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      • An Assessment of human trafficking laws in the republic of korea based on un conventions and protocols

        ( Tae Jin Kim ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2011 Korea University Law Review Vol.10 No.-

        In the beginning of the 21st century, the United Nations made treaties dealing with human trafficking and urged its member states to prepare a legal system against human trafficking. Since 2004, Korea has amended and created new laws to punish human trafficking and protect of its victims following the UN`s recommendation. The U.S. Trafficking in Persons Report has designated The Republic of Korea as Tier 1 since 2002. Korea deems its legal system against human trafficking as well prepared. But the definition of human trafficking in Korean law is too narrow compared to international law. As a result, criminalization of human trafficking and protection of the victim are not enough. The jurisdiction for punishing human trafficking is not perfect. In this essay, I analyze whether Korean law follows the international standard, argue what should be supplemented in Korean law, and suggest a new law against human trafficking.

      • KCI등재

        일본에서의 아시아 이주여성에 대한 사회 담론과 정책적 대응

        이지영(Lee, Ji-young) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2012 아시아여성연구 Vol.51 No.2

        본 글은 일본에서의 인신매매 아시아 이주여성에 대한 사회 담론과 일본의 정책적 대응을 고찰한 것이다. 인신매매는 일본으로의 아시아 여성 이주의 한 유형으로 세계적인 경제 구조, 계급, 인종, 젠더가 교차하는 곳에서 발생하는 문제이며 이주 여성의 취약한 권력관계를 배경으로 하고 있다. 일본 내 인신매매 아시아 이주여성에 대한 담론은 세 가지로 나뉜다. 첫째는 개인의 자발성에 근거한 개인책임론이고 둘째는 이주여성의 취약성을 중시한 피해자 보호 담론이며, 셋째는 이들 여성을 인신매매 피해자로 규정하면서도 시혜적 차원이 아닌 인권보장 차원에서 이들의 보호와 권한 강화를 주장하는 담론이다. 특히, 여성 · 인권 NGO에 의해 형성되고 제기된 인권보장 차원에서의 담론은 인신매매의 실태와 이주 여성이 처한 인권침해의 상황을 가시화하고 인신매매의 문제를 국가의 정책적 대응이 필요한 이슈로서 아젠더화해왔다. 그러나 실질적으로 일본정부의 정책적 대응을 이끌어낸 것은 일본을 인신매매 목적지국이나 특별감시대상국으로 지정하는 등 일본에 대해 강화되고 있는 국제사회의 비판이었다. 일본은 이러한 국제사회의 비판을 해소하기 위해 인신매매대책을 수립하지만 인권차원에서 피해 여성들을 보호하고 그들의 권한을 강화하기 보다는 치안유지 차원에서 출입국관리를 강화함으로써 일본으로의 이주 자체를 통제하는 방향으로 추진하였다. 그러나 일본으로서의 아시아 여성의 인신매매는 더욱 교묘해지고 잠재화되고 있고, 여성의 성적착취에서를 목적으로 한 인신매매에서 노동착취를 목적으로 하는 인신매매로 그 양태가 변화되고 있어 국제이주를 양적으로 통제하는 출입국관리만으로는 인신매매를 근절시킬 수 없고 피해자를 줄여나갈 수 없음이 드러나고 있다. 인신매매의 문제는 인권차원에서 접근해야하며 인신매매대책은 국가에 의해서 배타적으로 이루어지는 것이 아니라 피해자 인권보호의 실질적 경험을 축적하고 담론을 형성 발전시켜온 여성 · 인권 NGO 등 다양한 사회 행위자와의 거버넌스 하에 추진되어야 한다. This paper attempts to explore social discourses and policies on Asian female migrants in Japan, focusing on human trafficking. Human trafficking is a type of women"s migration to Japan from Asia, and it occurs by multi causes that are global economic structure, class, ethnicity, and gender. We found that various social discourses on Asian female migrants have been structured in Japan. First, A discourse focusing on the autonomy of woman in migration process, which stresses individual responsibility for human trafficking. Another discourse pays attention to the vulnerabilities of female migrants to human trafficking, that regards them as victims and asserts protection for them. The last is the discourse on women"s human rights that insists on the programs for Asian female migrants" empowerment. The discourses of "victims" protection" and "migrant women"s human rights" have constructed by anti-trafficking movements NGOs, that have supported Asian female migrants. These discourses have contributed to visualized seriousness of human trafficking in Japan, but failed to inducing government"s response by polices on anti-human trafficking. It is international blames on Japan as a destination country of human trafficking that made Japanese government start to establish polices on prevention and prosecution of human trafficking. However, the Japanese programs lacks of gender perspectives, which have not been effective for prevention and prosecution of human trafficking. Now Japan is required to consent to NGOs" discourse and close cooperation to NGOs in governance human trafficking.

      • KCI등재

        이주민 성적 착취 인신매매 대응과 피해자 보호

        정도희(Jeong, Do-Hee) 한국피해자학회 2019 被害者學硏究 Vol.27 No.3

        오늘날 우리는 다양한 국가 출신의 이주민들과 함께 살아간다. 이러한 이주의 흐름에서 문제되는 현상이 바로 “(초국가적) 인신매매”(human trafficking 혹은 trafficking in persons)이다. 이주여성은 범죄에 취약한데, 국경을 넘는 조직범죄의 하나로, 인신매매의 피해자가 되곤 한다. 이러한 인신매매의 문제가 국경 내에서 해결하기 어려운 국제사회 협력이 필요한 문제가 되었다. 유엔은 인신매매에 대한 최초의 합의로, 2000년 초국가적 조직범죄를 방지하기 위한 ‘초국가적 조직범죄에 대응하는 유엔 협약’(United nations convention against transnational organized crime)의 부속서로 ‘인신매매, 특히 여성과 아동의 인신매매 방지, 억제 및 처벌을 위한 의정서’(Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, 2000)를 채택하였다. 인신매매방지의정서는 인신매매 방지의정서 수준으로 모든 회원국의 국내법 개정을 요구하여, 이에 부응하여 2013년 형법상 인신매매죄가 개정된 바 있다. 본고에서는 근래 한국 사회에서 쟁점이 된 이주민 대상 인신매매의 문제를 성적 착취 목적 인신매매로 한정하여 살펴보았다. 여성에 대한 인신매매의 큰 비중을 차지하는 ‘성적 착취’ 목적 인신매매에 대한 인식과 적절한 대응이 필요하다고 보고 피해자 보호 방안을 정책적인 방안과 법률적인 방안으로 나누어 서술하였다. In the era of migration, migrants from various countries live together in Korean society. In the past, the factors behind the influx of migrants have often been attributed to Korean society s labor force and lack of spouses. Nowadays the spread of Korean culture, so-called Hallyu have led the loyalty towards Korea, which is also a factor promoting the influx of migrants. Actually, a growing number of foreigners are visiting Korea because of its good culture. You can meet foreigners even if you go to small cities as well as Seoul. It is not strange anymore to them to move to Korea, settle down and start a living. But there s a new problem that is emerging in the era of migration, which is human trafficking or trafficking in person. Under the feminization of migration, one of the organized crimes beyond the borders has led to the problem of human trafficking. For this reason, an international agreement has been sought to prevent transnational organized crime and human trafficking, UN adopted Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children in 2000 as an annex of United nations convention against transnational organized crime. In this paper, I described the issue of human trafficking for sexual exploitation and the protection of migrant victims, which has become an issue in Korean society. Human trafficking is a serious crime that violates human dignity. This paper examined the influx of Korean immigrants and proposed measures to respond to the current law on human trafficking for sexual exploitation and to protect victims. As a political measure, I proposed to prepare criteria for identifying victims of human trafficking, to provide opportunities for victims and their families to stay and work in Korea, to prepare criteria for returning and settling victims, and to educate and promote the prevention of human trafficking. Legal measures were also proposed to revise the current Act on the punishment of arrangement of commercial sex acts. etc. I proposed to revise the concept of human trafficking for sex trafficking purposes and introduce special provisions for victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.

      • KCI등재

        이주와 법률- 인신매매 개념과 입법 방향 -

        정도희 부산대학교 법학연구소 2019 법학연구 Vol.60 No.1

        Immigration to Korea has been on rise. It is because Immigrants’ needs and Korean society’s needs have met. Korea is not so called sending country any more. Nowadays there has appeared new social phenomena and problem according to such a increase of immigrants in Korean society that had insisted “one ethnic country” for a long time. The typical phenomenon is human trafficking. In past in Korean society human trafficking existed. But the human trafficking takes on an aspect. It has been growing in unprecedented fasion. In 2005 UN adopted “Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime”. It has the definition of human trafficking. According the UN Protocol, it means “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a purpose of exploitation”. However it is different with the human trafficking in Korean law. That is why many scholars have demanding the revision of criminal law or independent legislation that defines human trafficking broadly. In this article, I tried to suggest legislation that has a definition of human trafficking on the basis of the UN Protocol’s definition. First of all, I described the difference between the UN Protocol’s definition and Korean criminal law’s definition, and after which I give a description of current legislation and foreign legislation, I suggest the definition of human trafficking’ concept and independent legislation for human trafficking that focuses on “4P strategy”.

      • KCI등재

        인신매매 피해자 식별기준에 대한 시론

        장응혁(Eung Hyeok Chang),정진성(Jin Seong Cheong) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) 2022 여성연구 Vol.113 No.2

        2021. 4. 12. 국가인권위원회는 성매매 단속과정에서 추락사고로 심각한 부상을 입은 이주여성피의자에 대한 단속 및 수사가 인권침해였을 뿐만 아니라 인신매매 피해 정황이 있었다는 점을 지적하고 경찰청장에게 인신매매 피해자에 대한 식별절차 및 방식 등을 마련할 것을 권고하였다. 국가인권위원회는 2016년에 ‘인신매매 피해자 식별 및 보호 지표’를 만들어 경찰청장 등에게활용을 권고한 바 있다. 그러나 위 지표는 현행 형법상 인신매매죄 규정을 반영하고 있지 않아 실무상 활용되기가 어렵고 형법상 인신매매죄 자체도 규정이 매우 협소할 뿐만 아니라 제한적으로 해석되고 있다. 이와 달리 미국에서는 자국법인 인신매매피해자보호법을 반영한 식별 도구 및 인신매매 지표를피해자 유형별로 작성하여 체계적으로 활용하고 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라에 적합한 인신매매 피해자 식별기준 수립을 위하여 형법이 아니라 성매매처벌법 및 인신매매방지법상의 다양한 규정을 활용할 것을 제안하였다. 다만 각 규정별로 장단점이있을 뿐만 아니라 특히 성매매의 경우 다른 나라와 달리 자발적 성매매도 처벌되고 있다는 점을고려해야 할 것이다. On April 12, 2021, the NHRCK pointed out that the police investigation against a migrant woman who got a severe injury in a course of crackdown on sex trafficking is a violation of human rights. It was further suggested that the woman could be a victim of human trafficking. Thus, the Police Commissioner was advised to prepare for a sophisticated tool for screening victims of human trafficking. In fact, the NHRCK developed an ‘Index on Identification and Protection of Human Trafficking Victims’ in 2016, recommending that government officials and professionals including the Police Commissioner need to take advantage of the index. However, it does not reflect the current clause on human trafficking of the criminal law, which makes it difficult for the officials to follow the index. Furthermore, the current clause on human trafficking of the criminal law itself has a limitation of not fully reflecting the international standard of UN. On the contrary, diverse federal and local agencies of the U.S. government has developed Human Trafficking Screening Tools reflecting the 「Trafficking Victims Protection Act」, which includes systematic indicators of various types of trafficking victims and is being used as a guidance for effectively finding and protecting the victims. This study aimed to propose that the Korean government needs to develop systematic screening criteria for trafficking victims, based not only on the criminal law but also on such laws as 「Anti-Prostitution Act」 and 「Anti-Human Trafficking and Victims Protection Act」. One notable issue is that the various regulations have pros and cons and, in particular, the fact that sex trafficking in Korea could be prosecuted needs to be further considered.

      • KCI등재후보

        초국가적 범죄에 대한 인간안보적 접근과 대응

        이만종(Lee, Man Jong) 한국테러학회 2012 한국테러학회보 Vol.5 No.2

        본 논문은 북한의 탈북자ㆍ마약ㆍ인신매매ㆍ조직범죄 등 초국가적 범죄에 대한 인간안보적 접근과 국제공조방안을 분석하기 위한 것이다. 탈냉전 이후 전통적인 안보위협이었던 국가간의 전쟁가능성이 줄어들면서 테러, 해적, 마약밀거래, 환경오염 등과 같은 국경선을 초월한 초국가적 범죄가 개별국가 및 지역의 안보에 새로운 도전으로 등장함으로써 오늘날의 안보위협은 복잡하고 다양해지고 있다. 특히 초국가적 범죄들은 어느 한 국가만으로는 해결할 수 없을 정도로 많은 국경과 주권을 넘나들며 안보를 위협하고 있다. 북한정권은 불법적인 마약의 생산 및 운송에 관여해왔다. 중국에 있는 많은 탈북자들은 강제노동은 물론 인신매매의 희생이 되고 있다. 탈북자문제는 주요 현안으로서 탈북자의 생활조건과 인권상황이 개선되지 않고 있다. 북한의 접경지역에서의 탈북자들과 관련된 인신매매, 조직범죄와의 연계 및 마약거래 등과 같은 초국가적 범죄에 대한 대응은 한국정부와 국제비정부단체(NGO) 및 국제난민기구(UNHCR) 등의 원조를 통한 다각적인 접근과 초국가적인 공조체제 마련이 요구된다. 이제는 북한의 초국가적 위협과 위기상황을 정부차원의 대응뿐만 아니라 국제기구와 국제 비정부 단체 그리고 전통적 안보의 개념에서 진일보하여 인간안보적이고 다각적인 차원에서 초국가적인 공조체제를 확립해 나가야 할 것이다. 요컨대 북한의 탈북자ㆍ마약ㆍ인신매매ㆍ조직범죄 등 초국가적 범죄를 해결하기 위한 효율적인 인간안보적 차원의 접근과 다각적인 국제공조가 필요하다. 즉 마약, 인신매매 등과도 연계된 조직범죄를 포함한 다양한 초국가적 범죄의 제거 또는 감소를 위해 최선의 노력을 기울여야할 시점이라 생각된다. This paper is to analyze human security approach and international cooperation measures to resolve transnational threats in North Korea such as NK defectors, drug, organized crime, and human trafficking. For the purpose of that, this paper intends to search for introduction; concept/pattern/tendency of transnational threats; real state of drug, organized crime, and human trafficking in North Korea; human security approach and international cooperation measures to resolve transnational threats, and conclusion. In addition to the traditional military threats, the nature of today’s changing security threats can be summed up as being complicated and multifarious due to the increase of transnational and non-military threats. In particular, transnational threats (for example, NK defectors, drug, organized crime, and human trafficking) transcend national boundaries and sovereignty so that a country alone cannot resolve these threats. North Korean regime has been involved in the production and trafficking of illicit drugs. Many North Korean defectors in China become victims of human trafficking as well as forced labor. The problem of North Korean defectors has been a major issue, the living conditions and human rights situation of the defectors are not improving. In short, we need more efficient human security approach and international cooperation measures to resolve transnational threats in North Korea such as NK defectors, drug, organized crime, and human trafficking. We have to do our best to reduce and remove various transnational threats including transnational organized crimes associated with drug and human trafficking, etc.

      • 국제결혼 과정에서 이주 여성의 권리 ― 한국에 수용된 국제인권법과 국내법 ―

        이혜랑 ( Hyerang Lee ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 공공거버넌스와 법센터 2019 연세 공공거버넌스와 법 Vol.10 No.1

        Globalization has blurred the concept of national borders. With increasing numbers of international marriages, the Korean society is rapidly becoming a multicultural society these days. A common pattern can be observed since the 90s, where women occupy a relatively higher proportion of the immigrant population. It is also usual that international marriage in Korea results in a combination in which a Korean man marries a migrant woman. Furthermore, much of work available to migrant women is concentrated in the certain division such as entertainment industry or domestic services. This phenomenon can be called ‘feminization of migration’ which is relatively new and recently recognized field of human rights. Every situation that a migrant woman encounters can vary. However, the fundamental cause of hardships lies mostly in the migration process of the foreign bride industry. Migrant women usually receive little information or a deliberate piece of misinformation. Also, marriage brokers control foreign brides systematically by recruitment, lodging, transportation and transfer. During the process of an international marriage, a single Korean man usually meet multiple women and choose one as a bride within a very short time frame. The decision is made consequentially without the consent of the woman. The cost and benefits of migration are distributed unevenly and the advertisements often contain gender discriminative and racist contents. Considering all these characteristics, International marriages through a Korean brokerage agency could be categorized as a form of human trafficking, which thereby lead to violence and exploitation of women. State responsibility constitutes a central institution of the system of international law. The Republic of Korea has been a party to various human rights treaties including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women and Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children. Even though the rights of migrant women were not expressly stipulated in the text of treaties, the increasing use of soft law, which refers to quasi-legal instruments, extends the scope of application of law, while examining the situation of each country. Meanwhile, for the implementation of international human rights law, States should take steps to promote, protect and fulfil fundamental rights by accepting suggestions by the committees and reflecting the advisory opinions in government’s policies. The committee expressed concerns on the issues of migrant women in Korea and suggested the state ratifying the protocol of human trafficking. Thus, the Republic of Korea has ratified the protocol and enacted the so called ‘Marriage Brokers Business Management Act’ The purpose of this Act is to supervise marriage brokerage business as well as to protect users. The legislation has been made in conformity with international law accepting the principle of protecting human rights. However, the law regards international matchmaking as a contractual relationship and fails to protect migrant women in the process of international marriage, which is de facto human trafficking. Human Trafficking Prevention Act could be an alternative to supplement or amend existing legislation. Although the bill has not been passed, it suggests the direction of improvement in that it focuses on victims’ safety, recovery and protection of rights. The Republic of Korea has already signed and ratified various human rights instruments. But the government still needs to take legislative or other measures to ensure effective implementation of human rights law. The purpose of international human rights law is not the adoption of the conventions but the protection of human rights. In order to protect migrant women, the contents of the treaties adopted by the government should be transposed into domestic law. Also, for effective implementation of laws, government should adopt appropriate policies and enforce laws. There are various issues related to multicultural families. But the infringement of human rights in the process of international marriage and its brokerage need to be dealt with serious attention since it can lead to other related problems even after the process. Thus, protecting migrant women and contributing to creating a sound marriage culture would be a great starting point to address the issues of multicultural families.

      • KCI등재

        예술흥행비자제도를 통한 이주여성 고용의 인권 문제와 법적 과제 - 인신매매에 대한 국제기준과 외국사례에 비추어 -

        신윤진 ( Yoon Jin Shin ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2017 법학논총 Vol.41 No.1

        The international community has been responding to human trafficking as one of the most compelling human rights issues for the last two decades. However, South Korea has yet to adopt a comprehensive law and policy addressing this matter and in-depth research has been lacking as well. This article reviews relevant international standards and domestic laws in other jurisdictions, including the United States, Australia and Taiwan, with a focus on the definition and interpretation of human trafficking. It also examines important decisions issued by the European Court of Human Rights and national courts in other states. Based on this review, the article concludes that the human rights situations of migrant women who enter South Korea through the entertainer visa system and work in foreigner-only clubs amount to the level of human trafficking. Due to problematic legal systems, the absence of comprehensive policies, and judicial authorities` indifference to and lack of understanding of contemporary forms of human trafficking, human rights violations against these vulnerable migrants have been structurally and continuously produced. The law and policy on transnational human trafficking need to be understood in terms of preventing human rights violations against migrants and guaranteeing them effective remedies. A fundamental solution to the problem should begin with adopting and operating a legal system and policy aiming to prevent and eradicate the exploitation of vulnerable migrants and to effectively guarantee their human and legal rights.

      • KCI등재

        신안 염전에서 발생한 인권침해와 인신매매 특별법 제정의 필요성

        김종철 대한변호사협회 2014 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.444

        In the beginning of 2014, it was reported thorough media that people were traffickedand forced to labor in Shin-An salt pond. But none of them who had been complicit in the crimes was prosecuted or investigated for the charge of human trafficking even though provisions onhuman trafficking of Penal Codes had been revised, intending to implement UN Protocol on humantrafficking called Palermo Protocol, according to which the perpetrators engaged in salvery of theShin-An salt pond would have been crinminalized as human traffickers. One of the reasons whythey were not prosecuted as human trafficking is that the revised Criminal Codes do not complywith the Palermo Protocol. Revised Criminal Code introduced articles on crime of human trafficking. But since it stipulated that “person who trafficks person shall be punished” without providingdetailed definition of human trafficking, it is supposed to be interpreted to have a very narrowmeaning as the courts have understood it. Many Countries who ratifies the Protocol have detaileddefinitions of human trafficking in accordance with the Protocol in their legisatltions whether theyare the Penal Codes or special laws . Therefore in order to address to the human traffickngs andto implement the Protocol which Korea plans to ratify, we need to complemet the Penal Codeswith specail law on human trafficking which complies with the Palermo Protocol. 2014년 초 소위 신안 염전 노예 사건이 발생하였다. 그러나 여기에 연루된 사람들 중에 인신매매죄로 입건이 된 사람은 한 사람도 없었다. 2013년 인신매매에 관해 형법이 개정되었음에도 불구하고 말이다. 2013년 형법 개정은 국제 사회에서 인신매매에 관한 국제규범인 팔레르모 의정서를 비준하라는 압박을 받자 위 의정서의 이행 입법 차원에서 이루어진 것인데(정부는 2014년 7월 10일 법제사법위원회에 위 의정서 비준 동의안을 제출한 상태임), 팔레르모 의정서에 의할 때에는 신안 염전 노예사건에 연루된 사람들을 인신매매죄로 처벌하는 것이 가능함에도 형법상으로는 같은 죄로 입건조차 되지 않은 것이다. 이렇게 된 가장 큰 이유는 형법 개정이 팔레르모 의정서에 부합하지 못하기 때문이다. 개정된 형법의 경우 관련 장(章)명을 ‘약취와 유인의 죄’에서 ‘약취, 유인 및 인신매매의 죄’로 변경하여인신매매 관련 처벌조항을 신설하기는 하였다. 그러나 인신매매에 대한 자세한 정의 규정 없이, “사람을 매매한 사람은 처벌한다”라고 규정한 것은 가장 큰 문제라고 할 수 있다. 왜냐하면 형법의 대원칙인 죄형법정주의에 따라 피의자가 예측불가능할 정도로 형법의 조항을 확대 해석 할 수 없으므로, “사람을 매매한 사람은 처벌한다”라는 규정 역시 문리적인 해석을 크게 벗어날 수 없다고 할 것인데, 사전적인 정의에 따르면 매매는 무엇을 사고 파는 일이기 때문이다. 이는 약취나 유인의 경우에도 크게다르지 않다. 물론 개정형법에서 약취, 유인에 관해 목적의 범위를 노동력 착취, 성매매, 성적 착취, 장기 적출 등으로 늘린 것은 바람직 하지만 약취, 유인에 대한 그 동안의 협소한 해석은 그대로 유지될것으로 보인다. 또 다른 문제는 아동의 경우에는 팔레르모 의정서가 규정한 바와 같이 강제노동 등 착취의 목적으로 아동을 이동하는 등의 행위를 하는 경우 그 사람의 취약한 지위를 남용하는 등의 수단을 사용했는지 관계없이 인신매매로 본다는 조항이 형법에는 없으며, 그 사람의 취약한 지위를 남용하는 등의 수단을 사용한 경우에는 행위자가 의도한 착취에 대해 동의를 하더라도 인신매매 성립에 지장이 없다는 조항도 없다. 이미 유엔 인신매매 의정서를 비준한 선진국의 입법례를 보면 형법으로 규정한 나라도 있고 특별법으로 규정한 나라도 있지만, 대부분이 위 의정서 수준의 포괄적인 정의 규정을가지고 있고 위 의정서의 규율 태도를 따르고 있다. 따라서 신안 염전 노예 사건과 같은 인신매매에대처하고 팔레르모 의정서의 이행이법으로서 기능을 하기 위해서는 우리도 관련 국제법인 팔레르모 의정서의 수준으로 입법이 이루어져야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        여성인권의 글로벌 스탠더드와 성매매 종사 여성의 인간 안보

        이정옥(Lee Jung Ok) 한국여성학회 2004 한국여성학 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 한국 의정부시 고산동의 기지촌 여성들의 ‘인간 안보’(human security)에 대한 사례 연구를 통하여 여성인권의 ‘글로벌 스탠더드’(global standard) 확립에 개입하는 네 가지 주체 1) 유엔, 2)유엔 차원의 NGO, 3)개별 국가, 4) 개별 국가의 NGO의 상호 의존적인 성격 과 관계를 살펴보았다. 지구화, 세계화와 함께 등장하고 있는 초국경의 글로벌 거버넌스(global governance)라는 새로운 전지구적 통치질서 형성과정에서 여성들이 가치와 규범의 글로벌 스탠더드화를 통해 여성인권의 문제를 어떻게 제기하고 개입해 가고 있는지를 고찰하고자 했던 것이다. 여성들은 유엔 차원의 NGO 활동을 통하여 여성인권에 대한 글로벌 스탠더드를 여성의 입장에서 합의하였으며, 이 같은 합의는 유엔 의정서를 통해 제도화하였다. 2000년 채택된 유엔의 ‘조직 범죄 방지 협약의 틀’이 그것이다. 유엔은 여기서 성적 인신매매를 가장 극악한 조직범죄로 규정하는 한편 성매매 종사자의 인간 안보에 관심의 눈길을 돌리고 있다. 여성인권에 대해 글로벌 스탠더드가 정해짐으로써 한국 정부 또한 의정부시 고산동의 여성 이주노동자들의 인간 안보 문제를 정책의 대상으로 삼아 그와 관련된 법 제정에 나설 수밖에 없는 상황이 초래되는 등 글로벌 스탠더드와 로컬 스탠더드가 상호 작용하고 침투하기 시작했다는 것을 연구 결과 확인되었다. 이 과정에서 NGO는 국내외적 수평적 네트워크 속에서 글로벌 스탠더드를 국내법으로 제도화하는 수직적 연계 활동을 담당하는 세계화 시대의 새로운 정치 행위의 주체임이 재확인되었다. While the economic aspect of Globalization has been highlighted during the 1990s, the political dimension of globalization came to be emphasized after entering into 21st century with the special focus on the human rights and human security of the victimized sector of the economic globalization. Global NGOs and local NGOs which represented women's right and women's security came to reach the consensus on the global standardization of women's right in the category of human right and human security during the Beijing NGO forum (1995) and Beijing plus Five(2,000). This consensus was institutionalized through the U. N. convention with the specific definition on the sex trafficking including those who have been subjected to involuntary servitude, forced labour and or slavery like practices. According to the new definition on the global level on sex trafficking, most of women in sex industry could be categorized as the victims of sex trafficking. The global definition on sex trafficking enhance the sense and sensibility of the abuse of human right and human security who came to work as migrant workers in U. S. base area, Gosan-dong, Uijongbu-si, S. Korea mostly from philippines and former soviet union countries from 1998 on. The human security of the women working in u. s, base area, was seriously threatened by the mis-communication because of language barrier, E-6 visa regulation.(1 year stay), tightly controlled working condition with low wage and long time work, high level of surveillance, lack of health care, high cost of housing and livelihoods, which was debunked by the participatory research reports written by local NGOs, known to the clients' country, U. S. with the exposition of mass media, such as the Time and the Fox T. V. The global pressure to regulate the abuse of the human right and human security of the women in base area drove the S. Korean government to monitor the cases of violation of global standard of human right and human security. The government adopted the policing the abuse of those violation cases through fact finding survey and control in partnership with local NGOs. Those collective endeavors of local ngos prepared new bills composed of two sections; a proposition about the punishment and prevention of head hunting conduct for prostitution, which has been sent to the Judicial Committee and a proposition for prevention of prostitution and protection of its victims to a women's committee. The core of these laws is that the women have to be protected as victims of sex industry and the ones who buy, distribute and introduce prostitutes to clients have to be punished throughly according to the global standard of human right based on U. N. convention. Through this research, global-national-local, GO/NGO inter communication networks sustained through women's active participation paved the cornerstone of the global standardization of women's right in the category of human right and human security. The Geo-politics towards the institutionalization of global standardization of human rights beyond nation state boundary has been realized through women's active participation.

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