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      • KCI등재

        동아시아적 시각에서 다시 읽는 <최척전>,<김영철전>

        김경미 ( Kyung Mi Kim ) 한국고전문학회 2013 古典文學硏究 Vol.43 No.-

        이 글은 동아시아적 시각에서 <최척전>과 <김영철전>을 재해석한 것이다. 이를 위해 우선 동아시아의 개념, 동아시아적 거점과 시각의 내용을 정리하였다. 지금 인문학에서 이야기하고 있는 동아시아는 지리적 개념이 아니라 하나의 인식단위 혹은 방법론이다. 이 글에서도 동아시아를 인식단위, 방법론으로 보고, 그렇게 볼 수 있는 근거로 이중언어, 유교, 유교가부장제를 제시하였다. 그리고 동아시아를 하나의 인식단위, 방법론으로 놓게 될 때 동아시아를 서구에 대립하는 또 하나의 중심으로 만드는 것을 우려하여 주변적 시각을 받아들일 필요가 있다고 보았다. 다음으로 한국 고소설 가운데 동아시아로 공간과 인물을 확장한 <최척전>과 <김영철전>을 동아시아적 시각에서 재해석 하였다. 포로가 되거나 전란 중에 가족과 헤어진 국가 경계를 넘어 교류하는 인물들의 경험을 담고 있는 이 두 작품은 타자의 연대나 보편적 인간애가 펼쳐진 것으로 해석되어왔다. 그러나 두 작품이 보여준 인적 교류는 제한적이며, 따라서 타자의 연대나 보편적 인간애로만 보기 어렵다. 오히려 이 두 작품은 국가 경계를 넘어선 주변인들의 교류를 통해 국가 정체성을 강하게 주장하지 않을 때 새로운 관계가 열릴 가능성이 있는 것을 보여준다. In this essay, I try to reinterpret Choicheok-jeon, Kimyoungcheol-jeon from the East Asian view. Here I see East Asia not as a geographical concept, but a unit of recognition or a methodology, as is discussed in humanities of Korea. In order to support this view, I consider diglossia, Confucianism, and Confucian patriarchy as the basic conception of the East Asian View. Another important consideration of this essay is the possibility of the danger of centrism we can fall into if we regard the East Asian view as one unit of recognition or a methodology. So the importance of the view of the marginal is stressed here. Choicheok-jeon and Kimyoungcheol-jeon are good to be analysed from the East Asian view in that their characters and their environments are enlarged to the East Asia. Their characters were shown to separate from their family and cross the national border because of wars. These works have been interpreted to show the solidarity with others and the universal love for human beings. But from my point of view, the personal exchanges between characters are limited, and it is hard to read the solidarity with others and the universal feeling for human beings from this work. On the contrary, these novels are significant in that they show new relationship can be possible when the marginal characters exchange across the border without insisting their own national identity.

      • KCI등재

        전쟁 소재 역사소설에서의 만남과 이산의 주체와 타자: 「최척전」·「김영철전」·「강로전」을 중심으로

        이민희(Minheui Lee) 국문학회 2008 국문학연구 Vol.17 No.-

        This study aims at defining peculiarity of a war historical-classic novel eg. ChoiCheok-Jeon(崔陟傳)】KimYoungCheol-Jeon(金英哲傳)】GangRo-Jeon(姜虜傳). Most of all, war historical novel is one of genres not only to show clearly the matter that the subject(主體) is influenced by others(他者) like a war(eg. Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592) or an irresistable force, but also to clear most definitely a distance between the subject and others. It is notable that others take an active hand to form the subject in these works. Here the subject means heroes or writer or contemporary ideal, a sense of values of those days etc. The other side, others means other things surrounding the subject. Hero and his family in above three war historical works experience to get scattered each other by war, and manage to meet again contingently. In this case, their dispersion and meeting again happen accidently on account of influence of numerous others(irresistable force, fortune, god s helping etc.) From the point of Choseon, it is easy for Japan or even China(which built by barbarian nation) to be recognized by others. But, above three works tell us that true identity means attitude or thinking which is able to accept the difference of others . Therefore, basic perspective for dispersion and meeting again of hero as the subject in war historical novels is about how broad-minded mutual relation between the subject and others works. That is, one of topic of three war historical novels is related to love for humanity of a East Asian countries without any discrimination of nation. Three war historical novels are worthy of setting high value from a point of view that not nation but an ordinary person is created as the subject, and writer actually catches the process(=reality) of getting personal identity by others. Historical truth from a war historical novel is ultimately connected that becoming the subject due to others and self-rationality are able to descript through the relationship between dispersion and meeting again with open narrative structure.

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