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        링크드 데이터를 이용한 인터랙티브 요리 비디오 질의 서비스 시스템

        박우리(Woo-Ri Park),오경진(Kyeong-Jin Oh),홍명덕(Myung-Duk Hong),조근식(Geun-Sik Jo) 한국지능정보시스템학회 2014 지능정보연구 Vol.20 No.3

        The revolution of smart media such as smart phone, smart TV and tablets has brought easiness for people to get contents and related information anywhere and anytime. The characteristics of the smart media have changed user behavior for watching the contents from passive attitude into active one. Video is a kind of multimedia resources and widely used to provide information effectively. People not only watch video contents, but also search for related information to specific objects appeared in the contents. However, people have to use extra views or devices to find the information because the existing video contents provide no information through the contents. Therefore, the interaction between user and media is becoming a major concern. The demand for direct interaction and instant information is much increasing. Digital media environment is no longer expected to serve as a one-way information service, which requires user to search manually on the internet finding information they need. To solve the current inconvenience, an interactive service is needed to provide the information exchange function between people and video contents, or between people themselves. Recently, many researchers have recognized the importance of the requirements for interactive services, but only few services provide interactive video within restricted functionality. Only cooking domain is chosen for an interactive cooking video query service in this research. Cooking is receiving lots of people attention continuously. By using smart media devices, user can easily watch a cooking video. One-way information nature of cooking video does not allow to interactively getting more information about the certain contents, although due to the characteristics of videos, cooking videos provide various information such as cooking scenes and explanation for each recipe step. Cooking video indeed attracts academic researches to study and solve several problems related to cooking. However, just few studies focused on interactive services in cooking video and they still not sufficient to provide the interaction with users. In this paper, an interactive cooking video query service system with linked data to provide the interaction functionalities to users. A linked recipe schema is used to handle the linked data. The linked data approach is applied to construct queries in systematic manner when user interacts with cooking videos. We add some classes, data properties, and relations to the linked recipe schema because the current version of the schema is not enough to serve user interaction. A web crawler extracts recipe information from allrecipes.com. All extracted recipe information is transformed into ontology instances by using developed instance generator. To provide a query function, hundreds of questions in cooking video web sites such as BBC food, Foodista, Fine cooking are investigated and analyzed. After the analysis of the investigated questions, we summary the questions into four categories by question generalization. For the question generalization, the questions are clustered in eleven questions. The proposed system provides an environment associating UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) that allow user to watch cooking videos while obtaining the necessary additional information using extra information layer. User can use the proposed interactive cooking video system at both PC and mobile environments because responsive web design is applied for the proposed system. In addition, the proposed system enables the interaction between user and video in various smart media devices by employing linked data to provide information matching with the current context. Two methods are used to evaluate the proposed system. First, through a questionnaire-based method, computer system usability is measured by comparing the proposed system with the existing web site. Second, the answer accuracy for user interaction is measured to inspect to-be-offered i

      • KCI등재

        미디어 컨버전스에 따른 중국 웹 콘텐츠의 인터랙티브 영상 연구 - <명성대정탐: 1호 용의자>를 중심으로 -

        천보이 한국기초조형학회 2022 기초조형학연구 Vol.23 No.3

        Changes in content that continue to converge in various ways across interactive and media convergence freely require feedback for rapid conversion and require an interactive interface accordingly. In addition, as a new type of content that combinesthe textuality of books, the audiovisuality of movies and the playfulness of games, it developed gradually by China’s major stream media platform. The primary goal of the research is to analyze in detail the interactive modes of network images on the basis of characteristics shown in network media fusion in the new media era. Based on the development process of interactive images and characteristics of network media, the researcher analyzes the interactive mode of Chinese online program Prime Suspect by adopting the media theory and also explores countermeasures for the development of interactive content with an integration in characteristics of network interactive images dependent on network media. The research is organized as follows, in the second Chapter,media theory and China’s interactive video are investigated. In particular, by using Roger Fidler’s media morphosis and Remediation of Bolter,J.D., Grusin,R., the characteristics of the media and the convergence shown in the interactive video were presented. Based on the research of relevant theories, the case is analyzed from four aspects, including language, module structure, storytelling and image orientation in the third chapter. The fourth chapter is the conclusion of this study and suggests alternatives to enhance interactive video and interaction between audiences. This study used four alternatives: ‘Text Reinforcement’, ‘Module Structure Remediation’, ‘Narrative Nonlinear’, and ‘Add Image Vertical Orientation’ to drive interactive actions different from traditional viewing patterns, allowing viewers to watch content and play various interactive elements voluntarily and participate in interactive videos. 인터랙티브와 미디어 컨버전스를 자유롭게 넘나들며 다양한 방식의 융합을 거듭하고 있는 콘텐츠의변화는 빠른 전환을 위한 피드백을 요구하며, 그에 맞는 인터랙티브 인터페이스를 필요로 하고 있다. 또한 서적의 텍스트성, 영상의 시청각성, 게임의 게임성을 융합한 새로운 형태의 콘텐츠로서, 중국의주요 방송 플랫폼에서도 인터랙티브 영상에 대한 개발이 본격적으로 시작되었다. 이에 따라 본 연구는이러한 뉴미디어 시대의 인터넷 미디어 컨버전스 특성에 기초해 웹 영상의 인터랙티브 방식을 구체적으로 분석하는 데 일차적인 목표를 두었다. 연구자는 매체 이론을 활용하여 인터랙티브 영상의 발전과정 및 인터넷 미디어 특성을 기반으로 중국의 웹 콘텐츠 <명성대정탐: 제1호 용의자>의 인터랙티브 방식을 분석하였다. 또한 인터넷 미디어에 의존하는 웹 인터랙티브 영상의 특성에 정합성을 지니고있는 인터랙티브 콘텐츠 개발에 적용할 수 있는 대안을 모색할 수 있었다. 이에 본 연구는 제2장에서매체 이론과 중국 인터랙티브 영상에 대한 선행연구를 고찰하였다. 매체 이론에서는 로저 피들러의 미디어 모포시스, 제이 데이비드 볼터와 리처드 그루신의 재매개 이론을 바탕으로 미디어의 특성과 인터랙티브 영상에 나타난 컨버전스를 제시하였다. 다음으로 중국 인터랙티브 영상의 환경, 유형, 제작 방식을 살펴보았다. 제3장에서는 언어, 모듈, 구조, 스토리텔링, 이미지 지향성 네 가지 측면에서 사례분석을 진행하여 <명성대정탐: 제1호 용의자>를 분석하였다. 제4장은 본 연구의 결론으로, 인터랙티브 영상과 관객 간 상호작용 제고를 위한 대안을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 ‘텍스트 강화’, ‘모듈 구조 재매개화’, ‘내러티브의 비선형적’, ‘이미지 수직적 지향성 추가’ 네 가지 대안을 활용해 전통적인 시청패턴과는 다른 인터랙티브 액션을 추동함으로써, 시청자는 콘텐츠를 감상하는 동시에 다양한 인터랙티브 요소를 플레이하는 방식을 선택하였고, 보다 많은 시청자들이 인터랙티브 영상에 자발적으로 몰입하고 참여하도록 유도할 수 있었다.

      • 사용자 참여형 인터랙티브 뮤직비디오에 관한 연구

        최은수(Choi, Eunsoo),유해영(Yoo, Hyeyoung),김형기(Kim, Hyunggi) 한국디자인지식학회 2014 디자인지식저널 Vol.30 No.-

        이번 연구는 21세기의 시작과 함께 급격하게 진행되고 있는 인터랙티브 미디어의 미래 융합과 혁신에 관한 연구의 필요성에서 출발하였다. 뮤직비디오는 내러티브를 사용함으로써 내용을 구조적으로 강화하고 몰입도가 높다. 인터랙티브 뮤직비디오에서의 내러티브는 사용자의 개입이 가능해지면서 인터랙티브의 특성으로 사용자의 활동적인 참여를 유도하며 일반적인 뮤직비디오인 사용자 관조형 콘텐츠가 아닌 새로운 매체로 각광 받고 있다. 본 연구는 인터랙티브 뮤직비디오의 적용사례를 분석하고 사용자 경험기반의 상호작용성을 분석하고자 헌다. 인터랙티브 뮤직비디오는 OSMU의 특징을 가지고 있는 콘텐츠로서 사람들의 태도 변화를 이끌어내는 새로운 디지털로 협력이 가능하며, 앞으로의 진화 방향을 탐색하여 새로운 매체로서의 발전방향을 제시한다. This paper concerns rapidly developing interactive media in the 21st Century, especially interactive music videos. Interactive music videos not only use the narrative to reinforce its contents, but also use interactivity to increase engagement. Participation creates a stronger bond between the artist and viewers. This paper analyzes various samples of user Involvement interactive music videos and studies the interaction. OSMU(one source multi use) is at the essence of this medium, where the contents can be expanded by reaching audiences in diverse ways.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 인터랙티브 뮤직 비디오 사례 연구 - 인터랙티브 구현을 중심으로

        김현정 한국기초조형학회 2008 기초조형학연구 Vol.9 No.4

        Music video has played a decisive role in advancing or changing the sphere of music from that of merely “listening to” for appreciation to “viewing to enjoy” in addition to the former. The music-video business in Korea, however, is currently under the process of adjustments by cutting financial budgets and programs in a way to secure a “safe and proven record of business performance,” under the prevailing struggle faced by the music industry in general. Music industry markets abroad are also experiencing a similar slump, and they are reportedly experimenting music video as a way of finding a new “highway” for the music industry. Under such circumstances, the online interactive music video , which has recently made debut in the market, is well deserved to draw adequate attention. The interactive music video does not merely focus itself on a visual function or effect, but also stimulate an option how to communicate with viewers, which all can be termed as new and unique experience and characteristics. This case-study report on online interactive music video and that of the narrative has found a common ground of montage existing between them, while there are more of fragmented-montage types in the interactive. It is also noted, however, there are varied, conspicuous differences in the participation frequency by viewers, listeners, or customers. Taking consideration of its early stage of development, interactive music video still requires a further complement technically in loading time and traffic. In addition, storytelling and contents need to be improved in order to provide full satisfaction and thereby attract more viewers, listeners, or customers in the future. Despite a few of shortcomings as mentioned above, this report has found that the online interactive music video has a promising future for development and an increasing demand for in view of individualized trends under the current media atmosphere and a highly-advanced internet technology, and inclination to pursuit and experience one’s hobbies actively rather than passively.

      • 교육 영상의 상호작용 강화 전략

        김민정(Minjung Kim),윤재영(Jaeyoung Yun) 한국HCI학회 2016 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        영상 활용 학습은 오늘날 교육 환경을 통틀어 가장 활발하게 이루어지는 학습 방법에 속한다. 그러나 높은 이용도와 학습 효과에도 불구하고 관련 연구는 미비하다. 상호성이 부재한 교육 영상은 학습 효과를 기대하기 어려우며 상호성 유무에 따라 학습자의 몰입과 참여도가 결정된다. 따라서 본 연구는 학습효과를 높이는 교육 영상 시스템의 개발 및 보급을 목표로, 교육 영상의 상호작용 강화 전략을 제안한다. 먼저, 국내외 선행 연구 분석을 통해 교육 영상의 상호작용 강화 전략을 도출했다. 그리고 목적과 특성에 따라 소통, 정보 접근, 시뮬레이션, 게임, 정보입력, 유의미한 정보, 추가 정보 제공, 영상 길이, 영상조정, 예상 불가능한 자극으로 분류한 후, 전략적 세부방안을 제안했다. 학습 목표, 학습자 특성, 학습환경에 따라 적합한 전략을 선택적으로 적용하여 교육영상의 학습 효과를 높일 수 있기를 기대한다. These days, learning by video is active in learning environment. However, despite its high applicability, relevant research has rarely implemented. Educational video without interactivity would not result in effective learning because the interactivity enhances engagement and participation. Thus this study researched interaction-enhancing strategies for educational video by analyzing advanced research and by proposing new methods, aiming development of effective Educational video system. Above all, the interaction strategies are extracted from relevant studies. They are categorized according to the property into communication, navigation, simulation, game, information input, meaningful information, additional information, length of video, video control and unpredictable stimuli. Then practical ways of strategies and new ways are presented. I expect to enhance effectiveness of learning with educational video by selectively applying suitable strategies to learning objective, learners’ property and educational environment.

      • Effects of Interactive Video on Mind Mapping Skills of Common First Year Students' at Umm Al-Qura University

        Almalki, Mohammad Eidah Messfer International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.12

        This study set off to explore the effect of interactive videos on developing mind mappings skills required for the common first-joint year students at Umm Al-Qura University. Towards this end, the experimental research design of a quasi-experimental of two experimental groups was adopted. The research tools consisted of an achievement test of the cognitive aspects of mind mapping skills and a product evaluation form of mind mapping skills. Results showed statistically significant differences at the significance level (α 0.05) between the mean scores of the two experimental groups who studied the educational video regardless of the type of video in the pre-post cognitive test of the mind mapping skills and the form of product evaluation. Besides, there are statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05≥α) between the mean scores of the first experimental group who studied the conventional educational video and the mean scores of the second experimental group who studied the interactive educational video. This significant difference was in the posttest of mind mapping skills and in favor of the group who studied the interactive educational video. Nevertheless, there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05≥α) between the mean scores of the first and second experimental groups in the post-application of the product evaluation form of mind mapping skills. The researcher recommended using the interactive video in teaching courses to common first-year students. It also recommends organizing courses for the faculty members to train them on using interactive videos in their teaching.

      • KCI등재

        영상학습매체 학습자 인터랙션 증진 방안에 대한 다각적 접근

        김민정(Kim, Min Jung),윤재영(Yun, Ray Jaeyoung) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2016 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.24 No.-

        다각적인 교육 방법이 교육현장에 도입되고 인터넷이 보급되면서 영상학습매체(video-based educational media)의 활용도가 높아지고 있다. 그러나 학습매체연구와 개발은 내용중심으로 이루어지고 있으며, 학습자 중심 관점에서 인터랙션이 고려된 예는 드물다. 따라서 본 연구는 관련 논문을 분석하여 학습자-내용(learner-content), 학습자-교수자(learner-instructor), 학습자-학습자 (learner-learner) 간 인터랙션 증진 방안에 대해 알아보았다. 문헌 검색을 통해 연구 사례를 수집한 뒤 어피니티 다이어그램(affinity diagram)의 카드 소팅(card sorting) 방식을 통해 인터랙션 전략 키워드를 도출했다. 유사한 범주는 같은 그룹으로 묶었고, 학습자 인터랙션 종류에 따라 분류했다. 학습자-내용 인터랙션 증진 전략으로는 학습 속도에 맞추어 영상 조작(video control), 효율적인 정보접근(navigation), 시뮬레이션(simulation)을 통한 역할 학습, 학습자가 직접 정보 입력(information input), 추가학습 자료(additional material)에 임의적 접근, 예상 불가능한 시각적 자극(visual stimuli), 학습자 특성에 맞춘(learner-centered) 영상 전략 등이 있다. 학습자-교수자 인터랙션 증진 전략으로는 소통(communication)이 있고, 학습자-학습자 인터랙션 증진 전략은 연구사례가 없어 도출하지 못했다. 연구 결과는 영상학습매체의 인터랙션에 관한 기존의 연구가 학습자-내용인터랙션 방식에 치중되어 있음을 보여주며, 학습자에게 다양한 인터랙션 경험을 제공하기 위해 학습자-교수자, 학습자-학습자 간 인터랙션 전략에 대한 연구가 필요하다. Due to the development of multilateral types of education and the technology, the use of video-based educational media has increased. Nevertheless, the study and development of educational media is based on the content aspect rather than practical that triggers interaction in the Learner’s perspective. This research paper incorporates the analysis of media related theses to improve interaction between the several areas – learner-content, learner-instructor and learner-learner. The research cases were gathered from the bibliographic search then the keywords for interaction strategies were drawn out by using the card sorting method in affinity diagram. The categories are divided into groups by similar area and the types of interactions. The strategies for the learner-content consists of video control based on the learner’s learning speed, efficient navigation, simulation-based role play learning, possibility of information input, arbitrary approach towards the additional materials, unpredictable visual stimuli, learner-centered video. The communication is the one method for learner-instructor. However, there were no case study for learner-learner interaction therefore was unable to obtain the strategy. The existing studies of video-based educational media display that the researches are more emphasized towards the learner-content interactions than the other two categories. Therefore, more researches should be carried out to provoke and provide the interactions between learner and instructor and between learners.

      • Effects of Interactive Video on Mind Mapping Skills of Common First Year Students' at Umm Al-Qura University

        Almalki, Mohammad Eidah Messfer International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.spc12

        This study set off to explore the effect of interactive videos on developing mind mappings skills required for the common first-joint year students at Umm Al-Qura University. Towards this end, the experimental research design of a quasi-experimental of two experimental groups was adopted. The research tools consisted of an achievement test of the cognitive aspects of mind mapping skills and a product evaluation form of mind mapping skills. Results showed statistically significant differences at the significance level (α 0.05) between the mean scores of the two experimental groups who studied the educational video regardless of the type of video in the pre-post cognitive test of the mind mapping skills and the form of product evaluation. Besides, there are statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05≥α) between the mean scores of the first experimental group who studied the conventional educational video and the mean scores of the second experimental group who studied the interactive educational video. This significant difference was in the posttest of mind mapping skills and in favor of the group who studied the interactive educational video. Nevertheless, there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05≥α) between the mean scores of the first and second experimental groups in the post-application of the product evaluation form of mind mapping skills. The researcher recommended using the interactive video in teaching courses to common first-year students. It also recommends organizing courses for the faculty members to train them on using interactive videos in their teaching.

      • KCI등재

        수요자 주도 광고를 위한 객체기반 대화형 비디오 시스템

        차광호(Guang-Ho Cha) 한국정보과학회 2014 정보과학회논문지 : 데이타베이스 Vol.41 No.2

        논문은 비디오 시청 중에 시청자의 관심을 끄는 객체가 있을 경우 그 객체를 클릭하거나 터치하여 선택하고 관련된 정보를 입수하여 구매를 유발시키는 새로운 형태의 광고 패러다임을 제공할 수 있는 객체기반 대화형 비디오 시스템을 제시한다. 이러한 시스템은 수요자 주도 광고나 시청자 특유의 광고 등과 같은 새로운 형태의 e-비즈니스 응용을 만들어 낼 수 있으며, 스트리밍 비디오의 새로운 대화 가능성을 제시하고, 전자 상거래를 PC에서 TV나 스마트폰으로 이동하게 하는 기회를 제공한다. 본 논문은 이러한 시스템을 위한 체계 및 저작 도구를 설명하고, 대화형 비디오의 비즈니스 기회와 도전에 대해 고찰한다. This paper presents an object-based interactive video system providing a new advertising paradigm that induces a viewer to take interests in the objects in the video and to buy the goods related to them by clicking or touching them while watching the video. This system could be used to create a new form of e-business applications such as consumer-driven advertising and audience-specific advertising. This object-based video system offers new interaction possibilities of the streaming video and the opportunity to move electronic commerce from personal computers to television receivers or smartphones. This paper presents the schematics for creating an object-based interactive video system and describes an authoring tool to create the interactive video. Finally, we also examine the business opportunities and challenges of the interactive video.


        Matthew Tingchi Liu,Pamela Lam I Kei,Yongdan Liu,Ting-Hsiang Tseng 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction Social media continues to grow and presents in our everyday lives. Consumers can even know about celebrities’ personal lives and hear directly from celebrities through social media, such as Facebook and Instagram. Chung and Cho (2017) point out that social media provides a platform for a more open, close and frequent interaction between consumers and celebrities. According to Lee and Watkins (2016), by using social media, consumers can easily and quickly access user generated content which includes product information and reviews. People create video blog (vlog) and some have attracted a large number of followers, video bloggers (vloggers) upload videos about their personal life or reviews of product they use, therefore increasing browsing traffic from followers and other viewers. As a result, vloggers become vlog celebrities or key opinion leaders on social media nowadays. According to Horton and Wohl (1956), parasocial interaction (PSI) explains the relationship between media persona and media user, and it is referred to a media user’s reaction to a media persona, in a way that the media persona is perceived as an intimate conversational partner by the media user. The media persona may be considered by his/her audience as a friend, counselor, comforter and model, and PSI is considered as a “friendship” with a media persona (Perse & Rubin, 1989). As this “friendship” continues to grow, the media user will gradually treat the media persona as a trustworthy friend and rely on their suggestions as a trusted source of information (Rubin et al., 1985). According to Stever and Lawson (2013), PSI is an appropriate theoretical framework for studying the one-sided relationship between celebrities and fans; so the same argument can be extended to vlogger as suggested by Lee and Watkins (2016). As there is limited studies investigating the link between vlogger and marketing results in the literature, and researches examining the relationships between PSI and perceived brand quality, brand affect as well as brand preference are rare and lack empirical support, therefore, some research gaps need to be bridged. This study develops an integrated model according to the literature review. It is expected to help marketers to understand the influence of vlogger, and to develop efficient social media marketing tactics and branding strategies by using PSI as a brand management tool. Literature review and hypothesis development Parasocial interaction (PSI) explains the relationship between media persona and media user, and it is referred to a media user’s reaction to a media persona, in a way that the media persona is perceived as an intimate conversational partner by the media user. Previous studies indicate that PSI develops in ways similar to interpersonal relationships with friends (Horton & Wohl, 1956; Rubin & McHugh, 1987; Perse & Rubin, 1989), so the media persona may be considered by his/her audience as a friend, counselor, comforter and model, and PSI is considered as a “friendship” with a media persona (Perse & Rubin, 1989). Labrecque (2014) suggests that the development of PSI is not restricted to traditional media but also in an online environment. Labrecque (2014) points out that the higher the perceived level of openness and interaction in communication between consumers and brands on social media, the stronger their PSI with the brands. A direct relationship is also found to exist between social media interaction and parasocial behavior (Chung & Cho, 2017). Vloggers emerge as vlog celebrities or key opinion leaders who are active on social media, nowadays the media users can share their own thoughts with the celebrities and even comment the celebrities’ lives on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram freely, as if they have established a “friendship” with the celebrities (Chung & Cho, 2017), PSI is found to exist between vloggers and media users and is therefore fostered (Lee & Watkins, 2016). Attraction to a media persona results in enhancement of interaction or repeat viewing (Rubin & McHugh, 1987). If a person's physical appearance is considered to be aesthetically beautiful or pleasing, the degree of physical attractiveness is thus higher. Till and Busler (2000) suggest that physically attractive people are considered to possess more favorable personality traits such as intellectual competence, social competence and integrity. Both social and physical attractiveness to a media persona have been found to be predictors of PSI (Lee & Watkins, 2016; Perse & Rubin, 1989). This study thus postulates that: H1: The physical attractiveness of vlogger has a positive effect on PSI. Social attractiveness is referred to a media persona’s likability (McCroskey & McCain, 1974) and considering the media persona as a viable friend (Frederick et al., 2012). Media persona who is socially attractive leads to a stronger PSI, in both social and work context (Rubin & McHugh, 1987). Social attractiveness has been found to be a predictor of PSI (Lee & Watkins, 2016; Perse & Rubin, 1989). This study thus postulates that: H2: The social attractiveness of vlogger has a positive effect on PSI. According to Rubin and Step (2000), motivation is central to communication processes, and different motivations would lead to different behavior and communication choices. In the video sharing platform such as YouTube, YouTube users engage with YouTube for entertainment purposes (Haridakis & Hanson, 2009). Entertainment refers to any activities that provide diversions and amusements to fill time, gain pleasure, relax and have fun (Yuan et al., 2016). People not only watch vlogs for entertainment but are also widely influenced by the content of vlogs (Chung & Cho, 2017), as vloggers are viewed as more authentic and true-to-life (Lee & Watkins, 2016). This study postulates that: H3: Viewing motive with vlogger for entertainment has a positive effect on PSI. People use media not only for entertainment, but also for satisfying interpersonal needs (Armstrong & Rubin, 1989; Madianou & Miller, 2013; Rubin et al., 1985). As media user’s motivations for using media correlate with the development of PSI positively (Rubin et al., 1985) and the motivation of individuals to undertake relationship building by using social network service is found to be positivly correlated with parasocial behavior (Yuan et al., 2016), it is proposed that the more the media user’s motive to use social media involving vlog for relationship building, the stronger their PSI with vlogger. This study thus postulates that: H4: Viewing motive with vlogger for building relationship has a positive effect on PSI. More time spent with the medium encourages a participative and active culture, and higher online traffic implies more opportunities for online advertising and promotions (Hung et al., 2011). When media user is exposed with frequent messages enriched with personal information from a media persona, psychological familiarity and intimacy are enhanced, resulting in further development of friendship over time (Chung & Cho, 2017). This study thus postulates that: H5: The time spent with the medium has a positive effect on PSI. Mediating effect of PSI PSI explains the relationship between media user and media persona (Horton & Wohl, 1956) and is considered as a “friendship” with a media persona (Perse & Rubin, 1989). Previous study implicitly addresses the mediating role of PSI between the antecedents of PSI and brand perception (Lee & Watkins, 2016), however, the mediating role of PSI between the relationship of the antecedents of PSI and perceived brand quality, brand affect as well as brand preference has not been investigated. Specifically, PSI decreases uncertainty (Perse & Rubin, 1989) and consumer’s confidence has been shown to be a key component of forming positive perceived brand quality (Kayaman & Arasli, 2007). Moreover, social media strategies are often used to build positive brand attitude through enhanced consumer engagement and consumer likeability towards a brand, making brand affect metric relevant to social media marketers. Finally, Grimm (2005) suggests that attitude can predict preference and preference is influenced by emotional and personality responses to the brand. Feelings of bonding with brands are fostered by PSI, as a result positive brand attitude is enhanced (Knoll et al., 2015). Moreover, evidences show that celebrity endorsement can help to positively influence consumer’s brand preference (e.g. Kamins et al., 1989). Thus, it is predicted that PSI mediates the effects of the antecedents of PSI: physical attractiveness, social attractiveness, viewing motive for entertainment, view motive for building relationship and time spent with the medium on perceived brand quality, brand affect and brand preference, and has the following direct effects on perceived brand quality brand affect, and brand preference. H6: PSI has a positive effect on perceived brand quality H7: PSI has a positive effect on brand affect. H8: PSI has a positive effect on brand preference. H9: PSI mediates the relationship between antecedents of PSI and a) perceived brand quality; b) brand affect; and c) brand preference Methodology In this study, the measurements are adopted from well-established scales of previous literatures. Physical attractiveness was measured using a three-item scale based on McCroskey and McCain (1974), which has been applied by Lee and Watkins (2016). As homophily, or the belief that two parties share similar beliefs, is grounded in social attractiveness between the parties (Turner, 1993), attitude homophily, and social attractiveness are similar constructs. Based on the measurement scale from Lee and Watkins (2016), attitude homophily and social attractiveness were merged into one factor and was measured using a ten-item scale in this study. Viewing motive for entertainment and viewing motive for building relationships were measured using the motivation scale proposed by Yuan et al. (2016). Viewing motive for entertainment was measured using a seven-item scale while viewing motive for building relationships was measured using a six-item scale. Time spent with the medium was measured using a two-item scale from Hung et al. (2011), which assesses the average weekly frequency and the average weekly duration of browsing vlogs. Parasocial interaction was measured using an eight-item scale relating to vloggers from Lee and Watkins (2016). Perceived brand quality was measured using a six-item scale from Yoo et al. (2000). Brand affect was measured using a three-item scale from Chaudhuri and Holbrook (2001). Brand preference was defined as the relative preference for selecting and using a particular brand (Yoo et al., 2000), brand preference was measured using a four-item scale based on Yoo et al.’s (2000) overall brand equity scale which was adopted by Liu et al. (2014). Besides time spent with the medium, each item was assessed on a five-point Likert-type scale. The wording of each item was altered to better suit the context of using vloggers for social media marketing. Only female and those who have watched beauty vlog previously were qualified to participate in the survey. Respondents were shown a beauty product review video by the selected vlogger from YouTube, the brand name of the beauty product in the video was eliminated so as to prevent brand bias. In the online questionnaire, the qualified respondents were only allowed to start filling in the next part of the questionnaire after watching the whole video. Data for this study were collected via online survey to simulate the environment of vlogs and social media. Convenience sampling method was utilized in this study due to its non-probability sampling technique and convenience accessibility. The online questionnaires were distributed through social media platforms, including Facebook and WeChat etc. The data collection process was conducted from August to September of 2017 in Macau, a total of 756 samples were collected. After removing the incomplete and disqualified questionnaires, 401 questionnaires were identified as eligible for formal analysis. Pearson’s correlation test was employed to test the relationships between all variables. Multiple regressions with the ordinary-least-squares (OSL) estimation was used to test the relationship between antecedents of PSI and PSI (i.e. H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5), and the relationship between PSI and brand evaluations (i.e. H6, H7, H8). To investigate the mediating effect of PSI between each antecedent of PSI and perceived brand quality, brand affect, and brand preference (i.e. H9a, H9b, H9c), the PROCESS macro bootstrapping procedure (n = 5000, model 4; Preacher et al., 2007) was performed for each variable. Bootstrapping is a nonparametric resampling procedure for testing mediation that does not impose the assumption of normality of the sampling distribution (Preacher & Hayes, 2008). Moreover, a Sobel test was used to further demonstrate the significance of the mediation effect of PSI. Results Multiple regression analysis is performed to tests relationships between PSI and the antecedents of PSI. PSI as a dependent variable, the main effects of the antecedents of PSI on PSI are all significant (F (5, 395) = 87.25, p < 0.001). Specifically, physical attractiveness (β = 0.271, p < 0.001), attitude homophily/social attractiveness (β= 0.335, p < 0.001), viewing motive for entertainment (β = 0.194, p < 0.001), viewing motive for building relationship (β = 0.163, p < 0.001) and time spent with the medium (β = 0.062, p < 0.001) are positively related to PSI. Results support H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5. Moreover, results found (1) PSI fully mediates the effect of physical attractiveness (β = 0.052, p < 0.001) on perceived brand quality; PSI partially mediates the effects of attitude homophily/social attractiveness (β = 0.064, p < 0.001), viewing motive for entertainment (β = 0.037, p < 0.01), viewing motive for building relationship (β = 0.031, p < 0.01) as well as time spent with the medium (β = 0.012, p < 0.05) on perceived brand quality. (2) PSI mediates the effect of physical attractiveness (β = 0.079, p < 0.001), attitude homophily/social attractiveness (β = 0.098, p < 0.001) and time spent with the medium (β = 0.018, p < 0.05) on brand affect, while partially mediates the effects of viewing motive for entertainment (β = 0.057, p < 0.01), viewing motive for building relationship (β = 0.047, p < 0.01) on brand affect. (3) PSI mediates the effect of physical attractiveness (β = 0.110, p < 0.001), attitude homophily/social attractiveness (β = 0.136, p < 0.001), viewing motive for building relationship (β = 0.066, p < 0.001) and time spent with the medium (β = 0.025, p < 0.01) on brand preference. And PSI partially mediates the effects of viewing motive for entertainment (β = 0.079, p < 0.001) on brand preference. In this sense, H6, H7, and H8 are supported. Discussion The results of this study provide recommendations that customers’ perceived brand quality, brand affect and brand preference could be enhanced by social media marketing practices by using vlogger. Various antecedents of PSI have been proven effectively influencing PSI and the findings of this study consistently demonstrate that physical attractiveness, attitude homophily, social attractiveness, viewing motive for entertainment, viewing motive for building relationship as well as time spent with the medium are influential elements to build a stronger PSI, which are essential to foster the “friendship” between media user and vlogger. This study confirms the mediating role of PSI between the antecedents of PSI and the brand variables. Long-term relationships with consumers is a viable marketing strategy (Berry, 1995), and the overall result supports that PSI can be used as a brand management tool to establish connections with consumers. Establishing a relationship with consumers via online brand ambassadors could eventually enhance perceived brand quality, brand affect and brand preference, and may lead to increase of the likelihood of future purchases.

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