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        언어적, 문화적 관점에서 살펴본 한국 드라마 제목의 터키어 번역 양상 및 특징

        유정숙 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2020 한국학 Vol.43 No.2

        This paper analyzes the Turkish translation of the titles of Korean dramas that aired on Turkish television by genre and broadcasting company. The huge popularity Korean dramas have gained in Turkey since 2005 has given rise to the development of the Korean wave in Turkey. In this regard, questions of how the titles of Korean dramas were translated into the Turkish language and what the effects and implications of these translations are should be explored in detail. This study further reveals the relationship between translation and culture by examining the Turkish translations of Korean drama titles. The broadcasting of Korean dramas on Turkish television gradually expanded from public television to commercial/private channels, from old channels to new broadcasting companies, and from Korean historical dramas to more recent, modern dramas in terms of genre and subject matter. This change may have significantly affected the methods and strategies used to translate the titles of these dramas into Turkish. The findings of this study suggest that the titles of Korean historical dramas aired on the TRT channel and Meltem/Mesaj channels were translated in a way that provided key information about the drama itself for viewers. The Turkish titles, however, were translated from the English titles of the Korean historical dramas, which resulted in viewers finding the translations strange, awkward, and unnatural. Later on, drama titles were translated in a way that better complied with and responded to Turkish culture and the general sentiment of Turkish people. These Turkish translations, which completely changed and were thus unrelated to the original Korean titles, were created for the target language custom and culture, namely, Turkish culture. The localized nature of the Turkish titles of Korean dramas aired on Kanal 7 channel in 2018 are a case in point. Such localization of translation implies that Turkish people have little knowledge and information about Korean language and culture. The example of Kanal 7 channel also shows us that commercial success and popularity are the most important considerations when it comes to screen translation such as that of TV dramas and films. 이 글에서는 터키 텔레비전에서 방영된 한국 드라마 제목의 터키어 번역 양상을 크게 방송사와 장르를 중심으로 구체적으로 분석하였다. 터키 텔레비 전에서 한국 드라마는 2005 년 이래 꾸준히 인기리에 방영되고 있으며 이러한 한국 드라마의 대중적 인기는 터키에서 한류를 촉발하고 발전시킨 주역이다. 이때 터키 공중파를 타고 터키 전역에 방송된 한국 드라마의 제목이 터키어로 어떻게 번역되어 터키 사람들에게 소개되고 수용됐는지, 그 번역의 양상과 특징을 구체적으로 살피는 작업은 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 터키 텔레비전에서 한국 드라마는 공영방송에서 상업방송으로, 전통적인 매체에서 신생 매체로, 사극에서 동시대의 현대물 드라마로 확대되었다. 이러한 변화는 실제 번역에도 상당한 영향을 미치게 마련이다. 한국 드라마 제목의 터키어 번역 양상을 분석한 결과, 터키의 국영방송 TRT 및 민영방송 Meltem/Mesaj 채널에서 방영된 역사 드라마의 터키어 제목은 원제에 대한 설명적, 정보적 전환 번역이 주로 사용되었다. 장르가 정통 역사 드라마였기 때문에 원제는 한자인 경우가 많았고 이로 인해 한자의 의미를 풀어 설명하는 방식으로 번역되었다. 그러나 역사 드라마의 터키어 제목은 영어를 중역하는 방식을 취했다. 이는 터키에서 한국 문화 및 한국에 대한 정보와 지식이 아직은 적다는 점을 반증한다. 중역에 의한 터키어 제목은 터키인들에게 낯설고 어색하며 부자연스러운 것으로 인식되었다. 또한 현대 로맨스 드라마의 터키어 제목은 원작의 내용과 주제를 참고하되, 원제의 의미를 새롭게 해석하여 다르게 번역되었다. 원제의 의미와 도착 언어의 문화 둘 다를 고려한 번역으로 터키인이 한국 드라마를 어떻게 이해하고 해석하는지를 알 수 있다. 이처럼 TRT 및 Meltem/Mesaj 두 방송사에서 한국 드라마 제목의 터키어 번역은 드라마의 장르에 따라 달라지는 양상을 보였다. 그러다가 한국 드라마 제목의 터키어 번역은 터키어의 관습적 표현과 터키 문화 및 정서, 습속 등을 고려한 도착 언어 중심의 번역으로 이행되었다. 민영방송 Kanal 7 채널에서 한국 드라마의 터키어 제목은 드라마의 장르와 상관없이 원제와 무관한 자국화한, localization 한 번역이었다. 이러한 터키어 번역에서는 상업적 성공과 대중적 인기가 가장 중요하게 고려됨을 알 수있다. 결과적으로 터키 텔레비전에서 방영된 한국 드라마 제목의 터키어 번역에는 방송사와 장르가 주요한 변수로 작용하였다.

      • KCI등재

        터키 한국어 학습자를 위한 한국어 번역 수업 개발 연구 - 에르지예스 대학교 한국어문학과 “터키어-한국어 번역 연습” 수업 사례를 중심으로

        유정숙 한국통역번역학회 2016 통역과 번역 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper is a case study on the Turkish-Korean translation course in the department of Korean language and literature at Erciyes University in Turkey. It examines in detail the development process and contents of the Turkish-Korean Translation Practice course, which was first offered in the spring semester of 2016. Through a careful review of the class’s syllabus and methods, the goal is to correct any issues identified and establish a foundation for improving the quality and effectiveness of Turkish-Korean translation education in Turkey. In developing the course, local needs, the contents of the other courses in the Korean language department, survey results, and the students’ Korean ability and study habits were taken into account. The specific course objective is for students to improve their Korean ability and acquire basic translation skills. It was determined there would be three types of course content used in conjunction with translations into Korean: Turkish expressions, Korean grammar, and specific texts. Students progressed from translating sentences to paragraphs to everyday conversations; they were expected to translate the texts accurately and naturally into the target language of Korean. In light of the fact that there are no Turkish-Korean translation programs at Turkish universities, this case study can provide a concrete model for how to develop and teach a Turkish-Korean translation course at an university in Turkey.


        KIM, SEON JUNG Academia Via Serica 2018 Acta Via Serica Vol.3 No.1

        This study aims to contrast phonological characteristics of Korean and Turkish in terms of language universality. Considering consonants, both languages have the same number of consonants (21), which is the most typologically plausible structure of consonants. Thus, it can be said that they display high universality in the number of consonants. However, Turkish shows higher universality in regards to their substance, i.e., it differs from Korean when it comes to the structure of plosives and affricates. Turkish has two contrastive consonants, i.e., voiced and voiceless. However, the Korean plosives and affricates consist of neutral, tense and aspirate voiceless. In the case of vowels, both Korean with 10 vowels and Turkish with 8 vowels show lower universality. Yet, all of those vowels belong to the list of the most plausible vowels which makes their universality higher in substance. In respect of the syllable structure, Korean with its (C)V(C) type shows a moderately complex structure while Turkish with its (C)V(C)(C) type has a complex structure. The coda may consist of two consonants in Turkish while only one consonant is possible in Korean. However, onset is composed of one consonant in both languages. The contrastive study of similarities and differences between Korean and Turkish in terms of phonological characteristics will help not only understand the two languages but also provide useful information to increase the efficacy of Korean language education for Turkish learners of Korean, whose number is rapidly increasing.

      • KCI등재

        언어·문화적 측면에서 한국어 교육 연구 : 터키인을 위한 한국어 교육 중심으로

        튀르쾨쥬, 괵셀 국어교육학회 2003 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        본고는 터키 초급 학습자를 위한 한국어 문화 교육의 교육 내용을 제시함으로써 터키 내에서의 한국어 문화 교육의 가능성을 타진해 보는데 그 목적이 있다. 본고에서는 한국어를 처음으로 접하는 학생들에게 한국어에 대한 관심을 갖게 하여 흥미 있는 학습을 유도하게끔 두 언어의 언어 문화적 유사점들을 조금이나마 다루었다. 대조 분석을 진행하기에 앞서 논의에 도움을 줄 것으로 생각되기 때문에 외국어 교육과 문화 교육의 밀접한 관계에 대해 간략하게 살펴보고 언어ㆍ문화 교육의 목표와 내용에 대해 알아보았다. 다음으로 한국어의 언어ㆍ문화적 요소로 호칭어, 높임법, 관용표현과 속담을 터키어의 그것과 대조 분석해보았다. 분석 결과 한국어와 터키어의 구조적 측면뿐만 아니라 문화적 측면에서도 많은 공통점을 가지고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 특히 호칭어와 관용표현에 경우 두 언어에 유사점이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 예를 들어 한국어의 호칭어 체계는 여러 언어보다 풍부하면서도 복잡하다. 터키어의 호칭어 체계 또한 한국어의 그것만큼은 아니더라도 적어도 친족 호칭어는 많은 편이다. 터키 초급 학습자들은 한국어의 호칭어 체계를 학습할 때 제일 어려워하는 부분은 대명사 호칭어 즉 2인칭에 대한 호칭어이다. 따라서 초급 과정에서 호칭어 교육을 할 때 제일 먼저 대명사 호칭어를 제대로 설명하는 것이 필수적이다. 한국어의 높임법을 교육할 때 우선 터키어에도 비슷하게 나타나는 주제높임법부터 가르치는 것이 바람직할 수 있다. 초급 과정에서는 한국어와 터키어에 동일하게 나타나고 빈도수가 높은 관용 표현과 속담을 통해 한국 문화와 터키 문화를 비교하여 비슷한 점을 많이 추출하는 것이 한국어 문화 교육에 도움을 줄 것이다. 대조 분석의 바탕으로 초급 과정의 터키인 한국어 학습자를 위한 한국어 문화 교육의 방향을 검토하였다. 터키인 학습자를 위한 한국어 문화 교육의 방향은 언어 교육과 함께 통합된 형태 속에서 학습자가 한국 문화를 제대로 이해하고 인식하며 한국어 학습에 흥미를 느낄 수 있는 교육으로 이루어져야 한다 하겠다. 터키에서의 한국어 교육은 1989년에 시작되었지만 지금까지의 교육현실을 보았을 때 한국 문화 교육이 제대로 이루어지지 않고 있다는 것은 피할 수 없는 사실이다. 따라서 한국어 문화 교육을 초급 과정에서 부터 시작하여 두 언어의 언어ㆍ문화적 요소들 중 유사한 것들을 다루는 것이 바람직하다 할 수 있다. The purpose of this thesis is to percuss the possibility to educate Korean culture in Turkey as presenting the educational contents of Korean culture for the beginners who get access to Korean language. This thesis will show the linguistic and cultural similarities between two languages to make the beginners to concern about Korean language and to induce them to have an interest in learning it. Before analyzing, I would examine the close relationship, the purpose and the contents of educating foreign language and culture in order t o make the argument clear. Then I would analyze the use of appellation, honorific expression, idioms and proverbs in Korean and Turkish as the linguistic and cultural factors. It reveals that there are many similarities in the structural and even cultural aspects of both languages. Especially, in the case of appellation and idioms many commons were appeared. For example the Korean appellation has one of the most profound and complex systems, and so does Turkish, particularly in the relative appellation. The most difficult part for the beginners who study the Korean appellation is the pronominal ap- pell- ation -the second person appellation. Therefore it is essential to make them understand the pronominal appellation exactly in the basic step. It is recommended to give lessons first in the subject honorific expressions, which appear in Turkish. Through idioms and proverbs. which appear with high frequency and many similarities, to obtain the analogous comparing two cultures will be helpful for educating Korean culture. I would go over the direction of educating Korean culture for the beginners based on that analysis. This direction should be in the form of combination with language education and make the students t o understand Korean culture and have interest in learning Korean. In Turkey, Korean language education has started since 1989 so far we can hardly deny that Korean culture education is not enough observing our educational environment. There-fore, we have to educate Korean culture from the beginners step dealing with the linguistic and cultural similarities of two languages.

      • KCI등재

        터키인 학습자를 위한 의미범주에 따른 한국어 감정표현 어휘 난이도 위계화

        Essiz Dursun 이화어문학회 2019 이화어문논집 Vol.48 No.-

        This study aims to determine the hierarchy of difficulty level of Korean emotion words in relation to its meaning for Turkish learners. The first step in this study was to select the right words for Turkish learners of Korean. Word selection methods were introduced, and an appropriate method was chosen for the study. After selecting the method, 59 Korean emotion words were chosen and compared with Turkish emotion words which can be minimal equivalents of the Korean emotion words. During the process of comparison, 40 to 50 sentences were used for each Korean emotion word. As a result of the comparison, Korean emotion words were classified into the three dimensions of Lado’s theory of difficulty levels: ‘correspondence’, ‘differentiation’, and ‘new category’; with each category referring to a level of difficulty. There were 37 words in ‘correspondence’ which are level one words that are easy to acquire, 13 words in ‘differentiation’ which are level two words and therefore more difficult to acquire than the words in level one, and 9 words in ‘new category’ which are level three words and considered the most difficult in this classification. In these three dimensions, emotion words equivalent for Korean emotion words were introduced by describing the similarities and differences between the two languages. Finally, some extra tasks were suggested for future studies. 본 연구는 터키인 한국어 학습자를 위하여 한국어 감정표현 어휘를 두 언어 간 의미관계에 의하여 난이도를 위계화하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위하여 선행 연구에서 제시된 감정표현 어휘 목록을 통해 한국어교육에서 사용이 유용한 감정표현 어휘 58개를 선정하였다. 어휘 선정과정이 끝난 후 이들 어휘가 감정의 의미만으로 등장하는 맥락 40~50개를 선별하여 터키어에서 해당되는 단어와 의미를 대조분석하였다. 이어서 분석 결과를 바탕으로 각 한국어 감정표현 어휘에 해당하는 터키어 감정표현 어휘의 의미가 어느 정도 일치하는지 분석한 후 라도(Lado)의 어려움의 단계 중 적합한 단계로 분류하였다. 서로 의미가 비슷하고, 의미를 전달하는 데 문제를 발생시키지 않는 한국어 감정표현 어휘를 ‘대응 범주’에, 터키어에서 단어 하나로 표현이 가능한 반면 한국어에서 여러 단어로 표현이 가능한 어휘를 ‘차별화 범주’에, 터키어에서 대응이 없거나 의미전달이 맥락상 임의적으로 이루어지는 어휘들을 ‘새로운 범주’에 포함하였다. 따라서 ‘대응 범주’는 난이도가 낮고, ‘차별화 범주’는 난이도가 중간이며. ‘새로운 범주’는 난이도가 높은 어휘들로 결정하였다. 결론에서 본 연구의 후속 연구로서의 과제 두 가지를 소개하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Perception of Historical Turkish Identity in Korean Cinema The Example of “Ashin of North”

        Mustafa Sarıca 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2023 에피스테메 Vol.- No.29

        Korean society is one of the rare nations that brings tradition and the future together. They used the power of development to interpret tradition. While examining the past and presenting it to today's society with various tools, they also reflected the observations and perceptions of other societies with which the Korean people interacted. Recently, the interest and success of Korean cinema in historical subjects has attracted attention. It is observed that in these films, depending on the periods, various Turkish origin tribes and lineages are mentioned, they are processed in many ways, evaluated in terms of society, origin and life, and presented to today's audience. The event takes place in and around a village where the Turkish-origin Jurcen live in the border region. The border divided the Cürcan villages into two. The protagonist of the movie is a little girl living in a Curcan village ruled by the Korean Joseson dynasty. He often crosses the forbidden border region in search of ginseng, the "miracle herb said to resurrect the dead," so that his sick mother can be healed. The Jurceans mentioned in this film are a community whose origins are disputed, but whose Altaic language is undoubted. It is based on the revenge of a girl whose village was raided and all her relatives were killed. However, this historical event is supported by another side event that can be seen as fantastic today and the subject is enriched. In this article, a few basic films of Korean cinema were taken under scrutiny and the way of life of Turkish tribes in these films, how they were handled and how they were shown, especially through the example of "Ashin of North". Historical reality, fictional presentation, the harmony or incompatibility of these two, the perception of historical Turkish societies formed through Korean cinema constitute our analysis.

      • KCI등재

        한국인과 터키인의 비언어 커뮤니케이션 대조 연구

        조은숙 한국언어문화교육학회 2016 언어와 문화 Vol.12 No.2

        Cultural norms in a particular society mean a criteria which the members of the society agree and use to communicate with each other in either verbal or non-verbal ways. Since these days language methodology emphasizes communication, ‘Non-verbal Communication’ also called as‘Body language’ is a crucial matter in language education. Especially KFL(Korean as a Foreign Language) education of overseas universities is more so. This study aims to contrast Turkish and Korean non-verbal communication ways, and to propose how non-verbal communication in Korean language education should be taught to Turkish learners. Also in order to overcome non-verbal communication differences, this paper makes the following suggestions. First, Korean non-verbal expressions should be included in the syllabus under the subject of “Korean Culture.” Second, curriculum developments based on movies and dramas should be made for Korean departments of universities at overseas. Third, work and study programs should be made for learning Korean manners. Fourth, photos, pictures, etc. which describe body languages should be included for developing localized teaching materials.

      • KCI등재

        한-터 양 국어의 피동표현을 통한 표현구조 대조

        조은숙 ( Eunsuk Cho ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2018 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.79

        The purpose of this study is to examine the structure of expression using two sentential forms describing the same situation in Korean and Turkish. In both sentences it has been found that what is expressed through active sentence structure in Korean is expressed by passive structure in Turkish. This research was done by examining translations of Korean into Turkish from the website of K.C.C. in Turkey. The rate of discrepancies found were 41%. Thus, instances are not rare in which active Korean sentences are expressed by passive Turkish sentences. As a result of these differences, it can be suggested that expression structure of Korean is not based on passive structure.

      • KCI등재

        Aspects of the Acquisition of (Past) Tense and (Telic) Aspect in Turkish and Korean

        Go¨kmen, Seda,Lee, Chungmin 서울대학교 어학연구소 2002 語學硏究 Vol.38 No.4

        This paper examines the acquisition of tense-aspect morphology in thirty children acquiring Turkish and three children acquiring Korean. It was found that (1) both Korean and Turkish children use first past marking predominantly with accomplishment and achievement verbs, (2) those children (Korean and Turkish) frequently use the verbs which involve telicity in their past references and (3) Turkish children start using adverbs predominantly with accomplishment verbs. The acquisition of past markers shows similarity crosslinguistically. Therefore, the universality of the phenomenon must be related to a general theory of tense/aspect systems. The results show that the pattern of the development should be attributed either to children's sensitivity to the prominent final phase of result right after the telic point in aspect and/or prototype formation by children and to a certain extent to input.

      • KCI우수등재

        양태부사 ‘잘’과 한국어 중간태 구문 - 일본어·터키어와의 비교를 중심으로

        김현정 한국언어학회 2019 언어 Vol.44 No.3

        The aim of this paper is to investigate Korean middle voice sentences by analyzing their morphological, syntactic and semantic features, as well as relations with the manner adverb ‘jal’. These sentences appear to look the same on the surface, but their deep structure can be divided into three categories. The first category is the type in which the direct object of the corresponding active voice is promoted to the subject of the middle voice. The second category is the instrument of the corresponding active voice doing so. The third category is the type in which the verb can take only one or two objects. In these sentences, the adverb ‘jal’ has a large effect on the grammar of the sentence. In the theme-promoted sentences, the insertion of ‘jal’ makes the sentence natural. In the instrument-promoted sentences, the sentences become ungrammatical unless ‘jal’ is inserted. In addition, the typological commonalities of manner adverbs are seen by comparing Japanese and Turkish phrases. The impact of the manner adverb on middle voice phrases is the largest in Turkish, followed by Korean and then Japanese. On the other hand, the Korean negation particle ‘an’, just like ‘jal’, is also used with middle voice phrases. A sentence is the most natural when the two are used together.

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