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      • KCI등재

        전주 구도심 전라감영지의 재생과 활성화를 위한 설계연구

        한고은(Han, Ko-Eun),이영(Lee, Young) 대한건축학회 2012 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.28 No.11

        The purpose of this study is to analyze boundaries of the old Jeonju City and then suggest an architectural proposal for revitalizing the Historical site, JeollaGamYoung. Jeonju has been through its course of the birth, growth, decline and regeneration under different economic, cultural and political conditions. Nowadays Jeonju is pursuing two compatible goals called “conservation” of history, traditions and cultural elements and “development” to improve citizen’s life quality. This study also suggests a future prospect for Jeonju which has been its characteristic history and culture from an angle of development and regeneration. At the same time, this study investigates the old Jeonju City as a centre of present city. Also it finds out how this part has changed its role as old civic center. In addition, this study has a specific goal as a basic material that can be effective for old civic center’s regeneration. Firstly, we analyze the structure of old Jeonju City, and try to figure out boundaries of JeollaGamYoung and its annex using several stacked layers of old maps of Jeonju. We verify exact boundary of past in old Jeonju with a method of overlapping two sheets of maps of past Jeonju and present one. Secondly, restoration of JeollaGamYoung is understood in the same context as regeneration of old civic center, Jeonju. Thirdly, this study suggests a new direction of urban regeneration proposal using local government office in Jeonju and the future changes. Thus, this study proposes a unique method about how to preserve the old civic center of Jeonju, and how to regenerate this urban center in architectural perspectives. We expect to revitalize the old civic center of Jeonju with the combination of traditional culture contents and this architectural proposal on its new main street.

      • KCI등재

        포크(Foulk)의 일기에 기록된 전라감영의 접대문화

        송영애 한국콘텐츠학회 2019 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.19 No.12

        본 연구는 1884년 11월 10일, 12시 10분에 전주에 도착하여 2박 3일간 머문 죠지 클레이턴 포크의 일기를 바탕으로 하였다. 머무는 동안 감사로부터 대접받은 음식, 술, 연회, 선물 등으로 당시 전라감영의 문화를 알 수 있었다. 특히 포크는 기록으로 부족한 내용을 그림으로 그리고 설명을 더했는데, 11월 11일 아침 10시에 전라감사로부터 특별히 대접받은 아침밥상의 반배도를 그려두었다. 이는 음식과 관련된 고문헌이 전무한 전주에서는 조선시대의 음식문화를 알 수 있는 최고(最古)이자 최초(最初)의 자료로 매우 가치가 있다. 또한 본 연구는 다른 학자들이 발표한 포크 일기와 관련된 연구에서 오류를 바로 잡고자 하였다. 따라서 포크의 일기를 당시 조선을 다녀간 많은 외국인들의 기록을 바탕으로 재해석하였으며, 다른 연구 분야와 통섭하여 전라감영 전체의 접대 문화를 살펴보았다. 이는 135년 전 외국인의 눈에 비친 전라감영의 문화를 객관적으로 이해하는 데 큰 의미를 둔 연구결과다. This study was based on the diary of George Clayton Fork, who arrived in Jeonju at 12:10 p.m. on November 10, 1884 and stayed for two nights and three days. During his stay, he was able to learn about the culture of Jeollagamyoung at that time through food, alcohol, banquets and gifts that he was treated to by gratitude. In particular, Fork added pictures and explanations of the deficiencies to its records, drawing half the breakfast table specially served by the Jeollagamyoung at 10 a.m. on Nov. 11. This is very valuable as the best and first source of knowledge of the food culture of the Joseon Dynasty in Jeonju, where no torture related to food was found. This is the result of a study that put great significance on objectively understanding the culture of Jeollagamyoung in the eyes of foreigners 135 years ago.

      • KCI등재후보

        16~17세기 古今島 인근 海路와 水軍鎭의 설치

        김경옥 국립목포대학교 도서문화연구원 2009 島嶼文化 Vol.0 No.33

        This is a case study to investigate dispatch of the naval force, establishment of sugunjins(水軍鎭), island interrelation between sea routes and sugunjins in the southwest islands region in 16th and 17th century. Existing studies on sugunjins have included its establishment, its enlargement, changes of its function, its subsidiary facilities, the structure of its finances and so on, but have not paid attention to its location relatively. Where were sugunjins located? It was the 31th year of Sunjo(宣祖) when Gokeumdo(古今島) began to be considered as a army post. In other words, it is originated from stationing the allied forces at Duckdongli(德洞里), Gokeumdo by Lee, Sunsin(李舜臣) from Chosun(朝鮮) and Jinlin(陳璘) from Ming(明). At that time, Lee, Sunsin was full of praise for the geographical position of Gokeumdo by saying ‘the key point able to control right and left sea of Honam(湖南)’. It is in the early 17th century when sugunjins were established in Gokeumdo. At that time, governmental officials was investigating discussion about establishment of sugunjins to construct the defence system of islands region in the southwest sea. As s result of it, they knew the importance of the defence system there, and had an opinion that one or two sugunjins, first, should be tried to operate and then their number should be expended in stead of experiencing trial and error by establishing several sugunjins at a time. The required conditions paid attention as the center of sugunjins in the southwest sea in the 17th century have been found in its location and sea routes. In other words, the location of Gokeumdo has being piled up one on another by islands, large and small, and had way point that the distribution of Galipojin(加里浦鎭) at Wando(莞島), Whenyungpojin(會寧浦鎭) at Jangheung(長興), Madojin(馬島鎭) at Gangjin(康津), and so on enabled to get in touch instantly with Jeollagamyoung(全羅監營), Byungyoung(兵營), Usuyuong(右水營), Jwasuyuong(左水營), Hanyang(漢陽), Youngnam(嶺南), and so on. In other words, the construction network that connected right and left between Gokeumdojin(古今島鎭) and upper governmental offices was its sea routes. On the ground of that, it is understood that the allied forces of Chosun-Ming(朝明) was stationed in Gokeumdo and all sugunjinbos(水軍鎭堡) around the south west sea including Gokeumdojin were located in the sides of the sea routes in the 17th century.

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