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      • KCI등재

        20세기 전기 전북 지역 자료『영산실록』의 표기와 음운

        장승익(Jang, Seung-ick) 한국언어문학회 2021 한국언어문학 Vol.118 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the orthographic and phonological characteristics of the Yeongsan Sillok(the biography of Yeongsan), published in Jeollabuk-do in the early 20th century. The author of this book is considered to be Jang Bong-seon, an educator from Jeongeup city in Jeollabuk-do. Accordingly, it is expected that this book contains the orthographic characteristics and attitudes toward the language of young intellectuals in Jeollabuk-do in the early 20th century. In Chapter 3, we looked at the orthographic characteristics of this book. The writing characteristics of this book largely follow the characteristics of the 19th century Jeollabuk-do dialect based on the tradition of modern Korean. However, a transitional characteristic of the language transforming into present-day Korean was also present. Although only a few examples have been confirmed, the writing of double consonant letters for tense consonant are gradually similar to the notation method of modern Korean. This can be understood as a dissolution process. At the same time, with the exception of some circumstances of verbs, the tendency to split consonants is widely confirmed, and the modern Korean notation for the /ㄹㄹ/ chain (ㄹㄴ, ​​ㄹㅇ) is gradually changing to ㄹㄹ . Above all, the fact that the notation of ․ or diphthong after sibilants no longer appears in this book is a characteristic feature that differs from data from the Jeollabuk-do region of the same period. This writing trend seems to be related to a set of linguistic norms compiled in the first half of the 20th century. Recalling that the author of this book established a private school in the 1920s and 1930s and devoted himself to educational activities, this assumption is somewhat probable. In Chapter 4, we looked at the phonological characteristics of the Yeongsan Sillok(the biography of Yeongsan). Front-vowelization was very active inside the morpheme, but at the morpheme boundary, it appeared only in the environment behind c . The simple vowelization of jə>e is confirmed throughout the interior and boundary of the morpheme, and it must have been a productive phonological phenomenon in the Jeollabuk-do dialect in the early 20th century, as hypercorrection types also appeared. Regarding the alternation of the ending ‘-a/ə’, when the stem vowel is ‘ø’, there is a high tendency to combine these to ‘-ə’. This is different from the 19th century and modern Jeollabuk-do dialects. In the case of umlauts, only very limited examples were shown. And although t-palatalization is quite actively realized, only a few examples of k-palatalization were shown. Through this realization of phonological phenomena, we were able to confirm whether the young intellectuals in the Jeollabuk-do region in the early 20th century had linguistic attitudes toward the Jeollabuk-do dialect. In this book, the typical phonological phenomenon of the Jeollabuk-do dialect was confirmed only to a very limited extent due to its negative evaluation by the author.

      • KCI등재

        전라북도 장례요의 유형과 음악적 특징

        임미선 한국민요학회 2012 한국민요학 Vol.36 No.-

        In this paper, I have analysed various types of funeral songs in Jeollabuk--do Province to identity the mode types and musical characteristics of them. Those songs can be divided into three categories: Daet Sori, Unsang Sori and Dalgu Sori. This study includes as many types as possible to draw the comprehensive conclusion of the funeral songs’s characteristics in this area. The results are as follows:In the categories of funeral songs in this area, there are only few Daet sori, which is are usually sung at a night before carrying the coffin out of the house. Instead, Balin sori and Dalgu sori types of songs are usually sung in this area. When compared to the funeral songs in Kyunggi province, the funeral songs in this area are not diverse. Kyunggi province’s funeral songs can even be divided into more various types and categories. The diversity of the funeral songs in Kyunggi area has been emerged based on the convention that agricultural folksongs were absorbed in the frame of the funeral ritual process. For example, a kind of bird song is included while a funeral song, the Dalgu sori was singing. Whereas various different folksongs are absorbed with various texts in the funeral songs of the Kyunggi area, such features are not common in the case of Jeollabuk-do area. The musical mode of the funeral songs in Jeollabuk-do province is almost based on the Namdo (Southwestern) folksong’s mode, which is called Gyemyeon-jo mode. However, not only the genuine Namdo folksongs’ Gyemyeon-jo mode but also the mixed shape of Namdo and Dongbu (Eastern)’s modes can be found in the funeral songs of Jeollabuk-do province. The falling tone which slides from do to si is also more gentle than usual. In addition to this, rare use of the deep vibration and the falling tone, and the gentle slide from re to do or from do to si are the unique characteristics of the funeral songs in this area. The mixed shape of Namdo (Southwestern) and Dongbu (Eastern) modes is usually Mi-(Sol)-La-do-re scale and it includes minor third interval between la and do, the falling tone from re to do, and passing process of La-Sol-Mi. The musical mode of the funeral songs in the Jeollabuk-do province is somewhat similar to that of Namdo Gyemyeon-jo mode since this mode is able to express the sorrow of the funeral situation. The funeral songs in the Jeollabuk-do province usually start with the tone, do, and end with the tone, mi, or start with the tone, la, and end with the tone, mi. However, few songs start with mi and end with do or la. These are different from those of Kyunggi area’s funeral songs. 본고에서는 전북지역 장례요를 상여어르는소리, 상여소리, 달구소리로 구분하여 그에 속하는 다양한 유형들의 소리들을 대상으로 선율구조, 선법적 유형, 리듬구조 등을 분석하였다. 전북지역 장례요는 출상 전날 밤에 부르는 <댓소리>는 많지 않고, 상여소리(발인소리, 운상소리)와 달구소리가 주를 이루며 가창지역도 넓다. 경기 장례요와 비교할 때, 전북은 경기에 비해 장례요가 다양하게 발달하지 않은 편이다. 전북 장례요는 들노래에 비해 남도민요 선법이 우세한 것으로 나타난다. 그러나 전형적인 남도민요 선법 외에도 남도민요 선법이 약화된 형태 그리고 남도민요 선법과 동부민요 선법이 혼합된 형태도 적지 않게 존재한다. 그러나 들노래와 달리 전북 장례요에는 경기민요 선법이 거의 쓰이지 않는 것이 특징이다. 남도민요 선법이 약화된 형태는 요성이 약하거나, do-Si의 꺾는 음이 완만한 형태를 띠며, Mi와 La 두 음으로 구성되기도 하는데, 주로 <관암소리>에 많다. 남도민요 선법과 동부민요 선법이 혼합된 형태는 대체로 Mi-(Sol)-La-Si-do-re의 구조가 많다. do-Si의 꺾는 음의 사용과 re에서 do로 흘러내리는 창법이 공존하며, La-do의 단3도 진행, La에서 Mi로 하행시 Sol이 경과적으로 쓰이는 La-Sol-Mi 진행이 많다. 전북지역 장례요의 받는 소리는 대부분 Mi로 종지한다. 시작음은 Mi 또는 La가 가장 많고, re가 그 다음으로 많다. 그 밖에 do로 시작해서 Mi로 종지하는 형태, La로 시작해서 La로 종지하는 형태가 있으나 많지 않고, Sol로 시작해서 Sol로 종지하는 형태는 매우 적다. 경기지역 장례요의 받는 소리가 do로 시작해서 Mi로 종지하거나 La로 시작해서 Mi로 종지하는 형태가 일반적인 것과 다른 차이를 보이는데, 이는 장례요의 선법적 양상과 관련이 있다. 전북지역에서 상여소리의 메기는 소리와 받는 소리의 사설은 길이가 같은 형태, 메기는 소리가 받는 소리보다 긴 형태, 받는 소리가 메기는 소리보다 긴 형태 세 가지로 나뉜다. 각각의 형태는 일정한 장단을 단위로 구성되는 것과 자유리듬으로 부르는 것으로 대별된다. 일정한 장단을 단위로 부르는 소리는 3소박 4박자가 주를 이루며, 중모리 장단에 맞는 것은 많지 않다.

      • KCI등재

        전북민요의 지역적 특성과 무형문화재 지정문제 -전라북도 민요분야 무형문화재 지정을 위한 문제점 검토와 몇 가지 제언-

        허정주 한국민요학회 2017 한국민요학 Vol.49 No.-

        Today, native folk songs have almost disappeared on the ground. But we need to preserve this native folk songs because our native folk songs have ‘cultural diversity’ of Korean song-culture. By the way, there are some kinds of problems in being designated as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Jeollabuk-do native folk songs. In particular, There are only two Intangible Cultural Heritages of native folk song in Jeollabuk-do province. We can find various characteristics in Jeollabuk-do native folk songs. The areas of distribution of Jeollabuk-do native folk songs are mostly divided into five areas; ① mountainous territory of Jeollabuk-do northeastern region, ② intermount basin of Jeollabuk-do southeastern region, ③ plain area of Jeollabuk-do northwest region, ④ plain area of Jeollabuk-do southwest region, ⑤ island area of Jeollabuk-do western sea region. Therefore, we need to designate Jeollabuk-do native folk songs as Intangible Cultural Heritage, considering these five subordinate ares. We must reform systems of being designated as Intangible Cultural Heritage for safety of being handed down of these intangible cultural properties. We must especially reform systems for bringing up initiate. And the persons in charge for being designated as intangible cultural property have to designate those intangible cultural properties, taking counsel from experts in the field. If the energy of being handed down of a intangible cultural property is weaken or dissipated, we can designate this as intangible cultural property by elaborate restoration on the authority of major research data. Lastly, these series of course must be progressed by mutual help of local residents, expert knowledge in this field, and government-related organization. 오늘날, ‘토속민요’는 그 전승현장에서 거의 다 사라졌다. 그러나, 이 ‘토속민요’는 우리나라 노래문화 ‘토종유전자’의 ‘문화다양성’을 가장 많이 보존하고 있기 때문에, 그 보존이 필요하다. 그런데, 우리 민요의 무형문화재 지정 현황은 바람직하지 못한 문제점들이 많이 발견된다. 특히, 전라북도 민요의 무형문화재 지정 현황은 문제점이 많다. 현재, 전라북도에는 겨우 2개 지역의 토속민요가 무형문화재로 지정되어 있을 뿐이다. 전라북도 토속민요는 지역별로 다양한 특성을 가지고 있는데, 대체로 ① 동북부 산간권, ② 동남부 산간분지권, ③ 서북부 평야권, ④ 서남부 평야권, ⑤ 서해 도서권 등으로 나누어진다. 따라서, 이 각 소권역을 고려하여 전라북도 민요 무형문화재가 지정될 필요가 있다. 또한, 문화재지정 관련 제도를 개선하여, 지정된 이후 그 지정문화재의 전승 보존이 원활하게 이루어지도록 해야 한다. 구체적인 문화재 선별 작업은 해당 분야 전문가/학자의 자문을 반드시 받아서 선정 지정해야 한다. 만약, 어떤 중요한 무형문화재가 그 전승력이 미약하거나 전승이 끊어진 경우, 기존의 주요 조사 자료들을 근거로 하여 치밀한 ‘복원작업’ 과정을 거쳐 지정할 수도 있어야 한다. 마지막으로, 이러한 일련의 과정은 주민들의 자발적 노력, 학자들의 전문적인 조사․정리․선별 작업 그리고 관련 기관의 협조와 지정 작업 등이 서로 상호-조화를 기하여 이루어져야만 한다.

      • KCI등재

        전라북도 경제민주화의 쟁점과 과제 - 전북도민 경제민주화 의식 실태조사를 중심으로 -

        조지훈 ( Cho Ji Hun ),지규옥 ( Ji Kyu Ok ) 한국자치행정학회 2017 한국자치행정학보 Vol.31 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to deduce an issue and task regarding economic democratization in Jeollabuk-do, based on fact-finding survey of awareness of economic democratization in inhabitants of Jeollabuk-do. This study presented 8 prerequisites for effectuating the economic democratization, based on the results of analyzing the fact-finding survey. First, it is necessary for Jeollabuk-do to lead economic democratization education program. Second, in oder to increase the effect of economic democratization policy, a ‘Jeollabuk-do economic democratization index’ should be developed. Third, in order to make fair economic activity actually happen in Jeollabuk-do, ‘fair subcontract management system’ should be prepared. Fourth, it is necessary to more introduce direct payment system such as win-win pay system, win-win growth commission to inter-provincial and intra-provincial business relations of companies inside the province. Fifth, it is necessary to conduct a regular·irregular fact-finding survey and hold a briefing session regarding minimum wage and extra pay for working on holiday. Sixth, it is necessary to elaborately implement a policy of hiring temporary employee as regular employee in public sector of Jeollabuk-do. Seventh, the number of people to which living wage system is applied and its scope should be increased through revision of 「municipal ordinance on living wage in Jeollabuk-do」. Finally, it is necessary to strengthen the status and role of ‘economic democratization committee’ of which the formation is specified in 「municipal ordinance on economic democratization support etc. in Jeollabuk-do」. This study has significance in that it provided a sketch for the implementation of economic democratization in Jeollabuk-do.

      • KCI등재

        변이할당분석을 이용한 지역산업구조 비교 분석 - 전라남도와 전라북도 지역을 중심으로 -

        김주진 ( Jujin Kim ) 전남대학교 지역개발연구소 2020 지역개발연구 Vol.52 No.1

        지역은 각각 고유한 특성을 가지고 성장을 추구하고 있다. 이러한 성장은 다른 경제 환경을 조성하면서 지역 간 성장 차이를 유발한다. 우리나라는 1960년대 제조업 중심의 산업육성정책에서 1980년대 이후 접어들면서 지역 균형발전 정책을 추진하고 있다. 지역산업은 지방자치단체의 발전을 견인하고 경제적·사회적 환경을 급속히 변화시킨다. 지역의 기반산업을 발굴하여 육성하는 것은 지역경제 활성화의 핵심전략이다. 이에 지역산업의 특징을 살펴보고 지역이 가지고 있는 특색을 파악하여 정책을 수립할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 호남 지역의 중심지인 전라남도와 전라북도의 지역산업구조 비교를 위하여 변이할당분석을 실시하였다. 양 지역의 공간경제행위 분석을 바탕으로 하여 지역산업별 장단점을 발견하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이에 2010년부터 2015년까지의 국내총생산(GDP)과 지역내총생산(GRDP) 자료를 이용하여 전라남도와 전라북도 지역의 지역 성장에 대한 산업 분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 전라남도는 전기, 가스, 증기 및 수도사업과 공공행정, 국방 및 사회보장행정 산업이 지역특화산업으로 나타났고, 전라북도는 공공행정, 국방 및 사회보장행정, 보건업 및 사회복지서비스업이 지역특화산업으로 나타났다. 이에 전라남도와 전라북도의 상생 육성을 위한 산업으로는 공공행정, 국방 및 사회보장행정 산업으로 볼 수 있으며, 광업의 경우 전라남도와 전라북도가 함께 광업 육성 여부를 고민하여 산업 전략을 수립해야 한다. 또한 도매 및 소매업과 출판, 영상, 방송통신 및 정보서비스업, 금융 및 보험업은 두 지역 모두 입지상 계수가 낮고 산업구조효과와 지역할당효과에서 음(-)의 유형으로 나타나 구조조정 및 경쟁력 향상 등의 조치가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. Regions have their own characteristics and are pursuing growth. These growths lead to differences in growth between regions, creating a different economic environment. In the 1960s, Korea implemented industrial development policies centered on manufacturing. However, since the 1980s, it has been promoting regional balanced development policies. Regional industries drive the development of municipalities and rapidly change the economic and social environment. Discovering and fostering regional infrastructure is a key strategy for vitalizing the regional economy. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the policy by examining the characteristics of regional industries and identifying the characteristics of the region. In this study, Shift share analysis was conducted to compare the regional industrial structure of Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do, the center of Honam region. The purpose of this study was to discover the advantages and disadvantages of each region based on the analysis of spatial economic behaviors of both regions. In this regard, an industry analysis on regional growth in Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do was conducted using the GDP and GRDP data from 2010 to 2015. As a result of research, Jeollanam-do showed that electricity, gas, steam and water projects, public administration, defense and social security administration industries were local specialty industries. In Jeollabuk-do, public administration, national defense and social security administration, health care service and social welfare service industry appeared as regional specialty industries. Therefore, the public administration, national defense, and social security administration industries can be considered as the industries for the win-win growth of Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do. For the mining upbringing, Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do should be considered for their strategies. finance and insurance have low location quotient (LQ) coefficients and are negative types in the industrial structure effect and regional allocation effect. Therefore, measures such as restructuring and competitiveness improvement are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 경기화의 역사적 배경과 언론사적 의미: 전라북도 지역을 중심으로

        최광근 ( Kwang-keun Chio ),장권 ( Kwon Jang ) 한국체육사학회 2015 체육사학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        이 연구는 초창기 태권도 경기화에 적극적이었던 전라북도 지역을 중심으로 언론의 시각을 통하여 우리나라 태권도의 경기화에 대한 역사적 배경을 알아보고자 하였다. 이 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 초창기 태권도 경기의 시작과 발전배경에 대한 국내 주요 일간지와 전라북도의 신문기사를 중심으로 분석하였으며, 경기화와 관련된 주요인사와의 면담, 관련문헌자료의 검토를 통해 자료를 보완하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 태권도 경기의 중심 속에는 전라북도가 있었다. 1962년 제43회 전국체전에서 태권도 경기가 시범종목으로 채택되었고, 당시 시범경기는 전라북도의 주도로 진행이 되었으며, 태권도 경기의 보호 장비인 호구 제작과 사용에 중추적인 역할을 하는 등 전라북도는 태권도 경기화 출발점에 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 전라북도 지역 출신의 경기인들은 1960년대 처음으로 국제친선경기대회를 시점으로, 제1회 세계태권도선수권대회를 비롯하여 각종 국내외 경기대회에서 두각을 나타냈으며, 이들은 지도자로 성장하여 국내외에서 활동하며 결과적으로 태권도경기의 국제화에 큰 역할을 하였다. 셋째, 전라북도는 태권도 경기의 발전뿐만 아니라 태권도 문화 창달에도 앞장서고 있다. 현재 전라북도 무주에 위치한 태권도원은 세계 태권도인들이 함께하는 교육, 수련, 연구의 중심이자 태권도의 정신과 문화를 함께 공유할 수 있는 교류의 장이 되고 있다. 즉 전라북도는 태권도 경기화의 시작과 함께 오늘날까지 세계화의 중심 속에서 우뚝 서있는 태권도 ``종주도``의 역할을 지속하고 있는 것이다. This study examined the past and the present by closely examining a historical fact on the developmental process of Taekwondo competition focusing on Jeollabuk-do area. As a result, the following conclusions were elicited. First, there was Jeollabuk-do in the center of Taekwondo match. The biggest change in the development of Taekwondo can be said to be a change into Taekwondo game from martial-art Taekwondo. Taekwondo competition was adopted as the demonstration sport by the 43rd National Sports Festival in 1962. In the demonstration sport at that time, both Jeollabuk-do region and Gyeongsangbuk-do region participated for the first time. The players from Jeollabuk-do area made a good showing and had great influence with offering the starting point to the development in a Taekwondo competition field while playing a pivotal role in using a protector, which is the protective equipment in Taekwondo match. Second, as for what Taekwondo was adopted as an official Olympic event, the players from Jeollabuk-do were selected as a member of national team, participated in many friendly games in foreign countries such as Japan and Germany, and had a great influence in the process that Taekwondo soars to the world. The activation in Taekwondo competition contributed to the big development of coming up to Taekwondo game of the present along with many changes in a game rule of Taekwondo. Finally, Jeollabuk-do, which began the international friendly game for the first time from the 1960s, was in the middle of international Taekwondo competition. The results became the foundation that Taekwondo competition is adopted as an official event at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Jeollabuk-do was playing an influential role amidst what Taekwondo grows to the world internally and externally in the middle of Taekwondo game.

      • KCI등재

        전북지역 대학생의 전라북도 향토 음식에 대한 인식과 의식에 관한 연구

        주종재,Choo, Jong-Jae 동아시아식생활학회 2007 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        'Local food' is defined as food that has been cooked using local specialities or food prepared with the application of special cooking method associated with a particular locale. In Korea, much of what is considered 'traditional food' is derived from local foods. Therefore, much attention has recently been focused on the role of local foods in terms of the development of Korean traditional foods. The primary objective of this study was to characterize the perception concerns regrading Jeollabuk-do local foods held by university students in Jeollabuk-do, a province which is famous for its delicious local foods. The majority of students felt sympathy toward the succession and development of Jeollabuk-do local foods and generally appeared to feel that Jeollabuk-do local food was representative of a vital cultural heritage. Summing up answers to questions regarding the reasons for the succession and development of local food in Jeollabuk-do, it seems clear that in order to augment the popularity of Jeollabuk-do local foods, a variety of schemes should be implemented rather than any specific strategy.

      • A Study on Actual Status and Characteristics of General and Eye Make-up of Women`s -Focused on the 20s 20s∼50s Women in Jeollabuk-do and Daejeon Regions-

        ( Yeon Ju Lee ),( Yeon Sook Song ),( Keun Kwang Lee ) 대한미용문화예술학회 2013 International Journal of Beauty Cultural Arts Vol.2 No.1

        This study analyzed general characteristics of women in Jeollabuk-do and Daejeon regions in age, occupation and monthly income, and based on the general characteristics, it examined the actual status and concerns of basic makeup. For the research method, the study used questionnaires, and the subjects of the study were 200 women from Jeollabuk-do and Daejeon respectively. The results of this study are as follows. First, in doing makeup according to the general characteristics, most women were found to do makeup regardless of their ages and regions; in the purpose of makeup, the greatest reason was to have overall etiquette, followed by emphasizing their advantage, covering skin flaw, and protecting their skins in order. The part they are careful of the most when doing make up was their eyes in overall survey, and in division by each age, the 20s care for eyes, and the 30s to 50s care for skin expressions. In the degree of conducting color makeup, they all carry it out in overall view, and their purpose of doing it was to look beautiful as the highest reason, followed by covering flaws, drawing attention from others and emphasizing advantages in order. Second, in doing eye makeup according to general characteristics, it was found that most women do eye makeup. It is known that there was no big difference between places of living, and the younger people tend to do eye makeup more often. In the degree of interest in trendy eye makeup styles, it was identified that they are interested in a certain degree, and the younger ones are more interested in popular eye makeup. For residence, the women in Daejeon region were found to be more interested, but not that different. When doing eye makeup, they give priority to eyeliners, eye shadow, mascara, and eyebrows in order. Most women wanted feminine and mature image of eye makeup. For residence, they wanted mature image, and there was no big difference between residences. For ages, the 20s to 40s wanted mature image and the 50s wanted intelligent image respectively. Among them, the 30s were found to express eye makeup as the image they want, there was a certain degree of difference between the 20 20∼30s and the 40 40∼50s. It was found that most women think that such eye makeup has great influence on change of their images.

      • KCI등재

        전라북도와 태국 깔라신 지방의 벼베기소리

        이소라(Yi, Sora) 비교민속학회 2014 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.53

        2014년 1월에 태국 깔라신의 농촌을 방문하여 녹음한 벼베기소리를 소개하면서 전라북도를 중심으로 우리나라의 그것을 조명해 보았다. 벼베기소리는 드문 농요에 속한다. 이를 위하여 1984년 이래의 필자의 전국 읍면별 농요녹음자료와 문화방송국의 『한국민요대전』자료, 왕실도서관의 디지털 아카이브 음성자료 등등을 참고하였다. 태국의 벼베기소리를 우리 학계에 소개함은 처음 있는 일이다. 본고에서는 전북의 벼베기소리에 대해 총괄하여 음악적인 분석 등을 하였다. 전북 벼베기소리 일반형의 받음구 내지 반복구는 “어디허고” 또는 “어구야하고” 류가 많다. 본문의 노랫말로는 ‘열두폭 걸고’ ‘술내온다’ ‘검었구나’ 등이 전북의 개성적 애용어이다. 출현음을 언급한 곡 중 S(솔선법)계통 또는 Y(육자배기선법)계통이 각각 4할 남짓 된다. 퇴성하는 예를 포함한다면 기음종지가 많다. 타도(他道)의 벼베기소리를 아우르는, 보다 본격적인 논의는 다음 기회로 미룬다. I recorded a song sung when cutting rice(hereafter referred to as SCR) in the Kalasin area of Thailand, in January 2014. I want to introduce this song in this paper. SCR is not rare in Jeollabuk-do. So I’ll say about SCR of Jeollabuk-do at thiis chance. We can find SCR in Gimje(김제) city, Buan(부안)-gun, Gunsan(군산) city, Iksan(익산) city, Jeongeup(정읍) city and Jinan(진안)-gun of Jeollabuk-do. You can see them in <table 1>. <Scores 1~4> are SCR of Gimje, <scores 5,6> SCR of Gunsan and <score 7>SCR of Iksan. SCR of Buan are put in my book of 1989, ??Farming Songs of Korea??Ⅲ. Only the singer of <score 7> does not sing SCR as a field-song, and so sings with a regular 18/8 beat. <Scores 1~6> are near to free rhythm. Farmers of Jeollabuk-do in SCR use well the “Eodiheogo” or “Eoguyahago” type as the words of chorus part or the repeating words. The phrases of “Yeoldupok geolgo” or “Geomeotguna” or “Sulnaeonda” are unique as SCR of Jeollabuk-do. There are rich S mode(sol,la,do,re,mi) or Y mode(mi,la,si,do,re) in SCR of <table 1>. A lot of them terminate on sol of S mode or on mi of Y mode. They like to vibrate on sol or do of S mode, and on mi or la of Y mode. The main industry of the Kalasin area is rice. There is not a song sung when planting rice or when weeding rice. Because the farmers of Kalasin do not plant or weed rice. But they sing SCR like as <score 9>. There are two kinds of rice-field; Navi and Nabang. Navi is sown in May and harvested in November or December. Nabang is sown in January and harvested in April. <Score 9> is SCR of Navi. <Score 9> is rhythmical and R mode(re, mi, sol, la, do) with L mode(la,do,re,mi,sol). It terminates on la and vibrates on la,do,re,mi of L mode. The tone range of <score 9> is wide as 10 degree like <score 7>.

      • KCI등재

        전라북도 3.1운동의 전개와 ‘3.1운동 세대’의 탄생

        윤상원 전북사학회 2019 전북사학 Vol.0 No.57

        The purpose of this article is to examine how the 3.1 movement in 1919, which was a whole-nationwide and whole-peoplewide protest, went on in the Jeollabuk-do region, and to trace the meaning of the '3.1 movement generation'. The 3.1 movement in Jeollabuk-do began with the long lived demonstrations in Kunsan Okgu on March 5, Iksan and Imsil on March 10, Jeonju on March 13-14, Taein on March 16, Kochang and Jangsu on March 19, 3 Kimje on May 20, Muju on April 1, Namwon on April 3 and 4, Jinan on April 3, Buan on April 18, Buan on April 26 and so on. It has entered the lucrative phase since May. The characteristic of the 3.1 movement in Jeollabuk-do was that Cheondogyo played a central role with Christianity. It was also characterized by the fact that students with modern education took the lead in the planning and implementation of the demonstrations. The students of Christian modern schools, such as Yeongmyeong School in Kunsan, Sinheung School and Kijeon Girls' School in Jeonju, were the main forces of the 3.1 Movement in Jeollabuk-do. Those who participated in the 3.1 Movement later dedicated themselves to the altar of the struggle for national independence and people's liberation. These may be called the “3.1 movement generation”. In Jeollabuk-do, numerous “3.1 movement generations” were born. Like other regions, in Jeollabuk-do the 3.1 movement can be said to have played the role of 'reservoir for national liberation movement'. 이 글의 목적은 전민족적, 전민중적 항쟁이었던 1919년 3.1운동이 전라북도 지역에서는 어떻게 전개되었는지를 살펴보고, 그로 인해 탄생한 ‘3.1운동 세대’는 우리 역사에서 어떤 의미를 갖는가를 추적하는데 있다. 전라북도의 3.1운동은 3월 5일 군산 옥구의 만세시위를 시작으로 3월 10일 익산과 임실, 3월 13-14일 전주, 3월 16일 정읍군 태인, 3월 19일 고창과 장수, 3월 20일 김제, 4월 1일 무주, 4월 3일과 4일 남원, 4월 3일 진안, 4월 18일 부안, 4월 26일 부안 등 3-4월에 집중되었으며, 5월부터 소강국면에 접어들었다. 전라북도 3.1운동의 특징은 기독교와 함께 천도교가 중심 역할을 했음을 들었다. 또한 시위를 기획하고 실행에 옮기는 과정에서 근대교육을 받은 학생들이 주도적으로 참여했다는 점이 특징이다. 군산의 영명학교, 전주의 신흥학교와 기전여학교 등 기독교계 근대학교의 학생들이 3.1운동의 주체세력이었다. 3.1운동에 참가했던 이들은 이후에도 조국의 독립과 민중의 해방을 위한 투쟁의 제단에 자신들을 바쳤다. 이들을 ‘3.1운동 세대’라고 부를 수 있다. 전라북도에서도 수많은 ‘3.1운동 세대’가 탄생했으며, 전라북도에서도 역시 3.1운동은 ‘민족해방운동의 저수지’ 역할을 하였다고 평가할 수 있다.

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