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      • KCI등재

        발전과정에 있어서 제도개혁의 역할과 역량개발

        김달현(Kim, Dal Hyun) 국제개발협력학회 2010 국제개발협력연구 Vol.2 No.2

        This paper is to concern with paradigm shift of aid and development, the important role of institutional reform and capacity development to enhance development and aid effectiveness in developing countries. The traditional approach of aid and development was moved away and putting institutional development at the center of aid efforts and development made a radical paradigm shift in the way of doing cooperation. In this new paradigm, institutional development becomes both a key objective of cooperation as well as a method of work; i.e. an overall approach geared at delivering aid in ways that build ownership, mobilize local capacity and produce institutional change, improving governance, policy reform and development. Mainstreaming institutional development is both a timely and complex exercise. In order to enhance the exercises of success, it seems useful to agree on a set of basic premises(or guiding principles) for effective implementation. Institutional reforms for good governance are key elements in the process of development for all developing countries. Development can not be achieved without improved governance and institutional reform including capacity development. The major role of implementing these tasks must be played by governments of developing countries in collaboration of international donor agencies. Success or failure of institutional development mainly depends on ownership, leadership, strong commitment and capacity development at home. The heart of the problem in developing countries is not the lack of funding or technical know-how, but a matter of governance and the resulting inability to make good use of existing institutions and capacities. Helping to overcome these fundamental institutional barriers to development is the key challenge for the international donor community. Needless to say that if donor agencies want to provide an effective contribution to this agenda, they will need to reform their own corporate culture and management system, procedures and capacities.

      • KCI등재

        제도의 발전 과정에서 제도적 압력의 생성이중국 기업들의 기업 가치에 미치는 영향 :중국의 환경 제도를 중심으로

        양우영,한병섭 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2022 중소연구 Vol.46 No.3

        This study aims to investigate how institutional development and institutional pressures affect corporate values. In particular, according to the institutional development level in each region, the effect of the institutional pressure level on corporate values is investigated through empirical evidence, and institutional pressure is divided into three categories: regulatory pressure, normative pressure, and cultural-cognitive pressure. The research has three main variables: institutional development, institutional pressure, and corporate value. The analysis target country is China, and the analysis target region was divided into 31 provinces and cities to reflect the regional institutional development level in China. The observation period is a total of 10 years, from 2008 to 2017, and the analysis subject was 19,869 samples from 3,079 companies listed on China’s A market for ten years. The research found that the magnitude of institutional pressure increases as the institutional develops, and as the institutional pressure increases, the corporate value increases. In addition, all pressures positively affected corporate value when the institutional development level was high. However, cultural-cognitive pressure had a negative effect on corporate value when the institutional development level was low. This study has academic significance in that it investigates how institutional pressures affect corporate values according to the regional institutional development level. In addition, there is a practical implication in that firms can use pressures strategically by demonstrating the effects of regulatory, normative, and cultural-cognitive pressures on corporate values in the process of institutional development. 본 논문의 목적은 제도적 발전과 제도적 압력이 기업 가치에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보는 것이다. 특히, 지역별 제도적 발전 수준에 따라 제도적 압력이 기업 가치에 미치는 영향을 실증 분석하고, 특히 제도적 압력을 규제적 압력, 규범적 압력, 문화․인지적 압력 등 3가지로 세분하여 분석하였다. 본 논문의 주요 변수는 제도적 발전, 제도적 압력 및 기업 가치 등 세 가지이다. 분석 대상 국가는 중국이며, 분석 대상 지역은 중국의 지역별 제도 발전 수준을 반영하기 위해 31개 성․시로 세분하였다. 관찰 기간은 2008년부터 2017년까지 총 10년이며, 분석 대상은 중국 A시장에 상장된 3,079개 기업의 10년간 관측 샘플 19,869개이다. 분석에 따르면 제도가 발전할수록 제도적 압력의 크기가 커지고, 제도적 압력이 클수록 기업 가치가 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 제도 발전 수준이 높을 때는 모든 압력이 기업 가치에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 제도적 발전수준이 낮을 때 문화․인지적 압력은 기업 가치에 부정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 본 연구는 지역별 제도발전 수준에 따라 제도적 압력이 기업 가치에 미치는 영향을 규명하였다는 점에서 학술적 의의가 있다. 또한 중국의 제도 발전 과정에서 규제적 압력, 규범적 압력, 문화적 인지적 압력이 각각 기업 가치에 미치는 영향을 실증함으로써, 기업이 각각의 압력을 전략적으로 활용할 수 있게 했다는 점에서 실무적 시사점이 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Effects of Compliance Timing on Multinational Enterprises’ Corporate Performance in China: An Application of Institutional Perspectives

        Woo-Young Yang,Byoung-Sop Han 한국무역학회 2020 Journal of Korea trade Vol.24 No.4

        Purpose - Multi-National Enterprises (MNEs) tend to face a high level of institutional pressures in regions with high institutional development level. When complying with institutional pressures, firms try to make decisions to maximize profit while minimizing the risks to them. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the institutional development level on institutional compliance timing by MNEs and the relationship between compliance speed and corporate performance. Design/methodology - The research focuses on three main variables, which are the institutional development level (as a determination of the institutional pressure level), the firm’s compliance speed (as a determination of the compliance timing), and the firm’s financial performance (as a determination of the corporate performance). We collected 19,869 firm-level data from CSMAR (the China Stock Market and Accounting Research), 6,922 CSR data from RKS (the Rankins CSR Ratings), and province and city-level data from the NERIM (National Economic Research Institute Index of Marketization) and NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China). The firms in China were chosen for analysis, and the analysis period was from 2008 to 2017. Random Effects GLS Regression was used to test the relationships among the variables. Findings - This study examined the effect of the institutional development level on the firm’s compliance speed, together with the effect of compliance speed on the firm’s financial performance of the MNEs in China. We found that the institutional development level positively influenced firms’ financial performances, which means the firms’ financial performances are better in the region with a high institutional development level. The compliance speed of institutional practice by firms was faster in the higher level of institutional development. However, the firm’s delayed compliance led to better financial performance. Originality/value - Studies in the resource dependence view of Institutional Theory often fall short in understanding the theory by overlooking the firm’s active decision-making. Thus, the findings do not present a full scope of corporate performance in this regard. This study not only found a way to test the role of a firm’s independent decision-making (i.e., compliance timing) when facing the institutional pressure but also prove the significant role of the compliance timing on corporate performance. Also, we were able to test the effect of institutional development level, controlling location-specific variables because we used CSR performance data for MNEs operating in China. Lastly, by doing the above, the findings of this study suggest practical implications to the industry practitioners in MNEs.

      • KCI등재

        Economic Globalization and Financial Development: Empirical Evidence from India and Sri Lanka

        Chinmaya BEHERA 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.5

        The paper examines the nexus between economic globalization, financial development and institutional reform in India and Sri Lanka during the period 1990–2017. Using the panel ARDL method, the study finds the long-run relationship between financial development, economic globalization, and institutional reforms. From the short-run equation, the study finds the negative and statistically significant impact of economic globalization on financial development in India whereas Sri Lanka has a positive impact of institutional quality on financial development. Then, the study finds no short-run causality between financial development, economic globalization and institutional reforms. However, the study finds bi-direction strong causality between economic globalization and financial development. Further, the study finds uni-directional strong causality from institutional quality to financial development and economic globalization. Moreover, there is an existence of long-run causality between financial development, economic globalization and institutional quality. For the robustness of the results, the study considers the financial market as a proxy for financial development. Then, the study applies the panel ARDL test and find the consistency in the results. The policymakers in India and Sri Lanka should focus on institutional reforms so that it can reap the benefit of economic globalization. In turn, the quality of institutional reforms can thereby lead to financial development.

      • KCI등재

        신제도주의 관점에서 본 택지개발 제도변화 분석: 공영택지개발 도입시기를 중심으로

        유기현,서순탁 국토연구원 2015 국토연구 Vol.85 No.-

        This study aims to analyze institutional change for land development from the perspective of New Institutionalism. In other words, it analyzes the mechanism starting 1980, which sustained existing institutions by then and brought about new institutional change thereafter. For the purpose, this study analyzes institutional contexts that sustained and changed systems of each regime by using institutional change processes and theoretical approaches, which are recent major issues of new institutionalism, and investigated if each regime maintained existing pattern or sought for new pattern. As a result, it was analyzed that according to different institutional contexts that are composed of environmental and behavioral variables at the time of each regime, different result was induced, that is maintaining existing pattern or seeking for a new pattern. Through the results, it was found that the core factors of institutional continuity and institutional change are environmental variable and behavioral variable, in terms of an institutional structure. These two variables bring about institutional change through operation and choice of two variables and interactions between the variables. Therefore, institution of the future will be restricted by environmental variables, which corresponds to the plan to abolish Housing Site Development Promotion Act in 2014. Land development system in the future as well will seek for institutional change in the mechanism of current institutional context. 본 논문은 신제도주의 관점에서 택지개발 제도변화 분석을 목적으로 한다. 즉 1980년을 기준으로 이전까지 제도가 지속되고, 이후 제도변화를 가져온 메커니즘을 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 최근 신제도주의 주요 쟁점인 제도변화 과정 및 요인분석의 이론적 접근방법을 사용하여 제도가 지속되고 변화하게 되었던 제도적 맥락 분석을 통해 제도가 기존 패턴을 유지하는지 아니면 새로운 패턴을 모색하는지에 대한 정책 결과의 도출 과정을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 환경 및 행위변수로 구성된 제도적 맥락이 다름에 따라 기존 패턴의 유지와 새로운 패턴의 모색이라는 상이한 결과가 도출된 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 결과를 통해 제도의 구조적 속성상 제도지속과 제도변화의 핵심적 요인은 환경적 변수와 행위변수이며, 이들 두 변수들이 각각의 작동과 선택, 그리고 변수 간 상호작용을 통해 제도변화가 일어나고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 미래의 제도는 현재의 환경변수에 의해 제약을 받을 수밖에 없으며 2014년 「택지개발촉진법」의 폐지안도 이와 일맥상통한다. 향후 택지개발제도 역시 현재의 제도적 맥락의 메커니즘 속에서 제도변화를 모색하고 있음을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 제도 발전 수준이 기업의 CSR 활동과 재무성과에 미치는 영향: 제도이론을 중심으로

        양우영,한병섭 한국무역연구원 2020 무역연구 Vol.16 No.4

        Purpose The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of institutional development level on corporate social responsibility activity and financial performance. Design/Methodology/Approach - The research focuses on three main variables, which are the institutional development level, the firm’s compliance level, and the firm’s financial performance. We collected 15,751 firm-level data, 3,792 CSR data listed in China’s A market, and 31 province and city-level data from China. The analysis period was from 2009 to 2015, and Pooled OLS Regression was used to test the relationships among the variables. Findings -The results showed that the institutional development level had a positive effect on the firms’ CSR activity. In addition, both the institutional development level and CSR activity positively influenced firms’ financial performance. Research Implications - This study took into account a level of institutional compliance when the institutional development when investigating the effect of CSR activity level on corporate financial performance. Thus, this study has an academic contribution by demonstrating that CSR activity has a positive effect depending on the institutional development for each firm. The findings also have valuable insights into the firms by suggesting the importance of considering the strategic CSR activity according to institutional development.

      • KCI등재

        중국농업발전은행(中國農業發展銀行)의 현황 및 발전방향에 관한 연구

        서승걸 ( Song Jie Xu ),박송춘 ( Song Choon Park ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2010 유라시아연구 Vol.7 No.4

        The worldwide trend of globalization since 1990 has accelerated Chinese policies for reforms and opening, which started in the 1970s, and resulted in the rapid growth of the financial industry in China. The development of financial policies in China has brought changes to policy related banks, restructuring such banks that supply political subsidies for national economic development. However, rural finance failed to adjust itself to the restructuring. Specifically, despite demand for large amounts of funds in various areas including farmhouses, local companies, and private companies in rural areas, policy related banks are unable to meet the demand and this has become a problem in the utilization of policy based loans. Currently in China, financial institutions are being monopolized and, as a result, financial services are being unified. In this situation, the number of financial institutions supporting urban areas is small, and farmhouses have to rely on ordinary commercial banks for loans. In addition, institutional financial agencies such as Chinese Agriculture Development Bank are applying strict criteria and requirements for loans to farmhouses in order to reduce risk, and this makes it hard for agricultural companies to get loans from institutional financial agencies. As a consequence, policy related banks in China cannot perform their functions of financial service adequately, and even the development of ordinary commercial banks is hampered heavily by the government’s regulations. These problems have been evidenced by various studies. In order to overcome shortcomings of these studies and approach more detailed problems, this study purposed to examine the current state of Chinese Agriculture Development Bank, one of policy related banks in China, and to identify its problems and suggest solutions. Chinese Agriculture Development Bank was founded as a part of rural financial reform in order to take over policy related loans from Chinese Agricultural Bank and to separate agricultural loans from commercial loans. Agriculture Development Bank does not deal directly with individual farmhouses, but its main mis-sions are policy-related finance, the allocation of government’s funds, and the distribution of funds for supporting the agricultural industry. At present, the bank is in charge of policy related loans related to the reserve of important agricultural products including provisions, cotton and vegetable oil for the government, the purchase of crops, agricultural development, etc. In addition, it operates and manages loans from the government’s funds for supporting agriculture, and promotes the enhanced status of farmers in national economy and the growth of rural economy. What should be noted, however, is the fact that economic actors in rural areas use non institutional financial agencies more than institutional ones. This proves that the role of Agriculture Development Bank as a policy related bank is not significant yet. The reason for the ineffective operation of Agriculture Development Bank can be found in the domestic situation of China, namely, urban industrialization that induces the outflow of rural population and the concentration of funds into cities. In order to solve these problems, the works of Chinese Agriculture Development Bank is being adjusted in 2009 in a way of promoting the rapid growth of Chinese agriculture and rural areas. According to the announcement on February 6, 2009, the major duties of Chinese Agriculture Development Bank are classified into credit loan, financing, settlement, and international settlement. This study analyzed the works of Chinese Agriculture Development Bank using the SWOT method. In the results, we found a number of problems that may have a considerable impact on the development of Agriculture Development Bank such as imperfect laws on farmlands, rural communities’ low credit, and the expansion of farming as a side business. This study compared Agriculture Development Bank with policy-related banks in developed countries in order to derive solutions for the problems. Policy related agricultural financial institutions have organization and operation suitable for the country’s characteristic. In this study, we compared using the characteristics and works of Korean National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, which is one of special banks. Based on the comparison, we suggested a number of improvement plans including the expansion of policy-related financial supports to agriculture and farm villages, and settlement of a sound legal system, improvement in the management of rural policy related funds, and improvement in the boards of directors. If Chinese Agriculture Development Bank overcomes its shortcomings through expanding policy-related financial supports to agriculture and farm villages, accelerating the establishment of the rural insurance system and the security system, activating educational supports, settling a sound legal system, opening information, etc. it will become an agricultural financial institution that keeps pace with the world’s agricultural finance. If the Chinese central bank’s policies on agricultural are materialized, it may be desirable to commercialize Agriculture Development Bank by opening its works fully though it may be strongly capitalistic. Current Chinese Agriculture Development Bank should be faithful with its traditional principles of operation. Chinese Agriculture Development Bank is a financial institution with low autonomy supported by the government. Nevertheless, if Chinese Agriculture Development Bank has to achieve its fundamental goals in both the ideological aspect and credit business aspect, it should make efforts to coordinate the two aspects harmoniously rather than separating them from each other. That is, when Chinese Agriculture Development Bank is operated through harmony between its firm ideological base and its business aspect, its identity will be established and its future development will be attainable.


        Zefu Wu,Jie Wu 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        This study examined the impact on a firm’s product innovation success when it expands internationally into a host country with political, economic and cultural institutions different from those it is accustomed to at home. Data on 917 Chinese manufacturing firms’ international activities were analyzed to demonstrate that expansion to countries with political institutions better developed than those of a firm’s home country promotes innovation success, as does expansion to countries characterized by greater individualism than the home country. A more advanced economy in the host country strengthens these relationships. This study was designed to contribute to the extant literature in three areas. First, it was designed to enrich the theory explaining how the institutional environment affects firm performance in an emerging economy. Most previous studies have examined the relationship between the institutional environment and the probability of organizational survival or financial performance (e.g., Xu & Shenkar, 2002; Gaur & Lu, 2007), but this study instead examined the institutional environment and product innovation. Product innovation is, after all, a primary way in which many firms compete and grow (Eisenhardt & Tabrizi, 1995; Wu, 2012). Second, previous research has not clearly identified how different components of the institutional environment individually relate to product innovation success, nor have previous studies sufficiently explored their interactions. This study was designed to fill that gap by integrating the literature on new institutional economics, product innovation and the international expansion of emerging market firms. It sought to derive and test propositions explaining how political institutions and cultural norms relate to product innovation success, and to what extent the relationships depend on economic development. Then, this study extended previous research on the institutional environment to an emerging market context. Evidence clarifying the relationships between different components of the institutional environment and the innovation performance of emerging market firms would be relevant for designing effective and efficient international expansion strategies for emerging market firms. These findings therefore enrich our understanding of the impact of the institutional environment by showing its multifaceted influence on product innovation. Previous research has highlighted the important role of institutional differences between the home and foreign countries in strategic decision making and performance (e.g., Kostova & Zaheer, 1999; Xu & Shenkar, 2002). This study has extended that by clearly demonstrating the importance of differences in political institutions and individualism with respect to innovation performance. This is consistent with the idea that expanding to foreign countries with better-developed political institutions helps a firm avoid the institutional void and political hazards at home and gain access to better-functioning institutions in the host country, which can promote successful product innovation. Individualism in a host country drives a firm to experiment with new technologies and develop new products to satisfy diverse customer needs.


        Zefu Wu,Jie Wu 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.1

        This study examined the impact on a firm’s product innovation success when it expands internationally into a host country with political, economic and cultural institutions different from those it is accustomed to at home. Data on 917 Chinese manufacturing firms’ international activities were analyzed to demonstrate that expansion to countries with political institutions better developed than those of a firm’s home country promotes innovation success, as does expansion to countries characterized by greater individualism than the home country. A more advanced economy in the host country strengthens these relationships. This study was designed to contribute to the extant literature in three areas. First, it was designed to enrich the theory explaining how the institutional environment affects firm performance in an emerging economy. Most previous studies have examined the relationship between the institutional environment and the probability of organizational survival or financial performance (e.g., Xu & Shenkar, 2002; Gaur & Lu, 2007), but this study instead examined the institutional environment and product innovation. Product innovation is, after all, a primary way in which many firms compete and grow (Eisenhardt & Tabrizi, 1995; Wu, 2012). Second, previous research has not clearly identified how different components of the institutional environment individually relate to product innovation success, nor have previous studies sufficiently explored their interactions. This study was designed to fill that gap by integrating the literature on new institutional economics, product innovation and the international expansion of emerging market firms. It sought to derive and test propositions explaining how political institutions and cultural norms relate to product innovation success, and to what extent the relationships depend on economic development. Then, this study extended previous research on the institutional environment to an emerging market context. Evidence clarifying the relationships between different components of the institutional environment and the innovation performance of emerging market firms would be relevant for designing effective and efficient international expansion strategies for emerging market firms. These findings therefore enrich our understanding of the impact of the institutional environment by showing its multifaceted influence on product innovation. Previous research has highlighted the important role of institutional differences between the home and foreign countries in strategic decision making and performance (e.g., Kostova & Zaheer, 1999; Xu & Shenkar, 2002). This study has extended that by clearly demonstrating the importance of differences in political institutions and individualism with respect to innovation performance. This is consistent with the idea that expanding to foreign countries with better-developed political institutions helps a firm avoid the institutional void and political hazards at home and gain access to better-functioning institutions in the host country, which can promote successful product innovation. Individualism in a host country drives a firm to experiment with new technologies and develop new products to satisfy diverse customer needs.

      • KCI등재후보

        통일 한반도의 국토개발 과제

        이상준 법무부 2016 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.28

        The purpose of this study is to suggest some policy issues for territorial development of the unified Korean peninsula. This study discusses the current territorial situation of North Korea in the field of infrastructure. For this study, we reviewed the German experiences on territorial development after the German reunification in 1990 and introduced some lessons. If Korean unification comes true, the Northern area including unified Korean peninsula and the northeastern area of China and Russian Far East could be developed as a cross-border cooperation region. One of the most important potentials of the Northern area is its geo-strategic location and characteristic. The area has potentials of a new development engine in Northeast Asia. This cross-border cooperation region will be formed through building three networks such as cross-border transportation network, cross-border production network and cross-border urban network. Cross-border transportation network is featured to the three loops which is connecting the Korean peninsula and the Northern area. The three loops are related with the areas of energy(e.g., Siberian and Sakhalin oil and natural gas development and the pipeline construction) and transportation networks (Northeast Asian railroad networks linking the Trans-Siberia Rail, Trans-China Rail, Trans-Manchurian Rail, Trans-Mongol Rail, and Trans-Korea Rail) Especially, the first loop is circulation route connecting key economic areas in the Korean Peninsula and the Northern area. Disappearance or alleviation of hindrances to economic exchanges in the Northern area will stimulate new investments into industries in the area. It will lead to building cross-border production network in the area. It is also anticipated that a collaborative urban network will be developed based on a cross-border production network. Cross-border cooperation in production and infrastructure networks can provide a platform to build cross-border cooperation region in the Northern area. This study suggest some policy issues before and after unification as following: First, we should prepare practical plans and projects towards the integrated Korean peninsula. This study aims to suggest practical measures for implementing eleven major development projects for the integrated Korean peninsula. Eleven major projects are Western-Corridor project, Eastern-Corridor project, Kaesung-Haeju project, Pyongyang-Nampo project, Sinuiju-Dandong project, Seorak-Kumgang-Wonsan project, Hamhung-Pujon Highland project, Sinpo-Tanchon project, Paektu-Kaema Plateau project, Rason-Chongjin-Hunchun-Khassan project and Peace-Belt project. Among eleven major development projects, Rason-Chongjin-Hunchun- Khassan project has top priority. Also, Sinuiju-Dandong project could be implemented in short- and mid-term. Geo-economic potential of two projects is one of the most important reasons why two project have high priority. Rason and Sinuiju have a great potential to undertake the role of a gateway of the Eurasian continent. Also, we should find ways for implementing eleven major development projects base on inter-Korean dialogue. In order to implement eleven major development projects, willingness and action of the North Korean regime to the projects are very important. If North Korea maintains current nuclear policy and does not induce fundamental changes in the near future, these projects would be infeasible. Second, the institutional integration of two Koreas must be one of the most important issues in the process of Korean unification. we should prepare practical plans for institutional integration after unification. and projects towards the integrated Korean peninsula. An institutional integration should be implemented for enhancing social and economic integration of two Koreas. Also, institutional integration should not be obstacles in urgent physical development. Improving living conditions of the North Korean should be considered in the process of institu... 이 글에서는 동북아협력이라는 큰 틀에서 통일 한반도의 국토개발 과제를 검토하였다. 이를 위해 현재 북한의 국토실태와 통일독일의 국토개발 사례 및 교훈을 검토하였다. 한반도 통일이 실현된다면, 한반도와 중국 동북3성 그리고 극동러시아를 포괄하는 북방지역은 동북아의 새로운 초국경협력지대로 부상할 것이다. 이 북방지역은 지경학적인 잠재력을 활용하여 동북아의 성장엔진이 될 수 있을 것이다. 한반도와 북방지역은 통일을 기반으로 해서 초국경 교통네트워크, 초국경 산업네트워크, 초국경 도시네트워크를 구축하게 될 것이다. 통일을 통해 이 지역의 개발 장애가 사라짐에 따라 산업협력, 교통협력의 새로운 기회가 제공될 것이다. 이 연구에서는 통일 이전과 이후 추진해야 할 정책과제를 제시하고 있다. 통일 이전에는 한반도의 통합성과 경쟁력 강화를 위해 남북협력을 추진할 필요가 있다. 이러한 측면에서 11대 핵심 프로젝트의 추진을 제시하고 있다. 2개의 핵심 가교 프로젝트 (1) 한반도 서부축 인프라회랑(서울-신의주 인프라 네트워크) 프로젝트, (2) 한반도 동부축 인프라회랑(서울-나선 인프라 네트워크) 프로젝트와 9개의 핵심 거점 프로젝트는 (3) 개성-해주 프로젝트, (4) 평양-남포 프로젝트, (5) 신의주-단둥 프로젝트, (6) 설악-금강-원산 프로젝트, (7) 함흥-부전고원 프로젝트, (8) 신포-단천 프로젝트, (9) 백두산-개마고원 프로젝트, (10) 나선・청진-훈춘-하산 프로젝트, (11) 평화지대 프로젝트 가운데 우선적인 추진이 필요한 핵심 거점 프로젝트는 나선・청진-훈춘-하산 프로젝트와 신의주-단둥 프로젝트이다. 통일 이후에는 국토개발측면에서 가장 중요한 과제 가운데 하나가 바로 제도통합이다. 통일 이후 북한지역의 국토개발이 원만하게 진행되면서 북한 주민들의 삶의 질을 개선하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 방향으로 국토분야의 제도통합이 추진되어야 한다. 이러한 제도통합을 통일 이전부터 실험적으로 준비한다는 측면에서 북한이 추진 중인 경제특구를 활용할 필요가 있을 것이다.

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