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        A Study on the Effect of Communication Functioning of Smartphones on Information Acquisition: The Case of South Korea

        Lee, Seungmin 한국과학기술정보연구원 과학기술정보센터 2016 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Vol.4 No.3

        Smartphones have become one of the most prevalent information devices in the current information environment. Although many people use smartphones for communication and information acquisition, these two functions are closely related and cannot be separated. However, many studies have focused on identifying each function of a smartphone independently. There are few studies that investigate the relationships between communication and information acquisition functions on smartphones. This research empirically analyzed and identified the relationships between these two functions of smartphones by conducting a survey. The results of the analysis showed that the activities for information acquisition make differences in communication on a smartphone. People who want to acquire more information tend to use a smartphone for communication purposes. Besides, communication activities on a smartphone also affect the acquisition of information. In addition, communication activities on a smartphone also affect the establishment of interpersonal relationships that lead to the acquisition of more information. From these results, it is identified that communication activities and information acquisition are interrelated when satisfying the information needs of smartphone users. Especially, communication activities on a smartphone positively affect people's information activities and enhance information acquisition.


        Wooyang Kim,Donald A. Hantula,C. Anthony Di Benedetto 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        This study examines consumers’ online activities according to the categories of goods and services, applying foraging theory, and explore online information structure perceived by consumers, determining the degree of information overload. Consumers are confronted by nearly unlimited amounts of information when they gather information to make purchase decisions in an online environment. Few studies have focused on the behavioral pattern of information acquisition to reduce information overload. The available studies are limited by particular conditions under a normative perspective (e.g., cognitive limitation with item specific information only and overemphasis on the quantity dimension of information structure). An improvement may be a holistic approach that allows freedom of information acquisition, and includes an ecological perspective, which emphasizes an interaction between minds and immediate environments (Todd & Gigerenzer, 2007). In other words, to provide a better explanation of information overload phenomenon, the research includes quantity information as well as quality and environmental information in the information structure. This has been overlooked in an information overload paradigm (for example, the question of whether more or less information is better) (Scheibehenne, Greifeneder, & Todd, 2010). Moreover, Xia and Monroe (2005) argued that the majority of research about information acquisition has overemphasized information searching while overlooking information browsing, although both activities occur concurrently during processes of information acquisition. The foraging theory (Stephen and Kreb, 1986), which originated from behavioral ecology, can help explain a continuum of browsing and searching behavior through utilizing the patch framework (Kim & Hantula, 2016). The patch framework provides a different perspective for information structure in terms of the amount of data as a combination of within-patch (searching) and between-patch (browsing), thereby covering the issue of the browse-search continuum to explain issues of amount for information overload. (e.g., Detlor, Sproule, & Gupta, 2003). The current study applied foraging theory into the online behavior of information acquisition and explored the information structure that consumers establish and consider in their process of information foraging across categories of goods and services (i.e., durables, nondurables, and services). This theoretical integration would proffer some clues for information structure to reduce information overloads through browsing and searching information online. The investigations consist of ordinary activities and purchase-related activities online, frequently purchased items and consideration to make purchase decisions, strategic information foraging patterns, and perceived decisional difficulty.

      • KCI등재

        영업자동화 기술에 대한 상대적 투자가 시장 정보 획득 프로세스와 인지된 지능품질을 통해 신제품 성공에 미치는 영향: 시장 불확실성과 기술 격변성의 조절효과

        우민식 ( Minsik Woo ),유재원 ( Jaewon Yoo ) 한국생산성학회 2018 生産性論集 Vol.32 No.3

        The rapidly changing business environment can simultaneously pose a threat to corporate survival and provide new opportunities for companies, and what businesses need in this environment is a successful new product achievement using rapidly changing information technologies. At this time, it is very important to invest in securing the technology in the corporate and utilizing the products and services using it. However, a clear picture of the relationship between information technology investment and performance has not emerged in the related studies. Therefore, this research is about the effect of relative investment in SFA technology related to sales automation on the performance of successful new products through market information acquisition processes and perceived intelligence quality. In addition, we verified the moderating effect of market uncertainty and technical catastrophe between investment in SFA technology and acquisition of market information. Through empirical analysis, we are going to identify the effects of each other and to suggest meaningful implications for relationship research. The research was conducted on a sample of the sales organizations of 110 B2B companies and analyzed using SPSS 23, LISREL 8.72 and SPSS Macro to validate the construct concept and research model. The analysis results show that relative investment in SFA technology affects market information acquisition process, market information acquisition process affects perceived intelligence quality, and perceived intelligence quality has a positive effect on new product success. In addition, for the effect of moderate between the relative investment in SFA technology and the market information acquisition process, the increase in market uncertainty has a positive effect, but the moderating effect on technology variability has not been demonstrated. Research has shown evidence that the relationship between investment and performance is positive through the impact of information acquisition and quality, and confirmation of how the investment connects to a successful new product shows that investment can be turned into a competitive advantage. And proof of positive moderating effects of market uncertainty has shown that he is a moderator to strengthen the relationship between SFA technology investment and information acquisition.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국코스닥 신규공모시장에서 수요예측제도의 정보생산기능 평가

        신인석(In Seok Shin),이관영(Kaun Y Lee) 한국경영학회 2013 經營學硏究 Vol.42 No.3

        We examine if the book-building procedure at the KOSDAQ market extracts private information frominformed investors as argued by the dynamic information acquisition hypothesis a la Benveniste and Spindt (1989). Although, to test the hypothesis, it is desirable to have a direct measure of private information, most of previous studies have used price adjustment during book-building as a proxy for private information. In this study, using the unique data of the KOSDAQ equity issuing market, we construct direct measures of private information provided by institutional investors under the book-building procedure, which include the average bidding price and the oversubscription ratio. We collect each bid`s information from book and measure limit prices by their quantity-weighted average and oversubscription at the issue price. We characterize these measures as private information provided during book-building, and analyze the effects of private information on issue price and whether the effects can be explained by the dynamic information acquisition hypothesis, namely a mechanism of information providing and compensation in KOSDAQ equity issuing market. We find that our measures of private information during book-building affect significantly the final IPO price. However, private information in bids has a vague and insignificant effect for the abnormal returns around the IPOs. In particular, during period 3 when Korean underwriters have a wide discretionary authority, public information, which is the KOSDA index return during book-building, affects significantly both the issue price adjustment during book-building and the abnormal returns around the IPOs. Consequently, our results do not support the dynamic information acquisition hypothesis at the KOSDAQ market.

      • KCI등재

        「개인정보 보호법」에 규율된 합리성 심사의 합리적 이해

        이민영 미국헌법학회 2020 美國憲法硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        개인정보에 관한 법률관계를 관통하는 전제요건인 개인정보의 개념과 그 법적 범주가 불명확하고 포괄적으로 규정되면 이해관계의 상충을 조화롭게 해결할 수 없고 권리의무관계를 교란시키며 법적 안정성을 해친다. 그런데 개인정보에 관한 법규 역시 그 요건을 구성함에 있어 사법심사 배제영역은 아니지만 불확정법개념을 원천적으로 배제하기 어렵다. 「개인정보 보호법」(이하 ‘개인정보법’이라 한다)에 있어서도 규율대상의 복잡성이나 입법기술적 불가피성으로 말미암아 법률에 유보되어야 할 본질적인 중요사항이 충분히 반영되기 어려운 경우 그래도 하나의 의미로 수렴되는, 그래서 명확성원칙에 어긋나지 않지만 불확정적인 법규요건 개념이 예외적으로 허용된다. ‘시간・비용・기술 등을 합리적으로 고려’라는 이른바 ‘합리성’ 심사의 기준 요건에 관한 일의적 개념을 가늠하는 데 목적이 있는 이 글은 유럽연합의 Directive 95/46/EC와 GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation)의 해석을 참조해 아래의 결론에 이르고 있다. 첫째, 개정 개인정보법에서도 ‘해당 정보만으로는 특정 개인을 알아볼 수 없더라도 다른 정보와 쉽게 결합하여 알아 볼 수 있는 정보’에 대한 합리적인 판단은 결합 용이성과 식별 가능성에 종속되고 그 부합성은 입수 가능성과 같이 ‘개인을 알아보는 데 소요되는 시간・비용・기술 등’에 대한 합리적 고려에 따른 것이다. 결국 결합 용이성은 식별 가능성과 사실상 동일한 판단기준으로 작동하는데, 결합 용이성의 판단은 입수 가능성과 같은 객관적인 합리성 심사로 행해진다. 이로써 결합 용이성에 대한 합리적 심사는 처리자의 주관적 입장을 반영한 소극적 사유가 조건부로 용해된 메커니즘으로 보아야 할 것이다. 둘째, 합리성 심사를 거친 이후에 불법적인 입수가 별도의 사후적인 제약을 받지 않더라도 개인정보 개념이 성립되었다면 개인정보의 합법적 처리가 공정하고 투명하게 이루어지는 범위 내에서 제어될 수 있음에 대한 고려가 선행되어야 한다. 환언하면 개인정보법에 따른 ‘처리’ 개념에 따를 때 개인정보의 처리에 대한 합법성 여부는 합리성 심사와는 별개로서 이는 개인정보 성립 이후에 별도로 따져봐야 할 구조로 여겨야 할 것이다. 왜냐 하면, 합리적으로 결합이 쉽게 되어 개인정보의 속성을 확인받는 범주에서 다른 정보의 입수가 불법적인 경우 개인정보로 판단하지 않는다면 합법적이지 않은 개인정보의 처리에 대한 규제나 제재는 사전적으로 차단되기 때문이다. 셋째, 원칙적으로 식별 가능성에 관한 판단은 처리자의 입장에서 이루어져야 한다. 대내외적 변수로 인한 다양한 처지에서 식별 가능성에 관한 판단은 처리자의 주관적 요인이 전면적으로 배제되는 객관적인 상황으로만 결정되는 구도가 아니다. 합리성이라는 개념은 과도한 시간과 노력 및 비용 등을 투입하는 경우를 배제하기 위한 객관적 개념이고 식별 가능성에 관한 주관적 입장을 포섭하지는 않기 때문에, 불확정적인 합리성의 의미 가운데 목적 달성을 위한 수단이 얼마나 효율적이었는지를 전제로 할 때 처리자의 관점에서 적합하게 응시되는 선택지를 조응하고 귀책사유에 따라 여과할 수 있는 기능은 합리성 심사에서 발휘되는 것이 아니다. 문제는 식별 가능성의 핵심이 되는 결합 용이성과 입수 가능성 등이 처리자의 특정한 경우에 한정적으로 특화되는 것이 ... It can not solve the conflict of interest harmoniously, but could disturb the rights and obligation relationship and harms the legal stability, provided that the term and legal category of personal information as the prerequisite for passing through the legal relationship on personal information. However it is inevitable that norms of the laws and regulations on personal information are difficult to exclude the indefinite concept of law at the source, which is ruled out from judicial review in constructing the requirements even though. In PDPA(「Personal Data Protection Act」), if the essential important matters to be reserved in the law are not fully reflected due to the complexity of the object regulated or the inevitability of the legislative technique, it is converged in one meaning and so the indefinite concept of law on legal requirements is exceptionally allowed, although it does not conflict with the doctrine of vagueness. Aiming to gauge the monolithic notion of the standard requirements of the so-called ‘rationality’ test of ‘reasonably considering time, cost, and technology, etc.’, this article reaches to the following conclusion by referring to the interpretation of Directive 95/46/EC and GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation) in the European Union. First, the revised PDPA provides that the reasonable judgment is determined by easiness of combination and potentialities of identifiability as to ‘whether the information might be easily combined with other information to identify a particular individual’. And demonstrates it the correspondence to possibility of acquisition as ‘whether or not there is ease of combination shall be determined by reasonably considering the time, cost, technology, etc. used to identify the individual such as likelihood that the other information can be procured’. In so far, easiness of combination and potentialities of identifiability actually run to the same decision standard. Therefore the reasonability test should be evaluated as the conditionally dissolved mechanism passive reasoning reflecting the subjective position of the processor concerning easiness of combination. Second, it should be considered that the legal processing of personal information can be controlled within a fair and transparent range on the supposition that the concept of personal information is established even if illegal acquisition is not subject to extra post-constraint after reasonability test. As the term ‘processing’ means the collection, generation, connecting, interlocking, recording, storage, retention, value-added processing, and other similar activities, the legitimacy of the processing of personal information is separate from the reasonability test, which should be considered additionally after the coming into existence of personal information. Third, adjudication on the possibility of identification is upon the perspective of the processor in principle on the ground that the judgment on the possibility of identification in various situations due to internal and external variables is not determined only by objective situations where the subjective factors of the processor are completely excluded. Because the concept of reasonability is an objective term to exclude excessive time, effort, and cost, and does not subsume a subjective position on the possibility of identification, the function that can be filtered according to the reason of reasoning is not exercised in the reasonability test by adjusting the choice appropriate from the viewpoint of the processor when assuming how are efficient the means for achieving the purpose among the meanings of indefinite reasonability. Consequently, the reasonability test related to the criteria on potentialities of identifiability is distinguished from the legitimacy evaluation in which the subjective estimates extracted as an objective factor. It will be confirmed that the criteria for violation of the punishable norms, of which s...

      • KCI등재

        호텔 웹사이트의 정보 품질이 예약/구매 의도에 미치는 영향

        한송이(Song Ee Hahn),한진수(Jin Soo Han) 한국호텔외식관광경영학회 2013 호텔경영학연구 Vol.22 No.2

        The objective of this study is to investigate the direct impact of information quality of hotel websites on customers` book or purchase intention and examine the moderating effect of the customers` ability of information acquisition and processing on the relationship between information quality and customers` book or purchase intentions. Online survey of people who had recently visited a hotel website resulted in 418 usable responses and SPSS 20.0 version was used for data analysis. The results of an exploratory factor analysis revealed that the measurement scale for information quality of hotel websites comprised 21 items across four factors: general information, locality information, facility information, and promotion information. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that all of the information quality factors had directly positive impacts on customers` book or purchase intention. Findings of this study also indicated that there is a moderating effect of information acquisition and processing on the linkage from website information quality to customers` book or purchase intentions. The findings give a better understanding of website information quality in the hotel context and enables hotel practitioners to improve hotel website information quality.

      • KCI등재

        행정정보 공동이용 법제의 개인정보보호 정합성 연구

        이민영 한국법제연구원 2010 법제연구 Vol.- No.38

        Public administration could by all means be defined as superintendence of governmental function under the official prestige of administrative agency and it is suggested that the legal order must have normal standards effective to the change in public administration environment due to information technology. Moreover an independent nation tend to nowadays expand the range of regulating and adjusting social life to realize the constitutional ideology of welfare state. From the viewpoint of such legislative conditions, there should be satisfied with systemic foundation, democratic procedure, and customer-centered policy in public administration. And also personal data protection as well as security management will be the core limitations crucial to E-government. As everyone knows, personal data protection, that is to say guarantee of information privacy, is bound to contradict the utilization of administrative information including personal data of data subject. Resultingly should the illegality be relatively reviewed the utilization of administrative information to serve the common good without infringement of information privacy. In EGA(Electronic Government Act), legislative system of administrative information co-using must be the interface between beforehand prevention and post-factum remedies of infringement of information privacy. In other words, it is necessary to collect personal data enough almost to meet the demand of utilization administrative information for E-government for public interests. So then EGA is enacted by the provisions allowing for beforehand prevention and post-factum remedies of infringement of information privacy. The probability is that the legal value of administrative information co-using will conflict with that of information privacy of data subject and intensify the ideological conflict most of all. Consequently speaking, it is essential for regulations on the co-used bounds of administrative information to be prescribed substantially to abide by ‘statute reservation principle’ or ‘rule of law’ in EGA. Besides will the supplementation for consent acquisition procedure and administrative control system be the matters calling for prior settlement and amendment cornerstone to stabilize the laws and regulations related to EGA by organic mediation of information-related legislations tuned to Personal Data Protection Act. Public administration could by all means be defined as superintendence of governmental function under the official prestige of administrative agency and it is suggested that the legal order must have normal standards effective to the change in public administration environment due to information technology. Moreover an independent nation tend to nowadays expand the range of regulating and adjusting social life to realize the constitutional ideology of welfare state. From the viewpoint of such legislative conditions, there should be satisfied with systemic foundation, democratic procedure, and customer-centered policy in public administration. And also personal data protection as well as security management will be the core limitations crucial to E-government. As everyone knows, personal data protection, that is to say guarantee of information privacy, is bound to contradict the utilization of administrative information including personal data of data subject. Resultingly should the illegality be relatively reviewed the utilization of administrative information to serve the common good without infringement of information privacy. In EGA(Electronic Government Act), legislative system of administrative information co-using must be the interface between beforehand prevention and post-factum remedies of infringement of information privacy. In other words, it is necessary to collect personal data enough almost to meet the demand of utilization administrative information for E-government for public interests. So then EGA is enacted by the provisions allowing for beforehand prevention and post-factum remedies of infringement of information privacy. The probability is that the legal value of administrative information co-using will conflict with that of information privacy of data subject and intensify the ideological conflict most of all. Consequently speaking, it is essential for regulations on the co-used bounds of administrative information to be prescribed substantially to abide by ‘statute reservation principle’ or ‘rule of law’ in EGA. Besides will the supplementation for consent acquisition procedure and administrative control system be the matters calling for prior settlement and amendment cornerstone to stabilize the laws and regulations related to EGA by organic mediation of information-related legislations tuned to Personal Data Protection Act.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Fragility of Price Informativeness

        한정석 서울대학교 경영연구소 2024 Seoul Journal of Business Vol.30 No.1

        This paper investigates the influence of uncertainty on information acquisition in financial markets with information asymmetries. Using a variation of the Kyle (1985) model, we analyze the interactions among short-horizon informed traders, linking information acquisition to different levels of fundamental uncertainty. Expectations of future changes in information acquisition shape current trading incentives, impacting subsequent information acquisition. This feedback can lead to a self-fulfilling collapse of price informativeness. Our findings suggest that either too little or too much fundamental volatility may result in uninformative prices, creating market fragility.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 근로자의 건강정보 취득 어려움과 관련된 요인

        강은정,백민아 한국보건사회학회 2024 보건과 사회과학 Vol.- No.65

        본 연구는 외국인 근로자의 건강정보 취득 어려움과 관련된 요인을 파악하고, 보다 쉽게 건강정보를 얻고 활용할 수 있는 방안을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 연구 대상은 한국보건사회연구원에서 2020년 7월에 수행한 ‘외국인 근로자 실태조사 2020’에 포함된 총 1,427명의 외국인 근로자 중 건강정보 취득 어려움에 대하여 응답한 총 1,276명을 포함하였다. 독립변수는출신 국가를 비롯한 인구사회학적 특성, 주관적 건강 수준과 건강보험 가입 여부, 한국 체류 기간, 의료 이용 시 언어적 어려움, 차별 경험, 그리고 사회적 연결망을 포함하였다. 건강정보 취득 어려움과 관련된 요인을 확인하고자 다변량 로지스틱 회귀분석을 수행하였다. 분석 결과 표본의 49.5%가 건강정보 취득 어려움을 경험하였다. 건강정보 취득 어려움이 상대적으로 높은것과 관련된 요인에는 유배우자, 출신 국가(캄보디아, 필리핀, 미얀마, 중국), 낮은 주관적 건강수준, 짧은 총 한국 체류 기간, 의료 이용 시 언어적 어려움 경험, 차별 경험, 한국 동료와의 교류 부재가 있었다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 이주민 근로자의 건강정보 접근성을 높이기 위한의료인의 상호문화 소통역량 교육프로그램 개발 및 한국어능력시험 표준교재 개편, 시각적 온라인 정보 자료의 개발 등의 방안을 제안하였다. The subjects of the study included a total of 1,276 people who responded about difficulties in acquiring health information among a total of 1,427 foreign workers included in the 'Foreign Workers Survey 2020' conducted by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs in July 2020. The dependent variable was defined as the response to the question "How difficult is it to obtain health-related information or advice?” as 'very' or 'somewhat' difficult. Independent variables included sociodemographic characteristics such as country of origin, subjective health level, and health insurance subscription, length of stay in Korea, language difficulties when using medical care, experiences of discrimination, and social networks. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with difficulty in acquiring health information. As a result of the analysis, 49.5% of the sample experienced difficulty in acquiring health information. Factors associated with relatively high difficulty in obtaining health information include having a spouse, country of origin (Cambodia, Philippines, Myanmar, China), low subjective health level, short total length of stay in Korea, experiencing language difficulties when using medical care, experiencing discrimination, and a lack of interaction with Korean colleagues. Based on the results of this study, we proposed measures such as developing an intercultural communication competency education program for medical personnel, institutional changes in the employment permit system, and development of visual online information materials to increase foreign workers' acquisition of health information.

      • KCI등재

        국방M&S 정보관리 현황분석 및 획득업무 지원체계 개선방안 연구

        정혜수,양진석,안호일 한국인터넷정보학회 2020 인터넷정보학회논문지 Vol.21 No.2

        The SBA Integrated Information system is constructed and operated for scientific and systematic management of Defense information utilizing whole process of weapon system acquisition from requirement institution to operation maintenance. In order to utilize m&s resources actively and effectively in the life cycle of weapon system acquisition, efficient management plans of the SBA integrated Information system is required. As a result of identifying usage on SBA Information system and performance of operation performance measurement, it was defined that establishment of the SBA Integrated Information system process and provision of detailed system are mandatory for activating m&s resource and supporting process of acquisitions. In this study, Defense m&s information system is analyzed and improvement plans of SBA Integrated Information system is provided for efficient operation of SBA integrated Information system. 무기체계 소요제기부터 연구개발, 시험평가, 운영유지까지 국방 무기체계 획득 전 과정에서 활용하고 있는 국방M&S(Modeling & Simulation)정보를 과학적이고 체계적으로 관리하기 위해 SBA(Simulation Based Acquisition)통합정보체계가 구축ㆍ운영되고 있다. 국방 무기체계 획득 전 수명주기에 M&S자원을 적극적이고 효과적으로 활용하기 위해서는 SBA통합정보체계의 효율적인 운영방안이 필요하다. 이를 위해 SBA통합정보체계의 이용현황을 식별하고 운영성과측정을 수행한 결과, M&S자원 활성화와 획득업무 지원을 위해서는 SBA통합정보체계 운영 절차 수립과 더불어 세부적인 제도 마련이 필수적인 것으로 판단하였다. 본 논문에서는 SBA통합정보체계의 효율적인 운영을 위해 국방 M&S 정보관리 현황을 분석하고 국방 M&S 활성화와 체계적인 운영을 위한 정보체계의 개선방안을 제시한다.

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