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        박옥남 소설에 나타난 조선족 정체성 연구

        최병우 한중인문학회 2018 한중인문학연구 Vol.59 No.-

        박옥남은 30년 작가 생활을 하는 중에 소설집 『장손』(2011) 한 권을 간행한 과작의 조선족 작가이다. 그는 많지 않은 작품을 통해 소수민족으로서의 정체성을 유지해 오던 조선족 사회 가 시대 변화로 어떻게 변모하고 또 와해되어 가는가에 깊은 관심을 보여 왔다. 본고는 그의 소설집과 이후 발표된 여섯 편의 소설을 검토하여, 시대의 변화에 따라 그의 소설의 주제가 어떻게 확장되고 또 형상화되고 있는가를 살폈다. 박옥남은 작가 생활 초기에 주로 기구하고 불우한 삶을 산 조선족의 일화를 다루었다. 이 후 작가는 개혁개방과 한중교류로 농촌에 살던 조선족들이 도시로 또 한국으로 이주하면서 와해되어 가는 조선족 사회를 보여주고, 조선족 현실에 대한 관심이 확대되어 혼인과 장례등을 통해 중국 사회의 소수자로서 조선족의 정체성에 대한 관심을 드러낸다. 2007년 생애 처음 으로 한국을 다녀간 뒤 한국사회의 주변부에서 신산한 삶을 살아가는 조선족의 삶을 소설화 하기 시작하였다. 박옥남은 『장손』 상재 이후 관심 영역을 넓혀 와해되어 가는 조선족 사회의 다양한 풍경과 함께 중국 농촌에 팔려온 탈북여성의 삶을 형상화하기도 하였다. 교직에서 정년한 후 한국에 입국해 있는 박옥남이 새로운 경험을 통해 조선족 정체성에 대한 새로운 영역을 개척하여 소설화할 것을 기대한다. Park Ok-nam is a Joseonjok writer who wrote little and published a novel collestion, Jangson(2011) during a 30‐year author life. He showed a keen interest in how Joseonjok society, which maintained its identity as a minority in China, was transformed and broken down through works that are not so many. This study examined his novel collestion and the six novels published later, and looked at how the subject of his novels is expanding and shaping according to the changes of the times. Park Ok-nam depicted the anecdotes of Joseonjok, who mainly engaged in organizing and living an unfortunate life at the beginning of his life. Since then, the writer showed the society of Joseonjok who had lived in rural areas through the reform and opening, and Korea and China exchanges showed themselves to be disintegrating as they moved to the cities or to south Korea, and expanding interest in the reality of Joseonjok reveals interest in Joseonjok's identity as a minority in China society through marriage and funeral. After going to Korea for the first time in 2007, he began to fiction about the life of Joseonjok living a new hard and painful life in the periphery of Korean society. Park Ok‐nam, after the publication of Jangson, also shaped the lives of North Korean women sold in rural areas along with diverse scenes of the devastated Joseonjok society by widening the area of interest. Park Ok‐nam, who has come to Korea after his retirement from his teaching profession, is expected to pioneer and novelize a new area of Joseonjok identity through his new experience.

      • KCI등재

        Joseonjok Citizenship in South Korea: Perspectives of Korean Ethnic Nationalism, Nouveau-Riche nationalism and Ethnoracism

        ZMIRE ZELJANA,김상규 현대중국학회 2023 現代中國硏究 Vol.24 No.4

        With the transformation of Korea from a seemingly homogeneous and mono-cultural society toward celebrating its changing demographic composition, multiculturalism has long assumed a focal point of debate in Korean society. While this transition has received significant attention from the media, politicians, and academics, no other migrant groups drew attention as much as Joseonjok (Korean Chinese). In part because they shared the presumed Korean bloodline and spoke the Korean language, Joseonjok received preferential legal treatment and became the first large-scale in-bound group as marriage and labor migrants. At the same time, many Joseonjok have suffered from socio-economical marginalization and socio-cultural discrimination. How do we understand the simultaneous preferential status and discrimination of the Joseonjok? Previous studies tried to answer this question by looking at the legal status of Joseonjok, as a result they lacked explanatory reasons as to when and why Joseonjok are treated as co-ethnics or foreigners. Some studies tried to answer this question through a narrow and simplified framework of Korean nationalism. This study draws attention to the socio-cultural perceptions of Joseonjok in Korea as a key to understanding the simultaneous preference and discrimination they receive in Korean society. This study suggests that the discrepancy in Joseonjok treatment can be better understood by combining other conceptual devices, such as nouveau-riche nationalism and ethnoracism.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 조선족 생활문화 구술아카이브 분석

        문형진 한국외국어대학교 정보·기록학연구소 2023 기록과 정보·문화 연구 Vol.- No.17

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the living culture part of the oral archives conducted by Joseonjok(Chinese Korean) elders using text mining techniques. The study analyzes the oral archives of 43 Joseonjok elders using word cloud and network methods.In Chapter 3, extracting the top 50 key words with high frequency, the word cloud analysis visualizes and refines the living culture. Dividing the analysis into two groups, intellectuals and ordinary people, will reveal the events, incidents, and customs that most influenced the lives of Joseonjok. This analysis will help us to reconstruct the early social life of Joseonjok migrants by extracting high-frequency key words and analyzing their meanings.In Chapter 4, the network analysis attempts to extract the meanings of the key words through their connectivity. This will reveal how the society and the life of the Joseonjok have been concretized. In the case of intellectuals’ oral archives, three clusters were found to be strongly connected around the key words such as father, school, and Joseonjok. Through this, it was found that the intellectuals were interconnected with the loss of the country they had to experience during their school years and the hard life they had to live without homeland in Manchuria. In addition, ordinary people lived in villages among Joseonjok, marrying and living with people of the same ethnicity. In the case of livelihood, they pioneered their own lives through rice farming, and secured their position by participating in Chinese Civil War before and after the liberation. It is hoped that the facts revealed through thr study will help to recreate the formation and development of Joseonjok society in the early years of migration.

      • KCI등재

        박옥남과 금희 소설에 나타난 조선족의 ‘이주’ 비교 연구 -‘고향’·‘가족’·‘집’을 중심으로-

        조수진 한중인문학회 2023 한중인문학연구 Vol.81 No.-

        Park Ok-nam and Geum-hee are writers belonging to the third generation of the Joseonjok. Park Ok-nam was between the second and third generations, and Geum Hee was on the borderline between the third and fourth generations. Both artists created works with the theme of migration and identity issues of Joseonjok. In this article, we compared and analyzed the ‘migration’ of Joseonjok in the works of Park Ok-nam and Geum-hee, focusing on the hometown, family, and home. In Park Ok-nam’s work, ‘hometown’ shows the pattern of chain migration, to move to Korea and capitalism was introduced to Joseonjok villages. In contrast, in Geumhee's work, there is a return migration of people moving to Korea and the hometown they return to has the meaning of a place symbolizing romanticism. Next, the change in the intermarriage consciousness of Joseonjok in Park Ok-nam's work shows the phenomenon in which the identity of the Joseonjok becomes ambiguous as Joseonjok assimilate into the Han Chinese culture. In contrast, ‘family’ in Geumhee’s works appears in the form of separated families migrating to Chinese jurisdictions and cities due to unfavorable family circumstances or employment problems. Lastly, this article examines the temporary residence of immigrants in Park Ok-nam’s works and the ‘identity’ of the characters in Geum-hee’s works. If the migration shown in Park Ok-nam's works appears as a process of disintegration of Joseonjok village community, the migration shown in Geum-hee's works is contrasted between rural and urban spaces, and appears as a symbol of the characters' identities.

      • KCI등재

        김금희 소설에 나타난 조선족 이주에 관한 인식

        최병우 한중인문학회 2018 한중인문학연구 Vol.61 No.-

        본고에서 고구한 바 김금희 소설이 다룬 이주의 특징은 아래와 같다. 첫째, 이주민 누구나 경험하는 심리적 고통을 다루고, 이주민들은 그들이 선택한 삶을 살아야 함을 이야기한다. 둘 째 이주에 대한 객관적 접근을 통해 조선족의 이주 열풍이 현대사회의 초국가적 이주 현상임 을 보여준다. 셋째, 이주의 불안정성에 대한 대안으로 농업 정주를 제시하고 있으나 이는 농촌 의 보편적 상황과 중국 농민의 현실을 반영하지 못한 한계를 보인다. 김금희는 조선족의 이주 현실에 대해 객관적으로 접근하여 이주의 본질과 이주가 인간의 삶에 미치는 영향 등 이주가 갖는 인문학적 의미를 해명해왔다. 김금희가 이주 문제에 이렇듯 객관적 시각을 지닐 수 있었던 것은 그녀가 조선족 공동체에 대한 기억의 부담이 존재하지 않는 신세대로서 이전 세대 조선족 작가들에 비해 조선족 공동체의 와해에 대한 심리적 절박 감이 적었던 결과로 이해해 볼 수 있다. 김금희 소설은 그간의 조선족 소설이 이주 열풍을 조선족의 문제로만 접근해 온 한계를 극복하고 현대사회의 초국가적 이주라는 보편적 현상으 로 파악한 점에서 소설사적 의의를 지닌다. The migration characteristics appearing in Kim Geum‐hee's novel as investigated in this study are as follows. First, it copes with the psychological pain experienced by any migrant, and tells migrants to live their chosen life. Second, the objective approach to migration shows that the migration craze of Joseonjok(조선족) is a transnational migration phenomenon in modern society. Third, agricultural settlement is suggested as an alternative to the instability of migration, but there is a limitation in that it does not reflect the universal situation of agricultural communities and the reality of Chinese farmers. Kim Geum‐hee has objectively approached the migration reality of Joseonjok, explaining the humanistic implications of migration, including the nature of migration and the effects of migration on human life, etc. Kim Geumhee was able to have such an objective view on the migration issues because she had less psychological urgency about disintegration of the Joseonjok community as a new generation with no burden of memory for the Joseonjok community, compared to the previous generation of Joseonjok writers. Kim Geum‐hee's novel has its significance in the novel history in that Joseonjok novels overcome the limitations of the migration craze approaching as only Joseonjok's own problem and grasp it as a universal phenomenon of transnational migration in modern society.

      • KCI등재

        근대 세계체제의 확장과 약소자의 정체성― 중국 조선족 작가 금희의 소설 세계

        오창은 국제한인문학회 2021 국제한인문학연구 Vol.- No.30

        소설가 금희는 중국 조선족 문학계와 한국 문학계에서 동시에 주목받는 작가이다. 그는 조선족 거주지역인 길림성 장춘 구태시에서 나고 자랐으며, 한때는 한국에서 하위계층 노동자로 생활하기도 했다. 금희는 1990년대 이후 동아시아의 세계체제 변화에 따라, 중국 조선족의 삶이 급격하게 변화하는 양상을 사실적으로 그려냈다. 금희의 소설에는 조선족으로서의 삶을 긍정하는 태도가 드러나고(「세상에 없는 나의 집」), 북한 이탈 주민을 약소자로서 형상화해내는 뛰어난 윤리적 감각을 보여주기도 한다(「옥화」). 개혁 개방 이후 중국 조선족 여성들이 농촌을 떠나 도시로 이주하면서 겪는 윤리적 갈등과 자기 욕망의 발견을 핍진하게 그려냈다(『천진 시절』). 중국 조선족 문학은 중국의 소수민족 문학이면서, 한국에서는 동일한 언어를 쓰는 재외한인문학으로 포용된다. 금희는 스스로를 ‘조선어로 작품을 쓰는 마지막 세대의 작가’라고 했다. 금희는 소설을 통해 농촌에서 도시로 옮겨온 이주민으로서, 가부장적 질서와 갈등하는 여성으로서, 세계체제의 하위주체로서 자기 정체성을 발견해나가는 과정을 형상화냈다. 금희 소설에 표현된 약소자로서의 정체성은 세계체제와 긴장하는 정치성을 띠고 있다. 금희의 소설은 디아스포라 문학을 바라보는 시선에 대해 근본적인 문제제기를 제기한다. 디아스포라 문학 연구자는 자기가 속한 세계를 중심에 놓는 관점에서 벗어나 디아스포라적 주체의 시선으로 세계를 바라볼 수 있어야 한다. 금희의 소설은 중국 조선족의 자기 정체성의 발견을 제시함으로써, 전지구적 근대체제의 작동양상과 연관해 디아스포라 연구를 할 필요가 있음을 제기한다. Geum Hee, a novelist, is a writer who is attracting the attention of both the Joseonjok (ethnic Koreans in China) literature circle and the Korean literature circle. She was born and raised in Changchun, Jilin Province, and she once lived as a lower-class laborer in Korea. Geum Hee has realistically depicted the rapid changes in the lives of Joseonjok in East Asia following the changes in the world system since the 1990s. Geum Hee’s novel reveals an attitude that gives an affirmative depiction of the life of Joseonjok (My Home That Is Not in the World), and also shows an excellent ethical sense that embodies North Korean defectors as the Minority (Okhwa). After China’s reform and opening up, her novel plausibly portrays the ethical conflicts and the discovery of self-desire experienced by Joseonjok women as they move from rural to urban areas. (The Days of Tianjin) Joseonjok literature is ethnic minority literature in China, while it is included in the category of overseas Korean literature using the same language. Geum Hee described herself as ‘the last generation of writers who write works in the Korean language.’ Through her novels, Geum Hee embodies the process of discovering their own identity of women in conflict with the patriarchal order as migrants from the countryside to the city and as a sub-subject of the world system. The identity as the Minority, expressed in Geum Hee Novel, is politicized in tension with the world system. Geum Hee’s novels call for fundamental questions about the perspective of looking at diaspora literature. Diaspora literature researchers should be able to look at the world from the perspective of a diaspora subject, away from the point of view that puts their world at the center. Geum Hee’s novels present Joseonjok’s discovery of self-identity, indicating the need to study diaspora in relation to the workings of the global modern system.

      • KCI등재

        조선족 초국적 역/이주와 포스트국민국가적 규제 국가장치에 관한 연구

        윤영도(Yun, Young-do) 한국중어중문학회 2011 中語中文學 Vol.50 No.-

        Joseonjok(Chaoxianzu) is the biggest immigrant group in South Korea, but ironically, they have same ethnic origin with Korean, They immigrated to north-east China when Japanese Empire occupied that area and couldn’t come back to mother country, Korea. After Detente, Joseonjok, who has been nationalized as an ethnic minority group of Chinese nation during the cold war, has been able to return to Korea. But there were some block factors for return migration. They were treated as a Chinese, and had to get a visa for foreigner immigrant, who was not permitted to get a job and to have a long stay. During post cold-war era, there were several important changes of state apparatus for regulating immigrant in South Korea, such as visa system, Nationality Act, overseas Koreans policy and immigrant worker policy. Nonetheless, because of concern about their return rush, Korean government has restricted Joseonjok’s immigrant and has been controling the illegal Joseonjok immigrant by using the unfavorable regulatory system and controling them strictly. Recently, This regulatory system have changed more favorable to Joseonjok but not sufficient. This thesis is tracing the history of regulatory state apparatus for Joseonjok immigrant, which simultaneously has two facet of denationalization and re-nationalization in the post-national context.

      • KCI등재

        재한 조선족 고학력자의 진로결정과정에 관한 연구: 한국 취업 결정자를 대상으로

        채향화,김창대 한국다문화교육학회 2022 다문화교육연구 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to explore the career decision making process and socio-cultural influencing factors of highly educated Joseonjok in Korea. In-depth interviews were conducted with 15 highly educated Joseonjok, and data were collected and analyzed using the grounded theory approach. The result of this study indicates that highly educated Joseonjok recognized career barriers and opportunities in both countries as non-mainstream members. This was related to ‘ambiguous identity’, ‘discrimination and acceptance experiences’ experienced in both China and Korea. Through cognitive control and positive coping behavior, participants finally decided to stay in Korea to work for their individual achievements after graduation. However, it was found that confidence in the outcome of career decision was influenced by the ‘sense of belonging’ perceived by individuals. In addition, ‘cultural and linguistic characteristics’, ‘the trend of migration of Joseonjok’, ‘social status in both China and Korea’, and the ‘system and environment of both China and Korea’ were also confirmed as contextual and mediating factors. The particular significance of this study lies in proposing countermeasures to introduce high-quality human resources, providing career education and consultation programs for highly educated Joseonjok, and expanding multicultural career theory and research.

      • KCI등재

        조선족 결혼이주여성을 대상으로 한 전사(戰史) 아카이브 활용 교육방안 연구

        문형진 한국보훈학회 2020 한국보훈논총 Vol.19 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to suggest the most efficient education plan by utilizing archives of warfare history for Joseonjok (Korean-Chinese) marriage immigrant women. The goal is to foster Korean people's consciousness and brotherhood, and to form a sense of love for Korea to those who were born in China and received Chinese history education. As an educational plan to realize this, I present three educational plans (educational plan for video archives, educational plan using Joseonjok’s handwriting archives, and teaching by rote). In the education plan for video archives, three recently released films were used. In the education plan for Joseonjok’s handwriting archives, the letters recorded the migration process by the parents' generation were used. In the teaching by rote plan, the research results on the cause of the outbreak of the Manchu Invasion of Korea in 1636 were introduced. I hope that the archive materials related to the history of warfares can be used as various educational methods through the study, and that it will serve as an opportunity to enhance the need for Joseonjok marriage immigrant women to receive Korean history education. 본고는 조선족 결혼이주여성들을 대상으로 전사(戰史) 아카이브를 활용하여 가장 효율적인 교육 방안을 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 중국에서 태어나 중국 역사교육을 받은 이들에게 한민족 의식과 동포애를 함양시키고 한국을 사랑하는 의식을 형성하자는 데 그 목표를 두고 있다. 이를 실현할 교육 방안으로 3가지 교육방안 (영상 아카이브 활용 교육방안, 조선족 육필 아카이브 활용 교육방안, 주입식 교육방안)을 제시하고자 한다. 영상 아카이브 활용 교육 방안에서는 최근 개봉한 3편의 영화를 활용하였고, 조선족 육필 아카이브 활용 교육 방안에서는 부모세대가 이주과정을 기록한 편지를 활용하였으며, 주입식 교육 방안에서는 병자호란 발발 원인에 대한 연구 성과를 소개한다. 본고를 통해 전사관련 아카이브 자료가 다양한 교육 방안으로 활용될 수 있고, 조선족 결혼이주여성들에게 한국 역사 교육을 받을 필요성을 제고시키는 계기가 되길 희망해 본다.

      • 통시적으로 본 조선족 문화

        박승권 동덕여자대학교 한중미래연구소 2017 한중미래연구 Vol.8 No.-

        본고는 조선족의 150여 년간에 걸친 문화를 이주와 정착 그리고 유동 이라는 세 단계로 나누어 살펴본다. 조선족의 사회와 문화는 시대적인 특 성을 뚜렷하게 간직하고 있다. 본고에서는 이를 통시적인 차원에서 살펴 보고자 한다. 그리고 본고에서는 조선족의 문화를 중국 · 한국 · 조선족이라는 단순 한 구도가 아닌 다각적이고 다층적인 시각에서 다루고자한다. 이를 드러 내기 위해 먼저 연구의 시각에 대한 검토를 하고 다음으로 의 · 식 · 주 · 행 등 일상에서 체현되는 조선족 문화의 특성을 이주 · 정착 · 유동 이라 는 세단계로 나누어 살펴보도록 하겠다. This article examines the 150-year-old culture of Joseonjok divided into three stages; migration, settlement, and flow. The society and culture of ethnic Koreans in China have distinctive characteristics of the times. I looked at these from a diachronic perspective in the article, I also tried to deal with the culture of Joseonjok in multifaceted and multi-layered perspectives, not a simple structure of Chinese, Korean and Joseonjok. In order to reveal this, I first examined the point of view of the study, and then discussed the characteristics of the Korean culture embodied in everyday life, such as food, clothing, and shelter in accordance with three stages; migration, settlement, and flow.

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