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      • 현실 녹색정책의 이념과 생태주의 사상

        한면희(Han Myun-Hee) 경북대학교 인문학술원 2010 동서사상 Vol.8 No.-

        환경문제가 심화되던 1970년대 이후 문제를 해결하기 위한 접근이 둘로 분화되는 경향을 보였다. 하나는 보수적 환경주의이고, 다른 하나는 진보적 생태주의이다. 환경주의는 배출구 사후관리 해법을 취하는 소극적 정책 일변도로 나타나고 있었는데, 여기에는 전통적인 인간 중심주의 사상이 깃들어 있었다. 진보적 생태주의는 자연을 대하는 개인의 가치관과 생활 습관을 바꾸는 데 주안점을 두는 생태 낭만주의 그리고 사회적 및 자연적 억압을 쇄신하는 형태로 사회제도를 혁신하고자 한 생태 합리주의의 둘로 대별할 수 있다. 다만 생태주의는 문명 패러다임의 전환을 도모하는 근원적인 것이기 때문에 산업 자본주의에 편입된 현실의 정책 이념일 수 없다. 각 나라와 UN은 20세기 후반부터 최근에 이르기까지 소극적 환경주의보다 더 적극적인 녹색정책을 채택하기 시작했는데, 녹색성장과 녹색뉴딜, 생태적 현대화, 그리고 지속가능한 발전 등이 그것이다. 필자는 환경위기가 가시화되는 현실에 비추어볼 때 이런 일련의 정책 이념이 생태주의로 이행하는 단계적 디딤돌 역할을 하는 것일 뿐이라고 평가한다. Since the 1970s, the approaches to be suggested as the solutions of environmental problems have been inclined to divide two directions. One is conservative environmentalism which is composed mostly of the end-of-pipe solution as a passive approach. The root of this environmentalism will be the world-view of traditional anthropocentrism. The other is progressive ecology. Ecological thoughts can be usefully divided into two major categories, that is ecological romanticism and ecological rationalism. Ecological romanticism seeks to save the world by changing the attitudes of personal lives and the viewpoint of the value of nature. Ecological rationalism seeks to change the social institutions that have provoked the oppression of society and the exploitation of nature. However ecological thoughts can not be used as the ideas of actual policies under the industrial capitalism, because they fundamentally should pursue the shift of civilization paradigm. From the last 20 years ago to the present, each countries and UN are going to choose more advanced green policies than before. As representative examples of the ideas of their policies we shall refer to green growth, green new deal, ecological modernization, and sustainable development. By the way, I consider these actual green policies as stepping-stones to progressive ecology in the relation to the advent of environmental crisis.

      • KCI등재

        The Cultural Geographies of Romantic Authorship in William Wordsworth’s “View from the Top of Blackcomb” and “Tintern Abbey”

        김정오 한국영미문화학회 2011 영미문화 Vol.11 No.1

        In this essay titled “The Cultural Geography of William Wordsworth’s Romantic Imagination,” I study the new nexus between road-making and military infrastructure represented by the Ordnance Survey and the construction of military roads in Scotland. The Ordnance Survey commenced with the triangular mapping of the Anglo-Scottish border in the year of 1745. When William Roy (1726-1790) and his successor William Mudge (1762-1820) carried out the Survey of the British Isles, their success was mirrored in the subsequent mapping of William Wordsworth’s poetry, particularly “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” and “View from the Top of Black Comb.” Wordsworth is understood as the poet of nature in various cultures across time and space. Yet, how, why, when and even where we celebrate the career of Wordsworth as exemplary nature poet are open and contested questions. The purpose of my essay is to offer a critical examination of the theories, practices, and effects of the two current criticisms, New Historicism and Green Romanticism, in today’s Romantic studies. In keeping with an interdisciplinary focus, each section of my essay will explore a specific aspect of radiant intertexuality, broadly conceived, with the goal of prompting a range of different questions and viewpoints that reflect critical perspectives from across the poems as well as social and natural sciences developed into their specific geography, cartography, and geology. By aligning William Wordsworth, the Romantic poet with William Mudge, the cartographer, I conceive the encounter of these two distinct figures as taking place in a specific text of poetic articulation where cultural geography is constituted and disseminated by Wordsworth’s poetic imagination, making way for the invention of the new typographical design of the Lyrical Ballads, whereby local people in the real British landscape conceive themselves to participate in a common identity lost and displaced by contemporary geographical developments. At the crux of radiant intertexuality, I claim that Wordsworth’s Romantic poetry views the British empire of lyric poetry from the top of “Black Comb,” the specific poetic place enveloped by the reach and complexity of ongoing empire in the world.

      • KCI등재

        자연시조에 나타난 녹색담론

        류해춘(Ryoo, Hae-choon) 한국시조학회 2012 시조학논총 Vol.37 No.-

        지속가능한 성장을 위해서 생태계의 환경보호는 세기의 문제가 되었다. 환경문제는 본질상 자연의 생태계와 인간의 사회체계가 교차하는 지점에 있으므로 그 복잡성이 배가 될 것임을 예상할 수 있는 일이다. 이처럼 지구환경에 관한 녹색담론은 복잡한 환경과 생태계의 문제를 함께 지니고 있다. 여기서는 전통문화에 나타난 생태주의의 배경을 살펴보기 위해 조선시대 자연시조에 나타난 녹색사상과 환경담론을 분석하여 그 의미가 시사하고 있는 바를 살펴보았다. 자연시조란 조선시대 선비들이 자연과 함께 살아가면서 전원생활과 산수자연 그리고 생활현장에서 생태계의 자연을 노래한 일련의 시조를 의미한다. 자연시조는 그 주제와 지구환경에 관련된 녹색담론의 의식지향에 따라서 크게 세 갈래로 나누어질 수 있다. ‘자연으로 돌아가자!’라는 표어를 강조하면서 귀향이나 귀거래를 통해서 귀향의식의 주제를 설파하는 전원시조, ‘자연과 함께 공생하자!’라는 표어로 정리할 수 있는 규범과 함께 강호가도와 자연의 흥취를 노래하는 산수시조, ‘자연을 이용하자!’라는 표어로 정리하여 농촌현실과 생활현장을 묘사하고 전달하는 생활시조가 바로 그것이다. 이러한 자연시조들은 세속적인 가치를 부정하면서 자연과 함께 행복한 생활을 영위하고 조화롭게 살아가야 한다는 공통된 녹색담론의 의미를 지니고 있다. 이처럼 자연시조에 나타난 녹색담론은 전원시조, 산수시조, 생활시조 등의 유형에 따라 다양하게 나타난다. 조선전기 전원시조에 나타난 녹색담론은 귀거래를 통한 귀향의식을 주된 미의식으로 하면서 녹색낭만주의의 시각을 견지하고 있으며, 16세기 산수시조에서는 자연과 인간이 대등한 관계에서 산수자연을 통해 예술미를 발견하는 녹색합리주의의 시각을 견지하고 있고, 조선후기 생활시조에 나타난 녹색담론은 생활의 체험을 위주로 하여 생산성의 발전을 기대하면서 자연을 잘 활용하여 지속가능한 발전이라 할 수 있는 녹색경제주의 시각을 견지하고 있다. 21세기 우리나라의 자연환경에 관련된 생태문제는 시민단체와 정치권이 연합하여 생태계 파괴문제를 쟁점화하면서 평행선을 달리며 투쟁하고 있는 현상이 특징이라 할 수 있다. 이 글은 생태계 파괴라는 무지에서 탈출해 나가려고 노력하는 현대인들에게 조선시대 자연시조에 나타난 녹색담론을 살펴봄으로써 그 대안을 모색하는 작업이라고 할 수 있다. This thesis aims to investigate the changes and meanings of the discourse on ecologism in Nature Sijo. Sijo. Nature Sijo are a group of short poems written by the Sarim, literati authors of the mid Chosun period who removed themselves from the political struggle of the time, retired to the countryside, gained enlightenment concerning the laws of nature and then expressed their own individual world views through poetry. A focus was particularly placed on the discourse of ecologism in Nature Sijo as the investigator reviewed Green Romanticism, Green Rationalism and Green Economicism related to the discourse of ecologism in traditional culture. Nature Sijo of Chosun have three type as Pastoral Sijo, Scene Sijo and Life Sijo. In short, Korea’s discourse of ecologism in Nature Sijo was initated with the integration with Orental ideology. Firstly Pastoral Sijo with Green Romantism were derived to the theme : ‘Return to Nature’, secondly Scene Sijo with Green Rationalism were derived to the theme : ‘Symbiosis to the nature’, and thirdly Life Sijo with Green Economicism were derived to the theme : ’Improve to the nature’. The discourse of ecologism in Nature Sijo that can make active responses to the changes of reality and cause fundamental change of human is possible when those ideologies are combined together.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Cultural Geographies of Romantic Authorship in William Wordsworth`s View from the Top of Black comb and Tintern Abbey

        ( Jeong Oh Kim ) 한국영미문화학회 2011 영미문화 Vol.11 No.1

        In this essay titled “The Cultural Geography of William Wordsworth`s Romantic Imagination,” I study the new nexus between road-making and military infrastructure represented by the Ordnance Survey and the construction of military roads in Scotland. The Ordnance Survey commenced with the triangular mapping of the Anglo-Scottish border in the year of 1745. When William Roy (1726-1790) and his successor William Mudge (1762-1820) carried out the Survey of the British Isles, their success was mirrored in the subsequent mapping of William Wordsworth`s poetry, particularly “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” and “View from the Top of Black Comb.” Wordsworth is understood as the poet of nature in various cultures across time and space. Yet, how, why, when and even where we celebrate the career of Wordsworth as exemplary nature poet are open and contested questions. The purpose of my essay is to offer a critical examination of the theories, practices, and effects of the two current criticisms, New Historicism and Green Romanticism, in today`s Romantic studies. In keeping with an interdisciplinary focus, each section of my essay will explore a specific aspect of radiant intertexuality, broadly conceived, with the goal of prompting a range of different questions and viewpoints that reflect critical perspectives from across the poems as well as social and natural sciences developed into their specific geography, cartography, and geology. By aligning William Wordsworth, the Romantic poet with William Mudge, the cartographer, I conceive the encounter of these two distinct figures as taking place in a specific text of poetic articulation where cultural geography is constituted and disseminated by Wordsworth`s poetic imagination, making way for the invention of the new typographical design of the Lyrical Ballads, whereby local people in the real British landscape conceive themselves to participate in a common identity lost and displaced by contemporary geographical developments. At the crux of radiant intertexuality, I claim that Wordsworth`s Romantic poetry views the British empire of lyric poetry from the top of “Black Comb,” the specific poetic place enveloped by the reach and complexity of ongoing empire in the world.

      • KCI등재

        『빨강머리 앤』에 재현된 아동기의 상상력

        양윤정 한국영미문학교육학회 2022 영미문학교육 Vol.26 No.2

        This paper intends to study the pastoral world of childhood in Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables (1908). The work has a vivid childhood imagination that expresses the writer’s own experiences, such as a deficiency in childhood and wish-fulfillment, a satire of religious practice, and awareness of a national important issue regarding the preservation of rural Canada in a literary way. Anne, an 11-year-old orphan girl and main character, was a hopeless, skinny child who was initially exposed to all kinds of excesses. However, she slowly grows up in a loving home provided by Matthew and Marilla, taming passion and imagination, and learns to live up to Avonlea’s social and behavioral expectations. Anne not only brings Matthew and Marilla a much more fulfilling and happy life than ever before, but she also influences the Avonlea community. Anne never loses her childhood imagination, even though she grows up to be a great member of Avonlea. Anne’s childhood imagination lets her move forward, keeping her and the community’s desperate needs alive in search of a utopia.

      • KCI등재

        환경운동과 가치변화 측면에서 본 천성산 사례 연구

        진상현(Sang-Hyeon Jin) 한국환경사회학회 2006 환경사회학연구 ECO Vol.10 No.1

        2005년 한 비구니에 의해 고속철도공사가 중단되었던 천성산 반대운동은 개인에 의해 국가적인 사업이 좌우돼서는 안 된다는 비난에서부터 생명의 가치를 몸소 실천했다는 평가에 이르기까지 사회적으로 큰 논란을 불러온 바 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 감성과 영성에 기반한 천성산 반대운동이 환경영향평가라는 전문가 중심의 문제해결방식을 채택하는 한계를 보이기는 했지만, 환경운동의 발전과 가치변화라는 측면에서 역사의 필연적 산물이자 의미 있는 사회적 현상이었음을 보여주고자 한다.<br/> 먼저 한국의 환경운동은 산업화가 시작된 이래로 전국단위의 조직으로 확대됐을 뿐만 아니라 외부적으로는 2000년 총선시민연대를 구성해 정치개혁을 주도하는 등 운동영역과 운동방식을 확대해왔다. 하지만 2005년 환경비상시국회의의 실패, 회원감소, 사무총장 직선제의 후유증 등에서 알 수 있듯이 환경단체의 양적 성장으로 인한 내적 한계는 천성산 반대운동으로 이어지게 된다. 즉 천성산 반대운동은 개인이 직접 대중과 소통함으로써 조직화된 환경운동의 내적 모순을 부분적으로 극복한 운동으로 평가할 수 있다. 한편 온산병, 낙동강 페놀오염, 새만금 간척사업 등의 기존 환경갈등에서 나타난 가치는 주로 사용가치 내부의 대립이었지만, 1998년 영월댐 반대운동을 통해 드러낸 존재가치는 조직화되고 정책결정에 반영되기 시작했으며 천성산 반대운동을 통해 법적 정당성을 얻기 위한 움직임으로 확대됨을 확인할 수 있었다. 이처럼 천성산 반대운동은 극단적인 한 개인의 행동으로 치부해버릴 수 없으며, 환경운동의 발전과정에서 나타난 내적 모순을 극복한 운동이었고 환경에 대한 가치변화를 보여준다는 점에서 사회적으로 의미가 있는 운동이었기에 시민사회 단체와 정부는 이를 성찰의 계기로 삼아야 할 것이다. In 2005, there were constant controversies concerning one buddhist nun's hunger strike in protest of a state project. Some people said government must not stop the project for a women's fast and others praised her for the great practice. So this paper shows a nun Jiyul's protest based on irrationality made a wrong choice of environmental impact assessment which is mainly controlled by experts. Also it proves that in spite of this limit, Mt. Cheonseong movement is socially meaningful from the viewpoint of environmental movement development and value change.<br/> Korea's environmental movement has grown into well organized non-governmental organizations(NGOs). Also it has made federation with other NGOs at the individual issues since 2000's general election. But failure of environmental emergency declaration, decrease of members and side-effect of direct election show the limits of NGOs' quantitative growth. Mt. Cheonseong movement has a meaning in this context. In other words, it's an alternative movement where a person can communicate with people directly without NGOs. Also Mt. Cheonseong movement shows environmental value change, that is, existence value which came out from young-wol dam movement, was organized, was included in policy-making process and go to trial for legal legitimacy in the Mt. Cheonseong movement, while most environmental value conflicts of traditional environmental issues were internal conflicts of use values; On-san disease, Nak-dong river's phenol pollution, Saemangeum reclamation project. Like this, Mt. Cheonseong movement is not an extremist's action, but an alternative movement of traditional NGOs' quantitative growth and a sign of environmental value change. So NGOs and government have to reflex it.

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