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      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국 대학생의 국적별, 성별 인터넷 쇼핑 성향 비교 분석

        성시일 한국동북아경제학회 2013 동북아경제연구 Vol.25 No.3

        By nationality, gender, Internet Shopping propensity of university students in Korea and China were analyzed. Visit the Internet shopping mall and purchase, Internet Shopping reason, and internet shopping mall selection decision factors, such as satisfaction survey items were organized into three categories. Visit the Internet shopping mall, first from purchase, and experience visit the Internet shopping mall, there was a significant difference by nationality, gender comparative analysis. Female students were many in both South Korea, China South Korea and gender By nationality. Second, the purchase channel of consumer goods, there was a significant difference in nationality. South Korean students was higher than Chinese students may be purchased through the online channel. Third, the settlement method, there was a significant difference in nationality. Not used at all in Korea 'cash payment "after the shipment has been used in China. First, why purchase of Internet shopping, was found a significant difference by nationality, gender in China in the determinants of choice and shopping malls purchase reason of Internet shopping. Low price, saving time, the various articles, product information of many, the difference between the two countries is not large, but the fun of shopping was higher in China. The recognized as an important factor low price as compared to men, Chinese women was low fun of shopping relatively. Second, there was a significant difference by nationality, China gender factor of selection of Internet shopping mall. South Korean students were recognized as important expertise to product information, but expertise, Chinese students, to recognize you the lowest value the visibility to product information. First, we are not satisfied with the price, you are satisfied with security of personal information, by nationality of satisfaction, a significant difference was observed in Korea gender product information in satisfaction of Internet shopping. Satisfaction was lower Chinese students as compared to students in South Korea. Satisfaction of women was higher than Korean men. Both satisfaction and dissatisfaction Korean students was higher than Chinese students in the arrival relief satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Consumers’ Shopping Orientation, Innovation Attribute and App Features on Intention of Continuous Use in Mobile Internet Shopping Malls

        주윤황,조희영 피터드러커 소사이어티 2017 창조와 혁신 Vol.10 No.3

        This study analyzed the effects of consumers’ shopping orientation, innovation attribute and app features in the booming mobile internet shopping malls on the consumption value, user satisfaction and intention of continuous use with intent to suggest some strategies for the further advancement of mobile internet shopping malls. Each of recruited 200 undergraduate mobile internet users in Seoul and Gyeonggi completed the questionnaire. A valid sample of 175 out of the returned 193 response sheets were analyzed to gather the data, excluding the ones containing insincere responses. The findings highlighted the following conclusions and implications. First, consumers’ shopping orientation had significant effects on their consumption value in mobile internet shopping malls, which suggested the increasing interest in and use of the rapidly growing mobile shopping. Second, mobile internet shopping malls’ innovation had significant effects on consumers’ consumption value, which indicated the effects of consumers’ interest in the latest mobile internet technology on their consumption in everyday life. Third, the app features in mobile internet shopping malls had significant effects on the consumption value, which underlined the effects of economic aspects or convenience of mobile internet use on the consumption value. Fourth, the consumption value of mobile internet shopping malls had significant effects on users’ satisfaction and intention of continuous use, which indicated the high satisfaction with mobile internet shopping malls. Fifth, as the sub-factors of shopping orientation, the orientations toward enjoyment and fashion had statistically significant positive effects. As the sub-factors of app features, economic feasibility and ubiquity had statistically significant positive effects. Finally, as the sub-factors of consumption value, only the functional value had statistically significant positive effects on the user satisfaction, whilst functional and emotional values had statistically significant positive effects on the intention of continuous use. This finding implied consumers found mobile shopping more convenient and enjoyable than other retail channels, which mobile internet shopping apps should take into account in developing strategies.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 인터넷 쇼핑몰 이용 소비자의 쇼핑성향과 혁신성, App 특성이 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향

        주윤황(Yoon-Hwang Ju),조희영(Hee-Young Cho) 피터드러커 소사이어티 2017 창조와 혁신 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구에서는 최근 급성장하고 있는 모바일 인터넷 쇼핑 App 이용 소비자를 대상으로 소비 자의 쇼핑성향과 혁신성, App 특성이 소비가치와 사용자 만족, 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 보다 발전지향적인 모바일 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 전략적 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구를 위한 자료 수집은 모바일 인터넷을 사용하는 수도권 대학에 재학 중인 대학생 200명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 회수한 193개 중 불성실 응답을 제외한 총 175개의 유효 표본을 최종분석에 사용하였다. 본 연구 결과에 따라 다음과 같은 결론과 시사점을 도출할 수 있었다. 첫째, 모바일 인터넷 쇼핑몰 이용 소비자의 쇼핑성향이 소비가치에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 최근 급성장하고 있는 모바일 쇼핑에 대하여 소비 자들의 관심과 높은 활용도를 나타내는 것을 시사한다. 둘째, 모바일 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 혁신성이 소비자의 소비가치에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인하였으며, 이러한 결과는 모바일 인터넷이라는 최신 기술에 대한 소비자의 관심이 소비생활에도 영향을 주는 것이라고 여겨진다. 셋째, 모바일 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 App 특성이 소비가치에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인하였으며, 이러한 결과는 모바일 인터넷 활용에 따른 경제적인 부분이나 편리함이 소비가치에도 영향을 주는 것이라고 생각된다. 넷째, 모바일 인터넷 쇼핑몰에 대한 소비가치가 사용자 만족 및 지속적 이용의도에 유의 미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인하였으며, 이러한 결과는 모바일 인터넷 쇼핑몰 사용자는 모바일 인터넷 쇼핑몰에 대한 만족도가 매우 높다는 것을 알 수 있다. 다섯째, 쇼핑성향 요인 중 쾌락추구 쇼핑성향, 유행추구 쇼핑성향은 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+)적 영향을 보였으며, 앱 특성 요인 중 경제성, 편재성도 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+) 적 영향을 보였다. 마지막으로 소비가치 요인 중 기능적 가치만 사용자 만족에, 소비가치 요인 중 지속적 이용의도에 기능적 가치, 감정적 가치만이 통계적으로 유의미한 정(+)적 영향을 보였고, 이러한 결과로 다른 유통경로에 비하여 모바일을 이용한 쇼핑에 편리함과 더불어 즐거움을 느끼는 것으로 해석할 수 있으며 이에 따라 모바일 인터넷 쇼핑 App의 경우 이러한 부분을 전략적으로 활용하여야 함을 시사하고 있다. This study analyzed the effects of consumers’ shopping orientation, innovation attribute and app features in the booming mobile internet shopping malls on the consumption value, user satisfaction and intention of continuous use with intent to suggest some strategies for the further advancement of mobile internet shopping malls. Each of recruited 200 undergraduate mobile internet users in Seoul and Gyeonggi completed the questionnaire. A valid sample of 175 out of the returned 193 response sheets were analyzed to gather the data, excluding the ones containing insincere responses. The findings highlighted the following conclusions and implications. First, consumers’ shopping orientation had significant effects on their consumption value in mobile internet shopping malls, which suggested the increasing interest in and use of the rapidly growing mobile shopping. Second, mobile internet shopping malls’ innovation had significant effects on consumers’ consumption value, which indicated the effects of consumers’ interest in the latest mobile internet technology on their consumption in everyday life.Third, the app features in mobile internet shopping malls had significant effects on the consumption value, which underlined the effects of economic aspects or convenience of mobile internet use on the consumption value. Fourth, the consumption value of mobile internet shopping malls had significant effects on users’ satisfaction and intention of continuous use, which indicated the high satisfaction with mobile internet shopping malls. Fifth, as the sub-factors of shopping orientation, the orientations toward enjoyment and fashion had statistically significant positive effects. As the sub-factors of app features, economic feasibility and ubiquity had statistically significant positive effects. Finally, as the sub-factors of consumption value, only the functional value had statistically significant positive effects on the user satisfaction, whilst functional and emotional values had statistically significant positive effects on the intention of continuous use. This finding implied consumers found mobile shopping more convenient and enjoyable than other retail channels, which mobile internet shopping apps should take into account in developing strategies.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 쇼핑시 고려요인이 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구 - 한 · 중 소비자의 비교연구

        전기흥(Jeon Ki-Heung),적나(Zhai Na) 한국상품학회 2007 商品學硏究 Vol.25 No.4

          본 연구의 목적은 한·중 소비자의 인터넷 쇼핑시 고려요인과 인터넷 쇼핑몰을 이용한 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 비교·분석함으로써 양국 온라인 소비자간에 어떠한 차이를 보이는지에 대해 규명하고, 나아가 중국 온라인 소비자를 보다 체계적으로 이해하는데 있다. 먼저 한국 소비자들이 인터넷을 통해 제품이나 서비스를 구매할 때 고려하는 요인은 결제·보안, 제품·정보신뢰성, 정보편의성, 구매방식, 서비스, 쇼핑용이성, 배달, 時空편리성, 제품다양성, 충동구매 등 10가지 요인이 확인되었고, 중국의 경우는 서비스·보안, 정보편의성, 제품·정보신뢰성, 결제·인프라, 쇼핑용이성, 時空편리성, 제품다양성·가격할인, 충동구매 등 8가지 요인으로 밝혀졌다. 또한 인터넷 쇼핑시 고려요인이 구매의도에 미치는 상대적 중요도를 살펴보면, 한국의 경우는 時空편리성, 제품다양성, 쇼핑용이성, 정보편의성, 구매방식, 서비스 순으로 그리고, 중국의 경우는 제품다양성 및 가격할인, 제품/정보 신뢰성, 쇼핑용이성, 서비스 및 보안, 결제 및 인프라, 충동구매, 時空편리성, 정보편의성 순으로 나타났다.   Internet-shopping has taken a lot of changes to our lives, and this new purchase and negotiation form is now diffusing quickly in the world, also in China and Korea according to actual investigation. It will compare Chinese-Koreans" attitude about internet-shopping and purchase intention to make a comparison between Chinese and Korean. We can find the difference of them.<BR>  The purchase of this investigation is to make an analysis of China and Korea consumers" internet shopping decision and the important figure. The main contents of this investigation is as following.<BR>  First, There are difference between Korean and Chinese internet shopping factor. In case of Korea, it can be divided into 10 factors, they are payments and security, reliability of product and information, information convenience, purchase method, services, shopping convenience, delivery, space-time convenience, product diversity, impulse purchase, and so on. In the case of China, it can be divided into 8 factors, they are services and security, information convenience, reliability of product and information, payments and infrastructure, shopping convenience, space-time convenience, product diversity and bargain price, impulse purchase an so on.<BR>  Second, In case of Korean consumers, the factors that have significant influence on purchase intention toward Internet shopping were purchase method, services, reliability of product and information, shopping convenience, space-time convenience, product diversity. But as for Chinese consumers, he factors that have significant influence on purchase intention toward Internet shopping were services and security, information convenience, reliability of product and information, payments and infrastructure, shopping convenience, space-time convenience, product diversity and bargain price, impulse purchase.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 쇼핑동기에 따른 인터넷 쇼핑몰 특성과 고객감정 및 행동과의 관계

        김상희,김경애,박만석,양지훈 대한경영정보학회 2011 경영과 정보연구 Vol.30 No.1

        인터넷 쇼핑과 관련된 기존의 연구들이 주로 인지적, 기술적 요인들에 초점을 두었다면 본 연구에서는 이러한 인지적 요인 외에 인터넷 쇼핑에서 경험하는 감정적 요인에 초점을 두고 있다. 특히 본 연구는 쇼핑동기에 따른 감정적 반응의 차이와 감정적 반응에 영향을 미치는 쇼핑몰 특성요인의 차이, 그리고 행동에 영향 미치는 감정적 반응에 있어 차이를 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 통해 인터넷 쇼핑몰 관리에 있어서의 세부적 마케팅 전략의 필요성을 제시하고자 한다. 연구결과 쇼핑동기에 따라 경험하는 감정적 반응에 차이를 보였다. ‘환기’는 오락동기일 경우, ‘부정적 감정’은 구매동기일 경우, ‘통제감’은 정보동기일 경우 더 많이 경험하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 감정적 반응에 영향을 미치는 쇼핑몰 특성요인과 그리고 고객행동에 영향 미치는 감정적 반응의 차이를 쇼핑동기별로 살펴본 결과, 구매동기일 경우 주로 쇼핑몰의 ‘신뢰성’, ‘고객서비스’, ‘시간’, ‘제품’요인이 감정적 반응을 유발시키며, 정보동기일 경우 ‘컨텐츠’, ‘제품’, ‘보안 및 결재’, ‘상호작용성’이 감정적 반응을 유발시키는 것으로 나타났고 오락동기일 경우 ‘컨텐츠’와 ‘상호작용성’이 감정적 반응을 유발시키는 요인으로 나타났다. 그리고 구매동기는 ‘부정적 감정’과 ‘긍정적 감정’이 고객행동에 영향을 미치며, 정보동기는 ‘통제감’이, 오락동기는 다른 동기들과 비교시 좀 더 다양한 감정들이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 이중 특히 ‘환기’가 고객행동에 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 인터넷 쇼핑시 고객 쇼핑동기에 따라 상이한 유형의 감정을 경험하며, 이러한 감정이 고객행동에 영향을 미친다는 것을 실증적으로 규명하고 있다. 이는 쇼핑몰 관리자들로 하여금 인터넷 쇼핑몰을 단순히 제품을 판매하는 곳이라는 생각에서 벗어나 고객의 기분을 전환하고 즐거움을 추구할 수 있는 공간이 되도록 쇼핑몰 환경을 적절히 관리해야 한다는 전략적 시사점을 제공하고 있다. Prior researches on Internet shopping have focused on cognitive, technological factors, but this research is focused on emotions experienced during internet shopping. Examines emotion types experienced during internet shopping and shopping mall characteristics influencing emotional response and effect of emotions on internet shopping behavior, specifically focusing on shopping motivation difference. The data, collected from a sample of 323 internet shoppers, indicate that emotion types experienced during internet shopping and shopping mall characteristics influencing emotional response and emotional response influencing internet shopping behavior are difference among shopping motivation. Theses results provide insights on internet shopping mall management according to shopping motivation.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 쇼핑 상황에서 고객충성도의 결정요인

        고준(Joon Koh),최수정(Sujeong Choi),안백성(Baicheng An) 한국콘텐츠학회 2015 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.15 No.11

        본 연구는 인터넷 쇼핑과 모바일 쇼핑에서 현재의 소비자들을 장기적으로 유지하는 문제 즉, 어떻게 이들로부터 고객충성도를 이끌어 낼 것인가를 연구하고자 한다. 구체적으로, 본 연구는 각각의 쇼핑 환경에서 고객충성도에 가장 영향력 있는 변수가 무엇인지를 비교, 규명하고자 한다. 수많은 선행연구들에서 고객충성도의 출발점은 우수한 서비스품질임을 강조하였다. 이에, 본 연구는 서비스품질을 고객충성도의 핵심 선행변수로 고려한다. 또 다른 선행변수로써 실용적 가치인 유용성과 쾌락적 가치인 즐거움을 제시한다. 마지막으로, 본 연구는 인터넷 쇼핑과 모바일 쇼핑의 각 집단에서 서비스품질 및 쇼핑가치가 고객충성도에 미치는 효과에 차이가 존재하는지를 분석한다. 실증분석 결과는 첫째, 인터넷 쇼핑 집단에서는 쾌락적 가치인 즐거움을 제외한 나머지 선행변수들 즉, 서비스품질 차원인 대응성과 공감성 그리고 실용적 가치인 유용성이 모두 고객충성도를 증가시키는 것으로 나타난 반면에, 모바일 쇼핑 집단에서는 즐거움만이 고객충성도에 유의하였다. 둘째, 서비스품질 및 쇼핑가치가 고객충성도에 미치는 효과는 인터넷 쇼핑 및 모바일 쇼핑에 따라 명백한 차이가 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 각각의 쇼핑에 효과적인 고객충성도 관리방법이나 전략이 다를 수 있음을 시사한다. This study focuses on customer loyalty that explains how firms can maintain long-term relationship with customers, in the internet shopping and mobile shopping contexts. Specifically, this study examines the key determinants of customer loyalty from two perspectives: service quality and shopping value. Concerning service quality, previous studies have long argued that it is a starting point of building customer loyalty. Shopping value is a key variable in capturing consumers’ shopping motives. In this study, we consider two types of shopping value: usefulness as utilitarian value and enjoyment as hedonic value. Moreover, this study examines whether the effects of service quality and shopping value on customer loyalty differ depending on internet and mobile shopping groups. To test the proposed hypotheses, we conducted multiple linear regression analysis and chow test with a total of 199 data collected on users who have experience in internet shopping and mobile shopping. The key findings are as follows: First, in the internet shopping group, customer loyalty depends on service quality (responsiveness and empathy) and usefulness, whereas in the mobile shopping, it only depends on enjoyment. Second, the impacts of service quality and shopping value on customer loyalty are different depending on internet shopping and mobile shopping. The results imply that e-tailors should develop differential methods suitable for internet shopping or mobile shopping to enhance customer loyalty.

      • 인터넷 종합쇼핑몰 제작의 디자인 분석 연구 -국내 상위 15개 메인 페이지를 중심으로-

        김동섭 ( Dong Seob Kim ) 한국정보디자인학회 2006 정보디자인학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        Thanks to the development of information and communication technology as well as increment of users, E-commerce using Internet is being actively adopted, thereby rapidly emerging as new method of economic activity that transcends time and space. Since many countries in the world are positively activating E-commerce as pivotal means to enhance their competitiveness, both technical and market aspects of E-commerce are growing rapidly. Especially, E-commerce changes overall activities of enterprise by radically saving trade cost through minimization of distribution steps and innovating business process such as reduction of cost for shop, marketing and logistics. Furthermore, spreading sales and marketing activity more effectively through the improvement of business process, it is being fixed as the pivotal means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Altering consumers` life pattern and consumption pattern, E-commerce that uses Internet shopping mall finishes the traditional purchase method in which consumers directly visit physical space to purchase commodities and enables them to purchase commodities whenever and wherever they want. Furthermore, it saves the time wasted in the conventional shopping through easy price comparison and convenient purchase process. Since commodities are not directly viewed and checked when purchasing, it is difficult to collect actual information of product when purchasing. Moreover, the low loading speed of shopping mall page may result in inconvenience. The vehement competition triggered by enormous increment of Internet shopping malls and the chaotic screen composition only intended for differentiation between shopping malls to the sacrifice of convenience for users as well as transformed navigation are the factors which impede Internet shopping. To prevent such impeding factors, the Internet shopping mall designed on the basis of correct understanding on exact business objective and users can remarkably affect the recognition and reliability of customers by implanting brand image pursued by enterprise to the consumers. Thus, the design strategy that induces spontaneous purchase by developing user-oriented design patters originated from user`s understanding and demand is really necessary to expand interest and purchase of consumers in Internet shopping mall. The objectives of this dissertation are as follows. First, it investigates the history of Internet E-commerce, the present situation of domestic and foreign Internet users and scale of E-commerce as well as the government policy for E-commerce in the developed countries and trend of B2C. Second, it establishes the concept of Internet shopping mall and examines its characteristics and type as well as surveys the property and main functions of visual design factors. Third, selecting the top 15 shopping malls in domestic Internet shopping mall as sample, it analyzes design factor into arrangement type of main page, horizontal length, vertical length, logo position, rate to use screen, main visual, color and so on, thereby synthesizing them to draw general statistical data for each type. Finally, analyzing general statistical data for each type to research which design strategy is applied, it intends to contribute to the effective production of main page for Internet shopping mall.

      • KCI등재

        중국인터넷쇼핑몰에서 고객행동유형이 고객충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        전상택(Sang Taek Jeun),이형주(Hyoung Joo Lee),이승진(Cheng Jin Lee) 한국무역연구원 2014 무역연구 Vol.10 No.6

        Chinese online shopping malls that Buyers are rapidly changing and increasing and are bringing an enormous impact in the Internet shopping market. Among the Chinese e-commerce market turned into a battleground of the richest, most people focused on relationship between Wangjienrin(Property maestro) and mawin(hero of online). E-commerce customer in China has already exceeded 5 hundred and 10 million in June 2012. Targeting Chinese customer that have internet shopping experience, identify effect of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by customer behavior patterns and between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty what play role as relationship benefits. Through the empirical study, customer behavior patterns in Chinese online shopping mall actively participate in this action impact a significant impact on customer satisfaction. The citizen behavior and bad behavior, on the other hand, showed non significant influence on customer satisfaction. In addition, actively participate in action x innovation and civil action x profit recognition significant effect between customer satisfaction and customer behavior patterns in internet shopping user characteristics. Internet shopping customer satisfaction in China, customer satisfaction is a significant influence on customer loyalty. In other words, if satisfied with the use of good business relationship with the Internet shopping mall and feel satisfied with the service more and more to have a sense of intimacy and affection for internet shopping is to ever be used. Finally, Customer satisfaction x psychological economic benefits significant effect between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by regulating role in Relationship Benefits in Chinese internet shopping. Through the study propose useful framework for marketing strategy that marketing strategy of theoretical, practical, implications about relationship type of customer behavior factors, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty in China s Internet shopping mall.

      • KCI등재후보

        인터넷 의료광고사이트 이용자와 소비자 권리에 관한 연구

        최양호(Choi Yang-Ho),한은경(Han Eun-Kyoung) 한국방송학회 2002 한국방송학보 Vol.16 No.3

        최근에 인터넷 의료광고를 놓고 의사협회와 인터넷 광고사이트간에 공동구매 및 정보공개에 대한 논란이 있었다. 의사협회는 인터넷 사이트 우아넷의 공동구매를 통한 라식수술 할인등은 명백한 의료법 위반이라고 주장했다. 반면에 우아넷은 공동구매를 통해 소비자들에게 의료정보와 광고를 서비스한다고 주장했다. 소비자 주권주의 관련 선행연구를 토대로 소비자들은 의료서비스 공동구매와 일반 제품 및 서비스의 공동구매에 대해 어떤 태도를 지니고 있는 지 밝히고자 했다. 둘째, 소비자가 의료정보를 포함한 인터넷에 유포된 모든 상품ㆍ서비스 정보를 알아야 할 권리가 있는 지를 살펴보고자 했다. 조사결과, 소비자들은 일반 제품이나 서비스의 인터넷 공동구매와 특정 의료행위의 인터넷 공동구매를 신뢰성과 정보성측면에서는 거의 유사한 태도를 보이고 있으며, 다양한 의료 정보를 추구하고 있다는 것을 발견했다. 하지만 의료 인터넷 공동구매 경체성과 관련된 태도는 일반 인터넷 공동구매 속성과 유시한 점을 발견하지 못했다. 소비자 권리와 관련해서는 의료 인터넷 공동구매를 신뢰할 수 있고, 경제적으로 저렴하다면 라식수술등의 특정 의료 시술을 받을 수 있다고 소비자들은 인식하고 있으며, 의료단체가 의료 공동구매를 제한하는 것은 소비자의 권리를 침해하는 일이라는 태도를 보이고 있다. There has been a controversy between Korean Medical Association and online shopping site Wooa.net for the internet users getting a discount rate of Lasik operation from eye doctor through the internet joint medical shopping. Korean Medical Association(KMA) claims that Wooa.net′s medical discount rate for the internet users could be a clear violation of current medial law. On the other hand, Wooa.net regards medical joint, shopping thorough the internet as giving consumers an opportunity of medical information and advertising. Limited opportunity for the medical information to the consumers might result in violation of consumer rights. Based on consumerism this study attempts to find a relationship between internet joint shopping of medical services and of general product and services. In addition, the study attempts to find a relationship between internet joint shopping of medical services and the internet user′s perception of consumer′s rights. Data from a college student population were factor analyzed and perfomed correlation analysis. It was found that internet joint shopping of medical services was significantly correlated with internet joint shopping of general product and services. It was also found that internet joint showing of medical services was significantly correlated with the internet user′s perception of consumer′s rights. The findings suggest that consumers using the internet shopping site show almost similar perception of both purchasing medical services and general product and services with respect to reliability and informity.

      • 한·중 소비자 인터넷 구매 행동 비교연구

        진삼 ( Chen Sen ),장형유 ( Hyeongyu Jang ) 한국유통물류정책학회 2017 유통물류연구 Vol.4 No.2

        21세기 글로벌 인터넷의 보급과 급속한 발전은 통신기술을 통한 전자상거래 발전과 성장에 획기적인 전기를 제공하고 있다. 한국과 중국은 물류배송 등 여러 영역에서 뚜렷한 우세를 가지고 있다. 가격이 저렴하고 종류가 다양한 중국 상품은 한국에 인기를 얻고 있으며 한국 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 성숙하고 규범적인 형식도 중국 소비자의 관심을 잡아끌고 있다. 양국 무역성장 추세가 갈수록 확대대고 있으며 많은 연구자들이 한·중전자상거래에 중심을 두고 연구를 진행하고 있으며 그 중 인터넷 쇼핑은 핫이슈 중 하나이다. 본 연구는 우선 한국과 중국의 인터넷 발전 및 연구 현황을 서술하고 한·중 소비자들이 인터넷 쇼핑 과정 중 소비행동에서 어떤 차이가 있는지 분석하였다. 양국 20대∼50대 성인 소비자를 대상으로 오프라인 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사된 자료를 토대로 한 분석 결과 한국 소비자에 비하여 중국 소비자는 개인특성, 구매동기, 구매환경, 구매행동, 지각위험과 구매후기 등 여섯 가지 변수들이 유의한 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 지각위험 측면에서 중국소비자들이 한국 소비자에 비하여 더 높은 수준으로 나타났고 양국 소비자들의 구매후기 작성 측면에서 소비행동이 뚜렷한 차이가 있다는 것을 판단할 수 있다. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the internet has been deploying worldwide, and the pace of development becoming faster and faster, People performing business activities, based on internet technology, Consumers can do worldwide commodity trading and settlement 24 hours a day on the internet. In particular, China and Korea are neighbors in geographical terms. The distribution section has obvious advantages, and China’s various designs and low prices will have great effect on Korean consumers. Korea has developed and standardized web sites. That’s why it’s advantages attract Chinese consumer’s concerns. With the vibrant internet trade between the two countries, many researchers have started to study internet trading of Korea and China. Now, network shopping comparison is one of the hottest researches. This study is aimed at internet shopping consumers from Korea and China, conduct research on personal characteristics and motive in online shopping, shopping behavior, perceived risk and online activity reviews. First, analyze the theory model of network shopping and analyze online shopping research status of China and Korea. The main study is discussed between Chinese and Korean consumer’s difference which occurs when doing shopping on the network; that identifies six basic factors as personal characteristics, shopping motive, shopping environment, shopping behavior, perceived risk and shopping activity reviews. And for this study, use a questionnaire survey, collecting effective sample data, and SPSS for reliability and factor analysis. The result show that consumer from Korea and China has apparent difference in the six basic factors. In particular, perceived risk factor of Chinese consumers demonstrate much more higher result than Korean consumers, and the consumers between the two countries have completely different views about shopping reviews. This research, serves to understand the difference between the shopping behavior of Chinese and Korean internet shopping consumers, and puts forward relevant strategies and suggestions for each countries consumer. In addition, for future comparative studies, provides an effective reference, and has certain theoretical worth and social practice meaning.

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