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        해방 이후 서울 주택 변천의 시기 구분과 특성 - 전형의 형성과 와해를 중심으로

        전봉희,김하나 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2024 서울학연구 Vol.- No.95

        이 논문은 해방 후 80년 동안의 서울 주택의 변화를 주택 형식을 중심으로 통시 적으로 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 구체적으로는 20세기 후반 양적 성장을 이 끌었던 전형을 새롭게 정의하고, 해방 이후 서울 주택의 시계열적 변화 과정을 새 로운 주택 형식에 대한 실험과 모색의 시기인 제1기(1945-1970년대초), 새로운 주택의 전형이 완성되고 확산되는 제2기(1970년대-1990년대), 그리고 전형으로 부터의 이탈이 엿보이는 제3기(2000년대 이후)로 시기구분하여 파악하고자 한다. 본 연구에서 집중적으로 살펴보고자 하는 것은 ①주택의 유형 및 형태, ②주택 의 단지화 정도라는 ‘외부 건축 형식’적 측면과 ③주호 평면 구성, ④난방 방식에 의해 결정되는 ‘내부 공간 구성’적 측면들이며, 제2기에 각각 ①판상형 주거동 아 파트, ②단지형 아파트, ③LDK중심형 평면, ④온수바닥난방(온돌)이 전형으로 자리잡은 것으로 파악했다. 이 시기 이러한 전형이 형성된 배경에는 전후의 심각한 주택난을 타개하기 위 한 최소·저렴 주택의 대량 공급, 그리고 새로운 생활양식을 수용하기 위한 주택 형식의 모색이 있다. 경제성 중시, 남향 및 맞바람의 선호, 형평성 중시 풍조 등 의 영향으로 일자 판상형 아파트가 전형이 되었고, 미개발지에 아파트를 대량 공 급하면서 부족한 인프라를 효율적으로 갖출 수 있는 단지형 아파트가 전형이 되 었다. 난방방식은 온수난방 보급 이후 라디에이터 방식과의 혼용기를 거쳐 결국 전면 바닥난방 방식으로 수렴한다. 온수난방은 LDK의 등장을 가능케 하였고, 전 면 바닥난방화는 LDK의 통합성을 촉진하였다. 다양한 LDK형이 실험되었으나 결국 LDK중심형이 전형이 되는데, 이는 1950년대 단독주택 형식의 공공주택이 거실중심형으로 수렴한 것과 맥을 같이 하며, 결국 대청을 중심으로 양옆에 방이 배치되었던 전통주거 공간의 영향을 간과할 수 없을 것이다. 2000년대 이후의 제3기에는 주상복합의 등장과 법규 및 경관에 대한 의식 변 화 등으로 인해 탑상형 주거동을 비롯해 주거동의 형상이 다양화되면서 일자형 판상형 아파트는 지어지지 않게 되었다. 이와 더불어 새로운 주호계획이 시도되 면서 LDK중심형 평면은 전형으로서의 지위는 상실하고 다양한 선택지 중 하나 가 되었다. 한편 온돌, 즉 바닥난방 방식은 여전히 지속되고 있으며, 아파트 단지 역시 다양한 커뮤니티 시설의 설치로 그 기능이 다양화되고 보안시설 강화 등으 로 인해 폐쇄성이 강화되면서도 여전히 유효한 전형으로 지속되고 있다. This paper attempts to diachronically examine changes in housing in Seoul over the 80 years after the liberation of Korea in 1945, focusing on housing types. The model that led quantitative growth in the late 20th century was newly defined, and the sequential change of Seoul’s housing after liberation was categorized into three periods. The first period (1945-early 1970s) is a period of experimentation and search for new housing types, and the second (1970s–1990s) is when this model was brought to completion and spread. The third period (after the 2000s) is when the diverging approaches were found. This paper primarily deals with both the ‘external architectural aspects’ such as ① the type and shape of the house, and ② the degree of forming complexes, and the ‘composition of internal space’ such as ③ the plan layout of the house, and ④ spatial characteristics deter- mined by the heating method. In the second period, ① flat residential apartments, ② apart- ment complexes, ③ LDK-centered floor plans, and ④ the Ondol heating system using hot water were established as archetypes in the second period. The formation of these models during this period was rooted in the mass supply of mini- mal and low-cost housing to overcome the serious post-war housing crisis and the search for housing style to accommodate new lifestyles. Due to its economic efficiency, preference for south-facing orientation and crosswinds, and emphasis on equity, flat residential apartments have become the norm, and then, apartment complexes could efficiently provide insufficient infrastructure while supplying large quantities of apartments in undeveloped areas. After the spread of hot water heating, the heating method went through a period of coexistence with the radiator method and eventually converged to the full floor heating method. Water heat- ing system led to the emergence of LDK, and full floor heating promoted the integration of LDK. Various LDK types were experimented with, but in the end, the LDK-centered type became the typical model. This is in line with the convergence of single-family public hous- ing in the 1950s into a living room-centered type. Also, the influence of a traditional hous- ing where rooms were arranged on both sides of the main hall cannot be overlooked here. In the third period after the 2000s, due to the emergence of residential-commercial com- plexes and changes in laws and the public perception on landscapes, the residential building types, including tower-type residential buildings, diversified, and flat residential apartments were no longer built. At the same time, new housing plans have been tried out, and the LDK-centered plan has lost its status as a norm and has become one of many options. On the other hand, Ondol, or underfloor heating, still persists, and apartment complexes have also diversified their functions by installing various community facilities and bolstered their exclusiveness by adding more security facilities.

      • KCI등재

        일본 도심 소규모 단독주택 내 공적공간(LDK)의 평면과 입체의 조합유형

        신미옥(Shen, Mei-Yu),윤춘섭(Yoon, Choon-Sup),김남효(Kim, Nam-Hyo) 한국실내디자인학회 2016 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.25 No.2

        Recently, new detached houses on a small plot in low-rise residential urban area have attracted more public interests than ever before. This study aims to categorize basic types of interior plans in small urban detached houses by analyzing the layouts of the public space(LDK) within them which are popular in Japan. The results of this study may be summarized as follows. Unit floor plans were basically classified as 16 types according to the layout of LDK. Among these, the LDK type in a straight line shows the most at 28.9%. Again, these plans were sub-classified into 38 types by plan composition. The new ‘LDKL’ (a new term the authors propose to be used) type was observed in cases where K was directly connected to L. This type appears at 9 out of 38 types. In the connection of LDK, the LDK type shows the most at 60.8%; secondly the L-DK type at 29.9%; thereafter the LD-K type at 6.2%; and lastly L-D-K type, the least frequently at 1.0%. The cases of inter-level connection between LDK and the surrounding space were observed in various cases such as the open workplace of the upstairs hallway visually connected with LDK through the void space and as the attic space of the pitched roof visually linked to it.

      • KCI등재

        일본 도시LDK형 주택의 평면유형에 관한 연구 - 평면구성요소의 조합을 통해서 -

        박찬,김정균,Park, Chan,Kim, Jeong-Gyun 한국주거학회 2013 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        In this research, a representative type of the housing plan was extracted on the basis of elements that exert the influence on the discrimination of the plan type, in other words, plan composition. Firstly, 'connection type of the room' and 'composition type of LDK (living room, dining room and kitchen)' were selected as elements of the plan type. Secondly, three forms of 'connection type of the room' became clear namely 'middle corridor type', 'living room centered type' and 'entrance hall type', as the factors that discriminate plan composition specifically. Thirdly, 'LD/K type' and 'L/D/K type' were confirmed as the factors in 'composition type of LDK'. Finally, four combinations of plan type, such as 'living room centered type-LD/K type', 'middle corridor type-LD/K type', 'living room centered type-L/D/K type' and 'entrance hall type-LD/K type' were confirmed as the representative types. These four combinations are the representative plan types of the urban LDK houses in Japan.

      • KCI등재

        서울의 도시한옥 LDK화에 의한 공간구성변천에 관한 연구

        구수영(Koo Soo-Young),박용환(Park Yong-Hwan) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.25 No.10

        Traditional Korean houses called Urban Han-Ok began to be built in urban areas under the influences of rapid urbanization of Seoul in 1930. These houese have both characteristics as traditional dwellings and standards required through the social modernization, They are very important targets to make a role of bridging traditional houses and modern houses in Korea. In this study, by conducting investigations about actual living conditions of urban Han-Ok, we had interviews with residents, measured housing plans, and examined the history of extending or rebuilding houses by residents. We analyzed the relationship between the extension or reconstruction of dwelling spaces and conditions or variations of residents' living through investigated information. Examining changes of spatial compositions and their characteristics, we demonstrated the periodical variations of spatial composition of urban Han-Ok, and traced the process of adopting LDK composition to traditional dwelling spaces through modernization of kitchens.

      • KCI등재후보

        요추후만증을 가진 여자 노인 환자의 정적 척추부하 검사와 허리신전근력과의 관계

        김성호,김명준 대한정형물리치료학회 2003 대한정형도수물리치료학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship of lumbar extensor muscle power & spmal column curve for old female patients with LDK(Lumbar degenerative kyphosis). Subjects were composed of 37 old female with LDK. The subjects were tested in their spinal segment movement and spinal column curve with Spinal-Mouse^≤ in l^st loaded test and 2^nd loaded test and then tested lumbar extensor muscle power with Medx^≤ lumbar extension machine. The results of this study were as follow: There were statistically significant difference l^st loaded test and 2^nd loaded test in upright position increase spinal column forwardly(p<0.01) and decrease lumbar lordosis angle(p<0.0l), but no statistically significant difference l^st loaded test and 2^nd loaded test thoracic and hip & sacrum curve angle. Their lumbar extensor muscle power is very weakness , 61.4% of normal people.

      • KCI등재

        주생활양식 유형별 소형아파트 LDK 선호특성 분석

        모정현,강순주,권오정,최정민,김수진,Mo, Jeong-Hyun,Kang, Soon-Joo,Kwon, Oh-Jung,Choi, Jung-Min,Kim, Soo-Jin 한국주거학회 2013 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.4

        With the recent increase in the number of one- and two-person households, demand for small-sized apartments has been on the rise, and lifestyles have seen swift changes to cater to smaller-sized housing. The construction market is shifting toward small-sized apartments, and research is now needed on the lifestyles of those living in small-sized apartments in order to develop suitable housing units. Therefore, this study aims to produce a planning concept for housing units by lifestyle, categorizing residents based on lifestyle and identifying their LDK preferences. Regarding methodology, prior research was reviewed to validate housing-related lifestyle factors and study the lifestyles of those living in small-sized apartments. Lifestyle categories based on housing type were determined by a cluster analysis, and LDK preferences for each lifestyle were analyzed through a survey. These data were then used to propose a planning concept with small-sized apartments for each lifestyle type. Thirty-two factors for categorizing lifestyles were obtained by studying three domains of housing-related lifestyle factors: 'housing values', 'attitudes toward living space', and 'behavior in living space; A total of 648 people living in small-sized apartments were classified into three lifestyle groups: 'True Family Benefiters', 'Smart Shopaholics', and 'Slow Heritage Pursuers'. 'Each group's lifestyle characteristics and socio-demographic features were used to classify the lifestyles of those living in small-sized apartments. The LDK preferences for each lifestyle were analyzed to design a planning concept for small-sized apartment.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국 아파트 평면에서 LDK 형성과정의 특성

        도연정(Do, Younjung),전봉희(Jeon, BongHee) 대한건축학회 2017 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.33 No.9

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the distinctive process of the LDK formation in Korean public housing and the relevance of traditional perceptions of Korean dwelling. LDK, which stands for living, dining, and kitchen areas, is a spatially integrated space of those sections and has been popularized in Korea since 1980s. In traditional Korean housing, each section, such as ondol room(a room with underfloor heating), maru (a hall with a wooden floor), and bueok (a kitchen equipped with heating and cooking system), is compartmentalized by function. In particular, bueok, which was ranked lowest, was a dirty, dingy space at a lower floor level than the other rooms. Considering traditional Korean housing, this integration of the living, dining, and kitchen areas in the LDK plan is a drastic change that cannot be explained by modernization alone. The living room is the first newly coined terminology in the modernization of Korean apartment housing. And it had priority in Korean apartment housing, due to the spatial complexity of the traditional madang and maru. It became a multi-purpose hall in current apartment unit, providing a place for holding family events as well as additional kitchen workspace. Since the Mapo apartment of “L+K” unit was built in 1962, Korean apartments have gone through a short transition period for “L+DK” or “LD+K” in 1970s. In a culture that typically set the table in high-level space, such as ondol room or maru, an eat-in kitchen could not be easily adapted in modernized housing. It is examined that there is a robust perception of the kitchen as being ranked lowest in the Korean tradition of dwelling. The dining room, which did not exist in the traditional Korean house, was the latest coinage in the apartment unit plan, but it worked as an equilibrium point between the spatial hierarchy of living room and the efficiency of kitchen.

      • KCI등재후보

        주거용 연료전환에 의한 도시한옥 거주자의 주생활 변화에 관한 건축계획적 연구

        구수영,박용환 한국문화공간건축학회 2009 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.27

        This study is for urban traditional Korean-style houses that had been built in Seoul over 1930s till 1960s, and residential fuels for cooking and heating at the time of construction has shifted as the era passed by. It became DK in space as kitchens became stand-ups and heating possible. Also, the residential space of inner rooms and kitchens were separated and transferred as expanded unto the boundary of ground by expansion of real size for residents. Becoming DK has shifted to LDK as the preexisting garden has been connected to living rooms for a inner space. So, this study is planning to grasp space composition and the change of typical living through the change of actual usage, and grasp the trend of urban traditional Korean-style houses through corresponding relation of space in accordance with the change of typical living.

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