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      • KCI등재후보

        전철역 이름의 가치 변화 연구: 서울시 전철역사 이름 제·개정을 중심으로

        박세준 강원대학교 사회통합연구센터 2022 사회통합연구 Vol.3 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to find the meaning of subway station names. And through this, it is to find empirical evidence of “La Distinction” process of the people who live there. The detailed goal of achieving this objective is to analyze and categorize cases. Identify the subject of the process of establishing and revising subway station names to achieve detailed goals. In addition, it is divided into the exchange value and the use value of the name of the subway station. The content of this study first distinguishes the subject and content of changing the name of the subway station. The subject is divided into the subject of the process of enacting/amending the subway station name, and the content is divided into the exchange value and the use value of the station name. The subject was classified into cases where it was enacted/revised by local communities or civic groups and government-led organizations. The content was divided into cases where the reasons for enactment/revision focused on the use value of the subway station name and the case where the exchange value was focused. As a result of this study, it was confirmed that the enactment/revision of the station name changed from government-led to private-led. It was also confirmed that people's view of station names shifted from the use value to the exchange value. The reason for the move was the desire to increase assets and “La Distinction”. In the name of the subway station, capitalism called relocation could be confirmed as the exchange value of the value of use.

      • KCI등재

        대규모유통사업자와 납품업자 간의 판매촉진행사 비용분담 : 대법원 2020. 5. 14. 선고 2018두52044 판결

        박세환(Park, Sehwan) 한국비교사법학회 2021 비교사법 Vol.28 No.3

        대상 판례는 판매촉진비용행사 부담전가에 관한 대규모유통업법 제11조 제5항의 자발성·차별성의 의미에 대해서 구체적으로 판시하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 자발성·차별성을 엄격하게 해석한 대상 판례를 통하여 판매촉진행사가 보다 투명하게 이루어지는 계기가 마련되기를 기대한다. 하지만 자발성·차별성이 있는 판매촉진행사의 인정 범위가 줄어듦에 따라 납품업자와 소비자에게 유리한 판매촉진행사의 시행마저 위축되는 것이 아닌가하는 염려가 들기도 한다. 그리고 조문체계상 대규모유통업법 제11조 제5항의 자발성·차별성의 의미는 사전약정에 관한 제1항, 제2항 뿐만 아니라 판매촉진 비용 분담비율에 관한 제3항, 제4항에게도 미치게 되므로, 자발성·차별성의 의미는 동법 제11조 전체 규정들과 공정위의 관련 심사지침 등을 종합적으로 감안하여 바라 볼 필요가 있고, 동법 제11조 제5항이 예외규정이라는 이유로 자발성·차별성을 반드시 매우 좁게 해석해야만 하는 것은 아니라고 생각된다. 대규모유통업법 제11조 제1항~제4항과 같이 행위 당시의 경제적 상황이나 거래당사자의 구체적인 사정을 따지지 않고 위법성을 인정하는 불공정거래행위 특별금지 규정의 경우 비례성을 유지하는 것이 중요한데, 제11조의 균형을 유지해 주는 역할을 하는 제11조 제5항의 자발성·차별성이 매우 좁게 해석될 경우에는 제11조 전체에 있어서 비례성 문제가 발생할 수 있다는 점에 유념할 필요가 있다. Cette jurisprudence, qui précise la volonté et la distinction relative à la répercussion du coût de promotion de l’article 11, ⑤ de la loi sur sur le grand distributeur, pourrait faire les activités promotionnelles plus transparents entre le grand distrbuteur et le fournisseur. Cependant elle pourrait aussi empêcher l’activité promotionnelle favorable pour le fournisseur et le consommateur. Parce que la volonté et la distinction de l’article 11, ⑤ touche non seulement la convention unique de l’article 11, ① ou ② mais le partage des dépenses résultant de promotion de l’article 11, ③ ou ④, nous pouvons traduire la signifiacation de la volonté et la distinction avec la souplesse. En outre, il est important de maintenir la proportionnalité pour le régle de l’interdiction spécifique sur la pratique déloyale qui n’exige pas une analyse au cas par cas. Par conséquent, la volonté et la distinction interprétée rigoureusement par la Cour pourrait provoquer la préoccupation de la proportionnalité pour l’article 11.

      • KCI등재

        시몬 드 보부아르의 레 망다렝 'Les Mandarins'에 나타난 정치 문학적 구별짓기

        오미숙 한국프랑스학회 2022 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.119 No.-

        Les Mandarins montre l’engagement existentielle des écrivains et des intellectuels français dans la situation historique particulière de l’après- guerre où le champ littéraire était débordé par le champ politique. Les personnages font la distinction politique et/ou littéraire selon leur identité composée de trois éléments : l’idéologie, le capital et l’habitus. La distinction politique se fait entre les intellectuels de gauche et les bourgeoisies de droite, c’est-à-dire les intellectuels de gauche différencient exclusivement la bourgeoisie de droite par son capital symbolique, culturel(littéraire) et social suffisants. Cependant, la bourgeoisie de droite a le potentiel de neutraliser cette distinction en cherchant à compléter son capital insuffisant en attirant des intellectuels de gauche avec son capital économique suffisant. Quant à la distinction littéraire, elle se fait d’abord chez les intellectuels de gauche en ‘vrais intellectuels(créateurs)’ et ‘petits intellectuels’ selon qu’ils sont de véritables créateurs ou non. Après cela, en conjonction avec la distinction politique, une distinction littéraire de ‘littérature engagée’ et ‘littérature pure’ est faite. À travers cette distinction, on peut comprendre une manière dont les intellectuels de Les Mandarins, qui se trouvaient dans la situation historique chaotique de l’immédiat après-guerre, ont répondu dans le champ politique et/ou dans le champ littéraire. 레 망다렝은 2차 세계대전 종전 후라는 특수한 역사적 상황에서 문학의 장이 정치의 장에 의해 압도당하는 프랑스 작가 지식인들의 실존적참여의 모습을 보여준다. 작중 인물들은 이데올로기, 자본, 아비투스라는세 가지 요소로 구성된 그들의 정체성에 따라 정치적 문학적 구별짓기를한다. 정치적 구별짓기는 좌익 지식인/우익 부르주아지로 이루어지는데, 이는 좌익 작가 지식인들이 그들의 충분한 상징, 문화(문학), 사회자본을 통해우익 부르주아지를 배타적으로 차별화함으로써 이루어진다. 그러나 우익부르주아지는 자신들의 충분한 경제자본을 통해 좌익 지식인들을 포섭하여 자신들에게 부족한 자본을 보충하고자 함으로써 이 구별짓기를 무력화시킬 수 있는 잠재력을 가지고 있다. 문학적 구별짓기는 좌익 지식인 내에서 진정한 창작자 여부에 따른 ‘진정한 지식인’과 ‘프티 지식인’으로 차별화가 먼저 이루어진다. 이후 정치적구별짓기와 연동하여 참여문학/순수문학이라는 문학적 구별짓기가 이루어진다. 이러한 구별짓기를 통해 우리는 2차 대전 직후라는 혼란스런 역사적상황에 처한 레 망다렝 의 지식인들이 정치의 장과 문학의 장에서 대응했던 하나의 방법을 이해할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        아니 에르노의 ‘평평한’ 글쓰기: 계층 이동의 서사, 『자리』와 『한 여자』

        오은하(OH, Eun Ha) 프랑스학회 2013 프랑스학연구 Vol.64 No.-

        Les écrits d’Annie Ernaux, qui illustrent des comportements de société tout en problématisant l’inégalité sociale, peuvent être reçus comme représentant de la tendance du retour du ‘social’ dans la littérature française. Notamment on y trouve une perspective post-marxiste, influencée fortement par la lecture d’ouvrages sociologiques de Pierre Bourdieu qui interrogent le rôle de la culture dans les enjeux de pouvoir, les privilèges et les dominations qui s’y enracinent. Dans ses deux oeuvres, La place (1984) et Une femme (1988), les témoignages ethnologiques des vies de ‘gens de peu’ au fil des évocations généalogiques, représentées par celles des parents de narratrice, ont beaucoup de choses en commun avec l’analyse de Bourdieu dans La Distinction (1976) sur l’habitus du peuple, proche tantôt du prolétaire tantôt de la petite bourgeoisie : le goût de nécessité, le principe de conformité, le mimétisme, le désir d’ascension sociale, etc. Ces éléments sociopolitiques, en projettant un reflet actuel sur la société française, interrogent sur le mécanisme de l’exclusion, sur le fondement même de l’imposition du goût. Or en tant que transfuge sociale qui a devenu, après l’ascension sociale, ‘l’ennemie de classe’ de ses parents, la narratrice-auteure souffre de la difficulté de représentation liée à sa culpabilité de trahir ses origines. Les efforts acharnés pour chercher le moyen de trouver la vérité sur ‘la classe humiliée’ qu’elle a quittée, aboutissent à “l’écriture plate”, style dépouillé qui refuse le sentimentalisme, l’analyse des intellectuels, même le souci de l’esthétique. Cette écriture plate et le ton neutre qu’elle crée, dénué d’enthousiame ou de virulence, nous fait réfléchir sur les façons de traiter les éléments sociopolitiques, notamment le problème de l’hiérarchie des classes, vers la fin du vingtième siècle.

      • KCI등재
      • 인천 국제공항 VIP 라운지의 서비스 영역 확대 및 디자인에 관한 연구

        박혜란(Park Hye-Ran),강철희(Kang, Cheo-Hui),최범찬(Choe, Beom-Chan) 한국실내디자인학회 2014 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.11

        Recently, an airline accident happened continually and economic depression poblem is also serious. Nevertheless, the number of tourists is up from 25 million people in 1998 to 1.8billion in 2013. The number of domestic and foreign tourists in 2030 - 2010 is 1.8 billion, We forecast and the demand for the aviation industry, and, through it vertically is that certain to be becoming. In the past, a lot of effort and expense for the journey while, today, through various media and change in perseption, the aviation industry is steeply increasing. The actual, potential demand increases, in accordance with international airlines are trying to lure customers, events, high quality services, and Airline Aliance. Through all these various strategies, International airlines are making efforts to strengthen their own position. The actual, potential demand increases, in accordance with international airlines are trying to lure customers, events, high quality services, by airline aliance, various strategies the spread of the International Airlines make efforts to strengthen their own position. But in recent years, external environment of domestic and international air transport industry gains many kinds of uncertainties, such as exchange rate, high energy prices. And LCC (low cost carrier fsc due to aggressive business of) is keep positioning in the market, so FSC (full service carrier) keep loosing its market share power. In some airlines and Union, finding niche through Market and Segementing the market, to take the customers who is not sensitive to pay higher fee and fixed targets. So of the existing service, they are concentrating on Vip lounge. Airlines service is standardized through various marketing strategy, but since Vip Louge has been debut in 1969, the design facilities and marketing campaigns to lure customers wouldn"t think seriously as an important part in There are morn than 1 thousand of VIP Lounges but customers are not fully satisfying now. So developing appropriate marketing model of VIP for VIP customers is urgent situation.

      • KCI등재

        고려 중기 官服에 투영된 차등적 위계구조와 賜服의 정치적 의미

        이정란(Lee, Jung-Ran) 고려사학회 2022 한국사학보 Vol.- No.89

        본 논문은 고려 중기에 설계된 공복제가 ‘구별짓기’의 단초를 제공하며 궁극적으로는 신료들의 자발적 복종을 유발하는 수단으로 운영되었음을 밝히려는 목적에서 서술되었다. 고려 왕조는 관료사회의 상하 위계구조를 가시화하는 수단으로 공복제를 적극활용하였다. 官階만으로 관료세계에서의 위계를 적확하게 반영할 수 없던 고려에서는 녹봉·전시의 액은 물론 의례상에서의 위차를 관직별로 세밀하게 반영한 班次를 고안했다. 나아가 이러한 班次가 복장에 가능한 한 구현되도록 공복상정식을 세밀하게 설계함으로써, 관료사회의 엄격한 차등구조가 가시화될 수 있도록 했다. 이처럼 세밀하게 설계된 차등적인 공복체제는 특유의 가시적 속성으로 인해 내면적 복종을 유발한다. 그런데 이러한 내면적 복종을 더욱 유발한 것이 임금의 賜服이었다. 사실 차등적인 공복체제가 엄격하게 작동되는 사회일수록 임금의 사복권은 신민들의 내면적 복종을 끌어내는 효과적인 수단이 될 수 있었다. 왕권을 강화하려는 임금의 욕망, 복장을 통해 사회적 위상을 올리려는 개별 관료의 소망이 사복을 더욱 부추기기 때문이다. 하지만 사복의 남용은 공고한 공복체제를 교란하여, 관료 간의 階序性이 유지되길 바라는 관료집단의 저항을 유발했다. 그 과정에서 진척된 것이 바로 제도성 사복의 세밀화라고 할 수 있다. 다시 말해 의종대 공복상정식은 사복으로 개별적인 친밀감을 쌓고 신민에 대한 통제력을 강화하려는 국왕과 관료사회의 위계화된 질서를 지키려는 관료집단 사이의 오랜 길항의 산물이었다. This article intends to demonstrate how the public service system functioned as an apparatus to invoke servicemens voluntary servitude. In this regard, it observes the contents and structure of the code of official attire for public service (OAPS) launched at the mid-Goryo period. The royal government of Goryo actively utilized the OAPS system in order to reify the bureaucratic hierarchy. Since the codification itself could not properly officialize the bureaucratic hierarchy, the government not only institutionalized the stipends and fief for the bureaucrats but also devised a detailed ranking discrimination scheme. This scheme was ultimately embodied through the variability on the style of the attires so that strict ranking structure can be visually reflected on the OAPS system. The meticulously stratified OAPS inspired the servicemen of their intrinsic servitude toward the royal government and its epitome is the majestic bestowment of individual attire in person. It can be postulated that the bestowment played an efficient role in motivating the strong loyalty and servitude of servicemen within highly stratified bureaucratic society. The royal desire to reinforce its authority and servicemens endeavor to make themselves distinct within the hierarchy by unique attires were converged and triggered frequent bestowments. Too frequent bestowments, however, impinged on the OAPS and seriously disordered the settled social stratification by instigating the resistance of the official bureaucrats, the proponents of the existing class hierarchy. This conflicting progress finally created the very detailed institutionalization of bestowment; and can be exemplified by the royal ceremony of bestowment during the King Ui-Jong period which was an ultimate output of rivalry between the two parts: 1) the royal part who wanted to execute an intimate authority upon servicemen and people and 2) the official bureaucratic part who wanted to discriminate themselves and to solidify what they attained by maintaining the settled hierarchic order.

      • KCI등재

        의(意)의 회화 미학적 구현

        김연주 ( Yeon Joo Kim ) 한국미학예술학회 2005 美學·藝術學硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        One of the qualities of Chinese painting is the pursuit of ``the ability to express esoteric depth`` on a two-dimensional space. This signifies the emphasis on expressing ``意(yi, meaning, idea),`` the artistic aesthetic subject and category that constitutes the contents of art. The lexical meaning of ``意(yi)`` is thoughts in the mind, such as will, idea, feelings, emotion, meaning, spirit(意氣), prediction, and the intentions, hopes, feelings, and doubts that arise from those thoughts. The character ``意`` was originally an ideograph, a combination of the characters sound(音) and ming(心). Since sound(音) and word(言) were same characters in ancient times, ``意(yi)`` means that the word(言) comes out of the mind(心). Meanwhile, the philosophical analysis of ``意(yi)`` began with Xuanxue(玄學), and Xuanxue thinkers engaged in active discussions of ``the distinction between word and meaning(言意之辨).`` Here, ``意`` points to truth, opinion and meaning, and also, Tao(道) as the Essence of Matter. Seen from the lexical and the philosophical angle, ``意`` as an artistic subject means not only the opinions, ideas, sentiments and emotions as artist attempts to express through his/her works, but is also related to the Essence of Matter. ``意`` is the core factor that shapes the substance of art in artistic activities, and is an artistic aesthetic subject that reaches out from the creative stage of painting to the appreciative stage. Unlike Western paintings, where importance is placed on the reproduction of forms and shapes, the pursuit of ``意(yi)`` centered on ``likeness to nature(神似),`` and came to emphasize ``意境(yi-jing),`` a unique factor of chinese art. The aesthetic significance of the embodiment of ``意`` in the art of painting is as follows: First, that ``意,`` an emphasis in Chinese painting, is in direct coordination with the realization of 道, and that ``意`` connotes metaphysical values as a philosophy of life connected to the human life. Second, that the embodiment of ``意`` in painting is expressed through ``象`` and ``境,`` thereby providing a creative artistic space in the imagination of all aesthetic subjects-the creator and the appreciator. Third, that philosophical and literary training was foremost required in order to materialize ``意`` in painting. Therefore, terms such as ``scholar`s painting(士人畵), or Literity painting(文人畵)`` signified the paintings expressing ``意`` that are created by a fully-qualified artist. Fourth, that empty space was emphasized in ancient Chinese painting, due to the respect towards ``意,`` attaining the state of strolling pleasure(逍遙遊), transcending time and space. Concise brush strokes, in harmony with the creator`s profound knowledge and personality, expressed a significant, inherent beauty in paintings. The pursuit of ``意`` in painting opens up new possibilities for different interpretations and even to changes painting images themselves.

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