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        농업적 용수재이용 수질기준을 고려한 적정 하수재처리에 관한 연구

        윤춘경 ( Yun Chun Gyeong ),정광욱 ( Jeong Gwang Ug ),전지홍 ( Jeon Ji Hong ),함종화 ( Ham Jong Hwa ) 한국하천호수학회 2003 생태와 환경 Vol.36 No.3

        Water quality of effluent from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) was reviewed to examine the feasibility of agricultural reuse using USEPA and WHO guidelines. It might meet the guidelines for BOD and SS, however, the most critical microbiological concentration was too high and further treatment is required. The pilot study of three treatments were performed to reduce microbiological concentrations. The UV irradiation was proved to be very effective in disinfection of secondary lever effluent, and about 30mW?s/cm² of dose was suggested to meet the even most stringent USEPA guidelines. Slow sand filter demonstrated effective removal of bacteria, and effluent concentration of total coliform (TC), fecal coliform (FC), and E. coli. dropped from about 10,000/100mL to 300, 200, and 150 MPN/100mL, respectively, showing over 95% removal. Thses level of bacterial concentration sufficiently meet the WHO guidelines (10³~106(5) FC/100mL), and could meet the more stringent USEPA guidelines (200FC/100mL) if properly applied. Slow sand filter also provided about 50% removal of SS, turbidity, and BOD in addition to bacterial removal. The removal efficiency of pond system was relatively poor, but still showed over 85% removal and effluent concentration of TC, FC, and E. coli was all below 1,000/100mL. The pond system alone could meet the WHO guidelines, but hardly meet the USEPA guidelines and further treatment might be necessary. Overall, three methods evaluated in the study treat the effluent to meet the WHO microbiological guidelines for agricultural reuse. The UV disinfection and slow sand filter might also could the USEPA guidelines, while the pond system can hardly meet the USEPA guidelines if applied alone. The WHO and USEPA guidelines were made based on data from upland field agricultural system and may not be directly applicable to the paddy field agricultural system. Therefore, national standards for agricultural reuse of reclaimed water should be made considering domestic agricultural systems as well as international guidelines. Also, further investigation is recommended to develop optimum and feasible treatment measures for agricultural reuse of effluent from WWTPs.

      • KCI등재

        OECD 다국적기업 가이드라인에 따른 한국 연락사무소(NCP)의 기능 부전 ― ‘미얀마 로힝야족 관련 이의신청 사건 1차평가서’(2021)의 비판적 평석 ―

        이상수 연세대학교 법학연구원 2022 法學硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        In 2017, Myanmar witnessed atrocious human rights violations which allegedly amounted to an international crime of genocide, where more than 10,000 Rohingya people were killed with much more tortured or raped. The UN special rapporteur on the incident wrote in his report that several Korean companies were not unrelated to the incident. If such was the case, what kinds of actions were expected for the Korean companies in Myanmar? OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (the Guidelines) provide, as an authoritative international instrument, substantive norms and procedures to address such hard questions. Referring to the Guidelines, A group of Korean civil society organizations filed a complaint against the companies listed in the UN report to the Korea National Contact Point (K-NCP) in 2020. After reviewing the complaint at the initial assessment stage, K-NCP ruled that the issues raised didn’t merit further examination, thereby dismissing the complaint. This paper makes three arguments after the critical appraisal of the Initial Assessment of K-NCP. Firstly, as expressly written in the Guidelines, the role of NCP is to further the effectiveness of the Guidelines, for which the Guidelines provide each NCP with three functions, namely, information and promotion, implementation of specific instances, and reporting. This paper argues that if an NCP performs its functions as expected by the Guidelines, it will contribute significantly to the effectiveness of the Guidelines as a soft law. Secondly, K-NCP’s dismissal of the complaint was based on its analysis in terms of six reference points provided by the Guidelines’ Commentary, which include i) the identity of the party concerned and its interest in the matter, ii) whether the issue is material and substantiated, iii) whether there seems to be a link between the enterprise's activities and the issue raised in the specific instance, iv) the relevance of applicable law and procedures, including court rulings, v) how similar issues have been, or are being, treated in other domestic or international proceedings, and vi) whether the consideration of the specific issue would contribute to the purposes and effectiveness of the Guidelines. After detailed review of each analysis done by K-NCP, this paper argues that K-NCP reached a wrong conclusion due to its misunderstanding of the Guidelines and its Commentary. Thirdly, this paper argues that if K-NCP had proceeded to the next stage, which is further examination, it could have furthered the effectiveness of the Guidelines in a significant way, for example, by clarifying the meanings of the Guidelines in the specific instance, by determining the violation or compliance of the Guidelines by enterprises concerned, or by issuing proper recommendations. Based on these arguments, this paper concludes that the absurdity of the initial assessment in this case was clear and that it resulted not from the inherent limitations of the Guidelines but from the malfunctioning of K-NCP. 2017년 미얀마에서는 로힝야족 1만명 이상이 살해되는 제노사이드 수준의 심각한 인권침해 사건이 있었다. 이 사건을 조사한 유엔 보고관은 한국의 기업도 이 사건과 무관하지 않다고 밝혔다. 그렇다면 이런 사건이 발생한 경우 미얀마에 진출한 한국 기업은 어떻게 처신해야 하는가? ‘OECD 다국적기업 가이드라인’(이하 가이드라인)은 이런 논란을 해결하는 권위 있는 규범과 절차를 제공한다. 이에 한국의 시민단체는 유엔 보고서에 거론된 한국 기업들을 상대로 한국 연락사무소(National Contact Point, 이하 NCP)에 이의신청을 제기했다. 그런데 한국 NCP는 제기된 문제가 추가검토(further examination)의 가치가 없다고 판단하고 1차평가(initial assessment)에서 이의신청을 각하했다. 본고는 이 결정에 대한 평석으로서 세 가지 주장을 한다. 첫째, 본고는 가이드라인이 규정한 NCP의 역할은 가이드라인의 효과성(effectiveness) 제고이며, 이를 위해서 NCP에 부여된 세 가지 기능—정보와 홍보, 구체적 사안에 대처, 그리고 보고—을 잘 이용하면 NCP는 가이드라인의 효과성을 현저하게 제고할 수 있다고 주장한다. 둘째, 한국 NCP는 1차평가에서 이의신청을 각하하면서, 그 근거로서 가이드라인이 제시한 1차 평가의 6가지 기준—① 관련 당사자의 신원 및 당해 쟁점에 대한 이해관계, ② 당해 쟁점이 중대하고 입증된 것인지 여부 ③ 기업활동과 이의신청에서 제기된 쟁점 간의 연관성 여부, ④ 법원 판결을 포함하여 적용 가능한 법령 및 절차의 관련성, ⑤ 유사한 쟁점의 국내・외 처리결과, ⑥ 구체적인 쟁점의 검토가 가이드라인의 목적 및 효과성에 기여 여부—에 따른 상세한 분석을 제시했다. 본고는 한국 NCP의 분석 및 주장 각각에 대해 세밀하게 검토함으로써, 한국 NCP가 가이드라인을 제대로 이해하지 못하여 잘못된 결정을 했다고 주장한다. 셋째, 만약 한국 NCP가 1차평가에서 이의신청을 각하하지 않고 적정하게 추가검토 절차를 진행했더라면, 이 분쟁이 합의를 통해서 해결됐을지 여부와 무관하게, 가이드라인이 가진 법리적 모호함을 해소하고 피신청기업의 가이드라인 위반여부를 판단하며 적절히 권고를 내리는 등의 활동을 통해 가이드라인의 효과성을 크게 제고할 수 있었다고 주장한다. 이상의 논의에 기초하여 본고는 한국 NCP의 1차평가는 명백히 잘못된 것이며 그 원인은 가이드라인 자체에 있었다기보다 한국 NCP에 있었다고 결론내리고, 이의 해결을 위해 NCP의 개혁을 촉구한다.

      • KCI우수등재

        대법원 양형기준에 대한 비판적 고찰

        강우예(Kang, Wu-Ye) 한국형사법학회 2012 형사법연구 Vol.24 No.1

        Sentencing guidelines should have justifiable purpose and proper means, just like any other legal institutions. In Korea, since 2009 in which the first form of sentencing guidelines took effect, the sentencing guidelines for the crimes of murder, the sexual crimes, the crimes of robbery, the property crimes, the crimes of perjury, the crimes of false charge, the crimes of kidnapping, the crimes of fraud, the crimes of drugs, etc., have been established by Korean Sentencing Committee. Unfortunately, however, there has not been any living debates among korean scholars about what are good forms of sentencing guidelines, the establishment of which has been lead by practitioners, such as judges and prosecutors. In short, Korean sentencing guidelines have been formed, mainly reflecting the opinions of the Korean Supreme Court. First of all, we should analyze the current Korean sentencing guidelines system, to clarify how the legality principle in which legislators hold the exclusive power to tell about what is crime and which level of punishment is proper could reconcile with the current Korean sentencing guidelines. Also, we should reconsider if there is any other alternative means to regulate sentencing area. Also, in the current korean sentencing guidelines, we should think more about the ground on which defendants have opportunities to realize their rights more effectively. The sentencing guidelines is not just the reference book for judges but should be interpreted as an legal institution in which a citizen's liberty should not be deprived of in a arbitrary way. To make it possible, we correctly understand the features of the current Korean sentencing guidelines. Also, this article rely on the debates which happened around American sentencing guidelines. The current korean sentencing guidelines will be so controversial area. Establishing sentencing guidelines means the opportunities of considering unlawfulness and culpability of criminal act in a more details. It is a serious question if the Korean Sentencing Committee has try to look at this aspect. Fundamentally, in the area of sentencing, sentencing factor should not take the form of isolated categories that resemble the elements of a crime. Rather, sentencing guidelines should take the form of providing more discretion. Albert Alschuler has been right at this point. The problems happening in sentencing area should be resolved in a more practical way, rather than with categorization of legal factors.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 양형기준 설정방식과 양형위원회 운용방식에 관한 점검 및 개선방안

        박형관 한국형사정책학회 2014 刑事政策 Vol.26 No.2

        It has been almost 5 years since the advisory sentencing guidelines system was introduced and the first guidelines implemented in our nation. Thus far, sentencing guidelines for 26 crime categories including murder are in force. The demand by the people to abolish such sentencing problems such as unduly lenient sentencing, unwarranted disparities, untransparent sentencing, and perhaps most serious "Jeon-Kwan-ye-Woo" or favor shown to counsel who are former prosecutors or judges, was the impetus for the introduction of the sentencing guidelines system. Since its implementation, there have been some improvement in the judges' compliance rate as well as in consistency and predictability in sentencing; however, the people's deep rooted distrust toward the criminal justice system has yet to be significantly alleviated. The basic characteristics of the current sentencing guidelines and Commission activities are still skewed in favor of judges’ sentencing practice, that is the Commission has been slow to set forth new guidelines and the guidelines still allow for much judicial discretion. Furthermore, the guidelines lack objectivity in the evaluation of the major sentencing factors thereby failing to fully gain the public’s trust. With the end of the trial period, the problems that arose demand immediate attention and resolution. Nonetheless the Commission has yet to initiate the reform process, seemingly content with the current gradual approach in promulgating sentencing guidelines. To achieve the sentencing reform goals in accordance with the intent of the introduction, the current sentencing guidelines need substantial revisions. This should begin with a thorough discussion and evaluation of the goals and principles in framing guidelines. Other pressing issues include grading the seriousness of the major offenses and setting the base level of each offense, raising objectivity when evaluating the major sentencing factors, establishing guidelines on deciding appropriate punishment, and enhancing objectivity in the criteria for the in-out decision. Other suggestions include mandating judges to explain the guidelines application process in the sentencing report and the development of a sentencing data base by the Commission to improve predictability in sentencing. These proposals for revision aim to create a new guidelines system which corresponds with the common sense of the public. As it is highly unlikely that the incumbent judiciary dominating Commission will accept or implement these suggestions, the composition of the Commission must first be rebalanced with members from outside the judiciary. Neutrality, independence, and specialization of the operating style of the Commission must be improved and the role of the public and the National Assembly should be reenforced and expanded. Only through these efforts will the new guidelines become more objective to the public with a view to a greater and genuine trust by the public of our nation's criminal justice system. 참고적 양형기준제가 도입되고 양형기준이 시행된 지 약 5년이 되었다. 현재 살인을 포함하여 26개 범죄들에 관한 양형기준이 시행되고 있다. 양형기준제 도입은 소위‘전관예우’의 폐해, 관대한 양형, 불합리한 양형편차, 불투명한 양형 등 양형 문제점들을 극복하려는 정책적 결단이었다. 양형기준의 시행으로 양형의 일관성이나 예측 가능성이 다소 높아졌으나 뿌리 깊은 국민의 사법 불신이 해소되었는지 의문이다. 현 양형기준 및 양형위원회 운용 방식은 법관의 업무 수행을 도와주기 위한 참고용 성격이 짙다. 양형기준은 더디게 설정되고 있고 법관의 재량이 여전히 넓게 보장된다. 주요 양형인자들의 평가에 있어 객관성도 부족하다. 이로 인하여 국민의 신뢰를 확보하기에 미흡하다. 시험적인 운용을 통해 나타난 설정방식의 여러 문제점들을 신속히 해결하여야 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 양형위원회는 종래 설정방식에 따라 기준을 추가로 설정하는 것에 머무르고 있다. 양형 개혁 목표를 달성하기 위하여 대폭적인 개선이 필요하다. 양형기준 설정에 관한 목표나 원리 등을 뚜렷이 정할 필요가 있다. 주요 범죄들 사이의 범죄의 심각성에 따른 서열화를 진행하고 기본 범죄수준을 정하며 주요 양형인자들에 관하여 더 객관적 평가를 해야 한다. 형종 기준이 마련되고 집행유예 기준도 더 객관화되어야 한다. 법관은 판결문에 기준 적용과정을 상세히 기재하고 양형위원회는 데이터베이스를 구축하여 양형의 예측가능성을 높여야 한다. 이러한 개선은 보다 국민의 상식에 맞는 양형기준을 만들기 위한 것이다. 사법부가 주도하는 양형위원회는 위 요청을 충실히 수행하기 어렵다. 따라서 양형위원회 구성이나 운용에 중립성, 독립성, 전문성이 더 보장되도록 개선되어야 한다. 국민과 국회의 역할이 강화되어야 한다. 이를 통하여 국민이 바라는 객관적 양형기준이 마련될 때 형사사법에 관한 국민의 신뢰가 높아질 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        2008 한국 성인을 위한 식생활목표와 식생활지침

        백희영(Paik Hee Young),김초일(Kim Cho Il),문현경(Moon Hyun-Kyung),윤진숙(Yoon Jin-Sook),정효지(Joung Hyojee),심재은(Shim Jae Eun),정현주(Jung Hyun Ju) 韓國營養學會 2008 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.41 No.8

        Recently the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea, announced the “Dietary Guidelines for Korean Adults (DGKA)”, which includes ten Dietary Goals, six Dietary Guidelines, and twenty-three Action Guidelines. DGKA are developed as the revision of the 2003 Dietary Guidelines for Koreans, targeting adult population. Dietary Guidelines are developed for general purpose as well as for different age groups. They are revised periodically to accommodate changes in diet and health problems of the population. The process of developing new DGKA can be summarized as 1) selection of focus areas, 2) analysis and review of available data for each area selected, and 3) derivation of guidelines based on the analyzed data, and 4) finalizing the guidelines after open discussions among the experts and general public. Five focus areas were selected by examining the Nutrition Goals of the Health Plan 2010 of Korea, soliciting proposals from the experts in the related fields, and reviewing existing and international guidelines. Five areas selected were 1) adequate intake of nutrients and foods, 2) balance of energy intake and physical activities, 3) alcohol intake, 4) food security and nutrition service, and 5) food safety. Adequacy of nutrient and food intakes of the Korean adult population was assessed using 2005 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) data. Newly developed Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans were used as reference values to assess the prevalence of inadequacies and excesses in nutrient intakes. Energy balance was examined with energy intake of 2005 KNHANES survey and results of physical activity questionnaire in the survey. Alcohol intake was also examined using 2005 KNHANES results of dietary intakes as well as the results of questionnaire survey on alcohol intakes. Food security, nutrition services, and food safety were analyzed using various government data and published results on the issues. Ten Dietary Goals and six Dietary Guidelines were developed after data analysis and were subjected to reviews of experts and general public. The final DGKA are: 1) Eat a variety of foods from each food group, 2) Increase physical activity and maintain healthy weight, 3) Eat proper amount of clean foods, 4) Avoid salty foods and try to eat foods with bland taste, 5) Avoid foods with high fat contents and deep-fried foods, and 6) When you drink alcohol, limit the amount. Twenty-three action guidelines are developed in order to achieve these guidelines in actual diet and life among the population. The government is disseminating the guidelines with “337” slogan and emblem. “337” indicates everyone should practice “3” guidelines of promoting good eating practice, “3” guidelines to limit or decrease in your diet, and you should practice them for “7” days a week. The guidelines will be useful in promoting healthy food habits and good nutritional status which will result in decrease nutrition related health problems in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Anesthesia guidelines for COVID-19 patients: a narrative review and appraisal

        Ong Sharon,Lim Wan Yen,Ong John,Kam Peter 대한마취통증의학회 2020 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.73 No.6

        The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has challenged health systems globally and prompted the publication of several guidelines. The experiences of our international colleagues should be utilized to protect patients and healthcare workers. The primary aim of this article is to appraise national guidelines for the perioperative anesthetic management of patients with COVID-19 so that they can be enhanced for the management of any resurgence of the epidemic. PubMed and EMBASE databases were systematically searched for guidelines related to SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, the World Federation Society of Anesthesiologists COVID-19 resource webpage was searched for national guidelines; the search was expanded to include countries with a high incidence of SARS-CoV. The guidelines were evaluated using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II tool. Guidelines from Australia, Canada, China, India, Italy, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America were evaluated. All the guidelines focused predominantly on intubation and infection control. The scope and purpose of guidelines from China were the most comprehensive. The UK and South Africa provided the best clarity. Editorial independence, the rigor of development, and applicability scored poorly. Heterogeneity and gaps pertaining to preoperative screening, anesthesia technique, subspecialty anesthesia, and the lack of auditing of guidelines were identified. Evidence supporting the recommendations was weak. Early guidelines for the anesthetic management of COVID-19 patients lacked quality and a robust reporting framework. As new evidence emerges, national guidelines should be updated to enhance rigor, clarity, and applicability.

      • KCI등재

        지방의 메타버스 활용과 가이드라인에 대한 연구: 일본 메타버스 가이드라인 사례를 중심으로

        남기범 한국비교정부학회 2022 한국비교정부학보 Vol.26 No.4

        (Purpose) This study tried to derive implications for the establishment of Korea's metaverse guidelines by analyzing the cases of Japan's metaverse guidelines. The analysis case of this study is a metaverse of a virtual Shibuya, which is a regionally linked metaverse. Virtual Shibuya's metaverse guidelines are Japan's first metaverse guidelines, and are meaningful as an important reference case for Korea, which is preparing the metaverse guidelines. (Design/methodology/approach) As a result of previous research, the concept of the metaverse, the purpose of the metaverse guidelines, the composition part of the metaverse guidelines, and the contents of the metaverse guidelines were set as criteria for analyzing the metaverse guidelines. (Findings) Regarding the concept of the metaverse, the requirements for constituting the concept are presented. It presents a flexible concept, such as seeing that various metaverses can be promoted according to various combinations of these requirements for each development stage of the metaverse. Regarding the purpose of the metaverse guidelines, the focus is on the establishment and operation of the metaverse, and the focus is on overcoming difficulties in entering the industry, especially platform operators and platform users. Guidelines are presented for each stage of metaverse construction and operation. In the case of the case, in the metaverse construction stage, issues in terms of the general metaverse and issues specially dealt with in the regionally linked metaverse are presented in two ways. In terms of the content of the metaverse guidelines, guidelines are presented in three ways on issues related to the metaverse. Clear guidelines to be observed during construction and operation, points to be careful during construction and operation in case of ambiguous issues, and cases to be promoted as legislative tasks in case of ambiguous issues are divided and presented to give clear messages to the customers of the guidelines. (Research implications or Originality) The exploratory attempt of this study is judged to be valuable in providing important implications in the process of enacting the metaverse guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        암 예방을 위한 음주 가이드라인: 국제적인 검토와 비교

        이혜림,박현진,전승희,장혜승,이순영,지선하,박혜숙 사단법인 대한보건협회 2024 대한보건연구 Vol.50 No.3

        -연구목적:암은 현대 사회의 주요 건강 위협 중 하나로, 음주는 암을 비롯한 다양한 질병의 주요 원인으로 지목된다. 국제암연구소(IARC)는 알코올을 1군 발암물질로 분류하고 있으며, 최근 연구들은 가벼운 음주조차 암 발생 위험을 증가시킨다고 보고한다. 본 연구는 국외의 저위험 음주 기준과 암 예방 가이드라인을 검토하여 그 현황을 파악하고, 이를 한국의 현행 가이드라인과 비교함으로써 개선의 필요성을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. -연구방법:여러 국가의 저위험 음주 기준과 암 예방 가이드라인을 포괄적으로 리뷰하였다. 초기 대상으로 2018년 WHO에서 발표한 표준 음료 정의를 제공하는 51개국을 선정하였고, 구글 검색 및 국가별 공식 웹사이트를 통해 정보를 수집하였다. 번역 과정에서 오역을 최소화하기 위해 이중 번역을 진행하였다. -연구결과:37개 국가의 저위험 음주 기준에서는 일 단위 기준을 제시하는 국가가 많았지만, 점점 주 단위 기준을 권고하는 국가의 비율이 높아지고 있다. 39개 국가의 암 예방 가이드라인을 분석한 결과, ‘절주’를 권고하는 국가들이 가장 많았으며, 알코올 소비 자체를 ‘제한하라’는 능동적이고 강력한 어조로 권고하는 반면, 다른 일부 국가는 절주 또는 술을 줄이라는 수동적이면서도 유연한 권고를 하고 있다. 일부 국가는 알코올 섭취 자체를 위험한 행동으로 간주하여 ‘금주’를 권고하며, 최근 3년 동안 저위험 음주 기준을 주 단위로 권고하는 국가의 비율이 증가하고 있다. -결론:최근 연구들은 알코올 섭취와 건강 사이에 ‘안전한’ 양이 없음을 입증하고 있으며, 이는 여러 국가의 가이드라인에도 반영되고 있다. 그러나, 한국은 아직 2013년의 저위험 음주 가이드라인과 2018년의 암 예방 가이드라인을 따르고 있어 최신 연구 결과를 반영하지 못하고 있다. 각 국가의 가이드라인은 그 나라의 문화와 사회적 특성을 반영하고 있지만, ‘암’이라는 심각한 건강 위협에 대해 보다 강력한 입장을 취할 필요가 있다. 따라서, 국민의 특성을 반영한 음주와 암 발생 위험 분석을 통해 맞춤형 가이드라인을 개발해야 한다. -Purpose:Cancer is a major health threat in modern society, with alcohol consumption identified as a key cause of various diseases, including cancer. This study aims to review low-risk drinking and cancer prevention guidelines from other countries, compare them with current guidelines in Korea, and propose the need for improvements. -Methods:This study reviewed low-risk drinking standards and cancer prevention guidelines from various countries, focusing on government-issued guidelines. Initially, 51 countries that provided their own standard drink definitions according to the 2018 WHO announcement were selected, with more countries included later. Data was collected through Google searches and official country websites. -Results:Among the low-risk drinking guidelines of 37 countries, many provided daily guidelines, but an increasing number recommended weekly guidelines. Analysis of cancer prevention guidelines from 39 countries showed that most recommended ‘reducing alcohol’. While some countries used a strong and proactive tone to limit alcohol consumption, others provided more passive and flexible recommendations. Some countries consider alcohol consumption itself as hazardous and recommend ‘no alcohol’. -Conclusion:Recent studies confirm no safe amount of alcohol for health, influencing guidelines in several countries. However, Korea still follows outdated 2013 low-risk drinking and 2018 cancer prevention guidelines. While each country’s guidelines reflect cultural and social characteristics, a stronger stance against cancer is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to develop customized guidelines by analyzing the relationship between alcohol consumption and cancer risk, taking into account the characteristics of the Korean population.

      • KCI등재

        한국인을 위한 생애주기별 식생활 지침 : 변천 과정 및 영양사 니즈 조사

        김수연,아사노가나,윤소윤,이금양,허보영,윤지현 한국식생활문화학회 2019 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.34 No.1

        This study examined the historical changes of and dietitians' needs for the Life Cycle-based Dietary Guidelines for Koreans. Content analysis of relevant documents, a survey of 307 dietitians, and in-depth interviews with eight dietitians were conducted. The dietary guidelines published between 2003 and 2004 included one set of common guidelines and several sets of dietary action guides corresponding to six target groups: pregnant and lactating women, infants and toddlers, children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. The guidelines were revised between 2008 and 2011 and consisted of six sets of guidelines for target groups without common guidelines. The dietitians considered five or six as appropriate numbers of guidelines for each group. Needs for separate guidelines for women of child-bearing age and male workers were reported. The dietitians preferred one set of common guidelines with specific action guides for each target group and wanted easier and more specific messages to be included in the new guidelines. It is suggested that the Life Cycle-based Dietary Guidelines for Koreans should be revised to reflect such dietitians' needs.

      • KCI등재

        공공공간의 그늘 형성 시설물 가이드라인에 관한 연구

        심윤선,김주연,권영재 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) Modern citizens aim their life to be more safe and high-graded through public design. Most basic elements to construct the public design would be safety, comfort and consideration to those people in society. Recently, the high temperature of the heat wave caused by global warming has been issued to the world (wisely) and it affects to citizen’s health and restricts outdoor activities. As a result, installing shade-forming facilities in many different public spaces offers a smart option to provide a pleasant rest area. However, unlike the current demand and importance of the facilities, the guidelines from each region are not unified. Going through 21 different region’s guidelines, various purposes of installing shade-forming facilities are stated such as ‘evacuation from the heat’,‘resting area to provide comfort’ and ‘safety’. Therefore, this research deals with analyzing 21 guidelines to raise several problems and solutions to prepare basic research data on the development of shade-forming facilities in public spaces. (Method) As a research method, first of all, understanding the guidelines of public facilities and shade-forming constructions are important. Second, drawing a design principle and a design component of shade-forming facilities based on the content of 18 domestic guidelines of shade-forming facilities in Korea. Third, analysis framework is produced to compare and analyze those 21 different regions' facilities guidelines in Korea. Lastly, based on the analysis results, the current status and improvement suggestion of domestic facilities are provided. (Results) Going through the 18different guidelines of local ‘shade-forming facilities’, design principle and design component are deducted to analyze status of 21 local guidelines. As a result, a number of report appears; which corresponds with safety and function, aesthetic, value transfer and communication purposes. Second, every guidelines contain different contents and meanings. (Conclusion) Therefore, this study identifies the current status and problems of ‘shadow-forming facilities’ guideline, and suggests the direction for a better improvement. First, the guidelines for ‘shade-forming facilities’ in the public space in Korea requires a standard law or central government’s instructional contents that accord with safety or function, aesthetic, value transfer and communication purposes respectively. Second, integrated guideline is needed to organize the systems of many different facilities and design principles. Third, the number of guidelines to protect users from climate changes are low, it has to be revisioned. Fourth, combination of guidelines are needed; classifications of ‘shade-forming facilities’ are bit different. As a result, this study reveals the essential of reorganization of the integrated and systematic guidelines of‘shadow-forming facilities’ in a public area. This developed studies will be the basic datas of future research of ‘shade-forming facilities’. (연구 배경 및 목적) 현대 시민들은 공공디자인을 통해 생활안전과 생활품격을 향유하고자 하고, 이 중 공공공간을 구성하는 가장 기본적 요소인 공공시설물에는 안전, 편의, 배려 차원의 역할이 기대된다. 동시에 최근 지구 온난화로 인한 폭염이 지속되고 있고, 이러한 폭염 문제는 시민의 건강과 야외 활동 등에 영향을 미친다. 이에 쾌적하고 안전한 야외활동을 위해 그늘 형성 시설물에 대한 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 하지만 현재 그늘 형성 시설물은, 시설물에 대한 수요 및 중요성과 달리 지자체의 가이드라인에 지역별로 제각기 다른 방향과 내용이 수립되어있다. 이에 본 연구는 그늘 형성 시설물에 대한 가이드라인을 분석하여 가이드라인의 현황과 문제점, 개선에 대한 방향을 제시하고, 공공공간 내 그늘 형성 시설물 발전에 관한 연구 기초자료 마련에 목적이 있다. (연구방법) 연구 방법으로는 첫째, 공공시설물, 그늘 형성 시설물, 공공시설물 가이드라인에 대해 이해하고 이론적으로 고찰한다. 둘째, 공공공간 내 그늘 형성 시설물에 대한 국내 가이드라인 및 지침 18개에 대한 내용을 기반으로, 국내 그늘 형성 시설물의 ‘디자인 원칙’과 ‘디자인 구성요소’를 도출한다. 셋째, 이를 기반으로 분석 틀을 제작하고 국내 21개 지역의 그늘 형성 시설물의 가이드라인 지침 내용을 비교 분석한다. 넷째, 분석 결과를 바탕으로 국내 그늘 형성 시설물 가이드라인의 현황, 문제점, 개선 방향을 제시하며 연구를 마무리한다. (결과) 국내 그늘 형성 시설물에 대한 18개의 가이드라인 내용 분석을 통해 공공시설물 및 그늘 형성 시설물이 추구하는 디자인 원칙과 디자인 구성요소를 도출했고, 이를 활용해 국내 21개 가이드라인의 현황을 분석했다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 안전 및 기능, 심미, 가치 전달 및 소통 목적에 부합하는 가이드라인 지침 내용의 언급 수치를 알 수 있으며, 둘째, 각각의 가이드라인이 제각기 다른 지침 내용을 언급하고 있음을 보여준다. (결론) 따라서 본 연구는 분석 결과를 바탕으로 그늘 형성 시설물 가이드라인에 대한 현황과 문제점을 파악하고, 가이드라인 개선에 대한 방향을 제안한다. 첫째, 국내 공공공간 내 그늘 형성 시설물의 가이드라인은 안전 및 기능, 심미, 가치 전달 및 소통의 목적에 각각 부합하는 내용의 여부 및 비율이 상이하여 법률 및 중앙부처의 기준이나 통합된 지침 내용을 필요로 한다. 둘째, 그늘 시설물 유형에 따라 지침 내용과 디자인 원칙이 상이하여 통합된 가이드라인 제시가 필요하다. 셋째, 그늘 형성 시설물의 주 목적인 기후변화로부터 이용자를 보호하는 내용의 지침 수가 적기에, 개정이 필요하다. 넷째, 그늘 형성 시설물의 시설물 분류가 가이드라인 별 상이하기에 분류 통합이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 공공공간 내 그늘 형성 시설물에 대한 통합적이고 체계적인 가이드라인 재정리가 필요성을 밝히며, 이에 대한 내용이 그늘 형성 시설물의 발전 및 행정 운영에 도움을 주고, 향후 연구의 기초자료가 되기를 기대한다.

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