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        경계 안팎의 여성 조선족 : 삶의 특성과 사회의식

        김귀옥 在外韓人學會 2003 在外韓人硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        Since 1990s, in the context of post-Cold War globalization, there has been a growing interest among South Korean scholars in studying Korean Diaspora communities. Specifically, as the population of ethnic Korean-Chinese in South Korea increased, so has the scholarship around ethnic Korean-Chinese. However, much of the scholarship done in the area of ethnic Korean-Chinese exclude women, and at most, the subject of Korean-Chinese women appear in the mass media and communication. This study is an attempt to fill the gap by understanding the lives of ethnic Korean-Chinese women living in both sides of the border in the Yanbian Autonomous Region (YAR) in the Northeastern part of China, and in South Korea. The study examines closely the views of Korean-Chinese women on opportunities for economic activities, social consciousness, marriage and divorce, raising children, perspective on education, and the realities of job once they enter the labor market. The field research was carried out from January to July 2003, in South Korea and in the YAR in China, involving 20 interviewees composed of seventeen Korean-Chinese women, two Korean-Chinese men, and one Han-Chinese woman. The ethnic Korean-Chinese community is experiencing rapid changes in their society. Along with the changes, women in the YAR have entered public sphere . in much greater numbers than anytime in the past. Prior to 1978, most women were involved in farming and working in factories, with a small number engaged in cross-border black-market trades. Presently the women have entered in small business ventures in large numbers. The Korean-Chinese women no longer view the work as a source of satisfaction, but a way to earn money, and through maximizing profit, they hope to insure better future for themselves and their children. With the transformation of society, the Korean-Chinese community is facing the problems of low birthrate and the dissolution of a traditional family system. Although the interviewees expect that these problems will be resolved as the economic development further progresses, they argue that there needs to be a governmental policy to solve such a social crisis. On the other hand, the Korean-Chinese women in South Korea are working in unstable service-sector jobs, such as waitresses and maids, to achieve Korean-dream, and return home in glory. Instead, due to the long separation, many of them have lost connections with the family in China, and consequently some have lost the family entirely. In reality, many ethnic Korean-Chinesefamilies are undergoing the dissolution of traditional family (monogamous), yet the women still believes that money will guarantee better future for themselves and their children. The study found that the Korean-Chinese women in the YAR or in South Korea no longer constrict their and their children's future to the geographical area of the Yanbian AR. In the past, the Korean-Chinese women compared themselves to Han Chinese in social upper mobility. The Korean-Chinese women have been exposed to South Koreans and to other ethnic Chinese, hence now they see life potentials beyond borders of the Yanbian AR. The Korean-Chinese women have the potential to continue the Korean-Chinese Diaspora community; they also play a critical role in connecting the Korean-Chinese Diaspora community to the Korean peninsula. The Korean-Chinese women are the transmitter of the knowledge of Korea, and the carrier of cultural-material capital to contribute in developing their community. 1990년대 이래로 세계적 탈냉전 속에서 한국학계에서도 한민족 다이아스포라에 관심을 갖기 시작하였다. 특히 중국의 조선족들의 한국 방문이 늘어나면서 조선족 관련 연구성과물도 꽤 축적되었다. 그런데 한국 사회에서 맹렬히 활동하고 있는 조선족 여성은 한국 사회에서 대중매체에 주로 등장할 뿐, 학문적으로 다뤄지지 않았다. 이 글에서는 급변하는 연변 조선족 사회와 한국 사회에서 조선족 여성들의 사회적 진출상, 직업관, 결혼 및 이혼관, 자녀 양육과 교육관, 사회관과 현실을 살펴보면서 조선족 여성의 특성을 발견하고자 한다. 이러한 연구 목적 하에 2003년 1월부터 7월까지 한국와 연변 현지조사에서 20여명의 조선족 여성(남성 2명, 한족여성 1명 포함)을 심층면접 조사하였다. 연변지역의 조선족 여성들은 과거 어느 때보다도 열심히 사회활동을 하고 있다. 대표적인 분야가 자영업부문이다. 1978년 전에도 대부분의 여성들은 농사를 짓는다거나 공장일을 하고, 소수의 여성들은 북한을 상대로 '상대밀무역' 을 하였다. 그러나 이제 그들은 일 자체에서 성취감을 느끼는 것이 아니라, 이윤 추구에 관심을 갖고 있다. 보다 큰 경제적 이윤을 통해 자신의 미래를 보장받고, 자녀 교육에게 양질의 교육을 주고자 한다. 최근 조선족 여성의 저출산문제나 가족해체 문제에 대해서 심각하게 생각되고 있다. 현재의 저출산 문제가 경제 발전에 따라 차츰 정상화를 찾으리라고 기대하고 있으나, 국가적-사회적 정책과 노력이 따라야 한다고 인식하고 있다. 한편 한국에 거주하고 있는 조선족 여성들은 금의환향의 꿈을 꾸면서 과거에는 경험한 적이 없는 '식당종업원', '식모살이'. '파출부' 와 같은 거칠고 불안정한 서비스직종의 일을 감수하고 있다. 한국의 장기 체류에 의해 정국의 가족과 단절되거나 가족 해체의 위기에 처한 여성들도 적지 않다. 사실상 많은 가족들이 자신의 희망과 상관없이 일부일처제 가족의 해체를 겪고 있다. 그런 속에서도 그들은 더 많은 돈이 자신이나 자식에게 더 나은 삶을 보장해줄 수 있다고 믿고 있다. 그리고 대부분의 연변의 조선족 여성들이나 한국의 조선족 여성들은 자신이나 후세의 미래를 과거처럼 연변 조선족 사회에 한정시키지는 않는 것으로 보인다. 그들은 중국의 개혁-개방 시대를 맞아 한국인을 만났을 뿐만 아니라, 다민족으로 이루어진 중국인과도 만났다. 조선족 여성들은 현재 조선족 공동체뿐만 아니라 미래의 조선족 공동체를 잇고 조선족 공동체와 한반도를 이어나갈 사람이다. 그들은 한국에서 획득한정보와 기술, 자원을 가지고 조선족 공동체를 발전시키는데 중요하게 활용하게 될 주체이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국 대도시 여성소비자의 녹색소비행동 비교연구

        이하늘(Lee, Ha Nul),정순희(Jung, Soon Hee),신민경(Shin, Min Kyung) 한국소비문화학회 2011 소비문화연구 Vol.14 No.4

        녹색소비행동에 대한 전세계적인 관심이 급증되고 있지만 아직까지 미국과 서유럽에 비해 아시아 지역의 관심은 미비한 편이며 이와 관련된 연구는 미국과 유럽에 비해 그리 많지 않다. 그렇기 때문에 아시아 소비자들의 녹색소비행동을 분석하여 올바른 녹색소비를 유도하는 것은 해당 지역의 국민들뿐만 아니라 전세계적으로 환경문제를 해결하는데 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다. 특히 아시아 국가 중 세계경제포럼(WEF)이 평가하는 환경성과지수(EPI)에서 1990˜2004년 온실가스 증가율 1위이자 온실가스 배출 10위인 한국과 지난 30년 동안 연평균 10%에 이르는 고도성장이 진행되어 심각한 환경문제에 직면한 중국에 거주하는 각 국의 소비자들의 녹색소비 행동을 살펴보는 것은 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 서울과 베이징에 거주하는 20˜30대 여성소비자를 대상으로 한국은 총 201부, 중국은 총 100부로 설문조사를 실시하여 최종적으로 292부를 분석에 사용하였다. 사회적 지위 향상과 함께 구매력까지 갖추게 된 여성소비자를 비교·분석하는 것은 향후 녹색소비와 시장의 흐름을 예상하고 이를 바람직한 방향으로 이끄는데 중요하다고 판단한다. 본 연구 결과, 한국 여성소비자가 중국 여성소비자에 비해 환경지식과 태도는 높았지만 녹색소비행동 수준은 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 한국과 중국 여성소비자의 녹색소비행동에 미치는 영향요인은 한국 여성소비자의 경우 녹색소비교육 참여의향이 높을수록 소비측면의 녹색행동을 더 잘하는 것으로 나타났고, 중국 여성소비자의 경우 녹색소비교육 참여의향이 높을수록 사용측면의 녹색행동을 더 잘하는 것으로 나타났다. It is often assumed that individuals who are knowledgeable and concerned about the environment will engage in green consumption behavior. Environmental problems in Korea and China are intensifying and it is vital to evaluate the environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. The purpose of this research was to compare green consumption behavior and related factors between Korean and Chinese women. Based on a survey with 292 women (200 Koreans and 92 Chinese), differences and similarities in green consumption behaviors and related factors were identified. First, Korean women possessed high levels of environmental knowledge and positive environment attitude than Chinese women. However, Chinese women showed more green consumption behavior than Korean Women. Second, Korean women those who has lower environmental knowledge were better in green consumption behavior than those who has higher environmental knowledge. Despite the environmental knowledge level, there was no statistically significant difference in Chinese women's green consumption behavior. Also there was no statistically significant different in Korean and Chinese women's green consumption behavior according to environment attitude. Korean women those who possessed high levels of environmental knowledge and positive environment attitude than Chinese women showed less green consumption behavior than that of Chinese Women. Finally, Korean women those who likes to participate in green consumption education have impact on green consumption behavior. By contrast, there was no factor which impact on Chinese women's green consumption behavior.


        Lijuan Zhang,Chahyun Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        Wedding dresses have developed along with a modern wedding culture. The 21st century wedding ceremonies of Korea and China have evolved from traditional complex procedures ; however, the demand for wedding garments for modern people is still important Consumer’s demand for wedding dresses has become more individualized and diversified according to a diversified wedding culture; consequently, an economic and practical variable wedding dress that can change dress styles has received positive responses. This study compared and analyzed the preferred designs of Korean and Chinese women when selecting wedding dresses, awareness of variable wedding dresses, and design preference type to develop variable wedding dresses of a high satisfaction level that satisfy Korean and Chinese consumers, and suggests a design for a variable wedding dress that corresponds to various procedures instead of a wedding dress that can be worn only once. To investigate the status of a Korean an Chinese variable wedding dress, this study conducted a questionnaire on women in their 20-30's (the optimal age to marry) from January 10 to November 23 in 2014. Women who reside in Seoul Metropolitan City and the capital region were selected for Korea, and women from Zhengzhou (a central city of industrial zone) were selected for China. That total of 525 questionnaires (249 copies of Korea and 276 copies of China) were used in this study. We subsequently conducted frequency analysis, t-test, and cross analysis using SPSS program to suggested a variable wedding dress based on the findings. The results of analysis are as follows. 1. Korean women preferred 'luxurious' image, 'mermaid' silhouette, 'white' color, 'silk' material, and 'off-shoulder' neckline design the most; however, Chinese women preferred 'elegant' image, 'mermaid' silhouette, 'white' color, 'lace' material, and 'off-shoulder' neckline design where only image and material of dress differed. 2. The Chinese showed a greater interest in wedding dresses than Korea. Wedding dress purchase type and customized rental was higher for Korea versus higher custom purchase intent in China. The internet was the highest method to obtain wedding dress information in Korea versus the use of both the internet and specialty stores in China. The contents that did not show differences between the two nations were the wanting to wear 2 wedding dresses and selecting a dress that 'best suits herself.' 3. Korean and Chinese women were unaware of variable designs. Few Chinese women experienced variable design products, but some Korean women had experience using fashion goods. For variable design advantages, Korean women pointed to practicality versus Chinese women pointed to diversity. For the preferred variable type of dress, Korean women preferred a 'detachable' style and Chinese women preferred 'replacement.' 4. This study suggested a variable wedding dress design with elements that Korean and Chinese women 20-35 years of age preferred by identifying the design concept and characteristics of design elements by adding the wedding dress trends of 2015. Each design for women of the two countries influenced several dresses by changing into several dresses according to type of variable dress designs as silhouette changes, variable by technology subsidiary materials, and variable by ways of wearing. This study provides a variable wedding dress design that increase practicality and economic feasibility according to the procedure of changed Korean and Chinese wedding culture instead of a disposable dress worn only during wedding ceremonies.

      • KCI등재

        중국 여성들의 한국 화장품 구매 행동 변화에 관한 실증적 분석

        김미지,한채정 한국인체미용예술학회 2019 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        This study empirically analyzed Korean cosmetics purchase behavior among Chinese women and provides data needed to develop effective marketing strategies toward the goal of K-beauty becoming more influential in the Chinese market. The study targeted to make a contribution to the prosperity of the Korean cosmetics industry. For this, a survey was conducted among Chinese female tourists in Jeju-do and Chinese female employees at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in Shanghai, and the results found the following: Many Chinese women started to show a high interest in Korean cosmetics after watching Korean TV series. When asked what made them choose Korean cosmetics, ‘quality excellence’ was most responded. In terms of the most important factor in buying Korean cosmetics, ‘skin compatibility’ was the highest. In terms of an information source, ‘internet search’ was the highest. When asked where they usually buy Korean cosmetics, ‘duty-free shop’ was most responded, followed by ‘online channel’. When asked what made them buy Korean cosmetics, ‘Korean Wave’ was most responded. It is critical for Korean companies to closely monitor these changes in Chinese female consumers’ purchase behavior to penetrate into the Chinese market. The Korean industry must continue to observe such changes and reflect them in their business strategies. In the cosmetics industry, personal preference is crucial. Therefore, Korean cosmetics can continue to grow in the Chinese market if Chinese consumers’ needs and wants are understood and reflected in both distribution and advertising strategies in a well-organized manner.

      • KCI등재

        한국 여성 한문학 데이터베이스 구축 방향 검토-<明淸婦女著作(Ming Qing Women’s Writings)>의 사례를 참조하여

        장진엽 근역한문학회 2022 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.63 No.-

        “明淸婦女著作” (Ming Qing Women's Writings, hereinafter MQWW) is a database of poetry collections of women from the Ming and Qing periods built by the McGill University Library in Canada. The purpose of this paper is to review the direction of establishing a database of Korean women's Chinese literature by referring to the MQWW. The MQWW is a project that started in 2003, and so far, seven organizations have collaborated to create a DB of 421 collections. The basic feature of the MQWW is that it provides the original image of the entire works. The second feature is that it is designed to enable various methods of search based on a systematic classification index. This classification search function can effectively categorize writers and works according to each classification item and extract specific information. The third feature is the linkage with the China Biographical Database Project (CBDB). The MQWW provides writers' information to the CBDB to increase the value of data utilization, and linking writers' information to the CBDB improves the convenience of searching. In addition, the Microsoft Access Database was created following the model of the CBDB for users to download it. Based on the above case analysis, the design direction of the Korean women's Chinese literature database was discussed in the following three aspects. The first is the scope and target data of digitization. The target data of the Women's Chinese Literature includes women's Chinese writings, poetry anthologies (詩選集) containing women's works, and Remarks on poetry (詩話) that refer to women writers and their works. The second is the issue of the digitization of the original text and translation. The transcribed full texts enable content and phrase search, greatly increasing their value as an academic DB. It is good to include the original text with punctuation marks and to present the original texts from different versions (異本) side by side. It is also ideal to provide Korean translations together to increase utilization in various fields. The third is the design method of the classification index. In this paper, the case of the MQWW was used as a standard, but a sample of the classification index was prepared considering the characteristics of Korean women's Chinese literature data. The MQWW is a digital humanities project based on solid academic achievements and the product of international and interdisciplinary research. The Korean women's Chinese literature database also shares such orientation, and it is necessary to find specific ways to realize it. <明淸婦女著作(Ming Qing Women's Writings, 이하 MQWW)>은 캐나다 맥길대학도서관(McGill University Library)이 구축한 명·청 시기 여성들의 시문집 데이터베이스이다. 본고는 MQWW의 사례를 참조하여 한국 여성 한문학 데이터베이스 구축의 방향을 검토하는 것을 목적으로 한다. MQWW는 2003년에 시작된 프로젝트로서 현재까지 7개 기관이 협력하여 421종 자료를 DB화하였다. MQWW의 기본적인 특징은 여성 시문집 및 여성 문학 관련 자료의 원본 이미지를 제공한다는 것이다. 두 번째 특징은 체계화된 분류 색인(index)을 바탕으로 다양한 방식의 검색이 가능하도록 설계되었다는 점이다. 이러한 분류 검색 기능은 작가 및 저작, 그리고 작품들을 각 분류 항목에 따라 범주화하고 특정 정보를 추출하는 데 효과적으로 활용될 수 있다. 세 번째 특징은 China Biographical Database Project(CBDB)와의 연계이다. MQWW는 CBDB에 작가 정보를 제공하여 데이터의 활용 가치를 높이는 한편, 작가 정보를 CBDB로 링크되게 하여 검색의 편의성을 제고하였다. 또, CBDB의 모델을 따라 Microsoft Access Database를 제작하여 이용자들이 다운로드할 수 있게 하였다. 이상의 사례 분석을 바탕으로 한국 여성 한문학 데이터베이스의 설계 방향에 대해 다음 세 측면에서 논하였다. 첫째는 디지털화의 범위와 대상 자료이다. 여성 한문학 DB의 대상 자료는 여성들이 남긴 한문 저작, 여성 작가의 작품이 수록된 詩選集, 여성 작가 및 그들의 작품을 언급한 詩話 등의 비평 자료를 포함한다. 즉, ‘여성들의 한문 저술 및 여성 한문학에 대한 담론’의 아카이브가 되는 것이다. 두 번째는 원문 텍스트 및 번역문의 디지털화 문제이다. 입력된 원문 텍스트는 내용 및 어구 검색을 가능하게 해주므로 학술 DB로서의 가치를 크게 높일 수 있다. 표점 작업이 이루어진 원문을 수록하며, 여러 이본들의 원문을 나란히 제시하는 것이 좋다. 또한 다양한 분야에서의 활용도를 높이기 위해 번역문을 함께 제공하는 것이 이상적이다. 모든 자료의 번역문을 제작할 수 없다면 사업 준비 단계에서 적절한 기준에 따라 우선 번역 대상 자료를 선정하여 그것부터 DB화를 하면 된다. 세 번째는 분류 색인의 설계 방법이다. 본고에서는 MQWW의 사례를 준용하되, 한국 여성 한문학 자료의 특징을 고려하여 분류 색인의 샘플을 작성하였다. MQWW는 충실한 학술적 성과를 기반으로 준비된 디지털 인문학 프로젝트이며, 국제적·학제적 연구의 산물이기도 하다. 한국 여성 한문학 데이터베이스 역시 그러한 지향을 공유하며, 이를 실현하기 위한 구체적인 방법을 모색해 나가야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        중국동포 성인여성과 한국 성인여성의 ‘빗속의 사람(PITR)’ 그림 반응특성에 따른 스트레스 대처능력에 관한 연구

        민정원,정영인 한국미술치료학회 2019 美術治療硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        This study aimed to examine the stress-coping ability of Korean-Chinese women and Korean women according to their “Person-in-the-Rain”(PITR) reaction characteristics and explored the applicability of the PITR. For this purpose, the PITR reaction and the Way of Coping Checklist measurements were conducted with 402 women living in the capital region (119 Korean-Chinese women and 283 Korean women). For data analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted, with the Scheffe-test as a post-test. The results showed the following; First, in the comparison of the stress-coping abilities, Korean-Chinese women showed higher ability in problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping and passive stress coping than Korean women. Second, for the stress-coping ability according to the PITR reaction characteristics, Korean-Chinese women showed significant differences in the size of the character and the degree of wind while Korean women showed significant differences in the intensity of rain, the presence of clouds, the area of clouds, the feeling of the picture and the mood of the person. These results indicate that the PITR reaction has partial applicability as a means to understand Korean-Chinese women’s stress-coping ability. 본 연구의 목적은 중국동포 성인여성과 한국 성인여성의 ‘빗속의 사람(PITR)’그림 반응특성에 따른 스트레스 대처능력의 차이를 알아보고, PITR 그림이 중국동포 여성의 스트레스 대처능력을 파악하는 도구로 활용 가능성이 있는지 탐색하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 수도권에 거주하는 중국동포 성인여성 119명, 한국 성인여성 283명, 총 402명을 대상으로 PITR 그림과 스트레스 대처능력 척도(WCC) 검사를 실시하였다. 자료 분석은 t검정, 일원변량분석과 사후검정으로 Scheffé-test를 실시하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 중국동포 성인여성과 한국 성인여성의 스트레스 대처능력을 비교한 결과 중국동포 여성이 한국 여성보다 문제 중심적 대처와 정서 중심 대처, 소극적 대처능력 전체가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, PITR 반응특성에 따른 스트레스 대처능력에서 중국동포 성인여성은 인물의 크기와 바람의 정도에서 유의미한 차이를 보였고, 한국 성인여성은 비의 세기, 구름의 유무, 구름의 면적, 그림의 느낌, 사람의 기분에서 유의미한 차이를 나타냈다. 이상의 연구결과를 통하여 PITR 그림이 중국동포 성인여성의 스트레스 대처능력을 파악하는 도구로서 부분적으로 활용 가능성이 있음을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        결혼 이주 여성, ‘불온한 자’의 운명 : 천운영, 공선옥, 허련순의 결혼 이주 여성 소설 연구

        구재진(Koo, Jaejin) 구보학회 2020 구보학보 Vol.0 No.26

        세계가 글로벌화되면서 ‘이주의 여성화’와 ‘생존의 여성화’ 현상이 나타나고 있다. 결혼 이주 여성은 이러한 현상을 가장 특징적으로 보여주는 존재이다. 본고는 결혼 이주 여성을 재현한 소설 가운데 조선족 여성을 재현하는 소설들을 대상으로 ‘생존의 여성화’와 ‘불온한 자’로서 재현되는 결혼 이주 여성의 양상을 고찰하였다. 본고의 연구 대상은 천운영의 『잘가라 서커스』와 공선옥의 「가리봉연가」, 그리고 허련순의 소설 『중국 색시』이다. 이 작품들을 비교 고찰하여 한국 작가와 조선족 작가의 결혼 이주 여성 재현 양상의 차이를 밝히고자 하였다. 세 작품은 결혼 이주 조선족 여성의 삶을 천착하여 한국 사회에서 동일화/타자화라는 이중 기제 속에 놓인 결혼 이주 여성의 ‘불온한 자’로서의 존재론을 탐색하고 있다. 그러나 ‘생존의 여성화’의 문제와 ‘불온한 자’로서의 결혼 이주 여성의 모습, 그리고 연대와 경쟁의 문제에 있어서 차이를 보인다. 우선 『잘가라 서커스』, 「가리봉연가」와는 달리 『중국색시』에서는 ‘생존의 여성화’의 결과로서가 아니라 탈주의 욕망으로서의 결혼 이주를 그리고 있다. 그리고 결혼 이주 여성이 자신에게 덧씌워진 타자성과 ‘불온성’을 저항성으로 전유함으로써 가시적인 존재로 주체화하는 모습을 제시한다. 또한 『잘가라 서커스』, 「가리봉연가」가 연대의 측면에 초점을 맞추고 이주 여성들에 대한 이상적인 관점을 나타낸다면 『중국색시』에서는 경쟁에 초점을 맞춤으로써 현실적인 관점을 나타낸다. 나아가 『잘가라 서커스』와 「가리봉연가」에서는 결혼 이주 여성은 물론 이주 여성이 결혼한 한국 남성과 그 가족까지 피해자로 나타냄으로써 결혼 이주라는 기제 자체의 문제점을 드러낸다. 반면 『중국색시』에서는 결혼 이주 여성이 적극적이고 저항적인 모습으로 주체화되고 중국으로의 귀환, 아이의 출산, 남편과의 해후를 통하여 ‘본래적 의미의 결혼에 이를 수 있는’ 가능성이 제시되고 있다. 그러나 가족주의의 도식을 반복한다는 점에서 진정한 가능성이라고 보기는 어렵다. 작품들에서 나타나는 이러한 차이는 한국 작가와 조선족 작가의 차이를 보여주는 것이기도 하며 현실에서 결혼 이주 여성을 바라보는 시선의 차이를 보여주는 것이기도 할 것이다. As the world becomes global, the phenomenon of “feminization of migration” and “feminization of survival” are appearing. Married immigrant women are the most characteristic of this phenomenon. This study examines the aspects of married immigrant women recreated as “feminization of survival” and “disquietude”, targeting novels representing Korean-Chinese women among novels representing married immigrant women. The subjects of this study are Cheon Won-yeong s Goodbye Circus, Gong Seon-ok s Garibong Love, and Heo Ryeon-soon s Chinese Wife. By comparing and examining these works, I tried to clarify the differences in the representation of married immigrant women between Korean and Korean-Chinese artists. All three works explore the ontology of married immigrant woman as a “disquieting one” in Korean society under the dual mechanism of identification/otherization by delving into the lives of married immigrant Korean-Chinese women. However, there is a difference in the issue of ‘feminization of survival,’ the appearance of a married migrant woman as a ‘disquieting one,’ and issues of solidarity and competition among migrant marriage women. First of all, unlike Goodbye Circus and Garibong Love, Chinese Wife depicts marriage migration as a way of a desire to escape, not as a result of “feminization of survival.” In addition, the immigrant marriage woman in Chinese Wife presents the appearance of transforming into a visible subject by appropriating the otherness and disquietude overlaid on her as resistance. In addition, while Goodbye Circus and Garibong Love focus on the aspect of solidarity and reveal the ideal point of view, Chinese Wife reveals a realistic view by focusing on competition. Furthermore, in Goodbye Circus and Garibong Love, not only migrant women but also Korean men and their families married by migrant women are represented as victims, revealing the problems of the mechanism of marriage migration. On the other hand, in Chinese Wife, married immigrant women become subjective in an active and resistive form, and the possibility of reaching a marriage in the original meaning is suggested through return to China, childbirth, and husband-to-be. However, it is difficult to see it as a real possibility in that it repeats the schematic of familism. This difference in the works shows the difference between Korean and Korean-Chinese writers, and also shows the difference in the perspectives of a married migrant woman in reality.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국 20대 여성의 브래지어 착용 및 구매실태 조사

        정유쉔 ( Yu Xuan Cheng ),어미경 ( Mi Kyung Uh ) 복식문화학회 2015 服飾文化硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to survey the wearing and purchasing situation related to brassieres between Korean and Chinese women and to analyze the differences among them. This study utilized a survey targeting 397 women in their 20``s in Korea and China. The results were as follows: First, Korean women considered that their breasts are conical in shape, whereas Chinese women considered their breasts to have a flat shape. With regard to breast size, those of Chinese women are larger than those of Korean women. Moreover, Chinese women expressed a high rate of dissatisfaction with their breasts. Second, regarding the wearing condition of brassieres, while Korean women expected their brassiere to converge their breasts to the center, Chinese women expected their brassiere to support the breasts. It was found that many of them were dissatisfied with the shoulder straps and the center front wire. Third, in the results pertaining to the purchasing brassieres, although both Korean and Chinese Women mainly visited brand name stores to buy brassieres, compared with Chinese women, Korean women prefer to shop at home to buy the brassieres. In addition, they considered the compensation effect, size, activity, fabric and fit as the most important selection criteria when purchasing a brassiere.

      • KCI등재후보

        淸日戰爭 이전과 이후 在韓 韓中間 '訴訟' 안건 비교 분석

        이은자(Lee Eun-ja) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2009 아시아문화연구 Vol.17 No.-

        This study examined changes in Korea China relationship in the 19t<SUP>th</SUP> century by analyzing the proceedings of legal cases between Koreans and Chinese in Korea (Chosun or the Daehan Empire) before and after the Sino Japanese War. Among the legal cases, murder cases were selected from cases before the Sino Japanese War and from those after, and their proceedings and results were examined. First, the legal ground of the proceedings of legal cases before the Sino Japanese War was stipulated in Article 2 of the Regulations for Maritime and Overland Trade between Chinese and Korean Subjects established in August 1882. According to the regulations, if a Chinese was the defendant and a Korean was the plaintiff in a case that had happened in Korea, the offender was to be arrested and tried by the Chinese Trade Commissioner (a diplomatic mission equivalent to a consul). If a Chinese was the plaintiff and a Korean was the defendant, the offender was to be arrested by the Korean government and delivered to the Chinese Trade Commissioner and to be investigated and tried jointly by the two countries. In Korea, accordingly, China was authorized to rule cases in which the defendant was a Chinese and the plaintiff was a Korean by itself, and those in which the defendant was a Korean and the plaintiff was a Chinese jointly with the Korean government. Next, the legal ground for the proceedings of legal cases after the Sino Japanese War was stipulated in Article 5 of the Treaty of Commerce between Korea and China concluded in September 1899. According to the treaty, if a Chinese was the defendant and a Korean was the plaintiff in a case that had happened in Korea, the case was tried by the Chinese Consul and a Korean official could attend the trial as an observer on behalf of the plaintiff. If a Korean was the defendant and a Chinese was the plaintiff, the case was tried by a Korean judge and a Chinese official could attend the trial. The observer was guaranteed to question or cross question witnesses and to argue against unfair judgments. For the case that a Chinese was murdered in Korea before the Sino Japanese War (the murder case of Chinese merchant Cho hale In), a Chinese official tried jointly with a Korean official, and for the case that a Korean was murdered (the assault and murder of Korean solider Lee Deok Myeong), the Chinese suspect was protected actively by the Chinese agency. On the contrary, the Korean government delivered the Korean criminal for the murder of a Chinese to the Chinese agency and had to try him jointly with the Chinese official, and could not raise any objection to the result of the trial of the Chinese offender in a murder case of a Korean. When a Korean woman (Kang) was murdered by a Chinese in Korea after the Sino Japanese War, the Chinese Consul protected the offender strictly under the according to defendant's nationality principle of the Consul's jurisdiction regardless of the Korean observer's opinion. On the contrary, when a Chinese was murdered (the assault and murder case of Chinese seaman in Hae Zu), the Korean government sent an observer, but had little influence on the consequence of the trial. This situation was much different from that before the Sino Japanese War. However, the new Korea China relationship after the Sino Japanese War ended up as a mere short term 'experiment' due to change in Korea Japan relationship.

      • KCI등재

        중국 여성의 한류 선호도와 광고 속성 고려 정도가 한국 화장품 구매 만족도 및 구매 충성도에 미치는 영향

        김미지 ( Mi-ji Kim ),왕양양 ( Yang-yang Wang ),한채정 ( Chae-jeong Han ) 한국미용학회 2015 한국미용학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Chinese women`s preference for the Korean wave and their considerations for advertising attributes on satisfaction level with the purchase of Korean cosmetics and loyalty for these products in an effort to provide the Korean cosmetic industry with useful information on product planning and advertising strategy setting. The subjects in this study were the female Chinese tourists visiting Korea and the female Chinese employees of PwC, a multinational company in Shanghai, China. A total of 473 questionnaires were collected and used for final analysis. For analysis, One-way ANOVA, t-test, Correlation and Regression were performed using SPSS 21.0 for Windows. Then, the study results found the following. First, the Chinese women expressed a lot of satisfaction with their purchase of Korean cosmetics, and their purchase loyalty for these products was strong as well. Second, a higher preference for the Korean wave led to more purchase satisfaction and stronger purchase loyalty for Korean cosmetics. Third, as for advertising attributes, the Chinese women who took more considerations on ad image and ad phrase were more satisfied with their purchase of Korean cosmetics, and more considerations on ad image and advertising liking were followed by stronger purchase loyalty for Korean cosmetics. Therefore the Korean wave should be more strengthened to boost purchase satisfaction and loyalty for Korean cosmetics, and what advertising attributes Chinese women attach importance to should be grasped in detail to improve the effect of advertising.

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