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      • KCI등재

        Input 최적화를 통한 사용기반 L2 교수학습모델 개발을 위한 기초연구

        이해욱,권민재,유덕근,이미영 한국독어학회 2020 독어학 Vol.42 No.-

        본 논문은 구체적 사용에 기반한 귀납적 학습을 강조하는 형태 중심 외국어 교수학습 모델을 다룬다. 제한된 사용맥락과 인위적 학습 환경 속에서 외국어를 학습해야 하는 성인의 외국어 학습에서 input의 양적, 질적 최적화는 소기의 학습 성과를 거두는 데 결정적 기여를 한다. 이에 따라 본 논문은 input 최적화를 위하여 심리언어학, 코퍼스언어학, 외국어교육학을 중심으로 분야별 접근법을 제안하고, 상호협력 가능성을 모색한다. input의 최적화 연구는 첫째, 심리언어학 측면에서 언어학습의 인지기제 및 습득원리를 규명하여, 학습자로 하여금 주어진 경험 조건 속에서 언어지식을 효율적으로 표상하는 데 주된 목적이 있다. 둘째, 코퍼스언어학 측면에서는 코퍼스 분석을 통하여 주제 및 난이도에 따라 input의 분류 및 시계열 위계화, 유형 및 빈도 분석, 어휘 및 구조 단위에서의 군집화 등 통계분석에 근거한 input의 계량화 및 선별작업을 진행할 수 있다. 셋째, 외국어교육 측면에서는 양적, 질적으로 최적화된 input을 제공하여 학습을 촉진하고, input을 처리하는 학습자 수용력을 배양할 수 있는 교수학습 방안 개발이 무엇보다 중요하다. 아울러 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 input의 계량적 타당성 확보와 인지적 유효성 검증, 그리고 교수학습 현장에서의 실효성 분석 등 분야별 연구의 유기적 연계를 통해 통합적 사용기반 교수학습 모델의 가시적 성과를 이끌어 내고자 한다. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird anhand von drei unterschiedlichen Forschungsperspektiven, nämlich aus der Sicht der Psycholinguistik, der Korpuslinguistik und der Sprachlehr- und Lernforschung diskutiert, weshalb der Input beim Sprachenlernen ein wichtiger Aspekt ist und welche Faktoren für einen erfolgreichen Input berücksichtigt werden müssen. Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre hat sich der Ansatz der Konstruktion als Form- Funktionseinheit und als wichtiger Bestandteil einer gebrauchsbasierten Theorie herauskristallisiert, um den Spracherwerb zu beschreiben und zu erklären. Der Begriff Konstruktion beruht im gebrauchsbasierten Modell einerseits auf der Annahme, dass Konstruktionen die grundlegenden Einheiten bei Sprachverarbeitung und Spracherwerb darstellen und andererseits weist der Terminus Konstruktion auf die These hin, dass sprachliches Wissen im Laufe der Zeit in Auseinandersetzung mit dem Input konstruiert wird(Goldberg 2003). N.C.Ellis (2003) geht davon aus, dass der Spracherwerb als graduelle Abstraktion von sprachlichen Mustern aus dem Input zu beschreiben ist. Diese Abstraktion ist stark beeinflusst von der Wahrnehmbarkeit sowie den Vorkommenshäufigkeiten der jeweiligen Konstruktionen. Daher soll der Input gut ausgewählte Zielstrukturen in einer gut überlegten Verteilung enthalten. Das Anbieten eines reichhaltigen Inputs als potenzielle Datenbasis für die Abstraktion wird dementsprechend zu einer zentralen Aufgabe für Sprachlehrende. Ein Mittel der Inputoptimierung in der Fremdsprachenvermittlung ist beispielsweise die Inputflut. Hier erfolgt der Input über eine stark erhöhte Anzahl von ausgewählten Zielstrukturen. Das soll die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöhen, dass Lerner eine kritische Anzahl von Zielstrukturen wahrnehmen, verarbeiten und auf diesem Wege die Zielstruktur erwerben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit geht es hauptsächlich darum, wie der Input beim Erwerb der Konstruktion für den Lerner durch Inputoptimierung leichter erkennbar und somit für den Fremdsprachenerwerb nutzbar gemacht werden kann. Ausgehend von diesen Überlegungen steht nachfolgend die Fragestellung im Mittelpunkt, wie ein Lehr-Lern-Modell für den DaF-Unterricht auf der Basis von Ergebnissen der drei Forschungsbereiche entwickelt werden kann.

      • KCI등재

        Input talks: a case study of one experienced preschool teacher’s use of English input

        Lee, Su Jin(이수진),Yoon, Hyun Kyung(윤현경) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.16

        제 2언어 습득에 있어 언어입력은 필수요소이다. 언어입력 없이는 어떠한 학습자도 언어습득이 불가능하며, 고급 화자일수록 경험된 언어입력의 양은 상당하다. 이러한 관점에서, 언어입력의 중요성과 상호작용을 언어입력의 한 요소로 보는 다양한 연구들이 활발하게 진행되어 왔다. 하지만, 기존의 연구들은 주로 이론적 이해 증진에 그치고 있어, 구체적인 교수방법에 대한 분석과 제언이 필요한 상황이다. 이에, 본 연구는 한 영어유치원 교사의 사례를 통해 어떠한 교수전략으로 언어입력을 제공하고 또 수정된 상호작용을 도모하여 영어 습득 환경을 조성하고 있는지를 알아보았다. 참여한 교사가 맡은 그룹의 유아들은 만 3세로 이전에 영어에 대한 노출이 거의 없었다. 교사는 유아들의 연령에 따른 발달 특성 및 언어 수준을 고려하여, 다음 다섯 가지 전략을 통해 효과적인 영어 교육 환경을 조성 하였다: 1) 노래와 게임을 통한 목표어의 반복; 2) 리듬과 운율을 활용한 청각자료 이용; 3)몸짓 및 동작과 같은 비언어적 의사소통 구현; 4) 사진이나 그림을 통한 시각자료 도입; 5) 의사소통 촉진을 위한 수정된 상호작용 도모. 언급된 다섯 가지 교수전략 도입 한 달 후, 유아들은 목표어를 이해하고 사용하는 데 어려움이 없었으며 영어 사용에 대한 자신감도 높아졌다. 또한 제 2언어 입력에 있어 단순히 듣기 및 읽기 자료를 제공하는 것 보다 수정된 상호작용을 병행하였을 때 성공적인 언어습득 및 말하기로 확장될 수 있음이 본 연구에서 나타났다. No learner can create a second language structure without some sort of input, and advanced learners experience a considerable amount of input throughout their learning process (VanPatten, 2002). Emphasizing the essential role of input, child language researchers have examined the roles of input (e.g., Bavin, 2009; Krashen, 1985) and language interactions as an input source (e.g., Cote, 2001; Gass, 1997; Quiroz, Snow, & Zhao, 2010). Although these previous research studies made positive contributions to understanding input, it remains quite challenging to put those theories into practice. Consequently, the major goal of this study is to evaluate teaching strategies for child language teachers to facilitate their pupils’ input processing. The study investigates the following research questions: 1) What types of teaching strategies can a child language teacher use to facilitate pupils’ input in the first month of their English learning? 2) What linguistic and motivational evidence can we discover after the input gets processed? We approach this as a case study by examining descriptive data such as interviews, learner progress reports, and teaching artifacts from one English preschool teacher. The duration of this study was from February to May 2018. The data analysis focused on the teacher’s facilitation strategies and children’s linguistic development. The findings showed: 1) The optimal conditions for input processing for three-year-old language learners include the teacher’s use of authentic picture books, songs, games, and modified interactions; and 2) Young learners’ linguistic output is apparent evidence of processed input. In conclusion, these results suggest that, for teaching English to young children, input sources are best used with modified interactions.

      • A Study on the Dynamic Relationship between Education Input and Economic Growth

        He, Yugang East Asia Business Economics Association 2018 East asian journal of business management Vol.6 No.4

        Purpose - The operating mechanism between education input and economic growth is a mysterious proposition that has attracted a vast array of scholars' interests to study on it. Therefore, this paper sets China as an example to analyze the dynamic relationship between education input and economic growth. Research design and methodology - The annual time series from 1990 to 2017 will be employed to conduct an empirical analysis under the vector autoregressive model. The education input is treated as an factor that impacts the economic growth such as labor input and capital input. Meanwhile, the education input will be added to the Cobb-Douglas production function to form a new one so as to explore the dynamic relationship between education input and economic growth. Results - According to the results of empirical analysis, it can be found that the education input has an increasingly positive effect on economic growth. Simultaneously, the economic growth also has a positive effect on education input, but this kind of effect is not steady. Of course, the labor input and the capital input also can promote the economic growth to some degree. Conclusions - The education input is one of most important inputs for a country. Based on the empirical analysis, this paper suggests that the China's government should put more emphasis on the education input so to make its economy develop well.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on the Dynamic Relationship between Education Input and Economic Growth

        하육강 동아시아경상학회 2018 The East Asian Journal of Business Economics Vol.6 No.4

        Purpose - The rapid economic growth can promote the education development. Conversely, the economic growth also can benefit form a good education input. However, the operating mechanism between education input and economic growth is still a proposition worth being studied. Therefore, this paper will set China as an example to analyze the dynamic relationship between education input and economic growth. Research design, data, and methodology - The annual time series from 1990 to 2017 will be employed to conduct an empirical analysis under the vector autoregression model. The education input is treated as an factor that impacts the economic growth such as the labor input and capital input. Meanwhile, the education input will be added to the Cobb-Douglas production function to form a new one so as to explore the dynamic relationship between education input and economic growth. Results - According to the results of empirical analysis, it can be found that the education input has an increasingly positive effect on economic growth. Simultaneously, the economic growth has a positive effect on education input, but this kind of effect is not steady. Of course, the labor input and the capital input also can promote the economic growth in some degree. Conclusions - The education input is one of most important inputs for a country. This paper provides some empirical suggestions on the dynamic relationship between education input and economic growth in respect of China. This paper suggests that the China’s government should put more emphasis on the education input so to make the economy develop well.

      • KCI우수등재

        이차계획법을 이용한 지역산업연관표의 작성

        김성록(Kim, Sung-Rok),이종상(Lee, Jong-Sang),윤준상(Yoon, Jun-Sang) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2012 國土計劃 Vol.47 No.1

        Regional Input-Output Tables help to quantitatively present correlation between industries as well as economic structures of each region based on a certain standard, so that they can be utilized as a useful analysis tool in analyzing such regional economic and industrial structures and the establishment and effect of economic policies. 2003 Regional Input-Output Tables was announced in 2005, then 2005 Regional Input-Output Tables was announced in 2009. Despite the considerable usefulness of the Regional Input-Output Tables, the Bank of Korea fails to announce the tables annually because of its restrictions to humans and physical resources and of time limits. Unlike the Regional Input-Output Tables, however, National Input-Output Tables are steadily announced every year. Therefore, this study is intended for proposing a methodology of estimating Regional Input-Output Tables of a target year by using Regional Input-Output Tables and National Input-Output Tables of a target year, which were announced by the Bank of Korea. And in this study, as an analysis of an actual case, was made the 2005 Regional Input-Output Tables of Chungnam and regions other than Chungnam. RAS and LQ were the methods used to estimate the Regional Input-Output Tables. But these methods needed other data in addition to National Input-Output Tables and Regional Input-Output Tables. However, Quadratic Programming methods can estimate it, using National Input-Output Tables and Regional Input-Output Tables.

      • KCI등재

        국가 간 산업연관표를 활용한 서비스산업의 상호 연관구조

        임상수 ( Sangsoo Lim ),이종하 ( Jong Ha Lee ) 한국질서경제학회 2018 질서경제저널 Vol.21 No.2

        This paper is trying to analyze the international economic effects of service industry using inter-country input-output table. In contrast to the Input-output table, which includes the relationship between the inputs and outputs by industry in a country, the inter-country input-output table contains the relationship between inputs and outputs by industry for 64 countries. So the inter-country input-output table make the analysis of the international economic effects by industry possible. The analysis results are summarized as followings. Firstly, while the proportion of China’s input in the world service industry is increasing, the proportions of the United States and Japan are decreasing and that of Korea is flat. Secondly, The input of services for service production is slightly larger than that of the manufacturing industry. Thirdly, In the case of inputs used for domestic service production, the portion of domestic input is falling while the portion of Chinese input is soaring. Fourth, the proportion of inputs for domestic service production was higher in the service industry than in the manufacturing industry, while the share of the input of Korea for domestic service production plummeted, while the share of the US, China, India and Germany increased. Fifth, the export of Korean service industry to overseas is increasing, and the proportion of exports to China is rapidly increasing. Sixth, the production inducement coefficient of the service industry in Korea is increasing, specially the domestic production inducement coefficient is high enough to reach 5th place in 2011. Seventh, the effect of the production inducement effect of the service industry in Korea is largest in China, Japan and the United States. The backward linkage effect is the largest in Vietnam and the backward linkage effects of Cambodia, Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are increasing. Eighth, the forward linkage effect of the service industry in Korea has increased while the backward linkage effect has decreased. In sum, the domestic production inducement effect of the service industry is increasing and exports to overseas are also increasing, so there is a need to enhance export competitiveness of the service industry. However, since the export of the service industry is concentrated in China, the United States and Japan, it is necessary to solve this problem. Therefore, diversification of exports to Southeast Asia and the Middle East such as Cambodia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, which have a strong backward linkage effect of the Korean service industry, is needed.

      • KCI등재

        농업관련산업의 농업관련 취업자수 추계

        이종상 한국농업교육학회 2008 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.40 No.2

        농업인력 개발을 하는데 있어서 농업생산부문과 농업관련산업에 펼요한 인력을 정확히 파악하는 것은 매우 중요한데, 농업생산직의 취업자수는 농업통계연보 등과 같이 직접적인 통계 수치를 이용할 수 있으나, 농업관련산업의 농업관련 취업자수에 관한 통계는 작성하지 않기 때문에 추계하여 사용하지 않으면 안 된다. 농업관련산업의 농업관련 취업자수를 추계하기 위해서는 산업간 투입관계와 산업별 취엽자수가 필요한데, 이러한 자료로 적합한 것이 산업연관표가 있다. 이 연구의 목적은 산업연관표를 이용하여 농업관련산업의 농업관련 취업자수를 추계하는 방법을 제시하고, 농업관련산업의 농업관련 취업자수를 산업별로추계하는데 있다. 산업연관표를 이용하여 농업관련 취업자수를 추계하는 방법은 후방관련산업의 경우 일반부문과 「도소매」, 「운송 및 보관」 부문의 추계방법이 동일하나, 전방관련산업은 일반부문과 「도소매」, 「운송 및 보관」 부문의 추계방법이 서로 달라야 한다. i후방관련산업의 농업관련 취업자수는 (i부문에서 농업에 투입액)/(i부문의 총산출액)×(i부문의 취업자수)로 추계할 수 있으며, 전방관련산업에 있어서 「도소매, 운수 및 보관」 부문을 제외한 일반부문 j부문의 농업관련 취업자수는 (농업에서 j부문의 투입액/j부문의 「도소매, 운수 및 보관」 을 제외한 중간투입액)×(j부문의 취업자수) , 농업에서 j부문에 투입하는데 필요한 「도소매, 운수 및 보관」 의 취업자수는 (j부문에 투입한 도소매, 운수 및 보관 투입액/ 「도소매, 운수 및 보관」 총생산액) x {농업에서 j부문에 투입액/(j부문중간투입액- 「도소매, 운수 및 보관」투입액)}×(「도소매, 운수 및 보관」 취업자수)으로 추계할 수 있다. 2003년 기준으로 농업생산부문의 취업자수는 1,791,607명, 농업관련산업의 농업관련 취업자수는 355,484명으로 이중 후방관련산업의 농업관련 취업자수는 101,390명, 전방관련산업의 농업관련 취업자수는 254,094명으로 농산엽의 농업관련 종사자수는 2,147,091명이었다. 산업연관분석은 각 산업 간의 관계가 무한히 반복적으로 이루어지는데, 이 연구에서는 농업과 직접 적인 전·후방농업관련산업만을 고려했기 때문에 간접적인 전·후방관련산업의 취업자를 포함하는 경우에는 농업관련 취업자수는 더 늘어날 것이다. Agricultural product industry is related with other industries, input industries(backward) in agriculture and post-farm gate industries(forward). We call agriculture-related industry a agribusiness. When we develop manpower in agriculture we should consider not only the number of employed person in agriculture also that related to agriculture in agribusiness. We can use the number of employed person in agriculture by using agricultural statistic books. But we must estimate the number of employed person related to agriculture in agribusiness. The objectives of this study was to suggest the estimation method and to estimate the number of employed person related to agriculture in agribusiness by using Input-Output Tables. The number of employed person in 「Wholesale and retail trade」 and 「Transport and storage」 sector is contained in input industries in agriculture, but the number of employed person in 「Wholesale and retail trade」 and 「Transport and storage」 sector is not contained in post-farm gate industries. (Total intermediate input) The method of estimating the number of employed person in i input industries in agriculture should be (Value of input from i industry to agriculture)/(Gross Domestic Output of i input industries)×(the number of employed person of i input industries). The method of estimating the number of employed person in j post-farm gate industries, in case of general industry that 「Wholesale and retail trade」 and 「Transport and storage」 is excluded in total industry, should be (input of agriculture to j industry)/(Total intermediate input of j industry except 「Wholesale and retail trade」 and 「Transport and storage」)×(the number of employed person in j industry) and in case of 「Transport and storage」 should be (input of 「Wholesale and retail trade」 and 「Transport and storage」 to j industry)/(Gross Domestic Output of 「Wholesale and retail trade」 and 「Transport and storage」)×(input of agriculture to j industry)/(Total intermediate input of j industry ·「Wholesale and retail trade」 and 「Transport and storage」)×(the number of employed person in 「Wholesale and retail trade」 and 「Transport and storage」) The number of employed industry of agriculture was person related to agriculture in agribusiness was 355,484, that in input 101,390, that in post-farm gate industry was 254,094.

      • KCI등재

        산업연관분석의 중간투입유발에 대한 해석 연구

        심상열,김윤경 한국은행 2016 經濟分析 Vol.22 No.3

        Many studies recognize the simple multiplier to be important for the estimation of direct and indirect effects, i.e., total effects. The usual analysis of total effects uses the final demand as a source of generating them, where all sectors’ total input requirements of each product are added to be equivalent to the sum of all sectors’ direct inputs of the said product. On the contrary, it is not quite common to utilize total effects of the gross output representing production activity. Depending on business projects and objectives of the research, however, the gross output needs to be considered as a generating source instead of the final demand. This study clarifies the concept and the correct usage of total input requirements, which helps avoid potential confusion about total effects derived from the final demand, the gross output or the output of a specific industry. The results of this study shows that Sancho (2012) derives the right multiplier for total input requirements of the gross output in view of the basic structures of the input-output model. Sancho’s multiplier is consistent with total input requirements calculated under the condition of equality between total inputs (or production) and total demand. It also includes all the necessary and sufficient inputs, directly and indirectly, to produce one unit of a specific commodity. This study proposes an exogenous industry method to derive Sancho’s multiplier where all the input demand of a specific industry is treated as exogenous constants. In the exogenous model, however, the source of generating total requirements should include the final demand and the derived input demand for the commodity produced in the exogenous industry. 유발효과를 추정하는 많은 연구들이 유발계수를 이용하면서 유발계수를 중요하게 인식하고 있다. 최종수요의 유발효과분석은 유발원인자로 최종수요를 사용하며, 여기에서 추정한 제품별 중간투입유발 총액은 산업별로 투입된 제품별 중간재 직접 투입 총액과 동일하다. 최종수요의 유발과는 달리 생산활동인 총부분산출(gross output)의 유발은 일반적으로 사용하지 않는다. 그러나 분석 대상이나 목적에 따라서는 최종수요의 유발효과가 아니라, 총부분산출의 생산유발효과를 고려해야 할 때가 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 중간투입유발의 개념을 검토하고, 최종수요, 총부분산출, 특정 산업 산출액의 중간투입유발 개념을 비교하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면 총부분산출을 고려할 때에는 산업연관표의 투입액(산출액)은 총수요액과 동일해야 하고, 특정 제품을 생산하기 위하여 직접적으로 투입되는 중간재의 연쇄적 생산구조를 고려하고 있다는 점에 근거하여 Sancho (2012)가 도출한 유발계수를 이용하는 것이 적합하다. 그리고 특정산업의 외생화방법으로 총부분산출의 중간투입유발계수를 도출하는 방법의 하나로서 특정 산업의 모든 중간투입을 최종수요로 외생화하는 방법을 제안하였다. 유발액과 유발원인자의 관계를 검토하여 총부분산출의 중간투입유발액을 산정할 때에 유발원인자는 해당부문의 최종수요와 자기 중간투입유발액을 합한 값이어야 한다.

      • Revisiting the Role of Imported Inputs in Asian Economies

        이우철 한국무역학회 2023 Journal of Korea trade Vol.27 No.5

        Purpose – Global production chains and their impacts on economic growth have drawn extensive attention from researchers. Close relationships among global production chains, export and economic growth have been illuminated, as evidenced by the fast and stable economic growth of East Asian economies. These economies perform various roles within global production chains using offshoring, in which the impact of import on domestic gross output is as strong as that of export. The impact of import on economic growth would depend on whether imported inputs substitute or complement domestic inputs production, which is likely to vary according to individual countries' functions within global production chains. The economic growth of concerned countries would also be diverse. However, little attention has been paid to the impact brought by imports compared to its significance. Design/methodology – The principal methodology used in this paper is structural decomposition analysis (SDA), widely chosen to elucidate the impact of various factors on domestic gross output using input-output tables. This paper extracts trade data of six Asian economies from the World Input-Output Database (WIOD) 2016 release that covers 43 countries for the period 2000-2014. The extracted data is then categorised into 37 sectors. First, this paper calculates the Feenstra-Hanson Offshoring Index (OSI) of each country. It then applies SDA to measure the changes in each economy's gross output, export, import input coefficients, and domestic input coefficients. Finally, after taking the first difference from pooled time-series data, it estimates the correlations between imported input coefficients and OSI using the ordinary least square (OLS) method. Findings – The main findings of this paper can be summarised as follows. Firstly, all six countries have increasingly engaged in global production chains, as evidenced by the growing size of OSI. Secondly, there are negative correlations in five countries except Japan, with sectoral differences. Thirdly, changes in import input coefficients are not negative in all six countries, indicating that offshoring does not necessarily substitute for domestic inputs production but does complement it and, therefore, fosters their economic growth. This is observed in China, Indonesia, Korea and Taiwan. Offshoring has led to an increase in the use of imported inputs, which has, in turn, stimulated domestic inputs production in these countries. Originality/value – While existing studies focus on the role of export in evaluating the impact of participating global production chains, this paper explicitly examines the unexplored impact of import on domestic gross output by considering both the substitution and the complementary effect, using the WIOD. The findings of this paper suggest that Asian economies have achieved fast and stable economic growth not only through successful export management but also through effective import management within global production chains. This paper recommends that the Korean government and enterprises carefully choose offshoring strategies to minimise disruption to domestic production chains or foster them.

      • KCI등재

        경제 분석에서 "투입유발액"을 어떻게 추계할 것인가?: 세 경제변수 사이의 새로운 생산순환체계를 중심으로

        김호언 경남대학교 산업경영연구소 2015 지역산업연구 Vol.38 No.2

        Purposes – (1) We testify the economic meanings and characteristics of theinput requirementsin economic analysis based on a new circulation system of production in the three economic variables (final demand , total output , and final output ). (2) We derive the cause and effect equations to calculate the input requirements on the basis of the models of IO, OO, and FF and clarify the factorial characteristics of the each input requirements matrix originally developed by the author. (3) Based on the cause and effect equations, we empirically calculate the varied input requirements by 28 endogenous sectors from the raw data of The 2010 Input-output Tables of Korea. Design/Methodology – Gim and Kim (1998) made a first attempt to derive the general relation between two different notions of direct and indirect input requirements in the open static input-output (IO) model. By decomposing by 4 different factors in the requirements matrices, moreover, we can exactly show the two output requirements matrices for final demand and output and the two input requirements matrices for final demand and output, respectively. Findings/Implications – The sectoral input requirements calculated by the matrix    are the most high values and those calculated by the matrix       are the most low requirements, because   has the positive multiplier effect and because are the negative multiplier effects. The Pearson’s correlation coefficients (PCC) and the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients (SRCC) are also calculated to observe the relevant structural economic characteristics of each input requirements derived from the three different cause variables. 연구 목적: (1) 세 경제변수 사이의 새로운 생산순환체계를 바탕으로 하여 투입유발액의 경제적 의미를 규명하고 그 성격을 밝히고자 한다. (2) 세 모형(IO, OO, FF)을 토대로 하여 원인변수와 결과변수 사이에서 투입유발액을 추계하는 관계식을 유도하고, 개별 투입유발계수행렬의 요인별 성격을 규명하고자 한다. (3) 투입유발 관계식을 활용하여 한국 경제를 분석 대상으로 한 경험적 사례 연구를『2010년 산업연관표』를 기초로 하여 수행하고자 한다. 연구 방법: Gim and Kim(1998)은 개방형 정태 투입‧산출(IO)모형에서 서로 다른 두 직‧간접 투입요구량 사이의 일반적 관계를 수리적으로 규명하였다. 아울러 최종수요에 대한 생산유발계수행렬의 요인별 분해를 통하여 두 개의 생산유발계수행렬과 두 개의 투입유발계수행렬의 관계를 규명하였다. 이를 통하여 세 변수와 두 투입유발액과의 인과관계를 밝히게 되었다. 주요 결과: 식 (12)의 승수 행렬에 의해서 추계된 부문별 투입유발액이 가장 높은 값을차지하며, 식 (21)의 승수 행렬에 의해서 추계된 부문별 투입유발액이 가장 낮은값을 보여주고 있다. 그 까닭은 최종수요에 대한 생산유발계수행렬은 양의 값을 갖는 승수 행렬이며, 두 역행렬은 부의 값을 갖는 승수 행렬이 기 때문이다. 세 원인변수를 토대로 하여 추계된 투입유발액 사이의 상관관계를 살펴보기 위하여 피어슨 상관계수(PCC)와 스피어맨 순위상관계수(SRCC)를 각각 구하였다. 시사점: 국내외를 통하여 투입유발액에 대한 연구가 매우 일천한 상태에서 본 논문이 이 분야 연구의 작은 불쏘시개와 같은 역할을 할 수 있기를 기대하고자 한다.

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