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      • 지식정보사회와 교육패러다임의 변화

        이해두 대구대학교 2006 대구대학교 학술논문집 Vol.1 No.2

        현대는 ‘과학·기술적 혁명의 시대’(the age of scientific and technological revolution)라 할 수 있다. 보노 E. Bono에 의하면 ‘과학은 지식의 생성’(science is the generation of knowledge)이며 ‘기술은 지식의 응용’(technology is the application of knowledge)으로 풀이되고 있다. 과학적 기술적 혁명이 이루어진다는 것은 곧바로 ‘지식의 폭발’the eruption of knowledge)이 계속적으로 일어나고 있다는 것을 의미하며, 이러한 ‘지식의 혁명’(the revolution of knowledge)이 이루어지는 사회가 ‘지식 기반 사회’(knowledge based society)로서 이른바 ‘ 식·정보사회’(knowledge and information society)인 것이다. ‘지식·정보사회’는 일반적으로 산업사회의 후기단계의 한 모습으로 풀이되고 있으며, 이 사회에 있어서는 ‘지식의 생성’과 ‘지식의 응용’에 최고의 가치를 부여하고 있다. 산업사회가 제품이라는 유형의 물질을 중심으로 생산하는 사회라면, 지식·정보사회는 지식이라는 무형의 가치를 중심으로 생산하는 사회이다. 그러므로 생산의 양식도 ‘근육’ 중심에서 ‘두뇌’ 중심(from brawn to brain)으로 옮겨오게 된다. 산업사회가 ‘기계기술’(machine technology)에 기초했다면, 지식정보사회는 ‘지적기술’intellectual technology)에 기초하고 있다. 산업사회의 교육이 단순한 ‘지식의 전달’knowledge transmission)에 치중했다면, 지식정보사회의 교육은 효율적인 ‘정보의 가공’information processing)기능을 중시하게 된다. 본 연구는 지식정보사회를 맞아 교육의 패러다임의 변화를 총체적인 입장에서 살펴보고 학교공동체(학교교육)와 전자공동체(사이버교육), 그리고 시민공동체(사회교육)가 어떻게 조화롭게 정합해 갈 수 있을까를 검토하고 아울러 대학교육의 변화의 길을 모색해 보았다. 지식정보사회의 발전적이며 긍정적인 미래를 위해서는 ‘인간의 얼굴을 가진 정보사회’(Information Society with Human Face)의 실현을 위한 교육시스템의 총체적 변혁이 요청된다. It is called that today is ‘the age of scientific and technological revolution’. According to E. Bono, “science is the generation of knowledge and technology is the application of knowledge”. And then ‘scientific and technological revolution’ means ‘the eruption of knowledge’. Knowledge-information society, so to speak knowledge based society is the one which the revolution of knowledge and information occurs progressively. In this society ‘the generation of knowledge(information)’ and ‘the application of knowledge(information)’ is estimated as the supreme primacy of value. While industrial society is based on the ‘machine technology’, information society is based on the ‘intellectual technology’, and the education in the industrial society emphasizes on the ‘knowledge transmission’, on the other hand the education in the information society emphasized on the ‘information processing’. And then the mode of education changes ‘from brawn to brain’. The author analyses the paradigm shift of education in knowledge- information society in general and gropes the possibilities of the harmonious way of combination amongst school community, cyber community and civic community, and the direction of change of college education together. Finally, we should examine the education system in the whole to pursuit the realization of knowledge-information society with ‘human face’.

      • KCI등재

        지식정보사회의 사회과교육: 교육의 변화와 교과적 지향

        조영달 ( Young Dal Cho ),성경희 ( Kyung Hee Sung ) 한국사회과교육학회 2009 시민교육연구 Vol.41 No.1

        This research aims for investigating (1) the relation between changes of technology and societies, (2) the influences of knowledge-information-based society development in education, and (3) social studies education in the knowledge-information-based society. Fist of all, the relation between changes of technology and societies is examined from three perspectives; technological determinism, socio-cultural determinism, social constructivism. Social constructivism insists that scientific technology has not developed irrespective of a society situation and has seamlessly interacted with it. However the educational world is still caught by the technological determinism. Knowledge-information-based society is the society that `Informatization of knowledge(making information from knowledge)` is progressing, but `Making knowledge from information(transforming information into knowledge)` is more important than `imformatization of knowledge` in the educational world. The why is that being information from knowledge contributes to the spread of knowledge, in contrast, transforming information into knowledge contributes to the process of acquirement of knowledge to create social values. A school is not only source of information anymore. Schools with no exclusive rights to information or knowledge have to play an important role in strengthening knowledge(knowledge which is graded down to fragmentary information because of `imformatization of knowledge). Therefore, on the contrary to the past, schools must focus to the construction of knowledge or information, not deliberation of them. In knowledge-information-based society, the existing social studies education have to change in its perspective about knowledge and understanding. Now, it is required, not knowledge and understanding in investigation process but reflective knowledge and mutual understanding. When we acquire knowledge, we keep the possibility of formation of critical and alternative knowledge in mind. Networking technology in knowledge-information-based society replaces the central task of social studies education for delivering knowledge or information. Important role of social studies education in knowledge-information-based society is only the construction of knowledge, and `making knowledge from social information` is inevitable duty.

      • KCI등재

        지식정보사회에 대비한 헌법개정의 필요성과 방향에 관한 서설적 고찰

        김일환(Kim Il-Hwan) 국제헌법학회 한국학회 2009 世界憲法硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        지식정보사회는 정보통신기술기반 위에서 지식을 생산하고 창조하는 사회로서 지식정보에 의해서 개인과 조직의 주요한 의사결정이 주도되는 사회라 할 수 있다. 곧 지식정보사회란 정보가 상호 연계되어 지식이 되고, 지식이 富와 가치 창출의 원동력이 되는 사회를 말한다. 이에 따라서 지식정보사회에서 헌법 및 국가에게는 질적으로 새로운 책임이 등장한다. 곧 과거와는 달리 지식정보사회에서 국가와 헌법에게는 더욱 더 강력하게 개인의 자유와 권리가 성립하고 행사되기 위한 전제조건들을 형성하고 유지하는 게 요구된다. 이에 따라서 지식정보사회에서는 국가의 역할과 기능이 국가의 직접적인 “이행책임” 및 이에 따라 발생하는 “결과책임”으로부터 이제는 정보질서의 기능과 작용을 가능하게 하는 “보장책임”으로 옮겨간다. 이제 국가는 “정보사회의 틀(윤곽)”에 관한 조건들을 보장하고, 이 속에서 개인의 자유로운 행위들이 가능하도록 하기 위한 구조들을 설정해야만 하는것이다. 헌법제정에 따른 헌법규범의 해석 및 변천을 통해서도 더 이상 기존의 헌법규범이 헌법현실을 규율하지 못할 때 비로소 헌법규범과 헌법현실간 긴장관계를 해결하기 위하여 헌법을 개정하게 된다. 이와 관련하여 무엇보다도 통일에 대비하고 정보사회, 첨ּ단과학기술사회에서 새롭게 부각되고 있는 다양한 문제들을 해결하기 위하여 정략적이고 당리당략적인 접근이 아니라 규범적 차원에서 개헌준비작업을 할 필요성이 강하게 제기되고 있다. The Knowledge-Information Society means that in the society the importance of information itself is emphasized and the information production is rapidly increased, so the flow and use of the information could change the society. A form of the development of the Information Society could mention Knowledge-Information Society. The Knowledge Information Society connects coherently between the information and knowledge. In the Knowledge-Information Society, knowledge is a prime mover for originating value. Our goal for information order should be open, future-oriented and multifarious. In this new society, new responsibility and power for the states are considered. However, states still take a charge for their inherent function in accordance with public law. The character of responsibility is changing from fulfillment to ensuring because it could work better on the state's role and function in the Information Society. Thus states should make the frame of the Information Society. In this frame, individuals can act freely with that well structured outline. We should study therefore on the contents and the direction of Constitutional Amendment in the Knowledge-Information Society.

      • KCI등재

        지식정보사회에서 국가의 역할에 관한 연구 : 공인인증제도 제도개선 논쟁을 중심으로

        김일환,박웅신,조윤경 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2013 성균관법학 Vol.25 No.4

        In the knowledge information society, knowledge building a relationship on information and communications technology is creating and producing. In knowledge information society are major social decisions of the individuals and organizations driven by knowledge and information. That is to say, knowledge information society is a society where information is correlated knowledge and knowledge is the driving force behind the creation of the value and wealth. Thus, the analysis of the Constitutional(legal) framework of 'Information Order' which is very important in the knowledge-based society be done. It is time for the nation have a duty to ensure the conditions for the frame(outline) of the knowledge information society. In the knowledge information society, the excessive of state interference is not desirable because the possibility of hindrance of 'the development of information and communication technology' by the state interference can not be completely exclude. And pure self-regulation can not be the appropriate regulatory. For the following reasons: ⅰ) "Lack of transparency in the process of implementation issues", ⅱ) "The risk of market failure'', ⅲ) "Problems that are not fully taken into account the interests", ⅳ) "Problem that are not respond effectively to the interest" and ⅴ) "Avoiding the issue of state responsibility" and so on. Because of this, the third model, the 'regulated self-regulation' has emerged as the preferred state model. Also, in my conception, certification authority system concern must be answered by state from the point of view of self-regulation. Presently, on the framework set and the legal basis by nation, state need to put enterprises or individuals in the way of achieving to choose autonomously. To do this, macroscopically, institutional basis for technical development to ensure reliability and stability should be established. And, microscopically, effort to determine the long-term direction of building infrastructure which is enable to allow people to select the certificate through self-regulating competition between the various certificates market is needed. Based on the review of the pros and cons of legislation seen, in my opinion, looking for ways to realizes the private autonomy and public projects in the certification authority system is national's goal. Therefore guidelines should be concretely suggested, and support to develop the technology of certification authority system. Whatever this kind of system is better than inducing specific direction by state such as present certification authority.

      • KCI등재

        도서관 공간의 지식정보 구성 및 전달 특성에 관한 연구

        황미영(Hwang, Mee-Young) 한국실내디자인학회 2013 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        Recently, the volume of knowledge information in the form of electronic media is quickly increasing in the library field along with the advancement of electronic communication technology. Libraries have both printed data and electronic data and are faced with the issue of corresponding with the access and use of knowledge information in terms of the space. This study is for building the layout of a sustainable knowledge information space based on the view that the library is the official infrastructure of the knowledge information based society. It is intended to analyze the meaning of knowledge information in the modern society, characteristics in the spatial organization and the transmission of knowledge information. The goal of this study is to understand and forecast the spatial structure where users access knowledge information and exchange with one another and developing the direction and guidelines for the spatial plan that today"s libraries prefer through this analysis. For this, this study firstly prepared the base for the research on library space which can be considered as the physical realization of such concepts, through the theoretical review about the knowledge information and social concepts as well as characteristics of modern society. Also, it seized the characteristics in the transmission of knowledge information by conducting a structural analysis of the information service such as knowledge information and space, space and information media, space and space through the cases of 10 public libraries. The analysis resulted in basic data including the system of organizing knowledge information, system of knowledge information transferring elements and structure, and layout pattern of each library. These results are deemed meaningful for the promotion of communication with the user through the exchange, creation, and experience of knowledge information, the social role of today"s public library.

      • KCI등재

        공동체로서의 지식사회를 위한 윤리교육의 과제

        홍은숙 ( Eun Sook Hong ) 한국교육철학학회(구 교육철학회) 2012 교육철학연구 Vol.34 No.4

        오늘날 우리 사회는 지식사회라고 불린다. 지식사회의 개념은 확정된 것이라기보다는 지속적으로 발전해가는 개념이다. 본 연구는 지식사회의 특징 및 그것에서 제기될 수 있는 몇 가지 윤리적 문제를 검토함으로써 지식사회가 바람직한 사회 형태로 발전할 수 있는 기초를 제공하고 이를 위한 윤리교육의 과제를 탐색하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해서 제 2장에서는 지식사회의 기본 특징으로서 지식에 기초한 이윤 창출 및 시장근본주의를 설명한다. 지식사회의 이러한 특징으로 말미암아 지식사회의 의미가 ‘지식경제’ 및 ‘시장사회’로 오해되는 현상을 비판한다. 제 3장에서는 지식사회의 전제가 되는 정보사회의 디지털 혁명과 가상공간의 출현이라는 특징을 살펴본다. 그리고 정보사회에 대한 도구적 접근과 공동체적 접근을 비교 설명한 후, 공동체로서의 정보사회의 중요성을 지적한다. 제 4장에서는 지식사회에 대한 시장적 접근의 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 지식사회에 대한 공동체적 접근을 시도한다. 이에 현대적 삶의 양식 및 세계화 사회에 적합한 공동체로서의 지식사회를 제안하며, 그것을 위한 윤리적 측면에서의 교육적 과제들을 논의한다. Our society is called ``knowledge society``. The knowledge society is the society in which knowledge is the basis of social development and economic profit. The knowledge society contributed a lot to the prosperity of general human life. However, it brought some negative side-effects. The purpose of this paper consists in examining basic features of the knowledge society, showing a direction for developing the knowledge society as a desirable community to live in, and suggesting some tasks of ethical education for it. In chapter 2, I explained some basic features of knowledge society. The knowledge society is mainly characterized by ``the pursuit of profit`` and ``market fundamentalism``. Market fundamentalism is an ideology which believes that the public interest is best served by the accumulated effects of freeing people to pursue their private interests. However, the unlimited pursuit of self-interest does not necessarily serve the common interest of the public good. Here I pointed out the fact that the knowledge society should not be confused with ``knowledge economy`` nor with ``market society``. When the knowledge society is understood as the commercialized market society, it could destroy or corrupt itself. In chapter 3, I explained some basic features of information society, especially the concept of ``digital revolution`` and ``the emergence of cyber space``. Here I compared two approaches to information society. One is the instrumental perspective, which regards the technological skills and knowledge merely as an instrument for one`s profit or purpose. The other is the communitarian perspective, which regards the cyber space as a reality, as a new form of human life. In the latter case, netizenship and its ethics are important. I argued that this communitarian approach is needed for solving various social problems caused in modern information and knowledge society. In chapter 4, I argued that we need to approach the knowledge society with a communitarian perspective in order to overcome the social problems caused by mistaken commercialized concept of the knowledge society. I especially dealt with the concept of the knowledge society as a ``globalized society``. ``Globerlized society`` should be understood as a society in which the virtues such as tolerance, caring for the disadvantaged, respecting the comprehensive cultures are respected. Then I suggested some tasks of ethical education for the knowledge society. First, we need to teach netizenship, together with its ethics. Second, we need to teach the internal values and ethics of the technological activity in information society or knowledge society. Third, we need to teach various abilities and virtues required for the knowledge society such as creativity, the ability to learn by oneself, communication skills, respecting and caring others, open-mindedness, the love for the community, sharing, equality, etc., Fourth, we need to teach the cosmopolitan citizenwhip for a globalized society, together with the communitarian ethics of caring as well as comprehensive cosmopolitan civic virtues. Finally, we have to teach the limitation of the market value, together with teaching to respect the respective internal goods of each practice.

      • KCI등재

        Ethical Foundations of Knowledge as a Commons

        Rainer Kuhlen 한국문헌정보학회 2011 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        We consider information ethics the reflection on beliefs, rules and values in electronic environments, in particular with respect to producing, exchanging, sharing and using knowledge and information. This paper will provide an overview of information ethics in the context of the UNESCO from the first INFOethics conference in Monte Carlo 1998, to the UNESCO contribution to the two United Nations WSIS conferences(World Summit on the Information Society) in Geneva and Tunis and to the information ethical aspects of the UNESCO Information for All Programme. As a result of this debate we conclude that there is need for a new approach to achieve the goal of people-centered, inclusive and sustainable knowledge societies. We propose to consider knowledge a commons. Commons is thus the central concept of knowledge ecology and the centerpiece of information ethics. In the commons paradigm, a new consensus needs to be achieved concerning traditional concepts such as freedom of information and science, intellectual property, authorship and the nature of knowledge objects in general. Information ethics can contribute to this discussion by providing an open discourse about these transformation processes.

      • KCI등재

        정보사회에서의 지식 가치의 변화에 대한 사회학적 고찰

        최항섭(Hangsub Choi) 사이버커뮤니케이션학회 2008 사이버 커뮤니케이션 학보 Vol.25 No.4

        지식은 소수 엘리트와 지식인들이 과학적 검증과 철학적 논리를 바탕으로 생산한 이론적 지식과 일반인들이 일상에서 체험한 것들이 다수의 합의를 바탕으로 하여 지식으로 여겨지는 실용적 지식으로 나뉜다. 근대를 거치면서 전자와 후자의 위계는 엘리트 위주의 사회구조, 일반인들의 교육기회와 정보습득기회의 제한 등으로 인해 전자가 ‘높은 지식’, 후자가 ‘낮은 지식’으로 그 가치를 평가받았다. 하지만 정보사회의 도래 이후 지식의 가치는 변화를 겪고 있다. 먼저 정보사회에서의 네트워킹의 발달과 정보습득채널의 확산은 더이상 지식을 ‘절대적 지식’이 아니게 하였다. 지식사회학적 맥락에서 지식은 상황적 맥락에 따라 그 정당성을 인정받아야 하는 ‘복수적 지식’으로의 가치를 띄게 되었다. 둘째 인터넷 등 정보사회의 핵심기술들은 모두 ‘속도’를 기반으로 하며, 이는 ‘속도’에 적응하지 못하는 것들의 가치하락을 가져왔다. 이해하는 데 오랜 시간이 걸리며, 실제 생활에 바로 활용되기에도 어려운 이론적 지식들의 가치가 하락하고 현실 삶 자체에 바로 도움이 되는 실용적 지식의 가치가 높아지게 되었다. 이는 소위 지식검색 서비스 활용양태에서 잘 나타난다. 또한 정보사회의 사이버공간에서 특히 무형재를 대상으로 뚜렷이 전개되고 있는 ‘공유의 문화’ 하에서 어려운 지식은 ‘쉬운’ 지식으로 변모하여야 그 가치를 인정받을 수 있게 되었다. This article looks into an aspect of value of knowledge in information society. First, the proliferation of networking and the increase of information channels have raised doubt about the absolute legitimacy of knowledge. In the ‘sociology of knowledge’ perspetive, not a singular and absolute knowledge, but pluriel knowledge which is dependent on the time-space context has been recognized its value more than ever. Secondly, anything which is not adpated to the rate of change of the information society which is essentially based on ‘speed’ has difficulty in approving itself. That is why the value of the theoretical knowledge which demands long time to be applicated to the everyday life is falling, on the contrary, why the value of the practical knowledge is increasing rapidly. Finally, in the information society where the culture of sharing appears and develops, knowledge, especially difficult knowledge is asked to be changed or transformed into easy or soft knowledge so as to be rapidly and widely shared by users.

      • KCI등재

        지식정보사회에서 임차인보호를 위한 과제

        임윤수(Yim Yoonsoo) 한국법학회 2020 법학연구 Vol.79 No.-

        현대사회는 이미 지식정보사회로 진입하였고 이는 우리사회에 많은 측면에서 새로운 패러다임을 요구하고 있다. 특히 부동산시장도 이러한 요구에 직면하고 있는데, 거래규모와 국민경제에서 차지하는 비중을 고려할 때 지식정보사회에서 부동산시장이 갖는 문제점은 무엇이며 해결방안은 어떤 것이 있는지 살펴보는 것은 충분한 의미가 있다고 생각한다. 그리고 빠르게 변화하고 있는 사회구조 속에서 경제적 약자인 임차인들이 이러한 변화에서 소외될 경우 법적 지위가 더욱 약화될 것이므로 본 연구에서는 부동산시장 중에서 특히 임차인보호를 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 이러한 연구의 필요성을 근거로 하여 분석한 결과, 현재 부동산시장의 정보화는 중앙정부 · 지방정부 및 민간기업을 통하여 괄목한 만한 양적 성장을 이루었으나 임차인 보호에 대한 관련규정들은 최근까지 많은 개정노력을 지속하고 있음에도 불구하고 이러한 변화를 담지 못하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 부동산 임대차 거래 시 의사결정자의 연령을 고려할 때 광범위한 정보를 제대로 이용하지 못할 가능성이 크고, 비대면 거래 증가로 인한 개인정보유출의 가능성이 더욱 커지고 있으며, 지속적인 양질의 정보 제공에 있어서 현재의 단순한 수익모델은 문제가 있다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. 사안의 중요성을 감안할 때 쉽게 결정할 수 있는 일은 아니며 합의를 도출하기 위하여 많은 노력이 필요해 보인다. 우리의 의지와 관계없이 지식정보사회에 앞으로도 우리 삶속에 많은 변화를 줄 것으로 예견되는 바, 모두가 원하는 지식정보사회가 될 것인지 아니면 차라리 이전 사회를 그리워하게 될지 여부는 지금 준비하는 우리의 손에 달려있다고 생각한다. The modern society has already entered the knowledge-information society, which requires a new paradigm in many aspects of our society. In particular, the real estate market also faces this demand, and considering the size of transactions and the share of the national economy, it is meaningful to examine what problems the real estate market has in the information and information society and what solutions are available. As a result of analysis based on the necessity of this study, it was found that the current information market realization has achieved remarkable quantitative growth through the central government, local governments, and private companies, but the law revision does not contain these changes. And when considering the age of decision-makers in real estate rental transactions, there is a high possibility that a wide range of information cannot be used properly, and the possibility of personal information leakage due to an increase in non-face-to-face transactions is increasing. The model was able to confirm that there was a problem. Given the importance of the issue, it is not an easy decision and it seems that much effort is needed to reach an agreement. We will continue to make a lot of changes in our lives in the knowledge and information society in the future, so I think whether it will be the knowledge information society that everyone wants or would rather miss the previous society depends on our hands to prepare now.

      • KCI등재

        지식정보시설의 통합형 하이브리드 공간 모형 연구

        황미영(Hwang, Mee-Young) 한국실내디자인학회 2015 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.24 No.3

        It is an undeniable fact that the modern people"s interest in knowledge and information and their roles are some of the core factors used to define the modern society. Besides, as phenomena indicating and leading the modern society, we have fusion, hybrid and convergence, etc. that combine several different elements into a new one. Such changes in social, cultural and technological circumstances require a paradigm shift for the composition of knowledge and information facilities and space. However, more diversified and advanced recently, interfaces for the delivery of knowledge and information cause users to show new behaviors and even change the spatial concept with space composition elements hybridized. Especially for the space of libraries, it is necessary to access and utilize any forms of knowledge and information data (digital + analog) regardless of time and space limitations and approach with an integrated spatial concept likely to change flexibly depending on social demands. In this light, this study aims to make a basic proposal for sustainable integrated-type hybrid space for the space of a public library in this era of knowledge and information. Particularly, this study intends to seek a way to establish a hybrid space model that can effectively converge the most important factors of the space of libraries (human-space(network)-information). With 18 different cases, this study analyzed knowledge and information composition systems, knowledge and information delivery systems and users" space systems. As a result, this study extracted 3 kinds of models, an information-based model, a culture-based model and an education-based model, with the integrated hybrid space model of knowledge and information facilities.

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