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      • Indus Script:

        Nisha Yadav,M. N. Vahia 훈민정음학회 2011 Scripta Vol.0 No.3

        The Indus script is an undeciphered script of the ancient world. In spite of numerous attempts over several decades, the script has defied universally acceptable decipherment. In a recent series of papers (Yadav et al. 2010; Rao et al. 2009a, b; Yadav et al. 2008a, b) we have analysed the sequences of Indus signs which demonstrate presence of a rich syntax and logic in its structure. Here we focus on the structural design of individual signs of the Indus script. Our study is based on the sign list given in the concordance of Mahadevan (1977) which consists of 417 distinct signs. We analyse the structure of all signs in the sign list of Indus script and visually identify three types of design elements of Indus signs namely basic signs, provisional basic signs and modifiers. These elements combine in a variety of ways to generate the entire set of Indus signs. By comparing the environment of compound signs with all possible sequences of constituent basic signs, we show that sign compounding (ligaturing) and sign modification seem to change the meaning or add value to basic signs rather than save writing space. The study aims to provide an understanding of the general makeup and mechanics of design of Indus signs.

      • Sensitivity of Indus Script to Site and Type of Object

        Nisha Yadav 훈민정음학회 2013 Scripta Vol.0 No.5

        The Indus valley civilisation (2600 to 1900 BCE) left behind its undeciphered script on several small, inscribed objects. In our earlier work, we have investigated the structural aspects of the Indus script, the design of its signs and the nature of the inscribed patterns on these objects. Here we study these inscribed objects with respect to their type and the sites where they were found. The distribution of the text lengths and the usage of signs on these objects indicate subtle variations in the context of their site of occurrence and type. Some signs have affinity to specific sites or types of objects. By comparing the text length distributions and the usage of signs on these inscribed objects, we cluster the sites of occurrence and the types of objects based on their level of similarity. The study provides an understanding of the sensitivity of the Indus script to different sites and types of objects.

      • ‘Hind Leg’ + ‘Fish’: Towards Further Understanding of the Indus Script

        Asko Parpola 훈민정음학회 2009 Scripta Vol.0 No.1

        Methods and results of a systematic attempt to decipher the Indus script as a logo-syllabic writing system with Proto-Dravidian as the underlying language DUH ϧUVW RXWOLQHG 7KHQ RQH VR IDU XQGHFLSKHUHG VLJQ LV LQWHUSUHWHG DV GHSLFWLQJ an ungulate’s ‘hind leg.’ A phonetic reading is proposed on the basis of its onetime occurrence in front of the plain ‘ϧVK’ VLJQ %HVLGHV WKH SODLQ ‘ϧVK’ sign, there are ‘fish’ signs modified by the addition of various ‘diacritics,’ such as a ‘roof’ SODFHG RYHU WKH ϧVK, D KRUL]RQWDO RU GLDJRQDO OLQH FURVVLQJ WKH ϧVK LQ WKH PLGGOH, HWF 7KH VHTXHQFH ‘hind leg’ + ‘ϧVK’ is likely to represent a compound name of a KHDYHQO\ ERG\ OLNH VHYHUDO RWKHU DOUHDG\ GHFLSKHUHG VHTXHQFHV, where the latter member of the compound is Proto-Dravidian *miin ‘star,’ homophonous with *miin ‘ϧVK ’ $ SUREDEOH VROXWLRQ WR EH WHVWHG E\ D VWXG\ RI RWKHU RFFXUUHQFHV RI the ‘hind leg’ VLJQ LV RϱHUHG E\ 2OG 7DPLO taaL ‘leg,’ which is once attested as GHQRWLQJ DQ DVWHULVP )LQDOO\, some inconclusive in-depth attempts to decipher RWKHU XQGHFLSKHUHG VLJQV DUH UHFRUGHG 7KHLU SXUSRVH LV WR KLJKOLJKW GLϫFXOWLHV GXH WR WKH VFDQWLQHVV RI HDUO\ UDYLGLDQ OH[LFDO DQG WH[WXDO PDWHULDO

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