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      • KCI등재

        L1 Transfer in the Acquisition of Word Order in the Adjective-Added Korean Classifier Phrases by L1-Chinese and L1-Russian Children

        주금정,김기택 한국응용언어학회 2023 응용 언어학 Vol.39 No.1

        This study explored first language (L1) transfer in child second language (L2) acquisition, testing whether L1-Chinese children learning L2 Korean show an advantage over L1-Russian children in the acquisition of adjective-added Korean classifier phrases. Chinese, like Korean, has classifier phrases with similar word orders, while Russian does not. L1-Chinese (n = 18) and L1-Russian (n = 27) children (age = 11-12 years) with L2 Korean completed an acceptability judgment task (AJT) designed to explore grammaticality in the orderings of Korean classifier phrases. The L1-Chinese children also completed a Chinese-version AJT, a translation equivalent to the Korean AJT. The study resulted in two main findings. First, in the Korean AJT, the L1-Chinese children showed more target-like performance than proficiency-matching L1-Russian children. Second, the L1-Chinese children showed comparable ratings between the Korean AJT and the Chinese AJT. The results suggest that L1 transfer takes place during child L2 acquisition, countering claims of a limited role of L1 transfer in child L2 acquisition.

      • KCI등재

        의미적, 통사적 요소의 언어 간 전이

        정보경(Jung Bo kyoung),이준규(Lee Jun kyu) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2016 영미연구 Vol.37 No.-

        본 연구는 모국어 정보에서, 특히 의미적, 통사적 요소를 영어의 용법으로 전이하는 과정에 초점이 있다. 학습자들의 모국어 정보가 영어 동사에 입력되면서, 제2외국어의 형식이 학습자들의 모국어 어휘에서 전이된 의미적, 통사적 정보와 결합하는 현 상이 발생한다. 한국어와 영어 동사 간 형식-의미 구조 형성과정을 알아보기 위해, 영어 어휘의 모국어 번역을 구조도 활동 중에 학습자들에게 제시했다. 그에 따라, 학습자들은 모국어 번역을 쉽게 받아들이고 번역을 이용하여 다른 종류의 영어 동사와 관련된 모국어 지식을 활성화시켰다. 구조도 활동의 결과를 통하여 모국어 의미적, 통사적 정보 전이과정을 제시할 수 있었다. 실험 참여자들은 동사와 보어의 문장 안에서 의미 역할을 이해하기 위해 모국어 정보를 활용할 수 있었다. 하지만 문장 안에서 보어의 위치를 이해하고 모국어 정보를 영어의 용법에 맞게 전이하는데 시간이 소요되었다. 정보를 전이하는 과정에서, 모국어 정보가 잘못된 영향을 끼치기도 했다. 사후 시험결과, 학습자들은 대부분의 경우 모국어 정보를 동사의 의미적, 통사적 요소와 연결할 수 있었다. 교육학적 영향으로, 올바른 수정과 피드백은 모국어와 제 2외국어 형식-의미 구조 형성을 개선한다고 말할 수 있다. This study investigates the transfer of L1 information, especially semantic and syntactic information, into English specific usage. As learners’ L1 information is mapped onto English verbs, L2 forms are integrated with the semantic and syntacticinformation transferred from L1 lexical entries. To examine into the form-meaning mapping between Korean and English verbs, L1 translations corresponding to L2 words were provided during the mapping activities. Accordingly, learners easily adopted L1 translations and activated their L1 information to link with different types of English verbs. The outcome of the mapping activities might account for the process of transferring the semantic and syntactic information of L1. Participants benefited from their L1 information to understand the semantic role of verbs and their complements. The result of the post-tests suggested that learners mostly could connect L1 information with the semantic and syntactic feature of verbs. As a pedagogical implication, the corrective specification and feedback enhanced the form-meaning mapping between L1 and L2.

      • KCI등재

        The Relationships of Reading Attitudes between L1 and L2 in Middle School Learners

        빙후승 ( Hu Seung Bing ) 21세기영어영문학회 2010 영어영문학21 Vol.23 No.3

        The primary aim of the study was to examine the differences in L1 and L2 reading attitudes. It furthermore explored the relationship between the components of reading attitude and students` English proficiency. A total of 199 students from intact reading classes in middle school participated. Collected data using Reading Attitude questionnaire and Students` English proficiency scores were analyzed by descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability coefficients, correlations, and t-test. Results identified four factors of reading attitude in both L1 and L2: anxiety, comfort, practical value, and self-perception. The study indicated that the affective domain of reading attitude transfer from L1 to L2 and learners` beliefs and thinking about practical values is more likely to transfer from L1 to L2 than their emotions such as anxiety and comfort. But L2 proficiency does not affect this transfer, in which the linguistic threshold hypothesis would predict if this hypothesis were applied to the affective domain. Though this hypothesis explains the transfer of cognitive domain of reading, these findings provided that cognitive and affective domains of reading relate differently in L1 and L2. The notion of a linguistic threshold does not apply to transfer of reading attitudes from L1 to L2. Furthermore, there are different degrees of transferability among different attitude components. These results are in consistent with the claim concerning transferring of reading attitudes from L1 to L2.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Tasks and Awareness of L1 Transfer on Developing L2 Collocational Knowledge

        이진형 현대영어교육학회 2016 현대영어교육 Vol.17 No.2

        This study reports on the investigations of (1) the effectiveness of receptive and productive learning tasks in acquiring receptive and productive knowledge of L2 collocations, (2) the extent to which L1 transfer affects learners’ knowledge of L2 collocations, and (3) the efficiency of raising learners’ awareness of L1 transfer in their interpretation and production of L2 collocations. A total of 73 Korean EFL undergraduate students studied 24 English incongruent collocations in receptive and productive learning conditions. The experimental group received instruction about the likelihood of L1 transfer on their acquisition of L2 collocations. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics were computed, and repeated measures ANOVAs as well as independent samples t-tests were carried out. The results showed receptive and productive learning conditions were beneficial for gaining receptive and productive knowledge of collocations to a similar extent. Learners were found to be highly affected by negative L1 transfer in their comprehension and production of English collocations, and raising their awareness of L1 transfer enhanced their development of collocational competence. These findings suggest the importance of teaching collocations especially in relation to L1 transfer in developing collocational knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on an Immigrant and an International Student’s Literacy Transfer

        Yoon Jung Kim 한국언어과학회 2021 언어과학 Vol.28 No.2

        The present study aims to examine the similarities and differences in patterns of literacy transfer of two Korean college-level students: an immigrant student and an international student, enrolled in a midwestern American university. Data collected from three interviews of each participant are analyzed under two general emerging themes: (1) literacy transfer between inside-school and outside-school contexts at the secondary school, and (2) literacy transfer between the first language(L1) and the second language(L2). Both participants' writing practices at home highly influenced their school literacy practices and vice versa. However, a discrepancy was found from participants' perceptions toward L1 to L2 literacy transfer. While one believed that L1 literacies had played a positive role in L2 literacies, the other perceived that L1 literacies had hindered L2 literacies. The results may yield significant pedagogical implications with regard to improving students' literacies.

      • KCI등재

        Cross-Linguistic Influence in the Use of Be in L3 English by L1-Chinese and L1-Russian Children in Korea

        조규희,홍승진,김기택 한국영어교육학회 2020 ENGLISH TEACHING(영어교육) Vol.75 No.-

        Errors with be, whether omission (e.g., John happy) or overuse (i.e., be-insertion; e.g., John is love Mary), have received particular attention in L2 acquisition studies exploring L1 transfer. This study investigates such errors in the context of L3 acquisition, focusing on L1 transfer. L1-Chinese (n = 34) and L1-Russian (n = 34) children with L2 Korean completed an elicitation production task designed to explore their use of English be. The study resulted in two main findings. First, L1-Russian children showed more omission errors than proficiency-matching L1-Chinese children, possibly due to an L1 transfer given that copula in Russian are dropped in the present tense. Second, L1-Chinese learners used be-insertion more frequently than proficiency-matching L1-Russian children, possibly due to using be for more functions (as a topic marker and an inflectional morpheme), as other research has shown for L2-English learners with topic-prominent L1s. Based on the findings, the study discusses some pedagogical implications.

      • KCI등재

        Transfer of L1 Semantic and Syntactic Information in the Acquisition of L2 Transitive Verbs

        ( Bokyoung Jung ),( Junkyu Lee ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2016 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.27 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore how the activated L1 lemma information (the semantic and syntactic information) is transferred to influence L2 lexical use (Jiang 2004). This study accounts for the mediation of L1 lemma information happening to three low-level middle school students compared to adult L2 acquisition process (Jiang 2000; Jiang 2004). To examine the mediation between L1 lemma information and L2 lexical form, the semantic mapping of seventy transitive verbs was associated with L1 lemma information. The analyzed qualitative data suggested that the semantic and syntactic information of L1 lemma supported understanding lexical features of transitive verbs. As a pedagogical implication, the continuous practice in mapping promoted the spontaneous form-meaning connection between L1 and L2.

      • KCI등재

        The Acquisition of Definite the and Demonstrative that in Direct and Associative Anaphoric Contexts in L1-Korean L2-English Learners

        ( Jiyeong Park ),( Seunghyun Baek ) 21세기영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학21 Vol.34 No.1

        This study explored the choice of definite the and demonstrative that across direct and associative anaphoric contexts in fifty-six L1-Korean L2-English learners and twenty-eight native speakers of English (NSE) as a reference group. The L2-English participants were divided into two groups on the basis of their grammatical proficiency as measured by a cloze test. Additionally, L1-Korean and L2-English forced-choice elicitation tasks were conducted to examine how they choose L1 and L2 determiners across the distinctive anaphoric contexts. The results showed that the NSEs highly preferred the across all contexts. Meanwhile, in the direct anaphoric contexts, the L1-Korean L2-English learners exclusively preferred ku in their L1 and the in their L2 regardless of their L2 grammatical proficiency, properly mapping ku onto the. In the associative anaphoric contexts, they dominantly preferred the zero article in their L1, but the low-proficient L2 learners chose the much less often than the high-proficient ones, demonstrating their fluctuant choice between the and that. These results suggest that the low-proficient L2 learners undergo great difficulties in distinguishing the and that in contexts where implicit antecedents emerge, improperly mapping the zero article in their L1 onto either the or that in their L2. The possible linguistic reasons for their unstable choice and pedagogical implications were further discussed.

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of L1 Transfer on Korean EFL Learners’ Use of English Articles Depending on Proficiency Level, Task Type, and Article Type

        강대민 팬코리아영어교육학회 2008 영어교육연구 Vol.20 No.1

        The present study was conducted to examine how L1 transfer influences Korean EFL subjects’ use of English articles depending on proficiency level, task type, and article type. A total of 30 Korean university students, assigned to low, intermediate, and advanced proficiency groups, were asked to perform oral production and writing tasks. The findings of the study show that L1 transfer had less influence on the higher proficiency groups than on the lower proficiency groups, which resulted in the higher mean percentages of correct use of articles. Regarding task type, the three proficiency groups’ mean percentages of correct use of articles were lower in the oral production task than in the writing task where they monitored their use of articles more rigorously and reduced the impact of L1 transfer. Concerning article type, the definite article was used more frequently and more correctly than the indefinite article in both tasks not due to L1 transfer but to the task requirements. Further, use of zero article in place of the, the most common error type across proficiency level, was attributed to L1 transfer. In terms of pedagogical implications, the study suggests that the correct use of English articles should be explicitly taught to learners depending on proficiency level and task type.

      • KCI등재후보

        Investigating a Relation between Different Subtypes of L1 and L2 Morphological Awareness and Its Impact on L2 Reading Comprehension of Korean Elementary EFL Learners

        김경준 한국영어평가학회 2020 영어평가 Vol.15 No.1

        The present study aims at looking at the relations of morphological awareness in Korean (L1) and morphological awareness in English (L2) among Korean elementary EFL learners and tries to see the impacts of morphological awareness in L1 and L2 on L2 reading comprehension. Based on the Cummins’ Language Interdependence Hypothesis and previous studies which found out L1 morphological awareness transferred to L2 morphological awareness, the current study divided morphological awareness into subtypes (compounding as one type and inflectional & derivational as one type in Korean, compounding, inflectional, and derivational in English respectively) and investigated the relations with each other and their explaining power on L2 reading comprehension through conducting correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. L1 morphological and L2 morphological in their subtypes were all positively correlated one another and they were also in relations with L2 reading comprehension. Especially, L2 morphological, inflectional awareness in specific, was found to be the strongest predicator of L2 reading comprehension followed by L1 Inflectional & Derivational awareness. The finding of the current study that L1 MA is related to L2 MA and L2 MA is a powerful indicator in L2 reading will have implications on elementary EFL learners’ English education when L2 reading classes begin.

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