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      • 100kw급 수소전기차용 열관리시스템의 최적제어를 위한 통합유량제어밸브의 수치모델 검증

        정수진(Soo-Jin Jeong),문성준(Seong-Joon Moon),최지현(Ji-Hyun Choi),강지훈(Jihoon Kang),이검수(GumSu Lee) 한국자동차공학회 2022 한국자동차공학회 지부 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2022 No.5

        The ever growing importance of effective and efficient thermal management will no doubt benefit the quest for more efficient fuel-cell vehicle. Therefore, delicate electrical based cooling system enhanced functionalities are in high demand. To meet such demand, an ICCV(integrated coolant control valve) which will replace the former wax thermostat has been developed. Analysis of cooling system at initial phase of product development will help in optimum design of the system and better performance of engine. Hence, 1D (one dimensional) simulation tools place a major role. The aim of this study is to validate several thermodynamic and 3D CFD models of Penta-Control Coolant Valve in terms of accuracy and cost-effectiveness by comparing each models. PCCV was numerically modeled based on junction and chamber with 1D pipes and its prediction performance is validated by the results of 3D CFD simulations. The results show that thermodynamic models produced very large discrepancies ranging from 30% to 150% in case of large opening area of stack port because of strong three-dimensional turbulence effect. From the results of this study, it is found that thermodynamic models is not able to reflect the complex three dimensional flow characteristics in PCCV leading to a erroneous pressure drop and flow distribution in case of large opening area of stack port.

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