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      • KCI등재

        고등학교 「세계지리」 교과서의 유럽지리 서술에 대한 비판적 고찰: 산업 및 경제지리 내용을 중심으로

        이민환,류나영 한국지리학회 2024 한국지리학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 2015 개정 교육과정을 기반으로 「세계지리」 교과서에서 다루고 있는 유럽지리 관련 내용 요소를 개관하고, 이 중 지역지리적 관점에서 서술된 “VI. 유럽과 북부 아메리카” 단원의 내용에 대하여 비판적으로 고찰하는 것이다. 구체적 고찰사항은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 산업지리 변화과정이 지나치게 단순화되어 서술되었고 둘째, 국지적 사실 암기를 유도하는 내용이 많으며 셋째, 서유럽 사례 중심으로 서술되고 동유럽이 거의 배제되어 있다는 점이다. 지적한 사항들은 세계지리를 학습하는 학생들에게 오개념을 심어줄 우려가 있어 주의가 요구되며, 이에 대한 비판적 고찰을 통해 유럽지리의 내용을 보다 논리적으로 구성할 수 있는 개선 방향을 제시한다. 이러한 방향은 학생들의 유럽지리 이해를 보다 용이하게 하는데 기여할 수 있다. This study aims to introduce the contents about geography of Europe in high school “World Geography” textbooks based on the 2015 geography education curriculum, and to critically review the chapter VI: Europe and North America, of which the focus is on regional geography. Major findings are as follows: first, oversimplification in describing change of industrial geography in Europe; second, excessive memorization in detail; third, overgeneralizing Western Europe and excluding Eastern Europe. These issues require attention because there is a concern that misconceptions may be instilled in students who learn world geography. The direction of improvement that can make the description of geography of Europe more logical is suggested. This contributes to making it easier for students to understand geography of Europe.

      • KCI등재

        문학교육의 학제적 접근 : 지리학과 지리교육이 문학에 접근하는 방식

        심승희 ( Seung Hee Shim ) 한국문학교육학회 2012 문학교육학 Vol.37 No.-

        Geography and literature have something in common with writing about places. Because of this, geography have had interests in literatures. This study attempted to classify how literary geography to approach to literatures and looked into the various case studies. These attempts will contribute to the evolving relationship of literatures, geography and the education of geography. First, the types that literary geography has approached to the literatures can be divided in two. One type is that geography regards literary works as recording places, the other type is that geography regards literary works as making places. Secondly, one type as recording places in turn can be classified in three approaches, that is, positivistic, humanistic, structural. The other type as making places focuses on the phenomena that popular literary works become to have a power to change geographical worlds. The literary works having such a power can make the specific gazes on the place or, maybe and can change the physical characters of the places. Also the education of geography has come to use the literary works, because the literary works can enhance the sense of place and can be rich sources of learning material about regions. The literary works are utilized as learning materials to teach the topics of school geography lessons effectively and as models of geographical writing. But so far the education of geography could not take full advantage of the educational values of literary works. Therefore in future the education of geography seems to be necessary to introduce the rich research achievements of the literature and the education of literature.

      • KCI등재

        조선 전기 이전의 지리지와 지명

        박병철 ( Park Byeong-cheol ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2017 어문론총 Vol.74 No.-

        「지리지」란 일정한 지역 내에 분포하는 땅과 관련된 제 현상을 체계적이고 종합적으로 기록한 것이다. 중앙집권제 강화와 통치 자료 확보 나아가 문화적 이념의 확산을 위하여 지리지가 편찬되었다. 시대 상황을 반영하며 편찬된 지리지 중 우리나라 최초의 지리지인 『三國史記』「地理志」는 대부분 군현의 명칭을 나열하는 방식으로 작성되었다. 『高麗史』「地理志」에서는 각 군현의 명칭을 그 연혁과 함께 열거하였다. 이들 사료는 이칭과 함께 복수의 형태를 제시한 경우도 있어 당시의 언어를 비롯한 지리, 역사, 민속 등을 연구하는데 많은 도움을 준다. 조선의 건국과 함께 중앙집권화가 진전되면서 각 지역의 지리를 비롯한 종합적 정보를 담은 지리지가 편찬되었다. 『世宗實錄』「地理志」의 경우 군·현명 위주의 자료가 대부분이지만 동리명, 향·소·부곡명, 산명, 역명 등을 확인할 수 있다. 특히 마을명칭으로 볼 수 있는 所屹串里, 加左谷, 牛項등의 명칭을 확보할 수 있다. 비록 이들 지명은 한자로 표기되었지만 솔곶이, 가자골, 쇠목 등을 표현한 것으로 한국 지명의 원초적인 형태를 보여준다. 전성기 조선의 주역들이 영속적인 지배를 염원하며 문화적 내용을 강조하여 편찬한 것이 조선 전기 지리지의 결정판 『(新增)東國輿地勝覽』이다. 그 명칭에서 확인할 수 있듯이 이 문헌은 단순한 지리지가 아니라 이 땅에서 축적된 문화까지 망라된 종합지이다. 앞선 시기의 지리지가 군·현명을 중심으로 한 행정지명의 반영에서 출발하였지만 이 문헌은 산천명을 비롯한 자연지명과 문화를 담은 인문지명까지 망라되었다. 그 결과 대부분의 지명이 한자어화하였으며 그 영향은 오늘날까지 이어지고 있다. Geography is a systematic and comprehensive description of all the aspects of land in a limited area. Its publication serves as the consolidation of centralized government by accumulating administrative information and spreading cultural ideology. Geography sections of History of Three Kingdoms, which is the first extensive treatise on geography published in Korea, lists the place names of counties and prefectures. Geography sections of History of Goryeo follows the example of History of Three Kingdoms and put together the place names and their history of counties and prefectures. These documents also contains variations of some place names and are valuable materials for the study of language, geography, history, folklore of those days. As the centralized government is intensified with the foundation of Joseon Dynasty, comprehensive treatises on geography that encompass all the area of Korea are published. Most parts of Geography section of The Veritable Records of King Sejong deal with counties and prefectures. However, there can be found contemporary and ancient names of villages, mountains and post towns. '所屹串里', '加左谷', and '牛項' are some examples of such village names. Though transcribed in Sino-Korean words, these are faithful translations of '솔곶이', '가자골', and '쇠목' and thus reflect the archetype of native Korean place names. Augmented Survey of the Geography of Korea is a definitive book of geography in early Joseon period with its emphasis on cultural aspects. It is published by the protagonists of the glory days of Dynasty who aspired everlasting power and authority. As the title suggests, it is a compendium that encompasses all the cultural aspects rather than a simple description of geography. By including place names of all natural, physical, cultural and human geographic elements, it surpasses all the former treatises of Geography which are limited to the description of administrative names. As a result, almost all the names are transcribed in Sino-Korean words and it still effects current naming of place names.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 〈地理〉교과서 삽화 활용에 대한 고찰 : 조선 · 일본지역 삽화를 중심으로

        사희영,김순전 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2016 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.67

        Illustrations were recorded in textbooks is very effective data, not only to supplement describes the learning content to be taught of the text in the textbooks, to induce interest and interest of the learner, or to stimulate the desire to learn. Because, Illustrations for the children that sentence comprehension ability is not fully developed is formd the character of the children. In this study is analyzed the statistical illustrations of Korea and Japan Geography of 13 of 〈Geography〉 textbooks that have been published over the entire seven times during the colonial period by the Governor-General of Korea. Illustrations of 〈Geography〉 textbooks has been shown average 84.1% at 1,642 times of the 1952 pages. Illustrations of 〈geography〉 textbook have been reported to the 225times / 280pages in Korea region and the 641times / 720pages in Japan region. This was classified as natural geography, economic geography, political geography, regional geography. Natural geography has been found that the Korean region 9times / 280pages and Japan region is 26times / 720pages. Economy geography has been found that the Korean region 152times / 280 pages and Japan region is 373times / 720pages. Political geography has been found that the Korean region 15times / 280 pages and Japan region is 66times / 720 pages. Home geography has been found that the Korean region 49times / 280 pages and Japan region is 176times / 720 pages.

      • 영국의 학교지리 교육과정의 발전방안

        예경희 청주대학교 학술연구소 2004 淸大學術論集 Vol.4 No.-

        The purposes of this paper are to consider developments of school geography projects that School Council for the Curriculum and Examination develop in the United Kingdom just before and after 1980. The geography projects are following: Geography 14 to 18 Project, Geography for the Young School Leaver Project(GYSL Project), History, Geography and Social Science 8-13 Project, Geography 16-19 Project. The characteristics of these geography projects are briefly following: (1) Geography 14 to 18 Project The Geography 14 to 18 Project teams initiate a program of curriculum development for more able students between the age of fourteen and eighteen. The teams want teachers to be largely responsible for curriculum developments and renewal within the project' s guidelines. The project' s published teaching materials are intended as models to help teachers develop their own instructional units and as resources that can be added , modified, or updated. (2) Geography for the Young School Leaver Project(GYSL Project) GYSL Project teams identify three main themes: man, land, leisure; cities and peoples; and peoples, place, and work. Within each theme, five to six units or subtopics are developed, each requiring one month of instruction. They emphasize the production of closely structured teaching materials to meet the needs of nonspecialists teachers in geography. Although the Geography 14 to 18 Project and the GYSL Project are originally complementary, the GYSL Project teams place more emphasis on shorter term needs less dominated by examination pressures, and the Geography 14 to 18 Project teams stress longer term needs in an examination context. Both teams have negotiated with examining boards, however, and it is possible to follow C.S.E, and G.C.E. O level syllabuses based upon these projects. (3) History, Geography and Social Science 8-13 Project This project is established as response to concern about the absence of a social science curriculum for eight through thirteen years old children. The aims are to develop course and materials, while avoiding a "teachers-proof" package. The project involves the team' s views; a series of fifteen units, each devoted to a theme and intented to show how the project' s ideas can be implemented; a study of changing communities; a book themes in outline intended to help teacher design their own units; and a sets of eight support papers. (4) Geography 16-19 Project The fundamental aims of the Geography 16-19 project are: (1) to involve teachers and lecturers in a reconsideration of the objectives, contents, and teaching methods for geography course at the six form level and by means of this involvement, (2) to help teachers appreciate the significance of their role as curriculum developers.

      • The Study on “Modern and Contemporary National Geography View” from the “National Geography View” in the Pre-Qin Period of China from the Perspective of Geography1

        Yang Lei 아시아사회과학학회 2021 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.2 No.2

        Combing the “Historical Records”, “Local Records” and “Travel Notes” in the pre-Qin period in ancient China, and combining with the previous research results, the concept of ethnic geography in the pre-Qin period mainly expresses the orientation correspondence between the ethnic groups in the Central Plains and the surrounding ethnic groups, and views the surrounding ethnic groups with the Central Plains and China as the main body, and compares the “other culture” with the “standard culture”. The most representative view of ethnic geography in pre-Qin period is the Five-Party Pattern Theory in Book of Rites and Imperial System. This paper emphasizes that under the restriction of geographical environment, ethnic geography has changed in living, clothing, food, utensils, etc. These changes have changed the character and culture of the nation (ethnic group). Inspired by the Five-Party Pattern Theory in The Book of Rites, Imperial System, the modern and contemporary national geographical view is to understand the national culture from the cultural holders themselves, and it is an explanation of the integrity, humanity and differentiation of the geographical environment. Reflect the national geographical view, that is, the information carrier, through the aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation. According to the cognitive level, there are three forms of ethnic geography: religious ethnic geography, theoretical ethnic geography and empirical ethnic geography. From the perspective of geography, ethnic geography also has temporal and regional characteristics.

      • 同心圓 構造 中心의 模型을 이용한 地理敎育課程 計劃

        芮庚熙 청주대학교 학술연구소 2003 淸大學術論集 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to present the suggestions that are related for geography curriculum planning using concentric model and its related model in Korea. 1. The contents of study are below. (1) General considerations of geography curriculum planning using the concentric model. (2) Some trends of geography curriculum planning using the concentric model in United Kingdom. (3) The geography curriculum planning using the concentric model of W. E. Marsden and three-year program using the concentric model of Marsden. (4) Conceptual, regional, concentric, logical approaches of Lee, Chan and Lim, Duck-Soon and the concentric model of Lee, Yang-Woo. (5) Examples of the concentric approach using inquiry models of G. T. G. Rimmington. 2. The suggestions that are related for geography curriculum planning using concentric models and its related models in Korea are below. (1) The concentric approach is used to integrate the topic and region in order to complement regional method and systematic method. In the concentric approach, local study is valuable in itself and has additional merits to integrate our state and other parts of the world. The local study is required to use large scale map and to learn local task by map learning. Therefore, we must strengthen to use large scale map and learn local task by map learning in the local study of concentric approach. (2) The concentric model of W. E. Marsden is the most important and valuable model of geography curriculum planning. By the application of this model, we can constitute curriculum planning of the local geography and state geography of korea. (3) If a school is located in rural town and other metropolitan region, the concentric model of Marsden can be used to emphasis other view points of geography. Therefore the concentric model of Marsden is seen to have valuable suggestions of geography curriculum planning in Korea. (4) If the conceptual-regional-concentric-logical approach of Lee, Chan and Lim, Duck- Soon and the concentric model of Marsden are to compare the flexibility, the latter has the more flexibilities than the former. The concentric model of Marsden is applicable to study local community, local study and national geography of Korea. (5) Though the model A and B of G. T. G. Rimmington are not just fit the concentric approaches, they are valuable to inquiry the field as immediate examples to study the empirical facts to develop the test of facts and to applicate in the various states and other parts of continents. Therefore, geography teachers of Korea must try to strengthen inquiry learning using the model A and B in the concentric framework.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 지리교육과정 변천과 지리과정표준의 구성체계

        강창숙(Chang Sook Kang) 한국지역지리학회 2012 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        지리는 동아시아 삼국의 상호이해를 증진하는데 필요하고 충분한 조건을 갖춘 도구 교과이지만, 중국의 지리교 육에 대한 국내 연구는 매우 부진하다. 이에 중국의 지리교육과정 변천 과정과 최근의 교육과정인 ``지리과정표준``의 구성체계와 그 특징을 살펴보았다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중국의 지리교육과정은 정치적 이념과 사회적 변 화의 영향을 크게 받았으며, 번창→위축→진흥→발전의 과정으로 발달하였다. 둘째, 최근의 지리과정표준은 종합성과 실용성을 추구하는 내용표준 중심의 개혁적인 교육과정으로, 학생 중심 그리고 지리적 지식과 기능의 유기적 연계를 추구하는 활동 중심으로의 변화가 가장 큰 특징이다. 셋째, 지리과정표준은 크게 서언, 과정목표, 내용표준, 실시건의 의 4부분으로 구성되어 있다. 넷째, 초급중학교 지리교육과정에서는 지구와 지도, 세계지리, 중국지리, 향토지리 4영역 의 기초적인 지리 지식과 기본적인 지리 기능을 강조한다. 다섯째, 고급중학교 지리교육과정은 3개의 필수과목과 7개 의 선택과목으로 구성되어 있으며, 학생들의 장래 직업과 지역 실정을 고려한 지리교육을 강조하고 있다. Geography is a core subject for mutual understanding a relationship between Korea, China, and Japan. But the research and report on the Chinese geography education are poor progressed in Korea. This study aims to review the Chinese geography curriculum changes and the organization of Geography Curriculum Standards(GCS). The results of study are as follows. First, from the perspective of the Chinese geography curriculum development, political ideology and changes of society could lead to serious influences on the geography education. It is change through the process stage of prosperity→withdrawal→promotion→development. Second, most recently, Chinese GCS carried out a drastic reform of their geography curriculum emphasized the importance of a student` needs and activity, the organic correlation between the geographical knowledge and skills, and synthesis, practical value of the geography. Third, the organization of GCS consist of an introduction, curriculum objective, contents standard, performance rules. Fourth, the middle school GCS emphasized the importance of a basis of the geographical knowledge and skills in the 4 subjects(the earth and the maps, world geography, Chinese geography, regional geography). Finally, The high school GCS emphasized the importance of a student` occupational course and consideration of regional circumstances.

      • 人文地理學 硏究의 回顧와 展望

        芮庚熙 淸州大學校 學術硏究所 2006 淸大學術論集 Vol.7 No.-

        The purposes of this paper are to review my researches and suggest implications on the study of human geography. To achieve these aims, the fields of my researches on human geography(1971, 8-2006, 2) are divided as below: ⑴ general geography, ⑵ geographic education, ⑶ social geography, ⑷ tourist geography, ⑸ Pungsu Chiri, ⑹ applied geography, ⑺ community geography, ⑻ regional geography, The suggestions that my researches on human geography can be provided the research of human geographers are as below: ⑴ Whatever fields of geographic research, geographers need to understand the structures of geography and the currents of academic geography. ⑵ The geography professors of college of education must understand not only the geographic education researches and subject matters as the task of geographic education professors but also need to research and develop them. ⑶ In spite of research difficulty by the lack of formal materials, urban and social geographers need to study the urban informal sectors in contemporary society. ⑷ As many peoples enjoys tourism to get their life enjoyment in domestic and foreign country, geographers must need to study tourism geography in their fields. ⑸ As the geography contributes human welfare, the academic geographers need to try the contemporary problems-solving in their special fields with conjunction to disciplinary approaches. ⑹ In order to contribute the development of community and their province, the geographers need to study the geography of community and region that is located on their university ⑺ The Pungsu Chiri must be much researched in order to study the cultures and image of our land. ⑻ The geographers need actively to participate the researches of community and regional geography in order to develop their community and regional culture.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 이후 중국 지역지리 과정(課程)의 변화 고찰

        董玉芝,김석주 한국지리환경교육학회 2019 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Regional geography plays an irreplaceable role in the development of Geography Curriculum in China. The development and change of regional geography is also the vane of geography education in China. This paper divides the development of regional geography curriculum into local chronicle period, embryonic period, imitation period, stagnation period, revitalization period and reform period according to the background, subject development and content setting of geography curriculum. From the local chronicles period to the embryonic period, “regional geography” was the initial system, and “regional geography” completely replaced the local chronicles. The period from imitation to cessation is the most distinctive political color. Regional geography has been declining from full imitation of the Soviet Union to full scale. After four adjustments of the geographical outline, regional geography formed a revitalization period with junior middle school as the main pattern and senior high school as the supplement pattern. In the 21st century, China’s education has entered the eighth curriculum reform in an all-round way. Compulsory geography education and high school geography education have changed from syllabus to curriculum standard, and then into a comprehensive reform period. It has formed a compulsory pattern for both junior and senior high schools. 지역지리는 지리학의 중요한 구성부분으로서 지역지리 과정의 발전 변화를 통하여 중국 지리교육의 발전을 파악할 수 있다. 본 문은 지역지리 과정의 시대적 배경, 학과 발전, 내용 설치 등의 측면에서 지역지리 과정의발전을 지방지, 맹아, 모방, 정체, 발전, 개혁 등의 6개시기로 구분하고 각 시기의 과정내용의 특징과 변화에 대해고찰하였다. 지방지시기에서 맹아시기에 이르기까지 “지역지리”는 초보적인 체계를 갖추었으며 “지역지리”는지방지를 대체하였다. 모방시기에서 정체시기까지는 뚜렷한 정치적 색깔이 있어 지역지리 전반에 걸쳐 소련을모방하였으며 크게 위축되었다. 그 후, 4차의 지리대강 조정을 거쳐 지역지리는 중학교를 중심으로 하고 고등학교를 보충으로 하는 진흥시기에 들어섰다. 21세기에 들어서서 중국의 교육은 전반적인 제8차 과정개혁을 걸쳐의무교육 단계의 지리교육과 고등학교 지리교육은 개혁시기에 들어섬으로써 중학교와 고등학교에서 지리는 모두 필수과목으로 지정되었다.

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