a real happiness and real in the welfare economics of ‘happiness’ in the modern society.

      • 라닥(Ladakh)의 불교무용

        허동성 ( Huh Dong-sung ) 한국예술종합학교 세계민족무용연구소 2003 민족무용 Vol.4 No.-

        이 논문은 인도 북단의 히말라야 산간오지에 위치한 라닥(Ladakh)의 불교무용에 관한 개관적 소개이다. 라닥에는 기원전 3세기 아쇼카왕이 파견한 불교전교사들에 의해 처음 소승불교가 전래된 이후 티벳과 중앙아시아를 연결하는 통로라는 라닥의 지리적 입지로 인해 많은 불교전교사들에 의한 불교전교가 이루어졌다. 오늘날의 라닥불교는 기원 10세기 라닥에 이주하여 왕조를 구축한 몽골계 티벳족에 의해 유입된 티벳불교의 전형적 특징을 보여준다. 본고의 논의는 티벳족을 중심으로 하는 라닥의 불교도들 사이에서 각종 경축시에 연행되는 대표적인 민간무용형태들을 대상으로 한다. 챱스키얀, 숀돌, 쟈브로, 메톡산모, 타시스파, 야크챰, 아뽀-아삐 등의 연행방식과 불교적 취의를 고찰하였으며 이들은 지역과 종족에 따른 양식적 변별성에도 불구하고 불교계 신격들이나 라마, 왕들에 대한 찬가의 병창, 3박자 스텝을 중심으로 한 단순하고 절제된 무용기법, 대무와 원무를 중심으로 한 안무구성, 동양음악에서 전형적으로 관찰되는 점점 급박해지다가 종결되는 음악적 구성 등의 공통적 특징들을 보여준다. 본고는 개관적 성격에도 불구하고 라닥의 불교무용에 대한 국내 최초의 논의를 통해 향후 우리나라를 포함한 불교무용 비교연구를 향한 한 토대를 제공하는 데서 의의를 가늠할 수 있다. This paper introduces the Buddhist dances of Ladakh in northern India where the influence of Tibetan Buddhist culture is still alive along with Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh of north-east. The Ladakhi Buddhist culture of the present has been established mainly by the Mongoloid Tibetans whose ancestors moved to Ladakh and founded a Buddshit dynasty in the 10th century A.D. although the Mons and Dards of Indo-Aryan race had immigrated to Ladakh much earlier than Tibetans from the 3rd century B.C. Among various ethnic dance items of Ladakh, some representative ones have been selected for discussion as the Buddhist dance in that they reflect the religious spirit and intent of Ladakhi Buddhism; Chabs-kyan, Shon-dol, Zabro, Mentog-Stnamo, Tashis-pa, Yak-cham and Apo-Api. The overall style of those numbers is somewhat similar in the fact that they share common characteristics such as the devotional songs by dancers, basic step of three beats, the accelerating tempo of accompanied music and round dance sequence in the ending and so forth. This article deserves an attention in that it can throw a light on the ancient Buddhist culture of the Himalaya region as well as in that it is the first introduction of Ladakhi Buddhist dance to Korea for further comparative study.


        Early Cretaceous subvolcanic calc-alkaline granitoid magmatism in the Nubra-Shyok valley of the Shyok Suture Zone, Ladakh Himalaya, India: Evidence from geochemistry and U–Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronology

        Kumar, Santosh,Bora, Sita,Sharma, Umesh K.,Yi, Keewook,Kim, Namhoon Elsevier 2017 Lithos Vol.277 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The lithounits constituting the Ladakh Himalaya are exposed along the Indus and Shyok Sutures Zones of northwest Himalaya. The Shyok Suture Zone (SSZ) in northern Ladakh represents a highly tectonized zone of a back-arc basin, which is mainly composed of volcano-sedimentary formations (Shyok and Khardung Formations) intimately, associated with intrusive granitoids. In the Nubra-Shyok valley of the SSZ calc-alkaline granitoids of batholithic dimension are exposed in the Tirit region, referred herein as the Tirit granitoids, which are intrusive evidently into the Shyok volcanic (rhyolite) rocks belonging to the Shyok Formation. In this valley the northern margins of granitoids of the Ladakh batholith can also be found intrusive into the metasediments (shale/slate) and metavolcanics of the Shyok Formation. The compositions and crystallization pressures (~66 to 91MPa) of amphiboles in the intrusive Tirit granitoid corroborate a calc-alkaline nature and solidification of Tirit granitoid melt at subvolcanic level equivalent to a minimum of 2.5km to a maximum of 3.5km thick overburden of Shyok volcanics. U–Pb SHRIMP zircons from the Tirit granitoids have yielded mean crystallization ages of 109.4±1.1Ma and 105.30±0.80Ma, which strengthen the idea of Early Cretaceous subduction beneath the Karakoram terrain. Inherited older zircon cores (278–393Ma, 476–519–713–952Ma and 1933Ma) suggest a contribution from heterogeneous Palaeozoic and Proterozoic sources in the generation of the Tirit granitoids similar to those observed elsewhere in the Karakoram-Kohistan region. A mean crystallization age (105.30±0.80) of zircons in the Tirit granitoid hosting xenoliths of porphyritic volcanics places a minimum eruption age of ca. 105Ma for the Shyok volcanics. The Ladakh granitoid, Tirit granitoids and porphyritic volcanic xenolith belong to a calc-alkaline series. A mean crystallization age (67.32±0.66Ma) for zircon in the Ladakh granitoid implies that the Shyok metasediments (shale/slate) were deposited and metamorphosed prior to ca. 68Ma. Present and earlier determined ages on Tirit granitoids revealed that the subduction-related calc-alkaline magmatism in the Nubra-Shyok valley of the SSZ prevailed between 110 and 68Ma, and hence a minimum age of Early Cretaceous can be suggested for development of the SSZ.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Field and geobarometric (~56 to 129MPa) evidence corroborates solidification of Tirit granitoid melt at subvolcanic level. </LI> <LI> Ages (109.4±1.1, 105.3±0.8Ma) and calc-alkaline nature of Tirit granitoids record Early Cretaceous (>110Ma) subduction. </LI> <LI> A minimum age of Albian for Shyok volcanics and Maastrichtian for Shyok metasediments is suggested. </LI> <LI> Palaeozoic to Proterozoic inherited zircons imply role of heterogeneous sources in the formation of Tirit granitoid melts. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Metabolic Profiling and Biological Activities of Bioactive Compounds Produced by Pseudomonas sp. Strain ICTB-745 Isolated from Ladakh, India

        ( Kamal ),( Ahmed ),( Anver Basha Shaik ),( C. Ganesh Kumar ),( Poornima Mongolla ),( P. Usha Rani ),( K. V. S ),( Rama Krishna ),( Suman Kumar Mamidyala ),( Joveeta Joseph ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2012 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.22 No.1

        In an ongoing survey of the bioactive potential of microorganisms from Ladakh, India, the culture medium of a bacterial strain of a new Pseudomonas sp., strain ICTB-745, isolated from an alkaline soil sample collected from Leh, Ladakh, India, was found to contain metabolites that exhibited broad-spectrum antimicrobial and biosurfactant activities. Bioactivity-guided purification resulted in the isolation of four bioactive compounds. Their chemical structures were elucidated by 1H and 13C NMR, 2D-NMR (HMBC, HSQC, 1H,1H-COSY, and DEPT- 135), FT-IR, and mass spectroscopic methods, and were identified as 1-hydroxyphenazine, phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA), rhamnolipid-1 (RL-1), and rhamnolipid-2 (RL-2). These metabolites exhibited various biological activities like antimicrobial and efficient cytotoxic potencies against different human tumor cell lines such as HeLa, HepG2, A549, and MDA MB 231. RL-1 and RL-2 exhibited a dose-dependent antifeedant activity against Spodoptera litura, producing about 82.06% and 73.66% antifeedant activity, whereas PCA showed a moderate antifeedant activity (63.67%) at 60 μg/cm2 area of castor leaf. Furthermore, PCA, RL-1, and RL-2 exhibited about 65%, 52%, and 47% mortality, respectively, against Rhyzopertha dominica at 20 μg/ml. This is the first report of rhamnolipids as antifeedant metabolites against Spodoptera litura and as insecticidal metabolites against Rhyzopertha dominica. The metabolites from Pseudomonas sp. strain ICTB-745 have interesting potential for use as a biopesticide in pest control programs.


        A Cretaceous forearc ophiolite in the Shyok suture zone, Ladakh, NW India: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Northwest Himalaya

        Thanh, N.X.,Rajesh, V.J.,Itaya, T.,Windley, B.,Kwon, S.,Park, C.S. Universitetsforlaget ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2012 Lithos Vol.155 No.-

        The northwestern Himalaya in India contains critical evidence of the convergent margin and collision tectonics between the Ladakh arc and the Karakoram block. Here we present new petrochemical and geochronological data from a forearc ophiolite at the Shyok@?Nubra river confluence. Whole-rock geochemical data show relatively high large-ion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE), and Ba, U and Pb anomalies, and depletions in La, Ce and Zr, particularly, the high-field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ta); these geochemical characteristics are similar to those in modern ophiolites that formed in arc-related environments. Meta-volcanic greenschists that contain spinel layers have high MgO, Ni, Co, and Cr contents. In contrast, they have low contents of TiO<SUB>2</SUB>, very low Nb and Zr that are diagnostic of high@?Ca boninitic magmas in modern forearc settings, as in Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) and Tonga. The spinels have high Cr# [Cr/(Cr+Al)] and Mg#[Mg/(Mg+Fe<SUP>2+</SUP>)], which are characteristic of spinels in forearc boninite@?type of melts. The spinel-free meta-volcanic samples have incompatible trace element abundance patterns similar to those of MORB. However, their enrichments in Cs, Rb, Pb, U and depletion in HFSE may reflect an input of subduction fluids that are different from MORB; these MORB-like basalts are suggestive of a forearc complex that erupted prior to the formation of boninitic rocks. Our data from the Shyok ophiolite indicate the existence of supra-subduction rocks on the southern Karakoram margin. Albite porphyroblasts in greenschists yield a K-Ar age of 104.4+/-5.6Ma that represents the time of early exhumation of the greenschists. The boninite@?type melts formed prior to 104Ma, thereby indicating that the time of initiation of subduction on the southern margin of the Karakoram block was before 104Ma. These geochemical signatures together with the spatial and temporal distribution of the arc rocks on the southern margin of Karakoram block suggest northward subduction of NeoTethys in the Early Cretaceous. The subsequent collision between the Ladakh arc and the Karakoram block thrusted/obducted the forearc ophiolite onto the southern edge of the Karakoram block probably between 74Ma and 97Ma.

      • KCI등재후보

        Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Black-Necked Cranes in Ladakh Using Maximum Entropy

        Meenakshi Chauhan,Randeep Singh,Puneet Pandey National Institute of Ecology 2023 국립생태원회보(PNIE) Vol.4 No.2

        The Tibetan Plateau is home to the only alpine crane species, the black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis). Conservation efforts are severely hampered by a lack of knowledge on the spatial distribution and breeding habitats of this species. The ecological niche modeling framework used to predict the spatial distribution of this species, based on the maximum entropy and occurrence record data, allowed us to generate a species-specific spatial distribution map in Ladakh, Trans-Himalaya, India. The model was created by assimilating species occurrence data from 486 geographical sites with 24 topographic and bioclimatic variables. Fourteen variables helped forecast the distribution of black-necked cranes by 96.2%. The area under the curve score for the model training data was high (0.98), indicating the accuracy and predictive performance of the model. Of the total study area, the areas with high and moderate habitat suitability for black-necked cranes were anticipated to be 8,156 km<sup>2</sup> and 6,759 km<sup>2</sup>, respectively. The area with high habitat suitability within the protected areas was 5,335 km<sup>2</sup>. The spatial distribution predicted using our model showed that the majority of speculated conservation areas bordered the existing protected areas of the Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary. Hence, we believe, that by increasing the current study area, we can account for these gaps in conservation areas, more effectively.

      • KCI등재

        Integrating Traditional Knowledge with GIS for Snow Avalanche Susceptibility Mapping in Kargil‑Ladakh Region of Trans‑Himalayan India

        Mohmad Akbar,M. Shafi Bhat,Arunima Chanda,Fayaz Ahmad Lone,Irshad Ahmad Thoker 대한공간정보학회 2022 Spatial Information Research Vol.30 No.6

        Snow-avalanches are responsible for loss of life and damage to infrastructure in mountainous areas across the world. The present study aims to integrate traditional knowledge with Geographic Information System (GIS) for generation of snow-avalanche susceptibility map for Kargil-Ladakh Region of Trans-Himalayas. The avalanche susceptibility map has been generated using Analytical Hierarchal Process (AHP) method by combining avalanche inventory with avalanche influencing factors. The avalanche susceptibility map generated for the region reveals that around (60%) of area falls under low to very-low susceptibility classes, while as, around (21%) area falls in the moderate susceptibility zone. Approximately (19%) area is comprised of high and veryhigh susceptibility classes. The findings reveal that high and very-high susceptible zones are located in the northern part of study area which is having a relatively high population concentration along with higher road and lineament density. The moderate susceptibility zones are mostly spread in the vicinity of local highways and road-networks across the region. The low and very-low susceptibility classes are either located at higher elevations or in areas with unfavorable snow-avalanche conditions. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) method was used for validation of results which conforms a high accuracy of 84%. The findings of the study could be helpful in formulation of effective avalanche mitigation strategies in this strategic border region of India.

      • KCI등재

        불교의식무용 챰의 제의적 연행 관념과 구조 -헤미스 쩨츄 챰을 중심으로-

        허동성 ( Dong Sung Huh ) 한국공연문화학회(구 한국고전희곡학회) 2012 공연문화연구 Vol.0 No.25

        라마교 사원축제 시에 연행되는 챰(cham)은 티벳은 물론 인도, 네팔, 부탄, 몽골에 전승되어 온 불교 의식무용이다. 챰의 유형과 양식, 제차는 지역과 종파에 따라 변별되나 공통적으로 불법(佛法)에 거스르는 악을 응징함으로써 불법의 승리와 세상의 안과태평을 경축하기 위해 연행된다. 본고는 인도 북단의 라닥(Ladakh)의 헤미스(Hemis)사원에서 라 마교의 개조 빠드마삼바바(Padmasambhava; 蓮華生)의 탄신을 경축하기 위해 행해지는 쩨츄 챰을 대상으로 그 제의적 연행 관념과 구조를 고찰하였다. 그를 통해 신성현현과 제의적 공양, 시각화 명상, 만달라로서의 제의적 공간, 양식화된 연행의 제의적 함의, 점 강적 공연 구조, 공연 동기의 대승성 등의 특성을 확인하였다. Cham is the Buddhist ritual dance performed at the religious festival of Lamaism. It has been spread and performed at the Lamaist monastery of Tibet, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Monglia. The type and style of Cham are differntiated by the region and sect. However, they share the common aim of exorcising all evils symbolized by linga who resists the Buddhist dharma, and thereby celebrating the victory of Buddhism. This paper deals with the ritualistic concept and structure of Cham with a focus on Hemis Chetsu of Ladakh located at the extreme north of India. The festival is held to honor the birthday of Padmasambhava who is the founder of Tibetan Buddhism in the 8th century. As a result, this paper drew the characteristics of Cham performance such as dance as the incarnation of sacred beings, ritualistic offering, visualization meditation as well as the ritual space as a mandala, the ritualistic intent of stylized acting, accumulative performance structure, the Mahayanic motif of performance.

      • KCI등재

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