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      • A Study on the Establishment of Korean Identity in Korean Lutheran Worship Books

        Kyung Man Hong 성공회대학교 신학연구소 2021 Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology Vol.36 No.1

        The aim of this thesis is to study the establishment of Korean identity within Korean Lutheran church worship books that have inherited the spirit of the Reformation movement in the 16th century. The research method traces the development process of all the books of worship in the history of Lutheranism in Korea, organizes them in a chronological manner, and analyzes the contents. The scope of the study is all worship books, including the publication and process of the first worship book in 1960, the establishment of the Lutheran Church in Korea (LCK) General Assembly in 1972, and the revision process of the worship book, and the worship book published in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. The specific details are about the first worship book made by Koreans, worship book developed with Korean traditional music, small community worship book containing the Korean situation, worship book that achieves complete use of Korean (‘Hangul’). From the first worship book in 1960, LCK has established a Korean identity with the missionary principle of American missionaries of “the base of the native land.” As LCK revised and developed its first worship book, it further solidified its Korean identity, from theology to music and professional human resource participation. As a result, a Sunday worship service was created for Koreans by Koreans according to Korean traditional music made with Korean traditional music and lyrics. LCK created a worship book for small communities that positively approached the reality of today’s small Protestant churches in Korea. And in 2017, the LCK published the 500th anniversary commemorative worship book of the Reformation, achieving complete Korean transcription. This thesis has an important achievement in that it has researched and summarized the entire history of worship books of the Lutheran Church in Korea from the perspective of establishing Korean identity. This thesis can contribute to the study of liturgical history in the field of liturgy in Korean Protestant Church.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on the Establishment of Korean Identity in Korean Lutheran Worship Books

        홍경만 한국민중신학회 2021 Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology Vol.- No.36

        The aim of this thesis is to study the establishment of Korean identity within Korean Lutheran church worship books that have inherited the spirit of the Reformation movement in the 16th century. The research method traces the development process of all the books of worship in the history of Lutheranism in Korea, organizes them in a chronological manner, and analyzes the contents. The scope of the study is all worship books, including the publication and process of the first worship book in 1960, the establishment of the Lutheran Church in Korea (LCK) General Assembly in 1972, and the revision process of the worship book, and the worship book published in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. The specific details are about the first worship book made by Koreans, worship book developed with Korean traditional music, small community worship book containing the Korean situation, worship book that achieves complete use of Korean (‘Hangul’). From the first worship book in 1960, LCK has established a Korean identity with the missionary principle of American missionaries of “the base of the native land.” As LCK revised and developed its first worship book, it further solidified its Korean identity, from theology to music and professional human resource participation. As a result, a Sunday worship service was created for Koreans by Koreans according to Korean traditional music made with Korean traditional music and lyrics. LCK created a worship book for small communities that positively approached the reality of today’s small Protestant churches in Korea. And in 2017, the LCK published the 500th anniversary commemorative worship book of the Reformation, achieving complete Korean transcription. This thesis has an important achievement in that it has researched and summarized the entire history of worship books of the Lutheran Church in Korea from the perspective of establishing Korean identity. This thesis can contribute to the study of liturgical history in the field of liturgy in Korean Protestant Church.

      • KCI등재

        청말(淸末) 시기 만주(滿洲)지역 연구

        박형신(Park Hyung-Shin) 한국기독교역사연구소 2015 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.- No.43

        이 논문은 청말(淸末) 시기에 만주에 들어온 초기 유럽 개신교 선교부들이 마주해야 했던 정치, 사회적 현실에 대한 심화된 이해를 목표로 한다. 이를 위하여 만주의 지정학, 인구이동과 사회변동, 만주의 정체성 등에 대한 역사적 검토를 제공하고, 이런 현실들을 보유한 만주가 유럽 개신교 선교부와 조우했던 장면들을 묘사한다. 우선, 청말(淸末) 시기의 만주(滿洲)는 1860년 이후로 축소된 만주로서 당시 제국주의적 국제환경을 반영한다. 종족-민족적으로는, 퉁구스, 몽골족, 만주족, 한족과 같은 전통적인 그룹에 더하여 한인, 러시아인, 그리고 일본인들이 가세하였다. 1861년에는 영구(營口)가 서구열강에 개방됨으로 만주는 경제, 사회적으로 동아시아 및 세계의 체제와 밀접한 관계에로 들어간다. 청제국은 봉금정책을 통하여 만주를 보존하려 하였지만 실패하고 1881년에는 이를 전면적으로 개방하였다. 비옥한 만주의 낮은 인구밀도, 동아시아의 가뭄과 피폐한 경제, 러시아의 위협에 대항한 ‘이민실변’(移民實邊) 정책, 그리고 러시아인과 일본인들의 제국주의적 진출 등은 청말 시기 대규모 만주이민을 가져왔다. 이 시기에 만주지역을 가리키는 명칭으로는 만주, ‘동관(東關)’과 같은 용어가 사용되었으며, ‘동삼성(東三省)’과 ‘동북(東北)’ 같은 용어들은 중화민국과 현대중국 시기에 의도적으로 사용된 것으로 보인다. 최근의 연구들은 만주족과 만주에 대한 좀더 적극적인 해석을 하는 가운데, 만주족의 특성의 부각시키고 만주를 다중적 정체성을 지닌 경계와 중간지대로 파악하기도 한다. 유럽 개신교 선교부는 영구항의 개방, 내지여행 및 선교의 자유라는 천진조약의 정치적 결과물 위에서 만주에 도래하였다. 1867년 이후에 들어온 잉글랜드장로교회, 아일랜드장로교회, 스코틀랜드연합장로교회, 그리고 덴마크루터교회 선교부들은 축소된 내만주(內滿洲)로서의 만주, 동관(東關)으로서의 만주, 조약법(條約法)의 허용치와 한계치, 유조변(柳條邊) 변문(邊門)이었던 고려문(高麗門)에서의 한인(韓人)선교, 가난하지만 개방적인 만주이민자들, 그리고 두 차례의 전쟁과 의화단운동과 같은 만주의 현실(現實) 속에서 새로운 선교의 방법을 모색하고 실천하였다. The goal of this study is to understand the political and social realities of the late Qing Manchuria that the early European Protestant missions encountered. In order to achieve the goal, this study investigates geo-politics of Manchuria, population movement and social changes, and identity of Manchuria, and describes the scenes in which Manchuria with those realities encountered the missions. The Manchuria of this study has turned out to be a decreased Manchuria after 1860 in its size. In terms of ethnicity, Koreans, Russians, and Japanese were added to the traditional ethnic groups of the Tungus, the Mongols, the Manchus, and the Han Chinese in the Late Qing period. Manchuria, economically and socially, entered a more closed relation with the Northeast Asia and world system by the opening of the port Yingkou, located in the mouth of the River Liao, in 1861. The Qing Empire tried to preserve Manchuria by the policy of Closed Manchuria but failed and had nothing but to officially open Manchuria to the Han Chinese in 1881. A great immigration to Manchuria occurred in the Late Qing due both to the drought and poor economy in the Northeast Asia and to the Qing’s immigration policy against the Russian approach to Manchuria. The common terms for Manchuria in the Late Qing were ‘Manchuria’ and ‘Dongguan’(East of the Barrier) but the terms like the ‘Three Eastern Provinces’ and ‘the Northeast’ started to be rhetorically used in the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China respectively. Recent studies tend to interpret the reality of the Manchus and Manchuria more positively and view Manchuria as frontiers and borderlands pertaining multiple identities. European Protestant missions arrived in Manchuria upon the political gains from the Tianjin Treaty, namely, the opening of the Port Yingkou, the freedom of foreigners’ travel in the interior, and the freedom of Christian missions. The missions of the English Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church in Ireland, the United Presbyterian Church, and the Danish Lutheran Church experienced the realities of Manchuria such as the decreased Manchuria and as the East of the Barrier. They also experienced possibilities and limits with the Treaty Rights between China and the Powers, ‘the Korean Gate’ that was a gate of the Willow Palisade, impoverished but liberal immigrants to Manchuria, Japanese wars against Qing and Russia that each happened in Manchuria, and the Boxer Uprising. The missions sought for new ways of Christian missions in those Manchurian realities and practiced their findings.

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