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      • KCI등재후보

        OMS선교사와 초기 성결교회 설교의 상관성에 관한 연구

        정인교 한신대학교 한신신학연구소 2013 신학연구 Vol.50 No.2

        We starts this study with the assumption, that the early period of Korea Evangelical Holiness Church(KEHC) has been grown under the support and the leadership of the missionaries mostly belonging to the Oriental Mission Society(OMS), so that the preaching of KEHC would have been influenced by them. There was no homiletics in Kyung Sung Bible School until the withdrawal of the missionaries from Korea in 1940, but at that time they have been occupied the ecclesiastical authority, the administration and the theological education of the KEHC, and many foreign preachers were invited as the main speaker in various bible classes and the revival meetings. Especially, it was impossible for the KEHC not to follow the instructions of the missionaries, because they provided the KEHC with the personnel expenses of the pastors and the operation expenses of the Kyung Sung Bible School. It is, therefore, clear, that the preaching of the KEHC was influenced by the missionaries in any way. However, it is unthinkable, that the Korean preachers, who were grown in the Confucian culture and educated by the Chinese classics, submitted to the missionaries like a robot. Then, Where and how can we confirm and prove the assumption that the KEHC would have been influenced by the missionaries in the preaching? First of all, in the understanding of the preaching, there is a little gap between the missionaries and the Korean preachers. Kilbourn, the representative of the missionary, insists on th holiness and the purification of the spirit as the goal of the preaching; he denies any rhetorical efforts for the effective communication in the preaching. The Pastor Lee, Myung Chik respected as the great teacher of the KEHC insists on the holiness too; he emphasizes on the divine dimension of the preaching unlike the missionaries. Lee Gun, the great preacher of KEHC, insists on the rhetorical training in the preaching contrary to the missionaries. The typological interpretation which the missionaries used frequently in the preaching is found in the Korean preaching. The missionaries emphasized on the born again, holiness and the Holy Spirit; in the Korean preaching, these themes were found frequently too. This facts prove that the early preachers of the KEHC subscribed to the theology and the faith of the missionaries and followed their direction and teaching. It is interesting, that at that time the missionaries didn't deal with the social and political themes in the preaching because of the separation of church and state; the Korean preaching showed the same character until 1940 preach, but in 1940s, some political preaching supporting the policy of Japan ironically in the Korean preaching; this so called ‘patriotic preaching’ was a product forced by Japan one hand, and a compromise to protect the denomination another hand. Unlike the content of the preaching, we doubt whether the form and the communication of the preaching were influenced by the missionaries; there are so various forms and logics in the preaching of the missionaries. But Korean preachers mostly prefer to the deductive and the three points preaching. Overall, the influence of the missionary stand out in the contents of the preaching rather than in the form and the communication. The contents of the Korean preaching focusing on the holiness and the personal faith of the christian is positive in the sense that it is a proof of the spirit of the KEHC. However, the KEHC should overcome some heritage of the missionary in order to be born again as ‘the national church’ and to match the personal holiness and the social holiness according to John Wesley apart from thanking the missionaries who introduced us ‘the pure gospel’.

      • Political Paradox of an Apolitical Church : Ecclesiological Development of the Fourfold Gospel Theology in the Korean Evangelical Holiness Church (KEHC) during the Japanese Colonial Regime (1910-1945)

        Sung Wook Oh 서울신학대학교 글로벌사중복음연구소 2015 World Christianity and the Fourfold Gosepl Vol.1 No.1

        This paper attempts to investigate the ecclesiological development of the Fourfold Gospel Theology in the Korean Evangelical Holiness Church (KEHC) during the Japanese colonial regime (1910‐1945). The KEHC reduced its theological origin to the radical holiness movement in the 19th century American revival era which was strongly influenced by the theology of John Wesley. Specifically, during the radical holiness movements, the International Holiness Union & Prayer League (IHUPL) in 1897 and the International Apostolic Holiness Union (IAHU) in 1900 made a contribution toward the birth of the Fourfold Gospel Theology and the KEHC. It is very important to recognize, however, that Japan played the role of bridge between the IAHU and the KEHC. That is, the IAHU sent missionaries to Japan for a mission to Asia and they founded the Oriental Mission Society (OMS) and the Bible school based on the Fourfold Gospel Theology in 1901. Two Koreans, Kim Sang Jun and Chung Bin, studied the Fourfold Gospel Theology in this Bible School, and returned to the Korean peninsula for the purpose of preaching the Fourfold Gospel to the Korean people in 1907. Kim Sang Jun and Chung Bin founded the Gospel Mission Hall with the help of two people from OMS, Charles E. Cowman and Earnest A. Kilbourne, as a platform to proclaim the Fourfold Gospel. The Fourfold Gospel - Justification, Sanctification, Divine Healing, and Second Coming of Christ - is an apolitical theological teaching in the KEHC. However, this paper reveals the political paradox of the Fourfold Gospel during the Japanese colonial era. In the process of persecution by Japanese colonialism, the KEHC showed a peaceful and nonviolent reaction. This paper proposes, therefore, that although the Fourfold Gospel of the KECH had an apolitical theological nature, the KEHC played a role of rival ge- ography, healing society, eschatological community in the Japanese colonial context.

      • KCI등재후보

        존 웨슬리의 영성에서 본 고 문준경 전도사의 순교영성

        양정 서울신학대학교 기독교신학연구소 2011 神學과 宣敎 Vol.39 No.-

        The spirituality of martyrdom which preacherin Joon Kyung Moon is valued highly nowaday here in Korean Church situation became the theme of Korean Church concerns. Certainly 21th century is the age of woman, with this judgement the Korean Evangelical Holiness Church is taking the blend of its denomination as the spirituality of martyrdom and showing deep interest to preacherin Joon Kyung Moon. When we are thinking the reason why people has such direction we can summarize three kinds of cause. First, after her mission for Churches which are locating on islands the fruits of labours for Christ are so real and plentiful, which the highest rate of Christians comparing to whole population of country in Korea consists of the present situation of Sin-an-Koon. Not only the sacrifice for neibour as a Christian leader, but also her evagelism for so many souls of country has made the present growth of Christian community. Secondly, to Korean Church so many well-known Church leaders of course, most of them are leanders, were impacted by her mission. Also they are recognizing without any hesitation the truth in public. we surprised when we catched about the information the Christian population there which consisting of 90% of whole citizen depending upon the impact of her martyrdom for Korean war. In the other side like every mother of each families take care of their children a mother of Korean delivered mission activities to man Church leadership very specially in man-centered Korean culture. This is so interested to scholars who are studing Korean Church history. Finally, the spirituality of her martyrdom is following the harmony between her teaching in words and her true practices through her almost 20 years mission. It is easy to be separated betweem them in Christian life. But she showed the great unity to serve the Korean Evangelical Holiness Church for her life. In the her ending time she saved one woman worker protecting her life. These three causes are drawing people’s concern to her martyrdom and became the blend of KEHC. It is necessary to step her spirituality of martyrdom in our Christian life. 순교자 문준경 전도사의 순교 영성에 대한 관심이 한국 교회에 높아졌다. 확실히 21세기는 여성의 시대라는 피력과 발맞추어 한국 성결교회는 성결교단의 인물 중에서 성결교회의 특색을 가장 이 시대에 잘 드러낸 인물로서 고 문준경 전도사의 순교 영성에 관심을 갖게 되었다. 그렇게 주목을 받게 된 근거로는 다음 세 가지 이유를 들 수 있다. 우선적으로 목회 사역에서 놀라운 희생정신을 발휘한 후 순교영성으로 마지막을 장식함으로써 많은 후대 사람들에게 긍정적 영향력을 끼쳤기 때문이다. 현재 한국 기독교의 통계를 살펴볼 때 가장 기독교인의 비율이 높은 지역이 바로 신안군이며 동시에 90퍼센트 육박하는 주민이 크리스천이라는 보고와 함께 그 결과가 바로 고 문준경 전도사의 순교 영향력이라고 것이 사가들의 공통된 의견이다. 한편, 그녀의 순교 영성 때문에 감동을 받는 한국 기독교 사역 현장에서 리더들이 많이 등장했다는 점이다. 한 알의 밀알이 땅에 떨어져 많은 열매를 맺는 것 같은 기독교 생명력의 역사가 그녀의 순교적 얼 때문에 많은 도전과 감동 속에서 후대 한국 기독교 지형을 이끌어 가는 리더들이 등장했다는 점이다. 특이한 사실은 남성 리더들의 등장은 마치도 위대한 어머니의 영향이 훌륭한 자녀들을 양육한다는 그런 원리와 유사한 상황이 역사 현상으로 뚜렷하기 때문에 유독 그녀의 순교 영성이 주목되는 이유가 되기도 한다. 마지막으로 그녀의 순교 영성이 세인들에게 주목되는 이유는, 바로 말과 행동의 분화가 아니라 언행의 일치된 신앙의 실천적 모습 속에서 찾아볼 수 있는 대목이랄 수 있다. 기독교는 말씀의 종교인데 그 말씀은 능력으로 화하여 우리의 삶의 전 영역을 변화시키는 원동력이 된다. 그런 점에서 오늘날과 같이 겉과 속이 다른 방향을 추구하는 상황 윤리가 팽배해진 포스트모더니즘 사회에서 초지일관 그리스도의 가르침을 말로 설교했을 뿐 아니라 손과 발의 언어로 실천한 믿음의 사람이었기에 결국 오늘처럼 많은 사람들의 관심의 대상이 될 수밖에 없었다. 그래서 이 논문에서는 성결교 신학의 근간이 되는 웨슬리 신학의 영성적 측면에서 고 문준경 전도사의 순교 영성을 조망해 보는 새로운 시도로 학행일치의 삶이 결국 마직막 순교 영성으로 꽃피운 것이라는 구조로 논리를 전개해 보았다. 순교자를 선양하는 일은 어떠한 생존 크리스천들의 노력도 모자란 활동이랄 수 있다는 점을 기억해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        기독교대한성결교회의 BCM(Body of Christ Model) 교육목회제도에 대한 평가

        손원영(Won-Young Sohn) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2007 기독교교육정보 Vol.18 No.-

        The aim of this article is to evaluate the new educational ministry model of Korea Evangelical Holiness Church(KEHC). As a matter of fact, the KEHC has celebrated the l00th anniversary this year of 2007. In commemoration of the founding of the KEHC, they have developed the new model of educational ministry system, which is called by "BCM"(Body of Christ Model). The researcher tries to deal with three themes related to the BCM. First of all, what is BCM? Second, is it appropriate that the BCM would suggest to the Korean Churches? Third, if it would be evaluated for its positive effectiveness, how could we think about? In more details, first, the BCM is understood church's structure by organism of five different subsystems in terms of systemic approach, which are personal, small group, congregation, Bible and tradition, and society. When it would highly be interactive among five different subsystems for enhancing quality and effectiveness of system, it says church education could be healthy. Toward meaningful change of church education, in addition to that, the KEHC also developed the "BCM Curriculum for Teacher" and "BCM Curriculum for Director of Education Ministry." Second, the BCM will be able to be more an alternative model of church education when it is reconceptualized the concept of "church school" into "Children Church" or "Youth Church" on the basis of the theological understanding on church as "body of Christ" instead of schooling system. It means that the BCM is useful system so that it may overcome the crisis of the Korean Church to face now. Lastly, the BCM could be not only evaluated to refresh the renewal models of Korean Churches as well as KEHC by the new educational ministry system, but it also needs to emphasize the cooperation among denomination, seminary, and each individual churches.

      • KCI등재

        성결교회의 창조신학 구성을 위한 기초 작업

        박영식 한신대학교 신학사상연구소 2023 신학사상 Vol.- No.202

        본 논문은 기독교대한성결교회의 창조신학의 기초적 토대를 마련하기 위한 작업으로서 먼저 오늘날의 논쟁사적 맥락을 염두에 두며, 창조-진화 논쟁의 역사적 과정을 선별하여 소개하고자 한다. 또한 최근 창조-진화 논쟁과 관련해서 입장을 명확히 한 사례들을 소개한 후, 기독교대한성결교회에 속한 신학자들은 성서적 창조를 어떻게 시대적 도전 속에서 해석하고 이해했는지를 드러내고자 했다. 무엇보다도 성결교회는 하나님의 말씀으로서의 성서 권위를 우선시하는 동시에 성서 해석의 시대 적합성을 간과하지 않았다. 또한 창조-진화 논쟁과 관련해서 종교적 진리와 과학적 설명 사이의 층위 구분을 분명히 함으로써 창조신앙의 관점에서 과학적 논의를 수용할 융통성을 발휘할 수 있었다. 또한 교회에 주어진 선교적 과제의 수행을 위해서 과학과의 올바른 관계 설정과 대화에도 지적 성실성을 유지했다. This paper aims to lay the foundational groundwork for the theology of creation within the context of the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church (KEHC). Initially, considering the contemporary historical context, the paper aims to introduce and discern the historical progression of the Creation-Evolution debate. Furthermore, by presenting specific cases that clarify perspectives in the recent Creation-Evolution discourse, it seeks to unveil how theologians within the KEHC have interpreted and comprehended the biblical creation narrative amid the challenges of their time. Above all, the KEHC prioritizes the authority of the Scriptures as the Word of God, while simultaneously acknowledging the contextual relevance of their interpretations. Additionally, in addressing the Creation-Evolution debate, the paper demonstrates an openness to incorporating scientific discussions from the faith in the creation, while distinctly delineating the hierarchical distinction between religious truths and scientific explanations. Moreover, the paper illustrates that KEHC has demonstrated intellectual integrity in establishing proper relationships and engaging in dialogues with science in oder to fulfill the missional task assigned to the church.

      • Understanding Spirit-Baptism for the 21st Century Wesleyan Holiness Movement

        Changhoon Park 서울신학대학교 글로벌사중복음연구소 2019 World Christianity and the Fourfold Gosepl Vol.5 No.1

        From a doctrinal and experiential point of view, if someone finds the identity of the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church in Wesley, it would be a story of looking for Wesley s energizing sense of balance. This is a form of holiness that extends beyond the personal holiness experience and extends into the community of faith and the social/political sphere. However, on the other hand, for those who emphasize the tradition of the holiness movement understanding holiness as the baptism of the Holy Spirit, this could not be fulfilled without this (bodily) experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the process of a gradual godly life pursuing change. And in fact, this entails not only the general phenomenon of the Holy Spirit, but also the (bodily) expectation of a extraordinary instantaneous apparent faith experience. The expectation for this (bodily) experience is clearly one of KEHC s identities. (out of the text)

      • KCI등재후보

        신사참배와 한국성결교회 ―현대교회론적 관점에서

        박영범 서울신학대학교 기독교신학연구소 2019 神學과 宣敎 Vol.56 No.-

        이 글은 기독교대한성결교회가 3 ‧ 1 만세운동 100주년을 맞이하여 다시금 과거의 모습을 되돌아보고, 이를 통해서 교회의 미래를 조명하고자 하는 목적을 지닌다. 특별히 ‘신사참배’라는 교회역사의 비극적 사건을 중심으로, 한국성결교회가 지닌 역사의 명암(明暗)을 드러낼 것이다. 그리고 오늘날 성결교회가 스스로에게 묻는 정체성의 질문을 다시금 되돌아 볼 것이다. 이를 위해서 신사참배의 논쟁점(II)과 일제가 폭압적으로 강요했던 신사참배의 본질과 목적(III), 그리고 이에 대한 성결교회의 저항(IV)을 교회론적 관점에서 되짚어 봄으로써 성결교회의 과제(V)를 살펴볼 것이다. 교회론은 현재의 교회가 자신의 실존적 질문에 대한 신학적 조언을 제공해야하는 과제가 있다. 그렇기에 현대 교회론 가운데 하나인 “조언으로서의 교회론”을 방법론으로서 사용한다. The year 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the March 1st Independence Movement. The purpose of this Study is to present an ecclesiological answer to the social challenges of 'Korea Evangelical Holiness Church (KEHC)'. Especially, it will reveal the light and dark side of the history of KEHC, focusing on the tragic event of the church history called 'Sinsachambae (shrine visit)'. And we will look back on the question of the identity of the Holy Church today asks of itself. For this purpose, I review the essence and purpose of the shrine visit (III) and the resistance (IV) of the Holiness church which were imposed by Japanese imperialism intensely (V). Ecclesiology has the challenge that the church must provide theological advice on its existential questions. Therefore, one of the modern ecclesiology, “eccelesiology as advice (A. Jaeger)” is used as a methodology.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회 평신도의 교회와 목회자의 선교실천에 대한 평가

        손동신 한국선교신학회 2006 선교신학 Vol.12 No.-

        This study as analysed the congregation's understanding of concept of mission a evaluation of their churches' practices for mission, It is anticipated from the process of feedback that this ""jll provide primary information towards a clear understanding of the current situation of the Korean church, specifically KEHc, in relation to the concept and practice of mission, This study employed the method of questionnaire, The questionnaire was designed in three parts, The first part contained instructions, The second part contained knowledge of the KEHC congregations' view of mission, The third part dealt with their view of their pastor's ministry in relation to mission, The questionnaire included twenty-nine questions, The sample included 461 congregations of the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church, The responses of participants were analysed according to several independent variables: age, sex, position in the church, years since becoming a Christian, location and size of the church etc, Initially, we conducted analyses of frequency, The results of frequency were examined in analyses of chi-square and t-test to compare in variables if those are applicable, The majority of congregations have a wide understanding of mission, and males, 20-30s and the Laity have a broader concept of mission, More than half of congregation indicate 'change in the congregation's understanding or consciousness of mission as the most important factor in undertaking mission, Significant differences were found in the view related to position in the Church, Elders indicated congregation's 'consciousness of mission' and 'church's finance situation' while the Laity considered 'congregation's participation' as the important element, Half of the congregations indicated that undertaking mission of the Church will contribute to church growth but mission is not the condition of church growth, Regarding the relationship between mission and Church, the Elders indicated the highest percent, Congregations reported that their pastors put emphasis on mission by mentioning it in preaching, and the content was mainly about 'raising funds for the support of missionaries.' A missionary committee normally undertakes mission practices but mission is carried out without systematic, consistent, and long-term strategy ani policy, Mission education for congregation run in one third of churches focuses on ways of support to denominational strategy for sending missionaries and mission education in the dimension of wider mission practice is hardly undertaken, A phenomenon of imbalance in undertaking mission practice is found, As a result, congregations indicate pastors leadership in a negative way in relation to undertaking mission practice, A tendency towards imbalance in undertaking mission practice also appeared in congregations' evaluation on social services of the churches, Most of them indicated the church should carry out both evangelism and social services at the same time, but there are many who understand social services as a means of evangelism, It was reported that, although half of the churches involve themselves in social services, their activities are mainly aimed at financial support for social agencies, They evaluated both pastors practice for social responsibility and churches' activities for mission low and strongly indicated that 'church leans to mission.'

      • KCI등재후보

        유아세례에 대한 성서신학적 고찰

        윤철원 ( Cheol Won Yoon ) 서울신학대학교 기독교신학연구소 2012 神學과 宣敎 Vol.41 No.-

        한국개신교의 대표적인 주류교단에 속하는 기독교대한성결교회 (이하 성결교회)는 유아세례를 헌아식과 더불어 교회의 예전으로 받아들였다. 이에 대한 신학적 논의가 충분하지 않았을 뿐 아니라 성서신학적 토론이 부족한 가운데 이루어져 많은 아쉬움을 남겼다. 본 연구는 바로 이러한 추이를 주목하면서 유아세례를 옹호하는 데 인용되는 본문들을 성서신학적으로 검토하기 위해 시도되었다. 유아세례의 문제를 다루기 위해서는 칼 바르트의 입장에 대해 분석하는 것이 타당하다. 왜냐하면 그가 질문하는 네 가지 물음이 성서신학적으로 문제를 제기할 뿐 아니라 유아세례가 갖는 신학적 문제를 정당하게 평가하도록 돕기 때문이다. 유아세례 옹호자들이 성서적 근거로 꼽는 것은 ‘온 집’의 세례(행 16:15, 33, 18:8; 고전 1:16), 예수의 어린이 환대(막 10:13; 마 18:1 이하; 눅 18:17; 막 10:1516), 오순절의 성령의 역동적 임재와 유아세례의 연관성(행 2:39), 그리고 불신자와의 결혼이 함축하는 신학적 문제(고전 7:14) 등이다. 본 논문은 유아세례를 토론할 때 제시되는 이 관련 본문들을 성서신학적으로 분석하여 이 본문들이 유아세례의 정당성을 옹호하지 않는다는 것을 밝힐 것이다. 즉 저자의 기록의도를 아랑곳하지 않거나 문학적 맥락이 무시된 채 증거본문(proof text)으로 사용될 수 없다는 점을 분명히 밝히므로 유아세례가 성서신학적으로 타당성을 갖기 어렵다는 점을 논증할 것이다. The Korea Evangelical Holiness Church (KEHC) has officially decided to accept infant baptism (paedobaptism) into its liturgy. The ritual has been enforced as a system of a child offering ceremony, however, the KEHC declared that both could be possible at the annual meeting in 1996. Paedobaptists conventionally select four texts from the New Testament writings to support the legitimacy of infant baptism. Firstly, baptism of the ``whole house``(Acts 16:15, 33; 18:8; 1Cor. 1:16); Jesus` hospitality towards the children (Mk. 10:13, 15-16; Matt. 18:1ff; Lk. 18:17); the dynamic presence of the Holy Spirit in Pentecost (Acts 2:39) and the marriage with the unbelieving partner (1Cor. 7:14). Although the passages do not directly mention infant baptism, as scholars like Karl Barth insist, they are frequently referred to whenever baptism is mentioned. This article deals with both a textual analysis against infant baptism as well as the biblical-theological investigation for its insistence. At the same time, the texts proposed above should not be used to support the practice of infant baptism, while the intention of the authors and literary contexts are ignored.

      • John Wesley s Concept of Experience and Empiricism

        Sung-Hyun Oh 서울신학대학교 글로벌사중복음연구소 2019 World Christianity and the Fourfold Gosepl Vol.5 No.1

        This paper reveals the nature of the experience of faith in the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church as follows: First, the experience of faith that the Korea Holiness Church intended to emphasize was the experience of holiness. Second, the de facto primary experience for the Korea Holiness Church appears to be the experience of divine healing. In many testimonies of believers, especially in the testimonies of representative pastors of the Holiness Church. Third, in the faith experience of the Korea Holiness Church, less attention was paid to the witness of our spirit among the dual witnesses of Wesley s claim to being the children of God . The Korea Holiness Church, like Wesley, emphasized the witness of the Holy Spirit, the direct witness of the Holy Spirit, which gives us the assurance of salvation, that we are reconciled to God in forgiveness of sins.

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