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      • KCI등재

        외국인 유학생의 한국어 종결 억양 지각 양상

        오재혁(Oh Jeahyuk),이정란(Lee Jungran) 담화·인지언어학회 2012 담화와 인지 Vol.19 No.1

        This study aims to investigate the perception of the Korean utterance final intonation of foreign graduate students. Intonation is closely related to meaning of utterance, and it especially indicates the grammatical meaning of syntactic moods at the utterance final. The grammatical functions realized through the intonation are limited to the declarative, the interrogative, the imperative, and the exclamatory of syntactic moods. In this study, 114 sound stimuli were used for three types of intonation in the perception test. The three intonation types are level intonation, rising-falling intonation and falling-rising intonation. The perception test tool is made of the sound stimuli and was conducted on 17 foreign graduate students. We compared the result of the foreign graduate students with the result of Korean speakers. In the case of the level intonation, the result of the foreign graduate students is similar to the Korean speakers. But in the case of the rising-falling intonation and falling-rising intonation, the perception of the foreign graduate students is significantly different from the Korean speakers.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교육을 위한 억양 교육 항목에 대하여

        장혜진(Hye Jin Jang) 한국어학회 2015 한국어학 Vol.67 No.-

        This paper aims to discuss the education contents of intonation in the Korean language education. Intonation is very important to foreign learners who aim to speak closely to native Korean. First, I examined the previous studies of teaching Korean intonation divided by Korean phonological phrase, and intonation to perform grammatical and pragmatic functions. Then, I was critically analyzed the existing Korean pronunciation textbooks to select contents which taught intonation in the teaching Korean intonation for foreign learners. The education contents of intonation in the Korean language education proposed in this study are as follows: In the phonological phrase units, differences in starting pitch according to the consonant of the first syllable and the details of the types of phonological phrase tone are taught. Intonation to perform grammatical and pragmatic functions is taught in relation to the intonation phrase. In the grammatical functions of intonation, it is divided into falling intonation in a declarative and rising intonation in a interrogative. The pragmatic features of intonation can handle a number of representations to be achieved unlike the meaning according to the intonation, this time to be the only possible to generalize. Since the length plays an important role as well as pitch, it should be included in intonation education contents of intonation.

      • KCI등재

        Phonetic Intonation Patterns of Geurae-yo in KICo

        김지은 국제한국어교육학회 2024 한국어 교육 Vol.35 No.1

        This study investigated the intonation patterns of Geurae-yo in KICo (Korean Intonation Corpus) with three primary objectives. First, we aimed to explore the nuances of polite intonation in Korean. By comparing the intonation of Geurae-yo with that of Geurae, we sought to discern whether variations in speech levels influence intonation. Second, we evaluated the necessity of implementing a phonetic intonation transcription method for teaching Korean as a second language (L2). To this end, we established the KICo convention for transcribing phonetic intonation, reanalyzing L% and H% in K-ToBI (Jun, 2000) as S% and F%, and S% and R%, respectively. Third, we introduced KICo to the Korean language education community, aiming to enhance understanding, accessibility, and usability. Our findings revealed distinct intonation patterns between Geurae and Geurae-yo, shedding light on the relationship between politeness and intonation in Korean. Additionally, our results demonstrated significant variations in the intonation of Geurae-yo across different meanings, further emphasizing the importance of considering phonetic intonation in both research and teaching of Korean intonation.

      • KCI등재후보

        외국어로서의 한국어의 억양 교육 연구

        김수현 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2010 한국문화연구 Vol.18 No.-

        This paper discusses the importance of teaching Korean intonation. The first section describes the characteristics of Korean intonation, which express the speaker's intention. The next section discusses the grammatical and contextual functions of Korean intonation. The grammatical function refers to the difference in the intonation depending on the type of sentence. The contextual function refers to how intonation is affected by the speaker's intention. The final section of the paper draws attention to four factors to be considered while teaching Korean intonation:the intonation system of the learner’s mother tongue;an awareness of intonation education;intonation needs to be taught in a progression of steps;and teaching materials for intonation education need to be developed. Intonation is an important factor in teaching Korean pronunciation as a foreign language. Therefore, we have to recognize the importance of intonation for the systematic teaching of Korean pronunciation. 1990년대 이후 국어 음성학의 활발한 연구로 국어의 억양 유형이 발견되면서 억양 교육에 관한 논의가 점차 진행되고 있다. 그러나 외국어로서의 한국어 교육에 있어서 억양 교육은 제대로 수행되지 못하고 있는 것이 현실이다. 본고는 한국어 교육에 있어서 억양 교육의 중요성을 논하는 데 목적이 있다. Ⅱ장에서는 한국어 억양의 특징으로 억양의 개념, 단위 등에 대해 설명한다. 억양은 음의 높이가 문장 차원에서 실현되어 화자의 의도를 표현하는 역할을 한다. Ⅲ장에서는 한국어 억양의 기능을 문법적 기능과 화용론적 기능으로 구분하여 논의한다. 문법적 기능은 문장 유형에 따른 억양의 차이를 의미한다. 화용론적 기능은 동일한 표현이 화자의 의도에 따라 다른 억양을 갖게 되는 것을 의미한다. Ⅳ장에서는 한국어 억양의 교육 방향으로 네 가지 사항을 제시한다. 첫째, 학습자 모어의 억양 체계를 이해한다. 둘째, 억양 교육에 관한 인식을 강화한다. 셋째, 억양 교육을 단계화하여 진행한다. 넷째, 억양 교육 대상의 교재를 개발한다. 외국어로서의 한국어의 발음 교육에서 억양은 원만한 의사소통을 위해 필요한 항목으로, 그 중요성을 인식하여 체계적인 교육이 이루어질 수 있도록 꾸준한 관심을 가져야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        고급 학습자를 대상으로 한 ‘-을걸’ 억양의 변별 교육 및 효과에 관한 연구

        이혜영 국제한국어교육학회 2011 한국어 교육 Vol.22 No.3

        Korean is classified as an intonation language along with Japanese, English, French, and Arabic; the speaker can express different meanings with the same sentence using different intonation contours. Considering the correct utterance and communication of the learners, the importance of the function of intonation and teaching intonation cannot be overlooked. It is not easy for a foreign speaker to speak with correct intonation like native speakers or to learn the differences in the meaning only by hearing intonation. Therefore, learners may not notice the changes in meaning according to the differences in intonation because they only think of the morphological identity of a sentence pattern, unless the changes according to intonation are explicitly taught. This study began to emphasize the importance of teaching intonation, taking into consideration the communication of the learners. Among the many sentence patterns, which have different meanings according to intonation, this study focused on ‘-을걸.’ The material used in the tests and lectures in this study is semi-colloquial language from a television drama, which is language that is most similar to the utterances of colloquial Korean. This study confirmed the significance the effect of teaching intonation has with visible results through experimentation. The change in the percentages of correct answers for the tests before and after the teaching showed a significant statistical difference. Through the entire course of the experiments, the learners replied that they were reminded that the same sentence pattern could have different meanings with different intonation and that they could recognize that intonation could cause changes in the meaning. Consequently, this study is significant because it highlights again the importance of teaching intonation and the necessity to teach the learners as befits them.

      • "네"의 의미 기능에 관한 고찰 -외국인을 위한 한국어 교육을 중심으로

        엄소연 ( So Youn Eom ) 숙명여자대학교 한국어문화연구소 2012 한국어와 문화 Vol.12 No.-

        본 연구에서는 ``네``의 의미기능에 관해 고찰해 보고 이를 한국어 교육의 관점에서 이에 대한 학습 방안을 모색해 보았다. ``네``의 경우 모국어 화자는 이를 전략적인 측면에서 다양하게 활용하는 것을 알 수 있는데 그 의미가 긍정적일 경우도 있고 혹은 반대로 부정적인 경우도 있으며 그 억양에 따라 거절, 확인, 강조, 정리등의 기능을 수행하기도 한다. 그러므로 이러한 기능들을 한국어 학습자들이 숙지하지 않을 경우 의사소통에서 어려움을 겪을 수 있다. ``네``의 의미 기능에는 크게 내림 억양과 올림 억양으로 나눌 수 있고, 내림 억양의 경우 긍정 반응, 경계 설정, 망설임, 의례적 표현이, 올림 억양의 경우 이해 부족, 동의 불가, 예상 밖의 놀람, 화자의 요청 등의 기능이 있었다. 한국인 모국어 화자의 경우 내림 억양은 67.2%, 올림 억양은 32.8%로 내림 억양이 많았는데 이를 구체적 의미로 세분해 보았을 때 각각의 의미 기능에 있어서 올림 억양도 많이 쓰이는 것으로 나타났다. 구어환경에서 긍정 표현을 가장 많이 쓰고 올림 억양의 이해부족, 예상 밖의 놀람(올림억양), 의례적 표현(내림억양), 화자의 요청(올림억양), 동의 불가(올림억양), 망설임(내림억양) 등의 순으로 나타났다. 가장기본적인 기능인 긍정표현(내림억양) 외에 의례적 표현이 비교적 높은 빈도를 차지하고 있었다(9.4%). 이들이 기관 교재에 나타난 목록을 살펴보았을 때 기본 의미인 긍정 반응에 대한 내용이 가장 많았고 다른 내용들은 비교적 빈약한 양상을 보였다. 고급 학습자들도 ``네``에 대해 비교적낮은 인식 정도를 보여서 학습자들이 말하기에 전략적으로 ``네``를 사용할 수 있도록 교수해야 할 필요성을 발견하였다. 이에 본고에서는 초급에서는 기본적인 긍정반응에 대해 충분히 학습한 후에 중급에 이르러서는 비교적 다양한 ``네``를 숙지해야 한다는 학습 방안을 제시하였다. 빈도 상으로 보다 높은 수치를 보이는 내림억양을 먼저 숙지한 후에 이를 억양이라든가, 강약 등을 고려하여 전략적으로 사용할 수 있도록 학습하는 것이 필요할 것이다. 그리고 중급 후반 또는 고급 초반에``네``에 대한 전반적인 이해를 끝내고 이를 말하기에 잘 활용하여서 자신이 상대방의 발화를 이해하지 못하는 상황, 혹은 거절, 수용 불가, 응답 회피 등의 상황에서도 이러한 ``네``를 예의에 어긋나지 않게 잘 발화할 수 있도록 교수하는 것이 필요할 것으로 보인다. 단음절의 ``네``의 특성 상 억양, 장단 등을 적절히 활용할 수 있으려면 다양한 오디오 교재, 동영상 자료 등을 활용하는 것이 좋은데 이는 단기간의 학습을 통해서가 아니라 초급부터 다양한 ``네``가 포함된 자료에 학습자들을 노출시켜 자연스럽게 이를 활용할 수 있는 방안이 필요할 것이다. 또한 기존의 교재에서도 이러한 ``네``의 다양한 기능들이 자연스럽게 드러날 수 있도록 초급 교재에서부터 이를 반영하는 것이 필요할 것이다. In this study, the semantic functions of ``Yes`` was considered and learning methods were examined from a perspective of Korean language education. Native Korean speakers use ``Yes`` with various strategic aspects. It can either convey positive or negative meanings. Depending on intonations, it can also express refusal, confirmation, emphasis, and wrap-up. Therefore, if Korean language learners are not well-informed of these functions, they may have trouble communicating. The semantic functions of ``Yes`` can be largely classified into falling intonation and rising intonation. Falling intonation can convey the meanings of positive responses, defining boundaries, hesitation, and ritual expressions when rising intonation can deliver the meanings of confusion, disagreement, unexpected surprises, and request from speakers. As for native Korean speakers, the use of falling intonation(67.2%) exceeded that of rising intonation(32.8%), and if this is subdivided into specific meanings, rising intonation is also used often in each semantic function. In spoken languages, positive expression is the most frequently used functions, and the others can be listed as follows in the order of frequency of use: confusion (rising intonation), unexpected surprises (rising intonation), ritual expressions (falling intonation), requests from speakers (rising intonation) disagreement (rising intonation), and hesitation (falling intonation). Except for positive expressions (falling intonation), which is the most basic function in the category, ritual expressions showed relatively high frequency(9.4%). The lists of materials of educational institutions were examined to see how frequently these functions appear; positive expressions accounted for the biggest portion while the others appeared only a little. The fact that even advanced learners had shown a relatively low level of understanding of ``Yes`` lead to finding the need for teaching learners how to use it properly. What this study suggests is that learners should have enough understanding of the positive expressions at the beginning level, and then they progress to further learning of various ``Yes`` at the intermediate level. It will be necessary that learners have enough knowledge of falling intonation first, which shows higher frequency of use and progress to using it strategically considering intonation and rhythm. Then, at the upper-intermediate or advanced levels after learners have overall understanding of ``Yes,`` it will be needed to teach how to use it in courteous manners to express confusion, refusal, disagreement, and evasion of answering questions. Since ``Yes`` is a monosyllabic word, using various audio-visual aids will help learners speak with proper intonation and rhythm and this shouldn``t be for short-term learning. It``ll be necessary to introduce methods which can expose learners to the aids and materials that include various ``Yes`` from the beginning level so that they can use it naturally. It will also be needed for various functions of ``Yes`` to be naturally included in the existing teaching materials from the elementary-level textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        의문문의 억양구조: 러시아어와 이탈리아어의 유형론적 분석

        변군혁 ( Koon Hyuk Byun ) 한국이탈리아어문학회(구 한국이어이문학회) 2014 이탈리아어문학 Vol.0 No.43

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze intonation of interrogatives in Russian and Italian. In prosodic terms, universal characteristic of questions is a high final pitch. This corresponds to the fact that questions have rising intonation whereas declaratives have falling intonation. And Hirst & Di Cristo(1998) argued that in many languages, including Russian, the intonation of wh-questions is described as being more similar to that of statements than that of yes-no questions. In this paper, I surveyed the intonation pattern of two types of interrogatives, yes-no questions and wh-questions, in Russian and Italian. At first, the two languages have different intonation pattern in yes-no questions. Russian has a final-falling tone, in other words, low boundary tone, while Italian has a final-rising tone, high boundary tone. On the other hand, Russian and Italian have a common intonation pattern of wh-questions, final-falling tone. In Russian, the intonation of declaratives and wh-questions has low boundary tone in unmarked context. What``s more, boundary tone of yes-no questions in Russian also has low tone. As a result, in Russian intonation patterns of interrogatives and declaritives have no difference but have same final falling tone. In Italian, there is a difference between yes-no questions and wh-questions. The intonation pattern of declaratives and wh-questions is low boundary tone in unmarked context. While the intonation pattern of yes-no questions is high boundary tone.

      • KCI등재

        E-Prime을 이용한 영어 학습자의 억양변화 인지에 대한 연구

        김제영 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2012 외국학연구 Vol.- No.22

        This study investigated whether the perception of interrogative sentence intonation between English and Korean may be perceived differently. Korean interrogative sentences have the rising intonation while English ones have either the rising or falling intonation. For instance, in English yes-no questions have rising intonation whereas wh-questions have falling intonation. However, in Korean there are only rising intonation ones. The L2 sentences were recorded by an English native speaker. By using Praat version5.1, pitches were manipulated. Reaction time was measured by E-Prime Psychology Software, version2. 20 participants took part in this study. The data from them were analyzed based on following: 1) Participants can recognize the difference between the manipulated intonation and the original one. 2) Depending on English proficiency, there is some perception differences among groups. 3). Depending on English part of speech, there is some differences among groups. The results and suggestions follow. First, participants cannot recognize the different pitch. There were no meaningful difference between the reaction of the original intonation and that of manipulated one. They might recognize the sentence by syntactic rules. Second, if the participants are highly proficient they recognize the sentence by syntactic rules and intonation altogether. Lastly, there are some differences in the word class such as noun and adjective. However, if the participants are less proficient they recognize the sentence by syntactic rules only. In the follow-up research, a correlation should be proven between English proficiency and intonation perception of interrogative sentences. The findings may be used by Korean English textbooks and teachers as a intonation pedagogy

      • KCI등재

        한국어 억양 말뭉치 KICo의 감탄사 ‘그래’ 억양 연구 -H%와 L%의 기울기를 고려하여-

        김지은 ( Kim Ji-eun ) 국어학회 2023 국어학 Vol.- No.108

        본고는 한국어 억양 말뭉치 KICo(Korean Intonation Corpus)를 처음으로 활용하는 연구이다. 본 연구의 일차적 목적은 ‘그래’의 의미별 억양을 고찰하는 데에 있으나, 이 과정에서 한국어 억양 전사법의 재고를 통한 H%와 L%의 기울기 전사의 방법과 필요성도 생각해 보고자 하였다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해 본고에서는 KICo에 포함되어 있는 총 1,320개의 한국어 모어 화자의 ‘그래’ 발화를 사전적 의미에 따라 분류하고 음성학·음운론적으로 분석하였다. 그 결과 ‘그래’ 「1」은 H%(75%)를, ‘그래’ 「2」는 H%(66%)를, 그래 「3」은 L%(79%)를 최빈(最頻) 억양으로 하여 의미별 억양이 서로 겹치는 것처럼 보이지만, 이들은 다시 L%와 H%의 기울기 모양을 전사해 보고 음성학적 척도에 따라 분석하면 대개 변별적인 억양 실현이 이루어짐을 확인할 수 있었다. 본고의 결과는 ‘그래’의 의미별 억양 외에도 기존의 음운론적인 억양 전사 규약이 의미와 억양의 ‘다대다’ 관계 확장에 기여했을 가능성을 보여 주어 음성적 억양 전사 규약의 추가가 필요할 수 있음을 시사한다. This paper is the first study using the Korean Intonation Corpus (KICo). We primarily aimed to examine the intonation of “geurae” across meanings, while looking to introduce KICo to the Korean linguistics community for the first time and reconsider the transcription method and necessity of taking the slope of H% and L% into consideration. To achieve these goals, a total of 1,320 utterances of “geurae” by native Korean speakers included in KICo were classified according to their lexical meanings and were phonetically and phonologically analyzed. As a result, “geurae” 「1」 showed H% (75%) as the most frequent intonation, “geurae” 「2」 showed H% (66%), and “geurae” 「3」 showed L% (79%) as their most frequent intonations. While the intonations for each meaning seemed to overlap, when transcribed with the slopes of L% and H% and analyzed based on phonetic measurements, they typically exhibited distinct intonation realizations. The results of this paper suggest that, beyond the intonation of “geurae” by meaning, the existing intonation transcription systems might have expanded the “many-to-many” relationship between meaning and intonation, implying that additional transcription guidelines may be necessary.

      • KCI등재

        Linguistic Theories for English Intonation

        Kihyoung Kim,Eunjung Lee 한국중원언어학회 2015 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.36

        The research on intonation has always drawn much interest from linguists because intonation, the patterning of pitch changes in utterances, conveys the speaker"s attitude (or emotion) beyond the intrinsic meaning of utterances the speakers makes. Many studies to date on intonation in natural languages, especially in English, have been mainly carried out in the literature of traditional phonology and(or) phonetics, focusing on the sounds and their rhythmic contours related to the fundamental frequency (F0) in the speech technology. However, intonation patterns in English are understood differently by the hearer even though the string of words uttered is the same and the lexical meanings remain unchanged. This meaningful intonation can be interpreted in a particular context and individual cognitive space within the framework of Relevance Theory and further express speaker"s emotions. For this reason, intonation should be studied semantically, pragmatically, or cognitively, rather than syntactically or physically. This paper addresses the two major approaches to English intonation: grammatical approach and cognitive approach. The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate that intonation can be handled cognitively based on phonetic·phonology and semantics·pragmatics.

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