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      • KCI등재

        키스자렛(Keith Jarrett) 쾰른 콘서트 《Koln Concert January 24, 1975, Pt, Ⅱ A》에 나타난 즉흥기법 연구

        김수진(Sujin Kim),전윤한(Yoonhan Jeon) 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.6

        이 논문은 키스자렛의 다양한 음악적 표현 기법 중 즉흥연주의 특징을 중심으로 논의한다. 유럽 클래식 전통에서부터 기원되는 즉흥연주라는 분야는 음악사에 있어서 끊임없이 발전되어왔던 기법 중 하나이다. 수많은시대의 음악 양식에 따라 연주자의 기교적인 탁월성을 보여줄 수 있는 도구로 사용되어져 즉흥연주는 1960년대 이후부터는 음악적 구조에 종속되지 않고 조성, 리듬, 형식, 등 모든 면에서 연주자의 의지가 그대로 반영되는 새로운 개념의 형태였다. 이때가 1960년대 프리 재즈와 1970년대 퓨전 재즈 시대이다. 본 논문은 퓨전 재즈의 즉흥연주 형태에 주안점을 두고 이 시대의 흐름을 겪으면서 자신만의 스타일이 정착되어 가면서 무한한가능성의 즉흥연주를 표현한 아티스트 키스자렛의 실황 콘서트 앨범 쾰른 콘서트 (Koln Concert) Part.Ⅱ A를 중심으로 연구해 보았다. 그 결과 즉흥연주는 무의식에서 밖으로 표출되는 예술의 한 부분이지만 결코 간단하게 정의 할 수 있는 부분은 아니다. 음악이 생겨난 때부터 현대의 음악까지 두루 향유하며 시대마다 인간들이 만들어 왔던 또는 만들 수 있는 음악 기법들을 매순간 연구하고 곱놓으며 끊임없는 훈련의 고귀한 산물이라고 할 수 있다. 잠재되어 있는 음악성은 물론 가치관, 감정, 철학 등 연주자가 가지고 있는 총체적인 것을표현하는 것이 즉흥연주의 가장 핵심이라고 이 논문을 통해 강조한다. This paper focuses on the characteristics of improvisation among the various musical expression techniques of Keith Jarrett. The field of improvisation, which originated from the European classical tradition, is one of the ever-developing techniques in music history. Used as a tool to show the performer’s technical excellence by the musical styles of many eras, improvisation has been independent of musical structure since the 1960s, and has everything from creation to rhythm to form. It was a new concept that the performer’s will was reflected as it was. This is the 1960s free jazz and 1970s fusion jazz era. This paper focuses on the improvisational form of fusion jazz, and while the style of one’s own is firmly established through the flow of this era, the live performance of artist Keith Jarrett who expresses the improvisational performance of infinite possibilities. I mainly researched Part. II A in the concert album “Koln Concert”. As a result, improvisation is part of the art that goes out of the unconscious, but by no means easy to define. It can be said that it is a noble product of continuous training by researching and repeat over and over again music techniques that human beings have made or can make for each era, involving music from the time it was born to modern music. Through this paper, I emphasize that expressing the overall things that the performer has, such as values, emotions, and philosophies, as well as the latent musicality, is the most important part of improvisation.

      • KCI등재

        백작, 교회, 도시민: 클레베(Kleve) 대성당(Collegiate-Church) 성직록을 중심으로

        김병용 ( Byung Yong Kim ) 한국서양중세사학회 2013 西洋中世史硏究 Vol.0 No.31

        In the High Middle Ages developed many cities trying to have their own parish church. But it was not easy, that a medieval city church founds an independent parish. For this, the city has mainly to be able to have to cope financially with the parish. The count intended to found a collegiate church at first in Monterberg and then to transfer to Kleve. After transferring the collegiate church should also play the role as the parish church. So this Study investigates the transfer of the collegiate church from Monterberg to Kleve, which consists of 13 praebendae. Above all we will deal with the question of why the count had to transfer the collegeate church. This may be seen one, that the count has carried out the transfer of the economic reasons. So he needed the economic power of citizens of Kleve. Besides, he wanted to a magnificent church as the cemetery seat for himself and his descendants. In order to realize his dream like this, he had to solve two problems. First, he had to handle the conflict with the archbishop of Cologne arising from the legal issues. Second, he has tried to harmonize with the citizens who dreamed upward mobility through economic power. All of this depended on the diplomatic ability of the count. This study therefore shows how the relationships between count, archbishop and citizens developed so that the collegiate church arises.

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