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      • KCI등재

        우수농산물 관리제도에 대한 소비자,생산자,유통업계의 인식에 관한 연구

        박재홍 ( Jae Hong Park ) 한국식품유통학회 2004 食品流通硏究 Vol.21 No.4

        The main objective of this study is to analyze current understanding and needs of consumers, producers and distributors regarding food safety, and propose some policy measures for improving food safety in connection with good agricultural practices. For this study, survey for consumers, distributors and farmers are conducted respectively. At present, most do not know good agricultural practices, but they agree the necessity of good agricultural practices and are willing to pay more. Based on findings, some policy alternatives for food safety and good agricultural practices are suggested.

      • KCI등재

        국내 농산물우수관리인증 농산물의 미등록농약 오염 실태 조사

        김준성,오덕환 한국식품위생안전성학회 2017 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        We inspected contaminations of pesticides in the 3,313 crop samples grown under the standard of Korean Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) between 2014 to 2016 May. According to our inspection, violations by unregistered pesticide contaminations far outweighed those by exceeding maximum residue limits. Most of the crops contaminated with unregistered pesticides were minor vegetable crops, for which far less pesticide products are registered compared to cereal grains and fruits. And in our second study, the pesticide in the sprayer was removed 90% or more, but not totally by serial rinses. From this result, it is assumed that pesticide remained in the rinsed sprayer can be carried over to crops unintentionally. Our study shows that supplying pesticide products evenly to all kinds of crops and allowing unintentional carry-over of unregistered pesticides to a certain extent are solutions to revitalize depressed Korean Good Agricultural Practices.

      • KCI등재

        농산물우수관리제도의 현황과 발전방안

        윤덕훈 한국식품위생안전성학회 2018 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        It is ten years since the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification system was implemented in Korea, and the government aims to acquire GAP certification up to 25% of the total agricultural areas by 2022. As of the end of 2017, 6.3% of the total cultivated area and 8.1% of the total farm households were certified, which is slower than expected. The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of the GAP accreditation through the surveys and on site inspections of the GAP certified farmers and to propose the development plans according to the problems analysis of the current system in order to expand the GAP certification. Certified farmers recognized the need for agricultural safety and hygiene, but there were a lot of nonconformities regarding practical practices. This is due to the ambiguity of the certification standards and the wrong ways in the training method for the producers. GAP certification is slow to expand to farmers and low consumer awareness is considered a structural problem of GAP certification system, and improvement measures are needed accordingly. It is necessary to convert the state-led GAP certification system into a state-led private certification system. It is necessary for the government to focus on policy, research and follow-up management. In addition, it is necessary to establish a separate organization in the form of a contribution organization for the certification, education, and public relations. In addition, long-term plan must be established and systematically carried out. It is necessary to integrate too many certification agencies compared to the farming scale of Korea, and it is necessary to realize the application fee for realizing the financial independence of the certification body and correct certification work. In addition, inspector qualification standards should be strengthened and training system should be improved to nurture high quality inspectors. Simplified certification standards based on statutes need to be subdivided into practical action plans. In order to improve the GAP certification system, it is necessary to have a discussion through a committee composed of specialists from industry and academia, and it will be possible to contribute to the safety of the food of the people through the production of safe by drawing concrete development plans.

      • KCI등재

        GAP인증 제도의 확산방안에 관한 연구 : 단체급식관계자의 GAP인증 선호도를 중심으로

        김기현,송기선,김성태 한국경영컨설팅학회 2017 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.17 No.4

        Although compliance with GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) management regulations can ensure the safety of agricultural products, the spread of the system is slower than the demand for safe food for the public. Since the introduction of GAP in 2006, the number of farm households has been only 6.7% and 5.3% of the total cultivation area. In this situation, the use of GAP agricultural products for foodservice will increase the food hygiene safety and at the same time, it will be the driving force for the system expansion by increasing production of GAP agricultural products. However, there is insufficient research for effective promotion. Therefore, this study intends to provide the basic data for establishing effective institutional diffusion method by identifying preference of GAP certified products' use of foodservice officials. Conjoint analysis is a typical method of analyzing consumer's utility. In this study, the preference of GAP certificate of foodservice officials was derived by determining the importance of GAP certificate attributes among other attributes through conjoint analysis. For this purpose, sesame leaves were selected among the vegetables with large GAP issues as the items for the conjoint analysis, and the attributes (and level) were selected as the price (480 won, 680 won, 880 won), quality (specials, goods), GAP(GAP certificate, general), shipment type (joint shipments, individual shipment). A total of 94 validated samples were analyzed as follows. For the foodservice officials, the price (40.8) was the most important factor when purchasing sesame leaves for food, followed by quality (24.4), GAP certificate (18.4), and shipment type (16.3) (Pearson’R .955 P<0.001). Partial value of 480 won (.298), goods (.428), GAP certificate (.380), and joint shipments (.414) were more favored than the other levels. In the analysis of the preference difference according to the reliability, comprehension, and utilization factors, the group with higher scores for each factor showed higher preference for GAP certification than the group with lower score for each factor (P> .05). Therefore, in order to increase the use of GAP certified agricultural products, it is necessary to improve the reliability, comprehension, and utilization of the GAP certificate. Finally, as a result of the cluster analysis, a total of 3 clusters were classified (1 group = 49, 2 groups = 25, group 3 = 20). In particular, the 2 groups preferred the medium or high price GAP certification sesame leaves, and it was confirmed that some foodservice officials were willing to purchase GAP-certified agricultural products at a higher price than general agricultural products (market share of 28.1% predicted). The results of the above analysis can be used as the basic data for establishing the policy of expanding the GAP certified agricultural products for foodservice. GAP(Good Agricultural Practices) 관리 규정을 준수함으로써 농산물의 안전성을 확보 할 수 있음에도 불구하고 국민의 안전한 식품에 대한 요구에 비하여 제도의 확산은 더딘 상황이다. GAP는 2006년 본격 도입 된 이후 농가수 기준 6.7%, 면적대비 5.3%에 불과하다. 이러한 상황에서 단체급식 GAP농산물 사용은 단체급식의 식품위생 안전성을 증진함과 동시에 GAP농산물 수요 확대를 통한 생산 견인으로 제도 확산의 동력이 될 것이나 효과적 추진을 위한 관련 연구는 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 단체급식관계자의 GAP인증 농산물 사용 선호도를 규명하여 효과적인 제도 확산 방안을 마련하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 컨조인트 분석은 소비자의 효용을 분석하는 대표적인 방법으로, 소비자는 상품의 가치를 상품 구성의 중요 요소인 속성들의 조합을 통해 전체적인 평가를 한다는 가정을 전제로 한다. 본 연구에서는 컨조인트 분석을 통하여 GAP인증 속성이 다른 속성 가운데 얼마나 중요시 되는지를 파악함으로써 단체급식관계자의 GAP인증 선호도를 도출하였다. 이를 위하여 컨조인트 분석을 위한 품목으로 GAP이슈가 큰 채소류 가운데 깻잎을 선정하였고, 속성(및 수준)으로 가격(480원, 680원, 880원), 품질(특품, 상품), GAP인증여부(GAP인증, 일반), 출하형태(공동출하, 개별출하)의 4가지 속성을 설정하였다. 또한 단체급식관계자의 GAP인증에 대한 신뢰도, 이해도, 활용도 요인에 따라 선호도가 달라질 수 있다고 보고, 각 요인에 따른 선호도 차이를 검증하였다. 추가적으로 군집분석을 통해 전체응답자를 선호유형에 따라 군집화 하여 GAP인증을 중요하게 고려하는 집단의 유무를 확인하였으며, 집단별 일반적인 특성 파악과 시뮬레이션을 통한 시장 점유율 예측을 하였다. 총 94명의 유효 표본을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 단체급식관계자는 식재료용 깻잎 구매시 가격(40.8)을 가장 중요하게 고려하였으며 다음으로 품질(24.4), GAP인증여부(18.4), 출하형태(16.3) 순으로 중요하게 고려하였다(Pearson’R .955 P<0.001). 해당 속성 수준의 부분가치로는 480원(.298), 상품(.428), GAP인증(.380), 공동출하(.414)수준이 상대적으로 다른 수준에 비하여 선호되었다. 신뢰도, 이해도, 활용도 요인에 따른 선호도 차이 분석에서는 모든 요인에 있어서 각 요인점수가 높은 집단이 낮은 집단에 비하여 GAP인증 선호도가 높은 것으로 나타나 GAP인증 농산물의 사용 확대를 위해서는 단체급식관계자의 GAP인증에 대한 신뢰도, 이해도, 활용도를 제고할 필요가 있음을 확인 하였다(P>.05). 마지막으로 군집 분석 결과 총 3개의 군집으로 분류되었으며(1집단=49명, 2집단=25명, 집단3=20명), 특히 2집단의 경우 중고가의 GAP인증 깻잎을 선호하여 일부 단체급식관계자는 일반 농산물에 비하여 비싼 가격으로 GAP인증 농산물을 구매할 용의가 있는 것으로 확인되었다(시장점유율 28.1% 예측). 이상의 분석 결과는 단체급식 GAP인증 농산물 확대 정책 수립을 위한 주요 기초 자료로 활용 될 수 있을 것으로 기대 된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        시설원예농가의 GAP 관리기준 이행에 관한 조사연구

        이영만,박중춘,황갑춘 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2008 농업생명과학연구 Vol.42 No.4

        Good Agricultural Practice(GAP) is a standard which manages hazard factors possibly coming from production to harvest and package of agricultural products in order to secure the safety of agricultural products. GAP is expected to play a role in producing safe agricultural products and in controling damages to environment as well. GAP is also a food safety management system to supply safe and sanitary agricultural products to consumers. In this research, we survey farmers producing paprika and strawberry of which the consumption is growing and analyze their implementation of GAP. In addition we suggest the directions and long-term plans to improve the level of the farmers' implementation of GAP. 우수농산물관리제도(GAP)는 농산물의 안전성을 확보하기 위하여 농산물의 생산단계부터 수확 후 포장단계까지 위해요소를 관리하는 기준이며, 또한 GAP제도는 농산물을 안전하게 생산하는 제도일 뿐 아니라 환경에 미치는 위해요소를 관리하는 제도로도 그 기능을 수행할 것으로 기대되고 있다. 그리고 소비자에게 안전하고 위생적인 농산물을 공급할 수 있는 위해관리 시스템이다. 본고에서는 시설원예농산물 가운데서 특히 생식용으로 소비가 증가하고 있는 파프리카 및 딸기를 대상으로 재배농가의 GAP의 이행실태를 현장조사를 통하여 분석하고, 향후 시설원예 농가의 GAP 이행 수준을 제고시키기 위한 방향을 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한약재 제조 및 품질관리 기준(hGMP)의 발전방향에 대한 연구

        지한세,박재휘,정창민,김수언,류종훈 한국에프디시규제과학회 2023 FDC법제연구 Vol.18 No.2

        With the advances of modern living standards and the continuous extension of life expectancy, the increasing interest in health has led to an increase in the consumption of herbal medicines, which can be expected to have a simultaneous effect on the treatment and prevention of diseases. Therefore, the safety issues of herbal medicines have been raised. This study examined the herbal Good Manufacturing Practice (hGMP) and other domestic regulations and management systems for safe herbal medicine production, and we analyzed the reasons for noncompliance of herbal medicine safety issues that occurred before and after the implementation and mandate of hGMP. Despite the mandatory application of hGMP to herbal medicine manufacturing facilities and the continuous improvement of various management systems for herbal medicine, problems with foreign substances and purity still occurred at a high rate. We confirmed that the occurrence of such problems was due to the lack of a management system for cultivation and collection outside the scope of hGMP, and suggested that herbal medicines be managed at a level comparable to that of drug substance. This study is expected to contribute to the improvement of public health by suggesting directions for the development of hGMP to improve the production of high-quality herbal medicines. 오늘날 생활 수준 향상과 기대 수명의 지속적 연장으로 건강에 대한 관심의 증대와 더불어 질병의 치료와 예 방에 동시적 효과를 기대할 수 있는 한약의 소비가 증가되고 있으며, 이에 따라 한약재 안전성에 대한 관심이 고조 되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 한약재 제조 및 품질관리 기준(hGMP)과 안전한 한약재 생산을 위한 기타 국내 규정과 관 리 체계를 살펴보고, hGMP의 시행 및 의무화 전·후에 발생한 한약재 안전성 문제의 부적합 사유를 각종 자료를 통 해 확인하고 분석했다. 한약재 제조 업소에 대한 hGMP 적용 의무화와 함께 한약재의 다양한 관리 체계를 지속적으 로 개선해오고 있음에도, 이물 및 순도에 대한 문제는 여전히 높은 비율로 발생하고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이와 같은 문제의 발생은 hGMP 범위 밖의 재배 및 채취에 대한 관리 체계의 미흡으로 인한 것으로 사료되며, 결과적으로 한약재를 원료 의약품에 준하는 수준으로 관리해야만 이러한 부분이 해결될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 본 연 구는 우수한 품질의 한약재 생산 제고를 위한 hGMP 발전 방향을 제시함으로써 국민 보건 향상에 이바지할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

      • KCI등재

        농산물우수관리제도 (GAP) 적용을 위한 고추농가의 미생물학적 위해도 평가

        남민지,허록원,이원경,김경열,정도영,김정숙,심원보,정덕화 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2011 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.6

        The objective of this study was to determine microbiological risk factors in hot pepper farms for the application of good agricultural practices (GAP). Samples were collected from cultivation environments and utensils, plants, workers, and air at 3 hot pepper farms located in Cheongsong, Korea and were tested to detect sanitary indications [aerobic plate bacteria (APC), coliform, and Escherichia coli], foodborne pathogens, and fungi. APC, coliform, and fungi were detected at the levels of 0.7~6.2, 0.2~4.7, and 0.4~4.3 log CFU, respectively, in the three farms. Four (4.4%; l leaf, l irrigation water, and 2 soil) of 90 samples collected were revealed to be E. coli positives. For foodborne pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus was only detected at 1.0 log CFU/100 cm2 in the worker's cloth of B farm, and Bacillus cereus was detected at the levels 1.0~2.5 log CFU in the cultivation environments and utensils and worker of B and C farms. However, other pathogens were not detected. The results demonstrated potential microbiological risks for hot pepper cultivated in the farms. Therefore, a management system to minimize the microbial risk such as GAP is required to ensure the safety of hot pepper. 본 연구에서는 고추재배 농가에 대한 농산물우수관리제도(Good agricultural practices, GAP) 적용을 위한 미생물학적 위해분석을 수행하였다. 경북 청송에 위치한 고추재배 농가 3곳을 선정한 후 재배환경·도구, 작물, 작업자 및 공중낙하균에 대하여 시료를 수집하였고, 위생지표세균, 병원성 미생물 및 곰팡이를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 일반세균, 대장균군 및 곰팡이는 3 곳의 농가에서 각각 0.7~6.2, 0.2~4.7, 0.4~4.3 log CFU 수준으로 확인되었고 총 90점의 시료 중 4점의 시료(작물 잎 1점, 농업용수 1점 및 토양 2점)에서 대장균이 검출되었다. 병원성 미생물 Staphylococcus aureus의 경우 B 농가의 작업복에서만 1.0 log CFU/100 cm2로 검출되었고, Bacillus cereus는 B와 C 농가의 재배환경·도구와 작업자에서 1.0~2.5 log CFU 수준으로 확인되었다. 그러나 다른 병원성 미생물의 경우는 모든 시료에서 검출한계이하의 수준으로 검출되었다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 농가에서 재배되고 있는 고추에 대한 잠재적인 미생물학적 위해가 확인되었고, 이를 최소화할 수 있는 관리시스템, 예를 들면 GAP와 같은 관리시스템이 미생물학적 위해로부터 고추의 안전성 확보를 위해 적용되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        콩 GAP 모델 확립을 위한 재배환경의 위해요소 조사 및 분석

        김경열,김정숙,심원보,정찬식,박금룡,정덕화,송정언,허록원,이원경,남민지,길중권 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2010 농업생명과학연구 Vol.44 No.6

        Soybean farms in Changnyeong were selected for hazard analysis to establish the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) model of soybean, and physical, chemical(heavy metal) and biological(sanitary indications, foodborne pathogens) hazard analysis for cultivation environment (soil, water) was carried out. First, bow which is able to be mixed in soil and water was confirmed as physical hazard. Levels (Cd:0.01~0.103, Cu:0.001~6.036, As:0.006~3.045, Hg:ND~0.041, Pb:0.003~3.952, Cr+6:0.007~0.496, Zn:0.001~66.500, Ni:0.003~18.010) of heavy metals in soil and water were appropriate for GAP criteria. In biological hazard, APC and coliform in soil were detected at the levels of 6.0±0.3 and 3.6±1.6 log CFU/g, and levels of water were 3.5±0.7 and 1.9±0.7 log CFU/mL, while E. coli wasn’t detected in all sample. However, coliform in water wasn’t appropriate for criteria, and E. coli O157 was detected about 22% in some farms, so it needs ways to prevent contamination by human and animals excrements. In conclusion, it needs proper management to prevent cross-contamination of hazards although physical and chemical hazard level were appropriate for GAP criteria while biological hazard wasn’t. 콩 GAP 모델 확립을 위해 경남 창녕에 소재한 콩 재배농가 3 곳을 선정하여 각 재배환경에 대한 물리적, 화학적(중금속) 및 생물학적(위생지표세균, 병원성 미생물) 위해요소를 분석하였다. 재배환경에 대한 물리적 위해요소로는 토양과 농업용수에 혼입될 수 있는 이물 등으로 확인되었고, 화학적 위해요소 중 토양과 농업용수에서의 중금속 (Cd:0.01~0.103, Cu:0.001~6.036, As:0.006~3.045, Hg:ND~0.041, Pb:0.003~3.952, Cr+6:0.007~0.496, Zn:0.001~66.500, Ni:0.003~18.010)이 모두 허용기준치 이하로 검출되었다. 생물학적 위해요소의 경우, 위생지표세균은 토양에서 일반세균과 대장균군이 6.0±0.3 및 3.6±1.6 log CFU/g, 농업용수는 3.5±0.7 및 1.9±0.7 log CFU/mL 수준으로 각각 검출되었고, E. coli는 모든 시료에서 불검출 되었다. 그러나 농업용수에서 대장균군이 허용기준치를 초과하였고, E. coli O157도 토양 중에서 약 22%가 검출됨에 따라 분변오염 방지를 위한 적절한 방안이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 결론적으로 재배환경 중 물리적 및 화학적 위해요소 (중금속)의 오염수준은 허용기준에 적합했지만, 생물학적 위해요소의 경우 농업용수에서 대장균군이 기준치를 초과함에 따라 최종산물로의 교차오염을 방지하기 위한 체계적인 관리방안이 모색되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        토마토 농산물우수관리제도(GAP)모델 확립을 위한 재배단계 위

        박수희,정덕화,권우현,허록원,김경열,심원보,심상인 한국식품위생안전성학회 2012 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        The objective of this study was to analyze hazards for the growing stage of 6 tomato farms (A, B,C; soli farms, D, E, F; Nutriculture farms) located in Gyeongsangnam-do to establish the good agricultural practices (GAP). A total of 144 samples for analyzing hazards collected from cultivation environments (irrigation water, soil,nutrient solution, and air) and personal hygiene (hands, gloves, and cloths) were assessed for biological (sanitary indications and major food borne pathogens) and chemical hazards (heavy metals). Total bacteria, coliform, and fungi were detected at levels of 0.2-7.2, 0.0-6.1, and 0.0-5.4 log CFU/g, mL, hand or 100 cm2, respectively. Escherichia coli were only detected in the soil sample from B farm. In case of pathogens, Bacillus cereus was detected at levels of 0.0-4.4 log CFU/(g, mL, hand or 100 cm2), whereas Staphylococuus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli O157, and Salmonella spp. were not detected in all samples. Heavy metals as a chemical hazard were detected in soil and irrigation water, but levels of them were lower than the permit limit. In conclusion, chemical hazard levels complied with GAP criteria, but biological hazards at the growing stage of tomato farms were confirmed. Therefore a proper management to prevent microbial contamination is needed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Good agricultural practices 모델 개발을 위한 양파 및 생산 환경에서의 위해요소 조사

        최영동(Young-Dong Choi),이채원(Chae-Won Lee),김정숙(Jeong-Sook Kim),정덕화(Duck-Hwa Chung),심원보(Won-Bo Shim) 한국식품과학회 2013 한국식품과학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the hazards from onions and their cultivation areas. A total of 32 samples were collected from onion farms and tested for biological (sanitary indicators, and pathogenic bacteria and fungi) and chemical (heavy metals and pesticide residues) hazards. Aerobic bacteria and coliforms were detected at a level of 0.2-7.1 log CFU/g (or mL) in the soil and agricultural water, 1.6-3.6 log CFU/g on surface of the onion, 0.0-6.0 log CFU/hand (or cm2) on the workers’ hands, clothes, and gloves, and 4.7 log CFU/cm2 on the onion bags. Fungi were detected at a level of 0.0-5.0 log CFU/g (or mL, hand, or 100 cm2) in all the samples. Staphylococcus aureus was detected at a level of 1.2 log CFU/hand on the workers’ hands, the detection level of Bacillus cereus was up to 4.8 log CFU/g in the soil. However, Escherichia coli (and in particular strain O157:H7), Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp. were not detected. Although heavy metals were detected in the environment (in soil and agricultural water) and pesticide residues were detected in onion, the levels were lower than the regulation limits.

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