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        학교체육 진흥을 위한 부처간 협력방안

        이용식 ( Yong Sik Lee ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2009 체육과학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 학교체육진흥과 관련된 부처간 협력방안을 모색하여 학교체육 진흥의 효율성을 제고하는 것이 목적이다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위한 연구방법은 먼저 학교체육진흥을 위한 부처간 협력이론으로서 자원의존이론을 제시하고 학교체육진흥을 위한 부처간 협력의 필요성을 제시하였다. 나아가 자원의존이론에 근거하여 학교체육진흥을 위한 부처간 협력모형을 상호지원 협력형, 공동추진 협력형, 공동대응 협력형의 3가지로 유형으로 제시하였으며 이러한 유형별로 학교체육진흥을 위한 부처협력의 현실적용성을 분석하였다. 연구결과 상호지원 협력형은 부처간 인적교류, 연계프로그램 운영, 시설공유 등이 있었으며 부처간 협력의 현실적용성이 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 공동추진 협력형은 학교체육진흥위원회 공동운영, 학교체육진흥세미나 공동개최, 학교체육정책 공동개발 등이 있었으며 부처간 협력의 현실적용성을 높이기 위해서는 부처 이기주의를 떠난 상위목표에 대한 명확한 인지, 정책개발 추진을 위한 부처간 사전조율이 선행되어야 할 것으로 분석되었다. 공동대응 협력형은 보건교과 시수 확보 저지를 위한 교육과학기술부와 문화체육관광부의 공동대응을 제시하였으며 교육과학기술부의 부처내 정책경쟁 집단 상존으로 협력의 현실적용성에 제약이 있음을 지적하였다. 결론적으로 학교체육진흥을 위해서는 교육과학기술부와 문화체육관광부가 상호간에 지니고 있는 우위의 자원을 활용하고 보다 상위의 목표인 학교체육 진흥을 위해 사심 없이 노력할 필요가 있다. The purpose of this research is to plan inter-ministerial cooperation strategy for promotion school physical education. For accomplishment this research purpose, this research study resource dependence theory as inter-ministerial cooperation theory for promoting school physical education and present necessity of inter-ministerial cooperation for promoting school physical education. And this research suggested mutual support cooperation model, joint propulsion cooperation model, joint countermove cooperation model as inter-ministerial cooperation model and analyzed effectiveness of inter-ministerial cooperation model for promoting school physical education. Ministry related this research is Ministry of Education Science and Technology, and Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism. Research result are as follow. First, example of mutual support cooperation model is inter-ministerial personal exchange, linkage program for PE, facility mutual use and this model analyzed effectiveness high. Second, example of joint propulsion cooperation model is joint management of school physical education promotion committee, joint host of school physical education promotion seminar, joint development of school physical education policy. And this model analyzed that firm recognition on superior goal and inter-ministerial prior tuning, part from ministry egoism need to improve effectiveness of inter-ministerial cooperation. Third, example of joint countermove cooperation model is obstruction of health subject lesson time guarantee or art-physical education evaluation. This model was analyzed effectiveness low because Student Health Safety Division of Ministry of Education Science and Technology work together health official and PE official that advocate school policy conflicting with each other. In conclusion, Ministry of Education Science and Technology, and Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism need to cooperate for promoting school physical education through firm recognition on superior goal and disinterested use of superior resource with each other.

      • KCI등재

        2032 남북공동올림픽 추진방안 연구

        이동희(Dong-Hee Lee),김흥태(Heung-Tae Kim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2020 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.14 No.8

        2032년 남북공동올림픽 개최 추진은 한반도의 새로운 남북관계 개선과 함께 새로운 남북공동 번영의 한반도 시대를 청사진으로 천명하며 문제인 정부에 의해 주도적으로 제안되고 추진되고 있는 정책 사안이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 2032년 남북공동올림픽 개최와 관련한 상징적 및 현실적 의제 제시를 통한 추진방안 논의를 목적으로 문헌연구 방법에 의해 전개하였다. 이와 관련한 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘서울-평양 축구교류전’인 가칭 ‘신경평전’의 추진을 제안한다. 둘째, 가칭 ‘국제평화컵 역전경주(마라톤)대회’의 추진을 제안한다. 셋째, 가칭 ‘코리아 평화컵 국제 남녀복식 및 혼합복식 탁구선수권대회’의 추진을 제안한다. 넷째, 가칭‘코리아(한반도) 스포츠 과학 포럼’추진을 제안한다. 다섯째, 2032년 남북공동올림픽 개최와 관련하여 북한 공동개최 종목으로 약 16-17개 종목의 선정방안을 제안한다. 여섯째, 2032년 하계올림픽 개최지 결정 관련 예상 사나리오로 2022년부터 2023년 내 결정된다는 1차 예상을 전망한다. 일곱째, 민·관·학으로 구성된 전문가 중심의 특별위원회인 가칭 ‘남북사회회문화교류협력위원회’또는 가칭 ‘남북체육교류협력 추진특별위원회’의 설치 방안 추진을 제안한다. 여덟째, 가칭‘남북체육교류협력활성화 5개년 계획’또는 가칭 ‘남북교류협력5개년계획’의 추진을 제안한다. 아홉째, 가칭 ‘남한 k-1리그 북한 선수 정원 외 등록선수 제도’시범운영 방안 추진을 제안한다. 열번째, ‘선이후난(先易後難) 및 선제적 제의 원칙’ 천명이 요청된다. 열한 번째, 북한 체육 및 교류협력 관련 전문가 풀 구성 및 양성 방안 추진을 제안한다. 마지막으로 남북 당사자 간 가칭 ‘남북체육교류협정(약)서’ 채결과 남한 내부적으로 가칭 ‘남북체육교류협력지원법’ 제정을 추진한다. The 2032 South-North Joint Olympics is an agreement between the two Koreas. Through this, various efforts are needed to improve new inter-Korean relations and co-prosperity on the Korean Peninsula. The purpose of this study is to proceed with the 203 South-North Joint Olympics. This study was developed by literature reserch methods. The result of this study are as follows. First, Seoul-Pyongyang soccer exchange game will be promoted. Second, the International Peace Cup a relay race(Marathon) will be held. Third, Korea Peace Cup International Table Tennis Championships will be held. Fourth, I propose holding the Korea Sports Science Forum. Fifth, about 16-17 events are propose for North Korea to host the 2032 South-North Joint Olympics. Sixth, the decision to host the 2032 Summer Olympics is expected in 2022 or 2023. Seventh, it is necessary to promote the Inter-Korean Social Association cultural Exchange and Cooperation Committee or the Special Committee for the Promotion of the Inter-Korea Sports Exchange and Cooperation. Eighth, it is necessary to implement a five-year plan to promote Inter-Korea sports Exchange Cooperation or a five-year plan for Inter-Korea sports Exchange and Cooperation. Ninth, the North Korea player registration system will be promote to the South Korean K-1 League. Ten, suggest sports exchange and cooperation ahead of time. Eleventh, train experts on North Korean sports or exchange and cooperation. Finally, the South-North Korea sports exchange Agreement will be promoted. It also promotes the Inter-Korea sports Exchange and Cooperation Support Act.

      • KCI등재

        현 단계 남북경제교류협력의 쟁점과 과제

        양문수 ( Moon Soo Yang ) 북한연구학회 2005 북한연구학회보 Vol.9 No.2

        As a result of the 9/19 joint declaration, inter-Korean economic cooperation is entering a new phase. This new phase appears distinctly different from the last 17 years of economic cooperation, but as of yet it is difficult to judge whether it is a fundamentally different phase, a cyclical phenomenon rooted in past actions, or somewhere in-between. We must keep in mind how it is that this broadened cooperation came about. Through empirical research we can both draw natural conclusions as well as edge into anew dimension of studies. This paper focuses on the important issues and points of contention surrounding the current stage of inter-Korean economic cooperation. First, the new phase of inter-Korean economic cooperation requires certain structural changes in the current cooperative relationship. North Korean development is at the core of this. In fact, North Korean development is representative of the new direction inter-Korean cooperation is seeking to move toward. Second, it is pressing that supplemental policy be prepared in order to be able to deal with difficult issues that will arise if we are to progress in the so called new way of economic cooperation. If DPRK-Chinese economic cooperation is closely examined, more than a few of these issues can be found. Third, South Korea`s `important proposal` of electrical energy transmission to North Korea does not only quantitatively impact North Korea`s economy, but qualitatively affects it as well. If the proposal is realized, then not only South Korea`s inter-Korean cooperation policy, but the whole of their policies regarding North Korea need to be re-examined. Fourth, it is becoming necessary that the system for promotion of inter-Korean economic cooperation be re-examined. This system for promotion is directly related to capital procurement issues. Fifth, the roles of government and private sector must be clearly defined. Also, there is the possibility of conflicting policies, such as Seoul`s unification policy and its macro economic policy, or its industrial policy, and discussion on a means for settlement of these differences needs to be undertaken. Sixth, it is inevitable that expansion of inter-Korean economic exchange will arouse some conflict among interested parties in South Korea. If that is the case, then there is the issue of on what scale and by what means this can be compensated for. In the future, it will become necessary to take a more cost-benefit oriented approach to inter-Korean economic cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        중국에 대한 우리나라의 법제교류지원 현황과 과제

        양효령 한중법학회 2009 中國法硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        Legislative inter-change aids tend to focus on reformation support for legislative system in the field of development aid. The ‘Law and Development Movement’ was promoted in the United States in 1960s to backup the Western modern legislative system for developing countries while highlighting the importance of law for the market economy and the democracy toward third countries by the theory of modernization.It is no exaggeration to say that foreign government’s legislative inter-change aids toward China started out from the policy for reforming and opening of China. During past 30 years China has been carrying out the innovation and opening policy, and the established legislative system for market economics was the most needed due to the process of conversion into a socialistic market economic system. And the Western developed countries’ legislative inter-change aids built up through their legislating history not only contributed establishing China’s legislative system, but also played an important role for China to be less burdened by financial problems caused by learning how to legislate the economic-related laws that are needed in reforming its market economic system by providing material and physical supports. In Korea, we use various terminologies for projects of Legislative inter-change aids and they transform diversely depending on the character of the agency and any unified theories about project’s specific objects, methods, and ideologies to back up the projects are not yet settled because of its low necessity and recognition, so we could say it is still in the primary stage. Also it is not carried out through synthetic systems such as ODA, but recently operated in several government or research bodies, or law firms.It is necessary to consider the following contents about Korea’s legislative inter-change aids toward China. (1) Its rather passive attitude comparing to the economic exchanges, (2) The fact that it is considered to be a ‘Legislative inter-change supporting country’, not the ‘Legislative inter-change cooperating country’, (3) Necessity of understanding the Chinese people’s consciousness for their law and building trust with them. (4) Establishing organized and long-range plans and taking shares of duties through inter-cooperating between legislative bodies, (5) Transmitting the experience of executing the law that has superiority while selected and concentrated supporting is performed for legislation of such specific field, (6) Examining Korea’s historical proceedings of legislating, (7) Emphasizing the importance of educating in order to bring up the professionals for legislation field of China.

      • KCI등재

        동양의 미 인식을 위한 미술교육 방법론

        지순임(Chee Soon-Im) 한국미술교육학회 2006 美術敎育論叢 Vol.20 No.2

        본 연구는 급변하는 현대사회에 적응하느라 마음의 여유가 적어진 청소년들에게 동양의 미 인식을 올바르게 하여 바람직한 정서를 갖게 하기위한 미술 교과 교육 방법론을 제시한 내용이다. 동양에 있어서 미란 외관의 감각적 현상의 미뿐만 아니라 인격적 정신이 내면현상으로 드러나는 인간의 마음까지를 포함하는 미를 말하기 때문에, 동양의 미는 인격도야를 통하여 체득함을 강조한다. 이 아름다움은 유가의 중화(中和), 불가의 중도(中道), 도가의 허실상생(虛實相生)과 같은 실천적 원리를 통해 이룰 수 있는데, 이 실천방안으로 동양회화의 여백을 통해 동양의 미를 바르게 이해시키는 미술 교과수업을 통해 청소년들이 교육적인 체험학습을 할 수 있도록 방법론을 제시하는 연구내용이다. 그리하여 좋은 인성을 함양하여 생활 속에서 여유를 발견하도록 하는 내용으로 초점을 맞춘 세 유형의 여백인식 학습을 통해 미적 체험을 할 수 있도록 연구하였다. This research offers art education methodologies for teaching young adults in a contemporary society where they lack a peace of mind, trying to keep up with the ever-changing times. The accurate understanding of Oriental aesthetics will encourage a healthy emotional development in them. Emphasize that beauty in Oriental aesthetics is acquired through the maturation of personality, because beauty is not just a visual and sensual phenomenon, but also incorporates the human mind that reflects the mental state. The research focuses on providing young adults with an aesthetic experience through art education based on the principles of actual practice for achieving true supreme harmony (中和), moderation (中道), and inter-promotion (相生). Thus, the purpose of the research is to offer a methodology of aesthetic experience in accordance with studying Oriental painting as part of an educational method emphasizing on individuality. The value of a Oriental painting is often determined by ‘graceful liveliness,’ and the works are unique for expressing ‘graceful liveliness’ even in empty spaces. The spacial emptiness is a space of thought for the artist and the viewer, a combination of existence and nothing for it is an embodiment of existence as an actual space for the object, incorporating the practical ideology for acquiring supreme harmony (中和) and interpromotion (相生). Therefore, empty space is the fundamental element of the style of Oriental painting, for it includes the practical ideology for promoting Oriental aesthetics. The plan is to provide an understanding of Oriental aesthetics through the concept of empty space in painting as a creative field for both the artist and the viewer, and an open concept including both the non-existing and existing space, and that both spaces are in an inter-promotional relationship. The 1st education plan concerns the empty space of a painting which nothing painted on the entire half portion of the surface, and is intended to promote aesthetic vision, artistic expression, aesthetic writing skills, contemplative ability, and team work through appreciating art and understanding that the empty space is a space for thought and an open concept. The 2nd education plan is an art appreciation study to understand that the spaces of nonexistence and existence are one through the example of the depiction of water in painting by painting nothing on where the water should be, yet still expresses water. The students will discuss the idea of stylishness in Oriental life and combine it with music, nature, and literature education. The 3rd education plan allows the students to think for themselves while discussing the ‘all is right’ idea of Minister Hwang Hui, and understand that the painted and un-painted sections of a painting appear to contradict each other, but actually are in an inter-promotional relationship. The above-mentioned art education plans are significant as a first-time attempt on its field based on Oriental education methodologies.

      • KCI등재

        특집 논문 : 박지원의 명심(冥心)과 상생(相生)의 생태사상

        김세정 ( Sea Jeong Kim ) 한국환경철학회 2015 환경철학 Vol.0 No.19

        환경파괴로 인한 전지구적 생태계 위기를 해결하기 위한 노력들이 다방면에서 전개되는 가운데 1990년대부터 유학사상에 대한 유기체론적 사유와 생태론적 요소들을 발굴하는 연구작업이 진행되고 있다. 필자는 그 동안 선진유학, 송명유학 그리고 한국의 성리학과 양명학에 내재된 생태론적 요소와 특성들을 고찰하였다. 본 논문은 이러한 연구의 연장선상에서 한국 실학을 대표하여 박지원의 사유체계에 내재된 생태론적 요소와 특성을 찾아내고 의의를 밝히고자 하는 취지에서 기획되었다. 1장에서는 서구 및 유학사상에 대한 생태담론의 현황과 과제 및 박지원 생태사상 연구의 필요성에 대해 고찰하였다. 2장에서는 본질적으로 인간과 자연만물이 평등하다고 하는 박지원의 평등주의 사상에 대해 고찰하였다. 박지원은 인간과 자연만물의 평등의 근거를 ‘기화(氣化)’와 ‘천명지성(天命之性)’에서 찾는다. 3장에서는 인간과 자연만물이 현실적으로 평등하지 못한 이유에 대해 고찰하였다. 박지원은 그 이유를 나와 남을 둘로 나누는 분별의식, 시공간적으로 제한되고 고착화된 언어와 문자의 한계, 그리고 고정관념과 감각기관의 제한성에서 찾는다. 4장~6장에서는 인간과 자연의 차별화를 극복하고 인간과 자연만물이 공생하는 방안에 대해 고찰하였다. 박지원은 그 방안으로 허심(虛心), 명심(冥心), 상생(相生)을 제시한다. 허심은 자연만물의 실체를 있는 그대로 보고 받아들이기 위한 전제이다. ‘명심’은 마음이 안과 밖의 구분이 없는 내외무간(內外無間)과 나와 자연만물이 하나가 되는 물아일체(物我一體) 경계에 이르는 것을 의미한다. 상생은 인간과 자연만물이 한쪽에서 일방적으로 베푸는 관계가 아니라 서로가 대등한 관계에서 서로가 힘입어 살아가면서 서로에게 도움이 되는 상보적 관계이다. 이러한 박지원의 명심과 상생의 생태사상은 인간중심주의는 물론 성리학이 안고 있는 문제, 나아가 생태중심주의가 안고 있는 다양한 문제들을 해결해 나가는데 있어 시사하는 바가 크다. In an attempt to contribute to the resolution of the world ecological crisis caused by environmental destructions, the research on Confucian thoughts that revealed organicistic and ecological elements has been carried out from 1990s. The author himself, during that period, has investigated ecological elements and characteristics inherent in pre-Qin Confucianism, Song-Ming Confucianism as well as Korean Neo-Confucianism and Yang-ming studies. In this paper, proceeding to this research, the author aimes to find the ecological elements and characteristics existing in the thought of Park Ji Won, one of the great figures of Korean Practical Study (實學), and then clarify the meanings of them. In the first part of this paper, the author investigates the present state of ecological discussions in European and Confucian thoughts and their outstanding questions, as well as the necessity to carry out the research on Park Ji Won’s ecological thought. In the second part, the author investigates the equalitarianism mentioned in Park Ji Won’s thought. Park Ji Won searched for the basis of the equality of human beings and other things in the world in the concepts of ‘reforming Ether’ (氣化) and ‘character conferred by the Heaven’ (天命之性). In the third part, the author considers the viewpoint of Park Ji Won in which he explained the reasons why human beings and other things in the world could not be equal. Park Ji Won looked for those reasons in the consciousness of distinguishing ‘me’ and ‘others’ into two, in the limitation of language and writing that was fixed and restricted to the space and time, and in the limitation of unchanging conceptions as well as sensory organs. To resolve those limitations, Park Ji Won presented the concepts of ‘empty heart’ (虛心), ‘deep heart’ (冥心) and ‘inter-promotion’ (相生). Empty heart was the condition for the understanding and acceptance of things as they were in reality. ‘Deep heart’ meant the heart reached the boundary in which the inner and the outer had no division (內外無間), and ‘I’ and ‘other things’ in the world became one (物我一體). Inter-promotion was the equal and complementary relation between human beings and other things in the world, they did not exist in an one-sided relation in which only one side could receive the benefits from others. This kind of ecological thought of Park Ji Won gave us many suggestions on how to resolve the problems existing in Neo-Confucianism, Ecocentrism as well as Anthropocentrism nowadays.

      • KCI등재

        한대(漢代) 요후화덕설(堯後火德說)의 성립

        양양 ( Yang Yang ) 호남사학회(구 전남사학회) 2017 역사학연구 Vol.68 No.-

        본고에서는 漢代 堯後火德說이 성립되었던 과정을 통해 고대 중국의 정치적 정당성에 대해 살펴보았다. 주나라로부터 天命을 받아 天下를 다스리는 것은 중원왕조가 자신의 정당성을 증명하는 수단이었다. 五德終始說과 天人感應說은 先秦시기에 이르기까지 천명이라는 정신적 개념으로 가시화되었다. 한대에 기계적으로 반복되는 순환이론은 『易經』 팔괘와 결합하였으며, 상대적으로 복잡한 이론인 오덕상생을 탄생케 하였다. 이 오덕상생의 이론으로 한나라의 요후화덕설이 나타난 것이다. 요후화덕설은 전한이 쇠퇴해질 무렵인 전한 중·후기에 탄생하였다. 이 설이 나온 원인에 대해서는 여러 논쟁이 있지만, 기본적으로 한황실을 공고히 하기 위함이라고 생각된다. 요후화덕설은 주로 2단계로 발전해왔다. 하나는 漢爲火德說을 확립한 것이고, 또 하나는 劉漢世系를 채운 것이었다. 한위화덕설은 주로 劉向·劉歆 父子에 의해 완성되었다. 유향·유흠 부자는 역경을 바탕으로 이어져 왔던 五德相勝說을 五德相生說로 바꾸었다. 오덕상생설은 木德 伏羲가 土德 黃帝를 대신하여 오덕의 우두머리가 된 것이다. 여기서 유향·유흠 부자가 역경을 입론근거로 삼은 이유는 역경에는 오덕상생을 지지할 수 있는 논거가 있었고, 또한 역경자체가 유가와 도가에서 중요하게 다뤄지는 경전이기 때문이었다. 유가와 도가집단은 전한시기 경쟁관계에 있던 지식단체였다. 전한 시기에는 양자 중 어느 하나의 영향력도 무시할 수 없었다. 그리하여 이때에 黃老學派의 견해가 담긴 수덕이론과 유가계열에서 주장한 토덕이론은 모두 반대를 받았다. 유향·유흠 부자가 다른 百家之言을 따르지 않고 단지 역경으로 이론근거를 삼은 이유는 유가와 도가 집단에게 모두 인정을 받고자 했기 때문이다. 유향·유흠 부자가 한위화덕설을 확립한 이후에는 전한 학계에서 한위화덕설을 모두 인정하였고, 高祖와 武帝가 조령한 정책보다 더 중요하게 여겼다. 이러한 한위화덕설은 또한 한고조가 진나라를 전복한 폭력방식을 오덕상생으로 다시 해설한 것이다. 유향·유흠 부자는 以母傳子의 방식으로 고조에게 龍子의 신분이라는 명분으로 한황실에게 천하를 다스린 정당성을 부여하였다. 뿐만 아니라 유흠은 閏位水德으로 진나라가 2세만에 망하게 되었던 명운을 설명하였다. 이를 통하여 한초 이래 남아 있던 정당성과 관련한 두 문제를 해결하였다. 그런데 여기서 유향·유흠 부자의 한위화덕설은 한황실과 요임금 간에 혈연관계의 여부에 대해 논정하지 않았고 德運의 측면에서 양자의 상속관계를 강조한 것이었다. 兩漢 사이에 일부의 참위학자는 한위요후설을 同德·同運의 토대에서 확대하고 左傳을 이론적 근거로 여러 讖言·符命을 보조로 두어 독립적인 학설을 형성하였다. 그리하여 유한세계가 요임금과 연결되었으며, 한황실은 명문의 후손이 되었다. 이로써 光武帝 劉秀는 자신의 정당성을 세워서 한나라를 부흥시켰다. In this article we will analyze the theory of Han is the fire dynasty and Yao’s progeny’s establishment to ascertain the political legitimacy of ancient China. Since the beginning of the Zhou dynasty, got the god’s will to dominate the world became the means by which the central plains proved their legitimacy. In pre-qin period, theory of five elements and heaven-human induction made the God's will visible. In han dynasty this mechanical cyclical theory combined with the Eight Diagrams that formed the theory of inter-promotion of five elements. With the emergence of this theory, the Han dynasty is the fire dynasty and Yao’s progeny’s theory had established. This theory appeared in the end of Western Han when the Han dynasty from flourish to decadence. Although there are many arguments about the reasons for its emergence, I think that it should be born for the consolidation of the orthodox emperor of the Han dynasty. The formation of the theory mainly through two stages, one is the theory of Han is the fire dynasty's establishment, the other is the filling of Liu han's lineage. The theory of Han is the fire dynasty was established by Liu Xiang and his son Liu Xin. Based on the theory of "I Ching", Liu Xiang and Liu Xin changed the theory of five elements that made the old theory into the new context of inter-promotion of five elements. On this basis, it also combined the image of 'Fu Hsi', the ancestor god of the han dynasty which originated from Chu land. Then it changed the head of the five elements - Yellow Emperor, the earth dynasty into Fu Hsi, the wood dynasty. Liu's theory is based on the "I Ching" that not only because the "I Ching" have the message they need, but also because the "I Ching" is the classic of both Confucianism and Taoism. During the Western Han Dynasty Confucianism and Taoism had evolved into a heated political struggle. Whether prevailed Huang-lao Taoism in the early han dynasty or the period that the emperor Han Wudi rejected all kinds of theoretical schools but Confucius, both of the two intellectual groups had great influence that cannot be ignored. Because of this, both of the water dynasty and the earth dynasty were all questioned. Therefore, Liu's ignored the Hundred Schools of Thought and enabled the doctrine of "I Ching" as their rationale, the purpose was apparently to get the support of both Confucianism and Taoism. And because of this, the theory of Han is the fire dynasty was able to receive the unanimous recognition. Another invention of the theory of Han is the fire dynasty was how to use inter-promotion of five elements to define the way in which Liu Bang extinguished Qin dynasty. Liu Xiang and Liu Xin used the method of mother-son inheritance to vest Liu Bang and han dynasty the legitimacy of ruling the world. Then they made intercalary water dynasty to explain why the Qin dynasty perished after two emperors. Thus solved the two outstanding problems since early han dynasty. But the theory of Han is the fire dynasty which made by Liu Xiang and Liu Xin were intended to emphasize the Han dynasty and emperor Yao are both fire dynasty. In other words, this theory didn't emphasize that Han and Yao have direct blood relationship. But in the Period between the Two Han Dynasties, the divination scholars drew the theory of the Han is Yao’s progeny from the theory of the Han is fire dynasty, based on "Zuo Zhuan" and accompanied by various kinds of the divination ideology that connected han dynasty with Yao to make the Liu han's lineage into descendant of an eminent family. Thanks to this, the Guangwu emperor Liu xiu was able to rapidly occupy the highest point of theory thus made the han dynasty restored.

      • KCI등재

        북중(北中)경제협력과 남북(南北)경제협력의 유사성 비교 : 불안정한 동북아 평화구도와 양국간 경제협력의 한계

        박희진 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2011 평화학연구 Vol.12 No.3

        중국은 2012년 안정적인 공산당 통치환경을 조성하기 위해 13개 지역발전계획을 수립하는 등 각 개발구의 투자환경을 정비하고 동북아 국가와의 경제협력에 박차를 가하고 있다. 현재 개발의 중심지는 훈춘과 단동으로 이 지역은 북중경제협력과도 밀접한 연관을 갖고 빠른 속도로 개발 중이다. 현재 북중경제협력은 남북경제협력의 경험에 비추어 볼 때 많은 한계를 갖고 있다. 이에 동북아 지역의 평화증진과 한반도 분단문제 해결을 위해 현재의 중국 주도의 지역경제협력 구도를 한국이 어떻게 활용할 것인가에 대한 적극적 방안을 모색할 때이다. 물론 북한의 공식입장은 한국기업의 참여 불허이다. 그러나 중국은 안정적 지역개발을 위해 한국기업의 투자와 참여를 이면적으로 요구하고 있다. 또한 한국도 북한과의 경제교류를 회복하는 기간을 필요로 하기 때문에 원조, 합자, 투자 등의 방식으로 중국의 대북경제교류 과정에 동참하는 것이 합리적이다. 한국은 당면한 시기적 모멘텀을 활용하여 중국의 지역협력구도 참여하면서 동북아 지역협력의 불안정성을 제거하고 다자적 틀 내에서 한반도 평화체제를 구축해 나가는데 그 역할을 해야 할 것이다. China is maintaining the investment environment of each development zone such as establishing development plans of 13 areas etc. and accelerating economic cooperation with Northeast Asian countries to create the Communist Party’s stable ruling environment in 2012. The centers of the current development are Hunchun and Dandong and these areas are rapidly being developed with close relationship with Sino-North Korean economic cooperation. Given the experience of inter-Korean economic cooperation, current Sino-North Korean economic cooperation has many limitations. Therefore, it is time to seek active ways on how Korea will use regional economic cooperation structure under the current lead of China to resolve division of the Korean Peninsula and enhance peace of Northeast Asian area. Of course, North Korea's official position is to disallow participation of Korean companies. However, China requires investment and participation of Korean companies for stable regional development. Also, since Korea needs the period to recover economic exchange with North Korea, it is reasonable to participate in the economic exchange process of China to North Korea in the ways of assistance, partnership, investment, and so on. Participating in regional cooperation structure of China by using facing periodic momentum, Korea will have to play the role in removing unstability of Northeast Asian regional cooperation and building a peaceful regime of the Korean Peninsula within the multilateral framework.

      • KCI등재후보

        동북아 평화증진을 위한한국의 역할에 관한 연구

        임재형 한국평화종교학회 2018 평화와 종교 Vol.0 No.6

        The first NK-US summit meeting was held when the NK-US relations, strained over North Korea’s six nuclear tests and long-range missile launches, have been transformed into negotiation phase starting from the 2018 Winter Olympics. Also, the third, fourth, and fifth inter-Korean summits have been held in succession, which have improved rapidly the inter-Korean relations. At the same time, the China-South Korea relations have been normalized since the conflicts surrounding the Thaad deployment was eased. Nevertheless, there exist Cold War factors such as ideological confrontation, division, territorial dispute, and arms race in Northeast Asia. Particularly, the hegemonic competition between China and the US is the biggest threat to the international order in Northeast Asia. Thus, such contradiction, that peace based on reconciliation and cooperation has been in process on the one hand and conflict and conflict and confrontation has persisted on the other hand, should be resolved in order to improve peace in Korean Peninsula as well as Northeast Asia. To this end, South Korea should strengthen its partnership with the US, encourage diplomatic efforts and changes in relation with China, expand good-neighborly relations with Russia, cooperate with Japan, and play the role of ‘PEACE Promoter’ in engaging in peaceful reunification with North Korea. 2017년 9월까지 6차에 이르는 북한의 핵실험과 장거리 미사일 실험발사로 인해 극한으로 치닫던 북미관계가 2018년 평창동계올림픽을 기점으로 협상국면으로 전환되면서 역사적인 제1차 북미정상회담이 개최되었다. 또한 제3차, 4차 및 5차 남북정상회담이 연이어 개최되면서 남북한 관계도 급속도로 개선되고 있다. 또한 한중관계도 사드배치를 둘러싸고 불거졌던 갈등이 완화되면서 제자리를 찾고 있다. 그럼에도 동북아는 아직도 이데올로기의 대립, 분단, 영토분쟁, 군비경쟁 등 냉전적 갈등요인들이 잔존하고 있다. 특히 중국과 미국 간에 전개되고 있는 패권경쟁은 동북아 국제질서에 가장 큰 위협요인으로 작용하고 있다. 이처럼 한편으로는 화해와 협력을 토대로 평화의 기운이 일고 있지만, 다른 한편에서는 대립과 갈등이 지속되고 있는 현실을 극복해야만 동북아는 물론 한반도의 평화가 증진될 것이다. 이를 위해 한국은 동북아에서 미국과는 동맹을 강화하고(Partnership), 중국과는 양국 간 외교적 역할을 원조하며 교류를 장려하고(Encouragement), 러시아와는 선린관계를 확대하고(Affection), 일본과는 연대하고(Cooperation), 북한과는 평화적 통일을 약속하는(Engagement) ‘평화증진자(PEACE Promoter)’로서의 역할을 수행해야 할 것이다.

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